Thanks! Dr. Wang. Thanks for sharing such important information. I regularly watch your channel! Allow me to give some suggestions here. The hosts often present pictures to explain different conditions, yet they often (may be you included) struggle to point out "My left, Your right, Left on your screen etc". Why not put numbers on the picture, like put "1" on the left and "2" on the right? (I remember watching a video about physiotherapist presenting different exercises on the same page, may be five exercises in total. Just put the number besides each, many viewers immediately know which is which then). Honestly, I myself have no problem to understand those, but I suppose many viewers of yours will find the numbering useful. One thing I like most about your channel is that there is NO advertisements involved. You genuinely give useful, important health advice.
Thank you, doctors, for your detailed and clear explanation. Is it correct to say that the decision to use contrast dye for a CT scan depends on eGFR and creatinine levels, as advised by your doctor? I was wondering, since I had two 3D CT urogram with contrast last year, if I could use an MRI instead of another CT coronary angiogram with contrast. Is MRI also considered a gold standard, and does it provide more accurate results than a CTCA.
陳醫生講解清晰詳細 加上有片睇 💯 黃醫生明白普羅大眾 代問我們的疑問 💯 感激。㊗️2025此頻道收視率節節攀升,大家平安健康快樂。
王醫生提問專業及陳醫生詳盡講解,我們對心血管做影檢查長知識 🙏🙏🙏
Thanks! Dr. Wang. Thanks for sharing such important information. I regularly watch your channel! Allow me to give some suggestions here. The hosts often present pictures to explain different conditions, yet they often (may be you included) struggle to point out "My left, Your right, Left on your screen etc". Why not put numbers on the picture, like put "1" on the left and "2" on the right? (I remember watching a video about physiotherapist presenting different exercises on the same page, may be five exercises in total. Just put the number besides each, many viewers immediately know which is which then). Honestly, I myself have no problem to understand those, but I suppose many viewers of yours will find the numbering useful. One thing I like most about your channel is that there is NO advertisements involved. You genuinely give useful, important health advice.
謝謝王醫生,謝謝陳醫生,謝謝分享 ❤❤
👍👍👍 有醫德 入侵性檢查 有需要先做
王醫生, 妳的YT channel已有117,000的訂閱啊, 恭喜🎉
Welcome back😊🙇♀️🙇♀️
Good morning everyone 🌞
*_Thank you very much, Dr Wong and Dr Chan for your valuable time. GREAT channel. Wish Dr Wong a successful & prosperous Year of 2025._* 👍🤝👋
Happy New Year 2025 to everyone 🌺
Thank you, doctors, for your detailed and clear explanation. Is it correct to say that the decision to use contrast dye for a CT scan depends on eGFR and creatinine levels, as advised by your doctor? I was wondering, since I had two 3D CT urogram with contrast last year, if I could use an MRI instead of another CT coronary angiogram with contrast. Is MRI also considered a gold standard, and does it provide more accurate results than a CTCA.
Amazing 😮
Thank you! Useful information!
講解非常詳細清晰但指示位置 並不明確😮
@星空之劍-l2j 照肝及肺CT時是需要用顯影劑的,可能你未接觸過吧
請問打顯影劑傷腎 係咪唔會復原嘅呢, 我經常兩個胸嘅中間嗰度耐不耐會痛, 係咪屬於 胃痛 或者 膽石 影響呢?有冇必要做呢個心電圖 檢查 呢
請問 顯影劑打入身體內後,等幾耐照CT影像才有效?
Cardiac CT 的準確度只有70%!Conventional Angiography is the gold standard.