Thumbnail described: Pat - Having Fun Winning Kairos - Trying to smile for the thumbnail but secretly sad/mad Nat - ‘Why am I here?’ OJ - Constipated *Sad Ben and Tom Noises*
*Reasons why we come here:* Pat missing rockets Pat making 1+ ads Pat inviting people to Tribe discord OJ: "I'm not dead you're dead" OJ: "I'm not sus you're sus" OJ: "I'm not OJ you're OJ" OJ: "IT GO BOOOOOM BOOOOOM"
Actually no, cuz if he is using Da Capo, there'd be healing (+ symbols) on his normal attack. But there wasn't a symbol so he should've been using screeching solo but he probably didn't have range, it's a visual glitch I guess
I love seeing Tribe gaming getting all the sponsorships. I wish they would get more, so they could make even more amazing content. Like that donating to twitch streamers Bigger, stronger, better💪🏻
You playing Brawl Stars ? I like ya phone!!! Takes phone starts playing Brawl Stars Me:I like ya cut G Random who took my phone: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Sponsored by OnePlus!
Pls like my reply
2nd comment
I use one plus phones!
Tribe gaming v clash who would win
Pat's and OJ's reaction are what make Tribe videos 100× better xD
When will rouge mortis come to shop again??
You are weird idk why i subbed u 😂
@@shock_dzn8915 xD
Pat is toxic ☠😂
Hash tag toxic pat
Toxic is toxic, and so are Tom and Jobus
U have toxic in ur name...
@@flippyducky6809 No I don't
No one will give you heart bcuz pat hates you lol
Me: Only 2 seconds to charge a super!!!
Everyone else: Dang, wish the title was true
@@Peloisreal Clickbait but Clickbait
@@Peloisreal pat made the title
Shelly can charge his super in only 0.768 second
@@MdSans-pm5bl her
Thumbnail described:
Pat - Having Fun Winning
Kairos - Trying to smile for the thumbnail but secretly sad/mad
Nat - ‘Why am I here?’
OJ - Constipated
*Sad Ben and Tom Noises*
Toms not in the thumbnail.
Perfect comment never exis-
@@najeebahmad3574 This wasn't even funny
@@alimhm7341 I wasn't being funny ya toxic boii
9:54 includes the wall explosion glitch that broke the whole X sign
Is ur name Ramamthethunderboi?
In brawl stars
It’s my birthday tomorrow. I will consider this video as my early birthday present. Thank you
happy early birthday man!
Happy Birthday 🎉 bro
Happy cake day!
Happy birthday:D
Just want to note when Tom supered pat with Shelly the whole wall broke
He destroyed the tribe logo!
All walls broke cuze there were skulls between walls (9:54)
This video is probably recorded after Rey's video cuz Ben must be triggered and not want him in this video
Rey be like: *Suffering from success*
What happened between them🙄
*Reasons why we come here:*
Pat missing rockets
Pat making 1+ ads
Pat inviting people to Tribe discord
OJ: "I'm not dead you're dead"
OJ: "I'm not sus you're sus"
OJ: "I'm not OJ you're OJ"
You're so cringe
@@fatmidgetmonkey don’t be mean to him
@@fatmidgetmonkey says the person named Glizzy Bear
@@chaitanyaatmuri2018 says the dude who has a pfp as a dog and name their self Chaitanya Atmuri
like this so they can seee
I really love Tom man he's way more open now
The longest commercial I ever watched
Edit: But I watched it till the end
“Congrats man...or Nat”
Yeh lol
7:17 the naruto sad music got me🤣🤣
Kairos - how's there going OJ ?
OJ - I'm not OJ you're OJ
I could imagine the swag music Ben uses when he swag dodged pat.
Tom: Hello There
Me: *Cough* *cough* General Tom!
Charging up supers in 2 seconds!!
Stu: Am I a joke to you?
11:32 Kairos picked the wrong SP😂
Actually no, cuz if he is using Da Capo, there'd be healing (+ symbols) on his normal attack. But there wasn't a symbol so he should've been using screeching solo but he probably didn't have range, it's a visual glitch I guess
I love seeing Tribe gaming getting all the sponsorships. I wish they would get more, so they could make even more amazing content. Like that donating to twitch streamers
Bigger, stronger, better💪🏻
11:33 Kairos uses wrong poco star power 😂
What.the.heck.(I love it)
At 11:33 you can see KT used De capo as his star power instead of screeching solo 😂😂😂
Thats the reason You call Ben the "Swag"
Even Pat admitted it :))
Everyone: Picking good brawlers for charging supers
Nat:Uses crow
9:07 OJ : I watch a lot of anime
Me :
New necklaces with a brawl stars super button! Buy from Kairos now!
Pat is my all time favorite ❤ tribe gamer....🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
7:25 😂😂😂😂 Toms reaction
Tribe are the best ♥️
I love how pat and Tom always go for each other 😂
just so you guys know i subbed to all of you plus tribe and liked all ur vids since 2020
Its 1:32 am in India and im watching this lol
Happy Diwali!
@@icecoltbs hi salvo
Go to sleep
Happy Diwali
Tribe gaming + clash = 🥶
Look at the walls break because of Shelly’s super at 9:53
7:17 Naruto music
Pat: I need to stop yelling
Me: what is our reason to exist
Title: exists
Stu: Finally, a worthy opponent. Our battle will be legendary
Who’s chilling right now
bet your socks are off
socks are on bro, ill like your comment anyway tho
My socks are on to lol😂thanks
Me: just another tribe vid
Pat: all hyped like always for a normal tribe vid
You playing Brawl Stars ?
I like ya phone!!!
Takes phone starts playing Brawl Stars
Me:I like ya cut G
Every Tribe member forgot Max with the OP starpower that if you move then your super loads
Pat in intro:I will never gonna win this.
Pat in video:Ohh i got this
Kairos: it’s ok to simp for one plus
Me: flirts with phone
Little did they know,.... Ben won! SWAG swag swag! *SWAG MUSIC STARTS PLAYING*
6:01 you deserve that kairos for double ban in one round
Kairos: hows it going oj
Oj:im not oj,YOUR OJ
Tribe Gaming: *thinks that they can charge their super in 2 seconds only*
Stu: Hold my beer
Who will charge most supers in solo showdown?
1. Brawl Stars Competitive Player who won the championship last year
2. Some youtuber who pets chief cat
9:54 it broke the walls
The map it’s beautiful LOL
Pat and Tom are relationship goals
Vid idea:
Everyone Can only use 3 ammo but when u kill someone u get 3 ammo again.
I hope tribe notice this and maybe even play it;D
Basically use bo to gain supers and deal damage that way
@@Firefly256 yeah, good idea;D
I luv pat yelling
9:53 uhhhhh SHELLY!!!
this has gone from decent content to a legit ad the entire time lol
Yeah i dont like them seeing anymore
9:54 all the walls broke literally
Challenge idea
Sneaky bois: play as brawls that can hide attacks or can become invisible
Every single time Chief pat does an intro, it gets weirder but more funnier 😂
Video starts at 2:07 thank me later
Erasers slowly sacrifice their lives because of your mistakes
OJ's exaggerated win reaction makes these videos way way way better!
Thumbnails are epic
Yooooo let's gooo tribe gaming video. Best brawl stars Content creators fs
Tom: Pat you are so bad it’s insane
Tom: I didn’t mean it
Me: I don’t think so
Charging supers in 2 seconds
Bo's gadget has entered the chat
Not as funny as normal ;(
Tribe vids are wonder ful
No one gonna mention how the 1plus plays brawl stars for you in the beginning of the hands required
My map will be at the winners map of gem grab I hope you like it it will come in next 2 to 4 weeks.
Let’s go they upload in my birthday
edgar after release: haha gadget go brr
how one plus sponsor OJ is shown at 1:07
stu in this challenge=godly
Stu would be pretty op in this
Ben in his videos says that BT max is the worse skin becomes BT max 😂
Chief Pat gets epiphany
Chief Pat: “ I need to stop yelling, I yell so much.”
15 minutes 60%
40 minutes 100%
Something doesn't add up 😂
Also me: "realize that there isn't any edgar in that version"
Oh god the thumbnails are the best
9:52 HeLlO tHEre
After oj gets his totem destroyed twice.
Oj:goes super sayan
7:16 naruto sadness and sorrow theme song
Imagine if STU was around when they made this.
15mins for a full battery that's pretty quick
If only stu was in the game at this time.
Stu looking at the thumbnail:
"And I took that personally"
Happy Diwali Everyone!
9:24 big brain tom
Imagine if they played this while sam was out😂
Does anyone else absolutely LOVE how Nat almost completely uses just female brawlers, I can smell the feminism 😌
4:20 😂😂😂
The first round.. The swag champ is out...
Suggestion- Rarity Gungame
Legends are still trying to find who charged his super in 2 seconds
look at the OJ OnePlus Plug...he loves these phones sounds like
If only stu was a character stu would be so op in this vid
I wish that every week they play Among Us and brawl stars twice
If they do the challenge today stu stu would be op