  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ก.ย. 2024

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  • @AdventureElliot
    @AdventureElliot  ปีที่แล้ว +7

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    • @lauramartin-bk9nr
      @lauramartin-bk9nr ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Madrid`s resistance to Francoist troops lasted longer than Barcelona`s.

    • @lauramartin-bk9nr
      @lauramartin-bk9nr ปีที่แล้ว +1

      During Franco era, Catalan wasn`t prohibited on the streets nor "destroyed"; it survived as an oral language, only it was not taught at schools. In fact there were dozens of prizes for literature in Catalan.
      Premio de Honor de las Letras Catalanas
      ◦ 1969 Jordi Rubió i Balaguer (historiógrafo y bibliólogo).
      ◦ 1970 Joan Oliver (Pere Quart, escritor).
      ◦ 1971 Francesc de Borja Moll i Casasnovas (filólogo y editor).
      ◦ 1972 Salvador Espriu i Castelló (escritor).
      ◦ 1973 Josep Vicenç Foix (escritor).
      ◦ 1974 Manuel Sanchis i Guarner (filólogo e historiador).
      ◦ 1975 Joan Fuster i Ortells (escritor).
      Premio Joaquim Ruyra de narrativa juvenil
      ◦ 1963 Josep Vallverdú, por L’abisme de Pyramos.
      ◦ 1964 Carles Macià, por Un paracaigudista sobre la Vall Ferrera.
      ◦ 1965 Desierto.
      ◦ 1966 Robert Saladrigas, por Entre juliol i setembre.
      ◦ 1967 Emili Teixidor, por Les rates malaltes.
      Premio Josep Pla
      ◦ 1968 Terenci Moix, por Onades sobre una roca deserta.
      ◦ 1969 Baltasar Porcel, por Difunts sota els ametllers en flor.
      ◦ 1970 Teresa Pàmies, por El testament de Praga.
      ◦ 1971 Gabriel Janer, por Els alicorns.
      ◦ 1972 Alexandre Cirici, por El temps barrat.
      ◦ 1973 Llorenç Villalonga, por Andrea Victrix.
      ◦ 1974 Marià Manent, por El vel de Maia.
      ◦ 1975 Enric Jardí, por Historia del cercle artistic de Sant Lluc.
      Premio Prudenci Bertrana
      ◦ 1968 Manuel de Pedrolo, por Estat d’excepció.
      ◦ 1969 Avel•lí Artís-Gener, por Prohibida l’evasió.
      ◦ 1970 Vicenç Riera Llorca, por Amb permís de l’enterramorts.
      ◦ 1971 Terenci Moix, por Siro o la increada consciència de la raça.
      ◦ 1972 Oriol Pi de Cabanyes, por Oferiu flors als rebels que fracassaren.
      ◦ 1973 Biel Mesquida, por L’adolescent de sal.
      ◦ 1974 Desierto.
      ◦ 1975 Baltasar Porcel, por Cavalls cap a la fosca.
      Premio Lletra d’Or
      ◦ 1956 Salvador Espriu, por Final del laberint.
      ◦ 1957 Josep Pla, por Barcelona.
      ◦ 1958 Josep Carner, por Absència.
      ◦ 1959 Ramon d’Abadal, por Els primers comtes catalans.
      ◦ 1960 Clementina Arderiu, por És a dir.
      ◦ 1961 Josep Vicenç Foix, por Onze Nadals i un Cap d’Any.
      ◦ 1962 Joan Oliver (Pere Quart), por Vacances pagades.
      ◦ 1963 Joan Fuster, por Nosaltres els valencians.
      ◦ 1964 Josep Benet, por Maragall i la Setmana Tràgica.
      ◦ 1965 Jordi Rubió, por La cultura catalana, del Renaixement a la Decadència.
      ◦ 1966 Manuel de Pedrolo, por Cendra per Martina.
      ◦ 1967 Gabriel Ferrater, por Teoria dels cossos.
      ◦ 1968 Marià Manent, por Com un núvol lleuger.
      ◦ 1969 Xavier Rubert de Ventós, por Teoria de la sensibilitat.
      ◦ 1970 Joan Teixidor, por Quan tot es trenca.
      ◦ 1971 Alexandre Cirici, por L’art català contemporani.
      ◦ 1972 Joan Coromines, por Lleures i converses d’un filòleg.
      ◦ 1973 Maurici Serrahima, por Del passat quan era present.
      ◦ 1974 Joan Vinyoli, por I encara les paraules.
      ◦ 1975 Vicent Andrés Estellés, por Les pedres de l’àmfora.
      Premio Mercè Rodoreda de cuentos y narraciones
      ◦ 1953 Jordi Sarsanedas, por Mites.
      ◦ 1954 Pere Calders, por Cròniques de la veritat oculta.
      ◦ 1955 Lluís Ferran de Pol, por La ciutat i el tròpic.
      ◦ 1956 Manuel de Pedrolo, por Crèdits humans.
      ◦ 1957 Mercè Rodoreda, por Vint-i-dos contes.
      ◦ 1958 Josep Maria Espinàs, por Varietés.
      ◦ 1959 Josep A. Boixaderas, por Perquè no.
      ◦ 1960 Ramon Folch i Camarasa, por Sala d’espera.
      ◦ 1961 Estanislau Torres, por La Xera.
      ◦ 1962 Jordi Maluquer, por Pol•len.
      ◦ 1963 Carles Macià, por La nostra terra de cada dia.
      ◦ 1964 Joaquim Carbó, por Solucions provisionals.
      ◦ 1965 Víctor Mora, por El cafè dels homes tristos.
      ◦ 1966 Guillem Viladot, por La gent i el vent.
      ◦ 1967 Terenci Moix, por La torre dels vicis capitals.
      ◦ 1968 Jaume Vidal Alcover, por Les quatre llunes.
      ◦ 1969 Robert Saladrigas, por Boires.
      ◦ 1970 Montserrat Roig, por Molta roba i poc sabó.
      ◦ 1971 Gabriel Janer Manila, por El cementiri de les roses.
      ◦ 1972 Josep Albanell, por Les parets de l’insomni.
      ◦ 1973 Jaume Cabré, por Atrafegada calor.
      ◦ 1974 Beatriu Civera, por Vides alienes.
      ◦ 1975 Xavier Romeu, por La mort en punt.
      1942. Aparece el libro Rosa mística, de Mossén Camil Geis, editado en Sabadell e impreso por Joan Sallent en catalán.
      1944. Desde ese año, se hace obligatorio por ley que las universidades con Filología románica incluyan la asignatura de Filología catalana. Un decreto sobre la ordenación de la facultad de Filosofía y Letras, firmado por Franco con fecha del 7 de julio, introduce tres horas semanales de Filología Catalana en la Universidad de Granada. Josep Vergés, fundador de Destino en 1939 junto con Ignacio Agustí y el poeta Joan Teixidor, establecen el 6 de enero de 1944 el premio Eugenio Nadal que daba a conocer a la joven Carmen Laforet y a su novela Nada. El galardón descubrió a narradores tan importantes como Miguel Delibes, Ana María Matute, Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio o Carmen Martín Gaite.
      1945. Con apoyo y subvención del Gobierno, se celebra el centenario de Mossén Cinto Verdaguer.
      1947. Se otorga el premio Joan Martorell para novela en catalán. Son premiados Celia Suñol, por su novela Primera Part, y El cel no és transparent, de María Aurelia de Campmany. Se crea el premio Ciudad de Barcelona.
      1949. Para narraciones cortas se crea en la Casa del Libro el premio Víctor Català, así como los premios Aedos para biografías, Josep Ysart para ensayos y el Ossa Menor que ideó el gallego-catalán José Pedreira, que se cambió luego el nombre por el de Carles Riba a la muerte de éste, en su honor.
      1951. Se otorga un premio a la poesía en catalán con la misma cuantía económica que a la española. Posteriormente el premio se amplia a otras actividades culturales, como teatro y bellas artes. José Mª Cruzet funda Ediciones Selecta para obras escritas en catalán. En colaboración con Aymà concede el Joanot Martorell al insigne veterano de la pluma Josep Pla por su creación El carrer estret.
      1952. En la visita de Franco a Cataluña, en el mes de junio, se inaugura la cátedra Milà i Fontanals para el estudio científico de la lengua catalana.
      1955. El poeta y escritor José Mª de Sagarra recibe la orden de Alfonso X el Sabio con ocasión de la publicación de su obra en catalán titulada Memories.
      1956. Nace el premio Lletra d’Or, sin recompensa económica y tiene como galardón una “F” de oro, con la que se distingue al mejor libro del año anterior escrito en catalán. El primero en recibirla fue Salvador Espriu, por Final de Laberint.
      1959. Los premios barceloneses Crítica se incorporan a la producción en catalán.
      1960. El Centro de Lecturas de Valls, inicia un curso de lengua y literatura catalana de carácter público. En Barcelona se crea el premio Sant Jordi para novela, dotado con 150.000 pesetas, cantidad análoga, intencionadamente, a la del Nadal. Con subvención del Gobierno se celebra el centenario del poeta Joan Maragall.
      1965. El gran poeta y canónigo de la catedral tarraconense, don Miguel Melendres, edita su obraL’esposa de l’anyell, un poema en catalán de doce mil versos. Encuadernado en rica piel blanca, lo lleva el Arzobispo de Tarragona, doctor Arriba y Castro, al Papa Pablo VI, que recibe complacido esta singular muestra de la lengua catalana que le llega de España. El Ateneo Barcelonés monta un curso de Filología Catalana. A los Premios Nacionales de Literatura, se le añade el Verdaguer para producción en catalán.
      1966. Barcelona rinde homenaje a su ilustre hijo Maragall, en el que intervienen Gregorio Marañón, Pere Roig, José Mª Pemán y Ruiz Jiménez. En los jardines que llevan el nombre del poeta, en Montjuic, se le eleva un busto. Radio Tarragona organiza a través de sus antenas unos cursos de catalán con profesores especializados.
      1967. La Diputación de Lérida dota una cátedra de Lengua catalana. La Diputación de Barcelona acuerda dar cursos de catalán en todos los centros culturales dependientes de la corporación y fundar la cátedra de Lengua Catalana en la Facultad de Teología de San Cugat (Barcelona).
      1968. Editorial Destino completa el Nadal con el nuevo premio Josep Plà, concedido a Onades sobre una roca deserta, de Terenci Moix. En la lista de quienes lograron este galardón figura lo más florido de la narrativa catalana: Baltasar Porcel, Teresa Pàmies, Cirici Pellicer, Marià Manén, Enric Jardí, Llorenç Villalonga, Jaume Miravilles o Jordi Sarsaneda. En Gerona se otorga por primera vez el premio Prudenci Bertrana
      1969. Nace el Premi d’Honor a les Lletres Catalanes, destinado a la consagración de escritores noveles.
      1970. Comienza la publicación de la Enciclopedia Catalana.

    • @lauramartin-bk9nr
      @lauramartin-bk9nr ปีที่แล้ว

      The Castillo de Montjuich appears at the end of Don Quixote, that takes place in Barcelona. Cervantes`novel is a great reading. Until you read it you`re not culturally fully a Spaniard;)

    • @AdventureElliot
      @AdventureElliot  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It wasn’t destroyed but rather suppressed

    • @anacasanova7350
      @anacasanova7350 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@lauramartin-bk9nr Bravo!!! que artura de ver y oír tantas mentiras 🤗😅😊🤗👏👏👏

  • @pdterre5496
    @pdterre5496 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +38

    We visited Barc. in mid october. It felt like a normal city, nobody harassing us. Weather was perfect. I recommend traveling out of season.

    • @danigonzalez4299
      @danigonzalez4299 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      actually all year is season xD

    • @FugaConManolo
      @FugaConManolo 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I’m planning to go in mid October.

  • @georgehale3640
    @georgehale3640 ปีที่แล้ว +86

    The problem of Barcelona is that there are not locals anymore, most are leaving Barcelona due to high rents and poor quality life: crazy people, disrespectful tourists, goons and lowlife people who do as they please. 44% are not even born in here and some don't care about anything. I' m tired of the tourists above throwing ashtrays or butts from the balcony or the same thieves robbing again.
    Myself am leaving my 21 years old job and going away. How I miss the city we had 20 years ago!

    • @xavipl1320
      @xavipl1320 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      And expats

    • @schnee78
      @schnee78 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      This is really sad.

    • @jeychov
      @jeychov 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Completely agree, me myself I am spanish and I live like 2 hours away from Barcelona and I dont feel unsafe in the city but you can always feel that vibe of insecurity, theres very strange people and im not even going to say if u go into raval or something, i seen people smoke crack in broad daylight

    • @unbekannter6443
      @unbekannter6443 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Yes ive been to bcn many times many sketchy people and prices are going up the politics and judge do nothing I’ve seen several bag robberies too at night I’m feel unsafe but it depends where you are

    • @shell_gone_awol
      @shell_gone_awol 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      It's sad. The majority of Barcelona should be Spanish & it's not fair that locals are being driven out. I understand why locals get angry with tourists especially when most of us don't make an effort to try speak your language, embrace & learn the culture & be respectful.
      I do enjoy travelling & have gone as a solo female which can surprise people & I try learn the basics of the language & just be respectful which I feel is greatly appreciated.

  • @lornahunter5441
    @lornahunter5441 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Visited barcelona 9 times. It's my happy place. There must be something to that legend of Font de Canaletes. Even my 11 year old son is obsessed and just had his 5th visit in May! El Poble Sec is our favourite neighbourhood. Recommend to everyone. We've luckily never been robbed but we have always been careful and that's key. Highlighting the issues you have is helpful but common sense is the biggest thing. Loved the history angle in this video. Such a refreshing change from a description of what you're wearing or something. Never tire of Catalan history. Also, cannabis clubs in Barcelona are great, legit, welcoming and open for anyone to become a member - just avoid the ones soliciting on the street and you'll be fine.

  • @milhouse53
    @milhouse53 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Tip for travelers: if you need to look at your phone (map, directions pictures) stand with your back to a building or a tree or a kiosk. Anything from the flow of the human traffic or potential offence from the back. Then keep glancing ahead all the time and scan the area in front of you

  • @Azzazel_
    @Azzazel_ ปีที่แล้ว +38

    Curiously 99% of pickpokets in Barcelona are NOT from Barcelona

    • @mallorca629
      @mallorca629 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Or 100% lol!

    • @JulieIelasi-lt7yp
      @JulieIelasi-lt7yp 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Np they are actually indian called roma they all like to be called or sinti

    • @JulieIelasi-lt7yp
      @JulieIelasi-lt7yp 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      They are the gypsys sinti or roma some thing but gypsys all of them the pick picketers from their mother land originally india they are all Indian they morher language their own type of broken indian own type of indin language.

    • @gf7392
      @gf7392 3 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @timpowers6127
      @timpowers6127 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I had my bag stolen in Barcelona in the La Boquaria market. Only took 1 seconds of carelessness.

  • @ju222dy
    @ju222dy 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    Spent one day in Barcelona a few weeks ago. Worst experience of all the cities I visited. I am ashamed to say that I contributed to the utter MASS of tourists in the city that day. So many frustrated people; even the tour guides were being yelled at for something they couldn't control. Barcelona just couldn't support the crowds. Five, maybe six, HUGE cruise ships, each carrying 5-6K passengers, in port that day. Maybe the city should set some sort of schedule for the cruise liners and regulate their days allowed in port(?)

  • @noalavigne
    @noalavigne หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Gràcies per explicar la història i interessar-te per la nostra cultura ☺ Thanks for talking about our history and being interested in our culture ☺

  • @cne2229
    @cne2229 ปีที่แล้ว +38

    I was living in Barcelona this Spring and saw crazy stuff that doesn't even get reported. Most of the Ciutat Vella is now a warzone especially at night. The narcopiso epidemic driven by gangs in El Raval are now attacking the gay community in Eixample every night and trying to take over apartments all over Sant Antoni and around Urgell/Rocafort/Universitat.
    My friend had his apartment block basically seized over a few days by a gang with violence, they just take apartment after apartment and no-one does anything until its too late, saw a group of around 8 'Marroquins' in the lobby of another apartment one evening in Dreta de l'Eixample in a chaotic scene trying to take someones apartment and the police came there (as it was north of the Les Corts Catalanes road), imagine just walking home and then entering your apartment building a massive group appears from nowhere trying to take your apartment, it is embarrassing that this happens daily and only Metroliabierta even reports some of it, south of the Les Corts Catalanes road is basically chaos as soon as the sun sets and it just gets worse by the week...

    • @AdventureElliot
      @AdventureElliot  ปีที่แล้ว +12

      Thanks for your feedback Conor.. that sounds like a maddening and helpless situation. You’re right, many things go unreported because why report it if the police/govt does nothing? BCN is great but I would never want to live in the old city these days.

    • @cne2229
      @cne2229 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      It's such a pity as the degradation is happening so fast and now these 'groups' are extremely organized, often with a lot of money and they move fast. Basically everyone feels powerless and the neighbors have lost hope/faith in the system, why report someone who is just going to be released back on the street two hours later and come back.

    • @piofernandezlopez7376
      @piofernandezlopez7376 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      No surprise that at some point people will go voting more far right parties, although it seems the time for that has not arrived yet.

    • @Alejojojo6
      @Alejojojo6 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Barcelona is a completely different to the rest of the country though. Barcelona does have a criminality problem indeed that has been on the rise. But it's no reflection of the rest of the country at all.

    • @Prin_Cess_007
      @Prin_Cess_007 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That’s insane! What government party is running this country? Vote different people.

  • @maxpowell8794
    @maxpowell8794 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Elliot, your content is simply among the best in Spain - raw, real, and you always talk Spanish with locals. I learn something new every video!

    • @AdventureElliot
      @AdventureElliot  ปีที่แล้ว

      I appreciate that!

    • @josepguardiola9486
      @josepguardiola9486 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Don't believe half of the things Elliot says because they are lies or exaggerated. His only goal is to attract followers to get more money and continue living without working.

    • @AdventureElliot
      @AdventureElliot  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@josepguardiola9486 Llevo 4 años enseñando inglés en España y 2+ metiendole caña en YT con 2 canales, mucho sin cobrar ni un centavo..Si hiciera TH-cam solo para dinero, estaría en Marruecos (puedes ver las visitas que consigo con los videos allí en mi canal) o en otros paises africanos..Esto es 1000s de horas de trabajo, pero nunca sabras cuanto trabajan los TH-camrs porque es muy facil critcar sin saber.. Un saludo.. Espero que te vaya bien en tu trabajo

    • @josepguardiola9486
      @josepguardiola9486 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@AdventureElliot En otros comentarios y videos tú mismo has reconocido que exageras las cosas negativas para captar la atención de la gente y así tener más seguidores. Lo siento pero no me parece ético. Empecé a ver tus videos porque me interesaba conocer la opinión de un extranjero sobre mi país pero desde hace algún tiempo has cambiado el enfoque y te dedicas a enseñar los lados oscuros de las ciudades españolas imitando a otros youtubers con gran éxito. Es cierto que hay barrios oscuros pero la diferencia es que tu exageras y das información inexacta. Eso es lo que opino y.siento que no lo quieras aceptar a pesar de haberlo reconocido tú mismo en alguna ocasión.

    • @Basauri48970
      @Basauri48970 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      How would you know it's real if you don't know Spain?

  • @TravelAddictGuy
    @TravelAddictGuy 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Thanks for the Shout out Elliot. Your video of Barcelona is one of the best I've seen yet. 🙏🏻

  • @mancityfan45
    @mancityfan45 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    A great video you show Barcelona in a lovely way.

  • @davidwatts968
    @davidwatts968 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Your videos are always so good Elliot. So true about Barcelona sadly, scams and robbery is so common. However it should not put people off from going there.
    Having been there myself many times I do think it has got worse. Just need to be aware and have awareness around you, don’t take anything very valuable with you and only the money you think you may need.
    It should be fine just following simple rules and should be safe.
    Barcelona City Council do need to do something about the scammers though as been going on for a long time.
    Well done Elliot as always

    • @AdventureElliot
      @AdventureElliot  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Thanks David. I appreciate the feedback. I agree, people should still go. Just be careful late at night, it’s not Malaga or Alicante or the Canary Islands where you can be drunk and careless at 3 am.

    • @davidwatts968
      @davidwatts968 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@AdventureElliot yes so true. Sadly big cities everywhere have issues.
      Having just got back from Spain once more just makes you realise how vulnerable some tourists can be. Their guard is down relaxing and chilling on holiday, so less aware. Here in the U.K. is the same really big cities, big issues.
      It does as you know depends on you knowing an area of not where to go etc,
      most tourists always fall for that.
      The scammers and crooks know that.
      Easy pray I guess.
      Having followed you since the beginning the videos are always informative and interesting.
      Keep up the good work although I know it’s hard.

    • @milariestoro5890
      @milariestoro5890 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Same thing in Rome with the scammers 😮

  • @fishandfloral
    @fishandfloral ปีที่แล้ว +11

    We were there in January. The weather was still mild and much less tourists. I highly recommend going in the off season unless you just want to lay on the beach. We didn’t stay out late night unless with a group.

    • @danigonzalez4299
      @danigonzalez4299 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      There is NO offseason in BCN

  • @shoshi06
    @shoshi06 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    10 years ago the pickpockets were rampant, can hardly imagine now..

  • @faloaba
    @faloaba ปีที่แล้ว +20

    I don't know what sources you may have turned to about the Civil War in Barcelona, but a quick judgment on the version you tell in the video is: "Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental". The military coup of 1936 failed in Barcelona, the security forces, Police, Civil Guard and Assault Guard remained faithful to the Republic. General Manuel Goded, military commander of the Balearic Islands, whose control he obtained on the 18th, traveled by seaplane to Barcelona on the 19th to lead the coup. The military forces that he managed to lead were stopped by the security forces aided by militiamen. By the end of the day the general was under arrest and was shot in August. During the civil war, Barcelona was the rear guard and the only combats were those related by Orwell in "Homage to Catalonia", between the POUM (Trotskyists) and the republican government. The entry of Franco's troops in Barcelona on January 26, 1939 was made without any armed resistance. I'm afraid you've been told of non-existent battles.

    • @jesuszaino608
      @jesuszaino608 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    • @johneboy910
      @johneboy910 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The socialist propaganda has held sway over truth since 1975 and gets worse every year as the enemy of Spain within consolidates its power and rewrites history.

  • @kr22100
    @kr22100 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    I returned from my summer vacation in Barcelona ten days ago. I liked the city itself but found the number of people approaching me and other tourists asking for money shocking. I have seen it happen elsewhere and I don't mind helping out but this experience was on another level. On one occasion sitting at the dining table outside a restaurant in a well known square i was approached three times in only 45 minutes, and it increased to five by the time I finished. This was one aspect of my experience in Barcelona that I really disliked.

    • @kr22100
      @kr22100 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      While I'm at it I would also like to add that if you are a solo traveller and wish to dine OUTDOOR an Italian Restaurant either in Italy or outside Italy; Barcelona in this case, expect to be refused service, regardless of how generous you may be in your spending. refusing you to dine outdoors simply because you are a solo diner is a sheer discrimination. It's not acceptable and these venues need to be named and shamed. This particular restaurant I'm referring to is called "Ciao!" located in a popular tourist square with impressive menus and price lists to match. Despite that trust me as single diner i'm never shy to go gong ho and treat myself (II'm not a wealthy person but I can easily handle these figures). In any case discrimination of any kind should be rejected. I do apologise If I come across as though I'm piggybacking on someone else's hard work, but honestly and seriously I'm trying to contribute. Please share your experiences of discriminations as a solo traveller so we can hopefully somehow gauge, analyse and action against them all.

  • @mustango2045
    @mustango2045 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    i have been to Barcelona recently , the tour guide advised to be careful with pickpockets, same in Madrid, Paris and Rome

    • @AdventureElliot
      @AdventureElliot  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      That’s probably the worst you have to look out for unless you go looking for trouble.. it’s still a “safe” city.

    • @xaviergratacosrodriguez9568
      @xaviergratacosrodriguez9568 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@AdventureElliot Pero entonces, porque no sacas un video con "lo peor de..." otras ciudades de España?.

    • @snejdimitrova8501
      @snejdimitrova8501 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Love Barcelona! Amazing as a city food and everything, beautiful beautiful place! Been 3 times there and every single time people tried to steal from me and my mom😂 Dance groups,tourist places, streets ,clubs everywhere. I got the feeling I gotta keep my wallet in my underwear and even there it is not safe😅 It is hard to relax and just take a nice walk just enjoying everything around

  • @lauramartin-bk9nr
    @lauramartin-bk9nr ปีที่แล้ว +92

    The people ont the streets who "like to steal" are mostly Romani people from Rumania and people from Morocco.

    • @AdventureElliot
      @AdventureElliot  ปีที่แล้ว +17

      I wasn’t sure where they were from but they definitely weren’t Spanish

    • @stefanandy4707
      @stefanandy4707 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      If you suck romanian di**s will that be fine for you?

    • @alex31245
      @alex31245 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

      It's almost exclusively Romani, as is the case in most European cities. I've never seen or heard a Moroccan do the street scam thing.

    • @5taunch
      @5taunch 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

      Moroccans are definitely major players in the street robbery scene in Bcn

    • @alex31245
      @alex31245 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      @@5taunch I've lived in Barcelona for about 8 years now and the scams that I either saw in the streets or have heard of were almost exclusively Romani. Same thing when I visited neighboring countries like Italy and Portugal.

  • @earth7451
    @earth7451 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Tourist are easy to spot because they’re always carrying a backpack. Use inside pockets, and don’t have any valuables in the purse. There are pocket straps for you leg, waist and pockets that can also be attached to women’s bras.

  • @richardherkert7436
    @richardherkert7436 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The beggars at catalunia square asked me for some coins.
    I gave them my spare change, 35 cents or something like that.
    It was not enough and they started demanding more, so I asked my
    money back :)

  • @leninism100
    @leninism100 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    To put into context. I have no doubt that Barcelona is over touristed. But in comparison, in 2021 40.6% of residents of London were non-uk born and 23.3% had no uk passport (source Office of National Statistics)

  • @IanStanley-tj5io
    @IanStanley-tj5io 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    rick your a deep thinker sometimes it's best to go with gut feeling

  • @_juan.joao_
    @_juan.joao_ ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Loved my stay in Barcelona last week - I already miss the city and its beaches!

    • @AdventureElliot
      @AdventureElliot  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I watched all your stories!

    • @_juan.joao_
      @_juan.joao_ ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@AdventureElliot ¡gracias amigo! Espero que te hayan gustado :)

  • @miguelon.el.cabronazo
    @miguelon.el.cabronazo ปีที่แล้ว +13

    ELLIOT you’re like the Bald and Bankrupt of Spain.. AWESOME CONTENT

    • @mancityfan45
      @mancityfan45 ปีที่แล้ว

      don't think bald and bankcrupt is the best person to aspire to these days..
      better of being you .

    • @mancityfan45
      @mancityfan45 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @DrippingCunnyJuice-ux3hg because there is many videos about him taking advantage of vulnerable women and its believable.

  • @We-Visited
    @We-Visited ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Like your review of Barcelona 👍

  • @xaviergratacosrodriguez9568
    @xaviergratacosrodriguez9568 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    I have lived in Barcelona for 59 years and they have never robbed me or anyone in my family. The two times I have been robbed have been abroad, as a tourist. Barcelona is a very safe city in terms of violent crimes, but it is true that it is a mafias center of South American, North African and Eastern European pickpockets attracted by the large number of tourists, who are their favorite victims and above all by the Spanish legislation that is very weak, because the police can catch you a hundred times and in the end you end up on the street quickly. Until the law becomes tougher and it turns out that they go to prison right away and the thieves are no longer interested in risk, this problem will not end. And I don't want to go into the subject of North African immigration (which is real) because they would call me anything.

    • @oa8945
      @oa8945 ปีที่แล้ว

      did you get robbed in America

    • @mancityfan45
      @mancityfan45 ปีที่แล้ว

      they badly need to change many laws here.
      someone can pretend to rent you a room, you give them a deposit and cannot enter, yet when you complain to the police and show them the same person is actively doing the same thing, they cannot do anything until a judge looks at it, as its involving property despite it being fraud it takes years to be looked at? in the meantime the same con is allowed to carry on

    • @danmac0
      @danmac0 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Spanish law= Leftist. That only protects criminals.

  • @hisoka9478
    @hisoka9478 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I come to Barcelona often. It's awesome.
    Pickpocketers are everywhere in the world, especially in major cities. Be aware of your belongings and surroundings.

  • @mirwaisjan2648
    @mirwaisjan2648 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    When I was in Madrid at the main square, some clowns 🤡 rushed to me and my friend to take photo. It all happened so quick and there was a whole bunch of them, something just told me this isn’t right so I shouted at them saying we don’t want to take any photos with them! After I got rid of them, I notice that my backpack
    Was opened but because it was an el cheapo bag (I never take valuables with me) the clown wasn’t success in getting the zipper to open completely 😅 luckily nothing was taken, and I am grateful that my sixth sense told me something wasn’t right and I snapped at them. Those people dressed as clowns were not Spaniard. They were similar to these women.
    They cover their faces so they can’t be identified. Never trust overly nice people who want to take photos.
    A few days later a Spanish man wanted to take a photo. I thought he wanted to take my photo and then steal my phone. So I answered rudely and said, No! It turns out he wanted me to take a photo of him with his own phone 😅
    I helped him out (and then ran off with his phone 😂 jokes)

  • @noname2nobody671
    @noname2nobody671 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    The construction of the expensive church is fully financed by private donations and entrance fees from visitors to the church.
    that's why it's slow

  • @cindybogart6062
    @cindybogart6062 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I like your nice friends. They are as lovely as this city. I really am enjoying your channel!

  • @maxpowell8794
    @maxpowell8794 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    This is the best video I’ve seen in Barcelona in English .. Great video!

    • @xaviergratacosrodriguez9568
      @xaviergratacosrodriguez9568 ปีที่แล้ว

      About Málaga, Seville or Madrid you will not see another like it. Because bad things only come from Barcelona acording to Elliott.

    • @AdventureElliot
      @AdventureElliot  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@xaviergratacosrodriguez9568 Xavier aquí es un video que te gustaria:

  • @simoneschwanitz854
    @simoneschwanitz854 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I´m going to Barcelona in November because it is the best time for this wondeful city....not too many tourists and the hotels are cheaper ....I can hardly wait to see the most beautiful city in Europe again
    Greetings from Germany

  • @sheripacori2097
    @sheripacori2097 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Really enjoying your videos.

  • @LefterisDemetriou
    @LefterisDemetriou 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    0:01 If the mayor really wanted to catch the pickpockets he could by just adding more surveillance on the streets and by informing tourist at the Metro stations about areas where pickpockets are active.

  • @XaviDG
    @XaviDG 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The Sagrada Familia is not a church, it's a basilica.

  • @kike.asekas293
    @kike.asekas293 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Tienes que documentarte y seguir espabilandote mucho más. Menuda idea que tienes de Franco y de como fue la toma de Barcelona y lo que pasaba allí, que eso parece que no te lo han contado porque hay que tener mucho estómago para elogiar a Companys.
    Y el gallego, que es el que yo se, los otros imagino lo mismo, jamás estuvo prohibido, de hecho mis abuelas no sabían hablar otra lengua y como ellas legión y vivieron a Franco desde el primer día al último.Y lo de bombardear es lo que hacéis vosotros los anglosajones, que dejáis aquello hecho un solar antes de que se os ocurra poner un pie allí. Y sobre objetivos civiles sin valor militar, solo para provocar terror como en Dresden. Que no te coman el coco.

    • @AdventureElliot
      @AdventureElliot  ปีที่แล้ว

      Yo no elogie camays.. yo solo dije lo qué pasó y como murió él

    • @manuelortegainiguez9608
      @manuelortegainiguez9608 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Así es , Elliot , debes informarte un poco mejor. In fact, if Franco wouldn't bet for Catalunya, and improve his industry, Cataluña wouldn't be as it is actually. Certainly, history it's not what a part tells... Elliot.... U know it's only to improve your videos.

    • @wendyHew
      @wendyHew ปีที่แล้ว

      @kike.asekas293 Anglo-saxons are a mixture of people that settled in England before the viking invasions and Danelaw, they have since mixed with those nordic settlers then the normans, they had no involvement in what your talking about, I think you are confused and think that germans are anglo saxons?? However the left wing was not supported by the British as they carried out many extremist attacks including killing religious Catholic leaders and preists. Franco is also a leader that was liked by many and the spain we all love today is like it is because of his leadership, he also managed to keep spain out of unnecessary conflict in ww2 and had the countries interests at heart. Dresden is a bad event in history but very similar to attacks on the Uk and london, after all the v2 rockets were specifically designed to kill British civillians in revenge attacks.

    • @BenEncounters
      @BenEncounters ปีที่แล้ว

      Amigo no es un periodista professional, es un vlog de TH-cam, es imprefecto y subjectivo. Creo que de hecho el tema del video es cosas general. Hay otros canales que hacen documental que tratan de estos topicos, aqui no es tan serioso

    • @xaviergratacosrodriguez9568
      @xaviergratacosrodriguez9568 ปีที่แล้ว

      "El gallego nunca edstuvo prohibido" y va el tipo y lo suelta así argumentando que su abuela lo hablaba en su casa. Pues si estuvo prohibido, pues no se podía publicar, enseñar, dar misa o poner carteles en otra lengua que no fuera el castellano. Pero claro, en tu cas, cómo iban a prohibir algo. Hace falta ser tonto. Y si te oían hablar catalán en la calle te ponían una multa. Conservo una multa que le pusieron a mi abuelo por hablar por teléfono en catalán desde la Conserjería de un Hotel. Y decir que Barcelona no fue bombardeada con la de niños muertos por la aviación fascisat demuestra que eers un ser humano repugnante.

  • @heathermichael3987
    @heathermichael3987 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Fun fact : Spain saved my family from the French back when france was after our heads . My family is actually visiting because of that ,

  • @sethroganlegend
    @sethroganlegend ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I’m visiting Barcelona 11th august it will be my third time going, luckily I’ve never encountered any crime etc I’ve been there , but again I will be cautious because of your video 👍🏻

  • @lynmcnorton9627
    @lynmcnorton9627 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I don’t drink from the fountain but have been back there about 10 times because it’s a fabulous place 🤗

  • @roskis6493
    @roskis6493 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Visited Barcelona for a couple of days some years ago, and we witnessed a dude grabbing a lady's purse from her table and run. Happens a LOT, I'm afraid. Keep your stuff to yourself and dont leave it unobserved. Pay close attention if you go swimming at the beach, too. But other than that! Nice experience, just pay attention 😊

  • @nemesis1482
    @nemesis1482 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Crime is high in Barcelona? If it includes pickpocketing yes, otherwise no. I live here since more than 10 years and I can say it is safer than other turistic places, but very poor especially in central areas. In Europe I think I was only afraid fee times while in France.

  • @57sapke
    @57sapke 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Great video! We went last week to Barcelona and loved it. I can't find app Fork, probably it doesn't exist anymore.

  • @kc2dc444
    @kc2dc444 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I really like your videos. Glad I found you. You need more subscribers!

  • @anacasanova7350
    @anacasanova7350 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Mi ciudad se está convirtiendo en la jungla. 😢 Una pena 😿

    • @AdventureElliot
      @AdventureElliot  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Todavía sigue siendo una ciudad increíble

    • @mrr3808
      @mrr3808 ปีที่แล้ว

      Disfrutad lo votado y todavía seguís votando a la miseria comunista

    • @axwleurope9519
      @axwleurope9519 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Es lo que habéis votado

    • @Atreas1845
      @Atreas1845 ปีที่แล้ว

      BaRCELONA ESTÁ DESTROZADA... Es un Caos y ahora la ciudad más peligrosa de Europa.
      Ya sabemos por qué todos..

    @RIZFERD 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Well, not only Barcelona has 1/3 of the population from foreign countries but also Benidorm and surroundings, why I know it, been there since early 2000's

  • @mancityfan45
    @mancityfan45 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    17:10 a bus sitution is perfect for rhe pickpokets, especially around there, lots of pickpokets on the hunt for torists around the bus station and the parc de citudella.

  • @fatimahaidari
    @fatimahaidari ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I also did a trip and a vlog in this city. Absolutely loved it.

  • @enricomercado4671
    @enricomercado4671 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Best time to visit countries in Europe is during the fall and winter. The bad folks tend to stay indoors when it's cold. There's also much less tourists....

  • @pepegotera8598
    @pepegotera8598 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I am not a historian like Elliot, but not everything was black and white. Catalonia declared itself independent, Asturias carried out a coup d'état, they shot the civil guard, the Basques also threatened independence. The army had no choice but to act or the country would end up with small feudal states like in the times of the Visigoths, divided kingdoms that ended up conquered by the Arabs, what happened happened and Franco leaned towards fascism because he was the winning horse.

  • @frankdewtie9949
    @frankdewtie9949 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I'm curious to know where you lived prior to Spain. You were giving off Canadian vibes in a previous video 🇨🇦 🍁 Your Spanish it very good, btw. Keep the good content coming. I enjoy watching you and your buddies give the pickpockets a hard time.

  • @KoiFabiosa
    @KoiFabiosa ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Elliot, if you plan to come up here in Bilbao soon, you better get here during the Semana Grande (Aste Nagusia) which starts on the 19th of August till the 27th of August.

  • @mallorca629
    @mallorca629 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Elliot, you should have visted: los bunkers, parc guell & the tibitabo furnicular 😄👍👍

  • @kevindodds5441
    @kevindodds5441 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    What was that App for discounted food we go regularly to pick up Cruise Ships but flights from the UK mean we normally stay one day before the Cruise and 2 after and in the Gothic Quarter. Taxis to and from ElPratt tot the hotels and ship have always been good. Every scam you talk about is everywhere, i got caught when i was a lot younger in Berlin by the pea and cup one and still feel angry and a bit ashamed to this day.

  • @rhashmi7411
    @rhashmi7411 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Bro you are doing great job keep up the good work 🫡

  • @Slykkpkins
    @Slykkpkins 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Great job on showing the upside of Barcelona. Safr travels.

  • @888ssss
    @888ssss ปีที่แล้ว +23

    dont listen to the crap about resistance. they did not put up any fight for barcelona. they ran away to france.
    the only people who got shot were the anarchists and communists because they shot each other in the may events.
    barcelona is very 'colourful' its its recollections of history

    • @mancityfan45
      @mancityfan45 ปีที่แล้ว

      Well done.

    • @Azzazel_
      @Azzazel_ ปีที่แล้ว

      Do we have a nazi here?

  • @RobertoGarcia-hf6bs
    @RobertoGarcia-hf6bs ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Actually, the leftists had more and better weapons than the nationalists in 1936 in Barcelona. The army and the Guardia Civil remained loyal to the republic in Madrid and Barcelona. And Barcelona did not resist the nationalist troops. Nearing the end of the war, the nationalist troops entered the city and paraded in the Diagonal, the main avenue of the city. The city surrendered without a fight. Certainly they were welcome by most catalans, as they were ridding them from the anarchists and communists.

  • @Ritosanz1289
    @Ritosanz1289 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Great video, would love to go to Barcelona!
    Btw didn't see the app fork in Google play .

  • @nicoli8437
    @nicoli8437 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I'm not from Barcelona but if you're going to live in Barcelona I recommend some good places for example El Clot , Gracia and Eixample. I may be wrong, but to me these parts seemed relatively safe.

    • @helder1981
      @helder1981 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I'm going to Barcelona soon and i'm staying at an hotel in El Clot so i'm really glad to read this :)

    • @danigonzalez4299
      @danigonzalez4299 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Yeah wrong, gentrificated already as most of the city.

  • @asturiasceltic3183
    @asturiasceltic3183 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Why don't you actually show people of Catalonian heritage and DNA

    • @manuelcv2022
      @manuelcv2022 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Deja el tema político que ya cansa

  • @whyicare
    @whyicare หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    No dude. Animal Farm written by George Orwell, was published in 1944 or 1945 not in 1984. You got your facts wrong.

  • @alexzlopasa
    @alexzlopasa ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I’ve been in BCN some 10 times or so...never been robbed but many times offered prostitution on Las Ramblas

  • @kl-ix9gx
    @kl-ix9gx 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I wouldnt drink the water out of the fountains personally. Dont know how much is true but hearing alot of bad things about it. A bit like swimming in the Seine in Paris I would not recommend it.

  • @alexanderoutlander.1040
    @alexanderoutlander.1040 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Please don't visit Barcelona this 2024,we are under the most severe drought of our history, we don't need more millions of tourists wasting the water in Hotels, pools etc, due to the incompetence of our politicians and the climate change the damps are almost empty. Maybe another year will be a good decision to come here. Not this 2024.Thanks a lot.

    • @crumpfyllc5571
      @crumpfyllc5571 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      hey I want to ask a question. I watch many bbc and other channels documentaries about catalan independence. But one of my cousin who live in barcelona for job he said bbc and other channels lies no one want anything like this. does it is true.

    • @alexanderoutlander.1040
      @alexanderoutlander.1040 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@crumpfyllc5571Let's say that maybe 40% of the population of Catalonia wants the independence. And that includes the majority of people whit power and money. In many aspects Catalonia has the tools and competences of a country but total separation of Spain is really far away nowadays.In Barcelona I reckon just and cities around the supporters of independence are something around 30%.

  • @vinniekay0967
    @vinniekay0967 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Discovered your channel just early this morning.. Subscribed! ;)

  • @Tony_SZ97
    @Tony_SZ97 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Unfortunately and just like it is currently happening in many other cities in Europe, they are not what they used to be and their identity is disappearing, which again I think is a world wide issue...also what is it with the girl from Ecuador, what does she mean by "I don't speak Latino" She said she's from Ecuador, she is from Latin America, why does she speak with a Spain accent?????- Seems like people is getting tired of each other, specially during summer...

  • @katewilliams4876
    @katewilliams4876 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Such a shame. 20 years Barcelona was a fabulous city.
    Frankly I think the cruise industry has ruined so many place,

  • @mikeanderson9266
    @mikeanderson9266 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Tip put big money in your socket so if you get robbed you do not lose it all!

  • @sweetvonbettie1
    @sweetvonbettie1 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I jjst wana know where i can find the tour guide lol Moises hola..

    • @AdventureElliot
      @AdventureElliot  ปีที่แล้ว

      I put his instagram on the part where he was

  • @RS-ln3ns
    @RS-ln3ns ปีที่แล้ว +3


    • @AdventureElliot
      @AdventureElliot  ปีที่แล้ว

      Of course .. watch the video and you’ll see plenty of good

    • @mrr3808
      @mrr3808 ปีที่แล้ว

      Pero allí tenéis mucha basura, independentistas y mucho zurdo. Tenéis lo que os mereceis

    • @xaviergratacosrodriguez9568
      @xaviergratacosrodriguez9568 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AdventureElliot But of all your videos you only take the shit out of one city: Barcelona. All the rest of Spain looks wonderful in your videos. There will be some personal reason for you to hate Barcelona so much.

  • @cfc7188
    @cfc7188 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Otro video de mi ciudad. Y, por fin, la playa. Gracias.
    PS: Repasa la historia de Cataluña. Sólo cuentas la versión de una parte.

  • @mattgordon9179
    @mattgordon9179 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I got to cruise around spain at my will back in the Mid eighties for 3 months on my own, before Spain Joined the Euro.
    The energy in the air was like they were finding there feet not so long after Franco. So much different today from what you are showing here. Barcelona was still fall of freaks but predominantly Spanish freaks. Im so glad I made my journey back then!

  • @edvalor278
    @edvalor278 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Glad we're going to see the Sagrada Familia finished in our lifetime, thanks to 3D technology. They estimate it to be largely finished in 2026. Not too far away.

    • @AdventureElliot
      @AdventureElliot  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It is truly a masterpiece and muy impactante ..

    • @lauce3998
      @lauce3998 ปีที่แล้ว

      That 2026 was before the pandemic (Covid). Now there is no date for completion, but it will not be in this decade for sure.

  • @daniaailde5216
    @daniaailde5216 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Saludos desde Viladecans, a quince quilómetros de Barcelona

    • @michaeloboyle8863
      @michaeloboyle8863 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Ensene ingles en Dogville hace 20 anos. Saludos de San Diego. CA

  • @gemiii3501
    @gemiii3501 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Hola Elliot!!! Me gusto mucho el video. Como siempre eres muy claro y hablas de lo bueno y de lo malo. Es una pena pero Barcelona esta totalmente destrozada por la delincuentñcia que hay y por la ineptitud de sus politicas. Es una pena porque ha sido una gran ciudad en otro tiempos. Espero que hayas disfrutado. Buen verano!!

    • @xaviergratacosrodriguez9568
      @xaviergratacosrodriguez9568 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Ta aconsejo que mires sus videos de otras ciudades. No sé si le pagan, pero de todas ellas solo saca lo bueno.Parecen promociones turísticas. Busca videos donde saque tanta basura de un lugar como de Barcelona. No hay. Y te doy la razón en algo, la mejor época de Barcelona fue con Maragall y Trias, políticos catalanistas que pensaban en la ciudad porque no eran sucursalistas. Con Colau y Collboni ha sido y será un desastre porque ni se atreven a levantar un dedo para pedir a sus jefes de Madrid absolutamente nada.

    • @AdventureElliot
      @AdventureElliot  ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@xaviergratacosrodriguez9568 Xavier.. Aqui te dejo un link de un video de algo que he grabado de un sitio muy mal en España: .. La verdad es que no guiris no interesan estas temas.. Asi que no vale la pena esforzar tanto por un video que no consigue visitas.. Al final estos viajes me cuestan mucho dinero y tengo que elegir con cuidado..Sin embargo, Barcelona es un lugar famoso internacionalmente y muchos guiris les interesa.. Pero bueno. Ademas, aqui te dejo el link de mi canal en español, donde enseño uno de los lugaros mas marginales de España.. En ese canal, vale la pena hacerlo porque los españoles les interesan.

    • @josepguardiola9486
      @josepguardiola9486 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ​​​​@@AdventureElliotTus videos estaría bien si dijeran la verdad y no exageraras las cosas. Tu mismo reconoces que no te quieres esforzar en averiguar de forma rigurosa las cosas que muestras y prefieres escandalizar con exageraciones para así ganar màs dinero. Eso es vergonzoso.

    • @josepguardiola9486
      @josepguardiola9486 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Por lo escribes @geminii deduzco que no has visitado ni conoces Barcelona.

    • @vanessavaldiviamoreno7380
      @vanessavaldiviamoreno7380 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@xaviergratacosrodriguez9568 Totalmente de acuerdo. Soy catalana, y empecé a seguir a Elliot por su buen rollo y porque además en un principio no entraba en según que temas. Pero después de lo visto, de la diferencia entre su video de Barcelona y la de otras ciudades, me ha decepcionado. Me ha dado la sensación de que por "caer mejor en el resto de España", se ha subido al carro de "Mirad como tienen Barcelona con sus políticas" y no se ha molestado en buscar otra cosa que no sea los barrios chungos. Porque sí, eso sí que lo ha buscado. Ya que no te los vas encontrando en cada esquina. En fin... Penoso.

  • @sheilagoos645
    @sheilagoos645 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    If he had been a small woman, the immigrant would have bugged the crap out of her. Don't make eye contact, hold arms with your travel companion and keep on walking.

  • @veksone77
    @veksone77 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    No, it's not. It's a beautiful city.

  • @mikekrupa6000
    @mikekrupa6000 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Name of the discount app?

  • @nathanthomas1742
    @nathanthomas1742 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I have been to Barcelona several times now and I always seem to meet rude arrogant people. Maybe I'm just unlucky.

  • @markomoro8828
    @markomoro8828 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    i wanted to ask you about a particular case - i was in madrid a few months ago and on a big square in the evening and there was this dude with his buddy, taking photos of eachother posing. then 1 dude came to me, handed me his phone and asked me to take a picture of him. i took several and handed it back to him. 20 minutes later at a different spot, the exact same thing happened with another guy... have you heard, is this some kind of scam? i mean i may overthink it and it may just be a coincidence, since nothing was stolen etc, but i'm still amused by this happening :)

  • @gabrielalmeida6085
    @gabrielalmeida6085 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    When you proceed to have a decent immigration process, things like this wouldn't happen.

  • @WFH910
    @WFH910 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Nice video but don't praise the communists too much (in the beginning of the video)
    Keep the videos of large cities coming - Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia and if you venture in the nearby countries - Porto and Lisbon.
    Some of them you already covered but these are large cities and seasonality plays a big role in how different they are in certain times of the year.

    • @Aethuviel
      @Aethuviel ปีที่แล้ว

      "Anarchist leftists" 😅

  • @mrpeel3239
    @mrpeel3239 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Couldn't hear the name of the discount dining app?

  • @mohamedassouqi1984
    @mohamedassouqi1984 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Saying if you drink a water of Barcelona you will come back again to to Barcelona seems the idea is from north Africa cause many towns and cities in north africa have the same idea and expression

  • @HGS434
    @HGS434 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The trick with the bracelets is really a bit mean. They can quickly wrap you round their finger. I was immediately on the alert and made sure that nothing could be taken away from me. I paid 70 cents for my bracelet. But as I said, they do it really skilfully. It's best to get rid of them straight away and not get involved in a conversation.

  • @justinbergman4288
    @justinbergman4288 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I like your content bro. Only thing the older lady’s taking photos probably have no options to make money & are old and out of shape. You ask for money on patreon monthly and donations talk to tourists & locals walking by. They are doing the same. It maybe a little more annoying since they are following them asking but it’s really not that bad. At least they are trying to make money and not robbing or thieving. Cheers mate!

  • @Westside444
    @Westside444 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    so if people think barcelona is dangerous then you really have no idea

  • @rowenadinsmore1
    @rowenadinsmore1 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I think I like Malaga better.

  • @jackrussel8898
    @jackrussel8898 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    One finger one thumb stand up sit down keep moving

  • @JeffLeBlanc-f7h
    @JeffLeBlanc-f7h ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Can you please post a picture your suggested app Fork

  • @sunnybeachwalks4k2022
    @sunnybeachwalks4k2022 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Great video

  • @Gold.Circle.
    @Gold.Circle. 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    youtubers are not telling you the full truth who commits crimes here.

  • @rexrabbiteer
    @rexrabbiteer 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    That girl at 0:31 randomly says “ I don’t speak Latin American Spanish” but she 100% looks Latin American lol. Mexican even

  • @lafayette951
    @lafayette951 20 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I have really enjoyed your video but concerning your historical explanation remember that after the first rebel attempt to seize the city (by General Goded, not Franco) Barcelona remained in the hands of communists, anarchists and socialists who for almost three years proceeded to assassinate many people. The tale changed when the rebels (General Yague) conquered the city. The repression against lefties was merciless. I apologize for my poor English. Thanks for your effort.

  • @josemaruizcamacho821
    @josemaruizcamacho821 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Elliot, esta vez te has metido en camisa de 11 varas contando una versión no ecuánime de como fue la guerra civil.
    Macho la has cagao de pleno.

    • @xaviergratacosrodriguez9568
      @xaviergratacosrodriguez9568 ปีที่แล้ว

      Es un retrasado que tiene algún problema con Barcelona. He entrado a ver su lista de videos sobre lugares de España y todos son promociones turísticas, maravilloso, sólo ensenña lo mejor. De Barcelona, los dos videos que tiene son para echar mierda sobre ella. Y demuestra que no tiene ni idea.

  • @davidgallaher8102
    @davidgallaher8102 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What's the app called for the food?

  • @ElCuervodeSanlo
    @ElCuervodeSanlo 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I suggest you to forget about spanish history, its very complex and as a foreigner you wouldnt probably understans it. I prefer to stay appart from discussions that lead you nowhere. Mind your own country and teach us about his history aince the independence war on, im sure you have a lot of things to teach us, well be happy to hear you.

    • @AdventureElliot
      @AdventureElliot  8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Great advice .. no matter what , even if you speak facts you will upset people

  • @NiamNiamlungpouGonmei
    @NiamNiamlungpouGonmei 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    New subscriber from northeast india

  • @roadshoulderphotography683
    @roadshoulderphotography683 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I guess the PlayTours doesn't exists anymore ??