Uncle Paul just a recommendation for a German expert for the Middle East and Pro Palestinian supporter 🇵🇸named „Michael Lüders“. I don’t know if he would be interested or if his English is good enough but he is so well informed that a Interview with him would be very interesting and it’s worth finding out and having one more scholarly gem in your collection. 🤩Greetings from a German brother😁
The peculiarities of the chosen people in the Quran that will make you scratch your head: 1. Asking Prophet Moses to take them back to Egypt shortly after successfully crossing the Red Sea and escaping Pharaoh's pursuit. 2. Worshiping the golden calf idols despite witnessing God's miracles, with Prophet Aaron among them. 3. Requesting Prophet Moses to make them a statue to worship after seeing others worshiping statues. 4. Complaining about the heavenly food provided, finding it tedious to eat the same food every day. 5. Asking to directly hear and see God. 6. Refusing to obey Prophet Moses after he returned with tablets containing God's commandments. 7. Refusing to enter the holy land out of fear of the Canaanites residing there, and insisting that Prophet Moses go alone.
YES! *Sahih al-Bukhari vol 5 bk 58:236* "Allah's Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) married 'Aisha when she was 6 years old, and _consummated_ that marriage when she was 9.” *Qur'an 65:1, 4* "When divorcing women, know their waiting period. For women past the age of menstruation, their waiting period is 3 months - and those who have _NOT_ menstruated yet as well." *Sahih al-Bukhari vol 7 bk 62 nr 64* “Allah's Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) married her when she was 6 years old and he _consummated_ his marriage when she was 9 years old” *Sahih al-Bukhari 6:298* Narrated By Aisha:"The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) and I used to take a bath from a single pot . . . and used to fondle me." *Sahih Bukhari Vol 7, Book 62, Nr 16* "The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said, 'Did you marry a virgin or a matron?' I replied, 'A matron.' He said, “Why didn’t you marry a young girl so that you may play with her and she with you?'" *Sahih Bukhari Volume 8, Book 73, Nr 151* Narrated By Aisha: "I used to play with the dolls in the presence of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him), and my girl friends also used to play with me. When Allah’s Apostle used to enter (my dwelling place) they used to hide themselves, but the Prophet would call them to join and play with me."
Current Palestinians are mainly direct decedents of ancient Jews with some mixture of Arabs. Arabs did not come to Jerusalem in such masses and extinguished Jews. Historians say peasant Jews never left their lands, they accepted Christianity and Islam and were Arabized with time. Modern Jews mainly from Eastern Europe and Northern Africa are decendents of Jews converts and you can clearly see they are different ethnicities. Historian Shlomo Sand wrote in his book about it.
One thing is for sure, they are the 'unchosen' people. They were unchosen twice for their mischiefs. They were given another chance, but conditional. Looks like they have again chosen to be 'unchosen'.
Me Tarzan, Ape-Man! Here me Voodoo incantation: "ALLAHU AKBAR ASHHADU AN LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAH ASHADU ANNA MUHAMMADAN RASOOL ALLAH HAYYA ALA S SALAH HAYYA ALA-L-FALAH HAYYA ALA-L-FALAH ALLAHU AKBAR LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAH!!!!!!!!!” *Qur'an 7:166* “But when they persisted in violation, We said to them, “Become disgraced APES!’” *Qur'an 5:60* "Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ 'Those whom Allah has cursed He made them APES, PIGS, slaves"
@GongGong-zk8qs This is a precise comparison and I often make it too: God chose the ancient Israelites to deliver the message and serve the nations in good and they ended up perverting the message, actually stopped delivering the message and made themselves superior to everyone else. It's in their Talmud that they consider the difference between a goy (any non jew) and cattle to be SMALLER than the difference between a Jew and Goy. They're literally walking in the footsteps of Satan who disobeyed God's command due to a superiority complex. In short, them being chosen was conditional and it came with a warning and threat that came into effect multiple times. Considering they broke the covenant for 1000's of years, so much so they even forgot God's covenant, they became thereby the lowest of low and hold hands with Satan in hellfire!
The message was sent to the Israelites, the children of Yakub Israel (on whom be infinite peace) NOT to the Jews or “Jewish people” as he casually states here 3:17 (which is a term referring to those who follow the custom or tradition of the religion of Judaism, and the majority of these are European Ashkenazi jews as a matter of fact). The title of this video is therefore misleading and should read Israelites and NOT jews! This lack of a duty of care on this important topic is prevalent among Muslims and is quite simply grossly irresponsible. Please be more careful!
@amaladnan5522 forget what they think. Children of Jacob, 12 of them, became tribes and from these tribes the term of "children of israel" derived from. Israel was another name for Jacob in the bible. These tribes eventually created the kingdom of israel, but then two tribes separated (the benjamin and the judah tribe) and they created the kingdom of Judea. These were the people that later were called the jews. Also, another factor is that the tribe of the judah and the benjamin were heavily mixed with edomites, in the second century bc, where the jews forcibly converted the edomites into judaism. By this time, the these two tribes (benjamin and judah) were religiously quite separated from the other tribes, which they considered "not pure" anymore, despite of them doing exactly the same thing with the Edomites.
@@amaladnan5522 the jews say :Allah's hand is tied up.Be their hands tied up and be they accursed for what they uttered. Quran 5:64.they are in varying grades with Allah, and Allah is All-seer of what they do.Quran 3:163.
Our Prophet ﷺ said “Whoever recites Ayatul Kursi immediately after each prescribed prayer, there will be nothing standing between him and his entering Paradise except death." Dont forget to recite Ayatul kursi before sleep Our Prophet ﷺ said, When you go to your bed, recite Ayatul Kursi and you will be protected by Allah, and no devil will come near you until morning (5010) Narrated by al-Bukhari Take screenshot and share to earn reward (it allows you to copy and paste easily), and spread this message to also earn rewards by directing others towards good In’Sha’Allah, maybe Allah could make this a means to grant us Jannaht Ul Firdaus Ameen
Jesus is predicted in Isaiah 53: 5-9; 9: 6-7; 42 and 7: 14; Genesis 1: 26, 3: 15. Genesis 22 speaks about the sacrifice of Abraham's son Isaac sheds light on the future event of God the Father sacrificing Jesus.The Holy Trinity is as follows: Father is the Mind of God; Jesus is the Thought of God; Holy Spirit is the Consciousness (understanding the thought) and Action of God Jesus prays to Father because Mind is the source of Thought. There is no Mind without a Thought and there is always a Consciousness (understanding the thought) that leads to action. As per scripture, Jesus is Word of God and Thoughts are represented by Words. The Parable of Tenants speaks no prophet will come after Jesus.
Christianity in simple terms could be explained as follows.1.Through Adams sin came death and it was never God's plan. 2. For reversing this, God ultimately wanted someone sinless born miraculously. But who on earth other than God is capable of being sinless and could be born miraculously. 3. God himself knows that no human can do this. So he decides to come to earth taking a human form with all human weaknesses. 4. Jesus as God, is born miraculously and is tested to resemble Adam but never failed, remained sinless, was crucified died and then resurrected on the third day due to his sinlessness. This he reverses death with resurrection. (Isaiah Chapter 9: 6-7 Genesis 3: 15 and Isaiah 9: 6-7). 5. Why God has three persons? God does this so as to be in Heaven as Father, to be with humankind as Son Jesus and the one who proceeds from both Father and Son is the Holy Spirit who resides in the hearts of good souls being the God within ourself. 6. God is righteousness and not cowardice that He unlike humans won't make excuses and achieve goal improperly but rather will take challenges. 7. If humankind has inherited the character to do sins and suffer the imperfect state for something that came through Adam's sin, then one man Jesus can also save humankind. Jesus sacrifice was to reverse death that came throught Adam and when you deny it, you say there is no end of wrong, bad and suffering, in simple words you don't need of ressurection and eternal life. This is the meaning of the sacrifice done by Jesus.
Aisha: "But, I'm _only_ nine." Allah's Messenger (Peace Be Upon Him): "You're just _FINE!"_ ❤❤❤ Roses are red, violets are blue, Aisha was 9 and Allah's Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) was 52. *Sahih al-Bukhari vol 5 bk 58:236* "Allah's Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) married 'Aisha when she was 6 years old, and _consummated_ that marriage when she was 9.” *Qur'an 65:1, 4* "When divorcing women, know their waiting period. For women past the age of menstruation, their waiting period is 3 months - and those who have _NOT_ menstruated yet as well." *Sahih al-Bukhari vol 7 bk 62 nr 64* “Allah's Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) married her when she was 6 years old and he _consummated_ his marriage when she was 9 years old” *Sahih al-Bukhari 6:298* Narrated By Aisha:"The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) and I used to take a bath from a single pot . . . and used to fondle me." *Sahih Bukhari Vol 7, Book 62, Nr 16* "The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said, 'Did you marry a virgin or a matron?' I replied, 'A matron.' He said, “Why didn’t you marry a young girl so that you may play with her and she with you?'" *Sahih Bukhari Volume 8, Book 73, Nr 151* Narrated By Aisha: "I used to play with the dolls in the presence of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him), and my girl friends also used to play with me. When Allah’s Apostle used to enter (my dwelling place) they used to hide themselves, but the Prophet would call them to join and play with me."
Brother Paul is doing a great service to Islam and Muslims with this kind of program ....His dawa work is more solid and sound ....His quesions are logical and rational.. May Allah bless him and reward him for his devotion and dedication... He servces Islam with his skills and knowledge..
None is a chosen one, after prophet Muhammad PBUH and there's no religion in the world other than Islam. All others are untrue and unacceptable in the sight of Allah.
@brendanariki False. God has no children. This is blasphemous on part of people of the book. They will see the truth but it will be too late. The infidels will stare up in terror on a mighty day.
Aha! See, you care about and admire 15 million Jews - but despise 2 billion Algerians...Bangladeshis...Egyptians... Gambians...Indonesians...Malians...Moroccans...Pakistanis...Saudi Arabians...Somalis...Sudanese...Yemenis . . . But that's understandable . . . *Qur'an 3:106:* “On The Day, some faces will turn _white,_ some faces will turn *black.* Those whose faces turn black, Did you disbelieve after your belief? Then taste the punishment for what you rejected." *Qur'an 39:60* “On The Day of Resurrection you shall see those who _LIED_ against Allah with their faces turned *black.* Is Hell not vast enough to provide a room to the vainglorious?” *Sahih Muslim 30:5777* “Did you see Allah's Messenger (May Peace Be Upon Him)? He said: ‘Yes, he had a WHITE _handsome_ face.’” *Sahih Muslim 5:2334* “The Messenger of Allah (May Peace Be Upon Him) says: ''The most hateful among the creation of Allah is one Black man among them.” *Ishaq 450* "We brought them to the pit. Hell was their meeting place. We collected them there, Black slaves, men of no descent.” *Ishaq 243* "The Apostle (Peace Be Upon Him) says: “Whoever wants to see Satan look at _Nabtal_ (a Black man)" *Mishkat al-Masabih 119 book 1 hadith 112* "The Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said: ‘Allah created Adam when he created him. Then He stroke his right shoulder and took out a White race as if they were seeds, and He stroke his left shoulder and took out a Black race as if they were coals. Then He said to those who were in his right side: Towards Paradise and I don't care. He said to those who were on his left shoulder: Towards Hell and I don't care.’"
In a study published in August 2017 by Marc Haber et al. in The American Journal of Human Genetics, the authors concluded that: "The overlap between the Bronze Age and present-day Levantines suggests a degree of genetic continuity in the region."[18]A 2021 study by the New York Genome Center found that the predominant component of the DNA of modern Palestinians matches that of Bronze Age Palestinians (Canaanites) from around 2500-1700 BCE.[17]. The Palestinian people are the original israelites and judeans.
@@doneracer5994 I highly recommend you should read the Quran , I know you are a skeptic about what we believe in , but try reading it hopefully you will find the detailed answer you are looking for and it will also give you idea how Muslims think :)
Yup, even after they become Atheists and don't believe in God anymore 😂😂 Talks about a bunch of narcissists, egoistic, delusional group of people who called themselves as "God chosen people" who outright reject and disobey God's very commandments 😂
Also, the hadith of the prophet PBUH which says 'Each of you are shepherds, and have resposibility towards your flock'. The fact of being chosen comes with responsibily a very heavy responsibility. And then there is the question of spreading the word of God to other people as well, have they done this...??🌴
God's promise to ISHMAEL Genesis 17:20 As for Ishmael, I have heard you; behold, I have blessed him and will make him fruitful and multiply him greatly. He shall father twelve princes, and I will make him into a great nation. God shifting from Isaac's descendants to Ishmael's descendants Genesis 49:10 - 10 The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from his descendants, until the coming of the one to whom it belongs, the one whom all nations will honor. God will send a helper after jesus but before his second coming; John 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, The one coming after jesus is more powerful than jesus; Mark 1:7 “After me comes the one more powerful than I, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie. GOD MENTIONED PROPHET MUHAMMAD PBUH BY NAME; song of Solomon 5:16 it should be, "His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is 'Muhammad im'. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem" GOD TALKS ABOUT THE UNLETTERED PROPHET; Isaiah 29 12 And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned. GOD SPECIFICALLY MENTIONS PROPHET MUHAMMAD PBUH AS AHMED BY NAME; Isaiah 42 1 "Here is my servant, Ahmed, my chosen one, in whom my soul delights; I have put my Spirit upon him; he will bring forth justice to the nations. He will not shout or cry out or raise his voice in the streets. A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice; he will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth. In his teaching the islands will put their hope.” This is what God the Lord says-the Creator of the heavens, who stretches them out, who spreads out the earth with all that springs from it, who gives breath to its people, and life to those who walk on it: “I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness. “I am the Lord; that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols. See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you.” Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise from the ends of the earth, you who go down to the sea, and all that is in it, you islands, and all who live in them. Let the wilderness and its towns raise their voices; let the settlements where Kedar lives rejoice. Let the people of Sela sing for joy; let them shout from the mountaintops." Kedar(son of Ishmael) = Arabs Sela = mountain in Medina He will be an Arab, preaching in Medina, singing a new song aka reciting the Quran, He will be a light to the gentiles, meaning he is not only sent to the children of Israel. A PRINCE WILL COME AFTER JESUS John 14:30 ► I will not say much more to you, for the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold over me, JESUS TALKING ABOUT PROPHET MUHAMMAD/AHMED John 16 13 Howbeit when he, the Prophet Ahmet(Hebrew), is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.[14] He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.
They were chosen to represent the way of Allah and spread his messages, a chosen to caretakers of the prophets and message, but instead they disobeyed and killed the prophets, and by doing so disobeyed God as long as they did God's work and worshipped him alone the would be favored by God, but intead they repeated went against God's commands ultimately incurring the wrath of God
They were chosen to spread monotheism throughout the world but they turned their religion into an ethnic one. They were also chosen to support the prophets but instead they tried to kill them. Something has been wrong with them since they were freed from firaun.
No, they weren't chosen to spread monotheism throughout the world. Prophet Muhammad was the only one ordered by God to spread the message throughout the world.
@@brendanarikiBut they rejected the Prophets by slaughtering them and thus rejected the messages that the Prophets brought to them. Even when Jesus AS came like 2000-3000 years later they already called themselves as gods too 😂😂
The Jews were once chosen and the most beloved by Allah. He bestowed them with His many favours and repeatedly sent Prophets to them so that they could follow the right path . However, they repeatedly showed Him disloyalty and betrayal, turned back against Him. Gradually, they fell into His curse.
Excellent! Love the way brother Paul bringing in academically inclined individuals ensuring the subject matter is tackled and relayed accordingly. May Allah bless him. Aameen. Allah is the only one who knows the hearts but in videos I have always seen brother Paul standing with the right/correct side. Also one can tell a lot listening to a person about their Character unless that person is a con artist. Period!
God chose them for his work but instead they chose to disobey God repeatedly, no they were replaced by a new chosen people, who unfortunately are moving in the same direction
Right! Just because the CONVERTED to Judaism, revived the language, books etc. Does not change their racial-ethnic origins! They are not the descendants of Jacob but Kazakhs
That was the impression of the Jews that they were the chosen people of God because most prophets sent to them by God came from the lineage of Isaac. Until one day, their impression of themselves were eventually shattered that the last prophet to come sent by God was no longer from their lineage. This was the advent of Muhammad in the lineage of Ismael.
No Prophet was a Jew, the mother of Israel was an Aramean ( Wife of Isaac was Ribqa=Rebekka ,Bethuel doughter ) Bethuel Gen 22:22 ) father of Laban and Rebekah. Gen 25:20 describes him as an Aramean from Paddan-Aram =Syria , the Wife of Israel:He had three sisters, the cousins of Israel, the daughters of the Aramaic uncle,Laban Aeamaen, the 12 sons of Israel were not Jews, because their mothers were Arameans, Solomon had a black mother. Moses father in law waa Jethro /, otherwise Ishmael's Grandson . NUMBERS 10:29 29 Now Moses said to Ho bab son of Reuel the Midianite( Midian =northwestern Arabia.) , Moses’ father-in-law, “We are setting out for the place about which the Lord said, ‘I will give it to you.’ Come with us and we will treat you well, for the Lord has promised good things to Israel.” Today, in 2024, you are not a Jew if you are not born from a Jewish mother !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But Allah said it in the Qur'an (2:122) Children of Israel, remember My blessing wherewith I blessed you, and that I have preferred you above all beings
The Zionist that rule Israel are yajuj majuj. Surely we should see this from the perspective of scriptures because that is what Rasulullah SAW reminded us in his numerous Hadiths. Yajuj majuj or Gog Magog are in the Old Testament and the Quran. Josephus the ancient Jewish historian opined that the Scythians were Gog Magog and Ibnu Kathir viewed the Khazar the descendants of the Scythians were Gog Magog. They were the descendants of Yapeth, one of the sons of Nuh AS and they existed during the time of Ezekiel or Zulkifli AS, during the times of Dhulqarnain and also during the times of prophet Muhammad SAW. They’re also one of the major signs of the Hour. The question is where are they now. I believe there is a strong case that the Ashkenazi Zionist jews of Europe are the descendants of Gog Magog.
...I am saying that yes they 'were' chosen up-to a specific point in history. When the jews constantly and 'knowlingly' failed to act in a manner that was expected off them, they earned the wrath of God. So they were chosen up-to this point.
Only whenthey were opressed by Pharoh/Firaun! But then they did not obey God after that when Mose as asked them to fight to get the land. They always argue and staborn arrogant. Also they killed many prophets!
@@tahsinislammahi7346 please don’t misunderstand by saying they were chosen. They were favored by Allah to be freed from pharaoh and to follow the commandments.
What 'chosen' means is that they are chosen to have the responsibility of following and conveying the message of God on earth. In other words, they are to be missionaries (teaching the true faith, which is now lost to them) on earth. It does not mean chosen to have the right to live in Israel or that they are some special people. As history shows, they failed in this test and so the responsibility fell in the hands of the muslims through the house of Ismael AS.🌴
Children of Israel were chosen by God. But they broke the Convenant so God cursed them. Remember that with great power comes great responsibility. Common sense.
Why don't you understand war like prophet Mohamed did? When he won against the many Jewish and Christian cities, territories, and countries, he kept them. Period. End of discussion. Israel won the war against Muslim Hamas in Gaza and Palestine. *It's time now to raise the Israeli flag in Gaza & Palestine! 🇮🇱*
10:48 very strange argument! it is not true, we don't venerate any one based on their race .. I think he misspoke here. they were favored long time ago, if they were still chosen, certainly the last Prophet would have been from their nation.
They steal nations identity and make it their own . How low can you go , lower than snake shit . These are the ones that rewrote the bible with KJV leading their followers to the temptation of this world . Totally sidetracked
It is not we choose you but rather we preferred you over the worlds. May be the brother is quoting another verse where "ikhtarnakoum" instead of "fadelnakoum"?
I pray to Allah to save our British Muslim brother Paul from all evil and we thank Allah that he guided him to Islam and we Muslims have benefited from brother Paul and he explained to us many of the problems facing Muslims as well as people of other religions and we hope that people will support his TH-cam channel .
Hamza is a nice guy, but he's flat out wrong. The people of Bani Israil were NEVER responsible for spreading the message they received. Their prophets and messengers were sent to them only. The only prophet who bore the burden of spreading the message of Islam to the entire world was our Messenger, Muhammad, SAAWS. Hamza also didn't describe what Bani Israil were actually chosen for.
I think I got what it meant by chosen people. It’s doesn’t mean they were better than anyone else, it means they were given things other people were not given in their time. there’s a difference between jews and children of Israel. A Jewish person can be someone whose ancestors converted to Judaism.
@@doneracer5994 no one has a right to displace them out of their homes. the jews have their original countries and they know from where they came from.
@@-1lovethesea There are FORTY-NINE (49) muslim-majority countries in the world. There is ONE (1) Jewish-majority country in the world. *So explain why muslims are so greedy to have so much more than their fair share when the Jews have only 1* and Israel is merely half the size of what Almighty God originally gave them. Even worse, none- not one!- of the filthy rich muslim countries offered to take in their Palistine/Gaza muslim brothers & sisters. None. So much for Islam being an attractive religion to revert to. Cheapskates- every one! It's even the USA (MY TAX DOLLARS!!) which is building the dock to bring in supplies to Palestine/Gaza. ALL muslims & their leaders are phonies & pharisees!! They take, take, take but NEVER give to anyone in need, NOT EVER THEIR OWN!!!
Read genesis 19:5-6, It says God chose them to be a holy nations of priests that guide the other nations around them to the light and that they are a treasure unto God AS LONG AS they obey him. ( the didn’t obey him) and Actually Palestinians are the ones through whom God guides milions of people around the earth right now as peoole see their suffering and their strong believe and start to read the Quran
I think they were chosen by Allah (swt) for a certain time in the past. They were not chosen to do and spread injustice on the earth because the wrath of Allah(swt) came upon them through the pagan king Nebuchadnezar and the romans and many other times whenever they disobeyed Allah (swt)
This is how I understand it: God created people with FREE will. Some didn't pass quality control. God have mercy and didn't want to destroy them. He wanted to rectify this situation despite these people's FREE will. As we read it, the Jews were chosen. The Jews were "defective" can be seen after they were liberated from the Egyptians. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Chosen verse means: represent God work 🙌 not go against ten commenment, those jew is gone these are European countries poland, gypze, Russia Ukraine most of them are atheist
The Jews may have seen themselves as chosen at the time, but Palestinians descend from Jews who converted to Christianity and Islam. Those today who are still Jews, it is because the priests rejected Jesus (as) then Mohomad (saws). Those Jews who received the messages became Christians then Muslims. The Jews rejected Jesus (as) as a criminal and sorcerer whose miracles were works of black magic according to the Talmud. They ceased being the chosen people when they rejected the Messiah.
But Allah said it in the Qur'an (2:122) Children of Israel, remember My blessing wherewith I blessed you, and that I have preferred you above all beings
They were chosen up to a point... When they consistently and constantly broke The Covenant, they lost that status...(May Allah protect us from such things. Ameen.) I think the shaykh explained this.
@@purityandaspiration no the sheikh didn't refer to this, he denied that god preferred the jus over all of creation, but god specifically mentioned it in the bible and the Qur'an they were his favourites
They WERE definitely God’s chosen people, but in responsibility not in privilege. God had chosen them to convey the message of God and lead humanity in the path of submission to the will of God. Instead, they broke the covenant more than once.
I thought this was pretty good. Funny isn't it how easily we can fall into thinking errors about the very substance of what is designed to lead us out of them.
Am a Christian i have loved both of you servants, however i endeavors love deeply the Torah. Matt 5: 16 - 19. But do you know that catholicism is not a Christian religion?
But for breaking their covenant We condemned them and hardened their hearts. They distorted the words of the Scripture and neglected a portion of what they had been commanded to uphold. You ˹O Prophet˺ will always find deceit on their part, except for a few. But pardon them and bear with them. Indeed, Allah loves the good-doers. Quran 5:13
Short answer: No. The Israelites of thousands of years ago WERE until they broke their covenant with God. Today’s Jews are following a religion based on artifacts from that time and are not chosen people. There are no chosen group of people today, it’s based on an individual’s relationship with God.
Don't take the verses of Quran out of context, it is mentioned that Israelis are the chosen ones in context that they were chosen "were" فضلناكم and not present tense نفضلكم، they were chosen because god helped them with prophet Moses and favoured them over the rest of the people that lived at those times by giving them all that they needed, even god helped them in their wars back at those times. I'm very surprised to see people that read the Quran and study it use the verses out of context and misinterpreting the meaning
It's a game of words..😅 Son means Prophet Chosen means Muslim Non chosen means Kafirr Some people try to play with these words used in poetic or esoteric literature and take them literally..😅 Well.. politicians and people who lust for money and power are behind these games..while the common flock or sheep just side with the strong..😅 Look at how some youth in Africa may side with team Brazil or team Argentina during world Cup.. 😅 What happens is people blindly tend to side with the strong regardless they are right or wrong 😮😮 regardless they have any relation with it or not.😅😅😅 Neither Brazil nor Jesus has any relation with them.. but they side with it .. 😅 Because Brazil plays well..and Christians nations waged world wars and used nukes and knows the art of torture..😮 That's the secret of politics 😮😮😮
There is a good God, the Creator, and his enemy. If the enemy is ONE , then the logic is that the God of goodness, the Creator, is the opposite and greater than him. As for the lukewarm religions that call for killing and love at the same time, they are the religions of the enemy, because the Creator God of goodness disgusts the lukewarm, “Because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I spit you out of my mouth,” and the fate of their followers is weeping and gnashing of teeth .............................
The chosen people for the purpose. But when they failed to fulfil l, the chosen people were replaced by other chosen people. Quran chapter two al Bakara describes the transferring of the prophet hood, revelation, and location from Al Aqsa to Mecca. Prophet Muhammad declared 631 AD that Quran, Mecca, and prophet Muhammad is the God religious replacing the old. Also, the story of Adam replacing the jinni kind resulted in the Jinni leader becoming rebellion to God but more seriously became the enemy to Adam and his sons till to the described time. The story of the Adam replacing the Jinni signifies the behaviour of the chosen people to the new chosen people after the changes.
God also knows for those going to hell but still created them. Devil was allowed to live even after declared the most human enemy and would miss lead many human with him to hell. The world is now ruled by the devil 😈 in partnership with the Kabala that will take the human to bankruptcy and wars.
Careless, careless 0:50 !! Did he just say Talmud? That is grossly incorrect. No classical Muslim scholar commented on the Talmud, an East European rabbinical invention! Please exercise due diligence and care!!
It's a fallacious question. God selects creates nations by selecting them for specific goals as stated in the Quran. Only the Jews believe they are Chosen in an absolute sense. That's part of their messianic belief and is rightly one point of discrepancy with Islam: Jews believe their people would bring salvation at the End of Times. Beyond the theological discussion, the events in Palestine and the significance of Zionism in our modern era completely disprove Judaic Theology and disqualify the Jews for any soteriological role in any possible future. The association between Judaism and Zionism - even though theoretically distinct - will remain permanent in human memory. The only religion still standing on its feets -or pillars- is Islam! Ironically the best representatives for Islam are the Palestinians: the true descendants of the Ancient Hebrews, probably really fulfilling the Biblical prophecies of the Messianic Era: bringing once again the message of salvation to the whole World. That was in God 's plan!
😮when chosen people ignore their duties to obey and refused to believe in last messenger and spread fisad on earth , then they don't deserve this title and sons of Israel AS were chosen , not polish jews
I believe the choseness ceased with the coming of the Prophet (SAW) and their disbelief in him:- Surah Al-Bayyinah لَمۡ يَكُنِ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ مِنۡ أَهۡلِ ٱلۡكِتَـٰبِ وَٱلۡمُشۡرِكِينَ مُنفَكِّينَ حَتَّىٰ تَأۡتِيَہُمُ ٱلۡبَيِّنَةُ Those who disbelieved among the People of the Scripture and the polytheists were not to be parted [from misbelief] until there came to them clear evidence - رَسُولٌ مِّنَ ٱللَّهِ يَتۡلُواْ صُحُفًا مُّطَهَّرَةً A Messenger from Allah, reciting purified scriptures.
This is what Jesus said concerning the topic of chosen people, peace be upon him. ” God has mercy on every man that seeks God his creator in truth” The scribe then said: "Pardon me, O master, for I have sinned." Jesus said: "God pardon you. for against him have you sinned." Whereupon said the scribe: I have seen an old book; written by the hand of Moses and Joshua ;(he who made the sun stand still; as you have done), servants and prophets of God, which book is the true Book of Moses. Therein is written that Ishmael is the father of Messiah, and Isaac the father of the messenger of the Messiah. And thus says the book, that Moses said: "Lord God of Israel, mighty and merciful, manifest to your servant the splendour of your glory." Whereupon God showed him his Messenger in the arms of Ishmael, and Ishmael in the arms of Abraham. Near to Ishmael stood Isaac, in whose arms was a child, who with his finger pointed to the Messenger of God, saying: "This is he for whom God has created all things." Whereupon Moses cried out with joy: "O Ishmael, you have in your arms all the world, and paradise! Be mindful of me, God's servant, that I may find grace in God's sight by means of your son, for whom God has made all." In that Book it is not found that God eats the flesh of cattle or sheep; in that Book it is not found that God has locked up his mercy in Israel alone, but rather that God has mercy on every man that seeks God his creator in truth. All of this book I was not able to read, because the high priest, in whose library I was, forbade me, saying that an Ishmaelite had written it.' Then Jesus said: "See that you never again keep back the truth, because in the faith of the Messiah God shall give salvation to men, and without it shall none be saved." And there did Jesus end his discourse. Whereupon, as they sat at meat, lo! Mary, who wept at the feet of Jesus, entered into the house of Nicodemus (for that was the name of the scribe), and weeping placed herself at the feet of Jesus, saying: 'Lord, your servant, who through you has found mercy with God, has a sister, and a brother who now lies sick in peril of death.'
When the two of you speaking and I am listening i am beginning to believe all two of you belittling the creator works with everything that were being created by Almighty God 🙏.
Allah, nowhere mentions the name Jew in the Qur'an, but Bani Isra = the Children of Israel, who have been his 12 sons, let us not forget that Yusuf was the most beloved of Jakub /Jacob = Israel, by Allah too, not Judah!!!!!!!!
To be honest, this makes no sense. Why would God choose the worst people possible through which to send his message to humanity?! Why is someone like Jacob so revered and respected as a "prophet" if his children have done nothing but kill prophets and cause so much corruption and misery throughout the centuries? Makes no sense.
Uncle Paul just a recommendation for a German expert for the Middle East and Pro Palestinian supporter 🇵🇸named „Michael Lüders“. I don’t know if he would be interested or if his English is good enough but he is so well informed that a Interview with him would be very interesting and it’s worth finding out and having one more scholarly gem in your collection. 🤩Greetings from a German brother😁
Many thanks!
@Question-please You are most likely a zionisst scammer
The peculiarities of the chosen people in the Quran that will make you scratch your head:
1. Asking Prophet Moses to take them back to Egypt shortly after successfully crossing the Red Sea and escaping Pharaoh's pursuit.
2. Worshiping the golden calf idols despite witnessing God's miracles, with Prophet Aaron among them.
3. Requesting Prophet Moses to make them a statue to worship after seeing others worshiping statues.
4. Complaining about the heavenly food provided, finding it tedious to eat the same food every day.
5. Asking to directly hear and see God.
6. Refusing to obey Prophet Moses after he returned with tablets containing God's commandments.
7. Refusing to enter the holy land out of fear of the Canaanites residing there, and insisting that Prophet Moses go alone.
+ killing of prophets
Also, fairy tales, Holy texts are inventions that people have done since the dawn of mankind
Read dr Maurice Bucaille book 'the bible, the quran and science'. There alre also recording of his lectures on utube
@@firebyrd437 Darwins magic life creating puddle is the atheists creation myth.
May Allah Bless and Reward Both of you in this Life and in the Hereafter.
YES! *Sahih al-Bukhari vol 5 bk 58:236* "Allah's Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) married 'Aisha when she was 6 years old, and _consummated_ that marriage when she was 9.”
*Qur'an 65:1, 4* "When divorcing women, know their waiting period. For women past the age of menstruation, their waiting period is 3 months - and those who have _NOT_ menstruated yet as well."
*Sahih al-Bukhari vol 7 bk 62 nr 64* “Allah's Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) married her when she was 6 years old and he _consummated_ his marriage when she was 9 years old”
*Sahih al-Bukhari 6:298* Narrated By Aisha:"The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) and I used to take a bath from a single pot . . . and used to fondle me."
*Sahih Bukhari Vol 7, Book 62, Nr 16* "The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said, 'Did you marry a virgin or a matron?' I replied, 'A matron.' He said, “Why didn’t you marry a young girl so that you may play with her and she with you?'"
*Sahih Bukhari Volume 8, Book 73, Nr 151* Narrated By Aisha: "I used to play with the dolls in the presence of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him), and my girl friends also used to play with me. When Allah’s Apostle used to enter (my dwelling place) they used to hide themselves, but the Prophet would call them to join and play with me."
Current Palestinians are mainly direct decedents of ancient Jews with some mixture of Arabs. Arabs did not come to Jerusalem in such masses and extinguished Jews. Historians say peasant Jews never left their lands, they accepted Christianity and Islam and were Arabized with time. Modern Jews mainly from Eastern Europe and Northern Africa are decendents of Jews converts and you can clearly see they are different ethnicities. Historian Shlomo Sand wrote in his book about it.
Mostly are Jewish and Canaanites descents who converted to Christianity/Islam
Yes you right
Palestinians got nothing to do with Jews. They were from ancient Crete!
@@truthprevails5173source: trust me bro
One thing is for sure, they are the 'unchosen' people. They were unchosen twice for their mischiefs. They were given another chance, but conditional. Looks like they have again chosen to be 'unchosen'.
We Muslims are The chosen ones now. Since we carry the torch of light and we must pass it to others being chosen is responsibility not a reward.
Yes, you Muslims are the chosen people of Satan.
Eid Al-Adha Mubarak!!!
*Qur'an 7:166* “But when they persisted in violation, We said to them, “Become disgraced APES!’”
*Qur'an 5:60* "Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ 'Those whom Allah has cursed He made them APES, PIGS, slaves"
@user-k4d-e59mo28oc thank you for providing the Quran is right 😊
they were chosen to deliver the words of GOD not to be a master race above all human .
@GongGong-zk8qs This is a precise comparison and I often make it too: God chose the ancient Israelites to deliver the message and serve the nations in good and they ended up perverting the message, actually stopped delivering the message and made themselves superior to everyone else. It's in their Talmud that they consider the difference between a goy (any non jew) and cattle to be SMALLER than the difference between a Jew and Goy. They're literally walking in the footsteps of Satan who disobeyed God's command due to a superiority complex.
In short, them being chosen was conditional and it came with a warning and threat that came into effect multiple times. Considering they broke the covenant for 1000's of years, so much so they even forgot God's covenant, they became thereby the lowest of low and hold hands with Satan in hellfire!
The message was sent to the Israelites, the children of Yakub Israel (on whom be infinite peace) NOT to the Jews or “Jewish people” as he casually states here 3:17 (which is a term referring to those who follow the custom or tradition of the religion of Judaism, and the majority of these are European Ashkenazi jews as a matter of fact). The title of this video is therefore misleading and should read Israelites and NOT jews! This lack of a duty of care on this important topic is prevalent among Muslims and is quite simply grossly irresponsible. Please be more careful!
@@naeemahmed5236but the current Jewish people do still believe that they are the chosen people, which is the point of this video
@amaladnan5522 forget what they think.
Children of Jacob, 12 of them, became tribes and from these tribes the term of "children of israel" derived from. Israel was another name for Jacob in the bible.
These tribes eventually created the kingdom of israel, but then two tribes separated (the benjamin and the judah tribe) and they created the kingdom of Judea. These were the people that later were called the jews.
Also, another factor is that the tribe of the judah and the benjamin were heavily mixed with edomites, in the second century bc, where the jews forcibly converted the edomites into judaism.
By this time, the these two tribes (benjamin and judah) were religiously quite separated from the other tribes, which they considered "not pure" anymore, despite of them doing exactly the same thing with the Edomites.
@@amaladnan5522 the jews say :Allah's hand is tied up.Be their hands tied up and be they accursed for what they uttered. Quran 5:64.they are in varying grades with Allah, and Allah is All-seer of what they do.Quran 3:163.
Our Prophet ﷺ said “Whoever recites Ayatul Kursi immediately after each prescribed prayer, there will be nothing standing between him and his entering Paradise except death."
Dont forget to recite Ayatul kursi before sleep Our Prophet ﷺ said, When you go to your bed, recite Ayatul Kursi and you will be protected by Allah, and no devil will come near you until morning (5010) Narrated by al-Bukhari
Take screenshot and share to earn reward (it allows you to copy and paste easily), and spread this message to also earn rewards by directing others towards good In’Sha’Allah, maybe Allah could make this a means to grant us Jannaht Ul Firdaus Ameen
Jesus is predicted in Isaiah 53: 5-9; 9: 6-7; 42 and 7: 14; Genesis 1: 26, 3: 15. Genesis 22 speaks about the sacrifice of Abraham's son Isaac sheds light on the future event of God the Father sacrificing Jesus.The Holy Trinity is as follows:
Father is the Mind of God;
Jesus is the Thought of God;
Holy Spirit is the Consciousness (understanding the thought) and Action of God
Jesus prays to Father because Mind is the source of Thought. There is no Mind without a Thought and there is always a Consciousness (understanding the thought) that leads to action.
As per scripture, Jesus is Word of God and Thoughts are represented by Words.
The Parable of Tenants speaks no prophet will come after Jesus.
Christianity in simple terms could be explained as follows.1.Through Adams sin came death and it was never God's plan.
2. For reversing this, God ultimately wanted someone sinless born miraculously. But who on earth other than God is capable of being sinless and could be born miraculously.
3. God himself knows that no human can do this. So he decides to come to earth taking a human form with all human weaknesses.
4. Jesus as God, is born miraculously and is tested to resemble Adam but never failed, remained sinless, was crucified died and then resurrected on the third day due to his sinlessness. This he reverses death with resurrection. (Isaiah Chapter 9: 6-7 Genesis 3: 15 and Isaiah 9: 6-7).
5. Why God has three persons? God does this so as to be in Heaven as Father, to be with humankind as Son Jesus and the one who proceeds from both Father and Son is the Holy Spirit who resides in the hearts of good souls being the God within ourself.
6. God is righteousness and not cowardice that He unlike humans won't make excuses and achieve goal improperly but rather will take challenges.
7. If humankind has inherited the character to do sins and suffer the imperfect state for something that came through Adam's sin, then one man Jesus can also save humankind.
Jesus sacrifice was to reverse death that came throught Adam and when you deny it, you say there is no end of wrong, bad and suffering, in simple words you don't need of ressurection and eternal life. This is the meaning of the sacrifice done by Jesus.
Aisha: "But, I'm _only_ nine."
Allah's Messenger (Peace Be Upon Him): "You're just _FINE!"_ ❤❤❤
Roses are red, violets are blue, Aisha was 9 and Allah's Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) was 52.
*Sahih al-Bukhari vol 5 bk 58:236* "Allah's Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) married 'Aisha when she was 6 years old, and _consummated_ that marriage when she was 9.”
*Qur'an 65:1, 4* "When divorcing women, know their waiting period. For women past the age of menstruation, their waiting period is 3 months - and those who have _NOT_ menstruated yet as well."
*Sahih al-Bukhari vol 7 bk 62 nr 64* “Allah's Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) married her when she was 6 years old and he _consummated_ his marriage when she was 9 years old”
*Sahih al-Bukhari 6:298* Narrated By Aisha:"The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) and I used to take a bath from a single pot . . . and used to fondle me."
*Sahih Bukhari Vol 7, Book 62, Nr 16* "The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said, 'Did you marry a virgin or a matron?' I replied, 'A matron.' He said, “Why didn’t you marry a young girl so that you may play with her and she with you?'"
*Sahih Bukhari Volume 8, Book 73, Nr 151* Narrated By Aisha: "I used to play with the dolls in the presence of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him), and my girl friends also used to play with me. When Allah’s Apostle used to enter (my dwelling place) they used to hide themselves, but the Prophet would call them to join and play with me."
Brother Paul is doing a great service to Islam and Muslims with this kind of program ....His dawa work is more solid and sound ....His quesions are logical and rational..
May Allah bless him and reward him for his devotion and dedication...
He servces Islam with his skills and knowledge..
None is a chosen one, after prophet Muhammad PBUH and there's no religion in the world other than Islam. All others are untrue and unacceptable in the sight of Allah.
@@brendanariki there is nothing as the sons and daughters of God. Please stop using these terms
"There are as many paths to God as there are souls on Earth"
@brendanariki False. God has no children. This is blasphemous on part of people of the book. They will see the truth but it will be too late. The infidels will stare up in terror on a mighty day.
All prenialists say there are many paths to god, think again.
Yes. they were chosen as a people who cause mischief and as a test for those who believe in ALLAH S.W.T.☝🏼
I thought they were the cursed ones
They are definitely cursed ones now
Jews are the cause of havic , misery war in this peaceful world of God .They tried to murder own brother Yusuf and even Prophets ...
Aha! See, you care about and admire 15 million Jews - but despise 2 billion Algerians...Bangladeshis...Egyptians... Gambians...Indonesians...Malians...Moroccans...Pakistanis...Saudi Arabians...Somalis...Sudanese...Yemenis . . .
But that's understandable . . .
*Qur'an 3:106:* “On The Day, some faces will turn _white,_ some faces will turn *black.* Those whose faces turn black, Did you disbelieve after your belief? Then taste the punishment for what you rejected."
*Qur'an 39:60* “On The Day of Resurrection you shall see those who _LIED_ against Allah with their faces turned *black.* Is Hell not vast enough to provide a room to the vainglorious?”
*Sahih Muslim 30:5777* “Did you see Allah's Messenger (May Peace Be Upon Him)?
He said: ‘Yes, he had a WHITE _handsome_ face.’”
*Sahih Muslim 5:2334* “The Messenger of Allah (May Peace Be Upon Him) says: ''The most hateful among the creation of Allah is one Black man among them.”
*Ishaq 450* "We brought them to the pit. Hell was their meeting place. We collected them there, Black slaves, men of no descent.”
*Ishaq 243* "The Apostle (Peace Be Upon Him) says: “Whoever wants to see Satan look at _Nabtal_ (a Black man)"
*Mishkat al-Masabih 119 book 1 hadith 112* "The Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said: ‘Allah created Adam when he created him. Then He stroke his right shoulder and took out a White race as if they were seeds, and He stroke his left shoulder and took out a Black race as if they were coals.
Then He said to those who were in his right side: Towards Paradise and I don't care. He said to those who were on his left shoulder: Towards Hell and I don't care.’"
Be blessed or be cursed is theirs to choose...
JazakAllah Khair
In a study published in August 2017 by Marc Haber et al. in The American Journal of Human Genetics, the authors concluded that: "The overlap between the Bronze Age and present-day Levantines suggests a degree of genetic continuity in the region."[18]A 2021 study by the New York Genome Center found that the predominant component of the DNA of modern Palestinians matches that of Bronze Age Palestinians (Canaanites) from around 2500-1700 BCE.[17]. The Palestinian people are the original israelites and judeans.
The broke the covenant! So No !
Have muslims had any covenants with Allah?
@@doneracer5994 I highly recommend you should read the Quran , I know you are a skeptic about what we believe in , but try reading it hopefully you will find the detailed answer you are looking for and it will also give you idea how Muslims think :)
@doneracer5994 are you that talented at being ignorant or do you work hard to be one?
@@doneracer5994circumcision and aqiqa.
My question is do they really believe they are chosen people after they rejected very revelation and killed the prophets????
Yup, even after they become Atheists and don't believe in God anymore 😂😂 Talks about a bunch of narcissists, egoistic, delusional group of people who called themselves as "God chosen people" who outright reject and disobey God's very commandments 😂
If Allah is all-knowing, then why did he pick them instead of the muslims in the first place?
@doneracer5994 i see you like to divert from OP's question. Typical z1onist
Also, the hadith of the prophet PBUH which says 'Each of you are shepherds, and have resposibility towards your flock'. The fact of being chosen comes with responsibily a very heavy responsibility. And then there is the question of spreading the word of God to other people as well, have they done this...??🌴
Thank you for the clarification 👍
This was a great excerpt ngl
⚠️ Alhamdu lillah for Al Islam..Allahu Akbar..Islam the Natural Way...peace & Guidance ❤❤❤..
Great channel... great research based authentic presentation without prejudice..
God's promise to ISHMAEL
Genesis 17:20
As for Ishmael, I have heard you; behold, I have blessed him and will make him fruitful and multiply him greatly. He shall father twelve princes, and I will make him into a great nation.
God shifting from Isaac's descendants to Ishmael's descendants
Genesis 49:10 - 10 The scepter will not depart from Judah,
nor the ruler’s staff from his descendants,
until the coming of the one to whom it belongs,
the one whom all nations will honor.
God will send a helper after jesus but before his second coming;
John 14:16
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever,
The one coming after jesus is more powerful than jesus;
Mark 1:7
“After me comes the one more powerful than I, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie.
song of Solomon 5:16 it should be, "His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is 'Muhammad im'. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem"
Isaiah 29 12
And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned.
Isaiah 42 1
"Here is my servant, Ahmed, my chosen one, in whom my soul delights; I have put my Spirit upon him; he will bring forth justice to the nations. He will not shout or cry out or raise his voice in the streets. A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice; he will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth. In his teaching the islands will put their hope.” This is what God the Lord says-the Creator of the heavens, who stretches them out, who spreads out the earth with all that springs from it, who gives breath to its people, and life to those who walk on it: “I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness. “I am the Lord; that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols. See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you.” Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise from the ends of the earth, you who go down to the sea, and all that is in it, you islands, and all who live in them. Let the wilderness and its towns raise their voices; let the settlements where Kedar lives rejoice. Let the people of Sela sing for joy; let them shout from the mountaintops."
Kedar(son of Ishmael) = Arabs Sela = mountain in Medina He will be an Arab, preaching in Medina, singing a new song aka reciting the Quran, He will be a light to the gentiles, meaning he is not only sent to the children of Israel.
John 14:30 ►
I will not say much more to you, for the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold over me,
John 16 13
Howbeit when he, the Prophet Ahmet(Hebrew), is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.[14] He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.
Outstanding examples. Thank you!
This ‘chosen’ part has been drastically misconstrued by the so-called ‘chosen ones’. They were certainly not chosen to commit genocide in Palestine.
The chosen people to do what??? We’re all here, we were all chosen.
They were chosen to represent the way of Allah and spread his messages, a chosen to caretakers of the prophets and message, but instead they disobeyed and killed the prophets, and by doing so disobeyed God as long as they did God's work and worshipped him alone the would be favored by God, but intead they repeated went against God's commands ultimately incurring the wrath of God
Sincerely, thanks for this insight!
They were chosen to spread monotheism throughout the world but they turned their religion into an ethnic one. They were also chosen to support the prophets but instead they tried to kill them. Something has been wrong with them since they were freed from firaun.
exactly i mean there is something they are still same 😮
No, they weren't chosen to spread monotheism throughout the world. Prophet Muhammad was the only one ordered by God to spread the message throughout the world.
Yes, the question is chosen for what and when.
Its in quran
@@Fuzzylogic123 Ok, so what were they chosen for?
@@brendanariki chosen to spread messsge
@@Fuzzylogic123 Yes.
@@brendanarikiBut they rejected the Prophets by slaughtering them and thus rejected the messages that the Prophets brought to them. Even when Jesus AS came like 2000-3000 years later they already called themselves as gods too 😂😂
God bless you Paul
The Jews were once chosen and the most beloved by Allah. He bestowed them with His many favours and repeatedly sent Prophets to them so that they could follow the right path . However, they repeatedly showed Him disloyalty and betrayal, turned back against Him. Gradually, they fell into His curse.
@user-jt8vj1vm6yu should watch the vid again bc Hamza goes over it
Excellent! Love the way brother Paul bringing in academically inclined individuals ensuring the subject matter is tackled and relayed accordingly. May Allah bless him. Aameen. Allah is the only one who knows the hearts but in videos I have always seen brother Paul standing with the right/correct side. Also one can tell a lot listening to a person about their Character unless that person is a con artist. Period!
God chose them for his work but instead they chose to disobey God repeatedly, no they were replaced by a new chosen people, who unfortunately are moving in the same direction
current israelis ARE not chosen ones.......they came from europe & america
they are secular atheist types
Right! Just because the CONVERTED to Judaism, revived the language, books etc. Does not change their racial-ethnic origins! They are not the descendants of Jacob but Kazakhs
That was the impression of the Jews that they were the chosen people of God because most prophets sent to them by God came from the lineage of Isaac. Until one day, their impression of themselves were eventually shattered that the last prophet to come sent by God was no longer from their lineage. This was the advent of Muhammad in the lineage of Ismael.
No Prophet was a Jew, the mother of Israel was an Aramean ( Wife of Isaac was Ribqa=Rebekka ,Bethuel doughter ) Bethuel Gen 22:22 ) father of Laban and Rebekah. Gen 25:20 describes him as an Aramean from Paddan-Aram =Syria , the Wife of Israel:He had three sisters, the cousins of Israel, the daughters of the Aramaic uncle,Laban Aeamaen, the 12 sons of Israel were not Jews, because their mothers were Arameans, Solomon had a black mother.
Moses father in law waa Jethro /, otherwise Ishmael's Grandson .
29 Now Moses said to Ho bab son of Reuel the Midianite( Midian =northwestern Arabia.)
, Moses’ father-in-law, “We are setting out for the place about which the Lord said, ‘I will give it to you.’ Come with us and we will treat you well, for the Lord has promised good things to Israel.”
Today, in 2024, you are not a Jew if you are not born from a Jewish mother !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But Allah said it in the Qur'an
Children of Israel, remember My blessing wherewith I blessed you, and that I have preferred you above all beings
@@ACafe-qj5eq Muhammad is not a prophet...
@@Dark_night211and ? Your point?
Thanks you m'y brother
The Zionist that rule Israel are yajuj majuj. Surely we should see this from the perspective of scriptures because that is what Rasulullah SAW reminded us in his numerous Hadiths.
Yajuj majuj or Gog Magog are in the Old Testament and the Quran. Josephus the ancient Jewish historian opined that the Scythians were Gog Magog and Ibnu Kathir viewed the Khazar the descendants of the Scythians were Gog Magog. They were the descendants of Yapeth, one of the sons of Nuh AS and they existed during the time of Ezekiel or Zulkifli AS, during the times of Dhulqarnain and also during the times of prophet Muhammad SAW. They’re also one of the major signs of the Hour. The question is where are they now. I believe there is a strong case that the Ashkenazi Zionist jews of Europe are the descendants of Gog Magog.
...I am saying that yes they 'were' chosen up-to a specific point in history. When the jews constantly and 'knowlingly' failed to act in a manner that was expected off them, they earned the wrath of God. So they were chosen up-to this point.
No more chosen people
Jews are not the chosen one but favored by Allah. Almighty Allah rescued them from pharaoh.
it refers to the past only , you are right
Only whenthey were opressed by Pharoh/Firaun! But then they did not obey God after that when Mose as asked them to fight to get the land. They always argue and staborn arrogant. Also they killed many prophets!
They once were chosen, but not now.
@@tahsinislammahi7346 please don’t misunderstand by saying they were chosen. They were favored by Allah to be freed from pharaoh and to follow the commandments.
God has similar covenant with every human being. before we come to earth , God reminds us of this covenant . I believe this is in the Quaran
I don't believe they are. How could they be.
children of israel had good people in them that used to call for worshipping God and doing good things, so God chose them for their righteousness
They are not. They are the children of the devil. Yahshua told them so and they murdered Him for it
What 'chosen' means is that they are chosen to have the responsibility of following and conveying the message of God on earth. In other words, they are to be missionaries (teaching the true faith, which is now lost to them) on earth. It does not mean chosen to have the right to live in Israel or that they are some special people.
As history shows, they failed in this test and so the responsibility fell in the hands of the muslims through the house of Ismael AS.🌴
Like Adam. Personality of Adam was not same as personality of Cain (Adam's son)
Children of Israel were chosen by God. But they broke the Convenant so God cursed them. Remember that with great power comes great responsibility. Common sense.
Freedom for Palestine ✌️ 🇵🇸 🙌 ❤
Why don't you understand war like prophet Mohamed did? When he won against the many Jewish and Christian cities, territories, and countries, he kept them.
End of discussion.
Israel won the war against Muslim Hamas in Gaza and Palestine.
*It's time now to raise the Israeli flag in Gaza & Palestine! 🇮🇱*
If they are chosen, chosen for what?! They get a free pass to behave like devils and get no judgement or consequences?!
Chosen my foot.
10:48 very strange argument! it is not true, we don't venerate any one based on their race .. I think he misspoke here. they were favored long time ago, if they were still chosen, certainly the last Prophet would have been from their nation.
The Jewish people being chosen is conditional. On condition that they adhere to the laws that were given to Moses
There are those that believe that the same people who killed ‘gods’ ‘son’ were promised land by ‘god’
They steal nations identity and make it their own . How low can you go , lower than snake shit . These are the ones that rewrote the bible with KJV leading their followers to the temptation of this world . Totally sidetracked
The chosen people by Allah are the community
Who have refined their Iman by Fana fee Thowheed.
Jeremiah 11 ... 1 Thess 2:14-16 ... John 8:44 ... Rev 2:9 & 3:9
It is not we choose you but rather we preferred you over the worlds. May be the brother is quoting another verse where "ikhtarnakoum" instead of "fadelnakoum"?
What was the conclusion of this conversation? I’m confused
God protect you both
I pray to Allah to save our British Muslim brother Paul from all evil and we thank Allah that he guided him to Islam and we Muslims have benefited from brother Paul and he explained to us many of the problems facing Muslims as well as people of other religions and we hope that people will support his TH-cam channel .
Is there any precedent of the Torah in history before Abraham and his fellow sheep herders entered northeast Alkebu-lan?
The Quran is talking about the Israelites (Bani Israel)( Jacobs descendents)( Israel=Jacob) NOT the JEWS.
Chosen to be a bad example
Hamza is a nice guy, but he's flat out wrong. The people of Bani Israil were NEVER responsible for spreading the message they received. Their prophets and messengers were sent to them only. The only prophet who bore the burden of spreading the message of Islam to the entire world was our Messenger, Muhammad, SAAWS. Hamza also didn't describe what Bani Israil were actually chosen for.
I think I got what it meant by chosen people. It’s doesn’t mean they were better than anyone else, it means they were given things other people were not given in their time. there’s a difference between jews and children of Israel. A Jewish person can be someone whose ancestors converted to Judaism.
So who do you think the Gazans and Palestinians are?
@@doneracer5994 no one has a right to displace them out of their homes. the jews have their original countries and they know from where they came from.
There are FORTY-NINE (49) muslim-majority countries in the world.
There is ONE (1) Jewish-majority country in the world.
*So explain why muslims are so greedy to have so much more than their fair share when the Jews have only 1* and Israel is merely half the size of what Almighty God originally gave them.
Even worse, none- not one!- of the filthy rich muslim countries offered to take in their Palistine/Gaza muslim brothers & sisters. None. So much for Islam being an attractive religion to revert to. Cheapskates- every one! It's even the USA (MY TAX DOLLARS!!) which is building the dock to bring in supplies to Palestine/Gaza.
ALL muslims & their leaders are phonies & pharisees!! They take, take, take but NEVER give to anyone in need, NOT EVER THEIR OWN!!!
@@-1lovetheseaexactly this is really just the simple truth, a European Jew or a Jew from Brooklyn is probably not from the bani israel
Read genesis 19:5-6, It says God chose them to be a holy nations of priests that guide the other nations around them to the light and that they are a treasure unto God AS LONG AS they obey him. ( the didn’t obey him) and Actually Palestinians are the ones through whom God guides milions of people around the earth right now as peoole see their suffering and their strong believe and start to read the Quran
I think they were chosen by Allah (swt) for a certain time in the past. They were not chosen to do and spread injustice on the earth because the wrath of Allah(swt) came upon them through the pagan king Nebuchadnezar and the romans and many other times whenever they disobeyed Allah (swt)
Not from the footage I've seen
This is how I understand it: God created people with FREE will. Some didn't pass quality control. God have mercy and didn't want to destroy them. He wanted to rectify this situation despite these people's FREE will. As we read it, the Jews were chosen. The Jews were "defective" can be seen after they were liberated from the Egyptians. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Are the Hashimets taday the choesen people?
Short answer: NO
I’ve always thought the idea of God choosing a nation RIDICULOUS.
That the name they GIVE to themselves
Of course that's FANTASIES
True born again believers are true Israelites.
Chosen verse means: represent God work 🙌 not go against ten commenment, those jew is gone these are European countries poland, gypze, Russia Ukraine most of them are atheist
The Jews may have seen themselves as chosen at the time, but Palestinians descend from Jews who converted to Christianity and Islam. Those today who are still Jews, it is because the priests rejected Jesus (as) then Mohomad (saws). Those Jews who received the messages became Christians then Muslims. The Jews rejected Jesus (as) as a criminal and sorcerer whose miracles were works of black magic according to the Talmud. They ceased being the chosen people when they rejected the Messiah.
But Allah said it in the Qur'an
Children of Israel, remember My blessing wherewith I blessed you, and that I have preferred you above all beings
They were chosen up to a point... When they consistently and constantly broke The Covenant, they lost that status...(May Allah protect us from such things. Ameen.)
I think the shaykh explained this.
@@purityandaspiration no the sheikh didn't refer to this, he denied that god preferred the jus over all of creation, but god specifically mentioned it in the bible and the Qur'an they were his favourites
@@Dark_night211 when did he outright deny it? Im failing to racall. Can you please give the timestamp?
This question doesn't need to be asked in the first place. It doesn't need a video or even a short. What chosen are we talking about 😁
Are not the house of Israel and the house of Judah different? Is not the covenant and new covenant with the house of Israel , not the House of Judah?
They WERE definitely God’s chosen people, but in responsibility not in privilege. God had chosen them to convey the message of God and lead humanity in the path of submission to the will of God. Instead, they broke the covenant more than once.
I thought this was pretty good. Funny isn't it how easily we can fall into thinking errors about the very substance of what is designed to lead us out of them.
Am a Christian i have loved both of you servants, however i endeavors love deeply the Torah. Matt 5: 16 - 19. But do you know that catholicism is not a Christian religion?
But for breaking their covenant We condemned them and hardened their hearts. They distorted the words of the Scripture and neglected a portion of what they had been commanded to uphold. You ˹O Prophet˺ will always find deceit on their part, except for a few. But pardon them and bear with them. Indeed, Allah loves the good-doers.
Quran 5:13
Short answer: No. The Israelites of thousands of years ago WERE until they broke their covenant with God. Today’s Jews are following a religion based on artifacts from that time and are not chosen people. There are no chosen group of people today, it’s based on an individual’s relationship with God.
The Palestinian people is the chosen people
We all been chosen into this world there's no anyone is more Superior than calling himself the chosen people bulshit is that
Don't take the verses of Quran out of context, it is mentioned that Israelis are the chosen ones in context that they were chosen "were" فضلناكم and not present tense نفضلكم، they were chosen because god helped them with prophet Moses and favoured them over the rest of the people that lived at those times by giving them all that they needed, even god helped them in their wars back at those times. I'm very surprised to see people that read the Quran and study it use the verses out of context and misinterpreting the meaning
It's a game of words..😅
Son means Prophet
Chosen means Muslim
Non chosen means Kafirr
Some people try to play with these words used in poetic or esoteric literature and take them literally..😅
Well.. politicians and people who lust for money and power are behind these games..while the common flock or sheep just side with the strong..😅
Look at how some youth in Africa may side with team Brazil or team Argentina during world Cup.. 😅 What happens is people blindly tend to side with the strong regardless they are right or wrong 😮😮 regardless they have any relation with it or not.😅😅😅
Neither Brazil nor Jesus has any relation with them.. but they side with it .. 😅 Because Brazil plays well..and Christians nations waged world wars and used nukes and knows the art of torture..😮
That's the secret of politics 😮😮😮
There is a good God, the Creator, and his enemy. If the enemy is ONE , then the logic is that the God of goodness, the Creator, is the opposite and greater than him. As for the lukewarm religions that call for killing and love at the same time, they are the religions of the enemy, because the Creator God of goodness disgusts the lukewarm, “Because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I spit you out of my mouth,” and the fate of their followers is weeping and gnashing of teeth .............................
The chosen people for the purpose. But when they failed to fulfil l, the chosen people were replaced by other chosen people.
Quran chapter two al Bakara describes the transferring of the prophet hood, revelation, and location from Al Aqsa to Mecca.
Prophet Muhammad declared 631 AD that Quran, Mecca, and prophet Muhammad is the God religious replacing the old.
Also, the story of Adam replacing the jinni kind resulted in the Jinni leader becoming rebellion to God but more seriously became the enemy to Adam and his sons till to the described time. The story of the Adam replacing the Jinni signifies the behaviour of the chosen people to the new chosen people after the changes.
God also knows for those going to hell but still created them.
Devil was allowed to live even after declared the most human enemy and would miss lead many human with him to hell.
The world is now ruled by the devil 😈 in partnership with the Kabala that will take the human to bankruptcy and wars.
Multiple prophets sent to Israelites because they were so rebellious, final prophet sent to Arabs because they were so ignorant.
Careless, careless 0:50 !! Did he just say Talmud? That is grossly incorrect. No classical Muslim scholar commented on the Talmud, an East European rabbinical invention! Please exercise due diligence and care!!
It's a fallacious question. God selects creates nations by selecting them for specific goals as stated in the Quran.
Only the Jews believe they are Chosen in an absolute sense. That's part of their messianic belief and is rightly one point of discrepancy with Islam: Jews believe their people would bring salvation at the End of Times.
Beyond the theological discussion, the events in Palestine and the significance of Zionism in our modern era completely disprove Judaic Theology and disqualify the Jews for any soteriological role in any possible future. The association between Judaism and Zionism - even though theoretically distinct - will remain permanent in human memory.
The only religion still standing on its feets -or pillars- is Islam!
Ironically the best representatives for Islam are the Palestinians: the true descendants of the Ancient Hebrews, probably really fulfilling the Biblical prophecies of the Messianic Era: bringing once again the message of salvation to the whole World. That was in God 's plan!
😮when chosen people ignore their duties to obey and refused to believe in last messenger and spread fisad on earth , then they don't deserve this title and sons of Israel AS were chosen , not polish jews
Chosen for what role?
I believe the choseness ceased with the coming of the Prophet (SAW) and their disbelief in him:-
Surah Al-Bayyinah
لَمۡ يَكُنِ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ مِنۡ أَهۡلِ ٱلۡكِتَـٰبِ وَٱلۡمُشۡرِكِينَ مُنفَكِّينَ حَتَّىٰ تَأۡتِيَہُمُ ٱلۡبَيِّنَةُ
Those who disbelieved among the People of the Scripture and the polytheists were not to be parted [from misbelief] until there came to them clear evidence -
رَسُولٌ مِّنَ ٱللَّهِ يَتۡلُواْ صُحُفًا مُّطَهَّرَةً
A Messenger from Allah, reciting purified scriptures.
This is what Jesus said concerning the topic of chosen people, peace be upon him.
” God has mercy on every man that seeks God his creator in truth”
The scribe then said: "Pardon me, O master, for I have sinned." Jesus said: "God pardon you. for against him have you sinned."
Whereupon said the scribe: I have seen an old book; written by the hand of Moses and Joshua ;(he who made the sun stand still; as you have done), servants and prophets of God, which book is the true Book of Moses. Therein is written that Ishmael is the father of Messiah, and Isaac the father of the messenger of the Messiah. And thus says the book, that Moses said: "Lord God of Israel, mighty and merciful, manifest to your servant the splendour of your glory."
Whereupon God showed him his Messenger in the arms of Ishmael, and Ishmael in the arms of Abraham. Near to Ishmael stood Isaac, in whose arms was a child, who with his finger pointed to the Messenger of God, saying: "This is he for whom God has created all things." Whereupon Moses cried out with joy: "O Ishmael, you have in your arms all the world, and paradise! Be mindful of me, God's servant, that I may find grace in God's sight by means of your son, for whom God has made all."
In that Book it is not found that God eats the flesh of cattle or sheep; in that Book it is not found that God has locked up his mercy in Israel alone, but rather that God has mercy on every man that seeks God his creator in truth. All of this book I was not able to read, because the high priest, in whose library I was, forbade me, saying that an Ishmaelite had written it.'
Then Jesus said: "See that you never again keep back the truth, because in the faith of the Messiah God shall give salvation to men, and without it shall none be saved." And there did Jesus end his discourse. Whereupon, as they sat at meat, lo! Mary, who wept at the feet of Jesus, entered into the house of Nicodemus (for that was the name of the scribe), and weeping placed herself at the feet of Jesus, saying: 'Lord, your servant, who through you has found mercy with God, has a sister, and a brother who now lies sick in peril of death.'
When the two of you speaking and I am listening i am beginning to believe all two of you belittling the creator works with everything that were being created by Almighty God 🙏.
Truth hurts, doesn't it? Hasbara bot
I wish Muhammad Assad were alive to join you guys in this discussion. I'm sure he would have enjoyed it
If anything that is alive and breeding with a breath of life that person or things is chosen with life from Almighty God 😮.
Who wrote the books 😂
The Jewish people under slavery were once chosen by Allah.
Allah, nowhere mentions the name Jew in the Qur'an, but Bani Isra = the Children of Israel, who have been his 12 sons, let us not forget that Yusuf was the most beloved of Jakub /Jacob = Israel, by Allah too, not Judah!!!!!!!!
Children of Israel and Jews isn't the same !
When the children of Israel denied Jesus and came against Jesus, that's when they became Jews !
They are definitely NOT. They are cursed. Just look at all the wars. All created by them
Created by Satan...
Chosen to receive Revelation (which they rejected)
To be honest, this makes no sense. Why would God choose the worst people possible through which to send his message to humanity?! Why is someone like Jacob so revered and respected as a "prophet" if his children have done nothing but kill prophets and cause so much corruption and misery throughout the centuries? Makes no sense.
These people today called Zionist are not the people that believe.. most are secular while others are atheist