Orioles gonna be good for a loooong time! Got Grayson Rodriguez, Jordan westburg, Colton cowser, Adley, Mateo, mountcastle, Henderson, Heston krejstad, Santander the list goes on and on
@@spaghettisauce445 pro baseball players are more physically imposing than pro soccer players. Average MLB player is 6’2”, 210 pounds. Average player at the men’s World Cup is 6’0”, 170 pounds which is much closer to the average man.
OMG he’s adorable, talented, AND funny! The whole package. He became my favorite player the moment I saw the video of him shaking the umpire’s hand and doing that 360 his first time on the ML field. I thought wow, this man is a class act. He was yards away from me warming up at the Phillies game this past Tuesday, I thought what luck 😁
Rutschman has the potential to be a rare franchise player with the likes of Ripken Jr. Just as long as the O’s are at least competitive with their contract offerings in the future.
Adley is the guy the Orioles were hoping Weiters would be, then hoping Machado would be. Rutschman is the real deal and they need to sign him to a long term deal now!
Seeing adley on bat bros while he was in the minors I’d recognize his face from that. Hope adleys in the homerun derby this year, maybe with bat bro will on the mound.
“Do you like New York”
Love this guy. Go O’s!
Booooooo! Go Mariners.
@@HowieSmith14 Poor Mariners. The only team to never play in a world series
@@Franz19970 mean screw going to one winning it is all that matters aka the rockies, rangers, rays, brewers, padres and of course mariners
@@Franz19970 do you know your baseball that’s not true
As an Orioles fan, we're so lucky to have Adley. He's such a gem.
completely agree
Orioles gonna be good for a loooong time! Got Grayson Rodriguez, Jordan westburg, Colton cowser, Adley, Mateo, mountcastle, Henderson, Heston krejstad, Santander the list goes on and on
Oh and how could I forget c-mull
@@lucastomasello377 I agree too
Future #1 Catcher.
I love how he's "undercover" and wearing no disguise
unless you follow the team or watch baseball content he’s just a weird store employee to 98% of normies
most mlb players look like normal humans unlike football, soccer, and basketball they are different breds
He’s in NYC and although a good player, still only in his second year.
@@spaghettisauce445 I'd argue soccer players look very normal also.
@@spaghettisauce445 pro baseball players are more physically imposing than pro soccer players. Average MLB player is 6’2”, 210 pounds. Average player at the men’s World Cup is 6’0”, 170 pounds which is much closer to the average man.
The player Baltimore needed. He brings so much energy to the city, on and off the field. MVP!
“I can lead a horse to water” 😂😂 that part almost took me out.
I might not be an O’s fan, but this certainly made me an Adley Rutschman fan! Hope to see more of him!
2:24 "I don't know why they're pushing Rutschman on everyone". Ad is funny!!!!
OMG he’s adorable, talented, AND funny! The whole package. He became my favorite player the moment I saw the video of him shaking the umpire’s hand and doing that 360 his first time on the ML field. I thought wow, this man is a class act. He was yards away from me warming up at the Phillies game this past Tuesday, I thought what luck 😁
The guy actually seems Legit cool asf and a Real One !
The Grod cameo was so unexpected 3:59
I didnt even notice until I read this comment....
bro just got optioned💀
I hoped someone saw him too!! I was like wait.. that's Grayson!
O’s fans in Virginia love Adley!!!!
I love the dude who immediately recognized him and is clearly a massive fan wasn’t even fazed 😂
Love the "I think you should leave" reference
Lol Adley is hilarious I had no clue!
Rutschman has the potential to be a rare franchise player with the likes of Ripken Jr. Just as long as the O’s are at least competitive with their contract offerings in the future.
Sloppy steaks😂 a man of culture
Adley is an absolute legend! Lifetime oriole hopefully
Adley needs to have a TH-cam channel reviewing restaraunts called "Behind The Plate"
What a great idea and name 😂
You are now Adley’s new social media manager. Hands down.
@@thetydalwave_ He can't afford me yet. Maybe in arbitration or Free Agency.
Sloppy steaks?! Just when I thought I couldn’t love him anymore, I find out he’s an ITYSL fan!
Came here looking for this lol
"Is your hair slicked back or pushed back?"
There's a video of him working out while quoting ITYSL nonstop
I'm Yankee fan and I respect him. He is a great catcher and a nice guy.
I am a huge yankees fan but Man I love Adley and the O's
I love Adley too
3:57 thats Rodriguez isn't 😂. You can see him at several other parts when Rutschman is outside.
It is. lol. Good catch. I didn't even notice.
We need more of this 😂
0:15 Adley saying Gunnar is not a good guy!😂
I get why people don't like the O's city connect jersey, but I think they're clean. I may just be partial to orange and black.
I knew this guy is nice. Great player too
Haha he mentioned the shops at the creek which is a reference to Dan Flashes - the store with shirts with insanely complicated patterns!!!
Love Alex. What a guy. 😂
The young Orioles are extremely talented but they did an even better job of drafting guys that are just likeable, good willed, human beings.
Adley with all the I Think You Should Leave references lololol. Man loves a sloppy steak
Adley is an American TREASURE! Protect him at all costs.
He's so chill
Sloppy steaks best pregame ritual
Not even an Orioles fan, but this guy has some hilarious lines fo sho
Adley is a funny dude
Love adley so much 😂😂
Please do more of these
Adley is the guy the Orioles were hoping Weiters would be, then hoping Machado would be. Rutschman is the real deal and they need to sign him to a long term deal now!
this is gold... we need more of these
Orioles need to sign Adley to 20-year contract.
He’s hilarious 🤣
Adleys so funny man
We NEED more content like this
Dunno why they’re pushin Rutschman on everyone!? Maybe cause he’s the best catcher in the league! I need that bundle pack !AR
This is what I needed today
Is the guy at 4:05 Grayson Rodriguez, his teammate?
He’s got a great personality !! Would watch this guy on the reg tbh 😂😂😂
best thing I’ve seen today 😂😂
I really love this man.
Seeing adley on bat bros while he was in the minors I’d recognize his face from that. Hope adleys in the homerun derby this year, maybe with bat bro will on the mound.
Alex? “I don’t know who that is!”😅😅😅
Seems like a great guy!! I'd like to buy him a beer!😊
I really like those videos where the professional players go undercover at colleges and go to their practices. He would be a good one to do for that!
“Someone said hi to me” 😂😂😭😭
Surprised anyone would recognize him since he went to Oregon State
lmao the Grayson cameo at the end
Grayson is getting shelled as we speak
Someone's an "I Think You Should Leave" fan
What a cool dude!
3:26 a guy in an Adley jersey is in the back lol
Frickin awesome!!!
i love adley rutschman
He is just like a TH-camr, he is Perfect for true idea
Wait, was that a Grayson sighting near the end?
Undercover Boss: MLB Style!
Comedy at its finest
Logros obtenido exito prosperidad admiracion
Hairs not slicked back enough for a sloppy steak
Being from ny you see so many people a day if he’s not literally wearing a uniform I wouldn’t be able to pick out any player tbh
Pahahaha...I love it. Let's Go O's!!!!
You don’t realize how absolutely jacked he is, when he’s in uniform 😂
I know! My thoughts too.
I like this guy
3:58 are we gunna ignore Grayson rodriguez
the 'you make me proud' comment was very touching with Grod's rocky start.
This was great
Good video
My man referenced I think you should leave
Lol he just homered
Grayson in the cameo just got shelled bad
How many people knew that was Grayson at 4:00 mark?
… wait, is it?!
G Rod!!!
We love Adley. Go O’s
'22 mlb payroll: $4.2B
'22 A's payroll: $32M
'02 mlb payroll: $2.0B
'02 mlb payroll: $40M
So funny
Go os !
Funny dude
Sloppy steaks!
More pls lol
Haha~,it is interesting!
1:57 i love you zzzzzzzzzzzz lol zzzzzzzzzz
Who’s this little leaguer?
SO HOT!!!!!!!Love this guy.Go OS'
Orioles are the yankees daddy
This was so poorly edited, come on guys
You can lead a hoe to water but you can’t make her think!