Well done on that, 4 hours 9 seems an awfully long time to ring for! I rang a peal yesterday at only 2.42 and that was plenty long enough! Great sounding tenor.
Got this beasty up on my own, although it went up wrong of course. Then went straight onto getting the 6th up and almost died!! Good old fashioned 8, I like them even if they aren't the finest heavy 8 out there :)
Well done on that, 4 hours 9 seems an awfully long time to ring for! I rang a peal yesterday at only 2.42 and that was plenty long enough! Great sounding tenor.
Smoothly done!
Got this beasty up on my own, although it went up wrong of course. Then went straight onto getting the 6th up and almost died!! Good old fashioned 8, I like them even if they aren't the finest heavy 8 out there :)
Going here today for the 2nd time!
Now just recast the front seven and it would be a brilliant peal.
Yes right above!
I didn't know how the Bells ring up so fast. They stopped bobbing after they've stopped. Ring Ian
there's a video on here of someone who had rung Liverpool tenor up without a strapper...
I suppose if I said I could raise that bell without a strapper I'd receive the comment "That's bull!"
Raising the great bell of United Kingdom.
The Tenor's Note Is A#.
Bb - according to CCCBR Dove.
@@titmouse-distribution ??
IKR Means "I Know, Right?", Doesn't It.
Heavy bells bigger than 23cwt are not easy to stand