I went to George VI’s lying in state, queuing in silence in a blizzard from the opposite side of the Thames, for several hours. I too then was a protestant Christian, nominally. In the Hall it is true people walked past in silence, but in the 1950’s English people anyway were very private about their feelings, so one did not SEE an otward show of reverence. Unlike today even the long queue was silent. His early death had been a great shock, and he was much loved. I was 19 then. +
Fr Timothy being excellent as ever
A lovely talk, thank you.
I went to George VI’s lying in state, queuing in silence in a blizzard from the opposite side of the Thames, for several hours. I too then was a protestant Christian, nominally. In the Hall it is true people walked past in silence, but in the 1950’s English people anyway were very private about their feelings, so one did not SEE an otward show of reverence. Unlike today even the long queue was silent. His early death had been a great shock, and he was much loved. I was 19 then. +
Thanks for sharing