I would say it's because she loves him I would say it's because he apparently loves her back since he actually married her and isn't looking to come to the United States either. It's also not like she has a ton of money so he must really love her and she must really love him. And by the way just because someone's older doesn't mean that they're not capable of loving and capable of being loved so what the f*** are you talking about lol all relationships have issues it's just a matter of which issues they will have I'm sure your relationship is not perfect I'm sure I could watch a show on your relationship and pick that s*** apart like a mother f*****. I'm so sick of people with this ageism b******* we're supposed to accept all of your stupid racism homophobism trans-ism all this other b******* but you can all keep spewing your ageism out and that's fine. The bottom line is this two things number one you will be there too and you better hope you don't find yourself in a similar situation you probably will because it's called karma b**** and number two as long as you're not dead you're going to have drama in your life whether you're 25 or 75 so why not have drama while you're getting some nice young dick. How about that b**** she's getting young dick and you're not and that's what's really bothering you have a great night class dismissed. Sick of you women with your b******* oh it's a Sisterhood Sisterhood Sisterhood meanwhile let there be something that the sister wants that the other sister has and that's when the f****** evil claws come out don't get mad because you can't get laid anymore because you like to think of yourself as an old lady who's waiting to die. Good for you Jenny thinks of herself as someone who can get a 30-year-old and did you know why because even though she's 60 something she looks like maybe 50 because she actually took care of herself and a younger man fell in love with her and her spirit you nasty old lady
@@DippyHippie that's because you're not in love with him and for 74 years old you should know better than to be judging anyone. Another one over here that I'd love to look through your window and see what your relationships look like. Let's just start with the fact that you live your life living vicariously through social media and f****** 90 Day Fiance
Why is Sumit going off on Jenny. Go off on ur mom. Jenny isn't the one to blame. Sumit is a grown man who chose to be with Jenny. As a mother I get she doesn't want to accept it but at the same time I wouldn't want to lose my son. Hopefully she comes around
I am also a mom. If I were her, I don’t know if I would forgive my son for marrying a grandma. I don’t think this is a pure love relationship. He probably want something, maybe money, maybe fame. Better solution is start working and be a man. I pray to god that my son is not a Sumit.
I can’t imagine withstanding this nonsense from him and his family for so many years. There is nothing more classless, base and ignorant than insulting someone in a language they don’t understand. Yet, he accepts it. Go back home, Jenny. It’s not worth anymore abuse and dysfunction.
Right??!!! I was disgusted when I watched his mother making fun of her for replying their question in their language and the daughter in law sitting there laughing. Like are you fucking serious? If Jenny mocks the way her husband or son speaks English, she will be the first to shout how disrespectful Jenny is. Idk why Jenny repeatedly keeps taking disrespect from that family. In my opinion, she's tolerated enough. The family is way too toxic to associate herself with especially for someone as nice as her.
He didn't even say anything when that wicked woman insulted Jenny twice, that along with his behavior fromm the beginning is why Jenny will never win or prevail as an equal or anything else buy a burden to Sumit's family.
If Americans realized that when they look for partners overseas they might want to look into the culture they are shopping in - then they would know that most of these relationships were doomed from the start.
It's their culture never to go against the parents. This is a big slap in his parents face..Jenny is a very elderly woman who needs to focus on her daughters, not a little boy in a completely different world, that lives off of her..
@@annamariachristopoulos4263 He's not a little boy🤣🤣 He's in his 30's and loves Jenny. Who cares how old she is, clearly the age difference isn't an issue for Sumit and Jenny so why is everyone else so concerned? Weird. Let them live. His mother is a bitter hateful person. She has issues.
@@najmaj he's not a little boy for sure but we as a children of our parents sometimes didnt know better, when we're in love we see everything as okay okay while other people can see that we're not okay. As long as our parents tell us something good for our life, why not just follow. I dont understand how jenny have a heart to destroy a mother relationship with her son. How Summit betray his mother whom raised him is unthinkable. I dont understand how he able to choose his love for a woman he meet just few years ago over a mother's love and blessing.
@@annamariachristopoulos4263 wow you have bad shit to say about all the women on this show. Sumit and Jenny are very happily married just let them be happy. Does their relationship fit in the standard range of the society approves relationship box no not really but they are happy and that is what counts.
Sumit is 33 years old which makes him old enough to make his own decisions. I agree with Melicia on this one. I do understand how culture and beliefs can influence our ideas, behaviors, and choices. However Sumit's parents have done their moral duty raising him. Their only job at this point is to hope he lives his life to the fullest and find happiness. I'm sorry folks we don't own our children, we were given a great blessing entrusted to us with the hope our children will thrive after our jobs are done. Culture and sometimes religion if we're not careful causes more harm than good. Why should we care who this man chose to marry. It's his life he made the choice. His mom needs to back off and respect his decision even if she doesn't agree. Final thought it's offensive and distasteful for any parent/ s to demonstrate such disrespect in their children's home. Shame on them!
Why doesn't Sumit stop his Mom from insulting poor Jenny while shes sitting there unaware, what his Mom is saying! His Mom needs to get over it! They are Married Now and Sumit hasn't had to work since Jenny has been there!! 🙁
@@sw4499 Wasn't he financially dependent on his parents, before he moved in with Jenny!! His brother has children, so she still gets to be G- Mom!!! Sumit can stack his money he gets from the show & help them when needed!!! 😐
Sumit's parents expect grandchildren from him but they will never get them from Jenny and they expect Sumit to look after them when they are unable to look after themselves but he will be busy looking after Jenny since she is older.
Why look after them? You don’t have children because you expect them to look after you ..It’s ok when parents respect their children’s wishes ..His mother is very manipulative ..
I agree with you, because she controlled her other kids lives, remember what was asked on the 90 day tell all? Kenny asked Sumit's brother if his parents told him not to marry his current wife, would he not do it and his answer was yeah, he would listen to his parents and not marry his wife, and there you have it mom wants control over all of them
Summit's mom is the worst ... They "destroyed" his life once by setting up the arrange marriage for him and Now (again) well different scenario for sure ???
@@alllove1392 a 30year old man or woman has his own choice, as a parent there comes a time to relinquish control over your child's life choices. You've taught them all you can and at that time you must allow him to be their own man/woman.
You can't just marry into a traditional family and f with their traditions your automatically putting a bad taste in their mouth and by directly defying them your causing more agnst. This shouldn't be surprising to anyone.
But he tried her way and it wasnt for him. How much more should he endure befoee he is allowed to do what he wants.? Jenny is what he wants. He's a grown man.
People need to stop using "tradition" as excuse for bad behaviors and attitudes. I come from a traditional family and culture. Similar to summit's culture, our parents are highly involved in everything we do including marriage. Even the narrative of society judging, and shuning you based on behaviors of family is very significant in my culture thus, I understand their fears despite not being Indian myself but, their behaviors is highly disgusting and not "cultural". Heck, when I dated an American, my mother didn't like it. She called him names the first time she found out about our relationship and tried to encourage me to leave him and when she noticed I am not, She tolerated him. She didn't like him, didn't want him but, for my own happiness, she closed her eyes and accepted it. When I left that man because it did not work out, the years I was with him he did not know how much my mother disliked us being together or even him.. Why? Because she treated him like a human being that deserve respect. That's what a mother who cares for the well-being of their child does. Traditional or not. Sumit's mother is just disgusting and some of y'all continuously excusing her disgusting behaviors with "culture and traditions". Treating people with Respect and Dignity is valued in every culture.
When he makes good money and is well established she might regret treating him like this, he could help them a lot… but he is such a good guy that he probably still would help them. My parents were immigrants and bought a house for their parents in Europe before getting their own.
His family is so rude talking trash about her in another language. Do it so she understands the trash you are talking so she can respond back. Sumit does not defend her. He’s just as bad as his family.
Jenny and sumits relationship is codependent and toxic. If a man has to hide you and can't stand up for you 💯 he doesn't value you or the relationship.
Yes, his mom needs to let it go. But let's not forget that Jenny lived in their home and pretended to be his friend when she was with him the entire time. Also they need to realize Summit is a liar...
His mother is letting it go. But Summit wants mother's approval. He should stop forcing her for her approval. He should live his life without mother's approval. End of the story line. Lots of ppl in India marry without mother's approval.
Beyoncé playing in the scene just took me out! 😂🤣 The fact that he’s willing to move across town and hide their relationship was an indication that Sumit knew there were going to be consequences. He didn’t even look happy at his Wedding. Sumit is trying to stay with the money
@@Juliasblues thats was i was thinking. HOW they even live? How they r living in an apt, and just for 1 weekend come back to the old place, so r they paying for both because he desperately run to a different home just to not being identified by their parents…? Yeah, maybe they r living of Jennys retirement and because India is cheaper, they r kind of making it.. but im wondering whats the main issue behind this relationship, because theres no big money.
Bro she was not acting. You are not Indian that's why you won't understand us. If I married someone 30 yrs older than me my parents would have reacted the same way
Sumit actually did it ! He should be very proud of himself. It hard telling your loved ones the truth. It's hard standing your ground ,and defending your love to the same people that raised you ,but it's done, and now they can move on.
@@eileenkolesar2644 She's "not a dark skinned Indian"? Since when was dark skin a beauty ideal in India🤔 In marriage ads people literally request they would like a fair skinned person
Summits mom making fun of Jenny's arms being fat and her arms are the same as Jenny's. Shame on Summits mom. The mother is such a cruel person. Let your son live his own life. Mom you are insane.
They hate Jenny. Comment about her fat arms comes because of extremly hate to her. Whole family hate Jenny because she is a liar and cheat on them in there home with there son when she live with them 6 months as friend of Sumit. But in realty she was having sex with him under there roof. They will never forgive her and accept her.
I am so done with summits family, this is going on for 10 years 🤮🤮 get over it! Summit chose jenny and you don't have to like it, just respect him and jenny 🙏🏽
They honestly don't even have to respect it and I wish Summit would just realize that and move on. Stand by your choice, create the life you want, and if they don't want to join you in that - accept it. As beautiful as it would be to have his family's support, it'll likely never come.
@@diamcole She doesn't have to accept it, but the least his mother could do is show a little respect and not be so obnoxious & rude. She was literally body shaming Jenny...that's gross.
@@bgipper4109 ....oh yes it is...my son in law is 1/2 Indian...its exactly how a majority of the are. You can imagine my caramel coloured daughter with her 2c curls marrying into a North Indian family. ..the drama, disrespect bigotry, snide comments...
Submit is a lying scammer , puts on a fake front, Jenny’s reaction to him actually makes me think he has been abusive, she’s the poster girl for victim, childlike, living in a fantasy world, If I were her daughter I’d be checking this crap out.
I understand Sumit’s mom , I would never want my children to marry someone older than me . It’s just not practically . Love is blind but that doesn’t mean you’ll do everything you want . I wouldn’t comment on their relationship but I understand her frustration
Well said! Poor Sumit deserves to be happy and HE IS A GROWN MAN his mom needs a reality check and stop being so selfish!! She says the most aweful things to her own flesh and blood!? Wow So sad. I hope Jenny and Sumit are happy and doing well regardless xoxox God belss
Our Asian parents think in a while different way.... u have to c both sides of the story..... they expect their son to marry and have kids...like everyone else's kids..... u have to b an Asian mom to know what it is....... I am one... and my son did this to me..... I would have been so disappointed with him but not cut him off totally.....anyways .. Poor Jenney... she should have married a nice American dude and live her life to tue fullest without this kind of drama...
Apparently you don’t know much about East Indian customs and traditions. It’s mostly about arranged marriages period and if you don’t obey you are disowned by your family or even killed
His parents didnt give them their blessing the dad adds on 5:29 "we are not going to stop you and NOT going to support you"...so I took it as they are going to let it be but not going to be happy with what they do
Why would they be happy.??? Look at the age difference...here in India we are conservative..... Americans might talk about soul and otherr shiteee but that doesn't work heree in asia
SUMIT needs to come to the realisation that his mum will never accept it. STOP trying to seek her approval and live your married life's happily without the drama. HIS mum is sat there clearly insulting her and he not once stepped in.
Indian children will never speek one singel word against there parents in whole life. This is the oppbringing of them from childhood. Sumit will never stand against his parents. Mother and father can beat him what he have done if camra crue was not there.
Summit parents paid for his divorce. They don't have to go along with whatever he wants to do. They did more than enough. He make his decision and he doesn't need to force his parents to follow his lead.
They are going against a culture and his mother is not ever going to except them. His parents are worried about what others will think. That is very real to them. They don't want their neighbors and friends talking bad about them. It's a different culture where family is everything and you want to protect the family name. It is a difficult situation.
Fuck what other people says. The only thing that should matter to a real mother is how happy her child is, not the gossip of others around her. Clearly, she does not care about the happiness of her own child. She's literally the type of mother that'll push her own child to depression just to look good to society. She's a joke and in my opinion, a terrible mother.
Exactly right. This is exactly why other cultures make it legal to commit "righteous killings." If it wasn't for tlc recording everything they do, Jenny and Summit would be dead.
I’m 63 yrs old and my youngest son is 32. If he came home with a woman older them me I would flip! I would never disown my child but I sure as heck wouldn’t approve of the relationship, not ever!!!
I agree..I would also not approve of it were my child. But yeah ‘disowning’ your child is just messed up. But I don’t think she meant it. I think she said that because she was so irate of the whole situation. let’s hope it’s just that
Nah. That witch is going way overboard, like a spoiled child throwing a temper tantrum. She wants to have total control over her son's life. Sumit should cut ties with his mother.
This is as toxic and dysfunctional as it gets!.!. It is a great example for the video I just posted to my channel earlier. Such a confirmation on toxic family members with hidden agendas for their relative’s life. I am a mother and there’s NOTHING that my child could do to make me turn my back on him! NOTHING!!!! Unfortunately for Sumit, his mother doesn’t understand what love is. This reaction proves her need for control in her son’s life is nothing more than a trauma bond she formed with him. The way she disrespects Jenny is MORE confirmation on how low vibrational and insecure she is! It’s also disgusting and low vibrational of her other daughter in law to be amused by her disrespect! Their behavior is all grotesque!!! And has been since they came on the show. They constantly PROVE they are morally bankrupt and just outright MEAN SUPERFICIAL PEOPLE!!!!! The fact that Sumit doesn’t stand up and defend his wife doesn’t scream love either. He is weak and Jenny will not be able to take it much longer. You can see and feel her pain and how triggering it is for her. Love is NOT enough in a relationship! I pray for the well-being of Jenny especially. She is a good person and DESERVES true happiness and peace!!! Yikes to this whole situation!!
Bilal the long list of things your wife wants to do are 1) get pregnant 2) have a baby 3) be a mom…..REPEAT. You mean there are a long list of things YOU want to do and having a baby doesn’t seem to be at the top of YOUR list. I wish them well. Shaeeda is so beautiful and seems to be such a sweet spirit.
Summit's mother is mad because her son married a woman who is 30 years older than him and can not give her grandchildren. Summit had an arrange marriage to where he wasn't even happy in either. If Summit is happy with his wife Jenny then so be it.
Jenny must be so deprived of attention / immensely insecure that she’s willing to seek Sumits affection even if it’s at the expense of the abuse she receives
Insightful commentary and summary, Melicia! (as per usual!) This family needs some intervention to find their way! Can we bring back the vedic astrologer?!?
I feel bad for Sumit, he's let this old woman force him into marriage because of guilt. No one told her to sell her house and spend her retirement savings on a man from a completely different culture she doesn't fit in. She's not right in the head. And don't tell me it's love because there's no way Sumit's actually attracted to that old hag.
Well the astrologist did say that if they interfered with their relationship that they wouldn’t get the result that they were hoping for so initially she tried for about a day maybe not even that when they were living with Jenny and sumit sooo clearly they didn’t even listen to the guy.
People need to understand, it has nothing to do with him being 33 years old ... It is a cultural thing! And as much it is so, Sumit has chosen to stay with Jenny. So, at some time the parents/family need to embrace it and accept his decision.
This is the reason why people from different cultures do not understand each other... For me it's perfectly understandable why Sumits family is behaving this way. For our culture marrying a man young enough to be your son is horrifying.. no one would do such a thing without being ridiculed.
I’m so sick of this story line Not watching anymore Jenny take your old azz home please I wouldn’t want my son with her either it’s their culture go home Jenny please I’m done
Sumit is even greying fast from all this stress. Love/soul mate stuff is overrated. He'll end things with Jenny and find someone else whom he will equally love or more if he opens his heart to it and vice versa, then look back and wonder why they jumped through hoops for this relationship. People divorce and lose spouses everyday and life continues, just saying
I still have no idea why Jenny keeps insisting on this relationship with Sumit. Why stress yourself like this at your age.
She's afraid to die alone or be alone that's why Jenny and others like Jenny find elsewhere to find love , if you can call it love 🙄
@@daisyluvsummers8420 nonsense,lol,I’m 77 yrs old & id rather die alone than be married to that fool Sumit!
@@DippyHippie I wasn't talking about you lol I was talking about the people on the show.. that's good for you
I would say it's because she loves him I would say it's because he apparently loves her back since he actually married her and isn't looking to come to the United States either. It's also not like she has a ton of money so he must really love her and she must really love him. And by the way just because someone's older doesn't mean that they're not capable of loving and capable of being loved so what the f*** are you talking about lol all relationships have issues it's just a matter of which issues they will have I'm sure your relationship is not perfect I'm sure I could watch a show on your relationship and pick that s*** apart like a mother f*****. I'm so sick of people with this ageism b******* we're supposed to accept all of your stupid racism homophobism trans-ism all this other b******* but you can all keep spewing your ageism out and that's fine. The bottom line is this two things number one you will be there too and you better hope you don't find yourself in a similar situation you probably will because it's called karma b**** and number two as long as you're not dead you're going to have drama in your life whether you're 25 or 75 so why not have drama while you're getting some nice young dick. How about that b**** she's getting young dick and you're not and that's what's really bothering you have a great night class dismissed. Sick of you women with your b******* oh it's a Sisterhood Sisterhood Sisterhood meanwhile let there be something that the sister wants that the other sister has and that's when the f****** evil claws come out don't get mad because you can't get laid anymore because you like to think of yourself as an old lady who's waiting to die. Good for you Jenny thinks of herself as someone who can get a 30-year-old and did you know why because even though she's 60 something she looks like maybe 50 because she actually took care of herself and a younger man fell in love with her and her spirit you nasty old lady
@@DippyHippie that's because you're not in love with him and for 74 years old you should know better than to be judging anyone. Another one over here that I'd love to look through your window and see what your relationships look like. Let's just start with the fact that you live your life living vicariously through social media and f****** 90 Day Fiance
Melicia would be amazing at doing the Tell All, she's asks the most uncomfortable questions without being rude!
I keep saying we need to find out how to start a petition for everyone to sign and swnd it to TLC
@@sylviadavis2208 Yes, she's very talented, sharp and funny (& yes she's beautiful)
Definitely agree!!
@@sylviadavis2208 dooo it, doooo it! 📣🥂🍕
You all are funny if you think TLC would let her ask whatever she wanted.
Why is Sumit going off on Jenny. Go off on ur mom. Jenny isn't the one to blame. Sumit is a grown man who chose to be with Jenny. As a mother I get she doesn't want to accept it but at the same time I wouldn't want to lose my son. Hopefully she comes around
It doesn't work like that in india
@@glitter2678 I'm indian and I've seen people in India marry who they want to. So yes it is like that
He’s probably mad because now he doesn’t have anymore life lines. And now no one’s going to help him run from Jenny
I am also a mom. If I were her, I don’t know if I would forgive my son for marrying a grandma. I don’t think this is a pure love relationship. He probably want something, maybe money, maybe fame. Better solution is start working and be a man. I pray to god that my son is not a Sumit.
He’s never worked except as a scammer, lived with his mom. She gets enough retirement to support them. He doesn’t have to work.
I absolutely LOVE Melicia’s commentary 😂 it is so funny and 100% accurate. She’s the only reason I’ve become so much more obsessed with this show.
Me too!
I can’t imagine withstanding this nonsense from him and his family for so many years. There is nothing more classless, base and ignorant than insulting someone in a language they don’t understand. Yet, he accepts it. Go back home, Jenny. It’s not worth anymore abuse and dysfunction.
I agree to going back home...nothing will ever change for the better
Right??!!! I was disgusted when I watched his mother making fun of her for replying their question in their language and the daughter in law sitting there laughing. Like are you fucking serious? If Jenny mocks the way her husband or son speaks English, she will be the first to shout how disrespectful Jenny is. Idk why Jenny repeatedly keeps taking disrespect from that family. In my opinion, she's tolerated enough. The family is way too toxic to associate herself with especially for someone as nice as her.
Jenny looks better than mummy..especially her arms...lol.
I totally agree I would never put myself through this crap for any man hell no!!!!
He didn't even say anything when that wicked woman insulted Jenny twice, that along with his behavior fromm the beginning is why Jenny will never win or prevail as an equal or anything else buy a burden to Sumit's family.
If Americans realized that when they look for partners overseas they might want to look into the culture they are shopping in - then they would know that most of these relationships were doomed from the start.
I agree 100 percent!!!! Yep 100 percent
Your so right!👍
Exactly… You have to look at the culture and their norms. You can’t put American values on others.
Everybody who marry American need to look at highest divorse rate, fun culture, toxic dominating culture of American
She'd rather lose her son than see him happy. A shame.
We don't necessarily understand their culture and shouldn't judge
It's their culture never to go against the parents. This is a big slap in his parents face..Jenny is a very elderly woman who needs to focus on her daughters, not a little boy in a completely different world, that lives off of her..
@@annamariachristopoulos4263 He's not a little boy🤣🤣 He's in his 30's and loves Jenny. Who cares how old she is, clearly the age difference isn't an issue for Sumit and Jenny so why is everyone else so concerned? Weird. Let them live. His mother is a bitter hateful person. She has issues.
@@najmaj he's not a little boy for sure but we as a children of our parents sometimes didnt know better, when we're in love we see everything as okay okay while other people can see that we're not okay. As long as our parents tell us something good for our life, why not just follow. I dont understand how jenny have a heart to destroy a mother relationship with her son. How Summit betray his mother whom raised him is unthinkable. I dont understand how he able to choose his love for a woman he meet just few years ago over a mother's love and blessing.
@@annamariachristopoulos4263 wow you have bad shit to say about all the women on this show. Sumit and Jenny are very happily married just let them be happy. Does their relationship fit in the standard range of the society approves relationship box no not really but they are happy and that is what counts.
When Melicia said, “she is straight bucking at him” I died 👏🏻🤣💀🐴
tf does "bucking" mean
"Nuck if you buck" 🤣😂🤣
Lmaao she had me hollering when she said that 🤣😭
@@savpalafox07 the best way i can describe it is like....galloping??? 🤣🤣
Melicia always breaks it down so well. Love her
Honestly the way the parents were smirking they're here for the drama just as much as us😂.
You said it...
Exactly…if they were “to accept” the marriage there would be no storyline! They’re ACTORS!
stolen comment 😂😂 from a whole different video!
Stolen comment LMFAO LAME
Sumit is 33 years old which makes him old enough to make his own decisions. I agree with Melicia on this one. I do understand how culture and beliefs can influence our ideas, behaviors, and choices. However Sumit's parents have done their moral duty raising him. Their only job at this point is to hope he lives his life to the fullest and find happiness. I'm sorry folks we don't own our children, we were given a great blessing entrusted to us with the hope our children will thrive after our jobs are done. Culture and sometimes religion if we're not careful causes more harm than good. Why should we care who this man chose to marry. It's his life he made the choice. His mom needs to back off and respect his decision even if she doesn't agree. Final thought it's offensive and distasteful for any parent/ s to demonstrate such disrespect in their children's home. Shame on them!
Why doesn't Sumit stop his Mom from insulting poor Jenny while shes sitting there unaware, what his Mom is saying! His Mom needs to get over it! They are Married Now and Sumit hasn't had to work since Jenny has been there!! 🙁
Controlling and manipulative mother
well culturally he has a moral obligation as the oldest son to take care of his parents and have children
@@sw4499 Wasn't he financially dependent on his parents, before he moved in with Jenny!! His brother has children, so she still gets to be G- Mom!!! Sumit can stack his money he gets from the show & help them when needed!!! 😐
Sumit's parents expect grandchildren from him but they will never get them from Jenny and they expect Sumit to look after them when they are unable to look after themselves but he will be busy looking after Jenny since she is older.
She could get pregnant once she is seeing her period. However I don’t think that’s a good match
@@siosworld4064 she won't be getting her period at her age but she could get pregnant using summits sperm and a donor egg.
Why look after them? You don’t have children because you expect them to look after you ..It’s ok when parents respect their children’s wishes ..His mother is very manipulative ..
@@siosworld4064 She can't get it anymore.
Jenny is actually thinner than Sumit's mom and his sister in law... No idea why they are laughing of her weight.
Agree also its rude to behave in that manner to someone whose visting your home for what ever reason
The mother wants to control Summit's life at all costs.
I agree with you, because she controlled her other kids lives, remember what was asked on the 90 day tell all? Kenny asked Sumit's brother if his parents told him not to marry his current wife, would he not do it and his answer was yeah, he would listen to his parents and not marry his wife, and there you have it mom wants control over all of them
Gawd knows he needs the help ! 😅🤣😂
thats narcissists for ya - control control no love
She doesn't want to control. Summit wants the relationship she doesn't . So he bring back the mother to look her bad.
“ you know my mom check corners, clean the corners” I would’ve slapped him with the broom🤣
With both ends🥊
I would give the Broom and ask Submit Are your arms Broken?? Your mother you clean the Funk corners 🤨
Summit's mom is the worst ... They "destroyed" his life once by setting up the arrange marriage for him and Now (again) well different scenario for sure ???
@@EsotericRoyalty777 omg yessssssssss he put them through hell
Jenny better be careful. People from that culture have been known to kill people for less in circumstances like this
She is false and a real witch!
@@krystingrant6292 They putting themselves to through hell trying to control their son
@@jessicamarie8299 Yes, CONTROL, not love.
Unless Jenny tries 2get pregnant and extend the storyline it's their last season... Sumit's parents finally know. We can wrap this up now. ;)
Pregnant through osmosis?
I have a feeling Jenny is going to get him the K1 visa. And theyll be on the next season of 90 Days.
No I want more of this couple
@@jannalam6861 Jenny can't afford to live in USA. That's why she is in India.
Jenny must love the abuse. No love is worth dealing with such abuse.
Sumit's mother is the mother I hope I dont become, so overbearing and toxic.
Until your son marries someone who is 30 years older than him
@@alllove1392 a 30year old man or woman has his own choice, as a parent there comes a time to relinquish control over your child's life choices. You've taught them all you can and at that time you must allow him to be their own man/woman.
@@alllove1392 still their choice and not their parents if they’re grown. Child’s happiness should come first always
Sumit's mother is the mother
@@begratefuleveryday5245 narcissistic parents try to control adult children till death
Wait…Didn’t she already disown him a few times for this?! How many regurgitations of this storyline are they going to churn out?
Over it.
You can't just marry into a traditional family and f with their traditions your automatically putting a bad taste in their mouth and by directly defying them your causing more agnst. This shouldn't be surprising to anyone.
But he tried her way and it wasnt for him. How much more should he endure befoee he is allowed to do what he wants.? Jenny is what he wants. He's a grown man.
People need to stop using "tradition" as excuse for bad behaviors and attitudes. I come from a traditional family and culture. Similar to summit's culture, our parents are highly involved in everything we do including marriage. Even the narrative of society judging, and shuning you based on behaviors of family is very significant in my culture thus, I understand their fears despite not being Indian myself but, their behaviors is highly disgusting and not "cultural". Heck, when I dated an American, my mother didn't like it. She called him names the first time she found out about our relationship and tried to encourage me to leave him and when she noticed I am not, She tolerated him. She didn't like him, didn't want him but, for my own happiness, she closed her eyes and accepted it. When I left that man because it did not work out, the years I was with him he did not know how much my mother disliked us being together or even him.. Why? Because she treated him like a human being that deserve respect. That's what a mother who cares for the well-being of their child does. Traditional or not. Sumit's mother is just disgusting and some of y'all continuously excusing her disgusting behaviors with "culture and traditions". Treating people with Respect and Dignity is valued in every culture.
You dont have to listen to your parents bigoted nonsense. They lived their life.
She’s lost control of the situation that’s what that’s all about she’ll come round
i think you’re right.
@basma m what is this link
I agree
Yes but he's a grown man he can make his own decisions. I wonder if their giving him money?
I think so too and she lost her idea of what her sons life would be, not being invited....... not an easy thing for her to let go.
If his mama keeps this up, Sumit is going to pack his bags and move to the USA with Jenny.
He and Jenny should come to America...be much happier
I hope he does. He needs to separate himself from them.
When he makes good money and is well established she might regret treating him like this, he could help them a lot… but he is such a good guy that he probably still would help them. My parents were immigrants and bought a house for their parents in Europe before getting their own.
His family is so rude talking trash about her in another language. Do it so she understands the trash you are talking so she can respond back. Sumit does not defend her. He’s just as bad as his family.
Lots of p6like this. That's why families are estranged...
Jenny and sumits relationship is codependent and toxic. If a man has to hide you and can't stand up for you 💯 he doesn't value you or the relationship.
Yes, his mom needs to let it go. But let's not forget that Jenny lived in their home and pretended to be his friend when she was with him the entire time. Also they need to realize Summit is a liar...
His mother is letting it go. But Summit wants mother's approval. He should stop forcing her for her approval. He should live his life without mother's approval. End of the story line. Lots of ppl in India marry without mother's approval.
Jenny and sumit will have a lifelong contract with 90 day fiancé as long as they keep bringing the drama😂
Beyoncé playing in the scene just took me out! 😂🤣
The fact that he’s willing to move across town and hide their relationship was an indication that Sumit knew there were going to be consequences.
He didn’t even look happy at his Wedding. Sumit is trying to stay with the money
What money? Jenny is broke!
Better be careful. Wouldn't put it past her to try to get Jenny killed.
Jenny's got little money, but I think enough to keep him home. I've never seen him work, have you ? I think he may be lazy and somewhat entitled.
@@Juliasblues thats was i was thinking. HOW they even live? How they r living in an apt, and just for 1 weekend come back to the old place, so r they paying for both because he desperately run to a different home just to not being identified by their parents…?
Yeah, maybe they r living of Jennys retirement and because India is cheaper, they r kind of making it.. but im wondering whats the main issue behind this relationship, because theres no big money.
I like this woman here… she’s very pretty, well spoken, and she speaks reason. Thanks sis. 👍🏽👍🏽💐💐
She's talented.
The mom crying is hilarious 😂😂 no one feels bad for her! And her arms actually look bigger than jenny's
For real. Indian acting superior. She should be ashame of herself. One human to Another.
I have a son if he going to marry some one like my age of course I will cry scream etc . Every Asian mom will do same thing
@@elizabethgraham8819 Wtf an indian superior? Just because Jenny's White doesn't mean they should bow down to her ass either.
Jenny is younger than her yet she looks better than Sumit’s mom IMO
Bro she was not acting. You are not Indian that's why you won't understand us. If I married someone 30 yrs older than me my parents would have reacted the same way
Sumit actually did it ! He should be very proud of himself. It hard telling your loved ones the truth. It's hard standing your ground ,and defending your love to the same people that raised you ,but it's done, and now they can move on.
I dont know what it is between Sumit and Jenny, but I dont think he actually loves her. Its all Sus
@@jannalam6861 I think he does. He just got disowned for her. And he adores his parents.
@@thisismyinferno it only took how many years ? His subterfuge. Lying promises.
@@jannalam6861 i don't think the relationship will last. the mother will be saying i told you so.
I don't think that he loves her! Everything for money and viza
Sumit's sis in law laughing while her mother in law is insulting Jenny is so disrespectful.
I see it too , they are very PATHETIC souls
That's because they don't like Jenny...plus she is white and not dark skinned Indian
@@eileenkolesar2644 She's "not a dark skinned Indian"? Since when was dark skin a beauty ideal in India🤔 In marriage ads people literally request they would like a fair skinned person
@@eileenkolesar2644 No, it's the other way around, they prefer lighter skin
She finds Jenny funny. She sees them an odd couple.
Summits mom making fun of Jenny's arms being fat and her arms are the same as Jenny's. Shame on Summits mom. The mother is such a cruel person. Let your son live his own life. Mom you are insane.
That's not sumit's mom judging Jenny that's a mother in law judging her daughter in law!
They hate Jenny. Comment about her fat arms comes because of extremly hate to her. Whole family hate Jenny because she is a liar and cheat on them in there home with there son when she live with them 6 months as friend of Sumit. But in realty she was having sex with him under there roof. They will never forgive her and accept her.
I am so done with summits family, this is going on for 10 years 🤮🤮 get over it! Summit chose jenny and you don't have to like it, just respect him and jenny 🙏🏽
They honestly don't even have to respect it and I wish Summit would just realize that and move on. Stand by your choice, create the life you want, and if they don't want to join you in that - accept it. As beautiful as it would be to have his family's support, it'll likely never come.
@@diamcole She doesn't have to accept it, but the least his mother could do is show a little respect and not be so obnoxious & rude. She was literally body shaming Jenny...that's gross.
This isn’t what Indian families do.
Control and manipulation
@@bgipper4109 ....oh yes it is...my son in law is 1/2 Indian...its exactly how a majority of the are. You can imagine my caramel coloured daughter with her 2c curls marrying into a North Indian family. ..the drama, disrespect bigotry, snide comments...
“Meanwhile their arms look the same to me” 😭😭😂😂
Submit is a lying scammer , puts on a fake front, Jenny’s reaction to him actually makes me think he has been abusive, she’s the poster girl for victim, childlike, living in a fantasy world, If I were her daughter I’d be checking this crap out.
Does he even work? Not gonna lie, if my son decides to marry his grandmother I'd be upset but it's his life.
@@kaybrown2201 no he does not work they are living off of Jenny's savings or her retirement money I believe.
Submit...I just can't🤣
@@ebillie1181 LOL
I think all the drama is fake - just to get that TLC paycheck.
I understand Sumit’s mom , I would never want my children to marry someone older than me . It’s just not practically . Love is blind but that doesn’t mean you’ll do everything you want . I wouldn’t comment on their relationship but I understand her frustration
I think it's all fake for money. Love may be blind but it does not need to be stupid. 😹
LMFAO the last part when u said summit is either getting yelled by his mom or Jenny 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
What the hell is Jenny doing? I have an awful feeling that Jenny beats on Sumit when the cameras are not running.
😂 “his mom isn’t tired of stressing herself out”
Well said!
Poor Sumit deserves to be happy and HE IS A GROWN MAN his mom needs a reality check and stop being so selfish!! She says the most aweful things to her own flesh and blood!? Wow
So sad.
I hope Jenny and Sumit are happy and doing well regardless xoxox God belss
Our Asian parents think in a while different way.... u have to c both sides of the story..... they expect their son to marry and have kids...like everyone else's kids..... u have to b an Asian mom to know what it is....... I am one... and my son did this to me..... I would have been so disappointed with him but not cut him off totally.....anyways .. Poor Jenney... she should have married a nice American dude and live her life to tue fullest without this kind of drama...
Apparently you don’t know much about East Indian customs and traditions. It’s mostly about arranged marriages period and if you don’t obey you are disowned by your family or even killed
Poor Summit. You make me laugh.
But the lady looks older than everybody in his whole family
Thats cause she is older than all of them
@@Pineappleslife 🤣😂🤣
@@Pineappleslife No you're wrong, Jenny is older than Sumit's mother!!
Well ya know... Non poc age very fast after 25
He's like 40 and still seeking mommy and daddy's approval for his life choices, grow a pair man
Cultures are different
It’s a cultural thing.
While in Western countries, children grow up to yeet their parents into old folks homes, others respect and hold their opinions highly.
That's sad he got disown by his mom and he got married to a mom 😆🤣😂😆🤣
@Leave me to my fate 👋 Leave me to my fate hand ✋ 😆🤣😂😆🤣😂
@@tru6029 Tru 602 is she she grandmom ? I don't know I know she has a daughter that is married to a woman that looks like Robert De Niro lol
Well he has a new mom now 😂😂
@@marias6583 He likes it that way.
His parents didnt give them their blessing the dad adds on 5:29 "we are not going to stop you and NOT going to support you"...so I took it as they are going to let it be but not going to be happy with what they do
Why would they be happy.??? Look at the age difference...here in India we are conservative..... Americans might talk about soul and otherr shiteee but that doesn't work heree in asia
Wow sumit life just got a whole lot worse for him LMAO😂🤣😂🤣
Jenny tickle me when she get mad and buckle up toward Sumit she need to stop before she have a Heart Attack..
I'm sorry, but if my son married some old lady I would be pissed too and I'm serious!
SUMIT needs to come to the realisation that his mum will never accept it. STOP trying to seek her approval and live your married life's happily without the drama.
HIS mum is sat there clearly insulting her and he not once stepped in.
Indian children will never speek one singel word against there parents in whole life. This is the oppbringing of them from childhood. Sumit will never stand against his parents. Mother and father can beat him what he have done if camra crue was not there.
Hate aganist Jenny will continue until she left him. No approval for her will come ever as the part of the family. It will never happen.
If Jenny was a millionaire sumit family would treat her like a queen.
So much for caring about your child’s happiness and so much for love.
Summit parents paid for his divorce. They don't have to go along with whatever he wants to do. They did more than enough. He make his decision and he doesn't need to force his parents to follow his lead.
My dear. You did a great job covering this. They need to add you to the 90 day franchise. Much ❤️
How Mohamed tricked danielle to get a green card ! : th-cam.com/video/mSVXGeZ_PDU/w-d-xo.html
They are going against a culture and his mother is not ever going to except them. His parents are worried about what others will think. That is very real to them. They don't want their neighbors and friends talking bad about them. It's a different culture where family is everything and you want to protect the family name. It is a difficult situation.
Fuck what other people says. The only thing that should matter to a real mother is how happy her child is, not the gossip of others around her. Clearly, she does not care about the happiness of her own child. She's literally the type of mother that'll push her own child to depression just to look good to society. She's a joke and in my opinion, a terrible mother.
People in that culture have been known to kill people over things like this. She better be careful
Exactly right. This is exactly why other cultures make it legal to commit "righteous killings." If it wasn't for tlc recording everything they do, Jenny and Summit would be dead.
Thank you Jenny knew what time it was
Jenny needs to calm down 🤣 poor summit stuck between old and older
As a mother of son, I also would be very unhappy if he would choose someone like her 🥵
Old and older😅😅😅😅😅
If my son married a woman older than me I'd freak out too
Exactly these people are just being nice but they know this is ridiculous
The host doesn’t let them finish their sentences
I’m 63 yrs old and my youngest son is 32. If he came home with a woman older them me I would flip! I would never disown my child but I sure as heck wouldn’t approve of the relationship, not ever!!!
let him go sis, you never know what he's looking for in life you can't control everything
Right! You trust the aunties and uncles to help support, watch and guide your children...you don't want them trying to bed them. Its messy and icky.
Kind of sad how parents can't let their children be happy 🤷♀️
I agree..I would also not approve of it were my child. But yeah ‘disowning’ your child is just messed up. But I don’t think she meant it. I think she said that because she was so irate of the whole situation. let’s hope it’s just that
That grown man can marry who he wants
It’s not others but his parents and it’s called respect. Have some
Why is the sister-in-law crying smh! They’re so dramatic 😂😂😂
Id cry too if my young son got married to a granny.
They love the drama. Petty narcissistic ppl snore
@@jannalam6861 I wouldn't
as long as my kids are happy that's all that matters
@@jannalam6861 yeah but the sister-in-law is not Sumit’s mom.
More than Mexicans 🤣🤣
There are traditional brown families but not all of our moms are narcissists like this.
Yeah 😂 get u r son married to a 60 year old grandma with age gap more than 30 years
Thanks for the comment - true - not all - sad this is the representation in 90days
Tht beyonce on the run lyric with jenny and symmit had me in stitches 🤣🤣🤣🤣
And the Academy Award goes to THE PARENTS!lol…
"And she is straight bucking at hiiiim". 🤣🤣😅
Jenny is too old for him.
30 years is a huge difference between a couple regardless of who's older.
Different stages of their lives.
Their choice, not yours
But is it okay for a man to be older than a woman. Let's be fair
@@jansimmons7509 no....any 30 year age difference either way is ridiculous..
I have to be fair I understand his moms disappointment
Nah. That witch is going way overboard, like a spoiled child throwing a temper tantrum. She wants to have total control over her son's life. Sumit should cut ties with his mother.
Me too.
This is as toxic and dysfunctional as it gets!.!. It is a great example for the video I just posted to my channel earlier. Such a confirmation on toxic family members with hidden agendas for their relative’s life.
I am a mother and there’s NOTHING that my child could do to make me turn my back on him! NOTHING!!!!
Unfortunately for Sumit, his mother doesn’t understand what love is. This reaction proves her need for control in her son’s life is nothing more than a trauma bond she formed with him.
The way she disrespects Jenny is MORE confirmation on how low vibrational and insecure she is! It’s also disgusting and low vibrational of her other daughter in law to be amused by her disrespect! Their behavior is all grotesque!!! And has been since they came on the show. They constantly PROVE they are morally bankrupt and just outright MEAN SUPERFICIAL PEOPLE!!!!!
The fact that Sumit doesn’t stand up and defend his wife doesn’t scream love either. He is weak and Jenny will not be able to take it much longer. You can see and feel her pain and how triggering it is for her. Love is NOT enough in a relationship!
I pray for the well-being of Jenny especially. She is a good person and DESERVES true happiness and peace!!!
Yikes to this whole situation!!
Notice how Bilal sighs when melicia brings up the question, and then answers for her 😩🤬
TBH Jenny really did ruin the moment for Summit. She's very abrasive and doesn't think about Sumit.
Bilal the long list of things your wife wants to do are 1) get pregnant 2) have a baby 3) be a mom…..REPEAT. You mean there are a long list of things YOU want to do and having a baby doesn’t seem to be at the top of YOUR list. I wish them well. Shaeeda is so beautiful and seems to be such a sweet spirit.
I love some Melicia. I wish they would let her host the tell all. Honestly, I do not want anymore bilal. I'm tired already.
Melicia said absolutely every thing I was thinking!
I love Melicia ♥️ she’s pure gold.
Summit's mother is mad because her son married a woman who is 30 years older than him and can not give her grandchildren. Summit had an arrange marriage to where he wasn't even happy in either. If Summit is happy with his wife Jenny then so be it.
Melicia looks stunning with her new hairstyle
How can a parent disown her child because she doesn't like his mate. She's selfish.
This reminds me of that scene from the office where Michael Scott is trying to be nice to Toby “wanna see some high caliber acting” 🤣🤣🤣
I love that show 😂
@@Dearest_Kenyetta so you know what scene I’m talking about 😂🤣
Jenny must be so deprived of attention / immensely insecure that she’s willing to seek Sumits affection even if it’s at the expense of the abuse she receives
although thjenny and sumit are so cringe ,his mom has no right to talk about jenny that way thats very rude .
Lol you famous
Insightful commentary and summary, Melicia! (as per usual!) This family needs some intervention to find their way! Can we bring back the vedic astrologer?!?
I feel bad for Sumit, he's let this old woman force him into marriage because of guilt. No one told her to sell her house and spend her retirement savings on a man from a completely different culture she doesn't fit in. She's not right in the head. And don't tell me it's love because there's no way Sumit's actually attracted to that old hag.
Absolutely spot on.
Didn’t we do this already? Why is mom so upset? This has been going on a LONG time!
Thank you Melicia. You’re doing a great job 👏 👍🥰
she's always amazing! and stunning!
She needs to do the tell all
Who edit these videos 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Melicia you’re too funny!! Great recap per usual 🙌🏾
How Mohamed tricked danielle to get a green card ! : th-cam.com/video/mSVXGeZ_PDU/w-d-xo.html
I hope Jenny is making the right choice. Its it's just worth my time and energy.
In a few more years sumit will be changing Jenny's diapers
I thought Jenny was gonna have a heart attack she’s too old for this
Jenny should’ve screamed right back at His little Indian mom. Lol
Well the astrologist did say that if they interfered with their relationship that they wouldn’t get the result that they were hoping for so initially she tried for about a day maybe not even that when they were living with Jenny and sumit sooo clearly they didn’t even listen to the guy.
10:40 omg I loved what you said. Here I am judging Sumit also lol but you’re right, he’s a human who deserves to live the life he wants!
People need to understand, it has nothing to do with him being 33 years old ... It is a cultural thing! And as much it is so, Sumit has chosen to stay with Jenny. So, at some time the parents/family need to embrace it and accept his decision.
7:38 - SWEAR TO GAWWWWD I started singing this as you put it on lmao OMG
What a shame his family is behaving and treating Jenny. She should be glad her son is happy and that's what counts.
Sadly it’s not so simple in different cultures
This is the reason why people from different cultures do not understand each other... For me it's perfectly understandable why Sumits family is behaving this way. For our culture marrying a man young enough to be your son is horrifying.. no one would do such a thing without being ridiculed.
@@jyotsana9152 i agree with you completely !
Everyone talking shit about Sumit’s mother , I will see *how compose you act when your child acts someone elder to you*
Hello Shweta, how are you doing today?
I’m here for this season for sure 🤗
I’m so sick of this story line Not watching anymore Jenny take your old azz home please I wouldn’t want my son with her either it’s their culture go home Jenny please I’m done
You give excellent commentary 👍
Sumit is even greying fast from all this stress. Love/soul mate stuff is overrated. He'll end things with Jenny and find someone else whom he will equally love or more if he opens his heart to it and vice versa, then look back and wonder why they jumped through hoops for this relationship. People divorce and lose spouses everyday and life continues, just saying
Yeah summit is the same age of my husband but looks a decade older now. Yikes!
Kudos to the editor on the team.
33 years old why sumit you act like a 15 years old 🗝️
I think cuz they treat him like one that he can't make decisions on there own that they have to make it for him
The way the mom disrespects her weight as his mom weighs more than her. Nobody I mean nobody should shame anyone.