Never ask/say this to a depressed person...

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ธ.ค. 2024
  • Basically what happened is that whenever I'm sick, angry at someone or sad people ask me if I'm sad or crying, ofcourse they mean it for the good but it gets really annoying some of my classmates who I barely talk to asked me if something was wrong or if I was crying
    Negative impacts mostly come from parents as they say things like "Don't cry","Stop crying, it looks weird... what will others think!?"
    Or tease me by saying... "Strong girl is crying because of something so small, how shameful"
    Which makes me feel bad or angry.. or sometimes even annoyed! And now that I'm growing up and somewhat learning or feeling the pain to depression this is getting very common (in a bad way)
    Kindness is good but next time when you see someone down.. then ask the matter, or ask if they're ok or not, and crack some jokes unrelated to the topic they're sad about... to make them feel better
    If they don't want to talk then don't pressure them on saying what the matter is... they might not want to talk about it, and leave them alone for a bit and tell the same to others if they try to go up to them asking what the matter was because it can make the situation worse...
    Because they will be keep on getting reminded about the situation that had happened with them...
    Thanks for reading, Thanks for spearing your time
    Thanks for understanding if you did... and please follow these instructions because it can make someone's day better
    I'm proud of myself for making a walking animation in gacha, this was my first time and I think it turned out pretty good!
    Sorry for making you read all this.. 🥲
    And Yes, I'm going to shut up now..
    Peace! ✌️

ความคิดเห็น • 3

  • @TheCandyEater
    @TheCandyEater  ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Basically what happened is that whenever I'm sick, angry at someone or sad people ask me if I'm sad or crying, ofcourse they mean it for the good but it gets really annoying some of my classmates who I barely talk to asked me if something was wrong or if I was crying
    Negative impacts mostly come from parents as they say things like "Don't cry","Stop crying, it looks weird... what will others think!?"
    Or tease me by saying... "Strong girl is crying because of something so small, how shameful"
    Which makes me feel bad or angry.. or sometimes even annoyed! And now that I'm growing up and somewhat learning or feeling the pain to depression this is getting very common (in a bad way)
    ¡Check description!
    And sorry, If I went to fast...

  • @Sleeping_x_
    @Sleeping_x_ ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Bro I hate that to,I ask it to but I only say "hey whats wrong" and try helping them calm down,I have a lot of problems with stuff so I cry alot and get shamed for it but if you'd sad or want someone to talk to(if that's not weird) I'm here:)

    • @TheCandyEater
      @TheCandyEater  ปีที่แล้ว

      It's good that you care but most people don't want other people to calm them down it worsens the situation, I can confirm this because I always feel all eyes on me when I do cry and people pointing out not to cry and stuff..
      You should never be shamed of who you are or how you behave, crying is a emotion we can't control
      And no it's not weird, I'd be delighted to talk to someone and share my hardships with them! 🙃☺️