The amount of times I've found myself on this video is unreal. The bio: "500 more subs till the drumkit" is wild to think about. you hadn't even dropped MMRI 1 when this came out. This is the sort of inspiring shit I love
It not hard to fall back We all Fall off track But the set up From regrets comes A call back Now first place Stared in the face From a life that Was all last True is what proof is You knew this So whose this Person hurting you with Words in your head Like a nuisance You need a new sense To see thru this On to the throne Where you'll sit That true shit Only backed by facts Of what the truth is Be yourself better yet Seek the help You need to release The inner piece of you Swearing you can't speak What you keep dealt That shit deep felt Your a beast blind to see it Best believe it's Time that destiny Is all you seek quick Trust me I found the mind to focus You had to know this Im bless to have a gift To offer you when I show it Make it noticed Terms of things u never notice Easier to comprehend When it's spoken FortKnox
This is the last night that i fall to sleep With her memory left haunting me It's nine o'clock or maybe three Im all alone is she missing me It doesn't matter with our history Even a call from her brings misery Between the alcohol and the third degree My anger always gets the best of me Somewhere in the yelling match is the recipe How its my fault that she's failing me Thats what the drywall keeps telling me I left the halls scarred as I start to bleed I watch the sky fall as she starts to leave She screams its my fault that she's fucking Steve So I stare at these barred walls where its hard to breathe They Flip the light switch on to set my mind free 10,000 volts later before i start to see That hells over crowded with a fire sea But my rage burns hotter than the entire thing
O simt cum ma cheama, e viata de`apoi Se uita prin mine, prin ochii mei goi Depresia, ma urca si ma coboara Ma trage pe sfoara, nu vrea sa mai moara Ma simte, ma vinde, m-atrage si-apoi Ma abandoneaza intr-un loc unde noi... Ne-am despartit de mult se pare II place sa ma vada, cat de mult ma doare Ma face sa imi doresc moartea eu nu vreau Ma cheama in adancuri, eu deloc nu mai stau Vreau sa urlu, durerea ma apasa prea crunt In stanga in dreapta, nu stiu unde sa fug Ma gaseste intr-un colt de ceata si frig Sufletul meu moare, nu vreau sa ma sting Nu, nu vreau deloc sa ma sting Nu in viata asta, pentru ca am invatat sa inving Refren:x2 Durere, durere, zero clipe de placere Momentul meu a venit, Sa primesc ce imi este menit Strofa2: Suturi in dos ridica-te imi zic toti Ridica-te sus, sa vezi daca ai sa poti Printre golani ai crescut cu nepoti Dar sa te vindeci de la sine nu ai sa poti (Partea agresiva) De ce nu pot? De ce nu pot? Doamne ajuta-ma tu, te rog Vreau sa fiu bine, nu vreau sa fiu mort In viata crucea nu vreau sa mi-o port Ajuta-ma te rooog, ajuta-ma te rooog Depresia ma face sa trec mult mai greu prin foooc Refren: Durere, durere, zero clipe de placere Momentul meu a venit, Sa primesc ce imi este menit
this one next level g. Noxx just a question b, for beats in general that use samples, if someone makes an exclusive purchase does that include license clearances of the samples to use the beats for commercial use ?
I’m loss in the life I’m living, it seems like a constant pain I’m getting, I’m screaming for help but nobody can hear it, I try to be happy but that’s the thing I never get, damn I don’t know if I can this shit, I no longer have the one thing I cared about, I’m so lonely it seems like it’s meant to be, there’s a aching in my heart, there is no light for my scars, I don’t even feel alive, I’m so empty, I feel so alone, I got all these problems, but nobody knows, my heart feels so damn cold, it takes real eyes to realize the real lies, people make their love disguise, that’s the only tho g I truly despise, my head constantly going through changes, one second it’s sadness then then next it’s madness, I have a past that seems to haunt me, I try to get away but it’s exhausting, I’m going numb, I know it may sound dumb but I’m slowly giving up, I felt so alone for so long that all the feelings I did had are gone, I’m feeling low, my heart is beating slow, all these thoughts are rushing to my dome, lone....
One of the few beats I would consider perfect especially the way the kick follows the piano melody at :24 and throughout the beat creates an insane flow and I can almost always think of something I would add to a beat but literally everything from hi hat rolls, switching between rim hit and snare, the sliding 808s, the vocal melodies, etc you absolutely killed this beat and it doesn’t need a single other thing whoever bought this beat better have made a banger because this is a goldmine and even being a producer myself I would’ve bought this beat so incredible job Vue forreal I don’t say that a lot
Sick of dealing with depression likes there no way out forgot to mention, how can reality turn it to another dimension? Is anyone out there i feel lonely like i need somebody to hold me or maybe set me free cuz i feel like im a prisoner in my own mind that cant escape from reality All this rage feel mad and full of hate wheres my angels to help me find faith....
i just wanna give up everyday i wake up and i see your face it’s driving me insane i can’t believe those words you said you still wanted to be friends in the end but it hurts seeing you with another man scars on the inside outside cover them up with a band aid but it slightly peels with time showing you that im not fine maybe if i try and just keep on fighting i can find a way to live my life just leave her in hindsight it’s time to say goodbye i hope you live your life as im trying to do mine i hope you do better with this other guy the one that took you from my side
J’ai les yeux rempli de larmes T’es parole sont aussi douloureuse qu’une lame Mon amour ses pendu avec mon âme Tu joue avec moi et je devrai rester calme? Mais ça va pas Dit moi pourquoi Pourquoi tu vien pas avec moi Moi ça fais des mois et des mois que j’attend que toi Ça fais plusieurs fois que je le répète Mais là jsui pêté Mon cœur en pâté Les demons mangent mon bonheur comme des pâtes Je verse tellement de larme que je pourrais sauver la sécheresse Elle est magnifique comme une déesse L’amour c’est d’la merde comme la peste Blc jamais je vais retourner ma veste Je veux son cœur mais elle me donne son corps Je suis un aventurier à la recherche du bonheur Crois moi je fais des efforts pour être fort Mais jsuis faible Jpensais que t’étais fiable Jveux être le héros de la fable Mais je suis un putain de diable J’arrête pas de me défoncée Pcq pendant quelque heure je peux oublier J’ai jamais été autant briser C’est bizarre mais je me trouve aucune qualité J’avance dans la pénombre Dans la tête l’es idée sombre J’espère juste voir ton ombre Mon cœur est mort je pleur sur sa tombe Il faut que ça change J’en ai marre de pleurer Elle coupe mon cœur en tranche J’en ai marre d’espérer Tout les jours je me dit que c’est fini Que tu t’es enfin décidé Et que tu ne veux pas de moi dans ta vie Putain j’ai jamais autant aimer Aller rappel toi Rappel toi à quelle point t’es bien avec moi A quelle point des bien dans mes bras Tu sais que je veut que toi Alors cesse d’être indécise C’est simple tu m’aime je t’aime on est pas ami On a passer la soirée à s’embraser Tu m’a même dit que tu a aimer Alors mettons nous en couple Pour toi je déploierais toute mes troupe L’es autre pute j’en est rien a foutre Mon cerveau est cramer aller stp sors le du four J’écris tout ça dans mon cour Si ton amour est un marathon et bien je vais le courir Pour toi jsui prêt à tout même mourir J’espère juste que cette tristesse et cette haine va partir On m’a dit l’amour c’est important L’amour a une valeur inestimable Alors pourquoi j’ai été briser aussi gratuitement Tu trouve pas que j’étais assez aimable?
I'm down in my pain/ On my knees while I drown in the rain/ I don't sound the same/ I feel lost trying to find myself/ Unfortunately there's no time for help/ That boat done sailed away/ I'm in hell today/ Locked forever in this cell I stay/ There is no bail to pay/ The only way is to pray and be well and brave/ It's ok/ It's alright/ One day I'm going to see the light/ Cos I know the Lord see my fight/ He goin let me eat at night/ if I need some rice/ Or I need a slice/ I used to have to slice just to feed on rice/ The Lord is my crutch/ Yeah a need a vice/ At one point in my life I needed advice/ But I didn't have a father/ That's a common problem/ And we got to solve it/ And you know what it is though/ We gotta let our kids grow/ Or one day they might just end up on a skid row/ With no real friends though/ Bunch of pretendos smoking indo/ I want my future to win yo/ I'm gone with the wind flow/ *PLEASE CHECK OUT MY CHANNEL AND GROW WITH ME.* *THANKS*
Kendini biraz özgür hisset Ruhunla sokakları kirlet Tanrım insanlar neden pisler? Nedeni yok karanlık hisler Hiç tatmadım nasıl bir duygu sevilmek? Bu kadar uğraşmışken zor gelir yenilmek Gece yağmurun yağışına aldırış etmemek Elini tutuyorsa biri, daha umut var demek Pişmanlıklarım bünyemdeki derin yaram Yadırgamam, varsın hiç olmasın param Onun tertemiz kalbi gelemez böyle şeylere Daha ham, vakit erken, inancım tam
Angoisser par le futur Y'a que mon passé qui est sûr Depuis que je vise la luxure Je sais plus si mon coeur est pur Suis-je vraiment assez dur De toute façon c'est toutes des flutes Toutes court après ceux qui ont de l'argent Moi je court pour devenir de ceux qui l'ont J'ai mal au coeur , Sentiments me rendent faibles ,je Redeviens prisonnier je suis méfiant.. Qu'est ce que je cherche Je dois faire le choix Elle ou Mon but Elle m'affaiblit Veut-elle mon coeur Ou M'utilise t-elle pour l'affaiblir Suis-je un plan B Est-ce un mensonge ? Suis-je trop confiant ? Je commence à déraper de mon traget ? Je doit le reprendre Prendre le volant Focalise toi , y en a assez Çe n'est pas la beauté qui va me nourir Ç'est qu'un conte de fée çe que tu voulais vivre Tu te manques de respect Vas y oublie , ça te rendra fort , ça aurait pu être pire ... Elle a déjà un Et il a du biff Toi t'as que t'as haine Rien n'est garantie N'oublie surtout pas Y'en a plusieurs comme elle Y'a pas plusieurs comme toi Tu dois percée dans le droit Pour rentrer dans l'histoire Premier million être star Je vais le faire ,tu vas voir Et un jour j'aurais plus de biff que lui Donc un jour j'aurais une meilleure que elle Je serai patient et j'attendrai...........
Je kiffe ton texte je me suis reconnu sur certaines phrases, jsp si c'est fictif mais si ta vécu ce que t'as écrit, je t'envoie ma force pr que t'avances dans ta vie et non pas dans les choses qui te poussent pas vers le haut, keep it up bro🙏🏼💪🏼
I really think that the guy who made this video put the camera on a tram at night and day on the same one and then with AE made that camera moving. this is so fucking insane huh
I take time to find faith But struggle waiting To trust it I get pissed And so quick to Just say fuck it It easier to hate shit Then it is to love it You cant debate That it's easier to break shit Then it is to sit An discuss it The main problem is the subject Falls in lines of deciet And whats.considered trusted An I decide when I think What time I say I enough is I'm broken because if speak The emotional support is bleek How can I find peace In the systems While I'm standing on a cliff an They whisper in my ears to.leap Those who've been lying Are meer lions We the people are just sheep Yet when I state the conflictions I'm just bitching Being told take a prescription Or get out the kitchen If I can't stand the heat Nigga fuck that I got a voice An I'll use it Regardless if the ones who remain heartless See it as a nuisance You cant handlr the fact I back what the truth is In a world full of the truthless
Walking with a grace that’s deep as hell /////////// We men could fail But GOD never fails ////////////////////// A story we all could tell /////////// A story we all could tell ////////////////////////// I would not sell my soul For a dollar bill ////-/////////////////
Let me tell you baby This how. I feel Wen I first meet you yeah you gave me the chills but that’s not it you gave me a feel of what it’s like to be beautiful and special to someone and that’s not it you make me feel tough like you needed someone to be there for you when it’s rough now I got you and it’s like I can’t get enough of your eyes of your prize baby you my everything but atleast your not disguised Let me tell you nowadays people are lame but I’m not one of the baby Ill hold your heart in a fram hold it tight make sure it doesn’t fall not one night. So I can hold you tight You got me feeling some type of way when you’re with me and I just don’t want you out of my sight I wanna know that your safe I wannaknow that your okay even when ur smiling I’ll kiss you slowly I’ll roll your blunt make you happy Baby I’ll be your back spring lift you up so I can build you up into my lovely king 👑
Purchase instantly here:
NOXX crazy
NOXX lacks direction
This is fucking beautiful
this makes me want to drop everything in my life to become a rapper
the spotlight is waiting for u fam
just do it
kinda! lol
or producer
Just spring in cold water my friend believe and dream
Visual god
thanks so much bro!
The amount of times I've found myself on this video is unreal. The bio: "500 more subs till the drumkit" is wild to think about. you hadn't even dropped MMRI 1 when this came out. This is the sort of inspiring shit I love
No words man. Amazing job. Played it repeatedly just to stay in the zone.
never felt this way for a beat before. wow. amazing.
thanks so much bro
Think u
It my life.not for sale
This beat is deep as hell man. Youve really earned this subscriber.
man i love the visuals... it's like a person riding a tram to nowhere living in 2 dimensions simultaneously
One day I’ll be able to make a beat this good I’m speaking that into existence right now!!
Bro this is so hard! Great vocal sample and drums. Keep going.
Thanks bro, deff will.
It not hard to fall back
We all
Fall off track
But the set up
From regrets comes
A call back
Now first place
Stared in the face
From a life that
Was all last
True is what proof is
You knew this
So whose this
Person hurting you with
Words in your head
Like a nuisance
You need a new sense
To see thru this
On to the throne
Where you'll sit
That true shit
Only backed by facts
Of what the truth is
Be yourself better yet
Seek the help
You need to release
The inner piece of you
Swearing you can't speak
What you keep dealt
That shit deep felt
Your a beast blind to see it
Best believe it's
Time that destiny
Is all you seek quick
Trust me
I found the mind to focus
You had to know this
Im bless to have a gift
To offer you when I show it
Make it noticed
Terms of things u never notice
Easier to comprehend
When it's spoken
Best type beat in TH-cam, perfection
This beat is a major vibe bro. Im ready get reflective with this one.
This is the last night that i fall to sleep
With her memory left haunting me
It's nine o'clock or maybe three
Im all alone is she missing me
It doesn't matter with our history
Even a call from her brings misery
Between the alcohol and the third degree
My anger always gets the best of me
Somewhere in the yelling match is the recipe
How its my fault that she's failing me
Thats what the drywall keeps telling me
I left the halls scarred as I start to bleed
I watch the sky fall as she starts to leave
She screams its my fault that she's fucking Steve
So I stare at these barred walls where its hard to breathe
They Flip the light switch on to set my mind free
10,000 volts later before i start to see
That hells over crowded with a fire sea
But my rage burns hotter than the entire thing
Noxx you're wild, the thought process behind your beats is so unique. You've been on one g 🗣🌊
Nick Kici thanks so much bro, that’s always my goal!
Rapped to this for hourrrrrrs it has such a nice rhythym
1 week sober
3 days unemployed
Yeah I scream for help
They don’t hear a noise
Taking these drugs
Now I’m paranoid
Only 16
Should be filled with joy
This sh* so fire.. 🤘🏽
O simt cum ma cheama, e viata de`apoi Se uita prin mine, prin ochii mei goi Depresia, ma urca si ma coboara Ma trage pe sfoara, nu vrea sa mai moara Ma simte, ma vinde, m-atrage si-apoi Ma abandoneaza intr-un loc unde noi... Ne-am despartit de mult se pare II place sa ma vada, cat de mult ma doare Ma face sa imi doresc moartea eu nu vreau Ma cheama in adancuri, eu deloc nu mai stau Vreau sa urlu, durerea ma apasa prea crunt In stanga in dreapta, nu stiu unde sa fug Ma gaseste intr-un colt de ceata si frig Sufletul meu moare, nu vreau sa ma sting Nu, nu vreau deloc sa ma sting Nu in viata asta, pentru ca am invatat sa inving Refren:x2 Durere, durere, zero clipe de placere Momentul meu a venit, Sa primesc ce imi este menit Strofa2: Suturi in dos ridica-te imi zic toti Ridica-te sus, sa vezi daca ai sa poti Printre golani ai crescut cu nepoti Dar sa te vindeci de la sine nu ai sa poti (Partea agresiva) De ce nu pot? De ce nu pot? Doamne ajuta-ma tu, te rog Vreau sa fiu bine, nu vreau sa fiu mort In viata crucea nu vreau sa mi-o port Ajuta-ma te rooog, ajuta-ma te rooog Depresia ma face sa trec mult mai greu prin foooc Refren: Durere, durere, zero clipe de placere Momentul meu a venit, Sa primesc ce imi este menit
I have not forgotten you my friend! Back to this beat 💕💕
U are in god mod, simply a genius
As always bro!
You mounted the camera and went arond until dark? Flawless beat and artwork!
congrats on the milli, broski
I don't have words,just PERFECT 💎💎💜
The percussion is maaadddddddd!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
it is absolutely a banger. real nice vibes .. more of this kinda beats.
JacoBP thanks bro!
this one next level g. Noxx just a question b, for beats in general that use samples, if someone makes an exclusive purchase does that include license clearances of the samples to use the beats for commercial use ?
Joe Sonza Ay thanks yo! For some beats, this is the case, and some not - depends on the sample!
However for this sample, it’s cleared.
Woah with headphones!!
Edit: Try it guys!!
Man your visuals always stand out bro 🔥
much love bro, thank you!
The video made me have a seizure and pass out. But the kick preformed CPR on me. God bless.
AnTw0 say less CPR is not done on seizures
LMAOOOOOO Larry you got me dead
Lxrry I can be done on unconsciousness from fainting though lol
Best comment was thinking some like it
I'm glad you came back more amazing beats for you
I’m loss in the life I’m living, it seems like a constant pain I’m getting, I’m screaming for help but nobody can hear it, I try to be happy but that’s the thing I never get, damn I don’t know if I can this shit, I no longer have the one thing I cared about, I’m so lonely it seems like it’s meant to be, there’s a aching in my heart, there is no light for my scars, I don’t even feel alive, I’m so empty, I feel so alone, I got all these problems, but nobody knows, my heart feels so damn cold, it takes real eyes to realize the real lies, people make their love disguise, that’s the only tho g I truly despise, my head constantly going through changes, one second it’s sadness then then next it’s madness, I have a past that seems to haunt me, I try to get away but it’s exhausting, I’m going numb, I know it may sound dumb but I’m slowly giving up, I felt so alone for so long that all the feelings I did had are gone, I’m feeling low, my heart is beating slow, all these thoughts are rushing to my dome, lone....
One of the few beats I would consider perfect especially the way the kick follows the piano melody at :24 and throughout the beat creates an insane flow and I can almost always think of something I would add to a beat but literally everything from hi hat rolls, switching between rim hit and snare, the sliding 808s, the vocal melodies, etc you absolutely killed this beat and it doesn’t need a single other thing whoever bought this beat better have made a banger because this is a goldmine and even being a producer myself I would’ve bought this beat so incredible job Vue forreal I don’t say that a lot
Absolutely love and might work on this in the near future. You deserve to get paid for this!
Sick of dealing with depression likes there no way out forgot to mention,
how can reality turn it to another dimension?
Is anyone out there i feel lonely like i need somebody to hold me or maybe set me free cuz i feel like im a prisoner in my own mind that cant escape from reality
All this rage feel mad and full of hate wheres my angels to help me find faith....
absolute fyree my friend
Where do you get the visuals, like the video??
This gave me chills bro!
cheers bro!
The best Trapsoul beat I've heard
That Video edit gave it an ultra vibe boost, good jobs with the beat production. Keep it up
This is way hard!!!! I could listen and vibe to it all day
So high standing, that harmony😏
im gon keep replaying dis till it hit 1m
You and the rest of jungle team got the best visuals in the game
Major facts.
who else in the jungle team
Favorite beat outta here
Where have I heard this before and where did you get these visuals I need to know
Who's here feeling like they in the right place in life.
Everything is on point
What inspired you to make this beat?
Really Nice smooth beat, much love👌
I heard more than 10000 instrumental and you did the best I ever heard well play!
This not the OG one tho.. My first song has the OG beat
Tah lol no
@@vuesound bro, first song actually has the og one
i just wanna give up
everyday i wake up
and i see your face
it’s driving me insane
i can’t believe those words you said
you still wanted to be friends in the end
but it hurts seeing you with another man
scars on the inside
outside cover them up
with a band aid
but it slightly peels with time
showing you that im not fine
maybe if i try and just keep on fighting
i can find a way to live my life
just leave her in hindsight
it’s time to say goodbye
i hope you live your life
as im trying to do mine
i hope you do better with this other guy
the one that took you from my side
im looking for this guy cause im trying to get in contact with one of his past associate producer homies. Can anyone help me?
Yall better purchase and stop playing... mind officially blown🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💯
Major facts, cheers bro.
NOXX Always... 💯
All I can say is 'wow.'
دايره ع المصلحه | wegz 💜
loving the visuals!!! inspiring me for some new bars!!! still available? as I've noticed SOLD in your title??
This song makes me cry
J’ai les yeux rempli de larmes
T’es parole sont aussi douloureuse qu’une lame
Mon amour ses pendu avec mon âme
Tu joue avec moi et je devrai rester calme?
Mais ça va pas
Dit moi pourquoi
Pourquoi tu vien pas avec moi
Moi ça fais des mois et des mois que j’attend que toi
Ça fais plusieurs fois que je le répète
Mais là jsui pêté
Mon cœur en pâté
Les demons mangent mon bonheur comme des pâtes
Je verse tellement de larme que je pourrais sauver la sécheresse
Elle est magnifique comme une déesse
L’amour c’est d’la merde comme la peste
Blc jamais je vais retourner ma veste
Je veux son cœur mais elle me donne son corps
Je suis un aventurier à la recherche du bonheur
Crois moi je fais des efforts pour être fort
Mais jsuis faible
Jpensais que t’étais fiable
Jveux être le héros de la fable
Mais je suis un putain de diable
J’arrête pas de me défoncée
Pcq pendant quelque heure je peux oublier
J’ai jamais été autant briser
C’est bizarre mais je me trouve aucune qualité
J’avance dans la pénombre
Dans la tête l’es idée sombre
J’espère juste voir ton ombre
Mon cœur est mort je pleur sur sa tombe
Il faut que ça change
J’en ai marre de pleurer
Elle coupe mon cœur en tranche
J’en ai marre d’espérer
Tout les jours je me dit que c’est fini
Que tu t’es enfin décidé
Et que tu ne veux pas de moi dans ta vie
Putain j’ai jamais autant aimer
Aller rappel toi
Rappel toi à quelle point t’es bien avec moi
A quelle point des bien dans mes bras
Tu sais que je veut que toi
Alors cesse d’être indécise
C’est simple tu m’aime je t’aime on est pas ami
On a passer la soirée à s’embraser
Tu m’a même dit que tu a aimer
Alors mettons nous en couple
Pour toi je déploierais toute mes troupe
L’es autre pute j’en est rien a foutre
Mon cerveau est cramer aller stp sors le du four
J’écris tout ça dans mon cour
Si ton amour est un marathon et bien je vais le courir
Pour toi jsui prêt à tout même mourir
J’espère juste que cette tristesse et cette haine va partir
On m’a dit l’amour c’est important
L’amour a une valeur inestimable
Alors pourquoi j’ai été briser aussi gratuitement
Tu trouve pas que j’étais assez aimable?
What did you sample? It's driving me crazy
Im the only one to have the answer..
I'm down in my pain/
On my knees while I drown in the rain/
I don't sound the same/
I feel lost trying to find myself/
Unfortunately there's no time for help/
That boat done sailed away/ I'm in hell today/
Locked forever in this cell I stay/
There is no bail to pay/
The only way is to pray and be well and brave/
It's ok/
It's alright/
One day I'm going to see the light/
Cos I know the Lord see my fight/
He goin let me eat at night/ if I need some rice/
Or I need a slice/
I used to have to slice just to feed on rice/
The Lord is my crutch/
Yeah a need a vice/
At one point in my life I needed advice/
But I didn't have a father/ That's a common problem/ And we got to solve it/
And you know what it is though/
We gotta let our kids grow/ Or one day they might just end up on a skid row/
With no real friends though/
Bunch of pretendos smoking indo/
I want my future to win yo/
I'm gone with the wind flow/
It’s ethereal in sense.... like a manifestation of my sadness... I fucks with it 😔❤️
I love the music and the fucking vfx how did you make it I mean which software to create this masterpiece
I was wondering if i could used this video in my song.
No u got to pay for it
I made this instrumental
With other people. me
U got to pay me
Beat us not for sale
@@antant425 i mean this visual in the background haha, not the beat
uuuuh i love this one !
Mood : GOD 💔🎼
That visual
Kendini biraz özgür hisset
Ruhunla sokakları kirlet
Tanrım insanlar neden pisler?
Nedeni yok karanlık hisler
Hiç tatmadım nasıl bir duygu sevilmek?
Bu kadar uğraşmışken zor gelir yenilmek
Gece yağmurun yağışına aldırış etmemek
Elini tutuyorsa biri, daha umut var demek
Pişmanlıklarım bünyemdeki derin yaram
Yadırgamam, varsın hiç olmasın param
Onun tertemiz kalbi gelemez böyle şeylere
Daha ham, vakit erken, inancım tam
that comby joouuuu crazy
This beat is so crazy 🌊🌊
This is it. Any way for a download non profit?
"How could she leave my side"
Angoisser par le futur
Y'a que mon passé qui est sûr
Depuis que je vise la luxure
Je sais plus si mon coeur est pur
Suis-je vraiment assez dur
De toute façon c'est toutes des flutes
Toutes court après ceux qui ont de l'argent
Moi je court pour devenir de ceux qui l'ont
J'ai mal au coeur , Sentiments me rendent faibles ,je Redeviens prisonnier je suis méfiant..
Qu'est ce que je cherche
Je dois faire le choix
Elle ou Mon but
Elle m'affaiblit
Veut-elle mon coeur
Ou M'utilise t-elle pour l'affaiblir
Suis-je un plan B
Est-ce un mensonge ?
Suis-je trop confiant ?
Je commence à déraper
de mon traget ?
Je doit le reprendre
Prendre le volant
Focalise toi , y en a assez
Çe n'est pas la beauté qui va me nourir
Ç'est qu'un conte de fée çe que tu voulais vivre
Tu te manques de respect
Vas y oublie , ça te rendra fort , ça aurait pu être pire ...
Elle a déjà un
Et il a du biff
Toi t'as que t'as haine
Rien n'est garantie
N'oublie surtout pas
Y'en a plusieurs comme elle
Y'a pas plusieurs comme toi
Tu dois percée dans le droit
Pour rentrer dans l'histoire
Premier million être star
Je vais le faire ,tu vas voir
Et un jour j'aurais plus de biff que lui
Donc un jour j'aurais une meilleure que elle
Je serai patient et j'attendrai...........
Je kiffe ton texte je me suis reconnu sur certaines phrases, jsp si c'est fictif mais si ta vécu ce que t'as écrit, je t'envoie ma force pr que t'avances dans ta vie et non pas dans les choses qui te poussent pas vers le haut, keep it up bro🙏🏼💪🏼
hey bro a very dope beat i love it was wondering if i could put a song on it for non profit use
Killed it bro🔥🔥
thanks bro!
Yo, bro, how you did all that visuals? Looks amazing! Beat is fire by the way
I really think that the guy who made this video put the camera on a tram at night and day on the same one and then with AE made that camera moving. this is so fucking insane huh
Why isnt this on spotify??
hey, what 808 did u use in this
سپهر عجب بیتی انتخاب کردی🍀🔥🫀
This is Gorgeous, can't stop looking at
Vibes bro 🔥
I already know im gonda like this beat
impeccable beauty
thanks homie!
Ride along in the night. For the wrong and the right. But I long for your light. Show me all that you fight.
this is so beautiful.
How do you make beats?-interasted bc I have no hobby and dis shit seems fun💆
Damn these three🔥🔥
Beautiful beat & great visual man!
I take time to find faith
But struggle waiting
To trust it
I get pissed
And so quick to
Just say fuck it
It easier to hate shit
Then it is to love it
You cant debate
That it's easier to break shit
Then it is to sit
An discuss it
The main problem is the subject
Falls in lines of deciet
And whats.considered trusted
An I decide when I think
What time I say I enough is
I'm broken because if speak
The emotional support is bleek
How can I find peace
In the systems
While I'm standing on a cliff an
They whisper in my ears to.leap
Those who've been lying
Are meer lions
We the people are just sheep
Yet when I state the conflictions
I'm just bitching
Being told take a prescription
Or get out the kitchen
If I can't stand the heat
Nigga fuck that I got a voice
An I'll use it
Regardless if the ones who remain heartless
See it as a nuisance
You cant handlr the fact
I back what the truth is
In a world full of the truthless
Pure freaking talent 🔥💯
so dope love your work for this one !
Poland at the backgorund, one love
Walking with a grace that’s deep as hell ///////////
We men could fail
But GOD never fails //////////////////////
A story we all could tell ///////////
A story we all could tell //////////////////////////
I would not sell my soul
For a dollar bill ////-/////////////////
Trying to lease or purchase this beat. Can you send me link to do so?
chill af
I want to buy license, you can help me?
Let me tell you baby
This how. I feel
Wen I first meet you yeah you gave me the chills but that’s not it you gave me a feel of what it’s like to be beautiful and special to someone and that’s not it you make me feel tough like you needed someone to be there for you when it’s rough now I got you and it’s like I can’t get enough of your eyes of your prize baby you my everything but atleast your not disguised
Let me tell you nowadays people are lame but I’m not one of the baby Ill hold your heart in a fram hold it tight make sure it doesn’t fall not one night. So I can hold you tight
You got me feeling some type of way when you’re with me and I just don’t want you out of my sight I wanna know that your safe I wannaknow that your okay even when ur smiling I’ll kiss you slowly
I’ll roll your blunt make you happy
Baby I’ll be your back spring lift you up so I can build you up into my lovely king 👑
I like the lyrics is so super cool
Heard this beat in a portuguese rap song today and fell in love with it.
RIP Tentacion
Fuck yeah that sad/dark rnb keep it up G
always bro, thank you!