Mari armani - un documentar de Eugen Matzota

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 24 พ.ค. 2012
  • "Mari armâni" este numele unui documentar de Eugen Matzota despre aromâni, makedon-armâni, machidoni, vlahi.
    Multe nume, aceeaşi identitate...
    La origine, a fost creat pentru prima editie a festivitatilor cunoscute sub numele de "Casa noastra armaneasca", a caror prima editie a avut loc in 2011 la Timisoara.
    Eugen MATZOTA:
    "Vreau să scot în evidenţă contribuţia esenţială a armânilor la progresul şi prosperitatea comunităţilor în care au trăit.
    Să ne aducem aminte de figurile unor mari armâni, fii ai comunităţii, buni cetăţeni şi patrioţi.
    Acestea sunt valori azi pierdute.
    Armânul este deja un cetăţean european, pentru că dintotdeauna a gândit european, neîngrădit de graniţe.
    Suntem mândri că-i avem ca înaintaşi pe marii armâni Caragiale, Mocioni, Sina, Gojdu, Ghica.
    În spiritul ideilor moderne europene, nu dorim nimic mai mult decât să ne păstrăm tradiţiile, obiceiurile, cultura, identitatea şi, desigur, limba.
    Armânii sunt deja puntea de legătură între ţările balcanice, între Balcani şi Europa."
    "Azi, după două războaie balcanice şi două războaie mondiale, cu grave consecinţe în toate domeniile, situaţia aromânilor din Balcani e dramatică. Dacă nu se reuşeşte să se impună statelor din zonă, foarte curând, şcoli sau clase cu predare în aromână, limba care a rezistat pe acele meleaguri mai bine de două mii de ani se va stinge de tot, sub ochii noştri."

ความคิดเห็น • 48

  • @12tmxxl
    @12tmxxl 5 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Va iubesc Armâni!!!!!!

  • @rAmmianus
    @rAmmianus 7 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    M-a impresionat profund !

    • @CheMandello
      @CheMandello 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Mă bucur mult.
      Pentru că eu cred că înțeleg mai mult din drama identității armânilor, am să public curând două cărți pe această temă.
      Una se adresează mai mult publicului larg și se cheamă
      Cealaltă, o lucrare care vrea să fie științifică, de peste două ori mai mare

  • @cristafarsirotu
    @cristafarsirotu 10 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Baneadza armanamea di iu tido=Traiasca aromanii(vlahii) de pretutindeni....Achicasishi?=Ai inteles?

  • @CheMandello
    @CheMandello 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I know what my name means... 😎
    More than that, I've got a mountain with my family name in Greece, written Matsota, of course... 🤔 😜

    • @stergiosbozinis6744
      @stergiosbozinis6744 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      OK Eugeni you like Greece. Where is found mountain Matzota? It isn t Greek! Only you must know that in Greece vlahs dont like to hear about Romanians theories about them.They are GREEKS. So keep your theories to discuss with your family! I send you a small lexicon and i m sure you can understand the ancient greek words inside aromanians . If you like traditional music look for PETROLOYKAS HALKIAS and enjoy him. Is on Byzantine route.
      And something else. ΒΛΗΧΗ vlihi in ancient greeks = the bleat of sheep!!! Is one more etymology for the Vlahs.

  • @cristinapopescu548
    @cristinapopescu548 3 ปีที่แล้ว

  • @Gkogkas
    @Gkogkas 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Armani 😍🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷

    • @CheMandello
      @CheMandello 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yeah, right, they live in Greece too...
      And speak Greek as Jews would use English in the US... 🤔 😜

    • @Gkogkas
      @Gkogkas 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@CheMandello WTF??We are latinezed Greeks.We have nothing to do with the Romanians.

    • @Gkogkas
      @Gkogkas 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@CheMandello Also you have Greek name and last name

    • @CheMandello
      @CheMandello 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Gkogkas, BTW, could you please find the Matsota mountain?
      Couldn't find it on Google, only as a document, an old one.

    • @mihail1494
      @mihail1494 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Gkogkas so true

  • @marincalmic2630
    @marincalmic2630 7 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Noi rãmãnjli, ashi-dzãshjli armãnj, nu him armenj, ma him mash Rumãnj cu zburari nicultivatã.
    Loclu nostru-i tu muntsãli Pind, iu are hoarili ali noastri, aclo iu him unã veclje, unãoarã shi mari, comunitati Rumãneascã aftohtonã, astãdzã agiumtã unã minoritati nepricunuscutã shi ljushor trã asimilari. Diaspora noastrã ditu tutã duneaua, shi cama multu tu Rumãnie, are pãstratu shi zburãshti nai mai claru zburarea noastrã pãrintseascã, are upritã gãrtsizarea mushatlui dialectulu al nostru rãmãnescu (dzãsu shi pitu adverbu "rãmãneshti" icã cama raru "armãneshti").
    Noi, rãmãnjli pindeanj (tutsã: shi fãrsherotsj shi grãmushteanj shi alantsãli), him fratsã di sãndzi cu restulu Rumãnjlor, shi cusurinj - cu talianjli, frãntsãli, shpanioljli shi portughezjli, tsi tutsã him di unã soie shi avem arãzga a strãpãpãnjlor ali noshtri tinisitsj shi azvimtãtorj - Romanjli, ama shi ali unor triburi di varvari romanizatsã di nãshj.
    Noi nu putem s-stãm shi s-videm cumu cherim, cumu multsã fitsiorj shi nepotsã alj noshtri s-alãxesc ditu veclji shi pututsãli Rumãnj tu xeni mezivarvari: tu albanezi, tu slavi makiduneanj shi tu gãrtsi (cu ponteanj diaduna), cari noi lj-avem azvimtã tutsãli aeshti mezivarvari tsi nu nj voiu bunlu trã noi, ma trã elj.

    • @danconstantinescu2055
      @danconstantinescu2055 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Sunt machedon (aromân) si regret enorm ca nu știu decât câteva cuvinte în aromână. Bunicii mei au venit în România pe la 1900,dar din pacate n-am locuit cu ei iar părinții mei nu vorbeau acasă în aromână caci învățaseră în școli și facultăți de l. romana si uitaseră aromână.Si uite asa incepe sa dispară o limba si e tare păcat....!

    • @saebica
      @saebica ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Ghini dzâseshi, ama vedz că nu himu mucanji!

  • @cristafarsirotu
    @cristafarsirotu 10 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Baneadza armanamea di iu tido si limba armaneasca s-nu chiara,ficiorii si featili s-asburasca armaneashti

    • @dungapeasfalt
      @dungapeasfalt 10 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      jumate am inteles din ce-ai zis'limba armeneasca sa nu piara,baietii si fetele sa vorbeasca armaneste' in prima jumate de propozitie m-ai pierdut...:)

  • @stergiosbozinis6744
    @stergiosbozinis6744 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I show you some Greek ancient and synchron grammar with pronunce. The numbers (ΑΡΙΘΜΟΙ-arithmi) in ancient and modern Greeks ENA ena ΔΥΟ dio ΤΡΙΑ tria (*) ΤΕΣΣΕΡΑ tesera ΠΕΝΤΕ pente (*) ΕΞΙ eksi ΕΠΤΑ epta (*) ΟΚΤΩ okto ΕΝΝΕΑ enia ΔΕΚΑ deca (*) (*)(triathlon) (pentathlon) (eptathlon)(decathlon) As you can see the older language in Europe maybe in the word is the mother of all. Latins come mainly from Greeks as you know. The first ocuppation of Latin Empire started in Greece 100 y before Christe, because of the small distance between Greece and Italy. So it started the Latinization of Greek population. But the final armunestii limba had a delay of some centuries to established, about 600-800 y aC. Because Greekarmune spoke the main langauge Greeks and armanestii (without writing) together.In Greece in armanestii we have about 50% greek words. Many of these words passed in the latin languages when started the latinization of Dakia 3 centuries later. Armanestti have latin hearing and sound. But Vlachs as Greeks thing like Greeks when they speak armanestii and put the words like a greek grammar. Armanestii -ΕΙΜΙ -ΕΙΜΑΙ imi-ime (Omerians and modern greeks) =Him in armanesti=Iam in english Iasti, este Is coming from the ancient Greek grammar and verbe ΕΣΤΙ ( to be) esti , aesti in armanestii. -Adoukis? understand? in armanestii ΔΟΚΕΙΣ? DOCIS? DO YOU THING? in ancient and modern greeks. So today we have document, doc. etc. Is the greek word DOCis. ORTHODOX in armanestii means To think write. in ancient and modern greeks. Logia is come from Logos ΛΟΓOΣ= -speach. Geology=the speach about GEA =earth. -Midi (brain in armanestii) MΕΔΟΜΑΙ (ancient Omerians)medome =i΄m thinging . ΜΗΔΕΙΑ Midia -the ancient tragedy.Midia=The women who is thinging. Today Media!! -Liaou ΛEIA lia is ancient and syghron Greek word and means-to take! (Va liau courdelii in armanestii) -Fratu brother ΦΡΗΤΡΗΡ fritrir. (brothers) In Omerous Ilias Agamemnon and Tilemachos discussed using the word .FRITRIR. Fratu-frati-fracii etc! ΠΑΤΕΡ-ΜΗΤΕΡ in Omerians pater-miter /(father-mother) Stau in Armanestii means- to stay. But the main verb in ancient Greeks is ΙΣΤΑΜAI i sta me. !!! ( I stay me!!!!) And means-to stay! -ΟΝΟΜΑ onoma =the name in ancient and modern Greeks. Numa in armanestii Oili or Oi are the sheeps in armanestii. in Omerians is Oia. Odysseys speaks continiusly about OIA to his colleges. (700 BC) !! -Bliinu (in armanestii means -to fill). ΠΛΗΡΩΝΩ pli rono in ancient and modern Greeks means-to fill. Look the - PL . Plenty, pleine etc - Caliu (the Horse in armanestii). But in ancient GREEKS -KEΛΩ celo it means -to ride. So we have Celts, Celtic, calii,caliu etc. Today in Greeks we use the ancient verb ΚΑΛΠΑΖΩ calpazo=to ride -Bagu in armanestii it means -to put. ΒΑZΩ vazo in greeks means -to put. -Batu in armanestii it means -to knock. ΒΑΛΛΩ valo in greeks means -to knock. batu in armanestii -Fugu in armanestii means -to leave. ΦΕΥΓΩ fevgo in Greeks ancient and modern it means -to leave. ΦΥΓΑΣ fygas is the fugitive!! -AKINSHESKOU in armanestii-start move. Is from Greek word ΚΙΝΗΣΗ kinisi-(to move) , kinetic, cinema etc. -Focu =fire in Armanestii. But ΦΩΤΙΑ Fotia is the fire in Greeks . ΦΩΣ fos is the light in Greeks!!!! ΦΩΤΑ fota are the lights in Greeks . But what are the fotocopies!! - AΥΔΗ avdi. In ancient greeks means VOICE !!! So avdu in armanestii is -to hear! Today in Greece after one surprise we say. ΕΙΜΑΙ ΑΝΑΥΔΟΣ, ime an-avdos = Without voice and hearing. i am Deff!!!! calivii in armanestii= hut. ΚΑΛΥΠΤΩ kalipto - from ancient and modern Greeks -to cover. Apokalypsis -Apocalypto it means -to recover ASTREACHA = THE CUP OF HUT (CALIIVI). From the Omerian and moderrn Greeks OΣTΡAKON ostracon with the same meaning . -Laptu, lapti in armanestii the milk. In Omerians the verbe ΑΛΑΠΤΩ alapto = to milk -ΩΟΝ oon =egg in ancient greeks. Ouaou in armanestii Iappa (fem. horse) from the ancient and modern Greeks ΙΠΠΟΣ ippos. See Filippos. It meαns Filos+ ippos=the friend of horse. Filos it means fried in greeks. Filippos the King, the father of ALEXANDER XIANI foreinger, stranger in armanestii . ΞΕΝΟΣ xenos in ancient and modern greeks-the foreinger. FILOXENIA= friend of xenos=hospitality Boou the cow in armanessti. From the Omerians BOYΣ-BOOΣ vous-voos=cow . From the Ancient Greeks kuni=dog in armanestii KΥΝΑΣ = dog in Greeks kynas.kynodontas -the teath of kyna. (cien en Francais) Dintsi -the teaths in armanestii. from the ancient and modern greeks ΟΔΟΝΤΕΣ-ΔΟΝΤΙ odontes-donti NARI in armanestii -nose. In ancient Greeks ΡΙΝΑ -rina. rinalgia is the pain of nose.!!! Hronos hronou=the time in armanestii. ΧΡΟΝΟΣ hronos =the time in ancient and modern greeks. Hronometer. ishousiri , isousescu=affiance in armanestii. ΙΣΟΩ isoo ΙΣΟΣ isos in ancient and modern Greeks means = to be the same. Isousiri means when two person are being the same , before the marriange. ( ΙΣΟΝΟΜΙΑ isonomia =IΣΟ+ΝΟΜΟΣ. ΝΟΜΟΣ is the law. and isonomia =the write justice) vinu,yinu in armanestii= the wine. ΟΙΝΟΣ inos in Omerians and modern Greeks Agrolu = the field in armanestii. ΑΓΡΟΣ agros in Ancient and modern Greeks padi = the field in armanestii. ΠΕΔΙΟΝ ΠΕΔΙΟ pedio in ancient and modern greeks. One of the largest places in ATHINA is the ΠΕΔΙΟΝ ΤΟΥ ΑΡΕΩΣ Pedion tou Areos (= Place of Aris (Mercul). The word place,placa,placi comes from the Greek ΠΛΑΤΟΣ platos=winth. Arisescu = enjoy in armanestii. ΑΡΕΣΚΩ aresko in Ancient Greeks. AΡΕΣΩ areso in modern greeks. M" arisi= I enjoied In armanestii but is the world MERCI. In armanestii: thank you=ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΩ efxaristo but we say merci some times in Greek Macedonia. fur = the thief in armanestii. ΦΩΡ for in Omerians Sorry but we have about 3500 greek words in armunestii with 6500 words in totally, but are aknown to many people as you. But aknown in Vlachs also because they have latin sound! . So all these ancient Greek words passed to the ancient Latins in Greece Latinization period. this is the Aromanians. Many of them are found in Dacian Latinization as you know after some centuries. THE OPPOSITE IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!! Is clear madness to say that the Latinization of Greeks is done of …some Dacoriomanians or others bringing with them in Greece, the ancient Greek alphabet and Omerians language!!!!!. Omerians exist (ΕΞΙΣΤΗΜΙ-existimi=ancient Greek verb=exist) from 700-800 BC. Today many Greeks can read ancient Greeks and Omerians. They are too close to new Greeks. There is a difference. The ancient Greeks are here. We can read them. The new Greeks are here. And parallel there are the aromanians (old Latinogrecians). Where are the old Dacians? If this is the Aromanians it proved that the Latinization of Greece started first of all. And Dacii learned Greeeks via Latinization!! This is the truth. Dacians are very old people. Is no bad to have greeks inside their language! there are the Istroromanians (very difficult to me) and Meglenians (very easy to me). I like to can understand romanians, Italians Franchais etc but that s all !!! .!

  • @CheMandello
    @CheMandello 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Member of the Theosophical Society in Adyar, India, since 1997. Author of many books in the field of Theosophy.
    Eugene Matzota is a deep and multifaceted personality, engaged in many areas, believing that his mission in life is to provide knowledge to those seeking a way into the transcendent.
    His care for the highest mystical aspiration is just an ambition for higher spiritual knowledge gained by spiritual experience. This quest for spirituality, originally started only with the naive desire of the impetuous adolescent who wants to know everything, has become his attitude to the world.
    He published in 2012 the only book that presents only facts and facts about Aromanians, a quick guide for those who will give, not comments on Aromanians: History of Aromanians in Data.
    Born and raised in Oradea, he has studied at the Emanuil Gojdu National College, a great Aromanian. He found out later on that he came from an old family, related to the founders of the Epirus Despotate (Principality) some eight centuries ago.
    And so he realized why he held other values than the others. He understood why he still believes in ideas such as those of honor, character, and chivalry. Why is he so different...
    Regaining his own Aromanian tradition made him confident in his values, in his direction in life.

    • @nicolaeulieriu3079
      @nicolaeulieriu3079 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Laudă-mă gură, că ți-oi da
      prescură! (Ion Creangă).
      Numele tău real e MAȚOTĂ, nu "Matzota" - grafie care falsifică și originea, și pronunția.
      Deci, Mațotă - cu accent pe prima silabă, ca și la alte nume (a)românești: Hociotă, Troncotă ș
      Suferi de snobism, Eugene..

    • @CheMandello
      @CheMandello 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@nicolaeulieriu3079 , dragul meu, dacă nu te-aș cunoaște de o viață, practic, aș putea crede că ești invidios că există și un munte cu numele Matsota în Grecia.
      Da, la un moment dat, acum peste o sută de ani, un funcționar rrromân a hotărât că numele scris cu ”TS”, adică Matsota, nu e de pe-aici și că trebuie să sune rrromânește!
      Eu, însă, am preferat să nu revin la numele originar din Epir, drept care l-am scris cu ”TZ,” fără a schimba ceea ce hotărâse rrromânul acela care știa doar să scrie, că d-aia lucra la primărie.
      Altfel spus, nu fi și tu rrromân acuma, că știu prea bine că tu ești altfel decât restul lumii.

    • @nicolaeulieriu3079
      @nicolaeulieriu3079 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@CheMandello Dragă Eugen, dacă e așa cum zici, îmi fac MEA CULPA și-ți doresc succes în continuare, în promovarea Armânilor și a istoriei și culturii lor... Nu-l învinui prea tare pe conțopistul acela: poate și el credea, cum cred și eu că Armânii sunt Români sud-dunăreni... Eu așa am învățat în facultate, la disciplina Dialrctologie, predată de d-na profesor Matilda Caragiu (Dumnezeu s-o odihnească), de la care am și primit un 10, la examenul final.
      Știu și că, în anii '90, și-a schimbat părerea... și mi-a făcut onoarea să mă asculte când i-am zis că argumentele ei nu m-au convins.
      Și dintre voi, unii zic una, alții zic alta... Dar nu uita un fapt istoric cert: când, după războaiele balcanice, Grecia a pus stăpânire pe Macedonia și a început să-i asuprească pe Armâni, cei mai mulți dintre ei au considerat România ca (o a doua) patrie.
      Un sfat prietenesc: nu exagera.
      Ai mai multe afirmații hazardate, nesustenabile dpdv istoric.
      Mai bine mai puțin, dar sigur!
      Te îmbrățișez, nic.

  • @kristogoci3352
    @kristogoci3352 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3


  • @stergiosbozinis6744
    @stergiosbozinis6744 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    What is this? PROPAGANDA. Ιt s a pity . You have a Greek name who means Aristocrate and good man.

    • @CheMandello
      @CheMandello 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Could be...
      For whom, exactly, tell me, please?

    • @CheMandello
      @CheMandello 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      I know very well what ”Die aromunische Frage” could bring into any discussion... :o(
      And, more than this, it should be not too easy to fool me... ;o)
      After three books in Romanian and one in English I should know something.
      I don't want to say for the moment that the first song is
      „Dimândarea părintească”, Constantin Belimace, 1888.
      The text is the folllowing:
      "Părinteasca dimândare
      Nă sprigiură cu foc mare,
      Fraț di mumă și di-un tată,
      Noi, Armâni di eta toată.
      Di sum plocili di murmințî
      Strigă-a noșțî buni părințî:
      „Blăstem mari s-aibă-n casă
      Cari di limba-a lui si-alasă.
      Care-și lasă limba lui
      S-lu-ardă pira focului,
      Si s-dirină viu pri loc,
      Si-lli si frigă limba-n foc.
      El în vatra-lli părintească
      Fumeallia s-nu-și hărisească;
      Di fumelli curuni s-nu bașe,
      Nat în leagăn si nu-nfașe.
      Care fudze de-a lui mumă
      Și di părinteasca-l’i numă,
      Fugă-lli doara Domnului
      Și dulțeamea somnului!”
      More than that, you should know very well what is this song.
      Regarding the rest of the music, there is no trace of Romanian there...
      I believe you already know this too and you just want to test me.
      Am I right?

    • @stergiosbozinis6744
      @stergiosbozinis6744 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@CheMandello The song is in armanestii. But is clear new American west music. Is Romanian propaganda.It is not on the road of traditional west Balkans and Epirotans music. Nu iasti anostra. We had the pentatonic system mainly. Hear vlachian music and you found the difference.The rest music is very good clear Romanian with clarinet music . Romanians are very good musicians mainly in clarinet and violin. Look for Petroloukas Halkias the better musician on clarin in Greece in vlachian songs. To know anybody about armunii must know very good Latins and Greeks and mainly Omerians from Odysseia and Ilias. Υou know latins but not Greeks. ADOUKIS FRATE? the words adoukis and frate are directly Omerians. If you have any friend in Romania who knows good Greeks i can show you the words inside the Omerian poet!

    • @stergiosbozinis6744
      @stergiosbozinis6744 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@CheMandello we have some thousands GrecoArmune (Vlachs) in Contstantza area . They speak real vlahs from Pindos area.They left Greece about 1930. Also many people of Greece live today mainly in Bucuresti for jobs. I have some friends

    • @stergiosbozinis6744
      @stergiosbozinis6744 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      EYΓΕΝΙΕ a present for you
      Because you are a poet I send you an ancient poem of SAPFO (ΣΑΠΦΩ) from Lesvos, 630-570 BC . The translation (in New Greeks) is by the famous Greek poet Odysseys Elytis , from Lesvos also. (The poem is a song of Manos Hatzidakis-look to hear it)
      I call you Goggyla
      turn again to show me the white coat like milk, when you wear it,
      to wake up the sweat that surrounds you beautiful girl,
      and how pleased I am,
      not myself
      but Afrodite itself
      that is fighting you.
      Sapfo s Ancient poet
      Κέλομαί σε Γογγύλα
      πέφανθι λάβοισα μα
      γλακτίναν, σέ δηύτε
      πόθος τ [έαυτος] αμφιπόταται.
      Τάν κάλαν, ά γαρ κατάγωγις
      αύτα επτόαισ' ίδοισαν
      έγω δέ χαίρω
      καί γάρ αύτα δή
      τόδε μέμφεταί σοι Κυπρογένηα.
      Ancient Greeks
      -κέλομαι-celome =call !!!!
      -(KΥΠΡΟΓΕΝΗΑ Cypro+genia = the other name of Afrodite (Venus), myth say that she was -born in Cyprous). In this poem Afrodite...fights Goggyla (is a girl) because she is maybe more beautifull than Afrodite!!!!!
      -λαβοισα-lavisa =to take (liau in aromanians) levo in latins
      -γλακτινα - glaktina= white like milk -lapti!!!
      -χαίρω-hero-hara=i am pleased -harisma
      (Harau in aromanians)
      -μεμφεται-memfete from verb μεμφω-memfo=to fight somebody
      -εαυτός- eautos-auto =Myself
      -εγώ-ego=ego (Me)

  • @vasarelly37
    @vasarelly37 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Ce??? Modernizară Ungaria ca stat?

    • @CheMandello
      @CheMandello 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Familia Sina a contribuit și la crearea unor instituții de mare importanță pentru Ungaria. Gheorghe Simeon Sina a fost alături de contele Istvan Szechenyi, unul dintre marii reformatori maghiari, contribuind la înființarea unor instituții importante ale statului maghiar cum ar fi Societatea maghiară de asigurare, Academia Comercială, Teatrul Național Maghiar și chiar Academia Maghiară. De asemenea, baronul Sina contribuie esențial la finanțarea construcției celebrului „Pod cu lanțuri” de peste Dunăre.

    • @CheMandello
      @CheMandello 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2
