Esaret 423. Bölüm | Redemption Episode 423

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 15 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 186

  • @enejohnson3464
    @enejohnson3464 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +42

    Cena linda de se ver Sahra simplesmente aceita o colo de Orhun e logo deita a cabeça em seu ombro sem hesitar, sinal de confiança.
    Bom que a psicóloga ficou sabendo da verdade mesmo ela não podendo interferir, cabe a Hira essa tarefa de falar.
    Muito triste ver Orhun perto de Sahra e ele não poder se entregar a esse sentimento e dar todo o seu amor como um pai.
    Quem vai ensinar a você andar de bicicleta Sahra, é seu verdadeiro pai ele já te ama como se soubesse que você é a sua filha ❤

  • @alexaesquibel
    @alexaesquibel 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +56

    Ése abrazo de OrSah refleja todo ése amor y ése cariño que se tienen, ella confía tanto en su héroe ❤️😢 desde el principio, ella se sintió muy protegida por Orhun, se ganó el amor de su verdadero padre, OrSah estableció un vinculo tan fuerte e inseparable difícil de romper que hasta Hira finalmente lo reconoce y ya no puede hacer nada para evitar eso 😏 aunque sabemos que la psicóloga no le dirá a Orhun la verdad pero al menos le ayudará a Hira a entender que Sahra necesita estar al lado de su verdadero padre, y eso es que OrSah pasen más tiempo juntos 🥰

    • @catalinneagu2608
      @catalinneagu2608 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

      Faptul ca Hira a reusit sa spuna ce avea pe suflet unei alte persoane…chiar și specialitate…este un pas important …Orhun are atâta căldură paternă pentru Sahra și un mare sorijin pentru Hira…și vrăjitoarea de Sultan l-a văzut ca se uita la pozele lor de la nunta…cat rău le-a făcut Afife să-i despartă…rezultatul: Orhun privește cu nostalgie pozele cu iubita lui la nunta lor….si o Afife desfigurată de teama ca dragostea lor reînvie…🤓❤️ acea bicicleta semnifică multe amintiri…amintiri triste…amintiri vesele..( a învățat-și pe Hira când l-a învățat pe Alico…atunci când Hira îi spunea să nu mai stea încruntat ca parca-i gata s-o bată🤓❤️) și a căzut în brațele lui…❤️❤️

  • @luisalibanoriartiaga6095
    @luisalibanoriartiaga6095 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +9

    Orhun: - "se eu tivesse filho ia dar tudo para ele", que fofo!

  • @mktSleep
    @mktSleep 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +22

    Make me cry when orhun tell sahara if I had child I will give him😢🥺 all the toys what a wonderful dialogue 👌💔it's difficult feeling orhun's poor

  • @naylinviera6824
    @naylinviera6824 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +11

    Se dieron cuenta que ya orhun toca a Hira y ya no lo rechaza 😂

  • @Pietrogamer-wb4tg
    @Pietrogamer-wb4tg 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +24

    Que exemplo que esta série está dando com tanta maldade e crueldade contra as mulheres e os idosos. É muita crueldade sem justificativa.

    • @serse7117
      @serse7117 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Size katılıyorum

    • @suelinfreitas4664
      @suelinfreitas4664 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Verdade essa mulher judia. Do senhorzinho.

    • @vioricacatarig6695
      @vioricacatarig6695 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

      Adevărat!!! Dar, ce sa faci atunci când scenarista este psihopata???? Nu e vina Hirei, nici a lui Orhun ca nu își pune mai multe întrebări legate de Sahra, doar a Nazmyiei!!! Ea o vrea pe monstrul de Afife în continuare în serial, vrea sa prelungească "la infinit" durerea Hirei și a lui Orhun și implicit a Sahrei!! 😢😢😢😢😢

    • @marjan3010
      @marjan3010 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      @@vioricacatarig6695 Very true indeed.

  • @mariahreis123
    @mariahreis123 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +27

    Orhun, em seus braços conforta Sahra como um grande pai. O momento é precioso. Apesar da dor da criança, o momento entre entre pai e filha é lindo e diz muito a respeito dos sentimentos inexplicáveis. Sahra confia no seu herói, ela abriga sua cabecinha em seu ombro. O cuidado de Orhun, todo esse amor que Sarha dispertou nele, o chamado do sangue, o chamado da paternidade.
    Hira, simplesmente começa a entender o quanto Orhun se tornou importante para Sahra e Sahra para Orhun. Laços fortes e profundos os aproxima mais e mais. Percebemos que mais do que nunca Sarha precisa de uma família, de sentir o calor de um lar, o amor daqueles que são tudo para ela. Sua mãe e seu verdadeiro pai. Espero que Hira, faça o melhor para a sua filha, e conte a ela quem é o seu verdadeiro pai, pois isso é o certo a fazer.

    • @LilSamu9721
      @LilSamu9721 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Un grand père??

    • @marjan3010
      @marjan3010 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      I really hope the psychologist helps Hira to show courage and tell the truth not partial, but all to Orhun.

  • @deniseyorty635
    @deniseyorty635 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +12

    I Love How Sahra's Name Means Desert And That Is Where Hira And Orhun Met!

    • @catalinneagu2608
      @catalinneagu2608 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

      Chiar și acest fapt putea să-i dea de gândit lui Orhun…dar poate se apropie încet, încet de adevăr…scenele Orhun Sahra sunt prețioase…i-ai faptu ca Hira i-a spus psihologului este un pas mare înainte..❤️🇷🇴

  • @deliadarc6565
    @deliadarc6565 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +32

    Que agonia! Nao vejo a hora de Orhun descobrir todas as tramoias da Afife 😡😡

  • @nairmagalhaes8703
    @nairmagalhaes8703 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +17

    Gracias pelas legendas Essa Dafine sempre se intrometendo onde não foi chamada, atrapalhando nosso casal !! Estou sentindo até agora esse abraço fofo de pai e filha, espero que a psicóloga consiga ajudar a Hira tomar uma posição consciente e tenha coragem de desatar esse nó, antes que Horhun saiba de maneira errada por Afife ou Zerhin

    • @catalinneagu2608
      @catalinneagu2608 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Acea Defne, este prezentă cam inutil…mă întreb, sunt confuză este scopul ei în această distribuție…dacă este de bine…este o confidentă bună pentru Orhun…dacă este de rău…nici nu vreau să anticipez…Oricum văd ca apare în câte o secvență…ea este o avocată…ce treaba are…e bine ca n-am mai văzut-o pe Zerrin…a fost acolo pentru a face în așa fel să afle Afife prima…ca Sahra este nepoata ei…să-și continue planurile ei…este în stare de orice…sper să nu-i mai reușească

  • @sotiriatheodosiadis4469
    @sotiriatheodosiadis4469 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +16

    What a horrible sister, poor father, this should not be allowed especially on a family viewing channel, l really hope Aziz wakes up and finds out the truth about that evil snake

    • @90milessouthco65
      @90milessouthco65 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      She was the one that invented the story with his mother that is a big lie

    • @vioricacatarig6695
      @vioricacatarig6695 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Este la fel de malefica cu Afife și Sultan aceasta Susan!! Doar de ea mai era nevoie, nu erau destul Afife și Sultan?????😢😢😢😢😢

  • @SabaL-gu9wu
    @SabaL-gu9wu 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +36

    Sahra w objęciach Orhuna - piękny widok..🥰. Kiedy ona tak ufnie się wtula w jego ramiona on nie może powstrzymać emocji..jest poruszony🥹. I swoim ciepłem i cierpliwością stara się wyprowadzić ją z ciemności choć to niełatwe.. mała tak bardzo okopała się w bólu..💔😥.. A Hira w końcu dostrzega, że Sahra czuje się z nim bezpieczna i kocha go coraz mocniej, jak Orhun stawia jej dobro ponad wszystko i jest obok, kiedy tego potrzebuje.. jakby czuł, że ta mała słodka istotka należy do niego..🥰❤️. Myślę, że Hira powoli zaczyna akceptować fakt, że są ojcem i córką.. I powinna również Orhunowi wyznać prawdę i dać szansę na to by cała trójka mogła stać się szczęśliwą rodziną 🙏.

    • @user-wi6ru2lm9f-marbit
      @user-wi6ru2lm9f-marbit 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +8

      Witaj🤗Hira teraz pozwala się prowadzić Orhuniwi... To ogromny krok naprzód... Jakby mimowolnie znowu zaczęła mu ufać. Teraz kiedy Sahra potrzebuje wszelkiego możliwego wsparcia, widok jej córki w jego ramionach ją wzrusza... I Boziu kochany... Ciz to za piękny widok jest🥰🥰🥰

    • @SabaL-gu9wu
      @SabaL-gu9wu 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +7

      @@user-wi6ru2lm9f-marbit witaj 🤗 Wsparcie Orhuna jest nieocenione, nic innego go w tym momencie nie obchodzi tylko Sahra i jej samopoczucie.. 🥰. I wygląda na to, że dotrze do małej..ona otworzy się przed nim , OrHir będą szczęśliwi no i będzie kolejny piękny przytulas 🥰🥰.

    • @migusiekijm9329
      @migusiekijm9329 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +7

      witaj 🤗. Psycholog odwaliła kawał dobrej roboty - Hira przestała ściemniać i wyznała prawdę o jej małżeństwie z Yektą i to kto jest ojcem Sahry. Hira w bardzo zimny sposób opowiadałą o Yekcie, co nie umknęło uwadze psychologa. Zauważyłaś, jak Hira była rozpromieniona, gdy opowiadała o Orhunie i Sahrze- wreszcie dostrzegła tą relację i mówi o tym głośno. Wiadomo, że psycholog nie powie Orhunowi prawdy, ale być może wpłynie na Hirę jakoś, żeby powiedziała Orhunowi prawdę. Może psycholog pomoże jej zrozumieć, że Orhun nie mógł chcieć śmierci swojego dziecka. Na to żeby byli prawdziwą i szczęśliwą rodzinką jest jeszcze za wcześnie, ale żeby Orhun i Sahra wiedzieli o sobie już zdecydowanie tak ❤.

    • @user-wi6ru2lm9f-marbit
      @user-wi6ru2lm9f-marbit 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +7

      ​@@SabaL-gu9wu Tak i mama, i nieświadomy tata, będą bardzo szczęśliwi, ze Sahra sie odblokuje i nawiąże znowu z nimi kontakt... To, ze to akurat Orhunowi sie to uda, będzie dla Hiry miało słodko gorzki smak... Ale dla niego i Sahry to będzie wyjątkowa chwila, a on stanie się dla niej kimś absolutnie wyjatkowym🥰🥰

    • @migusiekijm9329
      @migusiekijm9329 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +6

      @@user-wi6ru2lm9f-marbit witaj 🤗. Orhun i Sahra razem to cudowny widok, ta dwójka roztapia wszystko 🥰. Jego ramiona są bezpiecznym schronieniem dla Sahry, niedługo swoje schronienie ponownie odnajdzie w nich Hira 😍. Zobaczyć całą trójkę razem wtuloną to dopiero piękny widok będzie❤.
      Cieszę się, że psycholog trochę otworzyła Hirze oczy.

  • @cherokeerose4062
    @cherokeerose4062 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +11

    Orhun holding his daughter and her resting her head on her "real" father's shoulder was so touching. She completely trusts him, but, not enough to open up just yet. The session between Hira and the Doctor was really all about Hira and not her daughter. Hira admitting whom the real father is just might be what she needs to start healing from a broken heart. I hope so. I hope the doctor doesn't tell Orhun. She made a promise to Hira. Hira really hasn't had anyone in her life to trust. I hope the doctor doesn't break that trust. It awesome to watch the bonding the 3 of them are making during this time of mourning over Yekta. Where do you think the writers are taking u? Y'all have a blessed day.

    • @MavisMmakola
      @MavisMmakola 11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      The bond between father and daughter was very touching and by now Hira is asking herself some questions, like Orhun didn't want the child, she should do the abortion and now Orhun said to sahra if i had a child I would have given this toys to my child and that hit Hira very hard by looking on her face and I'm sure the question she is asking herself is, what is the truth here? Maybe this writers are taking us to the truth, if sahra's situation continues like this and in order for her to heal, maybe psychologist will meet with Hira again and ask her to consider to tell Orhun the truth, she will probably call them both in, it's going to rough, it's my thoughts, have a blessed day too❤❤❤

  • @BiBoFan
    @BiBoFan 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +36

    This season is so depressing. Even tho I still talk about the episode I do not feel the same way as I did the 1st two seasons. Sometimes my post be so short because I tune in and out. The only thing worth talking about is OrSah. Hira seeing Orhun holding his daughter and the look on Hira's face said it all. As she will tell the psychologist she realized Sahra needs her father. Orhun showing Sahra the toys that meant so much to him fliying a plane and the blue bike his father gave him along with those fbs💔💔💔💔💔 Sahra just walked away poor kid is broken💔💔💔 I like this psychologist Hira's revealing everything including they wasn't really married they pretended for Sahra😱😱😱😱 I hope nothing bad happens to her cause whenever someone knows too much of the tea they don't make it for long.

    • @edithbernoegger24
      @edithbernoegger24 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +7

      I feel the same, this season is heavy to watch,

    • @brunaferreira7811
      @brunaferreira7811 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +4

      Eu mesmo não estou conseguindo assistir veja apenas fragmentos e hoje eu animei ainda ver dois vídeos curto mas no mais eu nem perco tempo muito deprimente basta a vida real precisamos vim aqui ver coisas deprimente não

    • @teoriafnaf1708
      @teoriafnaf1708 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

      Eu amava Esaret, todo día eu assistia os videos eu quase ñ assistia outra coisa. 😢mais hoje faço e fugir de ver, sigo alguns no instagram e vejo os fragmas, essa 3 temporada ta isuportavel de ver 😢😢😢😢

    • @brunaferreira7811
      @brunaferreira7811 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      @ eu também faço o mesmo mesmo gostando tanto não consigo assistir

  • @mariadapenhapenha4723
    @mariadapenhapenha4723 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +18

    Somente Orhun pra confortar a pequena esse abraço lindo e gostoso,a fará voltar ser alegre e conversadeira como é Hora foi desabafar,com psicóloga já que não pode falar com ninguém,sem saber que as cobras já sabem!!

  • @Vetwife09
    @Vetwife09 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +5

    Watching this show is like reading a book and everytime you come back to it to read you start back in the previous chapter

  • @Lath52
    @Lath52 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +9

    Kenan tinha uma ligação emocional forte com Nefes, que muita gente acreditava serem pai e filha, biologicamente. Eu cheguei a suspeitar, também. Se Kenan era pai de Nefes, morreu sem saber, restando somente nossa suspeita.
    Orhun e Sahra têm a mesma ligação, como a pressentir a paternidade e filiação. E nós sabemos que eles realmente são.
    Não gostaria que acontecesse o mesmo com Orhun, ele não pode morrer e tem de saber que é pai de Sahra.

  • @sandraoliveira8412
    @sandraoliveira8412 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +14

    Tomara que o Aziz descubra logo que suzan maltrata o pai deles 🤕

  • @Nangfa_Kitty_Eve
    @Nangfa_Kitty_Eve 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +15

    It’s very amazing in this season for the writer show us about daddy and his daughter so warm hug. 😂😅😂 Orhun try so hard to take good care Hira and his baby girl even he doesn’t know about it. Afife see love Orhun gives to Hira and Sahra I think she will destroy Hira and Sahra again like she did before. Afife who is the real snake and never unmark. 🤬🤬🤬

  • @Liliaiby
    @Liliaiby 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +4

    Hiç olmadi şimdi bu zamanda 6 sene evli kalipda yaninda bir kadın varken hiç el surmemiş erkek kaldimi yada Yekta hadim olmali😂😂😂😂

    • @catalinneagu2608
      @catalinneagu2608 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Erau în camere separate…aveți o explicație bună🤓🤣

  • @user-wi6ru2lm9f-marbit
    @user-wi6ru2lm9f-marbit 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +80

    What beautiful scenes of Orhun and Sahra♥️Simple, warm and full of care... And her trusting rest of her head on his shoulder, which makes his heart fill with tenderness 🥰 And his almost fatherly efforts to help this little girl get out of this sad darkness that now consumes her mind 😒 He is caring, but not pushy and completely focused on Sahra... Orhun has become a constant support for Hira, and she allows him to do so. He knows her well, understands her and knows how to cope when sadness, fear and panic overwhelm her... And although they both try very hard, they are not able to help Sahra yet. 😢 He does not know it yet, but Hira has already noticed that when it comes to Sahra, the call of blood calls him..♥️

    • @alexaesquibel
      @alexaesquibel 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +11

      Hola 😊...La ternura de OrSah 🥰 es tan hermosa, esas hermosas escenas alivian nuestros corazones ❤️❤️...Exactamente así es 👏 el llamado de la sangre es algo que Hira ya sabe y que no se puede evitar 😍

    • @user-wi6ru2lm9f-marbit
      @user-wi6ru2lm9f-marbit 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +9

      @@alexaesquibel Hello 🤗 I think that Orhun's call to blood is also very strong...♥ And when he is aware of his fatherhood, this call will become even stronger... OrSah's scenes are simply wonderful🥰 There is a lot of warmth and simple beauty in them 🥰

    • @catalinneagu2608
      @catalinneagu2608 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

      Afife este disperată 🙃știe ca Orhun o iubește pe Hira…acum este aproape ca scânteia rămasă în cenușa să se aprindă…mi-e teamă de monstruozitatea ei…eu sper ca nu va reuși să le facă rău….Orhun, adevaratul Orhun este lângă ele…iar scenele Orhun -Sahra suntaț atât de prețioase, căldura paternă…ei trei sunt pe aceeași lungime de undă …este minunat…Orhun știe să alunge și tristețea Hirei…el este “ medicamentul” …un episod emoționant…faptul ca Hira a reușit să spună ceea ce avea pe suflet…unei alte persoane ( doctor) este un pas mare…cred ca și Orhun este aproape …tot mai aproape…🙏🤔❤️🇷🇴

    • @NilsaSequeira
      @NilsaSequeira 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Translete português o inglês

    • @user-wi6ru2lm9f-marbit
      @user-wi6ru2lm9f-marbit 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      @catalinneagu2608 It is a threat that now in Hira's heart the spark of love for Orhun reappears... In him the original ten himself burns for her... Affify knows it, but does not understand how strong it is... And he still deceives himself that one day he will forget about her...

  • @mihaelacotovan3971
    @mihaelacotovan3971 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +12

    Sentimentul Hirei de a vedea pe Sahara atât de indispusă este unul dureros și insuportabil.... Dar Orhun a reușit să-i aline măcar puțin sufletul..,
    E bine că Hira a vorbit . cu psihologul și a spus adevărul despre Orhun și Sahara 💖❤💔
    Tată și fiică ❤
    Hira ❤ Orhun ❤ Sahara 💖❤💔💔💔💔💔💔💔

    • @catalinneagu2608
      @catalinneagu2608 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

      Este un pas mare înainte…❤️

    • @mihaelacotovan3971
      @mihaelacotovan3971 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Încet încet adevărul es ese la suprafață.. 💝

  • @AliceWright-o7e
    @AliceWright-o7e 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +5

    Hiria needs to tell Orhurn everything. When Sarah needs dad Orhurn was right there and protect her from bad guys
    Wake up Hiria Tell him everything and what his momma dearest did also.

  • @Eric-cl2it
    @Eric-cl2it 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +3

    Only if Hira knew that Orhun got nothing to do with the abortion

  • @Halima-c5d
    @Halima-c5d 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    it's amazing to see OrSah scenes, the little one has every confidence in her (uncle) father. with her little arms around him. that says a lot. she trusts him. and thanks to him she will be able to talk again. Orhun feels his girl very well, as if he can see through her. and he knows very well what his girl feels. when Hira sees that. she regains her confidence in Orhun. OrHir is getting closer and closer. their girl makes their relationship a little smoother. and so Hira can tell the truth herself, with a little help from psychology and the little one, things will turn out well for them. Afife doesn't know what awaits her. I can't wait for Orhun to find out that this is all her doing.

    • @catalinneagu2608
      @catalinneagu2608 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Mi-a plăcut comentariul🤓❤️mai ales: “ Afife nu știe ce o așteaptă” sper așa să fie…sper și cred😊❤️🇷🇴

  • @ElenildaLaia-u8g
    @ElenildaLaia-u8g 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    um sofrimento que sahra é horun não precisava passar .hira sempre foi guerreira poderia muito bem ter criado sahra sozinha e ter falado quem era o pai.....mas enfim...amo esaret ❤❤dias melhores virão ❤❤

  • @teoriafnaf1708
    @teoriafnaf1708 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +3

    E muito injusto Orum não saber que e o pai,

  • @amraniamrani7943
    @amraniamrani7943 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +4

    والله حرام كل هذا العذاب كلاكم معذبون اورهون وصحرا وانت هيرا قولي الحقيقة ورياحي نفسك من المعانات لماذا هذا كله على شان بنتك صحرا،انظر كيف تحضن صحرا اولدها بكل حب ماذا تنتظرين هيرا.. ماشاء الله جميلة جداً احبك ايتها الاميرة الهادئة وناعمة مثل القطن مااجملك طفلة، مسكين اورهون يتمنى ان تكون لديه
    طفلة كي تلعب بألعابه صغيرة انه جميل مع طفلته وحنون انه يتألم بمعانتها بفقدانها لرجل لذي اهتم بيها زي بنته اتمنى ان تخبر الطبيبة اورهون

  • @cassildamaria170
    @cassildamaria170 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +3

    ❤❤❤😢😢 Orum faz de tudo para ajudar a Sarha sem saber que é sua filha quando ele descobrir tuda verdade ai é que vai ser Afife vai pagar pelo mal a cena mais linda foi Orum com a sua filha no colo lindo demais ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

    • @catalinneagu2608
      @catalinneagu2608 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Va plăti Afife?

  • @helenaquintanilha5097
    @helenaquintanilha5097 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +4

    Há mais de 6 meses que não assisto essa série porque não tem tradução para português. Assisto séries tão baratas dos nomades do Irã em vários idiomas como português e hoje passei por aqui para ver se já haviam evoluídos e nada.

    • @luisalibanoriartiaga6095
      @luisalibanoriartiaga6095 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

      No TH-cam do computador tem legendas para todos os países. vai em legendas, vai em turco em legendas e aparecer traduzir automaticamente

  • @333terekia
    @333terekia 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +3

    Aziz sister is a real drama queen,attention seeker,a manipulative woman, and a loud mouth.Her role tonight and every other night is the highlight of her character she acts in,How hard it must be,even though I dislike her character how she mistreat her ill father,but she played it to her best.💯👌

    • @catalinneagu2608
      @catalinneagu2608 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Este cam o Afife…mai mică …nu-și exagerează rolu chia ca Afife…dar este un personaj negativ…și se evidențiază…cred

  • @AndreaDomingos-c2j
    @AndreaDomingos-c2j 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +4

    Orhun dado tudo apoio pra hira nesse momento difícil bravo 👏✨🙏❤️

  • @vioricabocsa9112
    @vioricabocsa9112 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    Orhun ❤️Sara ❤️❤️❤️😇. Hira ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖👏👏👏👏🤞🤞🤞🤞

  • @alessandrapereira25519
    @alessandrapereira25519 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    Será que esse escritório tem câmera com áudio ? só desse jeito que orhun descobre a verdade😂😂😂

  • @assmalahmaza7679
    @assmalahmaza7679 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +5

    اسعد الله مساءكم بكل محبي الأسيرة فصل جديد من حكاية الأسيرة التي لم تعرف الفرح يوما بسبب قلوب لا تعرف الحب قاسيه جدا تدمر كل شيء جميل وسيدة الجليد عفيفة التي تدمر حياة أبنها مرة أخرى دون أن تشعر بالندم والذنب 😢😢😢تفضل آلموت علي قبول صحراء حفيدة لها وهيرا فراد من عائلتها حتى مشاهد صحراء واورهون كانت دافئة تنبض فرحاً بالحب الابوي دون مقدمات يقال أن الحب يقوى عندما تشعر بالفقد والخسارة فهو لا يحتويه المكان او الزمان هكذا كانت مشاعر عزيز أيضا تجاه اليف سيحارب قلبه لكنه يستحق أن يكون سعيدا وتشفى جراح الماضي بسبب حبه لي اليف كلاهما لهما نفس الماضي والوجع لا أعرف لما لا توجد سعادة وحياة مليئة بالفرح في قاموس الكاتبة فالحياة رائعة بكل تفاصيلها وألوان الطيف التي تميز كل فصولها فهي لسيت دائمة المطر والغيوم لان هناك فصل اسمه للربيع دافئ يشرق مع شروق الشمس دائما وبه اللون الحب التي تجعل القلب يرقص فرحا سنرى اين يأخذنا هدا الجنون وكيف سيكون عليه مصير الجميع لأننا تعودنا علي قلم وجنون يعشق النكد وعدو الفرح

  • @teoriafnaf1708
    @teoriafnaf1708 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +3

    Tão triste ele nunca vai saber que e o pai dela😢😢😢😢

    • @catalinneagu2608
      @catalinneagu2608 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Asta nu o cred…va sti…dar inca nu e momentul…inca nu sunt episoadele programate

  • @DavidSantos-qj9xg
    @DavidSantos-qj9xg 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +5

    Vamos lá ver se é desta vez que o Orhun vai saber que é o pai verdadeiro da Sara a Hira está a demorar muito tempo para contar tudo ao Orhun está a ficar chato nunca mais são felizes para sempre os três juntos e as cobras estão sempre a ganhar nunca mais são castigados todos bjs da Ana Castro de Portugal 🇵🇹🤭😘🥰🫂❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏☹️😞😔😝😡💥💣🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️👍

    • @catalinneagu2608
      @catalinneagu2608 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Încă nu-i spune nimeni adevărul lui Orhun…poate săptămâna viitoare …eu așa soer

  • @AndreaDomingos-c2j
    @AndreaDomingos-c2j 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +3

    Vai começar mais um capítulo emocionante da minha série favorita Esaret ❤🇧🇷👏

  • @nellyg8672
    @nellyg8672 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    Hira ❤ Orhun ❤Sahra 🤗

  • @ЛюдмилаЯгибекова-ч9ж
    @ЛюдмилаЯгибекова-ч9ж 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    Зачем еду выбрасывает каждый раз, относис к еде уважительно Али, ты герой с девушкой в войне целый день. Тогда не принеси домой продукты

  • @laurasworld891
    @laurasworld891 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    Sooooooo hard to a woman manage his child survive

  • @fatimamarques9222
    @fatimamarques9222 11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    Hoje foi um capítulo com muita ternura ❤❤Sahara Orhon 😢😢Hira está na hora de de deixar a magoa de lado e contar a verdade aos dois pai e filha eles já gostam muito um do outro portanto coragem e conta logo e sejam todos felizes,,, coitada da Life e o senhor doente o, filha ruim 😡😡😡♥️♥️👣✨✨✨🇵🇹😘😘😘

  • @snikersss227
    @snikersss227 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    Orxunga zaxro uni qizi ekanligini aetish kerak

  • @MonicaCunha-v2z
    @MonicaCunha-v2z 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    Essa psicóloga não vai falar nada a série será mais esticada um pouco misericórdia

  • @alialbadani3530
    @alialbadani3530 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    جنيك محاسن اريا ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @Раиса-ь7з
    @Раиса-ь7з 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +5

    Очень красивая семья❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂

    • @enejohnson3464
      @enejohnson3464 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

      😊 Seria ainda mais linda se Hira revelasse a verdade pra Orhun ❤❤❤

  • @FatimaFelander
    @FatimaFelander 11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    Orhun was very calming and careling towards Hira ❤ the way Orhun showed Sarah's the toy's the little one did not respond sad it Reminds Orhun of his childhood where Afife came in dam.. Afifa is the past and present of all her creulness😮😢.. Hira opened up toward the doctor!!! Will she tells Orhun? I dont think so.. a twist maybe? Aziz starting to care for Elife but still don't wants to admit it.. Listen to papa Bru.. Aziz must focus on his bad sister.. she is abusing their dad "" now she knows Elife is alive.. She gonna make things difficult ufff!!! 😊. Let see what tomorrow brings us.. ❤❤❤❤

    • @catalinneagu2608
      @catalinneagu2608 11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Îi va spune Hira și despre maltratarea Afifei și despre avort?

  • @AndreaDomingos-c2j
    @AndreaDomingos-c2j 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    Muitas emoções nesse capítulo de hoje meus amigos 😃👏✨

  • @celiasantos7218
    @celiasantos7218 11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Essa irmã de Aziz é uma psicopata não é possível ela maltratar o próprio pai, sendo ele idoso e doente!😮😤
    Que Hira conte logo a verdade ao Orhun. É muito sofrimento, tanto pra eles três quanto pra gente que assistimos!😢😢

  • @paladintensei7974
    @paladintensei7974 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    Ya q salga toda la verdad ya porfa ❤❤❤❤❤❤ ohrun hira sahra juntos ❤❤❤❤

  • @luciadejesusmalaquias5228
    @luciadejesusmalaquias5228 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    Vai dizer que ela confiar muito nele .porque a hira relatou .
    Pra ele representa o pai para Sarah melhorar

  • @OğuzƏliyev
    @OğuzƏliyev 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    ❤ ORHUN HİRA Sahra için her bir şey yapmağa hazır ne kadar iyi kalbli bir insan ❤❤❤

  • @crispinianasantos8585
    @crispinianasantos8585 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +3

    Coloca legenda em português por favor ❤❤❤
    Hoje eu estava assistindo a 2 temporada mais uma vez era toda em português as legendas

    • @luisalibanoriartiaga6095
      @luisalibanoriartiaga6095 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Eu sempre assisto os anteriores, tenho muitos favoritos.

    • @luisalibanoriartiaga6095
      @luisalibanoriartiaga6095 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      No TH-cam do computador tem legendas para todos os países. vai em legendas, vai em turco, em legendas e aparece traduzir automaticamente

  • @tiyasadas8544
    @tiyasadas8544 11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Now another person know the fact but not Orhun. Let's wait for that moment when he will know it.

  • @cothaineystein2976
    @cothaineystein2976 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    Sahra is grieving for the only father she knows while Orhun is trying to help her bringing comfort to his daughter is heartbreaking to watch💔. Orhun holding Sahra was what she needed. While Hira was confessing to Dr. Betül when she shared what Orhun did for Sahra there was a slight smile with affection in her voice ❤. Orhun will learn nothing from Dr. Betül 😂. Episode 429 (50th episode) falls on Christmas Eve so will a good episode be shown so we can have a good Christmas 🎄 😂?
    My plot twist is Afife and Orhun are not mother and son. Setting aside Nihan and Nurşah for this scenario. He was switched at birth. Turns out the neighborhood bald mafia dude is actually Afife’s son. He’s already a bad guy like Afife 😂😂😂. Orhun can finally break free from Afife and take his family and get on with lives ❤🎉. What would Afife do if she learned Orhun is not a noble son of her blood 😂? Would she disown him, hmm?

    • @catalinneagu2608
      @catalinneagu2608 11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Un scenariu interesant …și chiar ar fi ceva la care nimeni nu s-ar fi gândit vreodată…surpriza scenariștilor…ar fi..🫢🤓

    • @catalinneagu2608
      @catalinneagu2608 11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Și Afife va fi pedepsită ? dacă Orhun afla ca a dus-o pe Hira la avort o va pedepsi…întrebarea este, va afla vreodată de avort? Chiar dacă se află ca Orhun este tatăl s-ar putea să fie doar o jumătate de adevă și cu Neva…minciuna ei ca Cihangir s-a sinucis a rămas ca un mare adevăr…

  • @90milessouthco65
    @90milessouthco65 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    Aziz sister is as bad as Afife

  • @mariabakulu9974
    @mariabakulu9974 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    Mr lover boy lover 😂❤ Orhun our own Igwe 👑👑👑👑

  • @monafayez1633
    @monafayez1633 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +4

    جينك محاسن اريا ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @NankingaTeo-b2n
    @NankingaTeo-b2n 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +9

    We are this way with Elif-Azi🥰🥰those who Skip Aziz you miss alot♥️♥️I love this sturbon lion

  • @raquelpereirasantos9433
    @raquelpereirasantos9433 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +4

    Isso é sério cadê a legenda em português Brasil llllllllll ❤❤❤❤❤❤😂😢😢😢

    • @luisalibanoriartiaga6095
      @luisalibanoriartiaga6095 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      No TH-cam do computador tem legendas para todos os países. vai em legendas, vai em turco em legendas e aparecer traduzir automaticamente

  • @rosangelaaparecidadurigand9905
    @rosangelaaparecidadurigand9905 11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    ❤❤❤❤A Sahra foi para colocar do verdadeiro pai Orhun ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @SueliDuarte-e5v
    @SueliDuarte-e5v 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    Daqui à pouco estou falando turco também entendo ne minha ligua direito sou do brasil

  • @carolsisk7189
    @carolsisk7189 11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    I am really, really tired of AZIZ being so mean. I was really hoping he was going to change for the better. It’s hard to watch all that aggression and evilness.

  • @fehimejosefsson1972
    @fehimejosefsson1972 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤artik hira orhuna gercekleri söylesin❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @elianemgambinrocha8194
    @elianemgambinrocha8194 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    Comecei a ver esse capítulo. Sei q bão falar com psicóloga. A Dra. poderia dizer pra Orun pra internar a mãezinha dele. A velha q é um caroço

    • @catalinneagu2608
      @catalinneagu2608 11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Este un pas mare înainte în poveste…vom vedea …ar fi bine să-i spună Hira totul…dacă vor continua ședințele….ar fi ceva bun…surprizător într-un scenariu ca atât de multe abuzuri…

  • @AndreaDomingos-c2j
    @AndreaDomingos-c2j 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    Aziz e elif 💔😭❤️‍🩹

  • @evajacinta73
    @evajacinta73 11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Orghun é sayhra muito lindos..... paí e filha ❤❤❤ muito triste Hira perdeu confiança em todos e parabéns pra psicóloga que fez belíssimo trabalho ao colocar Hira pra contar sua história pena que não falou divórcio e o aborto provocado pôr causa de afife 😮😮😮 pra que aparecer essa sonsa sem graça de Dafne sem noção e intrometida é conselheira 😮😮., espero sinceramente que Orghun descubra logo sobre Sahra e principalmente todos horrores que Hira viveu com Afife e venha todos tipos de torturas tempestade que afife merece pra ser castigada......sem noção esse segundo núcleo ohhhhh não está funcionando

  • @luljetam.844
    @luljetam.844 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +3

    Suzan nje djall I vertete,me te lig Nuk mund te eksistoj ne faqen e dheut,Ve dore te babai i saj,o Zot Ca njerez mizor

    • @catalinneagu2608
      @catalinneagu2608 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      O altă Afife…se străduiește să fie ca Afife…

  • @NazaAbuzarova-wq6kg
    @NazaAbuzarova-wq6kg 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Melhamet deyil seni sevyor awiq olmuş😂😂😂😂

  • @90milessouthco65
    @90milessouthco65 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Aziz love his father dearly

  • @IdalinaFernandes-q1w
    @IdalinaFernandes-q1w 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +3

    Je déteste Sète fille qui maltraité sont per 😢😢😢😢,se pénible a regardé 😢😢😢

  • @SalhaTalbi-v3d
    @SalhaTalbi-v3d 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    الدبلجة من فضلك مع الشكر❤

  • @LuciaBessa-eu1ii
    @LuciaBessa-eu1ii 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    Com certeza a psicóloga não vai contar pq no próximo episódio ele ainda não sabe como mostra o fragman 😒

  • @jucelenerighez2106
    @jucelenerighez2106 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    Já deu autora! Para de enrolação e passa a dar vazão a algo mais felicidades na vida de mãe e filha...

  • @raquelpereirasantos9433
    @raquelpereirasantos9433 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    Cadê a legenda em português Brasil llllllllll ❤❤❤❤❤❤ isso é sério 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @Мишаня-с4ы
    @Мишаня-с4ы 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +6

    Сахрушичка, прелист,, умничка,, сладинкая,, девчушичка,,❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🧚‍♀️🧚‍♂️👨‍👩‍👧👑

    • @Раиса-ь7з
      @Раиса-ь7з 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      И это правда😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

    • @ritapassos9991
      @ritapassos9991 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Dói, foi muito vê essa pequena sofrendo tanto ❤❤❤ porque que orhun não descobri esse segredo gente 😢

  • @svetaKoval-s3t
    @svetaKoval-s3t 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤Орхун Сахра и Хира

  • @AndreaDomingos-c2j
    @AndreaDomingos-c2j 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    Boa tarde meus amigos virtuais ✨

  • @claretsilva9779
    @claretsilva9779 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    Susan piton.affff.qdo será que aziz vai descobrir que ela ruim.

  • @raquelpereirasantos9433
    @raquelpereirasantos9433 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +3

    Por favor legenda em português Brasil llllllllll ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @snikersss227
    @snikersss227 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Xirani qizi namunca xiradan utadi basharasi yoqmiedi qizi xam uziga uxshaedi tezroq ekrandan olib tashlanglar

  • @TahirəQuluyeva
    @TahirəQuluyeva 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Qardaşlıq bacısı bunlar hamısı parabaşdır vallah

  • @sandraoliveira8412
    @sandraoliveira8412 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    Por favor legenda em português!

  • @WahibaDjemaa
    @WahibaDjemaa 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    سلام عليكم متتبعين الاسير لقد هاد سيناريوا علي الصحراء يعني على اتعلق بالهيرا كونه يتيم الام اما صحراء كونها فقدت ابيها الى مو ابيها و راح تتعلق باوهان 🎉❤❤❤❤

  • @sandralins5695
    @sandralins5695 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    Capítulo em Português 😢😢😢😢😢😅

  • @shakielakarim6178
    @shakielakarim6178 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Thank you for uploading ❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @souhadmounchit5021
    @souhadmounchit5021 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Très belle série j adore les acteurs ❤❤❤

  • @wendyholness3626
    @wendyholness3626 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +4

    Cant waittill tomorrowepisode

  • @atlasnovruzova736
    @atlasnovruzova736 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Bu musiqi adamın əsəblərinə toxunur heç olmasa səsin zəif verin

  • @dinoraxudoynazarova5812
    @dinoraxudoynazarova5812 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Thanks you for translate in Uzbek ❤❤

  • @erikamariana8312
    @erikamariana8312 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    Queremos legendas em português

  • @erikamariana8312
    @erikamariana8312 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Vou avabar falando turco de tanto. assistir essa série

    @SEHRANEHACİMURADOVA-o3i 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    İlk yemekleri❤yasasin

  • @franmoreira5134
    @franmoreira5134 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2


  • @HelenaMelo-of7cy
    @HelenaMelo-of7cy 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2


  • @nadinestpaul912
    @nadinestpaul912 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2


  • @roza-ii2zd
    @roza-ii2zd 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    😢Katile kez

  • @lucinalima9268
    @lucinalima9268 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    Boa tarde porfavor português

  • @Laianadesousa
    @Laianadesousa 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Poxa gostaria tanto de ver os episódios com legendas em português 😢

  • @elvirahalabak1360
    @elvirahalabak1360 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Hira sag Sahara die weihte das orhun ist der Vater ❤❤❤