Map Hacking & Leaked Intel In Foxhole

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 342

  • @originalcharacterplznostea2749
    @originalcharacterplznostea2749 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +100

    I remember this one time a Frenchie streamer streamed the PREP OF A CLAN NAVAL INVASION. He streamed setting it up, he streamed the location he was going to land, he streamed waiting in the water for night time, and then was shocked that he got QRFed so fast, then blaimed the stream-snipers, then deleted the vod lmao.

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +21

      LOL! Well that sounds completely deserved ha.
      Thanks for sharing!

  • @the_steamtrain1642
    @the_steamtrain1642 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +61

    Tbh, leaving the map open while going to the toilet just feels intentional to me, and I'd also say it's fair sharing the map now and again but use the filters to limit intel, or better yet, make a screenshot of the secure map and use paint or the built in tools to sketch out the situation, also withe the minimap and chat, sure but one of those corners can be used for your facecam, you can set chat to region chat or overlay it with something else maybe your Twitch chat

    • @betterthanboss7029
      @betterthanboss7029 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Hans has recently been advertising in his stream that he is showing map, so yes it is intentional

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      Yea setting up an overlay is super simple and takes minutes. He is just rolling with his meme that he does not care about intel.

  • @bisc0309
    @bisc0309 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    Making it so a person can only see the intel of the hex they're in would make logi man's life harder. We rely on being able to see forward bunker stockpiles and the seaports to decide what is most important to deliver. Logi chat isn't that great IMO because a lot of the time players don't check themselves they just ask for supplies and it gets overstocked.

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      True as a logi main I don't know why I didn't think about that lol. And yea I normally ignore logi chat most of the time because of things getting overstocked. We need new logi request system honestly.
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts on my dumb idea ha! Cheers!

    • @claven1231
      @claven1231 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@RobertLovesGamesmy dream for logi map would be to hover over an item and each stockpile would show varying size/color/indicator/etc. to get a general idea of how much of that item is stocked. Get a better sense at how well supplied a particular front is on a wider scale without hovering over a bunch of stockpile/base icons and could help with the overstocking issue.

  • @smithynoir9980
    @smithynoir9980 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +24

    A proper Spy / Infiltration system would be amazing! Perhaps as you said a Spy Uniform that resembles the opposing teams uniform but it requires an enemy uniform to craft. I think there'd need to be a non-lethal tool or method of checking if someone is a spy so that even if someone is suspicious of an actual same-team friendly it's as easy as getting close to them to confirm and not a death sentence. It'd be a stretch, but imagine a Dog Leads that adds a dog walking along side your character and they sniff out enemy Spy's in a close proximity. Could even have AI Kennels that start barking loudly if a spy is within their proximity. These Kennels could even be where Dog Leads are generated over time. Plus it'd just be awesome to have faction-specific dog breeds, perhaps German Sheperds for the Wardens and Blood Hounds for the Colonials.

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      I like the idea of needing an enemy uniform! That means you carry and enemy body over to your lines and put them maybe in the hospital or something like that. Non-lethal tool sounds like a good idea.
      Dogs in the came would be really cool! As long as we couldn't kill them because PETA and others would not like that... ha
      Great ideas! Thanks for sharing! Cheers!

    • @desiredcord1517
      @desiredcord1517 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      It'd be a cool idea if the officer's uniform was able to decipher enemy spies

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@desiredcord1517 That would be pretty cool ha

  • @xooci
    @xooci 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +40

    big game, big idea, bunch of problems stem from that. like a "real" war there's ins and outs to advantages and disadvantages.

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      True true!

    • @INFJ-ThaneTr
      @INFJ-ThaneTr 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Cheating in a video game is cheating, period

    • @Necrotic99
      @Necrotic99 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@toucan2227 I agree, different people have different definition of what cheating is, in particular over the last couple wars and abusing exploits

  • @Necrotic99
    @Necrotic99 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    A few of the points:
    1) Streamer vs alts: It might not make sense for some, but some consider streaming to be public information and so orders of magnitude of more people will actively accept intel this way while not accepting alting for intel. As for how much is enough to cover, just try to limit some stuff but in particular the map. If you are driving around and they can see stuff around the truck, it can't be helped but streaming a map is an a-hole move. Beyond that, just try to avoid standing near artillery emplacements or people preparing for a big op like a white whale landing but that should be enough. Overlays for map works well enough if you put a minimal amount of effort here. There is a balance here, streamers should have their chance to make their content and a living, but they lose any and all respect when they give the middle finger to the community and don't care about what impacts it. I will add Summit never played this game long enough to even understand it, he knows little about the game and nothing about the culture (ie what people are willing to do and not) so his opinion is worth very little in my view.
    2) Hans: He is a dick, he admitted long ago that he moved away from blocking his map on purpose because in his view it improves his viewer engagement ("they don't understand what is going on if I don't show the map", even though most of his viewers are returning and many from the other faction). So he is streaming intel not because its a mistake, but because he has a monetary incentive to do it while being a detriment for the team. Hans stepped it up another notch by now permanently streaming the map while he is away or going into long discussions of what the faction is doing, who is in each place and plans of attack and such if I remember right (I don't watch his stream, don't want to promote more views for someone that is actively ruining others people work).
    3) Blocking into to single grid: This won't work in my view. Logi needs to see the entire map to know what to feed and what, players need to know what is happening in nearby grids (including checking for partisans), we also depend on random people checking map for areas that need to be QRF and call it out, etc.
    4) Impact on builders: Usually bases and such is built by groups, clans and even coalitions (ie groups of clans), so it affects the work of hundreds of people just in a small area of the map, it will go way way beyond that if you include the entire game. By showing the enemy positioning of everything, you show their weakness, what gaps are there, how to partisan, how to plan assaults, what is supplied, etc. All without the need to actually put in the time to scout it.

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Thanks for sharing all this! Point 1 has some really good tips!. And I agree Summit didn't play it as long as he needed to to understand more about the game and our culture.
      2. Well lets try not to name call. And yea I have heard that around as well. Not a great look or move.
      3. It was a really dumb idea I thought in the moment ha! All my logi bros have QRF'd my idea and I now know better.
      4. Exactly. Which I would think the scouting part could be the fun part of the game as well. But cheaters be cheaters.
      Thanks again for sharing all this! Was a fun read! Cheers!

    • @hodorba5567
      @hodorba5567 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      the noobs watching the stream wont be able to turn that intel into profit. while the vets are too lazy to take notes cause they can also just run along the edge of a hex with binoculars, you literally cant be detected by watchtowers that way and at any time you can just walk towards the middle and likely dont get hunted within the first say 15 minutes, most of the time you can just walk all the way up to their base to bino it out which takes maybe 3 minutes if you want a full circle around it, its alot easier to do that than to get small snippets of info from a stream and have to puzzle them together.
      live positions are an issue ye, but i have to agree with summit on that one, if you are semi innocent you wont be ready to qrf live positions and if you are gonne play that dirty watching a stream just to snipe enemies, you clearly dont have any morals to begin with and i would find it highly unlikely that ppl like that would sit and wait in a stream to get lucky while they could just have a 24/7 live tracking map for themselves if they commit to alting which they morally already committed to.
      the solution is simple guys, its called the law of large numbers, as long both factions have a large amount of players, both will have almost equal amounts of rotten apples and itll balance itself out.
      also the sheer amount of players that play fair will undo any cheat behaviour in mere seconds, by the time an alt stuffed a truck with goodies to dump in the water the stockpile already been delivered 3x what he took, those couple ants barely impact our logi, theyll eighter get banned or get bored and quit, stop worrying so much.

    • @Necrotic99
      @Necrotic99 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Why scout around for a few hours per grid when you can just pull the info from an image in seconds provided by a stream?(no notes needed, just screencap and done) That info is often used to do many things that can greatly damage the enemy teams like hitting weak bases from unexpected angles or tapping towns that aren't properly defended. There is even another post here of a person saying they themselves consider streamer info as public and that they don't consider it cheating, like him there are many more so the argument "well if they are willing to cheat off a stream, they would just buy another account" doesn't reflect the reality and is just an excuse by summit and others to not have to change the way they do things like hiding the map. They don't even have to wait very long, most people flash the map every few minutes and in the case of hans he shows the entire map on purpose and when he goes afk he would put the map up as well.
      You must be a new player, otherwise you would know that the damage from this is much more than a "truck with goodies to dump in the water", bases take days to tech to something useful, husking critical ones or resetting TH opens up areas for attack previously covered. Plus the fact that the discussion here is the impact of streaming intel while now you are talking the impact of alts proactively sabotaging...both very very different topics.

  • @BigbirdManTV
    @BigbirdManTV 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +42

    I think the biggest issue is that the faction he is playing on has been asking him not to leak the map Intel but he refuses to hide his map. I would make sense that he doesn't want to hide the intel due to his faction losing the past few wars. Intentional griefing? Likely not, is it annoying? Absolutely!

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Well said! Always love getting your insight. Hope you are coming back to stream when the update comes out!

    • @MultiDizzee
      @MultiDizzee 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      he streams like this on collie side all the time with no issues@@RobertLovesGames

    • @fulsome1
      @fulsome1 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@MultiDizzee There was and is still an issue for a lot of people, But after 3-4 years of asking and trying, at some point what else can the collies do ? Just look at how many collies agree with the Wardens right now. Collies wont start those conversation anymore but are more than willing to support them when they occur.

  • @misterb2667
    @misterb2667 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +26

    Hans will always be voted off Warden for streaming Intel. Whenever he joins Warden we openly ask him(at first) to stop streaming Intel which then escalates to "banned". There is a reason he went collie for the past 5ish wars and its because the Warden don't want that behavior on our TEAM. We have plenty of streamer/tubers who play by the rules and are big parts of the Warden faction. Hans is not one of them

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      I've seen this a lot in the threads I've read through. I'm honestly glad the Wardens are very strict about this and that everyone works together to follow the rules with this.
      Thanks for sharing!

  • @Van_of_the_lake
    @Van_of_the_lake 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    *"ALTS IN MY WALLS"* 💀

  • @TarsonTalon
    @TarsonTalon 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    As a builder, this doesn't affect me...because I'm a paranoid nutcase who heavily defends EVERYTHING they build. All anyone will learn by seeing my stuff on the map is that they will die if they go there. Sadly, most people ARE NOT as paranoid as I am, and thus leave important assets unguarded because they don't wanna spend the extra resources...even though they could've just gone to my protected base and used that... 😒

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Sounds like you are a good builder with no or not many weak spots. I think it's more for the people that don't know all their weak spots.
      Honestly if I built more in the backline I would be paranoid like you and defend all around. Even though that would take more work but I could trust my projects would be defended.
      Thanks for your input on this! Cheers!

  • @Johnwittman
    @Johnwittman 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    i remember when me and some friends decided to build tons of watchtowers on war 49 con the enemy back lines, i was colonial and it wasnt easy to build all those watchtowers, we asaulted trucks with bmats, fuel and boats and barges, it was awesome.

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      That sounds like a fun operation to do with pals! Thanks for sharing that!

  • @panseba7021
    @panseba7021 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    *casually leaks classified documents of real vehicles*

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Oh no! lol I didn't hear about that ha

  • @TheGreekG33k
    @TheGreekG33k 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Agreed with you about bringing up factions. I have seen so many decent arguments within the subreddit sabotaged by their own creators when in the last line they make a snarky factionalist remark. Seriously, they had a good argument that was concise, logical, and relevant, and in the very last sentence shoot themselves in the foot and destroy any respect they may have gained

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Exactly! You get it. Always happens.

  • @Astrosk1er
    @Astrosk1er 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    I will say this, if you have a face cam, make it cover the chat, you can use it just fine and it makes your stream look normal

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      True! Lot of streamers do that!

  • @sliverman5552
    @sliverman5552 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Yes, I believe it is a huge problem, because my side isn't winning and there is no other explanation.

  • @johnhines229
    @johnhines229 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    On streamers. It’s sorta like the media giving away the locations and man power of the military. If anything it kinda adds more realism 😂

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      lol I guess we can look at it that way ha.

  • @lordmazzar8316
    @lordmazzar8316 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Yeh no screw Hans for that, my coalition has been fighting tooth and nail in Deadlands since day 1 and he’s just deliberately screwing us by leaving the map open like that.

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Sorry to hear that :/ that can be really tough especially in hex like Deadlands.

  • @Dadamage372
    @Dadamage372 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Alts in my walls :D, my take on it is steamers should not show the map. Alting is not as bad as players think and giving out free intel is just making it easy for griefers and new players. Even badmanlarry put effort into hiding the map.....

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      True. As I kind of talked about at least put an effort in and try to hide intel. Does not take long to set up at all.
      Also loved your new video!

  • @Tomcos22
    @Tomcos22 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Damn whoever recorded the footage of Ulster Falls dying must be really cool and epic 😮

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      That's you! I can credit you in the description if you would like!
      I was searching through google looking for map intel pictures and your video came up!

    • @Tomcos22
      @Tomcos22 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      If you want to lol, I'm not too fussed xD

  • @retconned4092
    @retconned4092 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    spying is going to be a huge thing in foxhole no matter what you do, i think its a bit distasteful for streamers to give away sensitive but its going to happen in discords anyways however with the naval update coming this is going to be more a problem as knowing where a ship is will be easy to find out and important for naval combat, pretty much will have to plan as though the location of battleships and destroyers are always compromised

  • @DaftDrunk24
    @DaftDrunk24 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Here's a thought, make it so you can't see anything on the map unless you traveled there.

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I would like to try this idea out. I don't think the devs will ever do that but I think it would be cool to try.
      Thanks for your input on this!

  • @magister214
    @magister214 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Looking at the otherside's intel and stuff spoils the fun of the game. There is no need to sweat the game. I enjoy the fog of war and rushing into enemy territory with grenades or digging trenches while being shelled by artillary. Or also running around far behind enemy lines to find a truck to steal just to get mowed down by a base nearby in the middle of a field. (Happened last night). People who cheat, and intentionally harm their team by leaking intel should be banned. It does not matter what side they are on, it ruins the fun and puts the team under a bad light.

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Agreed! People that cheat in Foxhole are honestly an interesting breed. They could cheat all war and still end up losing the war with the faction that they are on.
      I would again say that overall cheating is not a huge problem in Foxhole. Just takes place in few corners of the game and can still ruin the fun for others.

  • @TheSevien
    @TheSevien 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    id love to try the radio being hex restricted, but with the adjacent ones still visible, could even do something cute like 5km range and putting that into a item description or something, would also differentiate the use cases of a radio backpack better

  • @onetrue3256
    @onetrue3256 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    in terms of gameplay.. ppl spying on streams can be labeled as "Hacking" or spying, just like irl war

  • @spinshade
    @spinshade 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I had a similar issue with Rust in the past. We used to keybind M to show a funny picture to hide the map to keep it fair.

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That makes sense! I bet there are a lot of stream snipers in Rust.

  • @GonTar_X
    @GonTar_X 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Hi there, ex content creator here, twitch, I love your videos and the effort and topics you put into them 10 out of 10
    This issues you touch happened to me, I streamed variety, then I bumped into FoxHole which is a game that got my attention from far away but never got a glance at what is it all about or how it felt to play it
    I played it off stream from time to time for my self and then watched others Stream it to get a feel of what should I do regarding to all of the info you are showing to everyone who may also play the game on the opposite team
    I ended up playing collies first because I like green 💚 and some friends who joined wanted to play them too.
    Then I wanted to try Blue 💙 Wardens since I loved some or most of their vehicles and some firearms
    I had my minimap, map 🗺️ both covered completely at all times using stream tools I personalized for the stream
    But I got hit 🎯 by stream snipes and blamed because I was "showing the game" and the fact that I was showing my soldier walking and fighting was actually harming my team and that scared me because I had taken all the measures to prevent any information showing up on the Stream 😂
    So I had a sudden coma moment where I was actually only showing "gameplay" secured all the information possible available and I was still being sniped on the place I was fighting and blamed by my team when I realized and said in game that I was being stream sniped.
    To the point my own team wanted to snipe me so I could not "see anything" actually not playing the game! Because people could, you guessed "see the game"
    That's really taking it to the extreme, no clue I stopped streaming the game, and got scared, but I liked the game so much I play it to this Day, but no one can see it, I just don't think real time streaming is safe for work after what I had to experience, even if it was an isolated weird exceptional case, and I came across really messed up ppl on both sides of the game, it still scared me because of the precautions I took and how little it cared for the hate minded individuals that crossed paths on the event at the time.
    But that doesn't mean "the community is toxic" by any extent, but at the contrary, I've found 99% amazing, caring, helping, wholesome people on the 400+ hours I've played FoxHole and counting ❤
    Like everywhere in life, there's always some really angry dude or brain 🧠 missing person that just wants to harm others to feel better with himself, but that applies to every single place on Internet,and life itself, so my take on this is respect everyone, and respect yourself, so anyone who doesn't can go F himself and you do what you enjoy as long as you are respecting that 99% that's being respectful ❤

    • @GonTar_X
      @GonTar_X 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Also i just had some of the best battles I've seen and felt so far in any game on the DeadLands hex.
      No other game gives such an experience and feeling or scale of conflicts and battles like this, it's the only 1, and it's amazing ❤

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I think no matter how well streamers hide intel and cover things up there will always be that group out there that hates that any streamer is broadcasting the game in any way.
      Thanks for sharing your experience about this! Appreciate it! And agree about there always being that one angry dude out there ha.
      That battle ate Deadlands sounds awesome! I need to get over there before all the good battles are done!
      Thanks again for sharing!

  • @peppermintpig974
    @peppermintpig974 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Spying as an in-game feature would be fun if you could manufacture a pricy "spy" uniform, however still appear as the enemy color on radar/map. That would be amusing, especially in a crowd (spiderman pointing meme).
    Streaming is not a big issue. Alting is a big issue. If alts exist, they get all the map, not just sniping one person's stream, and it's done covertly.

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That would be cool! And I agree that alting is more of the problem. Since I made this video I don't mind streamers showing some intel every time they check the map. I will say I do mind if a streamer has to leave their computer for while and just leave the intel map up. I still don't agree with that.

  • @StylishYeoman
    @StylishYeoman 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    There was a video of yours one war when WLL was warden and in weathered expanse. I had spent the first few hours trying to find where they put a facility at but didnt have any luck. Logged off and a few hours later I was watching your video and saw a map post as you scrolled through the map that said "WLL public coal field!". I wouldn't have known they were there otherwise and I felt kind of bad about it so I chose not to go after them.
    Theres definitely people that would see a facility on the map with no defenses around it and would plan an op to go burn it down. Thankfully if you report someone enough times for intel leaking, theyll get forced to use the Secure Map.

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Exactly. And lets hope if you report them enough times that would be the case.
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this! Cheers!

    • @StylishYeoman
      @StylishYeoman 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@RobertLovesGames It is the case thankfully, it's already in the game that if you report for Intel leak enough times, it'll lock to player to secure map

  • @SidMajors
    @SidMajors 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Coming from a Final Fantast 14 player: there is an unwritten rule among content creators to not spoil the story for some weeks (or even months) after new content comes out. And all big content creators go along with this. Unless they very specifically stream the story content. Which you can read in the stream title.
    I get the argument ‘you can just make an alt’. But I agree with your argument this has a €25 cost to it. Making it easier by showing the map on streams just means hundreds of people will use it instead of just a handful.
    I think mutual respect goes a long way. And this goes for everyone in this matter.

    • @borgKick
      @borgKick 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      unlike wow, spoiled weeks in advance before release lol

    • @SidMajors
      @SidMajors 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@borgKick So I heard ye.. My whole FC (guild) are old WoW refugees :P

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I didn't know that about FF14! Thanks for sharing that.
      And I agree just attempting and showing respect goes much further than just saying screw it.
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this! Cheers!

  • @lordgong4980
    @lordgong4980 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I streamed Foxhole twice and I am 100% sure at least one person in my chat was just Stream sniping

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I think there is more people searching for intel on streams and than people think. But I am probably also on the side where I don't think it's really causing major damage that shifts the war one way or another if that makes sense.

  • @TheSoboj
    @TheSoboj 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I dont know who is 6:05 guy.. but its totally just another BS talk. Ppl dont actualy need to create any alt, when for example here mentioned HelpingHans is showing everything we need, just opened one of his video and saw whole frontline and supplies within 9minutes...
    Even if ppl use alt to spy / steal intel. Ppl are pissed of it. So allowing and stop blaming streamers is okay? No. they deserve to be hated.
    You can literally keybind another scene when holding `M` and another on for example mouseButtons (onClick) that will change scene in streamlabs or obs until its pressed again. You can make all of this in just 5-10minutes...
    6:05 guy is literally just another streamer who was hated for it and cried (at least for me)
    Before I join my current Foxhole group. I was playing in some random group i found on Foxhole discord. And whole operations were basicaly build on HelpingHans informations, nobody there had alts, and there was like 70-90 actively playing ppl... And all partisans / offensive tactics were based on this...
    About your mention in video about HelpingHans that he is trying to help new players. WHY is he not showing this in backline or somewhere away from active battle... He is literally showing all marks including where partisans are or where they are going, he is showing whole logi intel, etc... and he is loudly talking about it. So you dont even need to watch that stream.. You can just play your game and listen to him
    Just to be clear... I dont have anything agains anyone mentioned in my really long-bad english writen speach here. Im just little bit sad.. that there are ppl who dont-care and going to toilet with opened map... When Foxhole is (atleast for me) also kinda RolePlay game which I really enjoy.
    Setting up your streamlabs/obs or what are you using is 5-10mins solution, without knowledge maximum 30minute...
    Just to be clear.. im okay when someone accidently show intel.. im tottaly okay with that. I hate when ppl dont care and showing everything
    Anyway, Thanks Robert LuvsGames for another good video!

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I can understand the hate when the streamer is not even trying to hide the intel. Again like Hans sometimes opening it while taking a break or something like that. That does not need to happen.
      Thanks for sharing that you based whole operations off Hans stream that is honestly helpful to know.
      He probably likes to keep the action high and intense. I don't know if I've ever seen him stream in the backline. Maybe to make a tank quick or help out a base in the mid line.
      Thank you for the kind words and sharing your experience with this! Cheers!

  • @AbyRemy
    @AbyRemy 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    I remember when the radio backpack followed than by the scout tank and jeep intelligent gathering behind enemy lines was kinda fun, but i dint see it done very often nowadays, I also feel dedicated scooper's and logi truck drivers could be affected by this, the only answer I see is limit the difference shown to the current hex other than that I dont know.

    • @MrGreenTabasco
      @MrGreenTabasco 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      That's because tactics for intel gathering changed. What I usually see people do, is make screenshots from enemy bases/create maps in the discords and set up listening kits.
      It ks kinda fun, makong you feel like an agent, collecting information and slowly building maps for your team of the nemy terretory. Jeeps and scout tanks are nkt very useful for that, as their low range radio collects ai onky when it can basically already shoot you.

    • @popinmo
      @popinmo 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ​@@MrGreenTabascoas a partisan it's not possible to get a vehicle into enemy lines because of conc spamm and every beach having multiple concrete bases

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That does sound fun! We need more specific scout type role I think. That could help with some intel stuff as well maybe.

  • @TJtreyVA
    @TJtreyVA 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I can certainly understand the builders plight, that leaked info can lead to a facility being destroyed that never should have been found in the first place. But to me, as someone who has started to pick up a very small following making videos, having to censor the mini map, the full map, and the chat constantly sounds awful. Even worse as a streamer. This is going to lengths where I wouldn’t even make content on the game because the act of constantly hiding everything is taking the fun out of playing.
    In actuality I think this is a problem of people being to aggro and not chilling out. It’s like real world politics, the wardens and collies are so determined to beat each other that they’re willing to say and do whatever it takes to win. Some of these people are just trolls with bad intentions. But there’s certain a faction of the community that does this because they hate the other side that much

  • @theonejuice7119
    @theonejuice7119 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Lets be real here, this isnt an issue. All it takes is 1 person with an alt account to go afk in the home region with the state of the war map open to know the intel of that faction. So essentially it only takes 2 accounts to know the entire intel of both sides throught the whole map.
    A single streamer/youtuber showing the map ocassionally is not going to be the deciding factor on players of the other faction gaining intel. However of course if you're streaming the preperation for a secret operation like a white whale landing then thats clearly an issue and could possibly be seen as griefing.

    • @theonejuice7119
      @theonejuice7119 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I also like the idea of Hans leaving the map of an active front open while going on break. No its not griefing, you can get all that information by clicking M on your keyboard and zooming in to the hex yourself.
      For the viewer however, sure they're only just little dots and triangles on your screen updating every few seconds, but if you understand what those dots (players) and triangles (vehicles) mean then you get to watch an active front unfold infront of you which can be very entertaining for the viewer while the streamer is afk.

  • @BitFrosty
    @BitFrosty 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Both sides can watch streamers and gather intel, so it is balanced and that is the most important thing. But i think game should implement some kind of streamer mode, they should be able to see map and chat in game like anyone else, but game should keep it hidden to recording softwares. Its possible, and cheats in various games do these, they hide wall hacks and other things from recording softwares but cheaters still see those dots, squares or whatever it is in whatever game they are cheating. Getting second account just to gather intel and stuff, that should be considered same as using cheats in game (like aimbot and stuff).

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      They technically do have a streamer mode it's just annoying to keep track of as a streamer when you are trying to get quick intel.
      Thanks for your feedback and thoughts on this!

  • @patrickazzarella6729
    @patrickazzarella6729 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    We Colonials fought our asses off last night defending the Salt Farm, only to log on today to see we lost it to you Wardens. Had a great time as a medic and using artillery guns at point blank range. Though a lot of lame deaths to artillery. But overall a great experience and fun time seeing everyone(logistics was keeping us up despite running out of shirts at one point.) No clue how they were doing it but the Wardens were shelling the base for nearly an hour. They came close to taking the town but we had forced them back past our trenches before I logged off. Looks like you guys are gonna win this war though. Having a great time learning, Medic and using an lmg is very fun, but having 4 + gas/frag grenades chucked at me for killing 2 guys is a little intense XDD

    • @GonTar_X
      @GonTar_X 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Dude! I was there! I saw you! I was on one of the Warden Scout Tanks, and I saw many of those (5-6-7) grenades thrown at somebody on ur side just because.
      Greatest battle I had in Deadlands, you had us good 👍
      But a really Big logi group started helping us and an artillery group (which I ended helping after getting my tank blown up) Made a huge difference.
      And some people grabbed the Mic 🎤 and Chat too, started organizing an otherwise chaotic Warden Army hit with fear from all the artillery and constant infantry push you guys did relentlessly.
      And put all the confused people's gears on Max Forward ⏩ strength.
      I saw it change from people just sitting inside the respawn and not knowing what to do, to charging forward and coming up with moves to gain some more ground (that we lost at night to your infantry amazing skills later) but it was great to live those moments
      I've never felt or seen that on any other game!

    • @GonTar_X
      @GonTar_X 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      And me and some friends posted a map ping, saying "too many holes on the pit, Bring grenades!
      And logi may have taken the last part too seriously, we had 1000+ frag grenades at one point, and i saw literally bodies with 3-4 frag nades still on their backpacks ahahhaha

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That sounds like a lot of fun! There is still a lot of war left! Wardens just last war looked as though they would have lost but made a huge comeback. It can happen! Don't lose moral this early in the war!
      Glad you are having a fun time learning the game! See you out there! Cheers!

    • @jammerthebaws4287
      @jammerthebaws4287 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Kinda late to reply, seeing as u mention deadlands I have to say. Warden suicide truck spammer here. u collies had so many 120s shooting at AW and such but would die to funny meme rallies of trucks. I count about 25 120 deaths to suicide trucks that i witnessed alone, and 10 armor vic kills over the course of 3 irl days at pits.This is not to brag. this is to say that you collies really made a lot of 120s and i was impressed. its been a good fight for deadlands and umbral this war even though its more blue than a collie would like. Keep fighting, that Victa landing was a real menace and fun to defend! o7.

  • @IamTheCaptainNow
    @IamTheCaptainNow 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Leaving the map open while you go to the bathroom is definitely intentionally harming your own team

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      For sure!

    • @IamTheCaptainNow
      @IamTheCaptainNow 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@RobertLovesGames I can't see how the game developer doesn't see that as a problem.
      I think in the entertainment sphere some leaked Intel can be okay but in my opinion, you should at least be hiding the fact that you're breaking the rules not advertising it.

    • @IamTheCaptainNow
      @IamTheCaptainNow 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@RobertLovesGames I'm just getting into the game and I'm trying to pick a side. What side are you on?

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@IamTheCaptainNow I'm on the Warden side! Feel free to join my discord in the description if you want to play some time!

  • @TrapDullahan
    @TrapDullahan 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Sadly this become more commen as we lost a few bases thr others day from just artty alone and we found out someone leak our hex map and was very up today

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Dang that sinks to hear :/ sorry that happened!

  • @soomshe
    @soomshe 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    as long it's just frontline intel that is generally easy to spot, it's all fine, but for a map overview, an overlay to hide sensitive intel must be used otherwise it's purely griefing, and they are still surprised of stream sniping with that kind of habit lol.

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Your right frontline intel is not all that bad. Especially when the frontlines change so quickly.
      And yea no idea why they are ever surprised by stream snipers lol
      Thanks for sharing! Cheers!

  • @armiiniius
    @armiiniius 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Well said! Hide your map please. Covers are so simple to add T_T teamwork makes the dream work. New players can figure out the map on youtube turtorials. Nothing is perfect just not show the global map . . .

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Thank you! Appreciate your input on this!

  • @Cpneuma
    @Cpneuma 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    if you cant at LEAST use the IN GAME map that has no intel while youre actively streaming...

  • @yahgamer7369
    @yahgamer7369 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    i allways allways get attacked by partisans in my facility when i build smth expensive like a train or a BT even if i put them deep inside the facility they find it! how idk

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Pretty easy if you search around enough and once you know the game enough.
      But I'm sure streamers showing the entire map intel is not really helping either ha

  • @The_CGA
    @The_CGA 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    A big thing to consider is…whose burden is it ? Like, operational security is a part of warfare too. It may not be a bad thing that some secrets take a bit of effort to keep. Think all manner of Maskirova, Patton’s inflatable army, etc.
    Your logi runs…no secrets worth keeping are gonna show from a truck or freighter cruising down the main road.
    Let’s imagine there’s a gameplay space for the secret-keepers, good for them…they are being l33t pro. An ordinary truck driver can just drive his truck. Hes not being disrespectful by not going to extra effort….he’s just being himself.

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That is true. Thanks for sharing your input on this!

  • @kcjftube
    @kcjftube 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I don't care about past war map intel, but current map intel leaked has caused and will cause ops to fail, and I'm sure that happens on both sides.
    To claim that alts have already done the harm so it's okay for streamers to widen that wound is presumptuous and ignorant at best.
    Streamers bring new people to the game, indeed. But streamers who don't leak intel also can bring people in, and streamers who leak intel also make people leave the game because they put those people on the receiving end of the unfairness one too many time.
    It's pure bs to say because streamers bring people in, it's okay for some of them to make unfair intel readily and widely accessible. Reasonable effort needs to be made to obscure the intel shown.
    Even if the game were to die without the intel leaking streamers - an analogy would be saving someone's life does not make it okay for you to stab them later in the butt (for your own profit, no less).

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Good point that streamers that leak intel may make them leave as well. Someone commented earlier that they left a hex Hans was in one time just because they didn't want their plan to be ruined.
      Appreciate your input on this! Cheers!

  • @ccsam1516
    @ccsam1516 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Last 2 days I ran into 3 different guys that ran at the speed of someone with 10% carry capacity that shot perfect shots after stopping for .2 seconds and starting to run and spin in circles again.
    Are those cheaters? I'm new so I don't know the ins and outs of cheaters in this game

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Could be shadow dancing and stutter stepping their shots. They would have to going super super fast to be cheating.
      I mean there are cheats out there but not that many with in Foxhole. Best you can do is record if you can and submit to the devs.

  • @oldWanderer69
    @oldWanderer69 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Technically when you get into game you get thr map of starting island, ud have to walk 5 steps to get to war map on the table.

  • @elpargo
    @elpargo 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Agreed on the streamer giving info being the best way to bring new players. I didn't had a PC for a couple of weeks and started watching streams/youtube before buying.

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Good to know! Thanks for sharing your perspective of this!

  • @accessallexperiences4719
    @accessallexperiences4719 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    our group is hear because of company of heroes and one of our guys recomending foxhole

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That's great to hear! Welcome to Foxhole!
      Let me know if you have any questions about the game.

  • @nikos4677
    @nikos4677 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    In real life yhey were spies too. Maybe they could nerf the radio so not all players will be shown. Now facilities are so deep in the backline and are maintaned by all these clans that I dont think its a problem showing their location

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I think nerfing the radio is an idea they could at least try.
      I still think showing facilities in the backline can be a problem because there are some smaller groups that can't keep the defenses up as much as a big group can.
      I do think backline facilities should put defenses up still but they shouldn't have to worry about a streamer showing their location.
      Thanks for your input on this! Cheers!

  • @cyrilleyukimaru6675
    @cyrilleyukimaru6675 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Why not just make the radio a proximity map reveal rather than a global one? The only way to access the global map is to be in bases and whatnot.

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I think that kind of idea might at least be worth trying.

  • @ASecureLab
    @ASecureLab 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Im new to the game, not sure what happned yesterday at The Wash, our whole base got obliterated by arty but it felt very wierd / as if someone told all the bases positions. Not sure if it normal but in less than 10 minutes they took out all the bunkers with all arty shots landing without exeption, very quick, huge rain. a hour before, there was arty but it felt "random" some hit and some miss but this time it was very surgical. What it a intel "cheat"? Does this kind of stuff happen often? I dont mind too much but at the same time it was a bit garbage as we fought there for hours and in 10 minutes the whole base disapeared

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Sounds like a skilled arty op from the other faction. Well planned and executed.
      Cheating does not happen that frequently. And people that are raining arty down on you are certainly not cheaters.
      The biggest kinds of cheating in the game are people that use what they call "night hacks" where they don't get that limited vision of night. That is the biggest cheat problem and it's not even that big of an issue overall.
      Also welcome to Foxhole! Let me know if you have any other questions or anything else I can help with!

  • @shoelugs
    @shoelugs 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Only being able to see the intel of the hex youre in is a nightmare for logis

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ha true! As logi player I don't know why I didn't think of that. Maybe we can still have access to looking at supplies but just not where defenses and infantry units are moving?
      It was just a random thought I had while making the video so I don't expect it to be a good one ha

  • @kenjiveolante8534
    @kenjiveolante8534 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I'd say its a growing problem. Sure its not bad now but wait till it gets more popular as time goes.

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      True. As long as we “accept” it then it will continue.

  • @azathothog
    @azathothog 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    imagine they add spies as a auctaul class

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      If they could make it work that wouldn't ruin the game I would love that!

    • @azathothog
      @azathothog 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      i think it should be like operatives they can only be there for a certain time before getting caught@@RobertLovesGames

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@azathothog that would be really cool!

  • @relicsoftheold
    @relicsoftheold 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Could you make a video about what happened with NEP and 82Dk with the border base?

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Is that worth talking about? I don't want to beat a dead horse.
      I'll take a look at what's going on tomorrow and see if I can make a short video explaining it maybe.

    • @Zanith50
      @Zanith50 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      well border bases issues do need some light shed on them

    • @perplexedpuma5343
      @perplexedpuma5343 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Plz talk about it! Either a simple factual vid or your personal opinion.

  • @KuruSeed
    @KuruSeed 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    being only to see the regions intel i'm in would be bad for doing logi, personally i will open the map in a safe spot to check the intel ahead before running to the next hex when doing logi runs

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      True ha. As logi main I should have thought about this one a bit more. Not a great idea by me.
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts on it!

  • @sleepylion9788
    @sleepylion9788 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Isn't there already a map mechanic without intel? Why does Hans keep insisting on showing the one that has intel?

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yep there is ha. Who knows...

    • @sleepylion9788
      @sleepylion9788 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@RobertLovesGames so ego then

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@sleepylion9788 Maybe ha

  • @Astrosk1er
    @Astrosk1er 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Personally I feel there’s two sides to it, if you’re live streaming and you mess up and open the map or leave chat on that’s understandable it’s an honest mistake but if you make videos or clips you have tools to remove that intel and no matter how old it is you should still probably put a black box over it because you have the ability to be sure you don’t do that as opposed to trying to do all that on the fly

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I agree people make honest mistakes with it. Even new streamers don't know better and we try to let them know in a nice way.
      Thanks for your input on this! Cheers!

  • @generalseal6948
    @generalseal6948 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    i have a suggestion foxhole streamers should replace the map minimap and chat with subway surfers and tiktok videos so the audience doesnt have intel leaked while still being stimulated lol

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      lol good plan! Get them distracted as much as possible.

  • @azathothog
    @azathothog 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      They basically have that with the secure map ha

    • @azathothog
      @azathothog 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      yes but it secures eveyrthing@@RobertLovesGames

  • @TurKlack
    @TurKlack 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I know a lot of people take it very seriously and I also understand why. It's a very demaning game and very competitive. But at the end of the day it is still just a game.

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I agree with you at the end of the day it's just a game.
      I just feel bad for the builders or small clans that put a lot of time just for someone else to ruin it for them ya know?
      But I'm also on the side that then they should have built better defenses ha. So I fall in and out of this debate.
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts on it! Cheers!

  • @FoxholeFightClub
    @FoxholeFightClub 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    spy dream idea sounds good.

  • @ZEROs0000
    @ZEROs0000 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    As a very active streamer, small content creator, leader of a regiment, and Foxhole vet, I have a map blocker, chat blurred, and only have the mini-map blocker enabled when I am driving a vehicle. That being said I do make mistakes every stream. I try my best to keep stuff hidden. However, I do believe that the cheater aspect is blown way out of proportion. It is a percent of a percent in my honest opinion and I believe that a vast majority of viewers do not cheat and watch the game to learn about it or just because they want something playing on their other screen while they logi. The devs likely see streamers positively even if it could negatively affect the game. Without streamers and TH-cam foxhole wouldn't be where they are today. I know in my stream alone numerous people have purchased the game. At the end of the day there will always be cheaters and alts. It is a video game at the end of the day and it has no impact on your life. If it does then you need to go touch grass haha

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thanks for sharing your experience with this! Appreciate it!
      I would agree with you that it's a low percentage watching streamers that are probably cheating.
      And you are right as well overall streamers and content creators have done more good for Foxhole than bad.
      Thanks again for sharing! Cheers!

  • @RTanna89
    @RTanna89 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    love the idea of a spy uniform. just disable friendly fire so we can start spy checking.

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ha! Maybe disable friendly fire in hexes you completely control? I would still want friendly fire on the frontline. But good idea!
      Thanks for sharing! Cheers!

  • @popinmo
    @popinmo 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Its simply to op Intel is to big of a advantage vs playing without I wish I would cheat

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It can give some advantages but I wouldn't say huge or war altering advantages.

    • @popinmo
      @popinmo 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@RobertLovesGames as a partisan it's the most op thing in the game
      1: I can know every weak spot in the front to allow to get into enemy lines vs spending hours trying to find a way pass thousand of conc bases
      2: stealing tanks is a breeze as I can see every exposed vehicle on the map
      2 : I can see every trainrail and get into on when a train is coming
      3: I can know exactly when qrf / logi trucks are coming meaning I am impossible to kill

  • @wanteerumisbind7407
    @wanteerumisbind7407 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I think sort of copy and pasting the real world army system could work with some tweaks, a beginner soldier won't get as much intel as a "general" would, getting higher level unlocks higher intels. Considering you level up through commendations, you would have to contribute to the faction in order to get better intel, some surface intel could still be available like in bunker bases for local information but more global stuff is locked behind higher level. It would prevent someone from simply making an alt and having everything, if someone wants to spy on the other team, that person would have to contribute to the other team to get enough commendations to level up enough to get that intel in the first place, which would sort of go against their own plan as they would be helping "the enemy". The same way, if some global info is leaked, it could narrow down who could have leaked it and make it a sort of "hunt the mole" thing. Higher level players could also maybe have the ability to "share info" with a person, bypassing the leveling requirement in case it would be helping to big faction groups, Considering that option would be locked behind higher level in the first place, I don't think it could get exploited that much, but that may be wishful thinking :'D
    All of what I said above doesn't cover for streamers and for "negligence" towards your own faction by keeping maps open intentionally or not, but it would make streams the "best" source of information and as a byproduct, boost streamers viewership :' )

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I think that would be a really cool thing to try with ranks and how much intel they get. I'm with you on this idea. I think it actually sounds good in theory and would love a way to try it out.
      Thanks for expanding off this idea and sharing! Appreciate it!

    • @johndane9754
      @johndane9754 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      That would be fine if the ranks in game mattered beyond being an indicator of how long you've played the game.

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@johndane9754 I would like something extra for ranks but not sure what that would look like.

    • @johndane9754
      @johndane9754 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@RobertLovesGames Personally, I would like the rank system in Foxhole to emulate the rank system of WWII online. Not a carbon copy of it but take away features that made ranks matter.

    • @noeness3779
      @noeness3779 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Like this idea, if I can add to this is that pvt can't see facility and watch tower along with only able to see adjacent hex (still able to see further hex TH and BB along with it's content but nothing else), you can find structure such as facility or whatnot but it will not show the correct symbol on map but a regular structure like pillboxes.
      Once you ranked up from pvt then you can see more detail on further hex from you currently in, this upgrade happen until Ocdt, wherein the upgrade you get from there is you can see further facility showup on map from your current hex.

  • @Sorinoir
    @Sorinoir 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    how about making videos instead of streams? and posting them after the war?

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Only problem with that is people wouldn't care about the last war as much because they would already but started on the next war. Maybe if the resistance phase was little longer.

  • @notsure4666
    @notsure4666 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Foxhole is an MMO and if you ever think for one second your map intel isnt posted in several discords I have a few pyramid schemes Id like to include you in. Streaming the game is fine. That being said Its certainly scummy and very unsportsmanlike to gather intel through methods not provided in game.

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ha! There are for sure people out there that just go through streams trying to get map intel. No doubt.
      And I agree that I don't really blame the streamer as much as I blame the people that are actually doing the cheating and taking the intel.
      Thanks for your input on this! Cheers!

  • @Mr.Ducky.o7
    @Mr.Ducky.o7 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    11:47 lol partisaned a facility like this the other day, and I think it was in same location

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Lol nicely done! Must be same people that set it up.

  • @chasgames
    @chasgames 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    5:39 summit clip is hilarious, but he's wrong.. my notepad is full

  • @clpthegamer3129
    @clpthegamer3129 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Stream snipers are kinda shitty, but i think its okay to just show your casual fights and stuff, a streaming mode could fix stuff, like maps dont get shown etc. BUT: if you show YOUR massive special operation and then are shocked that YOUR clan gets wrecked becuse people found it out becuse of your stream, then its on you!

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Agreed stream snipers are worse than obviously the streamer who is showing the intel or anything like that.
      And agreed if you can't hide your intel yourself very well or take some actions to try to hide it then it's your fault when it fails.
      Thanks for your input on this! Cheers!

  • @Zawse612
    @Zawse612 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    the worst leaked intel is a real time map, where the oposite side can see whether they are going to be ambushed (by vic or something else) at real time.
    as for vod/stream of old intel, i dont really care about it, more often than not the oposite side major clan already know about it by scouting it themself.
    oh yeah, the pits zoo somehow get destroyed yesterday, some say that it is done by an alts regi, which logged of immediatly after the relic is destroyed.

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Agreed! Hard to flank when you are constantly giving away vehicles positioning on the frontline.
      It's unfortunate that with almost all partisan work people will always try to blame cheating. I mean it sometimes can be that but not as much as people think.

  • @valeriysumin3304
    @valeriysumin3304 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    You made a statement at 3:33 and continiuously broke it through the video, which is sad. But the topic is important, so as video, keep it up!

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Can you expand a little bit more off this? I may state my opinion and how I feel about what is happening but I'm not pointing fingers and saying we should force someone to play a certain way.
      It's kind of like the border base situation. I think it's wrong and you should not be doing it but I'm not going to blame or be mad at the players that are doing it. Does that make sense?
      I appreciate you bringing this up! Thanks for the kind words as well!

  • @wabbit4702
    @wabbit4702 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    ppl are taking it way our of proportion imo, it's not that big deal

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I understand why people are upset with it and why some don’t care about it at all.
      We are pretty split on as a community if intel leaking really matters or not.

  • @CreepyBanana
    @CreepyBanana 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    I think we should remove the map entirely!
    Drama solved 😎

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Love this idea! I’m down for war with no maps ha

  • @TheGreekG33k
    @TheGreekG33k 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I understand the community's concerns but I do agree with Hans. From the perspective of 1. Entertainment for viewers and 2. Showcasing the game to new players then you cannot give the entire picture without streaming intel. Lastly, my reason for this opinion comes from 3. I personally would never make any attempt to gain an advantage for myself, regiment, or team from a stream. Obviously, the reason this is a topic is because some people will take any unscrupulous method available to them to gain an unfair advantage. I think that the community while justified in their concern it comes from a place of preventing abuse vis unsportsmanlike conduct.
    Simply put, some people cannot play a game for the simple fun and enjoyment of it. They innately do not understand that all games have winners and losers and that sportsmanship is a societal pact that allows us to enjoy competition with the understanding that we will not always win and so must be humble when winning and gracious when losing. I don't think we should cater to these people. I think we should just enjoy people who clearly love this game and want to share that with the world.
    Some of the most fun clips I have ever watched are moments when a streamer has recorded a timelapse of the map. To see the struggle that obviously took place fighting over a town as both defender and attacker struggled to take it during climactic battles has always been so fascinating to me

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I can see the entertainment point of view as well. Especially as someone like myself who makes content. I would love to show more things on the map and talk about more things going on the map but I hold myself back because I don't want to release intel and make someone else game experience bad.
      I love those types of videos of the timelapse as well!
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this! Cheers!

  • @kaiishere016
    @kaiishere016 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    When it comes to frontline maps, I don't think the issue is that impactful at all, it seems to be mostly harmful to logi and backline infrastructure, in which case content creators simply disabling those respective icons and not zooming out further than they need to could solve a good amount of the intel leaks I think.
    One idea would be for streamers to use macros to view the map. Press the macro button, which would hide or blur the stream and then open the map. They could be a little annoying to set up but once they're done, they're done, and then you have a zero hassle map hider that lets you view the map in full detail without leaking it
    As for Hans, it's complicated. I can see how it might not be that harmful in most cases or that it adds to the stream but ultimately, he has been asked to stop for a long time now. I like Hans and don't like seeing the hate towards him, but it's hard to say that it's unwarranted

  • @TheOnlyKingBee
    @TheOnlyKingBee 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    i mean if someone streams the map it really doesnt help them

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      True. Yet sometimes they still complain about stream snipers as well...ha

    • @TheOnlyKingBee
      @TheOnlyKingBee 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@RobertLovesGames yeah the enemy knowing there's a tank somewhere on the front really changes how they fight lol

  • @friskscipio
    @friskscipio 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    At this point devs should just do a stream mode for the game where it automatically blocks the chat and map for the stream viewers.
    Atleast in this way you would not have to do anything special to prepare for the stream if you are lazy or it's a hassle. How hard can it really be?

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I would honestly guess it would be kind of hard to set up ha. But I'm not a developer so I don't know.
      Thanks for your thoughts on this though! Cheers!

  • @mreuro1
    @mreuro1 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    tbf there is a lot of scoopers that notice WW landings and random stuff when looking at the map that's the point of Intel Chat, so I think changing it to the hex only might be hard as you wont be able to see defences or anything, so if you call some thing out from the back lines, Revealing intel a lot of the streamers have things closed down to show as little as possible having the screen up that hides the map can be painful and when new players see this they wont be able to understand what's being talked about,

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      That's a good point about the one hex intel idea.
      Thanks for your thoughts on this and sharing! Cheers!

  • @OleHams
    @OleHams 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Zoomers ruin everything

  • @INFJ-ThaneTr
    @INFJ-ThaneTr 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Alts are a huge problem. Every frontline has multiple alts leaking Intel, sabotaging, etc. Not sure how you can say it's not a major issue with a straight face, especially if you remember prior to alt usage years ago.
    As always, it is the community that is the problem in foxhole. The community chooses to be toxic, the game becomes toxic. The community chooses to cheat, the community doesnt play fair, the game is not a fair or fun fight.
    The community is the problem

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I do remember prior alt issues and that's why I'm saying that right now it's not as much of a problem. Alting is still happening I won't deny that but it's not as much of a problem as it was before.
      And I agree with you. The community controls all of these aspects of the game. I generally think the majority of the Foxhole community is positive. 85-90%.
      Sometimes the toxic and cheaters are just the loudest.
      We still have things to work on but we are getting there and its getting better.
      Thanks for your input on this! Cheers!

  • @syunnsan
    @syunnsan 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    i think that foxhole could do with a streamer mode of some sort. in this mode they could be unable to see map intel or limit it (the map when you press N). We also need a way to completely hide chat instead of having 2-3 messages show at a time.
    I like the idea you mentioned about limiting the intel based on your hex, but it does have it's flaws, and maybe they should add new a equipment for seeing player locations or details on maps.
    overall i think the map being accessible 24/7 with all the intel with just a radio anywhere on the map isn't the best for immersion. maybe make the intel not 100% accurate so we only have a rough idea of what's going on. maybe have a text showing the player count in an approx. location instead of the 100% accurate map we have now. because lets face it, in war for that time period, we don't have that accurate information and would only have a rough estimate.
    in the end, balancing this competitive game is no easy task and there is no 1 solution to make everyone happy here.
    I really wish this game was popular enough to have multiple shards (as much as i hated multiple shards xD) because i would love to see a hardcore shard like how WoW had a PVE and PVP servers. where there is no map at all unless it was a piece of equipment with limited AI or something of the sorts, i think that'd be cool but is a bit far fetched. but we can dream can't we :p

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      They do have tools in place to help streamers hide the intel.
      I agree that having instant access of the whole map with radio does break immersion a bit. I actually thought about this more after I made this video. It would make Foxhole really rely on communication more if you only had a certain range you could see with the radio.
      Hardcore shard would be interesting lol. Just play in one war with one life and if you die you can't play until the next war /s lol.
      Thanks for your input on this! Cheers!

    • @zumorito497
      @zumorito497 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      there is a streamer mode and ive been using it but foxhole is foxhole, no matter what you do people find ways to cheat and if you plan to stream foxhole go collie, wardens too toxic about it.

  • @waterbears9874
    @waterbears9874 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    speaking of larp stuff id love to see in foxhole
    POWs: no clue how theyd include this as a real mechanic but id love it cuz tbh im one of those guys who tries to surrender sometimes and even brings injured enemies back to their friends sometimes
    Translator: before cross faction VOIP was re-added, i had an idea of a translator uniform that would allow the wearer to hear enemy mics

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      That would be really cool! Maybe it would be if you can bring back an opposing faction member to your side you get extra shirts from them or something? Or you just roleplay it up and do it anyway ha
      Cool idea! Thanks for sharing!

  • @Marcus-mz7or
    @Marcus-mz7or 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    A drastic solution would be to not publish content until the current war is over, remove all security risk

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That would be very drastic and probably hard to enforce ha.

  • @whitelegend182
    @whitelegend182 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Hans intel center do be OP

  • @A_Goat
    @A_Goat 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    All a streamer would have to do is set up a hotkey for their stream, alike how they do when going on a break/intermission so that a screen replaces the game recording, and then match it with their key-bind for opening the map in-game. That way every time they open/close the map, it shows another screen, picture, caption, whatever the hell you want to display instead.
    It's extremely simple to set up; the guy is just lazy.
    He knows he can avoid displaying the intel and yet he still gives it away willingly and leaves it up for excessive amounts of time because he gets hype from it. People make videos of him, people talk about him, other rats praise him and even though he's the villian for many he still gains some form of relevance and standing within the game because of it. Because of it, now lots of players know his name. &That's all it takes. You don't even have to be real or have done anything. The name is all it takes just like TheLegend27.

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Exactly. You get it.
      Thanks for sharing your input on this!

    • @A_Goat
      @A_Goat 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      You too man. Was a good video, thanks!

  • @naenaemister5048
    @naenaemister5048 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    i’ve had about 12-13 hours so far only seen one alt other than that it’s fine

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It's definitely not a huge problem, but it's a problem that we should keep working towards making better.
      Thanks for sharing your experience! Cheers!

  • @patrickazzarella6729
    @patrickazzarella6729 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    How can i learn about/join clans? If people are making actual battleplans and executing them, that's really cool and would love to take part

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Are you in the official Foxhole Discord? I would recommend going there and they have channel for clans and you can ask to join special groups. Like groups that do heavy operations or arty, or tanks or just logi or whatever you are looking for.
      Let me know if you need any help finding it!

  • @Zanith50
    @Zanith50 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Yes bann anyone showing intel ss13 bans streamers cos they know it ruins the fun and if the devs dont the someone should make a twitch that only streams intel for both sides with chat commands to switch hex cos why the fuck not eh?
    To alt and cheat requires SOME effort and has the possibility of getting both those acounts banned viewing a stream DOES NOT BUT Rules dont apply to streamers it seams unless your critical of the devs while they stream.....

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Yea it's interesting how the rules change from person to person. But I'm also on the side that the devs can do as they please. It's their game after all. Siege Camp does a relatively good job making sure their community is happy in my opinion.
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this! Cheers!

  • @stuartx13
    @stuartx13 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Is spying aginst the TOS? is it a sandox like eve online? if so in game and out of game is on the table.

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Not directly against TOS? But I would consider it a form of cheating. I'm sure they wouldn't let an account just stream only intel for both sides. Pretty sure that would get taken down.
      It's a bit of a grey area for sure.

  • @Specss
    @Specss 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Truth to be told. I couldn't care less. Sure if I woulf try to hide my faction intel as much as possible but then half of the time the enemy faction is probably already tapping your intel using the listening kit :v

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Respect. I think most of the intel that people are worried about is backline intel. Where people have factories set up with hardly any defense because they think they are "safe"
      Appreciate you sharing your thoughts on this! Thanks!

  • @jamyorday
    @jamyorday 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    It really shoulding be hard to get an overlay on stream. But, lets be honest, there are many ways you can get the information you need in a game. Some of which are great, like listening posts, recording footage and reviewing it after a recon mission, watchtowers or intel centers. Other ways, which suck, like alts. If someone absolutely NEEDS to get that info, they will do so regardless if Hans or other streamers will cover the map (as I do agree, they should). They will simply just buy another foxhole account and sit in home region or wherever looking at the map and studying it themselves to get the info they want, or possibly using it in their own clans or regiments. The hate Hans gets as an example, in my opinion, is way too extreme. Him covering the map is only a fraction of what the real problem is.

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      That's true they are going to find the information in some way. But why give them this extra avenue to do it?
      I get the hate he gets for leaving the map open while going to the bathroom or eating or stuff like that. Otherwise he shouldn't receive any hate. He is a great player and great for the community. Again besides leaving the map open for extended periods of time and not taking the time to at least try to hide some intel.
      Thanks for sharing your input on this! Cheers!

  • @johnnyphilosophykal142
    @johnnyphilosophykal142 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I stream foxhole and i dont get any problems from people.

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That's great! When I streamed it I never had any issues as well.
      Just some trolls like to pick on certain people I guess.
      Thanks for your input on this! Cheers!

  • @dragonltu8349
    @dragonltu8349 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    well as new foxhole player and exp player overall at games and most legit player ever i can say one thing
    about intel leak and overall how cheaters are at moment is imposible to ban all of them but certanly we can make those number go down and make it harder
    what else we can do as community is to make clans and such to filter out people from new players and alt account users sense there have same stats and such...
    and that is main way really otherwise game intel hidden stuff etc. will make exp from player less or so is hard to say... because it could be other thing and that is buying out info idk about foxhole but other games sometimes info can be sold but that is super rare thing to happen at any game but could happen if game has rank system or so
    and thats why most important thing is just create community and connect people don't be toxic for no reason only real solution that is hardest to make it out per say because there are so many people with diffrent profile and such. but we can try to while we all thinking how we should play or so
    sorry for bad english and have nice day

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I agree with this. Try and just make a better less toxic community. Which I think Foxhole is at a pretty good point compared to most other games.
      No bad english at all! Thanks for your input on this!

  • @Scarletlord
    @Scarletlord 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    It exists but its not a big problem, kinda like north korea.

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      LOL! Thanks for the chuckle ha

    • @Scarletlord
      @Scarletlord 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@RobertLovesGames But seriously dude in my experience the threat of spying often does more damage than the actual spying. 82DK has had our intel leaked so many times we changed our doctrine to account for it but we don't actively seek it out because often even if the colonials know exactly where to be we just smash through them anyway. You go down that rabbit hole you end up like Mr Larry.
      P.S Hans is a child that was never told no by his parents. You dig a little you find out what a bloody horror show that kid is, I say kid but he is an adult.. I just forget that fact sometimes. The reason he does not play warden anymore is due to the fact if he does it on our faction he gets vote banned repeatedly.

  • @cyrilsamson4707
    @cyrilsamson4707 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    There is a streamer mode in option for hude Intel, it exist a lot of possibility to hide the intel , especially the map. The streamer just have to bind his map key with an picture for hiding the map when press m .
    I hace meet hans a lot of time . Each time is precense have kill the chance to his side to succes the thibg rhey are doing .
    And its not 5 time or 6 time per hour . He is constantly on the map . Like 30 times per hour . The first time i launch his streaming he was leeking a partisan action because follow them and open the map ich minute .
    Its sad but know when i see hans i switch from front or i go backlane for logi .
    Even if its not intentionnal . Imagine. A soldier IRL how making vlog giving each time he visit a place controled by his army , he give the GPS localisation .
    How many facility , operation and BB lost because of some guys dont car at all about it ?
    May i have to kill them ich time i cross them cause they are spying? I dont want, but im a lord at bayonet and grenade launch .
    Pls deat streamers , the war is already hard and eat hundreds of our , please be nice with the simple soldier how want to make the war with skill and fair . Take litterally 2 minute to bind a picture on your M on the stream dashboard.
    Sorry for the english , im actually on the phone cause my pc burn out and its kinda awfull to use translator on phone .
    Everyone hace fun , and i come back newt week for defend deadlands :D

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Streamer mode is also super easy to set up. Thanks for bringing that up. I should have talked about that for bit in the video.
      It stinks that if you see him around you that you have to go to another hex or go do something else. That should not be happening. I did have someone tell me that they met with him the other day in game and he was not streaming and he joined them on an operation.
      Don't be sorry for the english! I was able to understand it! Nicely done! More impressed you typed all this on your phone ha.
      Hope you are still having fun as well! And maybe I will see you in the deadlands this weekend! Cheers!

  • @tropicaljelly8665
    @tropicaljelly8665 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Very simple fix, foxhole should ip ban :D

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ha that would be nice for the alts and night hackers

  • @greendragon1219
    @greendragon1219 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    having both factions make a sort of intell centre where major clan leaders have the whole map(there side)s intell would be cool a random soldier on the eastern front did not know how in detail what was happening at the western front unless directly told or being send that intel
    only having the intell of the hex and surounding hexes would be more realistic
    untill late game where intell goes true the roof with concrete centres

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ha! That sounds like a really interesting idea. I'd be willing to try it.
      Thanks for sharing that! Cheers!

  • @Anno1990
    @Anno1990 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Honesly i dont believe the couple seconds the see in the stream is strong inuf to gain intel on it whats going on as soon the yell blob incoming its already happend becaus the map is already delayed and i also beleving the streams got delayd al if its it just for 1 second the game loop and game play loop to fast to gain stupid intel and cheaters i got 1600 hours in and never rage quit the game becaus i felt cheatet and its no game that take 30 min one round its a 4 week long one round

    • @RobertLovesGames
      @RobertLovesGames  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Yea for attacks on the frontline that kind of intel is not going to do much. And agreed this game is all about starving the other team out. Battles can be won in a day but wars are won now over 20-30 days. Stay strong out there lads!
      Thanks for your input! Cheers!