Lee Kang-in's assessment of the Manchester City match and the influence of khvicha?
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.พ. 2025
- 24/25 챔피언스리그 7경기 PSG vs 맨시티
이강인 선수는 선발 출전하였고 전반전에 맨시티 수비에
많은 영향을 주고, 후반전 시작전 뎀벨레와 교체하였다.
경기는 사실, 후반전 부터 시작되었다고 봐야되는데
6골이 들어간 경기, 맨시티의 2 - 0 리드로 PSG의 챔스 조기탈락을
예상했었지만 그들은 또 다시 기적을 보여주었다.
결국 4골을 넣으면서 4 - 2 의 승리를 거두었다.
경기 상황을 자료를 통해서 즐기시면 감사하겠습니다.
그리고 이적된 흐비차 선수는 PSG에 어떤 영향을 끼칠까요?
Lee Kang-in's review of the Manchester City match & Hvita's influence?
24/25 Champions League 7 games PSG vs Man City
Lee Kang-in started as a starter and helped Manchester City's defense in the first half.
He had a lot of influence and was replaced by Dembele before the start of the second half.
The game actually started in the second half.
A game with 6 goals, Manchester City's 2-0 lead that resulted in PSG's early elimination from the Champions League.
I expected it, but they showed a miracle again.
In the end, they scored 4 goals and won 4 - 2.
I would appreciate it if you could enjoy the game situation through the data.
And what impact will the transferred Hvita have on PSG?
Le bilan de Lee Kang-in sur le match de Manchester City et l'influence de Hvita ?
24/25 Ligue des Champions 7 matchs PSG vs Man City
Lee Kang-in a débuté comme titulaire et a aidé la défense de Manchester City en première mi-temps.
Il a eu beaucoup d'influence et a été remplacé par Dembélé avant le début de la seconde période.
Le match a effectivement commencé en seconde période.
Un match avec 6 buts, l'avance 2-0 de Manchester City qui a entraîné l'élimination précoce du PSG de la Ligue des Champions.
Je m'y attendais, mais ils ont encore fait un miracle.
Au final, ils ont marqué 4 buts et gagné 4 à 2.
J'apprécierais que vous puissiez profiter de la situation du jeu grâce aux données.
Et quel impact aura le transfert de Hvita sur le PSG ?
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