For shaman you said they don't bring much utility other than windsheer and damage....then you said mage brings mega utility because bloodlust and critical mass? You realize a shaman brings almost any buff a raid could addition to 1/2 of the mage's utility? Just getting mixed signals here. Edit in: ahnk doesn't even count as a they bring that as well. I don't disagree with your list over-all, just seemed inconsistent.
Therazane enchants will be BoA according to Blizzard, quote: We’re working on this. We agree that it would feel better to have this reward for reaching exalted with Therazane available to your alts.
Weird to talk about Ele being easy vs fire mage requiring perfect play. Ele is prolly a tad easier, less proc reliant, but outside of cooldowns/combust, Fire Mage is pressing two buttons and maintaining a single dot. Feel like if you were comparing Ret/UH damage to Ele it would hold up better as those classes are pretty difficult, but mage is pretty easy mang.
ya fire is super easy and i can prove it because im nervous about playing arms. i dont have a fire mage on my account and i have an 80 arms war but im legit nervous to get to 85 and mess the rotation up. so you are right for sure. fire is easy and fun and all the right things
Thanks for including some notes about 10 mans, i know my guild is completely done with 25s so good to have that info. I am running a hpally but still fun to watch the videos
10mans feel like the meta. so hard to find the last 2-3 people - even at the peak of tbc/wrath it's a revolving door. with cata it's all about repetition, having the right comp, doing the mechanics flawlessly. 10 people can do that consistently a whole lot easier than 25
Fun fact. As a blood DK, I went into my first raid with full tank gear, no offspec and they needed me as DPS. I was in Unholy presence, and managed to finish at 11th place DPS wise. That's nuts. (Maybe the raid group was just bad tho)
@@NOHITJEROME I couldn't say for Frost and Unholy, but Blood is definitely in a class of it's own. Very often I finish top DPS in heroics dungeons, sometimes I get top HPS too. Blood DK is a jack of all trades !
yeah it's gonna be great on fights like halfus, i've seen 1 rogue really outperform, they can definitely pump but they die first often due to their proximity to mechanics
I’m really curious to see how it all plays out in raids en masse when they open - just having Heroics isn’t super indicative of raid performance but I’m eager to be surprised by an Elemental Shaman coming even remotely close to my Demo Warlock on large AOE pulls. Meta w/ Immolation + Demon Soul + Felstorm + Shadowflame + Hellfire is pure comedy. Ripped about 117k DPs on a large Grim Batol AOE pack. I think a Mage could outperform with lucky procs but having reliable, monstrous burst of a Demo Lock may be more desirable. Single Target with major cooldowns (e.g. Doomguard) I’ve yet to be beaten either - I’ve seen a lot of Demo Locks vary wildly in Heroics with similar gear but their Doomguard is doing about 30% of what mine is - they’re not doing proper snapshotting for sure Excited to get ready for raiding!
Demo hits their peak in Fireland due to the Moonwell Chalice trinket from Molten Front dalies + Volcano still carrying over from the previous tier, so much that it warranted a rework to Doomguard snapshotting in 4.3. Given that prepull mastery set snapshotting didn't really caught on until the end of the expac, it never really hit Classic Unholy DK level of snapshotting cheese. Demo's main downside is that it loses a fair amount of DPS if it can't stand in melee range for Shadowflame/Immo Aura or has to move constantly so it can't keep on casting, whereas Fire can just Scorch. Its sustained damage for long fights is also meh, since the bulk of its damage comes from the initial perfect snapshot DG+meta burst.
@@NOHITJEROME That's surprising. All 3 lock specs wants to stand in melee range for Shadowflame, it has a better DPC than the fillers, and Demo's Immo Aura also has a very high DPC
As a kitty player I’m hoping they get buffed again like they did in wrath. I find it enjoyable and a few minor tweaks like giving back glyph of omen of clarity to have the rotation not feel so clunky would do wonders. Until then it’s bear and boomy. 😞
Keep in mind, tier lists for Cataclysm, MoP and onward should be taken with a grain of salt. Class balance is much more in-line with retail (not quite as good) and the difference between the best specs and middle-ish often come down to player skill. Me playing Unholy, a spec I’ve played every expansion from Wrath through Dragonflight might look a lot better than someone who is new to Cata and doesn’t understand how to manage their resources and time their cooldowns/diseases correctly. PTR and realm first racing guilds results shouldn’t be taken as gospel, either. These guilds are stacking classes for maximum efficiency and excluding certain classes because they are speed running.
very true. it's almost like the utility section should be removed in future lists too. everyone brings the same utility and you need full coverage of all the buffs/debuffs. to me the player skill thing is very relevant though - maybe a future list should factor in the "baseline damage" ie an average player playing the spec. to me a fire mage for example simply CANT be bad at dps. that has to count for something and makes the class more stackable by default
I remember when i wasnt allowed to raid in cata the first go around cuz i was SV everyone said MM was better but one day they needed a 10th it me and the MM hunter was neck and neck on the meter one is just as viable as the other
SV being top tier was well known after the first round of 4.3 blizz like private servers, it got two massive buffs to Black Arrow and Explosive Shot damage in 4.2 and 4.3, while MM's AoE got nerfed, which made it the best hunter spec by a mile for both Single Target and AoE, while also being the easiest spec to play, while also being lenient toward movement, it made MM completely redundant.
@@NOHITJEROMEi think you would be surprised. They arent as gear dependant as any of the prior expansions and especially vanilla. From what im seeing from other creators they start strong and stay that way until the end of the expansion. Im admittedly bias being an Arms main, however Cataclysm seems to be the expansion where Arms warriors really get to shine.
Enjoy it while you can, once they prove to be ahead of the other melees feral and ret gonna get a massive buff and warriors will no longer get raid spots
you probably did it by now but i'd say bot is easier. 1 shots across the board on beta ( going in sunday), bwd even normals have a few wipes and nef is harddd
Thing is you don’t recognise loot distribution in 25 mans, why not. Problem is high end guilds like mine go for loot council so this means officer loot as priority. So this vid doesn’t matter if I don’t the gear but officers do….pls address this e.g. what is the best best loot distribution system. ?
best loot distribution is SR where you arent allowed to res anything outside your bis. at least for the first few weeks. unless you are world first raiding. then gdkp or sr x3
hi psovs that's narcissus for the gear (you can't import gearsets unfortunately it's just what you have) and then the cata simulators also show gear too
mage took me 2hr to learn on beta, war scares me. i'm leveling a war next and i don't necessarily feel confident at all. mage is just chill vibes never really die, so much mobility, it's just perfection
to me it's getting the perfect combustion and the aoe rotation itself because the aoe rotation is not obvious. single target mage is arguably the easiest class in the game. the hard part comes from positioning to minimize movement for mechanics since anytime you move you lose dps. aoe is where my brain feels like i don't play it perfect. also an underrated thing about mage is your pre-fight. you NEED a precast or you lose a lot and you need mirror images..prepot..etc. it's key
I think Warlock needs some help. 40%-50% of my damage has been from pets. Felhunter damage is insane I've had 60k crits and the amount of execution I have to do prepull and pet swapping etc is alot for being a mid caster (but still great overall). Playing my mage and priest just feel unfair comparatively. I've been a warlock main since classic but I may swap my main to the mage, especially if there's a chance at the legendary. edit: Destro is really good if AOE is not needed, and netherward is super overpowered and underutilized.
warlock has the insane setup time too right? i think warlocks arre looked at as strong but that's because the sweatiest players do all the prep before fights, the gear swaps, all of it. mage, shaman, priest, etc like you said are more plug and play and just instant 30-40k dps no effort
@@NOHITJEROME tons of setup, yeah. It's a strong class it just feels bad, for example putting/having dots up at all times (used to be let it fall off if it can't complete) is imperative because the dps loss from dropping a dot with felhunter is worse than just letting it fall off and casting soulfire or incinerate.
yeah boomkin has the brez and a lot of fights you aren't 100% grouped so having a rez is key, and in general they are just nice to have. have you been playing boomkin in raids?
i get that they own as an offtank and everyone would be glad to have them. cds like stampeding roar are insane too on a lot of fights. but i havent seen many top ferals yet
Ofc the Ret sim is not working. No one is working on it. So it will prob stay like it is. The Paladin Cata forums for Ret are a joke, pointless even to join as no one rly has any answers.
hmm thats odd, some of the most active wotlk/cata players that are good are paladins like subtle. i guess ret just isnt appealing in cata? it looks fun from the outside
@@NOHITJEROME I always feel energy starved, I can swipe twice, Tiger's fury, Swipe three times and then I'm done for the pull. Boss fights are even worse because it gets challenging to have 100% uptime on a 5 combo rip due to lack of energy.
I love my Enhancer Shaman. Great dps and utility. You got totems like grounding/tremor, purge offensive dispel, and wind shear on a short cd ranged interrupt. Plus as a hybrid you can always help offheal when needed. They are a great addition to any party in dungeons and raids. I liked the cata version cause they gave us Bind Elemental for CC along with the Hex we got in wotlk..... so shaman finally get some decent CC, and bind elemental can be useful in heroic dungeons and raids when needed with all the elemental ascendant type mobs. SHAMAN FTW!!!
glad you are enjoying it rohan. you have high utility and i do like the offhealing ability, it is noticeable especially in heroic dungeons. how competitive do you feel on the dps meters compared to in wrath?
As a fellow enhance I will disagree with this tier list, I've been topping meters from the start. Granted I'm full bis at this point including crafted gear, but still this list is off compared to what I've seen across the board running dungeons ect. Maybe its my skill and utilization of cooldowns, but even so. I'm not worried about my raid spot as enhance.
i love druids for the buffs they bring but other than for tanking have you really seen 10mans looking for druids right now? our grp might just have ascuffed comp to be fair
I play demon lock, I have to do everything possible and impossible to give a good dps, and when I look at the details I have shaman, rogue, dk and mage at the top lol with the click of just one button!
ya that was my takeaway with ele shaman. it looks so far like i'm wrong about ele. but man i played fire mage (not even 20% as much effort as lock lol) and looking up after a bunch of perfect procs and rotation play and seeing a shaman above me was infuriating. same with surv hunter
Your tier list is perfect without taking anything away, but I confess that I was also surprised by Ele shaman and that was clear in our attack, anyway, we love your videos!❤
yeah wouldn't be surprised to see hunter #1. firemage is pretty rng and i was being outdpsed a lot on the ptr by hunters. much more reliable dps but the highs are lower imo
its good to see where i was horribly wrong too. seems like ele sham isn't as good as it was on the beta. i just felt like i was playing my rotation on mage semi-perfectly and i was getting outdpsed by ele. full bis on beta. felt like that was gonna be the future but it doesn't seem to be coming true
on beta ele was just insane but haven't seen it at all so far. might end up being incorrect on that one, we will see. i just don't get why the eles aren't doing better
This guy’s manner of speaking makes him unwatchable to me. There’s another guy who makes cata content that’s the same way. Guess I’ll just figure shit out myself
Enhance shamans aoe is without a doubt better than ele shamans. Being able to spread flame shock to all targets and fire nova off every single one of them on top of magma totem and instant cast chain lightnings in any aoe/cleave they are gonna do a ton. Their single target dps is also great and just fine. They have a ton of flexibility, great movement speed, great burst with short CD's, great defensive tools with shaman rage, instant heals, healing stream totem, stoneclaw totem glyph, etc. Enhance is one of the most misunderstood specs in WoW. I've seen every expansion since TBC that raid logs/lists enhance has never been a top 10 via average logs. I raided all of WotLK with Hivemind on Mankirk(server rank 15) which had multiply top 5 realm players per every spec and I was constantly top 3 dps as enhance if not top on some bosses with many 99's on nearly every fight in the game. Same with TBC. The important thing is tier lists like this are fucking stupid and pointless. Play what you enjoy the most and thus you will learn the ins and outs of the class and put more effort into it. Most top guilds recruit the player not the class. Because a good player on any dps playing well will always outshine insert fotm class here. Also if you look at the world first races they Progress EU just literally did it with running an enhance shaman who did great on damage. Another utterly clueless tier list. If you wanna tier lists be my guest but at least understand every class/spec and know wtf you're talking about before doing so. Spreading misinformation is rapid in the WoW classic community. We don't need to add to it.
Hi Darkoasis, I have no doubt you outdps the vast majority of players. You top the dps charts. You provide great flexibility for your raid, you carry heroic dungeons with offheals when the healer falls short. And I also have no doubt top guilds can utilize an elite enhance shaman for world first clears and speedruns. But at some point don't we have to consider the average player too? The average player will perform FAR better on ele than on enhance. The average player will die FAR less on ele than on enhance. They will do more ST damage, more aoe damage. They will simply be the more reliable pick . My own personal experience on the beta was playing fire mage flawlessly (for my standards..not khadgar over here to be sure) and watching ele shamans beat me on the meters. I never saw an enhance shaman. Look at WCL right now, many ele shamans near the top. I see no enhance. Will you be near the top? I have no doubts. But few will be.
Do you agree with this list?
Nice list, there is a blue post about the BOA shoulder enchants. Keep pumping legend.
@@jacomeyer2433 thank you jaco, i hope they do the boa change soon. i do not want to do those quests again lmao
For shaman you said they don't bring much utility other than windsheer and damage....then you said mage brings mega utility because bloodlust and critical mass? You realize a shaman brings almost any buff a raid could addition to 1/2 of the mage's utility? Just getting mixed signals here. Edit in: ahnk doesn't even count as a they bring that as well.
I don't disagree with your list over-all, just seemed inconsistent.
@@stephenscott3568 those are not the only utility tools a Mage have
you are delusional if you put dk in A tier
Therazane enchants will be BoA according to Blizzard, quote:
We’re working on this. We agree that it would feel better to have this reward for reaching exalted with Therazane available to your alts.
really good change thank god. still nice to pick good class to not have to buy 2x boes
They are BoA since the reset.
Thank god
14:57 if you are pressed for time.
Not a bad list eh? Any changes you’d make?
Maybe warrior and dk up too. UH is still rippin
So happy to be seeing this kind of content from Jerome! Been watching you since day 1. Real OG here haha
appreciate you davreth i hope you forget some of those earlier streams lmao that was the exploratory phase for sure
@NOHITJEROME ill never forget, brother. Your leveling experiences have taught me a lot! Always spot on informational videos, straight to the point!
Weird to talk about Ele being easy vs fire mage requiring perfect play. Ele is prolly a tad easier, less proc reliant, but outside of cooldowns/combust, Fire Mage is pressing two buttons and maintaining a single dot. Feel like if you were comparing Ret/UH damage to Ele it would hold up better as those classes are pretty difficult, but mage is pretty easy mang.
ya fire is super easy and i can prove it because im nervous about playing arms. i dont have a fire mage on my account and i have an 80 arms war but im legit nervous to get to 85 and mess the rotation up. so you are right for sure. fire is easy and fun and all the right things
@@NOHITJEROME playing both and the stance dancing is tricky but u need macros more macrossssss
Thanks for including some notes about 10 mans, i know my guild is completely done with 25s so good to have that info. I am running a hpally but still fun to watch the videos
10mans feel like the meta. so hard to find the last 2-3 people - even at the peak of tbc/wrath it's a revolving door. with cata it's all about repetition, having the right comp, doing the mechanics flawlessly. 10 people can do that consistently a whole lot easier than 25
Fun fact. As a blood DK, I went into my first raid with full tank gear, no offspec and they needed me as DPS. I was in Unholy presence, and managed to finish at 11th place DPS wise. That's nuts. (Maybe the raid group was just bad tho)
that is nuts. i think it's how your class plays. absolutely #1/s tier and I should have moved them higher
@@NOHITJEROME I couldn't say for Frost and Unholy, but Blood is definitely in a class of it's own. Very often I finish top DPS in heroics dungeons, sometimes I get top HPS too. Blood DK is a jack of all trades !
Playing combat in P3 of wrath was the most fun i've ever had in WoW cause of blade flurry, im so excited to pump in perma blade flurry fights
yeah it's gonna be great on fights like halfus, i've seen 1 rogue really outperform, they can definitely pump but they die first often due to their proximity to mechanics
@NOHITJEROME sounds like some sleepy gamers to me lol feint and cloak of shadows are so good
Glad I decided to main Survival Hunter in Cata. Although I have a feeling we will slip down the tier rankings a bit as the expansion progresses
yeah they will start really strong, weaker scaling but who cares. you are the king at the peak of the game that's what matters really
hunters will surive dont worry, they dont fall off like paladins and warriors
@@ismaeldeleija8165 think war will fall off? i'm surprised
@@NOHITJEROME yea, casters getting a legendary, rogues getting legendaries, i guess even Hunters will fall off but just a little bit also ferals
The therazane rep shoulder enchant is account wide now, so alts unite! Nice vid bro.
thank god for the boa shoulder. i wonder why it wasn't like that by default. luckily didn't start the 2nd char grind yet lol
I'm playing destruction on my lock and you can't stop me.
I can
hello sir this is the gatekeeping police we are not going to let you run that destruction lock please switch to demo or affliction immediately
we have ways of making him switch
Destruction warlocks didn’t get any love from you! We still be putting in work!!!
yoo i know it just feels niche, havent seen a lot of tryhard locks in my server yet
I’m really curious to see how it all plays out in raids en masse when they open - just having Heroics isn’t super indicative of raid performance but I’m eager to be surprised by an Elemental Shaman coming even remotely close to my Demo Warlock on large AOE pulls. Meta w/ Immolation + Demon Soul + Felstorm + Shadowflame + Hellfire is pure comedy. Ripped about 117k DPs on a large Grim Batol AOE pack.
I think a Mage could outperform with lucky procs but having reliable, monstrous burst of a Demo Lock may be more desirable.
Single Target with major cooldowns (e.g. Doomguard) I’ve yet to be beaten either - I’ve seen a lot of Demo Locks vary wildly in Heroics with similar gear but their Doomguard is doing about 30% of what mine is - they’re not doing proper snapshotting for sure
Excited to get ready for raiding!
Demo hits their peak in Fireland due to the Moonwell Chalice trinket from Molten Front dalies + Volcano still carrying over from the previous tier, so much that it warranted a rework to Doomguard snapshotting in 4.3. Given that prepull mastery set snapshotting didn't really caught on until the end of the expac, it never really hit Classic Unholy DK level of snapshotting cheese.
Demo's main downside is that it loses a fair amount of DPS if it can't stand in melee range for Shadowflame/Immo Aura or has to move constantly so it can't keep on casting, whereas Fire can just Scorch. Its sustained damage for long fights is also meh, since the bulk of its damage comes from the initial perfect snapshot DG+meta burst.
Locks turned out well..unless someone pulls early lol
@@dumpsterplayer5133never seen a melee warlock that’s fascinating
@@NOHITJEROME That's surprising. All 3 lock specs wants to stand in melee range for Shadowflame, it has a better DPC than the fillers, and Demo's Immo Aura also has a very high DPC
Awesome Video Bro really helped me to decide ❤️
thanks i hope you picked fire mage
Wait till you see the mastery snapshotting SunKin spec druids will be rocking.
is it similar to warlock? what are you pre-casting? i asume there is a gear swap
As single target my ass rogue when using a proper opener sits nicely up the board, not always top but it's up there
yeah you can definitely #1 a fight but it seems opener dependent and i feel like adds/aoe you start to fall behind, does that feel accurate?
As a kitty player I’m hoping they get buffed again like they did in wrath. I find it enjoyable and a few minor tweaks like giving back glyph of omen of clarity to have the rotation not feel so clunky would do wonders. Until then it’s bear and boomy. 😞
hoping for a buff..i assume you are having a rough time. how is it going in the raids daran?
I would love to see BM hunters get some love
agreed, the concept of bringing any buff you need is so cool but they always make the damage underwhelming which is a bummer
Keep in mind, tier lists for Cataclysm, MoP and onward should be taken with a grain of salt.
Class balance is much more in-line with retail (not quite as good) and the difference between the best specs and middle-ish often come down to player skill.
Me playing Unholy, a spec I’ve played every expansion from Wrath through Dragonflight might look a lot better than someone who is new to Cata and doesn’t understand how to manage their resources and time their cooldowns/diseases correctly.
PTR and realm first racing guilds results shouldn’t be taken as gospel, either. These guilds are stacking classes for maximum efficiency and excluding certain classes because they are speed running.
very true. it's almost like the utility section should be removed in future lists too. everyone brings the same utility and you need full coverage of all the buffs/debuffs. to me the player skill thing is very relevant though - maybe a future list should factor in the "baseline damage"
ie an average player playing the spec. to me a fire mage for example simply CANT be bad at dps. that has to count for something and makes the class more stackable by default
I remember when i wasnt allowed to raid in cata the first go around cuz i was SV everyone said MM was better but one day they needed a 10th it me and the MM hunter was neck and neck on the meter one is just as viable as the other
hahaha surv is insane i love going back to things like that. confidently incorrect gatekeeping.
SV being top tier was well known after the first round of 4.3 blizz like private servers, it got two massive buffs to Black Arrow and Explosive Shot damage in 4.2 and 4.3, while MM's AoE got nerfed, which made it the best hunter spec by a mile for both Single Target and AoE, while also being the easiest spec to play, while also being lenient toward movement, it made MM completely redundant.
Arms Warriors are S tier, good sir.
hmm....i believe they can be. but it's very gear dependent. how many arms warriors will have heroic gear raid gear early on?
warriors finally good in a p1 and warriors mains think they are S 😂😂
@@NOHITJEROMEi think you would be surprised. They arent as gear dependant as any of the prior expansions and especially vanilla. From what im seeing from other creators they start strong and stay that way until the end of the expansion. Im admittedly bias being an Arms main, however Cataclysm seems to be the expansion where Arms warriors really get to shine.
Enjoy it while you can, once they prove to be ahead of the other melees feral and ret gonna get a massive buff and warriors will no longer get raid spots
@@NOHITJEROMEno longer gear dependent rage is normalized regardless of your dmg
Do I actually have to buy the expansion to play it? I find it little annoying to be honest... and how much would level boost cost?
Nah just gotta pay the 15 a month subscription. A boost is $60 though.
@@grahamleeper8015 Shit the boost price is insane. I can't imagine going through the classic leveling one more time.. Thank you for the answer though
dont have to buy its just coming with your subscription
a faction transfer is $800 it feels like kekw
can just spam rdf if u have 40hr to kill, just put on some shows
Idc that ret is projected on the bottom. I'm still going to top the meters!
you will dalton and it will be far more impressive as a result
innervate is broken in cata because of the int proc trinket. you can use innervate when int proc gonna expire and gain alot of mana
do you know the name of the trinket? i need to use this in the raid. big tip ty
Innervate is near useless when placed on others but yourself. Merely 5% of someones mana. However for the druid himself its still decent.
@@NOHITJEROME its the tol barad rep trink (mandala of the stirring pattern)
Out of Black Wing Decent and Bastion of Twilight. Which raid is easier on raid launch day ?
you probably did it by now but i'd say bot is easier. 1 shots across the board on beta ( going in sunday), bwd even normals have a few wipes and nef is harddd
nef is way harder, the rest is probably easier
Thing is you don’t recognise loot distribution in 25 mans, why not. Problem is high end guilds like mine go for loot council so this means officer loot as priority. So this vid doesn’t matter if I don’t the gear but officers do….pls address this e.g. what is the best best loot distribution system.
best loot distribution is SR where you arent allowed to res anything outside your bis. at least for the first few weeks. unless you are world first raiding. then gdkp or sr x3
change guild
Feral dps deserves a buff like in wrath, bearweaving is back
agreed nobody wants to play feral now. except maybe to ot
Combustanut went hard back in the day
combustion feels so good, most fun part of cata 100%
Not many seem to know how to use Incanter's absorbtion, and aggressive Arcane Mage play, to dominate cata. Arcane > Fire.
i definitely didn't know about Incanter's absorbtion. i just played fire and pressed fireball/pyro over and over lol
I rerolled my warrior for my mage from TBC and now im like …hmm🤔….i sure ro miss my warrior 😭🤣
why not play both jc? they are both #1/2 on the dps meters next to udk
@@NOHITJEROME so i started leveling my Warrior when i got ZinRock 😂 👏
full prebis just going for zinny still on my udk
go go go 1 day left hope you get it
Is gnome or worgen better for a mage build
Arms Warrior S tier, the only classes beating me on dmg meter st and AOE are hunters and blood DKs 😂
Unholy >>
we will see soon my friend i am excited. my prediction: fire mages
we will wait and see, i think shaman/firemages 1/2
Shaman S tier and Warlock/Warrior in A tier? Lmao this list is kap.
you will see tomorrow. its an annoying reality but it is the reality. i hate shamans over here
What is the site you use to show off the gear is it an armory site? looks so much better than the normal Sixtyupgrades one
hi psovs that's narcissus for the gear (you can't import gearsets unfortunately it's just what you have) and then the cata simulators also show gear too
wowsims yes sir. any idea why the ret paladin sim isn't up atm?
Cant wait to land/spread those juuuuicy comboooosts
oh my god you will have so much fun. just stay humble at the top of the meters, dont make fun of anyone
Haha love this@@NOHITJEROME
What would you say is easier to play, fire mage or arms warrior?
Mage is a bit harder, war is macro heavy however
@@qorda1337 ah I see. What makes mage a bit harder than war?
mage took me 2hr to learn on beta, war scares me. i'm leveling a war next and i don't necessarily feel confident at all. mage is just chill vibes never really die, so much mobility, it's just perfection
mage is harder to play perfectly i feel like, but the floor is really high. you will rarely see a mage actually suck on the meters
to me it's getting the perfect combustion and the aoe rotation itself because the aoe rotation is not obvious. single target mage is arguably the easiest class in the game. the hard part comes from positioning to minimize movement for mechanics since anytime you move you lose dps. aoe is where my brain feels like i don't play it perfect.
also an underrated thing about mage is your pre-fight. you NEED a precast or you lose a lot and you need mirror images..prepot..etc. it's key
It’s really sad they decided to kill enhance shaman. By far one of the most fun classes to play.
i see some enhance perofrming well maybe they are better than we expected
After everything you said about DK they should be S tier. Best dps in the game once they are geared lol
yeah they are carrying raids right now. i agree
I think Warlock needs some help. 40%-50% of my damage has been from pets. Felhunter damage is insane I've had 60k crits and the amount of execution I have to do prepull and pet swapping etc is alot for being a mid caster (but still great overall). Playing my mage and priest just feel unfair comparatively. I've been a warlock main since classic but I may swap my main to the mage, especially if there's a chance at the legendary.
edit: Destro is really good if AOE is not needed, and netherward is super overpowered and underutilized.
warlock has the insane setup time too right? i think warlocks arre looked at as strong but that's because the sweatiest players do all the prep before fights, the gear swaps, all of it. mage, shaman, priest, etc like you said are more plug and play and just instant 30-40k dps no effort
@@NOHITJEROME tons of setup, yeah. It's a strong class it just feels bad, for example putting/having dots up at all times (used to be let it fall off if it can't complete) is imperative because the dps loss from dropping a dot with felhunter is worse than just letting it fall off and casting soulfire or incinerate.
@@NOHITJEROME gear swapping is also frustrating because let's face it ass pulling is super common.
@@stavey1123 you can literally refresh the dot earlier now and it doesnt clip, affli feels much better to play...
@@decai6899 neither of those things are points of discussion in what I said
I will still take boomkin over shadow priest disc priest only priest I like
yeah boomkin has the brez and a lot of fights you aren't 100% grouped so having a rez is key, and in general they are just nice to have. have you been playing boomkin in raids?
Yes Immortal Elite from Pagle Jiraiyawolf we did all 10mans with no warlock on all our bosses^^
Unholy DK is definitely S tier in 25 man content.
ya they own i regret not swapping shaman and udk. just haven't seen any good ele shams yet though..maybe it won't be as wrong as it looks right now
Hi, would this ranking change based on recent phase 1 raid logs? Or is this based on the raid logs?
based on beta logs but ill update it soon. seems mostly accurate, maybe ele shamans are slightly worse than i thought but they are still good
Man you just dont get top dps and i can switch to be a 3rd tank ..but my dps single or great ..
i get that they own as an offtank and everyone would be glad to have them. cds like stampeding roar are insane too on a lot of fights. but i havent seen many top ferals yet
Ofc the Ret sim is not working. No one is working on it. So it will prob stay like it is.
The Paladin Cata forums for Ret are a joke, pointless even to join as no one rly has any answers.
hmm thats odd, some of the most active wotlk/cata players that are good are paladins like subtle. i guess ret just isnt appealing in cata? it looks fun from the outside
@@NOHITJEROME No idea what to tell you. I played a Feral before. And the Druid Discord was mint.
These pink bastards are lazy af xD
After the combust nerfs fire mages are no longer the best specc tho
Cry yourself to sleep
So who is
what combust nerf? something new?
trust me they will still blast
ele sham or fire mage
Feral feels so bad unless Berserk is up. Like insanely bad.
haven't seen a dps feral yet since ptr.curious to see how they perform in the live environment
@@NOHITJEROME I always feel energy starved, I can swipe twice, Tiger's fury, Swipe three times and then I'm done for the pull. Boss fights are even worse because it gets challenging to have 100% uptime on a 5 combo rip due to lack of energy.
@@NOHITJEROMEit’s awful and feels even worse 😞
@@MNPhantom Try weaving feral charge for free ravage/combo points while waiting for energy
@@Denrosanabben I have been it definitely helps
Arms is on TOP he trippin
right now they seem to be. ele shaman looks like the major mistake on this list atm. but haven't seen any good ones yet
My full pre bis arms warrior shits on everybody 😂
has it held up in raids dylan? arms seems amazing
Kings of AoE = Unholy DK, they pump
agreed but a fire mage with good combust will be 2x higher than anyone
@@NOHITJEROME I wouldn’t say 2x higher lol. Tier 11 progression isnt where mages shine. It’s mostly Arms, Unholy, Survival, Ele and Rogues
This guide is just for season 1 ?
hi just phase one launch. we will see how it changes in a few months gargamel
What are those cinematics from?
which one specifically? a lot of them are recent cata trailers
They changed the shoulder enchants to BoA!!!
that's fantastic. STILL dont want to have to reroll and spend all that gold on boes lol
I love my Enhancer Shaman. Great dps and utility. You got totems like grounding/tremor, purge offensive dispel, and wind shear on a short cd ranged interrupt. Plus as a hybrid you can always help offheal when needed. They are a great addition to any party in dungeons and raids. I liked the cata version cause they gave us Bind Elemental for CC along with the Hex we got in wotlk..... so shaman finally get some decent CC, and bind elemental can be useful in heroic dungeons and raids when needed with all the elemental ascendant type mobs. SHAMAN FTW!!!
glad you are enjoying it rohan. you have high utility and i do like the offhealing ability, it is noticeable especially in heroic dungeons. how competitive do you feel on the dps meters compared to in wrath?
What server y'all playing on?
faerlina Emory, where are you at sir?
List is mostly solid bro but warrior too low theyre top 3 dps the whole xpac
with full bis i agree but heroics will be hard and most ppl will not have full bis for a few months. in the rest of that time warrior will be 5-6 imo
Arms isn’t really gear dependent in Cata/MoP and is pretty much the top melee spec from now until like Seige of Orgrimmar lol
What about enhancer?
weaker than ele i dont love the spec so i just would do ele. but im biased
@@NOHITJEROME allright thanks, i was unsure beacuse now i‘m enhancer and doing well dps, but dont know how it will be as ele
@@janhst97 enhance have a stable dps but are just not great. their dps doesnt drop off like eles for example where fire ele dies/finnishes though
As a fellow enhance I will disagree with this tier list, I've been topping meters from the start. Granted I'm full bis at this point including crafted gear, but still this list is off compared to what I've seen across the board running dungeons ect. Maybe its my skill and utilization of cooldowns, but even so. I'm not worried about my raid spot as enhance.
Explosive Shot isnt an AOE sadly
no hate how similar and yet different it is in sod
Where do i go to sim for cata?? should be the place
@@NOHITJEROME you're awesome
therazane enchant is account wide
thank god the thought of doing those quests again was giving me anxiety
Kinda clueless not gonna lie. Druids bring 12 % armor shred fairy fire, hurricane best debuff in the whole game 20% attack speed reduction, innervate etc
i love druids for the buffs they bring but other than for tanking have you really seen 10mans looking for druids right now? our grp might just have ascuffed comp to be fair
@@NOHITJEROME im so sad thorns is only 20 seconds now
Ele Sham FTW!!!!
they are creeping up..i like ele sham a lot in cata right now
Bro shows some sim numbers in blues and then ones like Mage in full phase 1 BiS lmfao
the sims for the video are just b-roll don't worry
The enchant is boa now
thank god felt like my alt hopes were dying without that change. hope you are enjoying the raids mr lolsam
I play demon lock, I have to do everything possible and impossible to give a good dps, and when I look at the details I have shaman, rogue, dk and mage at the top lol with the click of just one button!
ya that was my takeaway with ele shaman. it looks so far like i'm wrong about ele. but man i played fire mage (not even 20% as much effort as lock lol) and looking up after a bunch of perfect procs and rotation play and seeing a shaman above me was infuriating. same with surv hunter
Your tier list is perfect without taking anything away, but I confess that I was also surprised by Ele shaman and that was clear in our attack, anyway, we love your videos!❤
5% spell haste hard to find for 10 mans? lollll
shaman/priest/boomkin, if you run a melee comp you might not have them
@@NOHITJEROME 3 classes. 1 big buff. Unsure how thats hard to find
Balance druid more base line haste
balance druid great asset for raids but i cant see them fitting into 10man
Fire mage numba one?! CAP!! 🤣 Hunter 🏹 FTW!
yeah wouldn't be surprised to see hunter #1. firemage is pretty rng and i was being outdpsed a lot on the ptr by hunters. much more reliable dps but the highs are lower imo
Not hunters! 🏹
But Druids! 🐈
9:39 "starting of the s tier"
10:34 "a tier"
Lol what? 💀
idk what happened there lmao i think i end up moving something around last minute. happens EVERY tier list lol zzzzz
So are they S or A? They seem really good so far
"Why do a tier listy before we're deep into the phase?" lol to get clicks #1 tactic
its good to see where i was horribly wrong too. seems like ele sham isn't as good as it was on the beta. i just felt like i was playing my rotation on mage semi-perfectly and i was getting outdpsed by ele. full bis on beta. felt like that was gonna be the future but it doesn't seem to be coming true
new content best class plz
unholy dk feels pretty unbeatable, have you noticed that?
People are actually stupid to think enh shaman is weaker.
on beta ele was just insane but haven't seen it at all so far. might end up being incorrect on that one, we will see. i just don't get why the eles aren't doing better
No feral on list? xd
ferals bottom to middle tier from what ive seen
shouder is BoA
they will be changing it but not yet right? still could be weeks
@@NOHITJEROMEit is already BoA
Yeah I noticed it BoA last night
This guy’s manner of speaking makes him unwatchable to me. There’s another guy who makes cata content that’s the same way. Guess I’ll just figure shit out myself
things have improved the last few months, give it another chance in the future and i hope you won't be disappointed
Wtf ugility
ugility? lmao
@@NOHITJEROME that's what I kept heading through my trucks speakers lol
Enhance shamans aoe is without a doubt better than ele shamans. Being able to spread flame shock to all targets and fire nova off every single one of them on top of magma totem and instant cast chain lightnings in any aoe/cleave they are gonna do a ton. Their single target dps is also great and just fine. They have a ton of flexibility, great movement speed, great burst with short CD's, great defensive tools with shaman rage, instant heals, healing stream totem, stoneclaw totem glyph, etc. Enhance is one of the most misunderstood specs in WoW. I've seen every expansion since TBC that raid logs/lists enhance has never been a top 10 via average logs. I raided all of WotLK with Hivemind on Mankirk(server rank 15) which had multiply top 5 realm players per every spec and I was constantly top 3 dps as enhance if not top on some bosses with many 99's on nearly every fight in the game. Same with TBC. The important thing is tier lists like this are fucking stupid and pointless. Play what you enjoy the most and thus you will learn the ins and outs of the class and put more effort into it. Most top guilds recruit the player not the class. Because a good player on any dps playing well will always outshine insert fotm class here. Also if you look at the world first races they Progress EU just literally did it with running an enhance shaman who did great on damage. Another utterly clueless tier list. If you wanna tier lists be my guest but at least understand every class/spec and know wtf you're talking about before doing so. Spreading misinformation is rapid in the WoW classic community. We don't need to add to it.
Hi Darkoasis, I have no doubt you outdps the vast majority of players. You top the dps charts. You provide great flexibility for your raid, you carry heroic dungeons with offheals when the healer falls short. And I also have no doubt top guilds can utilize an elite enhance shaman for world first clears and speedruns.
But at some point don't we have to consider the average player too? The average player will perform FAR better on ele than on enhance. The average player will die FAR less on ele than on enhance. They will do more ST damage, more aoe damage.
They will simply be the more reliable pick . My own personal experience on the beta was playing fire mage flawlessly (for my standards..not khadgar over here to be sure) and watching ele shamans beat me on the meters. I never saw an enhance shaman.
Look at WCL right now, many ele shamans near the top. I see no enhance. Will you be near the top? I have no doubts. But few will be.
mage fire > all