Gordo Banks: freediving and silky sharks (Cabo San Lucas)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.พ. 2025
  • Free diving Gordo Banks, Los Cabos , Baja California Sur, Mexico.
    Encounter with silkies (Carcharhinus falciformis)
    Gordo Banks is a sea mount located 7 miles offshore from Punta Gorda. (Spanish: Banco Gorda de adentro)
    The top of the sea mount is a rocky plateau, the size of a couple of football fields.
    The seamount top lies down at a minimum depth of -35m/115ft.
    Amberjacks, Wahoos, yellow fin tunas, hammerheads, striped or blue marlins can frequently be encountered by divers in this site. Unfortunately it is not protected, being a popular sport-fishing spot.
    Diving with Manta Scuba
    Buceo a pulmón con tiburones sedosos en Banco Gorda de adentro. (area de Punta Gorda)
    #freediving #自由潜水 #apnée #apnea #diving #SeaMount #tiburon #requin #ελεύθερηKατάδυση #الغوص الحر #フリーダイビング #CarcharhinusFalciformis
    / freedivingcabosanlucas
    Footage: Marc Guerrin and Alistair Barradell.

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