You got lucky with your under 1000 bottle! I even ordered mine midnight and got a 1763 and a 1976, decided I’d open the 1976, already almost used it up, gonna have to snag at least 5-6 more bottles 😩 Already got it in some tacos, whole lotsa chicken, gonna see how it tastes in some salads next, definitely does go well with a lot!
Hell yeah!
……not just a band with Panteras drummer! 😂
Chicken u say….as soon as I think I’m outta the hot sauce game, you gotta go n pull me back in my Hamburgler
You got lucky with your under 1000 bottle! I even ordered mine midnight and got a 1763 and a 1976, decided I’d open the 1976, already almost used it up, gonna have to snag at least 5-6 more bottles 😩
Already got it in some tacos, whole lotsa chicken, gonna see how it tastes in some salads next, definitely does go well with a lot!
For sure, I love it!
I just got mine and it was bottle 426
I ordered two bottles. Got #0735, and #2,500. Tried, delicious, my brain instantly thought of fish tacos.
Good call with the fish! I bet it would be great on that!
I pre ordered 3 bottles mine has not shipped yet, I will update with my bottle numbers once I receive my order.
Awesome thanks!!
I ended up getting #3084 #3089 and #3092
Thanks for coming back and sharing!!
Wastelander MitchFlix approved
Just got mine today ordered two got four 😅 not gunna open it
Ordering it now if it's still available
It should be! Preorders for numbered bottles were back in April but it should be open for full release now. You have my word, it’s good.