Very nice video, but most of all, I like the phrase : `´... I will enjoy to watch 20 years later to look back.....`` matching perfect with the last song !! (Athen)
thanks! 💖 without the accommodation (including breakfast) the expenses have been very different from day to day tbh. (the boat trip, the bikes rental costs,...) for food per day we spent about 20€ ☺️
Ihr zwei hübschen🥰
deine videos sind einfach anders aesthetic und strahlen so einen positiven vibe aus! man merkt wieviel mühe du dir gibst, ich liebs einfach🥺💘
oh wow danke!!😩💖 freut mich soo
I loved the all music to this video, amazing work and edit!!
thank you so much!
The editing is super cool. Sweet video!
Omg girl such a vibe! 💗 wish I were you
Love your videos btw ✨
Love it girl, this video is a vibe!❤🌊
ahh thanks!!
such a wholesome video
thanks girl💖 I am editing with final cut pro and using Procreate for the handwritten subs :)
Very nice video, but most of all, I like the phrase : `´... I will enjoy to watch 20 years later to look back.....`` matching perfect with the last song !! (Athen)
This is my dream I actually have family there but we don’t know one another that well.
What tutorial on TH-cam did you watch to learn to do the drawn animations?
Χαίρομαι πολύ που σας άρεσε ο τόπος μας !! 🥰🇬🇷 very nice video
that's so nice to hear! thank you 💖
beautiful video! do you know how much you spent a day (not including accommodation)?
thanks! 💖 without the accommodation (including breakfast) the expenses have been very different from day to day tbh.
(the boat trip, the bikes rental costs,...) for food per day we spent about 20€ ☺️
wie machst du die animation das sich die schrift so schreibt
Welche Kamera nutzt du, um zu filmen?
die Sony ZV-1 :)
@@siljade danke
What time of year was this? And was the water cold?
Min 20.34: On her phone you can see is 30th of August, when they go to the airport back to Germany
Bitte mehr Marie closeups👍
find ich auch gut🤝🤝
Did you need a vaccine to get into bars and restaurants?