Thank you so much for not only taking the time to make this video, but for having the courtesy to explain things slowly methodically and to break each step down into bite-size chunks so that we can understand what we should be doing at each stage. So many instructorsSeem more interested in showcasing their skills rather than teaching beginners. You also have a soothing nurturing matter about you that makes being able to focus a lot easier Rather than having some person get all excited and start talking to you in a rapidfire sequence! Thanks again
Ahh the classic shin hit...I built my entire training around hitting my shin 😂😂...but this is great!!... Will start practicing this move and try as combo
The staff I use in this video is actually quite short at 1.5 meters or around 5 feet. However this spinning technique works with much longer staff lengths as well.
@@SifuKuttel That makes sense. I'm used to a six-foot bo staff, so when I saw you resting your chin on the upright staff, I thought, "either that is a shorter staff or he is a bloody tall fellow". I practised your technique today and it really was the missing piece for my transition from behind the back to bringing it back in front. Thank you very much.
Great step by step guide. Helped a lot! Keep making videos like this.
Thank you so much for not only taking the time to make this video, but for having the courtesy to explain things slowly methodically and to break each step down into bite-size chunks so that we can understand what we should be doing at each stage. So many instructorsSeem more interested in showcasing their skills rather than teaching beginners. You also have a soothing nurturing matter about you that makes being able to focus a lot easier Rather than having some person get all excited and start talking to you in a rapidfire sequence! Thanks again
I've seen this technique on other pages but I liked the way it was broken down here. A LOT better explanation and easier to grasp the concept.
Thanks so much!!! 🙏🙏🙏
Love you master
Your classes are just awesome so resource full and so much in detail really helpful
Thanks so much!!! I'm glad they help!!!
This has helped me so much with this move. So clear and concise. Thanks for breaking down the entire movement. Love your videos!
Thank you master for this wonderful tutorial
Thank you for this lesson!!!
I'm glad you liked it!!! 🙏
Thanks so much! Really helpful, Si Fu
Awesome!!! I'm glad to hear it!!!
I got this! Looks good. Thank you!
Thank you for breaking this down it makes so much more sense!!!!
Good Pronunciation!
Ahh the classic shin hit...I built my entire training around hitting my shin 😂😂...but this is great!!... Will start practicing this move and try as combo
Very nice videos and break down
Thank you 🙏🙏🙏 Glad you like them!
This is fine 👍💯
Thanks Sensei 👏
Thank you master ! Came here in order to get the waterfall flower with the SJG.
As you said it's still missing fluidity but It's on the good way
Love to get some pointers and chat kung fu, Good teacher. Doing this in reavers (up-ward) still bakes my noodle.
nice video
Thank you!
You are amazing....
Thank you so much 🙏
Доходчиво, как всегда!:-)
большое Вам спасибо!
Good video! :D
Thanks man! You've got some great stuff on your channel too, I'm sending people your way!
@@SifuKuttel Thank you very much! I really appreciate that!
By the way master is there anything fansy with Dragon sticks...🙄
I'm not sure what you mean with Dragon Sticks. Are they double sticks? or the Dragon staff for Poi?
Coloquen subtitulo en español también gracias.
How long is your staff?
The staff I use in this video is actually quite short at 1.5 meters or around 5 feet. However this spinning technique works with much longer staff lengths as well.
@@SifuKuttel That makes sense. I'm used to a six-foot bo staff, so when I saw you resting your chin on the upright staff, I thought, "either that is a shorter staff or he is a bloody tall fellow". I practised your technique today and it really was the missing piece for my transition from behind the back to bringing it back in front. Thank you very much.
i see what u did there ...
Thank you master for great lesson !
So lovely 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
Why dont you demo at the start??? Why do i have to wait to the end to see what the heck your teaching???
Yeah that kinda irritates me as well, would really enjoy a preview before the instructions
Noted, I'll make sure to give you a preview in the next video!
Plaaiz o Patience, grasshopper, patience.