The Most Convicting Testimony of Hell

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 ก.ย. 2023
  • The Most Convicting Testimony of Hell Scott Cumbee
    Scott Cumbee prayed to one day see Heaven, but instead, he was shown Hell! This testiimony will grip you. You'll see why this is the most convicting testimony of hell.
    App: CumbeesNetwork
    Book: Nathaniel's Adventures: Nine Months-No Wonder the Angels Rejoiced
    The Most Convicting Testimony of Hell
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    The Most Convicting Testimony of Hell

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  • @mossie1954

    I was taken to Heaven many years ago. Nothing is as wonderful, and it is real...Then one day I asked the Lord to show me hell. That also happened, but I knew that if I stayed any longer, I would have a heart attack. Once you have seen both, it changes your life. I was and still am a Christian, I have not heard a preacher talk on hell for over 25 years'. I made up a little note on my computer, and it was asking 'Preachers' when did they last preach on hell? Then I find the churches in the areas in my country, and after doing 100 photocopies, the note is put into envelope's, and mailed to all of the churches. I have a few hundred yet to go, but nothing will stop me. HELL is so real, and the fear you have while there is hard to explain. The evil is like nothing we can experience here on earth.

  • @JV-bf7cb
    @JV-bf7cb  +110

    Thank you for this. I came home drunk and didn't open the window enough for the fireplace. I think I died and I went to this place of complete darkness where I encountered a huge behemoth that reached for me..I cried to Jesus and was pulled back and awoke in a room full of smoke. That was one of several near death experiences. The holy Spirit has been calling to me for years. I was too consumed with shame and despair to listen. Over the last two years Christians came into my life to share the word. I was just baptized on Easter Sunday and have given my life to Christ..

  • @hollyvincent7726

    I had an out of body experience about 18 years ago, I was sleeping on the floor in my living room next to my baby in a play pen and my soul came out of my body and it was floated up to the ceiling, i looked down and seen my body and it looked so foreign to me but a demon, that was a black shadow and when I say black i mean so black you can't even imagine it. It grabbed ahold of me and had control of my movements, everything and when I tried to yell out it grabbed my throat and I couldn't speak. When I tell you my soul cried out Jesus save me, my soul cried out for Him and as soon as my soul said those words that demon dropped me and my soul fell from the ceiling back down into my body and it felt like a billion pounds being crushed on me. It was very painful going back into my body. I instantly opened my physical eyes and was so terrified. I had never in my life been that close to anything that evil and it was terrifying. A couple nights later I dreamt that it was the end of the world and I was running away from 2 demons that were chasing me and I saw a hospital up ahead so i ran in and there were 2 angels sitting at a desk. I couldn't really see them, they were just light, they hid me in a closet and I could hear the 2 demons come in and asked the angels where i was, they told them I wasn't there and they left then the angels opened up the door and they told me, Holly this is your last chance.... and I woke up. Looking back, I can see how that dream went along with how my life would go for the next several years. I became an opiate addict after that, ended up in prison twice. Today, im 7 years sober, i follow Jesus and im so thankful that He reached down in the darkness and grabbed my hand. Thank you Jesus for never leaving or forsaking me even though I gave you every reason to. ❤

  • @pjsmithps4

    Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in Paradise.”

  • @mariebaggstrom8066

    I have had the hell scared out of me please god save me from this hell.

  • @scottallison4615

    The way he said all religions lead to God was a mind blowing moment. Never thought about it that way. We all will go to God to be judged but not all of us will be granted eternity in heaven. The throne room is the courtroom where every sinner will have to go through. I know hell is real. I had an nde where i saw demons in real time on earth. I survived an overdose but also saw the gates if heaven.

  • @JesusisLord78

    Amen Brother and Sister. I also had a open vision back in Oct 23 2016 . Mine was after waking up from sleep I decided to go into prayer . While praying with my open Bible started illuminating a brilliant light, God is real guys. Repent and turn away from your sinful ways people. The end of age is here. The LORD JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO SALVATION...

  • @SSmith-dh7qq

    I know exactly what you’re talking about in your testimony. I had an NDE in September of 2023 and I was sent to hell also. I had two angels rescue me from the very place you’re describing. It’s hard to describe the things down there because it’s not something you can quite put into words. I’m grateful that you’re here to tell your story and share the light with others. Love and light!

  • @lilylonestar

    Once someone told me prison is hell... But I told them, "Sweetheart, you can get out of prison - but you can't get out of hell."

  • @JESUS-SAVES_1975.

    I just prayed to get saved! Thank you so much for this video! May God bless you!

  • @patrickwalsh5131

    I saw someone I knew kill them self ,seconds after his body was on the ground .Then a door opening up about twenty feet off the ground the door was fourth feet wide and twenty feet high.Then there he was with new clothes with wrinkles and two grinning demons had him by the armpits then another large door opened in the ground a big plume of sulfur smoke came out you could feel the heat.The expression on his face I will never forget. I also have seen and smelled heaven it smelled like perfume and really has streets of gold.If you read this and don’t love Jesus Christ please turn to Jesus before it’s too late.

  • @1stJohn3.9-10

    I almost went to Hell in June 2017. 5 of my siblings had died, 2 were murder and 3 were from suicide. I was in church for 50 years, but they couldn't help me, so I was about to commit suicide. I found out it only takes 1 day to listen to the NT. The Truth set me free from all the religious lies that I was taught. I've read my Bible from cover to cover every month for 6 years now.

  • @blackwitchspirits.8133

    Jesus christ is the way,the truth and the life. Hallelujah. Amen.

  • @lovetteezenwa

    I had an out of body experience 10 years ago. My soul came out of my body and was floating up towards the ceiling and my body was lying on the floor lifeless. My body was so heavy such that I couldn't lift my hands or even cry out for help. I started crying because I knew if my soul didn't return to my body I would be doomed. Tears rolled down my face as I began to ponder about how reckless I lived my life... I asked Jesus to forgive and save me and immediately my soul dropped back into my body, it was as though a mortar was slammed on my chest, the pain was so much. I was in pain but I was happy at the same time because I didn't die that day... I was only sober for some months after which i went back to my reckless living. I would repent today and in a few months, I would return to my vomit. Finally, this year on the 25th of March i told God i was done disobeying Him and I surrendered my life completely to Him and since then I have known peace and true freedom and deliverance.

  • @Healitnow
    @Healitnow  +244

    His Mercy I Did Not Deserve But Was Given

  • @kasiwilliams5927

    Amazing testimony! Father use me to redirect the lost so they can accept Jesus as Lord and savior.

  • @victoriachurchyard6862

    " God thunders marvelously with His Voice;

  • @sushifiggy

    I have lived with chronic severe pain for over 20 years from a bad wreck and it's hard, but if I had died in that wreck, I don't think I would have gone to be with Jesus. So I praise his name and share his love and spread the word as I learn more of the word. I love Jesus and our father and talk to him daily, more than once a day. I find myself becoming less and less of myself and more of others, and I KNOW that Jesus Christ died and suffered for our sins. And, it occurred to me that since Jesus is the son of God, perhaps our loving Father was right there with his son as he suffered. Love to all in the name of Jesus 😊

  • @rhonda2929

    Scott when Jesus touches your life your never the same. This is amazing.

  • @keayanae9418

    Psalm 104:5