I don't know if this couple knows it or not but this is what you call a GOOD BABY! It barely even cried when it was extremely hungry and on top of that stopped crying in between barely crying whle being extremely hungry. They are Extremely blessed and I don't think they realize it. This baby wasn't crying bloody murder. This was click bait.
Did it give you pleasure to withhold his bottle? Thats notwhat a father does. Would you like it if your meals were withheld? You are more interested in your computer. Withholding your babys food from him is abuse. You are an father! What a creep!
Sooo….when you want to video yourself…you just turn the camera on and don’t LOOK AT WHAT YOU’RE DOING? If you’re in the picture?? Is it out of focus?? Y’all are just stupid-
This is sickning...making the baby wait so long to be fed. He acts like he is getting pleasure from making the baby wait. When he eats, he is famished!
Sometimes babies are OK till they start squawking and you'd think all hell is breaking loose. Actually, the child has only been waiting for a little while. They get desperate very quickly.
Не надо бить по спине ребёнка а просто подержать вертикально после кормления и воздух срыгнет ребёнок а когда заснул малыш не теребите его назойливо дайте ему спокойно поспать
How was he cruel? Baby wasn’t in distress! Baby wasn’t even crying hard it sobbing!! Dad made sure the bottle wasn’t hot, gently handled his son and placed a bib on and then, fed his son. He was in a proper sitting position to feed, spike gently to him and burped him well too. So, how the hell xo you think this father is cold and cruel?! And, I’m a pediatric and NICU nurse and an mandated to report abuse. This is NOT one of those cases! You all need to get a grip and stop being overdramatize!!
YEAP the father is real NUTS - does not hold the bottle properly (leaving air go to the throat of the baby) AND does not hold the baby properly neither, SCARY really !
I would like to see Dad hungrey and after not eating all day and let's see if we tease him with a plate of something he wants to eat if he ist crabby and bitchen . There is no reason to make baby wait to eat and show him bottle and play around the way he did. That puts more air on baby tummy and makes him feel even worse then just being hungrey.
This may have been two years ago but OMG what the hell is wrong with this man to think it's ok to film the poor thing. That dad has problems. I hope the baby's ok today
What kind of father are you? You let him scream all that time ...then the bottle was to hot 😨....you are a real winner...😵...now your not holding bottle right and he's getting air bubbles...😠 ..I won't be back to this channel...be safe poor baby💙👣😘
Hopefully the baby never had his ribs broken the way he was slamming his hand on that baby's back!!! Then the head wobbling all around omg!! Sadly the baby was shaking so badly while eating it only confirms what most saw - that his bottle was withheld to make sure the headline for his video got the hits for a screaming baby - a baby sucking down a bottle that fast while shaking was in serious distress for his feeding. Sick what people do on TH-cam to make money
To BlueSkiesNW I agree! That little newborn is crying so hard, traumatized and very hungry, then finally this newborn is fed. This cruel one isn't satisfied with upsetting this baby, he goes and starts slapping the baby's back. Over and over bam bam bam! Way too forceful hard "pats" on a newborn baby. To add more trauma on the newborn baby, he then lets baby's head flop forward, still unsupported, he grasps the top of baby's head with his other hand wrapped around the baby's neck!! 😳😵 I don't know what he is trying to do, but it sure is not soothing for babies. In fact it is a big no-no that one would assume papasan should know.
The video was sped up. The baby was not sucking the bottle that fast and he was taking breaths while sucking on bottle. I agree that it is cruel to tease a baby who is hungry and distressed. This is a young father who has a lot to learn. The baby looks healthy and well cared for.
Dude, next time heat up the bottle with half of the formula and when it's hot pour the cold half. It'll make it so much easier and he won't have to wait so long.
For god sake stop worrying how you look on the video. Your torturing your baby, he is really hungry. I hope when baby’s mama sees her baby on this video she smacks you one!
How sad. He is busy shooting a video when the poor child is dying for hunger. SMH. then inflict further punishment on the child by having him sitting up so straight and hitting his back so hard. shame on u.
poor baby is to b felt sorry for he is probably a narsisant u can see he doesnt care its all about him sooo sad baby is a little darling god take care of him❤❤
Wow, you’re such a good parent!! Knowing your baby’s hungry, to the point of sobbing and what do you do? Feed him? Nope! Perfect time to take out the phone and record your baby crying from hunger, such a good dad. If you see your baby fucking crying from hunger, maybe it’s time to feed him not record him. You shouldn’t even let your baby get so hungry that it’s sobbing. I can’t help but wonder how you treat your baby off camera, if you really think that it’s appropriate to post you neglecting you starving baby to TH-cam. Shame on you.
@@LadyCrimson25, более чем странный. Бедное дитя. Зато отцу так удобнее снимать. Это ужасно. Мне кажется, он уже свихнул ему шею. А позвоночник? Бедный позвоночник!!! Разве можно так рано сажать ребёнка?!
Something is wrong with you letting your baby cry such a long time like that. You run some cold water over the bottle to cool it down. You should never be left to care for a baby.
To Christine Carmichael I agree. Also, did you notice how tue dad had the baby laying down, also when he picked up the young baby, the bright sunlight would shine on the baby's face. 🌅🌖That is not good for anyone, especially a newborn to have your eyes exposed to the blinding rays of the sun. Another issue is how hard he whacked the tiny newborn's back after FINALLY giving the baby some formula, when patting the baby to burp. He first started off really fast and way too hard. The poor little newborn was so tired and exhausted from crying so long, he conked out. SMH.
All these stupid negative comments 😏dad doing great job. Babies cries that is NORMAL ( babies can cry & wait 👌 when they need to get feed. Why you all attacking the poor dad. You all are a bunch of unrealistic people 😏
Beautiful baby too bad his dad is so into himself looking at the camera then he is into his baby. This poor baby is crying himself and the dad doesn’t even comfort him that he keeps looking at the camera not even paying attention to the baby sad😢
I agree! I am floored with the negative comments! As though he was abusing him or something! The bottle was too warm and the baby had to wait an extra minute of two to be fed. If THAT is the worst thing that could happen to him, I'd say he will be just fine.
@@jglow22 TH-cam is full of these trolls who scream abuse at every video that shows a crying baby. They disgust me. If they are so invested in “cruelty” to babies they should be contributing to the victims of the Ukraine who have NOTHING to feed themselves or their children. This baby is obviously well fed contrary to what the idiotic trolls think .
He wants to capture memories to show his kid when he's older damn!!! I wish I had taken some videos instead of jumping at every whimper. Now my kid is 10 and all I have is a few photos. Jeez, what is wrong with you people, acting like the child about to suffocate or something stfu
Que desastre de padre, como no aprendas a sostener a tu hijo y a darle el biberon sin fugas.... para que el bebé no trage aire. Y procura que tu hijo esté apoyado en ti cuando le das palmadas en la espalda.
Mein Gott gib endlich dem Kind essen der hat Hunger und du guckst wie du auf Video aussiehst armes Kind tut mir leid, dass er so lange auf Essen warten musste .
I get the idea that this is a first-time dad. The baby is/ was desperate not knowing where the bottle even comes from. I don't think that I would burp a baby quite the same way he does, although it DOES appear to be working. The thing to remember is that babies get hungry intermittently throughout the day & night. So make that formula by the batch if you don't already know.
И такие размножаются...так издеваться над малышом, хотя бутылочка была готова. А мать там в соседней комнате даже не подошла к плачущему младенцу. Странные люди
I think this father is not phased in the least that the baby is starving he (,the father) is not in no big hurry l feel sorry for this little one that he his father only cares about recording his baby being hungry TERRIBLE🤔🤔
That poor baby, no cradling, no head support. Total lack of emotional attachment. Although we have no recollection of our very early years it does have an impact when we are older. Ask any psychologist.
... wieso lässt er das arme Baby so lange weinen ... so ein Idiot!!! ... überhaupt wie er mit dem Baby umgeht ... es ist ein kleines zartes unschuldiges Wesen ... und kein Mehlsack!!! 😳 ... solche Eltern sollten keine Kinder haben!!!
Oh, please!! Baby wasn’t in distress! Baby wasn’t even crying hard or sobbing which means he wasn’t crying for that long. Dad made sure the bottle wasn’t hot, gently handled his son and placed a bib on and then, fed his son. He was in a proper sitting position to feed, spoke gently to him and burped him well too. I’ve heard babies cry a lot more and louder then this little guy, like my own son. And, I’m a pediatric and NICU nurse and an mandated to report abuse. This is NOT one of those cases! You all need to get a grip and stop being overdramatize!!
Never make baby wait to be fed that's wrong just make a post those cries do not sound good that's wrong daddy if that baby is hungry feed her you want eat when you are hungry that's not cute to me it seems cruel to make that baby wait like that and you still took a long time after the bottle was ready prepare everything ahead
Is he going to burp that baby??? I always burped my babies halfway through and again at the end especially if they cried before hand. NOT impressed with this dad at all!! Does he not know to put him over his shoulder? 🙄🙄
They are all grandmom’s or great grandmoms that grew up in the great depression. That’s why everyone is so salty about this video.!! The baby ate even survived lol !
ALL of these videos of adults... tfhe babies OWN PARENTS teasing them with bottles IS DOWNRIGHT TWISTED & MEAN! !!!!! Something is WRONG with these people! It is disturbing to watch them laugh, giggle, chomp on chips in the background audio while the laugh and find it amusing to sit & watch for several minutes their helpless infant stretch his neck, curl & distort his shoulders and point his lips so unnaturally to try to latch onto the nipple of an EMPTY bottle and KEEP LAUGHING like its cute and harmless and HUMANE to put a tiny fragile child THROUGH THE INEVITABLE FAILURE of receiving his nutrients he needs and deserves!!! Id like to see the existance od a cyber detective organization who can PROSECUTE SUCH intentional acts of human NEGLECT & HUMAN TORTURE they are commiting on these defenseless babies!! ITS BULLYING by WARPED PARENTS & caretakers of so many precious little babies whos OWN parents tease them, taunt, them, prolong the babies essential needs, and play STUPID during the videos recorded audio portion pretending to to bbe loving & attentive caregivers, They are doing NOTHING for these babies who need symethetic, tender humans to comfort, calm & satisfy these babies every day requirements . Their videos that TH-cam allows.here are sadistic and the sorry excuses for parents and life mentors are EVIL & they all deserve to be heavily evaluated for mental cogniscence & stability!! Their laughter and lack of compassion in first provoking then enjoying the suffering of hunger by way of humiliation against their own babies raises bright red flags in cruelty committed on a child and questions the state of mind of both the terrible parents taunting , teasing & making FUN of a hungry helpless child, but also TH-cam for allowing the videos to still remain available for public to view! Its exploitation of innocent minors and a careless, lack of concern that we all should have about how long these parents have used food to mis-treat the children God trusted to their care & allowed them to be their 1st impression & of how human kind should regard others and lifes teachers that mold & shape them into becomming productive kind & rational adults! Reckless & disturbing behavior & senseless cruel conduct being inflicted on undeserving young babies is UNACCEPTABLE & honestly makes perfect sense, to WHY PEOPLE GO ON to become mentally and emotionally UN-WELL , as they navigate through their lives & interact socially in the developement of different roles, and relations they obtain responsibily for. It funnels down generation to the next when humans mistreat other humans especially during the prominent early development years of every child! One can clearly see the looks on these babies faces, even on THE YOUNGEST of infants depicted in the DOZENS of videos available under the catagory heading containing the words 'BABY,' 'BOTTLE', & 'BATTLE'!! The infants and toddlers are already obviously emotionally injured, long past the signs of degredation, humiliation and SHAMED by their demeanors and look of disappointment and unwillingness to keep demonstrating their desires & hunger for food while they CLEARLY have been subjected to repeated tauntings that a camera WASNT AIMED at their suffering the many other days this parental conduct has been inflicted on the babies seen here. The babies HAVE BEEN CONDITIONED to being tortured with food and their fighting spirit to keep trying, asking, communicating their overwhelming natural human behavior that comes from desire and requirement to seek nutrition prompt them to automatically GIVE UP knowing FROM CONTINUOUS OCCURANCES that their efforts & pleas GAIN NOTHING WORTH their exhausting efforts, or else lacking acceptance love or concern from the parent who, just as these videos all show.. . dont bother to hold, comfort, touch or offer any physical contact with these babies they are taunting & denying critical FOOD to them! Several of the infants and babies are clearly emotionally desensitized, detached & no close loving bond exists as it shows on the faces and movements of other children & babies shown in other parent-baby videos found on TH-cam! The GOOD PARENTS - BY THE DECENT LOVING STABLE MINDED PARENTS who have shared their videos and elements of THEIR interactions with their babies... that are HEALTHY, PRODUCTIVE, RESPECTFUL & KIND LESSONS OF LIFE & CARE of fello human beings that result in a peaceful caring mankind. NOT CRUELTY inflicted on little babies, and the suffering these babies go thru that result in things like .. CULTIVATING & CARVING OUT THIS COUNTIES NEXT Columbine High School student who has no reason hes able to recognize, identify, express or account for WHY he felt the need to BE UNEXPLAINABLY CRUEL to others he knows well, has a natural respect for & affiliation to, who did NOTHING to deserve being TRAUMATIZED & taunted and teased with an intentionally sarcastic display of lacking compassion & unkindness, that parents arnt supposed to commit on CHILDREN. WHERES THE INTERNET POLICE for child neglect and abuse?
Dear God, please be quiet. You clearly have mental health problems to rant obsessively, in such an incoherent manner. It whimpered a bit, that's all. It was not tortured starved or degraded. New parents are not saints, they male.mistales and learn as they go.
Also you can test the temperature of a babies bottle by dropping a bit on the inside of your wrist. If it is to hot for your wrist it is definitely to hot for the baby.
I always held my babies closer to bottle feed and stroked them while baby held eye contact with me. The father can enjoy the special bonding too if he wishes just by adopting a more snuggly hold and his burping technique could use a little finesse. Dad's manner is very mechanical in this clip. The disadvantage to leaving a small infant to cry too long before feeding is more gas in the tummy plus baby may fall asleep before he's full.
The baby's not burping. He's only hitting the baby fruitlessly, hurting and offending the baby. He should've tried putting the baby in different positions for burping.
@@georgiavarnum8069 No, he's not trying to learn to be a good father. He's purposely trying to torture his child. He's a sadistic child abuser. He will only increase the abuse until he murders the child.
Este hombre no es más tonto porque no se entrena!!! Que manera de aporrear al niño... y sigue sin expulsar el aire!!! Si no sabe darle el biberón al crío que no lo haga, que sea la madre quien le dé de comer pues seguramente lo hace mejor. Vergonzoso!!!
I can tell most of these comments are from people (probably Gen Zers) who've never had a baby, nor ever even taken care of one. This child was FINE. He wasn't crying "bloody murder". In fact, I've never heard a more pathetic cry and I've raised three of my own, and have two grandbabies. That was NOT the cry of a distressed baby. Maybe a slightly impatient one, but certainly not one who's starving. Get over yourselves people. Seriously.
Mother’s don’t leave your babies with their father he is the worst father of all even the way he’s holding the baby I am not impressed where is his Mother
The poor baby was trembling with hunger pangs. It was sucking the teat without even pausing to take a breath. Let someone else take the video while you feed. A small infant like that needs to be cuddled and fed with patience and care. Prepare the milk and keep it in a warmer for quick use. Keep a feeding time table, so you would be ready for your baby's next feed . Then you and baby won't have that much anxiety. You don't have to tap the baby's back like kneading dough. Slowly rubbing the back downwards does make a baby burp .Have your mum or mum -in- law to guide you. You are yet to learn a lot on parenting. Never mind, you sure would make a marvellous dad. Just takes time. That's an adorable baby. May God bless him/ her. All the best.
He was NOT “trembling from hunger pangs” LOL you don’t know anything about babies! The trembling is a normal reflex caused by immature neurology and high levels of hormones. It eventually goes away on its own.
@@valerieteti1755 I have four children of my own and I child minded more than 80 babies from the ages of one month onwards, for working mothers from all walks of life, lawyers, doctors, teachers, nurses and even civil servents. I have a very good reputation as a child minder. They are all grown up and doing very well in different professions. I wrote out of concern and compassion. A child has only that period to be pampered, after 5 years life is very challenging. Any way no hard feelings. All the best. My blessing for the child. God bless.
@@kellyhughes4017 Except this isn’t neglect. Or abuse. This baby is well cared for. Have you ever seen pictures of starving infants in undeveloped countries? There’s a vast difference between this baby waiting literally 12 minutes to be fed and the babies who NEVER get nourishment. Educate yourself.
Are you kidding me a marvalous dad he is the worst father ever he think's only of him self the baby is in pain from not eating on time the farther need's to think more about the baby then how he look's on camera this is child abuse and any one who think's this is okay then you need to wake up stop protecting a father who dont give a dam about his baby.
I don't know if this couple knows it or not but this is what you call a GOOD BABY! It barely even cried when it was extremely hungry and on top of that stopped crying in between barely crying whle being extremely hungry. They are Extremely blessed and I don't think they realize it. This baby wasn't crying bloody murder. This was click bait.
Por isso vocês não deveriam curtir esses Vídeos idiotas ,!!, Fica a Dica !!Tenha que ser Vídeos Asiáticos!!🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮
Stop slapping him already! It is a human being.
Don't tease a baby!!! When they are hungry their little tummies hurt!!!
Did it give you pleasure to withhold his bottle? Thats notwhat a father does. Would you like it if your meals were withheld? You are more interested in your computer. Withholding your babys food from him is abuse. You are an father! What a creep!
@@audielyle3231 this is nothing- there's one father- I can't watch it because my blood boils- if only I could have put my hands through the screen 😤
And then after all those cries, you feed them, it's like poison- they end up eating so fast, they throw it all up..all for a video 😡
@@audielyle3231 th-cam.com/video/o6Yduk3Du2s/w-d-xo.html
"Are you done crying yet?" Well did you feed him yet?? What an ass of a father! Poor baby.
@bobkaminaga5801 He didn't feed the baby until after he filmed him crying for 10 minutes. Anyone who puts filming over their child is an ass!
You are rude!! calm down and go watch something else
He seemed to care more about how he looked on video than feeding the poor child
It's not like it was starving
@@bradstephens306 You and he are examples of men being raised to be callous to the needs of others and too lazy and incompetent for important duties.
That dude is totally off!! He's creepy and gross also!!
Horrible person
Sooo….when you want to video yourself…you just turn the camera on and don’t LOOK AT WHAT YOU’RE DOING? If you’re in the picture?? Is it out of focus?? Y’all are just stupid-
This is sickning...making the baby wait so long to be fed.
He acts like he is getting pleasure from making the baby wait.
When he eats, he is famished!
Ele sente prazer no choro desesperado do bebê !
Ele está estragando o psicológico do inocente !
E a mãe é conivente !
The video is sped up
Sometimes babies are OK till they start squawking and you'd think all hell is breaking loose. Actually, the child has only been waiting for a little while. They get desperate very quickly.
Voila un nouveau psychopathe. Dans la sosciete des parents fous
Wow. Your baby is screaming, but instead of picking up the baby and calming him down, you record it? Great parenting!
A pretty based move from the dad. Would've done the same.
Не надо бить по спине ребёнка а просто подержать вертикально после кормления и воздух срыгнет ребёнок а когда заснул малыш не теребите его назойливо дайте ему спокойно поспать
Mind your business Karen. Dude has to prepare the bottle. If he feels like recording his child that's his prerogative. The kid is fine I'm sure.
@@thecupheadfan1837 Just another ignorant being.
Poor baby. He was sobbing real tears. Not nice Dad. Baby’s feed is more important than camera.
Nunca e visto lágrima de mentiras//__ el niño no piensa como adulto por dios
. ??? WTF are you trying to say!
Very cold and cruel father. There is truly something wrong with him.
The man ignored that the sun was shining into the poor baby's eyes.
How was he cruel? Baby wasn’t in distress! Baby wasn’t even crying hard it sobbing!! Dad made sure the bottle wasn’t hot, gently handled his son and placed a bib on and then, fed his son. He was in a proper sitting position to feed, spike gently to him and burped him well too. So, how the hell xo you think this father is cold and cruel?!
And, I’m a pediatric and NICU nurse and an mandated to report abuse. This is NOT one of those cases! You all need to get a grip and stop being overdramatize!!
Tata snima treba da pare zaradi na lajkovima i pregledima. Sacuvaj me Boze.
Садист ? А может он мстит жене ?или выяснил, что ребенок не от него и издевается ? Или Сумасшедший блогер ?
Что то не то .
The lack of empathy he has for his child is scary.
He's actually trying to cause suffering. The man is a sadistic monster. He will abuse children at any age.
YEAP the father is real NUTS - does not hold the bottle properly (leaving air go to the throat of the baby) AND does not hold the baby properly neither, SCARY really !
@@Mary_Thompsonto make matters worse baby has his fingers covered with mittens so he can't even suck them. 😢
Tão pequeno e já conhecendo a vida como ela é 😢😢
I would like to see Dad hungrey and after not eating all day and let's see if we tease him with a plate of something he wants to eat if he ist crabby and bitchen . There is no reason to make baby wait to eat and show him bottle and play around the way he did. That puts more air on baby tummy and makes him feel even worse then just being hungrey.
Except ya know, like when the bottle is too hot... as stated in the video. Oh you are right, just burn the babies mouth he's hungry it'll be fine.
@@ericay3225 You are correct. He did say the bottle needs to cool down more.
Padre molto attento e preciso❤
Hungry NOT hungrey
This may have been two years ago but OMG what the hell is wrong with this man to think it's ok to film the poor thing. That dad has problems. I hope the baby's ok today
What the hell is wrong with you and all here commenting. You are all judging a wonderful dad. YOU ALL HAVE PROBLEMS NOT THE DAD IN THE VIDEO
That baby didn’t ask to be born. Take care of it
You sound ridiculous 🤣
@@SaystheTruth3 no she doesn’t
@@chrisking6695 Of course they sound ridiculous. The baby is being taken care off. Unless you'd rather he scalds the little guy with hot milk.
Doesn't looked starved
And just what is he doing?
What kind of father are you? You let him scream all that time ...then the bottle was to hot 😨....you are a real winner...😵...now your not holding bottle right and he's getting air bubbles...😠 ..I won't be back to this channel...be safe poor baby💙👣😘
Oh yes😂 the whole 4 minute wait
What a sad existence this poor baby must live. Dad is so mean, too rough & very uncaring... IMO!
Hopefully the baby never had his ribs broken the way he was slamming his hand on that baby's back!!! Then the head wobbling all around omg!! Sadly the baby was shaking so badly while eating it only confirms what most saw - that his bottle was withheld to make sure the headline for his video got the hits for a screaming baby - a baby sucking down a bottle that fast while shaking was in serious distress for his feeding. Sick what people do on TH-cam to make money
To BlueSkiesNW
I agree! That little newborn is crying so hard, traumatized and very hungry, then finally this newborn is fed. This cruel one isn't satisfied with upsetting this baby, he goes and starts slapping the baby's back. Over and over bam bam bam! Way too forceful hard "pats" on a newborn baby.
To add more trauma on the newborn baby, he then lets baby's head flop forward, still unsupported, he grasps the top of baby's head with his other hand wrapped around the baby's neck!! 😳😵 I don't know what he is trying to do, but it sure is not soothing for babies. In fact it is a big no-no that one would assume papasan should know.
Ignorant parenting. God help our babies.
Poor baby is trying g to calm down as bib is placed and the torturer is sick and taunting the hungry innocent. Grrrrr
The video was sped up. The baby was not sucking the bottle that fast and he was taking breaths while sucking on bottle. I agree that it is cruel to tease a baby who is hungry and distressed. This is a young father who has a lot to learn. The baby looks healthy and well cared for.
Oh for Pete’s sake, he was not slamming his hand on his son’s back. He was trying to get him to burp.
Hell, he's too in love with his damn self to love on that baby ! What an idiot!!
🤣 LOVE IT DAMNITT!!!! Lmao LOVE THAT BABY... ROoAAAaAr!!!😤 Karen's in the wild 😜
No te da vergüenza
Valla padre
You actually said pretty much the same thing I said but you said it more to the point!
Dude, next time heat up the bottle with half of the formula and when it's hot pour the cold half. It'll make it so much easier and he won't have to wait so long.
This man is purposely makein this baby wait child abuse
Ovo mucenje se ne moze ni glefati,ni slusati.Kakav hladnokrvan i ravnodusan otac!
Pozdrav. Nisam znao da ima Balkanc ovdje.
He is cruelly unaware of what he is doing. Poor baby. 😢
For god sake stop worrying how you look on the video. Your torturing your baby, he is really hungry. I hope when baby’s mama sees her baby on this video she smacks you one!
Me too! 😅
How sad. He is busy shooting a video when the poor child is dying for hunger. SMH. then inflict further punishment on the child by having him sitting up so straight and hitting his back so hard. shame on u.
@@mjo1978 o. guess the poor thing shud eat his fat.
Over react much? Shut up, at least he is helping care for the baby. Who, by the way is not starving or dying for hunger. FYI babies cry.
@@susangutierrez-chadwick2220 yeah, no doubt u wud do the same thing for likes/views and say, "at least i am caring for im"
Such a foolish father .
So cute. I also understand you were waiting on the bottle to get cool enough for the baby. You people got overly upset.
Some people know nothing about caring for babies. This man deliberately makes this baby beg for his food. Shame on you. 😡
That baby is relatively calm compared to some
Кормит младенца сидя и бутылку не поднимает чтоб уровень молока был правильный. Ребёнок глотает много воздуха.
Sure doesn’t look underfed
Не тряси его пусть спокойно ест .
poor baby is to b felt sorry for he is probably a narsisant u can see he doesnt care its all about him sooo sad baby is a little darling god take care of him❤❤
Wow, you’re such a good parent!! Knowing your baby’s hungry, to the point of sobbing and what do you do? Feed him? Nope! Perfect time to take out the phone and record your baby crying from hunger, such a good dad. If you see your baby fucking crying from hunger, maybe it’s time to feed him not record him. You shouldn’t even let your baby get so hungry that it’s sobbing. I can’t help but wonder how you treat your baby off camera, if you really think that it’s appropriate to post you neglecting you starving baby to TH-cam. Shame on you.
no need to use the f word shame on you
Бедная голова... У меня чуть сердце не становится от такого обращения с младенцем.
Папочка ради видео о ребёнке забыл))))
Agree strange way of holding this small baby while feeding
@@LadyCrimson25, более чем странный. Бедное дитя. Зато отцу так удобнее снимать. Это ужасно. Мне кажется, он уже свихнул ему шею. А позвоночник? Бедный позвоночник!!! Разве можно так рано сажать ребёнка?!
Something is wrong with you letting your baby cry such a long time like that. You run some cold water over the bottle to cool it down. You should never be left to care for a baby.
To Christine Carmichael
I agree. Also, did you notice how tue dad had the baby laying down, also when he picked up the young baby, the bright sunlight would shine on the baby's face. 🌅🌖That is not good for anyone, especially a newborn to have your eyes exposed to the blinding rays of the sun.
Another issue is how hard he whacked the tiny newborn's back after FINALLY giving the baby some formula, when patting the baby to burp. He first started off really fast and way too hard. The poor little newborn was so tired and exhausted from crying so long, he conked out. SMH.
All these stupid negative comments 😏dad doing great job. Babies cries that is NORMAL ( babies can cry & wait 👌
when they need to get feed. Why you all attacking the poor dad. You all are a bunch of unrealistic people 😏
All of these comments prove that people in this country worship babies way too much. Its an obsession.
Dad be banging out a lullaby on junior's back like a conga drum!
What an excellent comment!!!!😅
Beautiful baby too bad his dad is so into himself looking at the camera then he is into his baby. This poor baby is crying himself and the dad doesn’t even comfort him that he keeps looking at the camera not even paying attention to the baby sad😢
To add this dad makes me sick to watch
Этот папаша просто любуется собой, а на ребёнка пофиг. Все время смотрит в телефон.
You horrible man
I don't understand your reply 😕
People need to chill out the baby is not being hurt or abused...it's demented to assume that.
I agree! I am floored with the negative comments! As though he was abusing him or something! The bottle was too warm and the baby had to wait an extra minute of two to be fed. If THAT is the worst thing that could happen to him, I'd say he will be just fine.
@@jglow22 TH-cam is full of these trolls who scream abuse at every video that shows a crying baby. They disgust me.
If they are so invested in “cruelty” to babies they should be contributing to the victims of the Ukraine who have NOTHING to feed themselves or their children.
This baby is obviously well fed contrary to what the idiotic trolls think .
why is he crying so tired, his cry is so weak?
Baby so sweet and knows his dad doesn’t care. Calm him before eating so he’s not in distress.
Clearly he thinks he is a sexy beast with the camera lmao someone needs to tell him 🤣😂😂🤣🤣🤣
He's more worried about the camera
He wants to capture memories to show his kid when he's older damn!!! I wish I had taken some videos instead of jumping at every whimper. Now my kid is 10 and all I have is a few photos. Jeez, what is wrong with you people, acting like the child about to suffocate or something stfu
@@jaxl1931 I agree. I wish I had too.
I agree the selfish mam makes me freaking sick all I care about is beyond crying and hungry baby on the camera 😩
Please stop posing before the camera and feed your child
Everyone that are dissing on the parents for the crying and such must never had children cause this is how it goes.
Unbelievable, just speechless
Beautiful Baby, seems as if you speeded up camera. Who wants to see such a video..I suppose this is an old video but it is gosh awful.
Que desastre de padre, como no aprendas a sostener a tu hijo y a darle el biberon sin fugas.... para que el bebé no trage aire. Y procura que tu hijo esté apoyado en ti cuando le das palmadas en la espalda.
هذا الاب غير طبيعي
He is so hungry he is shaking ! Poor baby.
@@sandrawilde6088 انه جائع والاب كل همه ان يصوره وهو يتعذب ويطلب الرضاعة مسكين لقد اقهرني
@@sandrawilde6088 He just said he was waiting for the bottle to cool down
@@dianebutterfly6698 على الاقل يحملة ولا يجعله يبكي لقد بكيت من اجله انه طفل لا حوله له
@@تشكيلةجمًْيلةمِنحقائبالگروشي yeah that's fair
So beautiful and he looks like his father 👨 👩🍼 ❤❤
Mein Gott gib endlich dem Kind essen der hat Hunger und du guckst wie du auf Video aussiehst armes Kind tut mir leid, dass er so lange auf Essen warten musste .
Omg what an uncaring person. The baby is so hungry, and he just doesn't care. 😮😮
What? Where do you see abuse in this video tell me I really want to know, cause all I saw was a great❤ loving dad feeding baby
I get the idea that this is a first-time dad. The baby is/ was desperate not knowing where the bottle even comes from. I don't think that I would burp a baby quite the same way he does, although it DOES appear to be working. The thing to remember is that babies get hungry intermittently throughout the day & night. So make that formula by the batch if you don't already know.
why is it taking so long to feed the kid
Este individuo es un psicópata y el trato al bebé es repulsivo e intolerable. Deberían denunciarlo.
The kid is fine..won't hurt him to cry
pai estava mais preocupado em filmar do que dar o leite ao bebê,coitadinho,chegou cansar de tanto chorar.😢
Pinadede nmn niya hindi ba? Nag iisip lng kayo masyado.😅
I don't think he even likes the baby. Shameful bro.
И такие размножаются...так издеваться над малышом, хотя бутылочка была готова. А мать там в соседней комнате даже не подошла к плачущему младенцу. Странные люди
A mother doesn't have to respond when a kid cries if dad is in the room with the kid.
Он не торопится его кормить. Лучше наверно слушать как малыш орет
É verdade
Eles tem prazer de ver seus filhos gritando de fome é uma loucura oq eles fazem tem uns que acham lindo e dão risadas
@@НатальяДабагян Qantas
Just noticed the baby appears to on a sofa. Not too safe to do so
Adorable baby
You don’t need to slap his back just lightly tap. And he already burped 🙈
I think this father is not phased in the least that the baby is starving he (,the father) is not in no big hurry l feel sorry for this little one that he his father only cares about recording his baby being hungry TERRIBLE🤔🤔
He's a little rough. I think. Stop looking at the camera.
That poor baby, no cradling, no head support. Total lack of emotional attachment. Although we have no recollection of our very early years it does have an impact when we are older. Ask any psychologist.
Baby is adorable!! Be careful with his neck & head. Such a sweetie. ❤❤❤
So tired after all that torture of crying..
... wieso lässt er das arme Baby so lange weinen ... so ein Idiot!!! ... überhaupt wie er mit dem Baby umgeht ... es ist ein kleines zartes unschuldiges Wesen ... und kein Mehlsack!!! 😳 ... solche Eltern sollten keine Kinder haben!!!
Oh, please!! Baby wasn’t in distress! Baby wasn’t even crying hard or sobbing which means he wasn’t crying for that long. Dad made sure the bottle wasn’t hot, gently handled his son and placed a bib on and then, fed his son. He was in a proper sitting position to feed, spoke gently to him and burped him well too.
I’ve heard babies cry a lot more and louder then this little guy, like my own son.
And, I’m a pediatric and NICU nurse and an mandated to report abuse. This is NOT one of those cases! You all need to get a grip and stop being overdramatize!!
Looks like it's all about the dad. Sad
Yeah look how he looks at the screen😎
Sick man.
Why was the speed increased once you delivered the bottle?
Si hace esto delante de una cámara ¿que no hará cuando ésta esté apagada. Pobre bebé. Por favor, denúncienlo.
Малыш долго голодал👎 папа самолюбовается 👎
I thought he was never going to feed the baby!!
its a bloody nightmare seeing baby crying
Never make baby wait to be fed that's wrong just make a post those cries do not sound good that's wrong daddy if that baby is hungry feed her you want eat when you are hungry that's not cute to me it seems cruel to make that baby wait like that and you still took a long time after the bottle was ready prepare everything ahead
Shame on you TH-cam for showing such videos. TH-cam wastes no time in banning people like David Ike but unashamedly allow videos like this.
Is he going to burp that baby??? I always burped my babies halfway through and again at the end especially if they cried before hand. NOT impressed with this dad at all!! Does he not know to put him over his shoulder? 🙄🙄
God is watching you!
Ever heard of trying to cool the bottle down if it's to hot. Grow up.
Главное камеру установить и попозировать на неë, а ребёнок пусть плачет. Поражаюсь таким родителям!
They are all grandmom’s or great grandmoms that grew up in the great depression. That’s why everyone is so salty about this video.!!
The baby ate even survived lol !
Horrible father
Чем же он плохой? Некоторые дети не по требованию организма а по часам ест. Каждые 2 часа. Вот папа и выжидал время.
Sie hält die Flasche falsch . Das Kind trinkt auch Luft.
ALL of these videos of adults... tfhe babies OWN PARENTS teasing them with bottles IS DOWNRIGHT TWISTED & MEAN! !!!!! Something is WRONG with these people!
It is disturbing to watch them laugh, giggle, chomp on chips in the background audio while the laugh and find it amusing to sit & watch for several minutes their helpless infant stretch his neck, curl & distort his shoulders and point his lips so unnaturally to try to latch onto the nipple of an EMPTY bottle and KEEP LAUGHING like its cute and harmless and HUMANE to put a tiny fragile child THROUGH THE INEVITABLE FAILURE of receiving his nutrients he needs and deserves!!!
Id like to see the existance od a cyber detective organization
who can PROSECUTE SUCH intentional acts of human NEGLECT & HUMAN TORTURE they are commiting on these defenseless babies!! ITS BULLYING by WARPED PARENTS & caretakers of so many precious little babies whos OWN parents tease them, taunt, them, prolong the babies essential needs, and play STUPID during the videos
recorded audio portion pretending to to bbe loving & attentive caregivers,
They are doing NOTHING for these babies who need symethetic, tender humans to comfort, calm & satisfy these babies every day requirements . Their videos that TH-cam allows.here are sadistic and the sorry excuses for parents and life mentors are EVIL & they all deserve to be heavily evaluated for mental cogniscence & stability!! Their laughter and lack of compassion in first provoking then enjoying the suffering of hunger by way of humiliation against their own babies raises bright red flags in cruelty committed on a child and questions the state of mind of both the terrible parents taunting , teasing & making FUN of a hungry helpless child, but also TH-cam for allowing the videos to still remain available for public to view! Its exploitation of innocent minors and a careless, lack of concern that we all should have about how long these parents have used food to mis-treat the children God trusted to their care & allowed them to be their 1st impression & of how human kind should regard others and lifes teachers that mold & shape them into becomming productive kind & rational adults!
Reckless & disturbing behavior & senseless cruel conduct being inflicted on undeserving young babies is UNACCEPTABLE & honestly makes perfect sense, to WHY PEOPLE GO ON to become mentally and emotionally UN-WELL , as they navigate through their lives & interact socially
in the developement of different roles, and relations they
obtain responsibily for. It funnels down generation to the next when humans mistreat other humans especially during the prominent early development years of every child! One can clearly see the looks on these babies faces, even on THE YOUNGEST of infants depicted in the DOZENS of videos available under the catagory heading containing the words 'BABY,' 'BOTTLE', & 'BATTLE'!! The infants and toddlers are already obviously emotionally injured, long past the signs of degredation, humiliation and SHAMED by their demeanors and look of disappointment and unwillingness to keep demonstrating their desires & hunger for food while they CLEARLY have been subjected to repeated tauntings that a camera WASNT AIMED at their suffering the many other days this parental conduct has been inflicted on the babies seen here. The babies HAVE BEEN CONDITIONED to being tortured with food and their fighting spirit to keep trying, asking, communicating their overwhelming natural human behavior that comes from desire and requirement to seek nutrition prompt them to automatically GIVE UP knowing FROM CONTINUOUS OCCURANCES that their efforts & pleas GAIN NOTHING WORTH their exhausting efforts, or else lacking acceptance love or concern from the parent who, just as these videos all show.. . dont bother to hold, comfort, touch or offer any physical contact with these babies they are taunting & denying critical FOOD to them!
Several of the infants and babies are clearly emotionally desensitized, detached & no close loving bond exists as it shows on the faces and movements of other children & babies shown in other parent-baby videos found on TH-cam! The GOOD PARENTS - BY THE DECENT LOVING STABLE MINDED PARENTS who have shared their videos and elements of THEIR interactions with their babies... that are HEALTHY, PRODUCTIVE, RESPECTFUL & KIND LESSONS OF LIFE & CARE of fello human beings that result in a peaceful caring mankind. NOT CRUELTY inflicted on little babies, and the suffering these babies go thru that result in things like .. CULTIVATING & CARVING OUT THIS COUNTIES NEXT Columbine High School student who has no reason hes able to recognize, identify, express or account for WHY he felt the need to BE UNEXPLAINABLY CRUEL to others he knows well, has a natural respect for & affiliation to, who did NOTHING to deserve being TRAUMATIZED & taunted and teased with an intentionally sarcastic display of lacking compassion & unkindness, that parents arnt supposed to commit on CHILDREN. WHERES THE INTERNET POLICE for child neglect and abuse?
Dear God, please be quiet. You clearly have mental health problems to rant obsessively, in such an incoherent manner. It whimpered a bit, that's all. It was not tortured starved or degraded. New parents are not saints, they male.mistales and learn as they go.
Ese padre es una bestia.. cómo permite que el bebé lloré tanto!!! Prioriza la filmación al bienestar del pequeño.
C est quoi cette attitude de père ?
Il se fait prendre en photo......
Nul ce comportement et la facon dont il tient son bb.
A lui interessa il video poveraccio.le bestie curano i loro figli bisogna imparare da loro altro che umani 😢
Ele está maltratando a criança e a mãe não faz nada . Meu Deus 😱
Exactly , i hope anyone could take this baby and let him adopted.
Also you can test the temperature of a babies bottle by dropping a bit on the inside of your wrist. If it is to hot for your wrist it is definitely to hot for the baby.
@catherinebranson3257 I always gave warm milk, more like body temperature like nursed babies. Warm milk is soothing as well
What kind of father are you to let this sweet angel cry for food?
Издеваются, бедный ребёнок,аж сердце заболело
There’s absolutely no bullying here, you’re out of your mind!
With the hot bottle and burn the kid? Pay attention.
Самолюбование папы👎
This is cruel.
What a cutie. Poor baby is hungry.
I always held my babies closer to bottle feed and stroked them while baby held eye contact with me. The father can enjoy the special bonding too if he wishes just by adopting a more snuggly hold and his burping technique could use a little finesse. Dad's manner is very mechanical in this clip. The disadvantage to leaving a small infant to cry too long before feeding is more gas in the tummy plus baby may fall asleep before he's full.
He doesn't care about the baby. He's holding the baby up for the camera to earn money from TH-cam. He's exploiting this baby for money.
The baby's not burping. He's only hitting the baby fruitlessly, hurting and offending the baby. He should've tried putting the baby in different positions for burping.
Give him a break. He's probably new to all this. He'll get there. Then he'll be a pro.
@@georgiavarnum8069 No, he's not trying to learn to be a good father. He's purposely trying to torture his child. He's a sadistic child abuser. He will only increase the abuse until he murders the child.
@@georgiavarnum8069 I agree.
Alright enough! of the insults, if you don’t agree with this man’s feeding, DON’T WATCH his video.
Este hombre no es más tonto porque no se entrena!!!
Que manera de aporrear al niño... y sigue sin expulsar el aire!!!
Si no sabe darle el biberón al crío que no lo haga, que sea la madre quien le dé de comer pues seguramente lo hace mejor.
Some people will do anything to put on YT. Sad for this baby.
I can tell most of these comments are from people (probably Gen Zers) who've never had a baby, nor ever even taken care of one. This child was FINE. He wasn't crying "bloody murder". In fact, I've never heard a more pathetic cry and I've raised three of my own, and have two grandbabies. That was NOT the cry of a distressed baby. Maybe a slightly impatient one, but certainly not one who's starving. Get over yourselves people. Seriously.
Mother’s don’t leave your babies with their father he is the worst father of all even the way he’s holding the baby I am not impressed where is his Mother
All fathers are not this clueless. Don’t be an ass.
The poor baby was trembling with hunger pangs. It was sucking the teat without even pausing to take a breath. Let someone else take the video while you feed. A small infant like that needs to be cuddled and fed with patience and care. Prepare the milk and keep it in a warmer for quick use. Keep a feeding time table, so you would be ready for your baby's next feed . Then you and baby won't have that much anxiety. You don't have to tap the baby's back like kneading dough. Slowly rubbing the back downwards does make a baby burp .Have your mum or mum -in- law to guide you. You are yet to learn a lot on parenting. Never mind, you sure would make a marvellous dad. Just takes time. That's an adorable baby. May God bless him/ her. All the best.
He was NOT “trembling from hunger pangs” LOL you don’t know anything about babies! The trembling is a normal reflex caused by immature neurology and high levels of hormones. It eventually goes away on its own.
@@valerieteti1755 I have four children of my own and I child minded more than 80 babies from the ages of one month onwards, for working mothers from all walks of life, lawyers, doctors, teachers, nurses and even civil servents. I have a very good reputation as a child minder. They are all grown up and doing very well in different professions. I wrote out of concern and compassion. A child has only that period to be pampered, after 5 years life is very challenging. Any way no hard feelings. All the best. My blessing for the child. God bless.
@@valerieteti1755 And you don't know anything about emotional neglect/abuse of an infant.
@@kellyhughes4017 Except this isn’t neglect. Or abuse. This baby is well cared for. Have you ever seen pictures of starving infants in undeveloped countries? There’s a vast difference between this baby waiting literally 12 minutes to be fed and the babies who NEVER get nourishment. Educate yourself.
Are you kidding me a marvalous dad he is the worst father ever he think's only of him self the baby is in pain from not eating on time the farther need's to think more about the baby then how he look's on camera this is child abuse and any one who think's this is okay then you need to wake up stop protecting a father who dont give a dam about his baby.
Cara irresponsável deixa a criança chorando .