This bouquet is so different and unique! I enjoyed learning new tips from this video. My favourite part was the Braiding of the steel grass/flexi grass.. first time seeing this technique. Thankyou.
This is definitely an arrangement that is very modern; it is also an unusual piece of art, therefore you can’t dismiss the beauty of it, even if this is not within your own personal taste.
I love it! It's unique and interesting. Just wanted to give you some positive comments in support of continuing with your beautiful, contemporary designs :) As a designer and florist in the event industry, it's always a refreshing when we have clients who desire something different.
I thought it look like sprouts too but omgosh that's amazing, would look awesome in like a forest wedding. Very very creative and well made. Blown away actually. :) well done!
This isn't a tradition arrangement, so what? I thought in today's world we'd be accepting of what is different, even odd. I personally wouldn't choose this arrangement, because it doesn't go with my theme and it's not to my liking, but someone out there may like it. It's art, not all art speaks the same way to every person. It doesn't mean you have to go out of your way to be so negative and hurtful. This generation needs to work on expressing and controlling their emotions. It's not okay to be verbally abusive over a matter of opinion. You wouldn't like it if someone treated you that way, why continue a vicious cycle? I'm glad for the lady in the video trying something new and putting it out there. I hope she doesn't translate half of her comments, because she might be devastated and stop doing what she's doing.
I couldn't tell what language she was speaking. I heard German, French, and Spanish, and even a bit of English loan words. I thought it might be Portuguese, but the end of the video said Holland. I was really confused.
Le début était très intéressant et très gracieux, mais la suite avec ces tiges qui "emprisonnent' et couvrent le bouquet comme des espèces de lombrics horribles, à mon avis, gâchent tout. Dommage :
Sorry it's not to my taste. in fact I think this is the ugliest bridal bouquet I ever saw in my life. The only redeeming quality about it is that it's so ugly when it comes time to throw the bouquet the bride will have no problem throwing it as far away from her as possible as fast as she can. With a beautiful bouquet a bride is so sad to throw it as she wants to keep it
Kibas Mommy and you simply couldn't keep that emotion in any longer. No, it must have truly repulsed you if you couldn't just push that little button (you had a few options) to go back to your previous video or go on to the next. Poor you need a therapy dog? Is your life so filled with misery that you simply HAD to tell an artist her work is the "ugliest you've ever seen"? Your comment is one of the ugliest that I'VE EVER SEEN. (I just HAD to tell you that) In fact, the only redeeming quality YOU have is that I can just go on and read others. Poor Kibas if that's your attitude. Oh, by the way what kind of name is "Kibas"? Is it a boy or girl (or are you leaving that option open) In fact, "Kibas" is probably the UGLIEST name I've ever heard ("SORRY", it's not to my liking) In fact, the only redeeming thing about a name like "Kibas" is that he or she can change it whe he/she gets older.
You could have left your first comment at the first sentence. You didn't have to go into a toxic spiral of negativity and verbal abuse. It makes you look uncultured and ignorant and disrespectful. It also reflects poorly on people who are like you. This bouquet isn't from the same place as you and its inspiration and fashionableness isn't either. Someone might like it and you're shaming the maker and those who prefer this style. Shame on you. That's not a good way to act. You set a bad example for other readers, viewers, and commenters.
You must be in a lot of pain to spread so much abuse around. Think of how what you said could affect another person? What if someone told you those words? Would you like it? The simple answer is no. Maybe someone has treated you badly and set an example that this behavior is tolerable, but it isn't. I'm sorry for what you've been through, but please don't take it out on others. It continues a vicious cycle of pain. You do have the right to express any opinion you have, but what good does it do or what does it benefit you to be so unnecessarily hateful?
I don't understand this comment, I'm doing a course for florist (second year) and I can tell you that this is no shit, but as you all can do better, you're free to make some bridal bouquets and to post them online here, in fact I'm curious about it, but you must know that I will give my opinion as I think about it, curious how you should cope with that, feedback is ok but feedback must be given in an constructive way.....not in the way you do!
Very, Very beautiful!! I loved It! Thank you for sharing, so we can also learn a little bit.🥰
Marvelous technique and very good demonstration! Thank you very much
This bouquet is so different and unique! I enjoyed learning new tips from this video. My favourite part was the Braiding of the steel grass/flexi grass.. first time seeing this technique. Thankyou.
This is definitely an arrangement that is very modern; it is also an unusual piece of art, therefore you can’t dismiss the beauty of it, even if this is not within your own personal taste.
Awesome!!!! Good job and very beautiful !!!!!
I love it! It's unique and interesting. Just wanted to give you some positive comments in support of continuing with your beautiful, contemporary designs :) As a designer and florist in the event industry, it's always a refreshing when we have clients who desire something different.
I thought it look like sprouts too but omgosh that's amazing, would look awesome in like a forest wedding. Very very creative and well made. Blown away actually. :) well done!
Bravo Madame pour votre ingéniosité c’est super bluffant Mireille
I love it ! It is a matter of's so unique...thank you...
Excelente!! Saludos desde México
Bravo le bouquet est magnifique !!!
This is simply beautiful...
Oh wow, that's beautiful.
Very Beauty! Very interesing design! Thank you so much!!! ( I saw it 3th time!!)
So beautiful!
hasta cierto punto es interesante.... luego me cuesta trabajo encontrarle lo hermoso... me dejó caer el asombro...
Букет очень креативный,выполнен изумительно.Не поняла как заканчиваеться отделка ножки.Стебли обрезаются,или остается такая большая длинна?
This isn't a tradition arrangement, so what? I thought in today's world we'd be accepting of what is different, even odd. I personally wouldn't choose this arrangement, because it doesn't go with my theme and it's not to my liking, but someone out there may like it. It's art, not all art speaks the same way to every person. It doesn't mean you have to go out of your way to be so negative and hurtful. This generation needs to work on expressing and controlling their emotions. It's not okay to be verbally abusive over a matter of opinion. You wouldn't like it if someone treated you that way, why continue a vicious cycle?
I'm glad for the lady in the video trying something new and putting it out there. I hope she doesn't translate half of her comments, because she might be devastated and stop doing what she's doing.
Wonderfull! Thank You so much!!!
The botanic name for the steel grass and flexible grass?
Lindo, muito lindo ☺
love it!
AMAZING!!! IT'S AMAZING! THANK'S. Leila Santos Consultora Sênior L'BEL PARIS
очень красиво!!
Things were going really well up to 06:44
just FYI op, Caoutchuc is means rubber. It;s nearly the same word in french.
I couldn't tell what language she was speaking. I heard German, French, and Spanish, and even a bit of English loan words. I thought it might be Portuguese, but the end of the video said Holland. I was really confused.
Squiggly P she is speaking Dutch.
Whatever happened to wired bridal bouquets - this would be great for a wedding on Star Trek or Lost in Space. I'll bet that it weighs 3 kg
That's about the Hideous Wedding Bouquet I've ever seen And You Has Got to Kidding
Tank s you very beutiful
it is very complication. we need a very easy things
Claribel Diaz
Okay...For real?
waooh! really?
I'm sorry it's just too out there for me
i don't like it
becoz i don't know what are you doing? ??
its not my type
Le début était très intéressant et très gracieux, mais la suite avec ces tiges qui "emprisonnent' et couvrent le bouquet comme des espèces de lombrics horribles, à mon avis, gâchent tout. Dommage :
visual heroin
This looks like if someone vomited on it
im afraid it does sorry it really looks like sprouts !!!!! not good !!!!!!! if you add color in and have less green it will look better
Sorry it's not to my taste. in fact I think this is the ugliest bridal bouquet I ever saw in my life. The only redeeming quality about it is that it's so ugly when it comes time to throw the bouquet the bride will have no problem throwing it as far away from her as possible as fast as she can. With a beautiful bouquet a bride is so sad to throw it as she wants to keep it
Kibas Mommy and you simply couldn't keep that emotion in any longer. No, it must have truly repulsed you if you couldn't just push that little button (you had a few options) to go back to your previous video or go on to the next.
Poor you need a therapy dog?
Is your life so filled with misery that you simply HAD to tell an artist her work is the "ugliest you've ever seen"?
Your comment is one of the ugliest that I'VE EVER SEEN.
(I just HAD to tell you that)
In fact, the only redeeming quality YOU have is that I can just go on and read others.
Poor Kibas if that's your attitude. Oh, by the way what kind of name is "Kibas"? Is it a boy or girl (or are you leaving that option open)
In fact, "Kibas" is probably the UGLIEST name I've ever heard ("SORRY", it's not to my liking)
In fact, the only redeeming thing about a name like "Kibas" is that he or she can change it whe he/she gets older.
Susie Annei I don't have to keep my opinion to myself. If you don't like what I write too bad!
You could have left your first comment at the first sentence. You didn't have to go into a toxic spiral of negativity and verbal abuse. It makes you look uncultured and ignorant and disrespectful. It also reflects poorly on people who are like you. This bouquet isn't from the same place as you and its inspiration and fashionableness isn't either. Someone might like it and you're shaming the maker and those who prefer this style. Shame on you. That's not a good way to act. You set a bad example for other readers, viewers, and commenters.
Squiggly P I could have BUT I DIDN'T so get over it and get over yourself too while you're at it.
You must be in a lot of pain to spread so much abuse around. Think of how what you said could affect another person? What if someone told you those words? Would you like it? The simple answer is no. Maybe someone has treated you badly and set an example that this behavior is tolerable, but it isn't. I'm sorry for what you've been through, but please don't take it out on others. It continues a vicious cycle of pain.
You do have the right to express any opinion you have, but what good does it do or what does it benefit you to be so unnecessarily hateful?
That was the ugliest bouquet i have ever seen, each to their own i guess....the only great thing she did was the weave she did with the flexi grass...
I don't like this boketh
That is the ugliest arrangement I have ever seen
Wow... this is literally the ugliest bouquet I've ever seen...
I don't understand this comment, I'm doing a course for florist (second year) and I can tell you that this is no shit, but as you all can do better, you're free to make some bridal bouquets and to post them online here, in fact I'm curious about it, but you must know that I will give my opinion as I think about it, curious how you should cope with that, feedback is ok but feedback must be given in an constructive way.....not in the way you do!