For the year 2024, The first day of Dhul Hijjah will commence on Friday, June 7th. The day of Arafah will commence on Saturday, June 15th. Eid al-Adha (Day of Nahr) will commence on Sunday, June 16th. Don't forget that the night precedes the day in the Islamic calendar. So the first night of Dhul Hijjah will commence on Thursday, June 6th, at sunset. If you plan on offering sacrifice (Udhiya), make sure not to clip your nails or cut your hair after sunset on Thursday, June 6th. May Allah allow us to reach the ten blessed days of Dhul Hijjah with good health and faith.
Beautifully explained JazakAllah khairan
Subhan Allah
For the year 2024, The first day of Dhul Hijjah will commence on Friday, June 7th. The day of Arafah will commence on Saturday, June 15th. Eid al-Adha (Day of Nahr) will commence on Sunday, June 16th. Don't forget that the night precedes the day in the Islamic calendar. So the first night of Dhul Hijjah will commence on Thursday, June 6th, at sunset. If you plan on offering sacrifice (Udhiya), make sure not to clip your nails or cut your hair after sunset on Thursday, June 6th. May Allah allow us to reach the ten blessed days of Dhul Hijjah with good health and faith.
Ameen 🤲🏼. Jazakallah Karim 🙏 🥰🥰🥰 ♥
Aujubillah aujubillah aujubillah aujubillah .
May Allah for give me and save by Allah .
Salalaahu Caleyhi Wasalam
Please make a playlist all of videos that belong to prophet Muhammad
Why didnt tou mention the full waqiya of Hazrat Tamim ad Dari and dajjal. It is a very big thing that you missed.
where is the last episode? why isnt it out yet?
Salam I’m searching for episode 53 and is episode 52 the last episode?
Yes EP 53 is not uploaded yet
@@hasanfarooq6638 thank you very much
@@hasanfarooq6638 thank you