Really superb performance of talent😘 🎶🎶 their mask of beauty 👍 and sorry for showing favoritism but a show with Huang Xiaoyun💓 pink dress boots 35 min his solo 😘 🎶🎶 💗 beautiful tender touching 👏 👏 👏 😍 impossible that ' she does not become a big star of Chinese pop song and 38 min a big thank you to them for not having done useless commentary without their disrespect during this performance and 1h40 really an intriguing and fun moment of the mouse😆, this show of beautiful musical moments to listen to 💓 👀 🎧I don't write Chinese my apologies long commentary in English
他才是真正的萌萌哒 太可爱了
对我来说她只是在炫耀她的技巧 苏有朋在另一个节目中已经教她怎样才是一个好歌者
笑话。 把感情融进歌声对专业歌手是基本功。 去听听她16岁中国好声音里面唱的“你“, 就知道她16岁就已经知道声情并茂。
@free-wind-2002 承認他人的好很難嗎?最看不起,隨意踩踏與抹黑他人來成就自己與別人,文革後這就是台灣與大陸人的差距。
Really superb performance of talent😘 🎶🎶 their mask of beauty 👍 and sorry for showing favoritism but a show with Huang Xiaoyun💓 pink dress boots 35 min his solo 😘 🎶🎶 💗 beautiful tender touching 👏 👏 👏 😍 impossible that ' she does not become a big star of Chinese pop song and 38 min a big thank you to them for not having done useless commentary without their disrespect during this performance and 1h40 really an intriguing and fun moment of the mouse😆, this show of beautiful musical moments to listen to 💓 👀 🎧I don't write Chinese my apologies long commentary in English