Felicitari pentru acest Spectacol Frumos. Merita sa fie Televizat in Totalitate dar cu dusmanii din televiziunile noastre..clar este imposibil. Totusi de ce Nimeni nu se arata Bucuros aici in Comentarii pt cat de Frumos a fost Totul organizat? Se pare ca Multi Romani sau devalorizat daca NU mai sunt Sensibilizati de asa Traditii superbe.
The festival starts with the parade of a rough estimate of 30 different groups of folcloric artists that each in their unique way wish everyone a happy new year and try to bring good fortune in the new year with their good energy. There were about a few hundred people that brought in front of the audience century old traditions in front of the curious audiences, traditions specific to their county or even unique to their own village.
The international winter traditions festival , held in municipiul Suceava. Organised by "Consiliul Județean Suceava" , with the hell of "Centrul Cultural Bucovina", for the locals and tourists alike, that chose Bucovina as the place to spend this time of year.
Felicitari pentru acest Spectacol Frumos. Merita sa fie Televizat in Totalitate
dar cu dusmanii din televiziunile noastre..clar este imposibil.
Totusi de ce Nimeni nu se arata Bucuros aici in Comentarii pt cat de Frumos a fost Totul organizat?
Se pare ca Multi Romani sau devalorizat daca NU mai sunt Sensibilizati de asa Traditii superbe.
The festival starts with the parade of a rough estimate of 30 different groups of folcloric artists that each in their unique way wish everyone a happy new year and try to bring good fortune in the new year with their good energy. There were about a few hundred people that brought in front of the audience century old traditions in front of the curious audiences, traditions specific to their county or even unique to their own village.
The international festival :,,Obiceiuri de Iarnă,, Suceava aka "Winter traditions held in Suceava "
The international winter traditions festival , held in municipiul Suceava. Organised by "Consiliul Județean Suceava" , with the hell of "Centrul Cultural Bucovina", for the locals and tourists alike, that chose Bucovina as the place to spend this time of year.
Degeaba e international daca e scris numai în română 😒