Thanks for your sharing. it is very realistic and practical to those who are already in toronto and to those who are planning to go to toronto, although I am in Hong Kong. May I suggest you that to consider going to US after you have obtained the canadian citizenship because more job opportunity and the salary is much much more higher in US than in Canada.
喺我嘅印象中,我就覺得多倫多嘅夏天好熱。 因為我幾十年前住過喺多倫多大學研究生宿舍 ,嗰陣時係冇冷氣, 當然亦都唔會有寬頻, 房間就只有一條電話線, 有線電視都係冇! 我住喺四樓亦即係頂樓,去到夏天,啲太陽蒸完天棚之後,熱到我整晚瞓唔著, 當時做學生嘅我, 唯一可以做就係沖去唐人街買張蓆,係咁多!😆😆😆
@@RAChannel_ 梗係難忘啦, 自己窮唔可以怪多倫多嘅。但係多倫多嘅夏天, 我就覺得好熱, 冬天因為冇車嘅關係覺得好乸凍! 經常要喺登打士街行半個鐘返去多倫多大學 Bloor Street 嘅研究生宿舍。依家喺google map睇到,已經改成咗十幾層高嘅現代建築物, 每間房有冷暖氣有得上網, 每張床都又有mattress, 樓下又有coffee shop, 依家做大學生比起我哋幾十年前真係幸福好多!😄😄😄
@@ARTCNKwan-gj8jh 係!而家真係幸福好多,好似我住condo 冬天又有暖氣,夏天又有冷氣。同以前真係冇得比!
去加拿大搵工,女仔搵OFFICE工好易請,如果薪金要求不太高 ! 男人係加拿大找工作就好難.........
Factual information. Good to let new comers know. A Canadian here. In most cases, years of experience gives you good salary.😊
Rachel, 你真係好叻女🎉
Thank you :))
Thanks for your sharing.
多謝🙏 希望下星期出到😹
Thanks for your sharing. it is very realistic and practical to those who are already in toronto and to those who are planning to go to toronto, although I am in Hong Kong. May I suggest you that to consider going to US after you have obtained the canadian citizenship because more job opportunity and the salary is much much more higher in US than in Canada.
Thank you for your suggestion Samuel!!
I don't like the government in Canada and the lifestyle
Hi 請問由申請到獲批出PR, 需時幾耐?我由申請到現在已經8個月,還未收到IRCC的成功獲批email
我個陣係半年呀~ 等候時間都好睇你個officer, 所以如果你已經到最後既steps, 唯有耐心d等下🙈 我個陣都比其他同期申請既人遲批, 都冇咩可以做到🙊
當然啦 仲可以周圍去玩😼
點做到3300內 租都超過一半🥲🥲🥲
🥹因為早一批黎 目前租金還算便宜
係2/3or more😢
Thanks for your share😊😊