For over four years now I have been suffering from SUNCT, another form of migraine. I have to be taking medications, otherwise, I can handle it… last night I really had a dream that I met you in person and when I woke up this morning I wanted to play my usual morning worship songs, I suddenly saw this video about being healed from migraine… I am hopeful that one day I will be free. thanks for sharing this. God is amazing.
As a person who suffers from chronic migraines praise God for your healing. This made me so emotional.🥹 Thank you so much for sharing your testimony💕. I trust the miracles of the Lord and am looking forward to the day I am free from them.
I’m so glad this encouraged you. I’m believing and praying in agreement. And even if He doesn’t, He is still good and will use this for the better. Amen! Love and blessings!!! 🥹💖🙏
Thank you for sharing your story. I too was healed of my migraines. I used to have migraines for weeks straight, I would maybe get a day or two reprieve, and then weeks of pain. I took massive doses of Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen, but nothing helped. My mother suffered terribly with them, so I figured it was just heredity (and maybe just a little payback for when we used to not let her rest when we were little cause we didn't understand, LOL) They were awful, and I at one point had one so bad I thought I had a stroke because it slightly paralyzed the left side of my face for a time. I finally went to the doctor (this was a big deal for me because I am not a doctor person and I don't like taking prescriptions) and started taking daily medication to quell them, and it worked. One day at church, the pastor said he felt led to pray for the congregation, and he started saying that he felt someone who was having basically something going on with their head. We all were praying together for healing, and I was thinking is this for me? As we were praying as a church, I felt the weirdest prickling's on the top of my head. They were very slight, so I really thought nothing of it. I continued to pray and said God, I don't know if this is for me or someone else, but I am going to believe and stop taking my medication. I figured if it was for me, I would not have any more migraines, and if the healing was not for me, then I would just go back to taking my medication. I wasn't testing God, but I just didn't know if that was for me, but I wanted to have faith and believe that it was. I stopped my medication cold turkey, and never had a migraine since. That was like 2011-2012. Now I still get headaches here and there if I sleep wrong, am dehydrated, or if a weather pressure system is coming through, but I never get migraines. I use my story, along with some other things that could only be from God, to let people know that, yes, God is real.
Thank you for sharing this testimony. I want one day to share mine. I know God is working on my healing right now. Please pray for my healing. I’m battling cancer in my right eye causing me to also be blind and it’s also very painful. I also want to grow in my faith and a relationship with God.
I totally relate to this. ❤ God is so good. All my life I dealt with constipation/ ibs. I’m 24 and in the beginning of 2023 everything just went worse. I started having really bad acid reflux, not being able to breathe, my nervous system goes crazy and I can’t even pass gas and end of burping/ hiccuping all day. It really took a toll on my mental health, I became so afraid of eating because how bad the bloating is, I lost all my weight, and I am now 55 pounds, I lost my period, but I see God, I feel God with me everyday! I believe He is going to help me, restore me, and I hope I can carry out His wonderful plan for my life! ❤😊 Praise God He has healed You.
Also in November 2023 God brought back my period for one day, it wasn’t a lot, but that gives me hope. ❤ He is soo good, Jesus is so sweet, His Spirit comforts us all.
Wow thank you for sharing. Praying for complete healing for you! He is moving and He is working even when we can’t see or feel it yet! Amen! 🥹🙏💖 love and blessings!!!
You are the sweetest soul, I don’t know you but I can just tell. Such a faith you have! Migraines are not for the weak let alone for the strong, our God truly is a healer! 💖 Thank you soo much for sharing.
Yes and Amen! I pray the Lord continues to protect you and keep you safe and praying for complete healing. And even if He doesn’t, He’s still good. By His stripes. Amen. 🙏🙏🙏
I encourage you to look up the Carnivore way of eating. It has healed others with schizophrenia. Many who have been healed from many things with this ways of eating have believed God led them to Carnivore so I also believe God is in it!
💙🤓 Thank you for sharing your testimony with us. I've gone through somethimg very similar but in reference to fertility. The Doctors were saying one thing but through His Word God was telling me the opposite. Now I have my baby with me,living prove of God's power and the power of our faith and trust in Him. My son is three months old Praise the Lord! Thank you for remembering me how important it is our faith in God and to maintain ourselves focused on it instead of what the world says. May God Bless you. ❤
Yes girl!!! Praise God! 🙌 I know exactly what u are talking about. I suffer from migraines as well and they are devastating. I pray that God heals me completely and I am so thankful that He has healed you! ❤️
This video was so encouraging to me. I am currently dealing with TMJD, an issue with my jaw that makes it hard for me to eat most foods that aren't soft. It's been a long and hard journey, and I am still praying for healing. What keeps me going is knowing that God is refining me and making me better!! I fully trust and believe that He is going to heal me, and you echoed some of my thoughts that there is no way he brought me this far for me to suffer forever. I often have doubtful thoughts but remembering the scriptures you mentioned helps a lot!! thank you so much for sharing!!!
I've had chronic migraines since I was 17 but for me, it was as a result from eating disorders and over-exercising. I'm 27 now and still dealing with them. However, I like to think of them as my body reminding me to eat and to take things slow. I've recently learned that what I personally need to pray about is for God to heal the underlying things that lead to my migraines. I've been an extremely insecure person all of my life and even though I know I was made in God's image, it's been a battle for me to fully believe that I am beautiful and wonderful in God's eyes. I have tried so many medications and am now getting Botox every 3 months which is sooo expensive. I pray that God heal me from these insecurities so that I can learn to love my body that He gave me, to take care of it, to love myself because He loves me. I want to learn to see food as nourishment, to not be afraid of my weight and to remove this whole idea of what beauty is. My migraines are strongly correlated to this and I just have to keep praying and BELIEVING that God will heal me.
Hi Rebecca! I loved your video! I have also been miraculously healed of an autoimmune disease. It’s been more than 10 years! I had to really learn and know what Jesus did on the cross for my healing and He came through for me. I thank God every day for my healing and pray for others to experience this healing it is for us! God bless you and keep making videos!🤗💕❤️
This was such a. Beautiful testimony! I love the way you tell stories and u have such a gentle spirit. So proud of you for being strong and having a huge faith in God!!
Hi! I absolutely love your videos, they are super inspiring and filled with God’s love and peace. I’m super happy God has healed you 💛 He’s a healer and our Father who only wants the best for His daughters! If it’s not too much, please pray for me as I journey through deepening my knowledge in God’s Word and strengthening my relationship with God and Jesus. Please pray for my mental and physical health 🥹💛 Thank you so much!
Yes and amen! Lord please bless my sister Jenny and give her wisdom, understanding, and the courage to apply it into her life to see what you have for her. Please continue to protect her-physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. We are excited to see what You have in store. In Jesus’ Name, amen! 🙏💛
Thank you for sharing! I have a similar story but with high blood pressure. I was in my 30’s when it began. The doctor put me on medication and I also asked how long I would have to take it. She told me it’s for life, just to think of it as taking daily vitamins. I was in shock I couldn’t believe what she said, and I didn’t believe it. I believe one day I would get off the meds. Praise God since 2021 I no longer need to take the medication! What you mentioned about your observations about triggers, they are all the same for me. It is so important for us to give our anxiety/stress to God, get good sleep, and stay hydrated! I praise God he has revealed this to so many for healing from many illnesses. It’s the way He created our bodies! Science proves how amazing our God is!
Amen. Praise God. My name is Helen and I use to suffer with migraines also. If God was not in my life I dont know where I would be. But thank you Jesus I dont have them anymore. Thank you for sharing. God Bless you.
On June 13, 2024 my husband, son, and I were hit by a semi. Son was just fine, little bit of scrapes, but I had a seizure for the first and only time ever, and I was in a coma for two weeks. My husband was the most affected. He died three times, but an off-duty nurse kept him going. He also had 5 fractured ribs, and his spleen ruptured completely, so they had to remove it. I thank God for that nurse that was there, and I thank Him for my husband and son being alive. GOD IS SO GOOD!! 🩷
Good morning Rebecca, I hope you are having a good morning! Thank you for sharing your powerful healing testimony! I'm so glad for your healing! Praise God! This morning I was in the word and I don't remember where I found it but it was marked in blue. It said rejoice not because you have power over spirits, but rejoice that your name is written in heaven. I will think on that today. Also, in my prayer time I was reminded to abide. It was so important that I heard it 3 times. God is so good! And such a loving teacher! May you have a blessed day and week! Peace and love and many blessings!! Ruth 💖 💖 💖 xoxo
🤓💙 Hi, Rebecca, thank you so much for sharing! God bless you! i have a jaw pain that does not go away, i did a radio with the dentist and nothing seems wrong but i am still in pain! but i believe i am healed in Jesus mighty name! Amen🙏
Hey Rebecca! I haven't commented in a long time, but I hope you are doing well. 😊 I'm so happy to hear that God cleared up your migraines! 🙏 I remember you were struggling a lot with them. It's great to see you posting more again. Your videos are always very impactful and ones like these definitely hit me in my feels. 😅 I wish you the best in your future and your continued walk with God!
Hi Rebecca... happy new year 2025... love your Christmas tree background... really bless by your life experience miracle... how r u now? stay healthy Rebecca... your experience makes me remember one of my church member who suffering from a tumor on her neck... she's a 😄school teacher... her ailment really effect her work, family and ministry. Doctor ask her to do a surgery to remove the lump, but her husband who is also a teacher, want to live what he preach in our church, for 3 years they pray and pray for healing... in 2023 last year, the lump was never to be seen again... i witness this miracle... and really bless with this miracles... truely our God is amazing God... will always pray for your health Rebecca... keep up your ministry and God bless u...
Happy new year! I’m sad to take down the Christmas decor… I always love the holiday decorations! Thank you for asking. I’m doing okay! Physically I’m doing great and still not hurting from migraines. Going through some things emotionally but I know everything will work itself out by the grace of God. Wow, thanks for sharing that story.. what a powerful testimony of God’s healing. He is the Master Physician! Praise the Lord. He is so good! 🥹🙏💖 God bless you!
🤓 💙 It was good to hear your testimony. It was good to hear your process. The medicine in the beginning helped you gain clarity even with the side effects. You were able to connect with God more and have the confidence to wean yourself. Take care of your health. The mind is a battlefield so keep putting on the armor of God. May God bless you in his peace. 😊
Vou escrever em português Mas eu tive essas mesmas enxaquecas, nunca tive antes e sofri muito, fui curado delas mas ainda sinto as vezes dor de cabeça então ainda tô preso nos analgésicos. O problema é que desenvolvi depressão em seguida mas o Senhor tem me dado graça e tenho sido vitorioso no meu dia a dia
I have mixed emotions. Of course, I'm so happy you're doing better and I hope it lasts so your faith is not crushed if the migraines return. But many Christians DO have chronic, uncurable conditions. I have health problems BY THE GRACE OF GOD. Nothing touches me apart from God's will. God causes all these things, so who am I to fight against God? Of course, it's okay to pray for healing, but our faith must not be dependent on healing, as you suggested. Many Christians (not necessarily you) push inaccurate and harmful beliefs about health. I can't count the number of times Christians have told ME that my sickness is because of sin and I need to repent or that I lack faith to be healed. Both imply that something is wrong with me for being sick and this is not true. Yes, sickness *can* be a result of sinful choices, but not always. And if not being healed is a lack of faith, then Paul lacked faith because he asked God to take away his sickness and God did not heal him (2 Corinthians 12). As Job said, "Should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?” So in all this, Job said nothing wrong. (Job 2:10). If you start looking, you'll find COUNTLESS instances in the Bible where God TAKES CREDIT for things we normally find undesirable. Moses apparently had a speech problem and the Lord said to him, "Who makes a person’s mouth? Who decides whether people speak or do not speak, hear or do not hear, see or do not see? Is it not I, the Lord?" (Exodus 4:11). God takes responsibility for disabilities. God is the cause and unashamed to take credit for it. This doesn't make God the author of evil, as some people suggest, but rather it makes God SOVEREIGN. Anyone (not necessarily you) who says all sickness is caused by the devil gives the devil too much power. I'd much rather fall into the hands of a loving God who is sovereign over my sickness than falsely believe that the devil has a power over me that God can't thwart. That's faith in the devil. All this is to say, I'm thrilled you had a positive experience, but understand the whole word of God on the subject so you don't become one of the Christians who uses bad theology to beat up Christians who they deem weak in faith for being sick. You did fine in this talk, but I'm offering some additional insight for your consideration so you become well-balanced as you speak to other Christians who may not be healed. Much love and many blessings to you!
Hi friend! Super appreciate your input and what you say is so true. There’s just simply not enough time to talk about every perspective and every detail in full. I’m glad you brought this up and I agree with you 100%. Soooo true that it way better to be in the hands of a loving God who is sovereign over sickness than have faith in the devil. I apologize if it comes off as me saying that you’re (general) still sick because you don’t have enough faith or you’re living in sin.. obviously from Job, we know that’s not true. I was more trying to say that… maybe consider that you could be living in freedom of some sort but you are not because you have a more narrow view… of just what you can see in the body or feel in the soul. I speak to people like myself who may naturally be a little bit more pessimistic and give up before the battle even begins (especially the battles in the mind). Love and blessings! Appreciate you pointing this out. Definitely an essential point that I didn’t have time to bring up.
@@rebeccaly I just noticed your reply. I came back to this post because I've been praying for you this week and God reminded me that I had migraines in my early 20s. My doctor told me that many women get migraines in their 20s because their hormones are so high, but most women grow out of it. That was true for me and I pray it is true for you. Hang in there sweet girl!
Thank for sharing Your testimony. 💛🥰 Don’t trip your super adorable and really delightfully sweet, scientists sharing authentically introduce trust. I’m here for it. I’m so happy for You and really encouraged God healed You. Thank You again and Amen 🫶🏾🙏🏾🙂 And your right Praise they Did ! Daniel 3: 51-90 DRC1752 ( These praises appear in the Douay-Rheims and Latin Vulgate Bible )
For over four years now I have been suffering from SUNCT, another form of migraine. I have to be taking medications, otherwise, I can handle it… last night I really had a dream that I met you in person and when I woke up this morning I wanted to play my usual morning worship songs, I suddenly saw this video about being healed from migraine… I am hopeful that one day I will be free. thanks for sharing this. God is amazing.
He healed me at a CRUCIAL moment of agony and I can never be thankful enough! God bless you Sister!
Praise the Lord!! He is so good and loving 🥹🙏
God bless you too!!
As a person who suffers from chronic migraines praise God for your healing. This made me so emotional.🥹 Thank you so much for sharing your testimony💕. I trust the miracles of the Lord and am looking forward to the day I am free from them.
I’m so glad this encouraged you. I’m believing and praying in agreement. And even if He doesn’t, He is still good and will use this for the better. Amen! Love and blessings!!! 🥹💖🙏
Glory to God!! What a blessing 🤍🥺 we should not conform to the diagnosis of doctors, but rather seek healing in God, who is the Doctors of doctors.
Yes and Amen! The Master Physician 🥺🙏
Thank you for sharing your story. I too was healed of my migraines. I used to have migraines for weeks straight, I would maybe get a day or two reprieve, and then weeks of pain. I took massive doses of Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen, but nothing helped. My mother suffered terribly with them, so I figured it was just heredity (and maybe just a little payback for when we used to not let her rest when we were little cause we didn't understand, LOL) They were awful, and I at one point had one so bad I thought I had a stroke because it slightly paralyzed the left side of my face for a time. I finally went to the doctor (this was a big deal for me because I am not a doctor person and I don't like taking prescriptions) and started taking daily medication to quell them, and it worked. One day at church, the pastor said he felt led to pray for the congregation, and he started saying that he felt someone who was having basically something going on with their head. We all were praying together for healing, and I was thinking is this for me? As we were praying as a church, I felt the weirdest prickling's on the top of my head. They were very slight, so I really thought nothing of it. I continued to pray and said God, I don't know if this is for me or someone else, but I am going to believe and stop taking my medication. I figured if it was for me, I would not have any more migraines, and if the healing was not for me, then I would just go back to taking my medication. I wasn't testing God, but I just didn't know if that was for me, but I wanted to have faith and believe that it was. I stopped my medication cold turkey, and never had a migraine since. That was like 2011-2012. Now I still get headaches here and there if I sleep wrong, am dehydrated, or if a weather pressure system is coming through, but I never get migraines. I use my story, along with some other things that could only be from God, to let people know that, yes, God is real.
Thank you for sharing this testimony. I want one day to share mine. I know God is working on my healing right now. Please pray for my healing. I’m battling cancer in my right eye causing me to also be blind and it’s also very painful. I also want to grow in my faith and a relationship with God.
Praying for you sis. Thank you for sharing your story 🙏🙏🤍 Lord please do what only You can do. Amen!
I totally relate to this. ❤ God is so good. All my life I dealt with constipation/ ibs. I’m 24 and in the beginning of 2023 everything just went worse. I started having really bad acid reflux, not being able to breathe, my nervous system goes crazy and I can’t even pass gas and end of burping/ hiccuping all day. It really took a toll on my mental health, I became so afraid of eating because how bad the bloating is, I lost all my weight, and I am now 55 pounds, I lost my period, but I see God, I feel God with me everyday! I believe He is going to help me, restore me, and I hope I can carry out His wonderful plan for my life! ❤😊 Praise God He has healed You.
Also in November 2023 God brought back my period for one day, it wasn’t a lot, but that gives me hope. ❤ He is soo good, Jesus is so sweet, His Spirit comforts us all.
I am praying for complete healing and restoration in your body in Jesus name amen.
@@jodythi1 Thank you, May God bless you ❤️🌸
Wow thank you for sharing. Praying for complete healing for you! He is moving and He is working even when we can’t see or feel it yet! Amen! 🥹🙏💖 love and blessings!!!
@@rebeccaly thank you 💗🙏
You are the sweetest soul, I don’t know you but I can just tell. Such a faith you have! Migraines are not for the weak let alone for the strong, our God truly is a healer! 💖
Thank you soo much for sharing.
Hi Rebecca, God is so so good. I believe in God's healing. I was diagnosed with schizophrenia. God is still healing me by His Stripes we are healed.
Yes and Amen! I pray the Lord continues to protect you and keep you safe and praying for complete healing. And even if He doesn’t, He’s still good. By His stripes. Amen. 🙏🙏🙏
I encourage you to look up the Carnivore way of eating. It has healed others with schizophrenia. Many who have been healed from many things with this ways of eating have believed God led them to Carnivore so I also believe God is in it!
💙🤓 Thank you for sharing your testimony with us. I've gone through somethimg very similar but in reference to fertility. The Doctors were saying one thing but through His Word God was telling me the opposite. Now I have my baby with me,living prove of God's power and the power of our faith and trust in Him. My son is three months old Praise the Lord! Thank you for remembering me how important it is our faith in God and to maintain ourselves focused on it instead of what the world says. May God Bless you. ❤
Wow praise God! Thank you for sharing your story! I know your life is so encouraging to many. Blessings 🥹🙏🤍
Yes girl!!! Praise God! 🙌 I know exactly what u are talking about. I suffer from migraines as well and they are devastating. I pray that God heals me completely and I am so thankful that He has healed you! ❤️
This video was so encouraging to me. I am currently dealing with TMJD, an issue with my jaw that makes it hard for me to eat most foods that aren't soft. It's been a long and hard journey, and I am still praying for healing. What keeps me going is knowing that God is refining me and making me better!! I fully trust and believe that He is going to heal me, and you echoed some of my thoughts that there is no way he brought me this far for me to suffer forever. I often have doubtful thoughts but remembering the scriptures you mentioned helps a lot!! thank you so much for sharing!!!
I've had chronic migraines since I was 17 but for me, it was as a result from eating disorders and over-exercising. I'm 27 now and still dealing with them. However, I like to think of them as my body reminding me to eat and to take things slow. I've recently learned that what I personally need to pray about is for God to heal the underlying things that lead to my migraines. I've been an extremely insecure person all of my life and even though I know I was made in God's image, it's been a battle for me to fully believe that I am beautiful and wonderful in God's eyes. I have tried so many medications and am now getting Botox every 3 months which is sooo expensive. I pray that God heal me from these insecurities so that I can learn to love my body that He gave me, to take care of it, to love myself because He loves me. I want to learn to see food as nourishment, to not be afraid of my weight and to remove this whole idea of what beauty is. My migraines are strongly correlated to this and I just have to keep praying and BELIEVING that God will heal me.
Hi Rebecca! I loved your video! I have also been miraculously healed of an autoimmune disease. It’s been more than 10 years! I had to really learn and know what Jesus did on the cross for my healing and He came through for me. I thank God every day for my healing and pray for others to experience this healing it is for us! God bless you and keep making videos!🤗💕❤️
Wowww so good. Amen! So happy for you. The Lord is so good 🥹🙏💖 God bless you too! Lots of love
This was such a. Beautiful testimony! I love the way you tell stories and u have such a gentle spirit. So proud of you for being strong and having a huge faith in God!!
This is so kind and encouraging. Thank you for listening to my testimony! God bless you 🥹🙏💖
Hi! I absolutely love your videos, they are super inspiring and filled with God’s love and peace. I’m super happy God has healed you 💛 He’s a healer and our Father who only wants the best for His daughters! If it’s not too much, please pray for me as I journey through deepening my knowledge in God’s Word and strengthening my relationship with God and Jesus. Please pray for my mental and physical health 🥹💛 Thank you so much!
Yes and amen! Lord please bless my sister Jenny and give her wisdom, understanding, and the courage to apply it into her life to see what you have for her. Please continue to protect her-physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. We are excited to see what You have in store. In Jesus’ Name, amen! 🙏💛
Thank you for sharing! I have a similar story but with high blood pressure. I was in my 30’s when it began. The doctor put me on medication and I also asked how long I would have to take it. She told me it’s for life, just to think of it as taking daily vitamins. I was in shock I couldn’t believe what she said, and I didn’t believe it. I believe one day I would get off the meds. Praise God since 2021 I no longer need to take the medication! What you mentioned about your observations about triggers, they are all the same for me. It is so important for us to give our anxiety/stress to God, get good sleep, and stay hydrated! I praise God he has revealed this to so many for healing from many illnesses. It’s the way He created our bodies! Science proves how amazing our God is!
Please come back you are the best teacher
Amen. Praise God. My name is Helen and I use to suffer with migraines also. If God was not in my life I dont know where I would be. But thank you Jesus I dont have them anymore. Thank you for sharing. God Bless you.
Hi Helen! Praise God for His goodness, faithfulness, and healing!! Amen 🙏 God bless you!! 💖
I love hearing your voice Rebecca! You’re more than you know!
So sweet! Thank you 🥺🥺🫶🏼
On June 13, 2024 my husband, son, and I were hit by a semi. Son was just fine, little bit of scrapes, but I had a seizure for the first and only time ever, and I was in a coma for two weeks. My husband was the most affected. He died three times, but an off-duty nurse kept him going. He also had 5 fractured ribs, and his spleen ruptured completely, so they had to remove it. I thank God for that nurse that was there, and I thank Him for my husband and son being alive. GOD IS SO GOOD!! 🩷
Bless your heart. ❤ Your faith is strong and He healed you. Praise God, thank you for sharing this. 🙏❤🙏
Thank you so much! Praise the Lord! Love and blessings 🥹💖🙏
God is so good. Praise the Lord! 🙌🏻
Amen! He’s so good 🥹🙏
I started taking nurtec. It’s worked wonders. In Jesus name I will also be healed 🙌🏻
Yes and amen!! 🙏✨
Let’s pray for all these people in the comments
Yess!! 🙏🙏💖
You’re so angelic and sweet! 🩵
You’re so kind, thank you!! 🥹🩵
God is so good!!!
So so good! Amen 🙏
Good morning Rebecca, I hope you are having a good morning! Thank you for sharing your powerful healing testimony! I'm so glad for your healing! Praise God! This morning I was in the word and I don't remember where I found it but it was marked in blue. It said rejoice not because you have power over spirits, but rejoice that your name is written in heaven. I will think on that today. Also, in my prayer time I was reminded to abide. It was so important that I heard it 3 times. God is so good! And such a loving teacher! May you have a blessed day and week! Peace and love and many blessings!! Ruth 💖 💖 💖 xoxo
Hey Rebecca, thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your testimony and this is very inspiring, informative and spiritual.🙏🏿💕
Thank you for watching 💖
Rebecca, I am so happy to hear that you have been healed! Praise God! I am continuing to pray for you!
Thank you so much Jody! Means so much to me 🥹💖🙏
@@rebeccaly yes, of course! I’m grateful for you, may the Lord continue to bless you, your family, and your ministry 🙏
You are a real one ❤
Thank you for sharing, may God bless you.
Thank you! You too! Love and blessings 🥹🙏💖
You are such a blessing. Thank you for your testimony. ❤
Thank you so much! You are too 💖💖
Praise God thanks for sharing your testimony 🙏🙏
Praise God!! Thank you for listening 💖
Thank you for your prayer 🙏
You are so welcome! 🙏
Praise God, you are truly a gift from God. God is a healer through your faith. Thank you for sharing, ❤.
Amen! Thank you for listening 🥹🙏💖
Praise God I am praying and believing for my healing
Yes and amen!! 🙏
🤓💙 Hi, Rebecca, thank you so much for sharing! God bless you! i have a jaw pain that does not go away, i did a radio with the dentist and nothing seems wrong but i am still in pain! but i believe i am healed in Jesus mighty name! Amen🙏
Hey Rebecca! I haven't commented in a long time, but I hope you are doing well. 😊 I'm so happy to hear that God cleared up your migraines! 🙏 I remember you were struggling a lot with them. It's great to see you posting more again. Your videos are always very impactful and ones like these definitely hit me in my feels. 😅 I wish you the best in your future and your continued walk with God!
Hi Rebecca... happy new year 2025... love your Christmas tree background... really bless by your life experience miracle... how r u now? stay healthy Rebecca... your experience makes me remember one of my church member who suffering from a tumor on her neck... she's a 😄school teacher... her ailment really effect her work, family and ministry. Doctor ask her to do a surgery to remove the lump, but her husband who is also a teacher, want to live what he preach in our church, for 3 years they pray and pray for healing... in 2023 last year, the lump was never to be seen again... i witness this miracle... and really bless with this miracles... truely our God is amazing God... will always pray for your health Rebecca... keep up your ministry and God bless u...
Happy new year! I’m sad to take down the Christmas decor… I always love the holiday decorations! Thank you for asking. I’m doing okay! Physically I’m doing great and still not hurting from migraines. Going through some things emotionally but I know everything will work itself out by the grace of God.
Wow, thanks for sharing that story.. what a powerful testimony of God’s healing. He is the Master Physician! Praise the Lord. He is so good! 🥹🙏💖 God bless you!
Amen sister!!!
🤓 💙 It was good to hear your testimony. It was good to hear your process. The medicine in the beginning helped you gain clarity even with the side effects. You were able to connect with God more and have the confidence to wean yourself. Take care of your health. The mind is a battlefield so keep putting on the armor of God. May God bless you in his peace. 😊
thank u for sharing this testimony
Thanks for listening! 🥹🙏 yes I did get covid shots but I didn’t get any side effects from them
Vou escrever em português
Mas eu tive essas mesmas enxaquecas, nunca tive antes e sofri muito, fui curado delas mas ainda sinto as vezes dor de cabeça então ainda tô preso nos analgésicos.
O problema é que desenvolvi depressão em seguida mas o Senhor tem me dado graça e tenho sido vitorioso no meu dia a dia
I have mixed emotions. Of course, I'm so happy you're doing better and I hope it lasts so your faith is not crushed if the migraines return. But many Christians DO have chronic, uncurable conditions. I have health problems BY THE GRACE OF GOD. Nothing touches me apart from God's will. God causes all these things, so who am I to fight against God? Of course, it's okay to pray for healing, but our faith must not be dependent on healing, as you suggested. Many Christians (not necessarily you) push inaccurate and harmful beliefs about health. I can't count the number of times Christians have told ME that my sickness is because of sin and I need to repent or that I lack faith to be healed. Both imply that something is wrong with me for being sick and this is not true. Yes, sickness *can* be a result of sinful choices, but not always. And if not being healed is a lack of faith, then Paul lacked faith because he asked God to take away his sickness and God did not heal him (2 Corinthians 12). As Job said, "Should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?” So in all this, Job said nothing wrong. (Job 2:10). If you start looking, you'll find COUNTLESS instances in the Bible where God TAKES CREDIT for things we normally find undesirable. Moses apparently had a speech problem and the Lord said to him, "Who makes a person’s mouth? Who decides whether people speak or do not speak, hear or do not hear, see or do not see? Is it not I, the Lord?" (Exodus 4:11). God takes responsibility for disabilities. God is the cause and unashamed to take credit for it. This doesn't make God the author of evil, as some people suggest, but rather it makes God SOVEREIGN. Anyone (not necessarily you) who says all sickness is caused by the devil gives the devil too much power. I'd much rather fall into the hands of a loving God who is sovereign over my sickness than falsely believe that the devil has a power over me that God can't thwart. That's faith in the devil. All this is to say, I'm thrilled you had a positive experience, but understand the whole word of God on the subject so you don't become one of the Christians who uses bad theology to beat up Christians who they deem weak in faith for being sick. You did fine in this talk, but I'm offering some additional insight for your consideration so you become well-balanced as you speak to other Christians who may not be healed. Much love and many blessings to you!
Hi friend! Super appreciate your input and what you say is so true. There’s just simply not enough time to talk about every perspective and every detail in full. I’m glad you brought this up and I agree with you 100%. Soooo true that it way better to be in the hands of a loving God who is sovereign over sickness than have faith in the devil.
I apologize if it comes off as me saying that you’re (general) still sick because you don’t have enough faith or you’re living in sin.. obviously from Job, we know that’s not true. I was more trying to say that… maybe consider that you could be living in freedom of some sort but you are not because you have a more narrow view… of just what you can see in the body or feel in the soul. I speak to people like myself who may naturally be a little bit more pessimistic and give up before the battle even begins (especially the battles in the mind).
Love and blessings! Appreciate you pointing this out. Definitely an essential point that I didn’t have time to bring up.
@@rebeccaly I just noticed your reply. I came back to this post because I've been praying for you this week and God reminded me that I had migraines in my early 20s. My doctor told me that many women get migraines in their 20s because their hormones are so high, but most women grow out of it. That was true for me and I pray it is true for you. Hang in there sweet girl!
God is good :D You give me Cali girl vibes, I know a good ministry there that puts stuff on YT called Good Fight Ministries.
Thank for sharing Your testimony.
💛🥰 Don’t trip your super adorable and really delightfully sweet, scientists sharing authentically introduce trust. I’m here for it.
I’m so happy for You and really encouraged God healed You.
Thank You again and Amen
And your right Praise they Did !
Daniel 3: 51-90 DRC1752
( These praises appear in the Douay-Rheims and Latin Vulgate Bible )
Thank you for listening and thanks for your kind words of encouragement! I really appreciate it! God bless you 🥹🙏💖
Can I ask what the medication was
Thank you so much 🥹🙏
Thank you so much 🥹🙏🩵