...creating! That's what man is made for. Doesn't matter if alone or with and for others. But we are systematically prevented of doing so...by means of electronic devices, bad food... fatal distractions of any kind. I am at the end of a life rich in music and nature. My hope is that young folks will find the right path.
by the movement of her elbow I know the recorder's sound is going to be LIT !
très beau et très bien interprété une belle harmonie
Very musically played! You did Bach justice with this transcription.
THIS is what all people sould be doing - creating ARTtogether!!!
...creating! That's what man is made for. Doesn't matter if alone or with and for others. But we are systematically prevented of doing so...by means of electronic devices, bad food... fatal distractions of any kind. I am at the end of a life rich in music and nature. My hope is that young folks will find the right path.
do you have any idea how freaking hard she practice on that skill ?
Bach está aplaudindo de pé. ❤ Parabéns 👏👏
Stunning and Brave 😳🙀❤️
Très jolie interprétation bravo à vous deux
Nice work.
Einfach nur super!
Dankje wel😻❣
Dónde se puede descargar la partitura
Lastima. Le flauta de pico soprano se come el sonido de la flauta dulce bajo.
Other than the annoying heading bobbing really high quality playing and an unencumbered interpretation…
Thankfully most people aren’t autistic like you so doesn’t matter.