Some notes about Buzz: 1. He can’t be used in Ranked. 2. For some reason, trophies you earn with him don’t count towards the trophy road. Likely a bug. 3. When defeated, he often uses voice lines from the yet-to-release Lightyear Surge skin. 4. He doesn’t have a player icon, unlike the other brawlers (not the mastery icon, a brawler player icon). 5. He is not in the catalog. 6. His hypercharge does not affect his supers. He also has no Star Powers or Gears available.
Some notes about Buzz:
1. He can’t be used in Ranked.
2. For some reason, trophies you earn with him don’t count towards the trophy road. Likely a bug.
3. When defeated, he often uses voice lines from the yet-to-release Lightyear Surge skin.
4. He doesn’t have a player icon, unlike the other brawlers (not the mastery icon, a brawler player icon).
5. He is not in the catalog.
6. His hypercharge does not affect his supers. He also has no Star Powers or Gears available.