ขนาดวิดีโอ: 1280 X 720853 X 480640 X 360
Bunny horse with loli head that heck riot is smokin
Don't show this to Dumbs
No, he already knows. He can feel whenever a rioter thinks of making a new Lilia skin.
Her splash art is more better than her winterblessed splash art lol
You are fool this skin just cost 725 wc and its normal effect
@@waiyanpaing-jh7eq they're talking about the SPLASH ART not the effects
@@waiyanpaing-jh7eq what does the price have to do with the splash art being better than winterblessed
We are talking about the SPLASHART not the vfx@@waiyanpaing-jh7eq
Imagine Kayn in this line. His base and assassin form would be a rabbit costume, and the red form would be a real rabbit. It would be very funny
I don't know why when his four rabbit legs bend they disturb me... ';-;
More legs 😏to play
Could be 6. Limbs and all that jazz
raw, next question
As skins dessa linha competem pra ver qual é a mais horrosa
That's absurd but i like like this absurd
She’s tired of being a Bambi and become a Judy Hopps instead
Another Lilia skin?? Winter blessed was released recently
Game is game
So cuteeeee!!
riot making a skin - Bambi trying to be bunny
is this the only pbe leak? no clue about cafe cuties or anything of the sort?
damnit i just bought the recently released one now this 😆
Já skins da páscoa??? Mas esta tão longe
De certo não é para agora
Es muy linda ❤
Effects spirit blossom
Nahhh Dumbs is going to smash that untill a new skin
where is mythmaker irellia
I'm conflicted
725 wild cores for this? oh wow i dont think so
Why two skins of lillia so soon?
Lilia ganhando 2 skins na mesma atualização, enquanto outros estão esquecidos kkkkk😂😅
Eu me pergunto o que passa na cabeça deles na hora de lançar duas skins pra um campeão em pouco tempo
@@Yasmin0yas pois é, muito sem noção kkkkk
6.0 leaks please..
Honestly just go back to Yasuo and Lux skins at this point its been stinker after stinker for months now.
return vex pls
Nem de graça
svex better
I'm first 🎉
Bunny horse with loli head that heck riot is smokin
Don't show this to Dumbs
No, he already knows. He can feel whenever a rioter thinks of making a new Lilia skin.
Her splash art is more better than her winterblessed splash art lol
You are fool
this skin just cost 725 wc and its normal effect
@@waiyanpaing-jh7eq they're talking about the SPLASH ART not the effects
@@waiyanpaing-jh7eq what does the price have to do with the splash art being better than winterblessed
We are talking about the SPLASHART not the vfx@@waiyanpaing-jh7eq
Imagine Kayn in this line. His base and assassin form would be a rabbit costume, and the red form would be a real rabbit. It would be very funny
I don't know why when his four rabbit legs bend they disturb me... ';-;
More legs 😏to play
Could be 6. Limbs and all that jazz
raw, next question
As skins dessa linha competem pra ver qual é a mais horrosa
That's absurd but i like like this absurd
She’s tired of being a Bambi and become a Judy Hopps instead
Another Lilia skin?? Winter blessed was released recently
Game is game
So cuteeeee!!
riot making a skin - Bambi trying to be bunny
is this the only pbe leak? no clue about cafe cuties or anything of the sort?
damnit i just bought the recently released one now this 😆
Já skins da páscoa??? Mas esta tão longe
De certo não é para agora
Es muy linda ❤
Effects spirit blossom
Nahhh Dumbs is going to smash that untill a new skin
where is mythmaker irellia
I'm conflicted
725 wild cores for this? oh wow i dont think so
Why two skins of lillia so soon?
Lilia ganhando 2 skins na mesma atualização, enquanto outros estão esquecidos kkkkk😂😅
Eu me pergunto o que passa na cabeça deles na hora de lançar duas skins pra um campeão em pouco tempo
@@Yasmin0yas pois é, muito sem noção kkkkk
6.0 leaks please..
Honestly just go back to Yasuo and Lux skins at this point its been stinker after stinker for months now.
return vex pls
Nem de graça
svex better
I'm first 🎉