On opamp and comparator ICs it’s much easier to go to diode mode and put your red lead on ground/negative voltage pin. The use black probe to go to each pin. Most should test from .6xx to 1.3V in circuit. +V and -V pins should read the lowest, around .4xx. If they’re in these ranges it’s good. PWM ICs are different. You should test readings on a known good one. Good luck everyone and enjoy and learn as much as possible. Electronics is a relaxing hobby when you have a good amount of knowledge. It does take 1-2 years to get to that point.
what are you doing ??????????????????
On opamp and comparator ICs it’s much easier to go to diode mode and put your red lead on ground/negative voltage pin. The use black probe to go to each pin. Most should test from .6xx to 1.3V in circuit. +V and -V pins should read the lowest, around .4xx. If they’re in these ranges it’s good.
PWM ICs are different. You should test readings on a known good one.
Good luck everyone and enjoy and learn as much as possible. Electronics is a relaxing hobby when you have a good amount of knowledge. It does take 1-2 years to get to that point.
I believe you're misnaming the pins. #1 is the top right most pin as per your diagram. At 1:35, that is not pin #4, it is #11 etc.
They're both working just fine so.., put your solderin' iron away!
:) What did you do bro :)
It's wrong at all,red lead should put on gnd pin and then put black lead on all the pins.
does this method work with squared IC and smd IC ?
yes of Corse
Method is useful but try to do faster from next video...