Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day praying for everyone everyday God bless you all .
Gena LeaLea loves Jesus dude is inspiration for all of us to put that on videos. I always tried to put all this info and sources to convince them but Holy Spirit was just like it’s your job to just tell them it’s My job to convict them of sin. So I just out the gospel out there, some people laugh or mock on secular videos but I trust for waters the seeds we plant. The holy sport just lovingly tells me hey you can do a little more I’ll help and then Satan like look how much you’ve screwed up and how is God going to use you. Then you just remind him go to hell, a movie he’ll be in at cosmic theaters soon
Declaration of Heavenly Citizenship I am a citizen of heaven and God's Kingdom, I am born into a Nation that wont be shaken. God's name is written everywhere throughout his creation, before we are conceived he knows us and called us his own. I am bound by God laws, his love and perfect justice has always existed. I have free will to choose to accept God as my king or reject him completely. Either way he accepts my decision and acts accordingly. I have chosen to serve him since I was an adolescent, although my actions didn't always convey that message. Still God hasn't shut me down, given up on me, or condemned me for my mistakes. That is true justice, and that is a just King. When I was born a United States citizen it was a different story entirely. My birth certificate tied me to this country and established me as their property. I was led to believe that I had freedom here, that our whole Nation fought for our rights to religion, persecution, and discriminations. This free will / freedom that I thought as a kid " I am so blessed to live in a country like this." Has deteriorated, been criminalized and deplatformed. I have no problems with common sense laws (pretty much summed up by the 10 commandments)... or one Love your neighbor. Although when the laws started to not make sense and conflict with God's law, that is when enough is enough. I have done all I can do to follow the laws in this country and support the union that I pledged allegiance too. For a long time you had us fooled and full of pride in America, when it was the time for humility. You encouraged the evil within our hearts and propregated these sins to our youths. Using fear and force trying to silence any opposition or truth on the case against you. I see now that I am never a "freeman" in America, because my free will and right to believe in a God who is above everything is taken. If anyone speaks on God power, Healing or believes in the miracles still occuring everday, is imprisoned. Is it so hard to let people have freedom of choice and beliefs, or is it better for you to fine and imprison believers. You can make an example out of us. The real bad example here is you America and all who have darkened the idea of a free nation UNDER God. No matter what the wicked may try, they cannot win a war that is already won. Any litigation that says I'm USA property is invalid, and at this point I would prefer to renounce it all. Thing is I died in spirit, truth, and was baptized by the holy spirit and in water. My old body is gone, I am a new creation. You see God has and will make all things new, there is nothing God hasn't thought of, it is all apart of his plan. I stand today as for years now on earth a citizen of Heaven a new creation with a new heart/soul certified by God almighty into a heavenly kingdom. The old me that was owned by the state and run by the federation, he died.. he doesn't exist. I am marked and this passport in my DNA allows me to live eternally through the grace of God. My Body is His Temple, and our names in the book of life. God is ready to accept anyone who chooses him. He doesn't force anyone to worship him or do anything... ...That is true freedom and true justice. If a God who is jealous for our attention and worship can still give us our free will. WHY CAN'T THE USA OR ANY MAJOR COUNTRY RN Truth is they don't want you free, dont want you to succeed and they dont love you. I am a part of the Body of Christ, all those with me know where we are going. It is to a kingdom that is truly loving, beautiful, and just. The New Heaven and Earth will never fall and we will stand ready on the day of judgement.
great job...Spread the Gospel The Only Gospel death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ paid for are sins that we may be righteous enough to be in the presence of God thru faith alone not of works .John3;16 Eph.2:8,9. God bless you in Jesus Name my Christian family.
Brother Steve, I pray, Lord Jesus, Bless and Hold, your house. Brother, we know, one another, by words that proceed, from our mouth. And the joining of the Body of Christ. Amen. And Today. Look. Events occurring in La Palma. Volcano and mass lava. May.?? Cause. Land collapse. May?? Cause, large wave, towards east coast of US. May?? Bring, Judgement. To Mystery Babylon. The Lord, had led me to read, hear. Matthew 21, The fig tree, withered in a day. And how to handle, Mountains. By Faith. Through the Power of Christ. And love not your life, unto death. Fear Not. For the God, that is with Us. Loves, Us. Lord Jesus Christ, Bless
Christ died for our sins! Are you saved in the Lord Jesus Christ? Your good works doesn't pay for your bad works, you need a 'payment' for your sins and that is Jesus Christ. You cannot do it alone, Jesus Christ paid it all for you, the only thing you have to do is 'believe' in what He did for you on the cross at Calvary. Jesus Christ is the only cure for sin, so please believe in what He did, His death, burial and resurrection - found in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, it saves lost souls when you truly believe from your heart. Ephesians 1:13, saved and sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven, there is no other way. Please get saved now, time is running out! Eph. 2:8-9 and Titus 3:5 Heaven and Hell are real, literal places. There's ONLY 1 Eternity to choose from, Heaven or Hell, choose wisely for your soul!!
AS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH! I recall the innumerable conversations I have had over the years with friends, family, co-workers, and fellow church members warning them of the end, only to be looked at as if I had a third eye growing in the center of my forehead. I’ve been called everything from a conspiracy theorist to a rapture-nut, to a sensationalist, and even being mentally unbalanced, all because I take the Bible literally for what it says. After pointing out some profound change to our reality, I would receive, almost universally, the same reply: “people have been saying it’s the end now for two-thousand years, and Jesus still hasn’t come back.” Thus, my reply back to them has likewise been the same: “Yeah, look at how much closer we are now than when they first started saying that!” Sadly it didn’t matter though. People had their lives to get busy getting on with.They had their careers, they had their financial investments, they had their sports teams and their hobbies. The majority of conversations I have had with church people about the coming end have always felt like forced conversations, because they didn’t want to converse about it. You’d think, given the sorry state of affairs these days, so-called Christians would be excited about the change in global administration, but they aren’t, they just want their 'Normal' back. People are so invested in the here and now, it’s very difficult for them to see the 'Forest for the trees'. Well if any good news came out of this so-called pandemic and the subsequent fear-pocalypse that has since ensued, it’s that some Christians have finally woken up (biblically speaking). The global shutdowns have taken away their livelihoods, their sports, and their various forms of entertainment and forced them to pull their head out of the sand (earthly distractions) and to look up. Before COVID, it didn’t matter what I said, or what news event I pointed to as being evidence of the signs of the end. Life, as many of them told me, will just keep going on like it always has since the beginning (2 Peter 3:4)…IOW, c'est la vie (“That’s life.” In other words, “This is how it is” ). I pointed out things like the 2008 financial collapse, the rise of globalism, massive earthquakes around the world, the rise of crisis governance, AIDs/MERs/SARs/Ebola/etc., the development of artificial intelligence, and collapse of fiat currencies and the rise of cryptocurrencies as signs of the convergence. Yawn. Nevertheless, nothing seemed to stick. Nothing seemed to wake people from their lethargic somnambulence. Even when the US relocated its embassy to Jerusalem for the first time at her 70th national anniversary, a majority within the church just shrugged their shoulders, and then get back on with their daily routines. One of the unique features of Bible Prophecy is that it takes all the disparate parts and pieces of world events, summarizes them, and then forecasts them hundreds to thousands of years beforehand as things that will absolutely come to pass. In fact, as the late-great Chuck Missler used to say, the Bible is the only book that hangs its entire credibility on its ability to write history in advance, without error. Now, what this also means is that people who don’t study Bible prophecy, are completely in the dark about the future, and will only get the different parts and pieces and never understand how all these different things connect together. Decades ago, the best prophecy experts in the world could only point to a small number of events of their day and show how the world was generally moving in a particular direction. As time passed, however, these predictions and speculations would begin to focus a little tighter upon certain specifics, but the picture was still often too fuzzy to see clearly. That is not our world today. The picture is crystal clear. These days, we can pretty much pinpoint how precisely things are going to come to pass with a extremenly high degree of certainty. • Mark of the Beast? We have now digital tattoos and/or quantum dot technology with the capacity to embed the cryptocurrency, GPS tracking, biometric data, and will automatically connect you to the World Wide Web. All we need now is the reason to do it! • Gog and Magog? Just look at the newly armed Taliban, along with the rest of the Islamic “Stan” nations, who have paved the way for the Ezekiel 38 forces with an already aligned Russia, Turkey, Libya, Sudan, and Iran to march on Israel! • Third Jewish Temple? Various Temple Mount organizations are staffed, equipped, trained, well-funded, and fully ready to rebuild a third Jewish temple at a moment’s notice. All they need is the word “go.” If the 2018 opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem and the 2020 Abraham Accords are any indications, the Temple Mount geopolitical dynamics are changing quickly as Israel is central and God's prophetic time piece! • Global Government? There is a new push for the “D-10” to replace the G-7. This is going to happen as the US continues its very public and rapid decline from its former superpower status. There is already much talk about creating ten regions in which the world will be governed by…all they need is the US to step out of the way. The UN's 2030 Agenda says it all! • The Image of the Beast? We got a company now that is promising to deliver 21 giant, ten-story talking, singing, and movable statues (who are all interconnected with each other) to 21 cities around the world. • The UN ? We got the most progressive anti-Christian pope in Roman Catholic Church history in bed with the United Nations and every tyrant on the planet. At the Rapture, you will have the removal of the true Christian Church! • Perfect global crisis? The US of A is teetering on the brink as you read this. Once we fall, all the aforementioned will fall easily into place! You might be wondering, how sure am I that those things (listed above) are the actual productions of the things the Bible talks about? Well, I know if the Rapture were today, these things (or some variation of them) could be implemented tomorrow. These are the things of now, not twenty years from now! Klaus Schwab and his globalist buddies at the Web Economic Forum have long lauded the arrival of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which promises three major changes to our world today. 1) Automate everything and anything that can be automated. 2) Embed technology into the human body. 3) Introduce the universal basic income. Now, if you’ve recently had to buy a new appliance, you know point number 1 is already in place. We had to replace both a refrigerator and a washer machine (both around 10 years old) and the only thing we could replace them with were these upgraded internet-connected smart appliances. The same goes for vehicles. It seems everything these days is connected to the internet. Now, if they can get the world to point number 2, then you can see how that plays into point number 3. Ultimately, the plan is to connect everything to the Internet, and then harvest the human body as an information/data storage processing machine. Our body’s genetics had long been thought to be able to store limitless amounts of data. The problem was in figuring out just how to do that. However, since we have crossed that threshold years ago, it’s no longer if these things will happen, but when! From the globalist’s perspective, it’s high time for Homo sapiens to start earning their keep on Mother Earth. The Fourth Industrial Revolution was always designed to be accompanied and/or preceded by the Great Reset, which was always intended to come about with the right crisis. As it turns out that crisis ended up being the US-funded, Chinese-activated, COVID-19 pandemic. There was relentless mocking from those who would spend decades mocking Noah and his family as they built a giant ark in the middle of dry land. However, we know how that story ended. After the last of the animals and Noah’s family were safely on board, God shut the door. (Gen. 7:15) Put another way, if Genesis 6 were a recipe, it would be two parts human wickedness, and one part God’s wrath, cooked to full strength, and delivered at the perfect time! Just as it will be in this generation. We are, once again, at another fullness of time. We are at the convergence of the varying prophetic streams (geopolitical, technological, economic, religious, political, and militarily) who are all merging at the right time and right place, to fulfill all the things the Bible says will come to pass. And we (the watching believers) are increasingly becoming isolated (and targeted) for our worldviews. Even our friends and family are beginning to turn their backs on us as we become anathemas to a culture bent on normalizing wickedness. However, God has promised to us an open door that no man can shut (Rev. 3:8), that is until He shuts it. At the Rapture of the Church, our faithfulness will likewise be vindicated, and the earth-dwellers will very soon one day wake up to ‘sudden destruction.’ So as you see the world coming apart at the seams, hold fast and remember. (Hebrews 10:23-25, 37) JESUS IS OUR HOPE Jesus is the sum total of our hope in today’s lawless and wicked world. The New Testament points us to Jesus as our hope (read 1 John 3:1-3). The Bible gives a picture of eternity that breathes hope into our lives and brings peace amid the turmoil of this life. As the collision of this world with the seven-year Tribulation looms ever so close, it’s essential that we focus on Jesus’ imminent appearing. Normal is not coming back, Jesus is! AS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH!: God bless you Bro Keegan Watchman in the wilderness
Malachi 4:5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. The Satanists are using Revelations & the clot shots as a precursor to the real Mark of the Beast. End Time Elijah is coming to Restore all things and all Christians will stand soon to overcome this Evil before Jesus Returns for his Bride.
You are correct especially at many waking up recently and I am one of them. So grateful for all I've come to learn and understand by reading and getting great teachings. Thanks to you and pastor Breaker and the age of knowledge sharing great studies. MARANTHA.
God bless you and your family! I realized this week unless we come with child like Faith we wont even enter when looking at Jesus loves the children. I have been working on that! Learning everyday until Jesus comes, so looking forward to next video💛
Waau Robert, you just made my day. I though I would be the only one in heaven without a crown. Now I have glorious hopes as I'm retired with so much blessings, kids, wife etc etc. Glory to God my provider. Love from Africa
Thanks to this man I have a true understanding of the word. You are changing people lives, and you don't even know it. Bless you Mr. Breaker. I know the Lord loves you.
One of the Very Best Preachers I have ever heard. Brother Breaker your wisdom and teachings are a blessing to this world. Maranatha. Come Jesus and take us home! Cannot wait to see you'all in the air!
Yep good stuff,, just like this Barny.. His little gathering a miracle happened a guy got healed d after like 20 years of suffering.. Check his little channel..
@Konstantin Ridaya Evidently you never watched the video.. What does the Bible say about the one who speaks before he hears.? No one asked for any healing they were just praying and his daughter was inspired to put her hands on the guy and he began to heal.. Even Jesus said there is none good but God.. Did you go to the wizards and get your jabs.?
@Konstantin Ridaya So you are telling me God does not heal anymore.. It says do not trust any man and test all things.. It was sarcasm,, why are you so angry I never said anything bad about the guy and I have watched him off and on for a number of years now.. So I guess you still believe the earth is a spinning ball ,, when the bible explains it as flat with a dome over us..... If you do then you do not believe God's words.? .!
@Konstantin Ridaya Oh yes a lot of evil; and I am to warn people constantly to test all things.. . The problem is when we do not allow God to speak through His words or inform the people directly; and we say this is what something means then we could be deceiving them based on our beliefs... The safest way to teach is to say this is what I believe is true or a lie and show why we do. Jesus told his people he would return soon and in fact before some of them slept and over 2000 years is not soon and I don't think any of those people could still be alive today.. That is why I believe we are now entering the great tribulation and then at the end after most are killed then the pulling up of the dead and the remaining flesh that is alive,, and then God will burn this earth.. I mean if Jesus said he was going to return soon before some of them died and if he did not then that would make Him a liar and I can not accept that... If you wish to continue we can and I have a lot of stuff to put on the table.
All nations means the Israelites scattered thru out the different nations believing they were Gentiles. This is untrue teaching! Typical of White Evangelicals Christians! CHRIST ONLY CAME FOR HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE THE 12 TRIBES! CHRIST SAID I WAS NOT SENT BUT UNTO THE HOUSE OF ISREAL! PRAISE THE MOST HIGH GOD🙏🏾
As a Mormon I really appreciate listening to Preacher Breaker's lessons on the Bible. He definitely knows his stuff and explains everything in a way that is easy to understand. Thank You Brother Breaker!
This is a great teaching, crowns upon the earth. What a blessing to identify these crowns. Will be waiting to see more. Thank you brother Breaker, you truly are a blessing..
Thank you Mr. Breaker for what you do, you’ve made the word easier to understand. God is good, He has used your ministry to teach me and led to me getting saved. 😊
Recently I started watching your videos on TH-cam Right time I watched your video about baptism. I was confused about water baptism before but now it’s clear. God bless you and your ministry.
Pastor breaker, I like to read through the comments on most videos I watch on here because I love seeing some wisdom people have or words of encouragement and praise. But the comments on this video are insane! I appreciate your teachings so much and I love learning from you! I am sorry people think they know so much more than someone who studies the bible for a living and out of wanting the Lord to reveal things to you. I think you're doing a great thing making these videos and teaching all of us some of your revelations and studies. Thank you for all you do . Dont mind some of these people all we can do is pray for them! God bless you for edifying His Church!!!
My dearest Brothers and Sisters, may God Bless and keep you all in Jesus Christ’s mighty name. May he strengthen you all in these end times. “Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown” rev 3:11 NKJV
I am so excited to see this because I have always wanted to write a Bible study on the crowns of the Bible. I knew there are 7 total. You are a wonderful teacher!
Echoes everywhere you look when you know the Lord and his Story. I am not surprised that this holy record also echoes the key part multiple times before the actual sacrifice was made. Glory be to the Lord God Almighty and to the Lamb!
Ecclesiastes 5:19 King James Bible Every man also to whom God hath given riches and wealth, and hath given him power to eat thereof, and to take his portion, and to rejoice in his labour; this is the gift of God.
Robert, it's so great to listen to again! Blessings to you, your loved ones and believers in Crist, may the Lord always bless us in Crist's name. I really appreciate all your hard work that you do and your team work. Thank you so much! glory be to the Highest All Mighty! thanks a lot again! Take care brothers
Wonderful Bible Study, I still have work to do for my crowns here, but it’s a Blessing you’ve shown me where I need to work on. Thank you Pastor Breaker!!!
Could you please pray for my family and I, especially for my mom? My grandpa passed away yesterday and it absolutely kills me to see my mom in so much pain. Her heart is crushed and it hurts me to see her hurting so badly. Thank you so much family. Maranatha Lord Jesus please! 🎺🕊️
Amen brother awesome bible study while we wait for our Lord Jesus Christ... &What a wonderful day it will be when our Lord gets crowned King of kings and Lord of lords...
That was awesome beloved, this was so exciding to know looking forward to the rest God willing. Thank you again all Glory to GOD He is a Faithful and Good Good Abba Father. Amen?
My husband abandoned his two year old son and me ,his wife of five years for another women . She left her husband for my husband. God sent my husband of almost 23 years to me. Jesus in Matthew and Mark explains adultery is grounds for divorce.
Just saying, as he stands before Jesus Christ looking up at him… I hope he is at least saved… And explain to him why he would abandon his wife and children for someone else… Most people don’t consider that but a true believer will… God bless you sister
Hi Robert. My heart is so broken this evening, and now I’m feeling so deeply discouraged. I thought I was pretty strong in my understanding of the rapture, but today that understanding was challenged and attacked. Today I had a bunch of mid-trib and post-trib believers attack my pre-tribulation understanding. I did my best to defend my understanding, but eventually I had to step away because I began to feel as though I was losing the argument(Badly). I was even told that I was believing a satanic teaching. Now I’m at a loss for words. I feel totally defeated. I was really thinking it was almost time to go home. Today all of what I thought was biblical fundamental teachings, has suddenly turned into a bunch of discouraging doubt. I really didn’t know that as a christian that we would have to face those seven years of tribulation, but now suddenly it’s looking like I had better start anticipating the 7 year gauntlet. I feel so depressed now. I know that no matter when the rapture is, that I’ll have to figure out a way to force myself to maintain my christian faith, but I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t scared. Im afraid I’ll fail the longer I have to wait for the rapture. Don’t get me wrong, I most certainly plan on doing everything I can to keep the faith, but I don’t trust in my own ability not to fail and cry mercy. Now that there’s a chance that I’ll have to face tribulation head on, my worst fear that I might fail underneath all of the pressure of persecution being inflicted on Christians during that time, might actually be tested. One minister even told me that the suffering I’ll have to endure during tribulation will make me a better Christian, and that tribulation is how God will separate the goats from the sheep. If God didn’t spare Job from suffering, why would he spare us? Now Im at a loss. I mean now In regards to the rapture…I don’t even know what to believe anymore. All side swear by they’re understanding and interpretation of scripture so passionately and with such wisdom that I had to walk from the argument because I felt like I had lost and was totally defeated by they’re knowledge. I left those conversations so discouraged. I don’t know what to believe anymore. I know Christians will see suffering, but I didn’t ever think it would be as bad as what I’ve been taught about in the book of Revelation about tribulation. Please help me. Pray for me too.
The problem is that you're trusting in Robert, and not God. You should be fully convinced by God the pre-tribulation rapture is true, not because Robert told-you-so but because God said it. Man cannot give you full assurance of spiritual truths, only God Himself can. You should have been untouched, unmoved by their attack. If you are truly saved, start spending more time with God, listening to God and get in His Word, and less time listening to Robert, who cannot even save himself. Debates about the rapture shouldn't even be approached. If you are not saved, get ahold of God right away.
@@webelongtogether7423 Well as a Mormon I was taught that all mankind are saved and found spotless at the Great White Thrown Judgement. This was a gift given through the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. So why are you telling people to make sure they do what they need to in order to truly be saved? You don't have to do anything to be saved, it was a gift given to the whole world! Mormonism is based on the preparation for the Judge Seat of Christ and the rewards people receive in Heaven for their good works and the only other salvation anyone needs to be concerned with is salvation from losing rewards in The Kingdom Heaven, which is an inheritance promised based on the sincere good works of mankind to glorify the Father. The wide gate and broad way is not a teaching of who on earth will go to Heaven or Hell, but it is a teaching of the Kingdom of God and that many will follow a path of destruction of their inheritance / glory in heaven / awards, because of their selfish desires and works of the flesh which are burned up in the fire at the Judgement Seat of Christ. The only thing that will be left are the precious stones and gems based on your works of righteousness in Christ and receiving all these crowns/rewards is the narrow way that few will enjoy because they desire the things of the world over the things of God. Now I am not saying all mormon doctrine or teachings are correct, because they obviously are not, but when it comes to a Universalist salvation of all mankind through Christ, I think they are spot on, and the fact that they put their focus on sincere Works for the rewards at the Judgement Seat of Christ, I also think they are spot on. Now as far as God being a glorified man or Satan being the brother of Jesus, well that really seams to be a much later invention from Joseph Smith. I don't know, but it also doesn't seam relevant to the salvation of mankind.
Your sermons are wonderful and I can't get enough of them! Is there anyway you could do a sermon on current events that ties to the Bible? I know Jesus is really and truly coming soon, it's just comforting to keep hearing it and especially with what's going on. Thank you and God bless you and your family!
In my whole life I haven’t meet a man like you brother Bob. You Love God and his word with your ❤️ as I do. We are so bless to find you. I visited many churches and where I live I would like to find a Pastor like you. I am very disappointed. They’re celebrating paganism traditions as Eggs and Rabbits, Halloween dressing kids the same day witches are celebrating for Satan, and soooo many things that we as Christians we suppose should not celebrate; even when it is a Baptist church and there are many good people; but, I can’t find a church here in Idaho Falls and it worries me that I am not attending anymore a church. I cry out to Jesus to forgive me, now that I learned from your teachings I don’t want to get involve in paganism traditions that they are celebrate in this State. 😭🙁😔😢 please pray for me that God opens doors and guide me to a real church and sana doctrine.
The church of Yaweh God and Yeshua Lord and Savior Jesus of the Holy Bible doesn't reside merely within brick and mortar walls of all churches because most are synogogues of Satan as Jesus referred to full of paganism and teaching works for salvation . Have no guilt about not finding a church. It is not your fault. The Bible teaches we live at the end times now near Rapture as brother R. Breaker teaches. If you love and trust Jesus in your heart and converse and share your faith with other Christians and the lost, then you are part of God's church that will be Raptured soon! ::o) John 3:16-Ephesians 2:8-10. Kent Wilbourne, Ephesians 2:8-10, Ogden, Utah.
You answered my question I had asked you in the last video about the Bride of Christ (at 16:36). What's so peculiar is that I planned on studying that topic today to learn the truth about it because Revelation 21:2 and Isaiah 54:5 say that God the Father is the Husband of Israel. If I had been paying attention during those thousands of times I had either read or heard Revelation 21, I would have noticed that. Thanks for the clarification, brother Robert.
As a black man in America, thank you for saying what DESPERATELY needed to be said. First and foremost, about our Savior. And secondly, about the history here. Satan not only takes the things of God and perverts them toward evil in our eyes… he also takes what’s evil and makes mankind think it’s okay. God says that the greater we are, the more we should serve; satan says the greater we are, the more we should BE served.
Praise the lord Every one.Pray for friend Bhoopal reddy who is hospitalized before 5 days suffering from Dengue fever.pray for increase of platelets.pray for complete recovery. pray for salvation also
Thank you for the great work you do. You are so right about our world it is so scary and the evilness is growing. Keep praying and hopefully soon the Rapture will come. God Bless.
Ecclesiastes 2:24 KJB There is nothing better for a man, than that he should eat and drink, and that he should make his soul enjoy good in his labour. This also I saw, that it was from the hand of God.
I guess I’m a week behind. I’m sorry. My life has been turned upside down. I’m constantly watching news, reading Bible, and watching your videos, Dr.Gene Kim from Real Bible believers and a few others, not necessarily in that order, and I guess I got behind. Thank you for the words and commentary on Paul’s doctrine, given to him by our Lord and Savior. Really enjoyed it. Question……what do we do in a marriage, when hubby says he’s born again, but he’s not into spreading words, praying, etc… it falls on me to keep Jesus in our household? Is it okay for a woman to step in religiously in the family?
I'm in the same situation, I believe my husband is saved but he's a worldly Christian. We don't have children in the home thank goodness but if we did, I would step up and teach them in the way to go. I've given him over to Jesus and laid him at the foot of the cross. Very few men lead their homes in the the way the Bible says to, so it is up to us to take up that job. I know I'm not Pastor Breaker but I just wanted you to know that you are not alone in this situation and I know it's hard...
Thank you Donna R……nice to meet ya. I’m Donna H. I appreciate you responding. I never ever get a response when I write. So I was sweetly surprised. Thank you. That is exactly what I thought so thank you for being Gods vessel to reaffirm for what I had prayed for. So thanks. God bless you, my new sister in Christ. I can’t wait to meet in Heaven
Hello Blessed Mom! Hope you are doing ok Sister🙏. What comes to mind is Luke 19:40 Jesus said "...I tell you that if these should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out". So if your spouse wishes to remain silent by all means you should light up your home with Jesus and prayer. Perhaps the Lord will convict his heart of being idol seeing your obedience and dedication to the will of God. God bless! 🙏🙌
Yes absolutely step in as the spiritual guide in your household and become as one flesh together with your husband. My wife is the spiritual guide in our home and it helps me to become a better husband and father. Just be sure to include him in the discussion of what you are personally going to do for your own and the family spiritual growth. Focus on you! Don't put so much concern or pressure on your husband.
Please pray for my catholic grandma! She has been catholic extreme all her life she prays over 1 hour a to the Virgin Mary and she is very old and I’m afraid she will die and never find out about Jesus being our savior
It might just be me, but does anyone notice the "light" shining (reflection of the light?!) on the cross on the board? It's like the cross has a column of bright light on it.
GREAT MESSAGE...then ending...Maybe on PART 2, you'll pick up where the audio left off???? Maybe a quick review of PART 1...Looking forward to hearing what the crowns are in heaven...🙏🌞 Thank you Robert.😀
Is there any way you can do a follow up about the last crown? Even though you posted a tidbit of information near the ending of the video, I think your audience would appreciate it. Just saying all this out of kindness as I thoroughly enjoy all your sermons!
Beloved I have a Question is it wrong for me to have and use a shofar. I asked in prayer to Abba one day if I could have one, then forgot about it and one day I went shopping at a second hand store, treasure hunting, and just as I was about to go I felt a tug about an isle I just did not paid attention to just didn't think there was anything there fore me or of any interest, and as soon as I walked in to it my eye's went strait to it and I was stunned and could not believe what I was seeing I even looked around to see if someone was looking at how excited I got about it or were getting ready to also get it but no one was there and it was full of people almost like it was just for me, the isle I meant, and so I grabbed it put it in my cart immediately and covered it did not what no one to see it lol. and been learning how to play it and what it is for and used and how to clean it and anoint it but to a point till some one mentioned to me that is only for men and you had to be a Jew. And this is how far I've learned about it that well first it is a short trumpet and it is for, to sound for battle and war as well for, to make the demons run because they think that Jesus is coming. I think this is what scared that person that told me to make sure I know what I'm doing... So do you know anything about this that you may help me understand better? I'd greatly appreciate it much your beloved sister in Christ.
@Konstantin Ridaya AMEN Hallelujah yes absolutely All Glory to GOD ALL MIGHTY... thank you beloved blessings and peace 🕊️ be upon you and yours in Jesus Mighty Name Amen... MARANATHA. What Joy 🤗🙌☝️🩸🔥🐑🙏
How do you determine a crown of heaven? Do you have to go through the seven stages of hell to achieve salvation to get those crowns? I was wondering because artists usually depict the simplicity of god through crowns and the depiction of heaven. I want to understand those depictions because it could all be metaphysical.
Hi Robert, I'm from Germany. I tried you're experiment in a german Bible Schlachter2000 and Elberfelder. Then I find out what I am expexted: The word crown has differences in the amount. For example Gen 49, 26 means the top top of the head. Where the hair starts deviding or parting. Its the hebrew word qodqod. It mostly used to show the difference from bottom to the top of a human. The hebrew word atarah should be the right word for a crown. Its counted 23 times in the old testament and is founded the first time in 2. Sam 12,30. The greek language offers 2 word for the crown. stephanos which more means a wreath and Lemma for the crown.
Can we lose any crowns for something separate that we did? Even if we still love the appearing of Jesus? On top of that I'm curious When they say we're losing the rewards in heaven are they talking about losing crowns too or just other stones on the crown?
Thanks for pointing out that race and slave issue. Slaves came in all colors and alot of today's "black" people don't even come from a slave background and were already in the land that would be later known as America. In the end that's the past and we need to move forward and stop being divided.
I love the elderly and children. It’s my calling to serve them both and have done such my whole life. What a blessing and joy.
Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day praying for everyone everyday God bless you all .
Make sure to post this on secular videos, it’s just out job to share it. You’re doing a great job brother
I agree great job spreading the gospel I’m always like there’s my dude! Hope your daughter is well
Gena LeaLea loves Jesus dude is inspiration for all of us to put that on videos. I always tried to put all this info and sources to convince them but Holy Spirit was just like it’s your job to just tell them it’s My job to convict them of sin. So I just out the gospel out there, some people laugh or mock on secular videos but I trust for waters the seeds we plant. The holy sport just lovingly tells me hey you can do a little more I’ll help and then Satan like look how much you’ve screwed up and how is God going to use you. Then you just remind him go to hell, a movie he’ll be in at cosmic theaters soon
Declaration of Heavenly Citizenship
I am a citizen of heaven and God's Kingdom, I am born into a Nation that wont be shaken.
God's name is written everywhere throughout his creation, before we are conceived he knows us and called us his own.
I am bound by God laws, his love and perfect justice has always existed.
I have free will to choose to accept God as my king or reject him completely.
Either way he accepts my decision and acts accordingly.
I have chosen to serve him since I was an adolescent, although my actions didn't always convey that message.
Still God hasn't shut me down, given up on me, or condemned me for my mistakes.
That is true justice, and that is a just King.
When I was born a United States citizen it was a different story entirely.
My birth certificate tied me to this country and established me as their property.
I was led to believe that I had freedom here, that our whole Nation fought for our rights to religion, persecution, and discriminations.
This free will / freedom that I thought as a kid " I am so blessed to live in a country like this." Has deteriorated, been criminalized and deplatformed.
I have no problems with common sense laws (pretty much summed up by the 10 commandments)... or one Love your neighbor.
Although when the laws started to not make sense and conflict with God's law, that is when enough is enough.
I have done all I can do to follow the laws in this country and support the union that I pledged allegiance too.
For a long time you had us fooled and full of pride in America, when it was the time for humility.
You encouraged the evil within our hearts and propregated these sins to our youths.
Using fear and force trying to silence any opposition or truth on the case against you.
I see now that I am never a "freeman" in America, because my free will and right to believe in a God who is above everything is taken.
If anyone speaks on God power, Healing or believes in the miracles still occuring everday, is imprisoned.
Is it so hard to let people have freedom of choice and beliefs, or is it better for you to fine and imprison believers.
You can make an example out of us.
The real bad example here is you America and all who have darkened the idea of a free nation UNDER God.
No matter what the wicked may try, they cannot win a war that is already won.
Any litigation that says I'm USA property is invalid, and at this point I would prefer to renounce it all.
Thing is I died in spirit, truth, and was baptized by the holy spirit and in water.
My old body is gone, I am a new creation.
You see God has and will make all things new, there is nothing God hasn't thought of, it is all apart of his plan.
I stand today as for years now on earth a citizen of Heaven a new creation with a new heart/soul certified by God almighty into a heavenly kingdom.
The old me that was owned by the state and run by the federation, he died.. he doesn't exist.
I am marked and this passport in my DNA allows me to live eternally through the grace of God.
My Body is His Temple, and our names in the book of life.
God is ready to accept anyone who chooses him.
He doesn't force anyone to worship him or do anything...
...That is true freedom and true justice.
If a God who is jealous for our attention and worship can still give us our free will.
Truth is they don't want you free, dont want you to succeed and they dont love you.
I am a part of the Body of Christ, all those with me know where we are going.
It is to a kingdom that is truly loving, beautiful, and just.
The New Heaven and Earth will never fall and we will stand ready on the day of judgement.
great job...Spread the Gospel The Only Gospel death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ paid for are sins that we may be righteous enough to be in the presence of God thru faith alone not of works .John3;16 Eph.2:8,9. God bless you in Jesus Name my Christian family.
Strengthen your hearts for the coming of the Lord is at hand praise God praying for everyone everyday God bless you all
Brother Steve, I pray, Lord Jesus, Bless and Hold, your house.
Brother, we know, one another, by words that proceed, from our mouth. And the joining of the Body of Christ. Amen.
And Today. Look. Events occurring in
La Palma. Volcano and mass lava.
May.?? Cause. Land collapse.
May?? Cause, large wave, towards east coast of US.
May?? Bring, Judgement. To Mystery Babylon.
The Lord, had led me to read, hear.
Matthew 21, The fig tree, withered in a day. And how to handle, Mountains.
By Faith. Through the Power of Christ.
And love not your life, unto death.
Fear Not. For the God, that is with Us.
Loves, Us.
Lord Jesus Christ, Bless
Christ died for our sins! Are you saved in the Lord Jesus Christ?
Your good works doesn't pay for your bad works, you need a 'payment' for your sins and that is Jesus Christ. You cannot do it alone, Jesus Christ paid it all for you, the only thing you have to do is 'believe' in what He did for you on the cross at Calvary. Jesus Christ is the only cure for sin, so please believe in what He did, His death, burial and resurrection - found in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, it saves lost souls when you truly believe from your heart.
Ephesians 1:13, saved and sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.
Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven, there is no other way. Please get saved now, time is running out!
Eph. 2:8-9 and Titus 3:5
Heaven and Hell are real, literal places. There's ONLY 1 Eternity to choose from, Heaven or Hell, choose wisely for your soul!!
@@1Corinthians15_1-4 Have you not bumbled into Steve before on the Net ?he is definitely saved
Robert always gives me something new to think about. God Bless y'all
I recall the innumerable conversations I have had over the years with friends, family, co-workers, and fellow church members warning them of the end, only to be looked at as if I had a third eye growing in the center of my forehead. I’ve been called everything from a conspiracy theorist to a rapture-nut, to a sensationalist, and even being mentally unbalanced, all because I take the Bible literally for what it says.
After pointing out some profound change to our reality, I would receive, almost universally, the same reply: “people have been saying it’s the end now for two-thousand years, and Jesus still hasn’t come back.” Thus, my reply back to them has likewise been the same: “Yeah, look at how much closer we are now than when they first started saying that!”
Sadly it didn’t matter though. People had their lives to get busy getting on with.They had their careers, they had their financial investments, they had their sports teams and their hobbies. The majority of conversations I have had with church people about the coming end have always felt like forced conversations, because they didn’t want to converse about it. You’d think, given the sorry state of affairs these days, so-called Christians would be excited about the change in global administration, but they aren’t, they just want their 'Normal' back. People are so invested in the here and now, it’s very difficult for them to see the 'Forest for the trees'.
Well if any good news came out of this so-called pandemic and the subsequent fear-pocalypse that has since ensued, it’s that some Christians have finally woken up (biblically speaking). The global shutdowns have taken away their livelihoods, their sports, and their various forms of entertainment and forced them to pull their head out of the sand (earthly distractions) and to look up.
Before COVID, it didn’t matter what I said, or what news event I pointed to as being evidence of the signs of the end. Life, as many of them told me, will just keep going on like it always has since the beginning (2 Peter 3:4)…IOW, c'est la vie (“That’s life.” In other words, “This is how it is” ). I pointed out things like the 2008 financial collapse, the rise of globalism, massive earthquakes around the world, the rise of crisis governance, AIDs/MERs/SARs/Ebola/etc., the development of artificial intelligence, and collapse of fiat currencies and the rise of cryptocurrencies as signs of the convergence. Yawn.
Nevertheless, nothing seemed to stick. Nothing seemed to wake people from their lethargic somnambulence. Even when the US relocated its embassy to Jerusalem for the first time at her 70th national anniversary, a majority within the church just shrugged their shoulders, and then get back on with their daily routines.
One of the unique features of Bible Prophecy is that it takes all the disparate parts and pieces of world events, summarizes them, and then forecasts them hundreds to thousands of years beforehand as things that will absolutely come to pass.
In fact, as the late-great Chuck Missler used to say, the Bible is the only book that hangs its entire credibility on its ability to write history in advance, without error.
Now, what this also means is that people who don’t study Bible prophecy, are completely in the dark about the future, and will only get the different parts and pieces and never understand how all these different things connect together.
Decades ago, the best prophecy experts in the world could only point to a small number of events of their day and show how the world was generally moving in a particular direction. As time passed, however, these predictions and speculations would begin to focus a little tighter upon certain specifics, but the picture was still often too fuzzy to see clearly. That is not our world today. The picture is crystal clear. These days, we can pretty much pinpoint how precisely things are going to come to pass with a extremenly high degree of certainty.
• Mark of the Beast? We have now digital tattoos and/or quantum dot technology with the capacity to embed the cryptocurrency, GPS tracking, biometric data, and will automatically connect you to the World Wide Web. All we need now is the reason to do it!
• Gog and Magog? Just look at the newly armed Taliban, along with the rest of the Islamic “Stan” nations, who have paved the way for the Ezekiel 38 forces with an already aligned Russia, Turkey, Libya, Sudan, and Iran to march on Israel!
• Third Jewish Temple? Various Temple Mount organizations are staffed, equipped, trained, well-funded, and fully ready to rebuild a third Jewish temple at a moment’s notice. All they need is the word “go.” If the 2018 opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem and the 2020 Abraham Accords are any indications, the Temple Mount geopolitical dynamics are changing quickly as Israel is central and God's prophetic time piece!
• Global Government? There is a new push for the “D-10” to replace the G-7. This is going to happen as the US continues its very public and rapid decline from its former superpower status. There is already much talk about creating ten regions in which the world will be governed by…all they need is the US to step out of the way. The UN's 2030 Agenda says it all!
• The Image of the Beast? We got a company now that is promising to deliver 21 giant, ten-story talking, singing, and movable statues (who are all interconnected with each other) to 21 cities around the world.
• The UN ? We got the most progressive anti-Christian pope in Roman Catholic Church history in bed with the United Nations and every tyrant on the planet. At the Rapture, you will have the removal of the true Christian Church!
• Perfect global crisis? The US of A is teetering on the brink as you read this. Once we fall, all the aforementioned will fall easily into place!
You might be wondering, how sure am I that those things (listed above) are the actual productions of the things the Bible talks about? Well, I know if the Rapture were today, these things (or some variation of them) could be implemented tomorrow. These are the things of now, not twenty years from now!
Klaus Schwab and his globalist buddies at the Web Economic Forum have long lauded the arrival of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which promises three major changes to our world today.
1) Automate everything and anything that can be automated.
2) Embed technology into the human body.
3) Introduce the universal basic income.
Now, if you’ve recently had to buy a new appliance, you know point number 1 is already in place. We had to replace both a refrigerator and a washer machine (both around 10 years old) and the only thing we could replace them with were these upgraded internet-connected smart appliances. The same goes for vehicles. It seems everything these days is connected to the internet.
Now, if they can get the world to point number 2, then you can see how that plays into point number 3. Ultimately, the plan is to connect everything to the Internet, and then harvest the human body as an information/data storage processing machine. Our body’s genetics had long been thought to be able to store limitless amounts of data. The problem was in figuring out just how to do that. However, since we have crossed that threshold years ago, it’s no longer if these things will happen, but when! From the globalist’s perspective, it’s high time for Homo sapiens to start earning their keep on Mother Earth.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution was always designed to be accompanied and/or preceded by the Great Reset, which was always intended to come about with the right crisis. As it turns out that crisis ended up being the US-funded, Chinese-activated, COVID-19 pandemic.
There was relentless mocking from those who would spend decades mocking Noah and his family as they built a giant ark in the middle of dry land.
However, we know how that story ended. After the last of the animals and Noah’s family were safely on board, God shut the door. (Gen. 7:15) Put another way, if Genesis 6 were a recipe, it would be two parts human wickedness, and one part God’s wrath, cooked to full strength, and delivered at the perfect time!
Just as it will be in this generation. We are, once again, at another fullness of time. We are at the convergence of the varying prophetic streams (geopolitical, technological, economic, religious, political, and militarily) who are all merging at the right time and right place, to fulfill all the things the Bible says will come to pass. And we (the watching believers) are increasingly becoming isolated (and targeted) for our worldviews. Even our friends and family are beginning to turn their backs on us as we become anathemas to a culture bent on normalizing wickedness. However, God has promised to us an open door that no man can shut (Rev. 3:8), that is until He shuts it.
At the Rapture of the Church, our faithfulness will likewise be vindicated, and the earth-dwellers will very soon one day wake up to ‘sudden destruction.’ So as you see the world coming apart at the seams, hold fast and remember. (Hebrews 10:23-25, 37)
Jesus is the sum total of our hope in today’s lawless and wicked world. The New Testament points us to Jesus as our hope (read 1 John 3:1-3).
The Bible gives a picture of eternity that breathes hope into our lives and brings peace amid the turmoil of this life. As the collision of this world with the seven-year Tribulation looms ever so close, it’s essential that we focus on Jesus’ imminent appearing.
Normal is not coming back, Jesus is!
God bless you
Watchman in the wilderness
Couldn´t agree with you more on every single point. Looks like we like listening to the same pastors/Bible prophecy teachers :)
Good job on your website!
Malachi 4:5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. The Satanists are using Revelations & the clot shots as a precursor to the real Mark of the Beast. End Time Elijah is coming to Restore all things and all Christians will stand soon to overcome this Evil before Jesus Returns for his Bride.
You are correct especially at many waking up recently and I am one of them. So grateful for all I've come to learn and understand by reading and getting great teachings. Thanks to you and pastor Breaker and the age of knowledge sharing great studies. MARANTHA.
I thank God everyday for the shed blood of Jesus Christ at calvary's cross.
That's where my faith is until the end. Jesus blood!
God bless you and your family! I realized this week unless we come with child like Faith we wont even enter when looking at Jesus loves the children. I have been working on that! Learning everyday until Jesus comes, so looking forward to next video💛
Love You Brother Breaker
Waau Robert, you just made my day. I though I would be the only one in heaven without a crown. Now I have glorious hopes as I'm retired with so much blessings, kids, wife etc etc. Glory to God my provider. Love from Africa
God bless you brother Breaker
Thanks to this man I have a true understanding of the word. You are changing people lives, and you don't even know it. Bless you Mr. Breaker. I know the Lord loves you.
One of the Very Best Preachers I have ever heard. Brother Breaker your wisdom and teachings are a blessing to this world. Maranatha. Come Jesus and take us home! Cannot wait to see you'all in the air!
Thank you for this lesson Robert. The older folks have so much knowledge and wisdom. God Bless and protect everyone on this channel.
Yep good stuff,, just like this Barny.. His little gathering a miracle happened a guy got healed d after like 20 years of suffering.. Check his little channel..
@Konstantin Ridaya Evidently you never watched the video.. What does the Bible say about the one who speaks before he hears.?
No one asked for any healing they were just praying and his daughter was inspired to put her hands on the guy and he began to heal..
Even Jesus said there is none good but God..
Did you go to the wizards and get your jabs.?
@Konstantin Ridaya So you are telling me God does not heal anymore.. It says do not trust any man and test all things..
It was sarcasm,, why are you so angry I never said anything bad about the guy and I have watched him off and on for a number of years now..
So I guess you still believe the earth is a spinning ball ,, when the bible explains it as flat with a dome over us..... If you do then you do not believe God's words.? .!
@Konstantin Ridaya Oh yes a lot of evil; and I am to warn people constantly to test all things.. .
The problem is when we do not allow God to speak through His words or inform the people directly; and we say this is what something means then we could be deceiving them based on our beliefs...
The safest way to teach is to say this is what I believe is true or a lie and show why we do.
Jesus told his people he would return soon and in fact before some of them slept and over 2000 years is not soon and I don't think any of those people could still be alive today..
That is why I believe we are now entering the great tribulation and then at the end after most are killed then the pulling up of the dead and the remaining flesh that is alive,, and then God will burn this earth..
I mean if Jesus said he was going to return soon before some of them died and if he did not then that would make Him a liar and I can not accept that... If you wish to continue we can and I have a lot of stuff to put on the table.
Pastor Mr. Robert Breaker is a true gentleman and a great scholar
Jesus Christ is our Redeemer 👑 praise God praying for everyone everyday God bless you all
This is a awesome serman . Paradise God.!!!!!
The Heavens show the story of Rapture 2021 Oct 7/8 True Feast Of Trumpets.
👑And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.Mat 24:14
All nations means the Israelites scattered thru out the different nations believing they were Gentiles. This is untrue teaching! Typical of White Evangelicals Christians! CHRIST ONLY CAME FOR HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE THE 12 TRIBES! CHRIST SAID I WAS NOT SENT BUT UNTO THE HOUSE OF ISREAL! PRAISE THE MOST HIGH GOD🙏🏾
@@nikkimitchell8675 You are a Bantu Gentile.
Thanks brother for all you do
As a Mormon I really appreciate listening to Preacher Breaker's lessons on the Bible. He definitely knows his stuff and explains everything in a way that is easy to understand. Thank You Brother Breaker!
This is a great teaching, crowns upon the earth. What a blessing to identify these crowns. Will be waiting to see more. Thank you brother Breaker, you truly are a blessing..
Thank you Mr. Breaker for what you do, you’ve made the word easier to understand. God is good, He has used your ministry to teach me and led to me getting saved. 😊
Thank ps breaker. You're on brother 🙏
Recently I started watching your videos on TH-cam Right time I watched your video about baptism. I was confused about water baptism before but now it’s clear. God bless you and your ministry.
Pastor breaker, I like to read through the comments on most videos I watch on here because I love seeing some wisdom people have or words of encouragement and praise. But the comments on this video are insane! I appreciate your teachings so much and I love learning from you! I am sorry people think they know so much more than someone who studies the bible for a living and out of wanting the Lord to reveal things to you. I think you're doing a great thing making these videos and teaching all of us some of your revelations and studies. Thank you for all you do . Dont mind some of these people all we can do is pray for them! God bless you for edifying His Church!!!
Good teaching Brother Breaker! Thanks for helping us through your studies!🙏🏽
I truly enjoy his teachings.Makes everything so easily understood 🙏
My dearest Brothers and Sisters, may God Bless and keep you all in Jesus Christ’s mighty name. May he strengthen you all in these end times.
“Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown” rev 3:11 NKJV
Absolutely awesome! Thank you so much Pastor Robert ❤️🎺
What a blessing. Thank u for this teaching. Fascinating!!
You are such a blessing Brother Breaker! Thank you
I am so excited to see this because I have always wanted to write a Bible study on the crowns of the Bible. I knew there are 7 total.
You are a wonderful teacher!
I look forward to the next parts of this teaching... should the Lord tarry
I learned something new today about the crowns. Can't wait for part 2. Thank you brother Breaker for your ministry.
Echoes everywhere you look when you know the Lord and his Story. I am not surprised that this holy record also echoes the key part multiple times before the actual sacrifice was made.
Glory be to the Lord God Almighty and to the Lamb!
Ecclesiastes 5:19 King James Bible
Every man also to whom God hath given riches and wealth, and hath given him power to eat thereof, and to take his portion, and to rejoice in his labour; this is the gift of God.
Robert, it's so great to listen to again! Blessings to you, your loved ones and believers in Crist, may the Lord always bless us in Crist's name. I really appreciate all your hard work that you do and your team work. Thank you so much! glory be to the Highest All Mighty! thanks a lot again! Take care brothers
Wonderful Bible Study, I still have work to do for my crowns here, but it’s a Blessing you’ve shown me where I need to work on. Thank you Pastor Breaker!!!
I like this man. Praying for his very best!
I’ve always thanked my children and grandchildren for being the jewels in my crown. ❤️🙏✝️👸 thanks good study.
Could you please pray for my family and I, especially for my mom? My grandpa passed away yesterday and it absolutely kills me to see my mom in so much pain. Her heart is crushed and it hurts me to see her hurting so badly. Thank you so much family. Maranatha Lord Jesus please! 🎺🕊️
Thank you! Can't wait to listen/learn! 🥰💝💗
Great video! Thank you Brother Breaker
Amen brother awesome bible study while we wait for our Lord Jesus Christ...
&What a wonderful day it will be when our Lord gets crowned King of kings and Lord of lords...
Greeting for south Africa thank you so much for the teaching God blessing. Looking forward for the next teaching. Amen
That was awesome beloved, this was so exciding to know looking forward to the rest God willing. Thank you again all Glory to GOD He is a Faithful and Good Good Abba Father. Amen?
It’s Brother Breaker with the Word today
Love this.....I have prayed that someone would teach me this. Cannot wait to see Part 2.
My husband abandoned his two year old son and me ,his wife of five years for another women . She left her husband for my husband. God sent my husband of almost 23 years to me. Jesus in Matthew and Mark explains adultery is grounds for divorce.
Just saying, as he stands before Jesus Christ looking up at him… I hope he is at least saved… And explain to him why he would abandon his wife and children for someone else… Most people don’t consider that but a true believer will… God bless you sister
Amen on the commentary!
Appreciate your work. This is what everyone needs to be doing. Decoding the bible.
I recently found your channel.. I'm learning a lot
I study all week find nothing and God puts it all together 😌👍
Hi Robert.
My heart is so broken this evening, and now I’m feeling so deeply discouraged.
I thought I was pretty strong in my understanding of the rapture, but today that understanding was challenged and attacked.
Today I had a bunch of mid-trib and post-trib believers attack my pre-tribulation understanding.
I did my best to defend my understanding, but eventually I had to step away because I began to feel as though I was losing the argument(Badly).
I was even told that I was believing a satanic teaching.
Now I’m at a loss for words. I feel totally defeated. I was really thinking it was almost time to go home.
Today all of what I thought was biblical fundamental teachings, has suddenly turned into a bunch of discouraging doubt.
I really didn’t know that as a christian that we would have to face those seven years of tribulation, but now suddenly it’s looking like I had better start anticipating the 7 year gauntlet.
I feel so depressed now. I know that no matter when the rapture is, that I’ll have to figure out a way to force myself to maintain my christian faith, but I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t scared. Im afraid I’ll fail the longer I have to wait for the rapture. Don’t get me wrong, I most certainly plan on doing everything I can to keep the faith, but I don’t trust in my own ability not to fail and cry mercy.
Now that there’s a chance that I’ll have to face tribulation head on, my worst fear that I might fail underneath all of the pressure of persecution being inflicted on Christians during that time, might actually be tested.
One minister even told me that the suffering I’ll have to endure during tribulation will make me a better Christian, and that tribulation is how God will separate the goats from the sheep.
If God didn’t spare Job from suffering, why would he spare us?
Now Im at a loss.
I mean now In regards to the rapture…I don’t even know what to believe anymore. All side swear by they’re understanding and interpretation of scripture so passionately and with such wisdom that I had to walk from the argument because I felt like I had lost and was totally defeated by they’re knowledge. I left those conversations so discouraged.
I don’t know what to believe anymore. I know Christians will see suffering, but I didn’t ever think it would be as bad as what I’ve been taught about in the book of Revelation about tribulation.
Please help me.
Pray for me too.
The problem is that you're trusting in Robert, and not God. You should be fully convinced by God the pre-tribulation rapture is true, not because Robert told-you-so but because God said it. Man cannot give you full assurance of spiritual truths, only God Himself can. You should have been untouched, unmoved by their attack. If you are truly saved, start spending more time with God, listening to God and get in His Word, and less time listening to Robert, who cannot even save himself. Debates about the rapture shouldn't even be approached. If you are not saved, get ahold of God right away.
@@webelongtogether7423 Well as a Mormon I was taught that all mankind are saved and found spotless at the Great White Thrown Judgement. This was a gift given through the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. So why are you telling people to make sure they do what they need to in order to truly be saved? You don't have to do anything to be saved, it was a gift given to the whole world!
Mormonism is based on the preparation for the Judge Seat of Christ and the rewards people receive in Heaven for their good works and the only other salvation anyone needs to be concerned with is salvation from losing rewards in The Kingdom Heaven, which is an inheritance promised based on the sincere good works of mankind to glorify the Father.
The wide gate and broad way is not a teaching of who on earth will go to Heaven or Hell, but it is a teaching of the Kingdom of God and that many will follow a path of destruction of their inheritance / glory in heaven / awards, because of their selfish desires and works of the flesh which are burned up in the fire at the Judgement Seat of Christ.
The only thing that will be left are the precious stones and gems based on your works of righteousness in Christ and receiving all these crowns/rewards is the narrow way that few will enjoy because they desire the things of the world over the things of God.
Now I am not saying all mormon doctrine or teachings are correct, because they obviously are not, but when it comes to a Universalist salvation of all mankind through Christ, I think they are spot on, and the fact that they put their focus on sincere Works for the rewards at the Judgement Seat of Christ, I also think they are spot on.
Now as far as God being a glorified man or Satan being the brother of Jesus, well that really seams to be a much later invention from Joseph Smith. I don't know, but it also doesn't seam relevant to the salvation of mankind.
How unique! Loved this 🙏
Great channel
I am only 48 but have almost completely white hair. You make me feel better Robert!
Your sermons are wonderful and I can't get enough of them!
Is there anyway you could do a sermon on current events that ties to the Bible? I know Jesus is really and truly coming soon, it's just comforting to keep hearing it and especially with what's going on.
Thank you and God bless you and your family!
God Loves YOU...
God Bless You All from North Carolina!
Interesting. Can’t wait for part 2
In my whole life I haven’t meet a man like you brother Bob. You Love God and his word with your ❤️ as I do. We are so bless to find you. I visited many churches and where I live I would like to find a Pastor like you. I am very disappointed. They’re celebrating paganism traditions as Eggs and Rabbits, Halloween dressing kids the same day witches are celebrating for Satan, and soooo many things that we as Christians we suppose should not celebrate; even when it is a Baptist church and there are many good people; but, I can’t find a church here in Idaho Falls and it worries me that I am not attending anymore a church. I cry out to Jesus to forgive me, now that I learned from your teachings I don’t want to get involve in paganism traditions that they are celebrate in this State. 😭🙁😔😢 please pray for me that God opens doors and guide me to a real church and sana doctrine.
The church of Yaweh God and Yeshua Lord and Savior Jesus of the Holy Bible doesn't reside merely within brick and mortar walls of all churches because most are synogogues of Satan as Jesus referred to full of paganism and teaching works for salvation . Have no guilt about not finding a church. It is not your fault. The Bible teaches we live at the end times now near Rapture as brother R. Breaker teaches. If you love and trust Jesus in your heart and converse and share your faith with other Christians and the lost, then you are part of God's church that will be Raptured soon! ::o) John 3:16-Ephesians 2:8-10. Kent Wilbourne, Ephesians 2:8-10, Ogden, Utah.
Thank you so much!
You answered my question I had asked you in the last video about the Bride of Christ (at 16:36). What's so peculiar is that I planned on studying that topic today to learn the truth about it because Revelation 21:2 and Isaiah 54:5 say that God the Father is the Husband of Israel. If I had been paying attention during those thousands of times I had either read or heard Revelation 21, I would have noticed that. Thanks for the clarification, brother Robert.
Nice one Robert - as I stroke my white beard, feeling slightly better about getting old! God bless you, sir!
Ecclesiastes 3:13 King James Bible
And also that every man should eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labour, it is the gift of God.
Wow. Left me hanging!
As a black man in America, thank you for saying what DESPERATELY needed to be said. First and foremost, about our Savior. And secondly, about the history here. Satan not only takes the things of God and perverts them toward evil in our eyes… he also takes what’s evil and makes mankind think it’s okay. God says that the greater we are, the more we should serve; satan says the greater we are, the more we should BE served.
Thank you! I’ve been wanting to study the crowns. I only knew of five crowns..
I cant wait to study these👑
Good afternoon
Praise the Lord 👑 🙌🙌🙌✝🛐
Praise the lord Every one.Pray for friend Bhoopal reddy who is hospitalized before 5 days suffering from Dengue fever.pray for increase of platelets.pray for complete recovery. pray for salvation also
Thank you for the great work you do. You are so right about our world it is so scary and the evilness is growing. Keep praying and hopefully soon the Rapture will come. God Bless.
Great video brother breaker!
Ecclesiastes 2:24 KJB
There is nothing better for a man, than that he should eat and drink, and that he should make his soul enjoy good in his labour. This also I saw, that it was from the hand of God.
Before the Lamb of God.
I guess I’m a week behind. I’m sorry. My life has been turned upside down. I’m constantly watching news, reading Bible, and watching your videos, Dr.Gene Kim from Real Bible believers and a few others, not necessarily in that order, and I guess I got behind. Thank you for the words and commentary on Paul’s doctrine, given to him by our Lord and Savior. Really enjoyed it. Question……what do we do in a marriage, when hubby says he’s born again, but he’s not into spreading words, praying, etc… it falls on me to keep Jesus in our household? Is it okay for a woman to step in religiously in the family?
I'm in the same situation, I believe my husband is saved but he's a worldly Christian. We don't have children in the home thank goodness but if we did, I would step up and teach them in the way to go. I've given him over to Jesus and laid him at the foot of the cross. Very few men lead their homes in the the way the Bible says to, so it is up to us to take up that job. I know I'm not Pastor Breaker but I just wanted you to know that you are not alone in this situation and I know it's hard...
Thank you Donna R……nice to meet ya. I’m Donna H. I appreciate you responding. I never ever get a response when I write. So I was sweetly surprised. Thank you. That is exactly what I thought so thank you for being Gods vessel to reaffirm for what I had prayed for. So thanks. God bless you, my new sister in Christ. I can’t wait to meet in Heaven
Hello Blessed Mom! Hope you are doing ok Sister🙏. What comes to mind is Luke 19:40 Jesus said "...I tell you that if these should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out". So if your spouse wishes to remain silent by all means you should light up your home with Jesus and prayer. Perhaps the Lord will convict his heart of being idol seeing your obedience and dedication to the will of God. God bless! 🙏🙌
Yes absolutely step in as the spiritual guide in your household and become as one flesh together with your husband. My wife is the spiritual guide in our home and it helps me to become a better husband and father. Just be sure to include him in the discussion of what you are personally going to do for your own and the family spiritual growth.
Focus on you!
Don't put so much concern or pressure on your husband.
Please pray for my catholic grandma! She has been catholic extreme all her life she prays over 1 hour a to the Virgin Mary and she is very old and I’m afraid she will die and never find out about Jesus being our savior
It might just be me, but does anyone notice the "light" shining (reflection of the light?!) on the cross on the board? It's like the cross has a column of bright light on it.
GREAT MESSAGE...then ending...Maybe on PART 2, you'll pick up where the audio left off???? Maybe a quick review of PART 1...Looking forward to hearing
what the crowns are in heaven...🙏🌞 Thank you Robert.😀
Is there any way you can do a follow up about the last crown? Even though you posted a tidbit of information near the ending of the video, I think your audience would appreciate it. Just saying all this out of kindness as I thoroughly enjoy all your sermons!
Beloved I have a Question is it wrong for me to have and use a shofar. I asked in prayer to Abba one day if I could have one, then forgot about it and one day I went shopping at a second hand store, treasure hunting, and just as I was about to go I felt a tug about an isle I just did not paid attention to just didn't think there was anything there fore me or of any interest, and as soon as I walked in to it my eye's went strait to it and I was stunned and could not believe what I was seeing I even looked around to see if someone was looking at how excited I got about it or were getting ready to also get it but no one was there and it was full of people almost like it was just for me, the isle I meant, and so I grabbed it put it in my cart immediately and covered it did not what no one to see it lol. and been learning how to play it and what it is for and used and how to clean it and anoint it but to a point till some one mentioned to me that is only for men and you had to be a Jew. And this is how far I've learned about it that well first it is a short trumpet and it is for, to sound for battle and war as well for, to make the demons run because they think that Jesus is coming. I think this is what scared that person that told me to make sure I know what I'm doing... So do you know anything about this that you may help me understand better? I'd greatly appreciate it much your beloved sister in Christ.
@Konstantin Ridaya AMEN Hallelujah yes absolutely All Glory to GOD ALL MIGHTY... thank you beloved blessings and peace 🕊️ be upon you and yours in Jesus Mighty Name Amen... MARANATHA. What Joy 🤗🙌☝️🩸🔥🐑🙏
Where can i have a copy of your lesson?
Lol at the gladiator spear remark lol. God bless
Dude...last ten minutes. Really. 🙏💯😇👍
Yep. I was disappointed too!
How do you determine a crown of heaven? Do you have to go through the seven stages of hell to achieve salvation to get those crowns? I was wondering because artists usually depict the simplicity of god through crowns and the depiction of heaven. I want to understand those depictions because it could all be metaphysical.
Here is something better regarding the crowns actually in the bible
misionero grabará esto en español también? te acompanho do brasil
Hi Robert, I'm from Germany. I tried you're experiment in a german Bible Schlachter2000 and Elberfelder. Then I find out what I am expexted: The word crown has differences in the amount.
For example Gen 49, 26 means the top top of the head. Where the hair starts deviding or parting. Its the hebrew word qodqod. It mostly used to show the difference from bottom to the top of a human. The hebrew word atarah should be the right word for a crown. Its counted 23 times in the old testament and is founded the first time in 2. Sam 12,30. The greek language offers 2 word for the crown. stephanos which more means a wreath and Lemma for the crown.
Can we lose any crowns for something separate that we did? Even if we still love the appearing of Jesus? On top of that I'm curious When they say we're losing the rewards in heaven are they talking about losing crowns too or just other stones on the crown?
Here is another video that talks about the crowns
Thanks for pointing out that race and slave issue. Slaves came in all colors and alot of today's "black" people don't even come from a slave background and were already in the land that would be later known as America. In the end that's the past and we need to move forward and stop being divided.
Have you done a teaching on the Millennial Reign?
Lots! See my video series on: THE LAST DAYS I think I talk about the millennium there towards the end of that series on TH-cam.
@@Robertbreaker3 thank you. I will definitely look there. Love your studies.
If the beast number is xxx and woman’s is xx and man’s is xy what can that mean?