I just got Atomic Samurai today and had been building him up to merit 12, level 70 with mostly mind reader, penetrating eye, and raid breaker. He’s a beast as AI and even out dps’s Tatsumaki (P1).
For the moment I got him I was happy... But then I thought wtf I'm supposed to do with him... What's even left in the game... All I can do is farm memories and build him up for no reason...
It's a really good unit, I need to practice a lot more with it to master cuz it's a really complex unit. Regarding the pronunciation, is read ee-eye-do
I was wondering if payne put any new videos and literally 6 minutes ago you did, happy to see more content from you and I look forward to using AS together!
Nice quality content. Btw, I hope Global version implement Creators Program like SEA server. They will get minimum 3k World silver and regular ticket. S class views will get 50$ mastercard, 10k silver and 10x ticket if Im not mistaken. It will help a lot for the content creator and make them motivated in their craft.
Honestly about 35-40% of the people playing the game stopped playing it on this banner. 3 Limited Character banners back to back, 0 events for people to gather World Coin (silver), looks like the Devs think we are a freaking joke. Simply makes me sad, really sad as the game has the potential to be good, but devs are simply too greedy. Hope servers close in the next 1-2 months, no point of talking about this game any further.
Use silver coins to buy the universal merit items in the mall. It's way more sufficient imo since it will use up a lot of energy if u were to farm from comissions. I spent around 1600 silver to get him to merit 15, depends on your resources as well actually, but I find it much worth it rather than farming low level merits.
I can't decide I should pull or not I don't rly like the character but his skills are fine and looks good and want him in the collection but I'm f2p and want to pull on other characters that maybe come soon or maybe not
thanks for the consistent quality uploads payne, really helps with the progression
I just got Atomic Samurai today and had been building him up to merit 12, level 70 with mostly mind reader, penetrating eye, and raid breaker. He’s a beast as AI and even out dps’s Tatsumaki (P1).
For the moment I got him I was happy... But then I thought wtf I'm supposed to do with him... What's even left in the game... All I can do is farm memories and build him up for no reason...
Bro same. At this point the most useful thing he’s going to do is satisfy the silverfang relationship interaction in daily touring lmao.
@@luk3mz fr lmao... But it's not even necessary to complete daily tour collectible... Just some extra rewards...
Can run combat maelstrom or abyss wanderer I like abyss wander mode alot lowkey cause you can really build characters to how you want
@@em5635 yeah except you dont evem need to pull to use him in abyss
It's a really good unit, I need to practice a lot more with it to master cuz it's a really complex unit. Regarding the pronunciation, is read ee-eye-do
I was wondering if payne put any new videos and literally 6 minutes ago you did, happy to see more content from you and I look forward to using AS together!
Victory Rush would be a REALLY GOOD one for him given how often you'll be breaking his composure with him!!!
Nice video! May I ask how important is it to pull his SSR impression arm too? Is there a big difference without it?
yea his ssr weapon means a lot to his composure break so I would go for it. I am still trying lol
@@PayneBlade Thank you!
i know you admitted to messing it up but Iaido pronounced "ee-eye-doh" haha good vid brotha i just pulled atomic!
Nice quality content.
Btw, I hope Global version implement Creators Program like SEA server. They will get minimum 3k World silver and regular ticket. S class views will get 50$ mastercard, 10k silver and 10x ticket if Im not mistaken. It will help a lot for the content creator and make them motivated in their craft.
thanks bro. That's up to crunchyroll and they rarely ever give out programs which is super sad
Le mien est déjà 70 exploit 15 rang 15 😅💪 merci pour le build
should i go for p1 or SSR Arms? as a f2p i aint pulling both
Already quit this game will return if they ever improve there game
I will quit soon too... Will come back when new story chapters added or new game modes and events...
My Atomic is at 8k and his SSR arm usually breaks all bosses under 13 in one hit
Yea his arm is the same as zombie man or genos for that skill. Very good
Honestly about 35-40% of the people playing the game stopped playing it on this banner. 3 Limited Character banners back to back, 0 events for people to gather World Coin (silver), looks like the Devs think we are a freaking joke. Simply makes me sad, really sad as the game has the potential to be good, but devs are simply too greedy. Hope servers close in the next 1-2 months, no point of talking about this game any further.
theres only been 2 limited banners, saitama is just a regular banner rate up.
I got him first draw!
farming low rank merits is such a hassle. especially when you can use that energy for chips
It's the worst part imo of the game lol
@@PayneBlade yeah , can't even use atomic to his full potential🫠
Use silver coins to buy the universal merit items in the mall. It's way more sufficient imo since it will use up a lot of energy if u were to farm from comissions. I spent around 1600 silver to get him to merit 15, depends on your resources as well actually, but I find it much worth it rather than farming low level merits.
I can't decide I should pull or not I don't rly like the character but his skills are fine and looks good and want him in the collection but I'm f2p and want to pull on other characters that maybe come soon or maybe not
Je viens d'avoir le sr armes de samurai atomic il me manque ssr et R 😢
Since I found out pity is 50/50 I’m scared to hit it 😅
I got Sf and atomic, I'm thinking maybe full build can fight Sf in AI playing 😂
Bro is it ok if I build my zombie man full atk😅
haha u are better going composure for him but yes u can build him atk as well (he should be combination anyways)
@@PayneBlade Tq
Content pls