*HALLELUJAH!Somebody reading this needs to know that stressful situation is coming to a peaceful & satisfying end.GOD is sending financial help,life changing blessings, & miracles your way!*
I rewatch these sermons everytime I get chemotherapy. It reminds me that Here is Holy and He is changing me. I was so focused on there until I got stopped in my tracks. Everything I thought I knew went up in smoke. Here, I listen, because I can't save myself. There, I prayed, but didn't listen because I kept my mind and body busy. Here, I'm weak, vulnerable, lost and completely dependent on God's grace and mercy. Glory be to God in the Highest!
God bless you, Julie. It's very humbling to read your words. May God heal you and give you grace upon grace. Thank you for sharing and reminding me to be still while it's optional.
Lord I bring the war between Ukraine and Russia, please cease it King. Nothing is too hard for you Lord Jesus. Touch the hearts of those people, protect them as well. I will be back here to testify when the war is ceased….. Someone say amen 🙏
Starting early is the best way of getting ahead to build wealth,investing remains the priority. Forex trading has plenty of opportunities to earn a decent payout,with the right skills and proper understanding of how the market works
What a striking coincidence,Expert Mrs blossom Jefferson changed my financial life tremendously I was able to pay off my loan $50000 with her methods, her method works like magic
I’ve stepped in obedience with end of the year offering and two years later my husband got a huge promotion and I’ve started selling my artwork. God is good. Trust Him!!
You guys don't know how much this message aligns with what God has been showing me my life this year... he really wants me to take this year to grow roots in him, write an album, and improve my instrument skills. I only have a part time job and a few occasional gigs but it's just enough to pay my rent and gives me free time the rest of the day to stay in his presence. But I don't want to look back at the end of this year and wonder what could have happened or say in 5 years "if only I would have known I would have done it early. I'm ready to stop fighting God and I'm going to go all in this year!!
I don’t know how TH-cam ads work but an ad for florida popped up and it said “here restores you, here surprises you, here is where you’re meant to be” I thought it was a TC add at first ! But it was definitely a confirmation. HERE is HOLY!!
I promise you. I’ve never heard a sermon so clear ever in my life man. This is such a moment for me. I’ve made a REAL commitment this year to let God just lead the way. I’m not perfect, yet God is ALWAYS giving me the opportunity to turn back around to him through whatever! I’ll come home from church just before your sermon starts so I can make sure I was here for this series. I missed today’s live from being tired from my overnight shift. I had been seeing you via my IG feed all day and it wasn’t until tonight that the holy spirit led me to coming to TH-cam knowing your sermons are lengthy and I wanted to be scrolling for probably the same amount of time… 😅 to make a long story short, this message was definitely for me, and I still made it HERE for the whole series without even trying on my own! So this was a HERE WE GO moment because I can say “God I’ll watch it tomorrow, let me see what’s on my news feed” real quick!!! And STILL came here!! AHHHHH! I love how God can use you to use yourself as an example through it all. That was a key light bulb for me. You are so right to keep this going all year because if I can be transparent, the messages God keeps giving you is stored within me to help me get closer with him! I truly loved this series with all my heart ❤️❤️❤️ God bless everyone who’s lives are being transformed through God’s children🙏🏾
The first 10 minutes of this sermon was confirmation for something that God spoke to me this weekend. I have been believing God for somethings. My mom said to me “you want God to bless you? MOVE!” I felt that in my spirit so much so I knew it was God. I had a mind conversation with God after that and I said “I don’t know what to do. How am I suppose to move?” He said “ I already told you what to do. Move! Just move a little bit. Just move one day and WATCH me do the rest!” When Pastor Mike said “take one step” I knew that God really has spoken to me!!!
I am a 65 year old woman and I started watching you Pastor Mike Todd a few months ago through my son who is an online Transformation Church Member 🤗 we live in California. Almighty God is using Transformation Church to Truly transforming our lives!!!! My thinking is being Transformed, my mind is being Transformed, my faith is Transforming by Leaps and bounds!!!! Almighty God is building me daily into "Crazier Faith"!!!! Thank you so much for being Obedient to Almighty God and the call on your life from Him! In the Mighty Name of Jesus The Christ we Bless Transformation Church..... We bless you Pastor Mike Todd and your family in Jesus Holy Mighty name!!!🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽😇😇 May the Lord GOD Almighty continue to bless you, your family and Transformation Church, Mightily, Richly Abundant.....for the blessing you All are being to the Body of Christ!!!! We love you, we pray for you and we supportYOU! Thank you!!!!!!!! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽😇😇😇💖💖💖
Lord Jesus, you died for me on the cross, help me value the "here" , to face the cross and to follow your lead no matter what...change my life for good and please make me a living testimony in Jesus name...
Lord I pray you lead me to good things this school year and watch over me every and any where I go lord, I thank you for everything you have done for me and every one else lord amen🙏🏽, this was the best testimony I ever heard,I needed this🫶🏽.
I had this word queued up and was literally asking God why it feels like I'm constantly fighting against Him, instead of flowing with Him. Gotta love it. ;)
This song needs to be recorded with these lyrics. It's so anointed. I will wait on you in the secret place, fall unto my knees.....Thank you Jesus. Powerful message!
I recorded the worship and looped it for about an hour. God met me in that worship moment as I professed the words..."I will wait on You, in the secret place...Falling to my knees, I'll seek Your face!" I am so grateful for TC and the worship team...so anointed! Thank you for leading us ALWAYS to the presence of God. Here is Holy! 🙏🏾❤
Like.. really.. (holds my chest) ✋🏾 yes I’m dramatic 😂.. but on the real the way God uses Pastor Mike is insane! The part about friendship made me cry so bad. Lol. So many gems clarified the answers I’ve been looking for! God is always with us in every situation! & will continue to give us everything as long as we stay present and obey! May God continue to cover you and your family Pastor Mike! Keep walking in your truth and being one of God’s genuine vessels. 🌹🙏🏾
God bless me with the right community. Please me with friends and support that loves you God. Please me with people who sent by You Lord to hold me up, hold me accountable and hold me to Christ! Amen
Thina, you should think about joining a belong group. And/or joining a small group at your local church. But I pray the Lord reveal to you the community He has for you even if it may mean that you may need to create it in this season
Me and my son have started getting into the habit of praying for everything. We pray to be able to hold our pee while we’re in the car without a pull up on because we’re potty training. And God DOES!!!!! One day my son was so tired of me keeping him up from his nap and he closed his eyes and clasped his hands and started praying…. He was one so we didn’t know what he was saying 😂 but God did ‼️
Lord i am obsessed with this pastors preaching he has made me realize things I’ve been so blind and death to. Thank you pastor Michael Todd. May God continue to bless you so that that you can lead people like me to God with understanding of this process!
I love when Pr Mike comes in with the cool spirit vs the hype. Something about it feels like sitting down with a friend in your living room having a personal heart to heart conversation about the Lord. Praise God for this message!
HERE IS HOLY. Thank you, God, for blessing me here, so my there will be greater, as long as I trust in you with all of my heart, I will see that where you have me here is relating to the purpose and placement you have for me there.
Sometimes you have to encourage yourself Sometimes you have to speak victory during the test And no matter how you feel Speak the word, and you will be healed Speak over yourself Encourage yourself in the Lord #here
Father, thank you for this man’s existence (pastor Michael Todd). I love you, my brethren. Thanking God for the wisdom He develops inside you. I don’t care what the world says about you. You are special, unique and anointed and I appreacite you. What’s funny is that I am the Hispanic version of you. LOL! Always be encouraged brother.
"You're too big not to go" LORDDD!!! Pastor mike meant it literally, but the spirit is speaking! God sees your potential and everything he's placed inside of you. You are TOO great on the inside not to go, You are too BIG on the inside to sell yourself short. God instilled so much greatness inside of you for you to settle. Don't let fear stop you, You MUST GO!!
Living in central Minnesota my wife and I both listen to your sermons throughout the day and then will discuss with each other what impacted us. We have both listened to crazy faith a couple of times. It impacted our lives so much we bought the book and gave it to our pastor when he baptized us. Thank you for being real through everything you do!
Thank you Pst Mike and Natalie for living transparently. People like me appreciate the example you all lead by. No perfection, but definitely progressing. God bless you both. Sending lots of love ❤️
God sat me HERE (BACK TO BACK FRACTURES), TO SIT ME HERE (TO HEAR THIS SERMON). All my life I suffered fractures, but my life has been GOVERNED BY UNFRACTURED FAITH. Amen
I am well, today is the 7th day of bed rest from back to back fractures. I hadca tibial plateu fracture on Feb. fisrt. I went back to work on Feb. 23 and on Feb. 24 after getting off of work I slipped on black ice again and fractured both sides of ankle. But, to God be the GLORY, I never would have HEARD this sermon. I would have heard it, but not heard it. I did the Daniel fast with you all and I am believing God to do a miraculous work in me, and send me to do a miraculous work for Him.
This sermon had me wrecked! I was in a complete puddle by the end of worship. 😭😭😭 This sermon was straight 🔥🔥🔥🔥! Thank you for being a vessel, Pastor Mike! 🙏🏾
I remember when my son was diagnosed with schizophrenia and at one time he was having one of his episodes, it got to the point I just would mentally and emotionally prepare myself when he had these episodes. This is the phrase that I would use, " HERE WE GO AGAIN LORD" and in my mind, that meant, I was surrendering my will to God for whatever the outcome that he allowed, and I had to trust him. So when I heard pastor Todd preaching on this, it brought back memories of this mantra that I would say. HERE WE GO !
I first started started listening to pastor Michael Todd in 2020 and my whole perspective on life changed I could relate so much to what he was saying and then I went back into my old ways and habits. Then the spit hit the fan and I started watching him again. I am not perfect but God is speaking to me every day and especially through pastor Michael Todd. So this year I'm saying here we go and not fighting with God. I am ready to serve💕🙏
This really hit home. I found out recently that my single mom that raised me has stage four cancer and I was a wreck. I felt like I just got knocked down. But my community carried me through and continues to carry me through one of the hardest seasons of my life and I’m so thankful because I was in a position where I realized that right here I’m surrounded by so much love and support
I know I'm watching this late. but man of God!!! you keep coming and coming and lifting me up to where I know God wants me to be! I cover you and your family in the blood of Jesus and declare NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOU OR YOUR FAMILY SHALL PROSPER! Sending you and Natalie so much love. you have NO IDEA how God is using you in my life. HERE WE GO!!!
I don't think I can ever go back to my old way of thinking after watching this sermon series. I even cramped it in order to share with colleagues during our 10 minute devotion in the morning. Thank you Pastor Mikse for being obedient in sharing God's word.
Here we go! Thank you Man of God. This reached my daughter in prison and she call me at home and was crying because she felt God's presence and she said Pastor Michael Todd spoke in a way that I understand and "Here we go" is what I will say for the rest of my life,
Pastor Todd, from Argentina, this Catholic woman thanks you for bringing so MUCH LIGHT to my Catholic life... I pray God the day will come when Christians and Catholics UNITE so that His Kingdom comes! I truly believe that the anointment you guys have to preach the Word together with our Eucharistic Sacrament will light the world on FIRE!
@Contact ➕❶❾❼❷❺⓿❸❾❷❶❹ thank you for taking the time to respond! I am here to stay to learn more about the Word of God! May God bless you and your family
I can testify that God just wants obedience and for us to trust in him. Yesterday I went into an area where it was my first time being there and went there because he said I should go there and I promise God provided everything necessary for my journey to be smooth. He chose people to help me and I recieved more than I bargained for. Everywhere I went, I recieved favour from people because he and him alone appointed them to be right there and that moment and just help me. There were obviously bumps along the way but my God is so faithful he kept saying "Do not be afraid, I am with you" Isaiah 43. If you are reading this and you are a bit hesitant, just know that he is indeed patient with us, so patient and so loving but the moment you just lean. Just that little leaning will transform your life. Our heavenly father will create a way right in front of you which will surpass your own understanding.. He is so gentle so sometimes he reveals himself in subtle things because he is such an overwhelming holy Spirit! So he always does things according to how we can take it. Which is why it is important to keep leaning on him. The more you do the more he reveals himself. The more you're under the shadow of his wigs, the more you're hidden in him the more he shows and his voice gets louder to a point where it becomes much easier to know that it is him that is speaking. Baby steps. I am not there yet but I am here and I am loving each and every moment spent with my friend Jesus. God bless you on your journey. This relationship is worth anything. Give him whatever he asks. Give him.
hands down the best sermon illustration of all time when he said a person going through a divorce and bout to hit face on ground and the church caught him and held him up with support...wow...that bless me...my msrriage is blessed by God but that illustration was dope
This message is so powerful... I swear if I were in the Pastor Todd position with the story jumping in the air I will ask you are ok yourself...But his experience and message talk to my spirit... Guess my surprise I found his book relationship goals and not living without buying... ''May God gives me a Here We Go, Heart'' in this year. And obedience to agree with Him without argument to His Will. I have a lot in my heart and a lot going on and slowly day by day Jesus is washing away my trauma, hurt and fears, and everything in between. I agree with Pastor Todd ''valuing your Here to take you where you want to be or go"' and having a ''Strong We circle that holds you when you down and motivates you and believes in you''.Blessed you all through this message.
Here is Holy this have been right on and I am so blessed that your sermons have been a blessing in our life and our children's life. Where I'm at is sacred
I'm loving pastor Michael Todd Soo much, I'm lead youth pastor soul harvest nairobi Kenya you preach to me,I believe you equip ministers with your teaching to go out there and gather harvest for God
The single most important message of all prophets to their people was to worship God alone and none else and to follow His teachings. All of them, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, Jesus, Muhammad and others, in addition to those we do not know - invited people to worship God and shun false gods. Moses declared:"Hear, O Israel The Lord our God is one Lord."(Deuteronomy 6:4). This was repeated 1500years later by Jesus, when he said: "The first of all the commandments is, ‘Hear, O Israel; the Lord our God is one Lord.’(Mark 12:29) So, the greatest commandment, the most important belief according to Jesus, is that God is one. If Jesus was God he would have said, ‘I am God, worship me.’ Instead, he merely repeated a verse from the Old Testament confirming that God is One. This aligns with the mission of Jesus, as taught in Islam, where Jesus was sent to the Children of Israel to confirm the message of the past Prophets - to believe in the One True God. most Christians nowadays believe in trinity.. Jesus said i came not to destroy the commandments of moses i came just to fulfill. Muslims reject the Christian belief that God is a Trinity, not only because the Quran rejects it, but also because if this was God’s true nature, He would have clearly revealed it to Abraham, Noah, Jesus and all of the other prophets. ISLAM is the submission in worship to Allah Alone and it is the essence of all the Messages sent to all nations before us. Allah is All-Just and All-Wise. He does not intend confusion for His Creation. The religion accepted to Him is the one chosen by Him. Its essence must be One, because He is One. It is free from geographical, racist, and status oriented concepts. It is Perfect and it is the complete way of life. All these qualities are chosen by Allah in His Only Religion: Islam. Its details are in in the Qur’an, read it and come with an open heart because none can expose better than the World of Allah. The Qur’an was revealed to Prophet Muhammad. He did not author it. He was unlettered. Its translation is available in many languages in bookstores or in an Islamic Center close to you. Take the time to read it and come/call the Islamic Center, or speak to someone who re-verted and submitted to Allah Alone. Watch some discussions between Christians and Muslims👇 (One Message Foundation) Thank you for reading the comment🌸 ..............................................................................................
I love this entire passage ‼️ this is the year for HERE I hear so many of us always saying next year imma do this or imma do that BUT WHAT DOES GOD SAY DO‼️ THANK YOU FOR MY HERE FATHER GOD I MAY CRY KICK SCREAM BUT IT WILL BE WORTH IT ‼️
What a beautiful eisegetical preaching 🥲. We just love taking Scripture out of context so it implies something that the Scripture has nothing to do with. The Word of God is alive and active so you don't need to take Scripture out of context to preach something. Watered down Gospel, life application sermons that don't have nothing to do with your walk with Jesus.
Amen sometimes you can't tell. Sometimes I am mean and repel my family. Also it is important to be surrounded by the right people for support, encouragement to help pick me up.
I absolutely feel God every time I hear one of your sermons. I watch you daily and I'd like to give praise to God for speaking to me through you. I've came to a home in Mountain Grove, MO to learn how to become a disciple for the Lord; which has been amazing and I applied for a new career, something I would of never done; if I hadn't heard these messages. every day I wake up saying "Here Is Holy, Here I am, Have Your way with me Lord". So thankyou for being the vessel for the Lord.....
*HALLELUJAH!Somebody reading this needs to know that stressful situation is coming to a peaceful & satisfying end.GOD is sending financial help,life changing blessings, & miracles your way!*
Why are we HERE?☂️☂️🌠🌠
I recieve it thank u i. Jesus name
@@jasminerose6956 🤗🤗🤗🤗
I receive that! Amen! Thank you
*As you're reading this today March is going to be a big experience consecutive wins,healing, unexpected blessings, & spiritual growth!!!*
Glory to God
I receive this...amen!
I rewatch these sermons everytime I get chemotherapy. It reminds me that Here is Holy and He is changing me. I was so focused on there until I got stopped in my tracks. Everything I thought I knew went up in smoke. Here, I listen, because I can't save myself. There, I prayed, but didn't listen because I kept my mind and body busy. Here, I'm weak, vulnerable, lost and completely dependent on God's grace and mercy. Glory be to God in the Highest!
God bless you, Julie. It's very humbling to read your words. May God heal you and give you grace upon grace. Thank you for sharing and reminding me to be still while it's optional.
Amen Julie. I am in agreement with you
Amen, Here we go!!
AMEN!! In Jesus name I declare divine healing for you, Here Is Holy!!
Lord I bring the war between Ukraine and Russia, please cease it King. Nothing is too hard for you Lord Jesus. Touch the hearts of those people, protect them as well. I will be back here to testify when the war is ceased….. Someone say amen 🙏
Amen! I have crazy faith for it! God will do it in Jesus name.🙏🏽
@@loricaldon2577 amen
Starting early is the best way of getting ahead to build wealth,investing remains the priority. Forex trading has plenty of opportunities to earn a decent payout,with the right skills and proper understanding of how the market works
Talking about being successful! I know am blessed because if not I wouldn't have met someone who is as spectacular as expert Mrs Blossom Jefferson
This is really helpful for my situation,please how can I get intouch with her?
What a striking coincidence,Expert Mrs blossom Jefferson changed my financial life tremendously I was able to pay off my loan $50000 with her methods, her method works like magic
seeking for her contact details? 👇
Here is Holy because God is HERE
I’ve stepped in obedience with end of the year offering and two years later my husband got a huge promotion and I’ve started selling my artwork. God is good. Trust Him!!
You guys don't know how much this message aligns with what God has been showing me my life this year... he really wants me to take this year to grow roots in him, write an album, and improve my instrument skills. I only have a part time job and a few occasional gigs but it's just enough to pay my rent and gives me free time the rest of the day to stay in his presence. But I don't want to look back at the end of this year and wonder what could have happened or say in 5 years "if only I would have known I would have done it early. I'm ready to stop fighting God and I'm going to go all in this year!!
God is with you amen
My God!!!! This is my exact situation !!!!!!!!
I wish you well this year
Here is HOLY
Amen!u can do this God's got u
I don’t know how TH-cam ads work but an ad for florida popped up and it said “here restores you, here surprises you, here is where you’re meant to be”
I thought it was a TC add at first ! But it was definitely a confirmation. HERE is HOLY!!
Does this mean Florida is holy?
What an inspirational message. It helps me to allocate where I am now just trust, no matter what
Yessss & I’ve been seeing walgreen & sports commercials taking about how it starts “here” so it’s definitely confirmation
I promise you. I’ve never heard a sermon so clear ever in my life man. This is such a moment for me. I’ve made a REAL commitment this year to let God just lead the way. I’m not perfect, yet God is ALWAYS giving me the opportunity to turn back around to him through whatever! I’ll come home from church just before your sermon starts so I can make sure I was here for this series. I missed today’s live from being tired from my overnight shift. I had been seeing you via my IG feed all day and it wasn’t until tonight that the holy spirit led me to coming to TH-cam knowing your sermons are lengthy and I wanted to be scrolling for probably the same amount of time… 😅 to make a long story short, this message was definitely for me, and I still made it HERE for the whole series without even trying on my own! So this was a HERE WE GO moment because I can say “God I’ll watch it tomorrow, let me see what’s on my news feed” real quick!!! And STILL came here!! AHHHHH! I love how God can use you to use yourself as an example through it all. That was a key light bulb for me. You are so right to keep this going all year because if I can be transparent, the messages God keeps giving you is stored within me to help me get closer with him! I truly loved this series with all my heart ❤️❤️❤️ God bless everyone who’s lives are being transformed through God’s children🙏🏾
This real
10 minutes into the session and I'm literally crying thank you pastor......
The first 10 minutes of this sermon was confirmation for something that God spoke to me this weekend. I have been believing God for somethings. My mom said to me “you want God to bless you? MOVE!” I felt that in my spirit so much so I knew it was God. I had a mind conversation with God after that and I said “I don’t know what to do. How am I suppose to move?” He said “ I already told you what to do. Move! Just move a little bit. Just move one day and WATCH me do the rest!” When Pastor Mike said “take one step” I knew that God really has spoken to me!!!
After TD Jakes... mike todd might be the greatest of all time.
This sermon was another one for the books.
Here we go....I'm here because I here God .....Amen
I am a 65 year old woman and I started watching you Pastor Mike Todd a few months ago through my son who is an online Transformation Church Member 🤗 we live in California.
Almighty God is using Transformation Church to Truly transforming our lives!!!!
My thinking is being Transformed, my mind is being Transformed, my faith is Transforming by Leaps and bounds!!!!
Almighty God is building me daily into "Crazier Faith"!!!!
Thank you so much for being Obedient to Almighty God and the call on your life from Him! In the Mighty Name of Jesus The Christ we Bless Transformation Church.....
We bless you Pastor Mike Todd and your family in Jesus Holy Mighty name!!!🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽😇😇
May the Lord GOD Almighty continue to bless you, your family and Transformation Church, Mightily, Richly Abundant.....for the blessing you All are being to the Body of Christ!!!!
We love you, we pray for you and we supportYOU!
Thank you!!!!!!!!
Lord Jesus, you died for me on the cross, help me value the "here" , to face the cross and to follow your lead no matter what...change my life for good and please make me a living testimony in Jesus name...
No obedience, no power...period!🎉🎉🎎🎎
🙏🏼 Glory belongs to God
What you ask in my name shall be yours he said.
God bless you
Most of us want to fight with God instead of just working with God.
JESUS!!! My stance with Jesus is being obedient and staying in the moment this sermon came just in time. Thank you God🙌🙌
I need that track they sung at the end of the sermon. This was 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥.
That vibe is on a whole another level!!!
Me too!!!
The Holy Spirit has you on fire to transform his people, this country and this world! Global Transformation 🌍🙏🏽🌍
What were the scriptures?🟤🟤🟣🟣
Lord I pray you lead me to good things this school year and watch over me every and any where I go lord, I thank you for everything you have done for me and every one else lord amen🙏🏽, this was the best testimony I ever heard,I needed this🫶🏽.
I had this word queued up and was literally asking God why it feels like I'm constantly fighting against Him, instead of flowing with Him. Gotta love it. ;)
This song needs to be recorded with these lyrics. It's so anointed. I will wait on you in the secret place, fall unto my knees.....Thank you Jesus. Powerful message!
Yes! I came back this morning to replay it! I mean AMAZING!! 👋🏽🙌🏽❤️
I recorded the worship and looped it for about an hour. God met me in that worship moment as I professed the words..."I will wait on You, in the secret place...Falling to my knees, I'll seek Your face!"
I am so grateful for TC and the worship team...so anointed! Thank you for leading us ALWAYS to the presence of God. Here is Holy! 🙏🏾❤
This has really been one of the BEST series yet! I can listen to each week over and over!!
Like.. really.. (holds my chest) ✋🏾 yes I’m dramatic 😂.. but on the real the way God uses Pastor Mike is insane! The part about friendship made me cry so bad. Lol. So many gems clarified the answers I’ve been looking for! God is always with us in every situation! & will continue to give us everything as long as we stay present and obey! May God continue to cover you and your family Pastor Mike! Keep walking in your truth and being one of God’s genuine vessels. 🌹🙏🏾
God bless me with the right community. Please me with friends and support that loves you God. Please me with people who sent by You Lord to hold me up, hold me accountable and hold me to Christ! Amen
Thina, you should think about joining a belong group. And/or joining a small group at your local church. But I pray the Lord reveal to you the community He has for you even if it may mean that you may need to create it in this season
I don't know but
Me and my son have started getting into the habit of praying for everything. We pray to be able to hold our pee while we’re in the car without a pull up on because we’re potty training. And God DOES!!!!!
One day my son was so tired of me keeping him up from his nap and he closed his eyes and clasped his hands and started praying…. He was one so we didn’t know what he was saying 😂 but God did ‼️
Lord i am obsessed with this pastors preaching he has made me realize things I’ve been so blind and death to. Thank you pastor Michael Todd. May God continue to bless you so that that you can lead people like me to God with understanding of this process!
Watching this for the 2nd time. So many gems. God truly answers prayers. This message was the answer to mine!
Jesus loves you he died on the cross for your sins. All you have to do is believe in him and you will be saved. ❤
I love when Pr Mike comes in with the cool spirit vs the hype. Something about it feels like sitting down with a friend in your living room having a personal heart to heart conversation about the Lord. Praise God for this message!
I love Michael Todd’s Sermons, he truly is a great teacher 🤩😊🌷💗
Can't wait for that CUFFING SEASON 🔥 you speak truth !! Love this church so much.
While you wait go to RedefinedTV and watch Cuffing Season
HERE IS HOLY. Thank you, God, for blessing me here, so my there will be greater, as long as I trust in you with all of my heart, I will see that where you have me here is relating to the purpose and placement you have for me there.
Yes, Praise God my brother!!
This series from part 1 was meant for me, thank you God for using this pastor to talk to me.
Sometimes you have to encourage yourself
Sometimes you have to speak victory during the test
And no matter how you feel
Speak the word, and you will be healed
Speak over yourself
Encourage yourself in the Lord #here
This was SO good! The part about friendship was exactly what I needed. I’ve already listened to this twice🙏🏼
Father, thank you for this man’s existence (pastor Michael Todd). I love you, my brethren. Thanking God for the wisdom He develops inside you. I don’t care what the world says about you. You are special, unique and anointed and I appreacite you. What’s funny is that I am the Hispanic version of you. LOL! Always be encouraged brother.
That “Here is Holy” at the end of service really blessed me. And I ain’t gone lie that music was🔥🔥🔥🔥 so soulful
"You're too big not to go" LORDDD!!! Pastor mike meant it literally, but the spirit is speaking! God sees your potential and everything he's placed inside of you. You are TOO great on the inside not to go, You are too BIG on the inside to sell yourself short.
God instilled so much greatness inside of you for you to settle.
Don't let fear stop you, You MUST GO!!
This touched my soul! The right community is everything!
Today I am watching this at 1:27 am and let me tell you I have so much tears in my pillow it’s turn into a circle I needed to hear this today
Living in central Minnesota my wife and I both listen to your sermons throughout the day and then will discuss with each other what impacted us. We have both listened to crazy faith a couple of times. It impacted our lives so much we bought the book and gave it to our pastor when he baptized us. Thank you for being real through everything you do!
Hi also listening from Minnesota
🔥🔥🔥🔥🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 wow!! There is not enough fire emoji’s for this sermon!!
Thank you Pst Mike and Natalie for living transparently. People like me appreciate the example you all lead by. No perfection, but definitely progressing. God bless you both. Sending lots of love ❤️
God sat me HERE (BACK TO BACK FRACTURES), TO SIT ME HERE (TO HEAR THIS SERMON). All my life I suffered fractures, but my life has been GOVERNED BY UNFRACTURED FAITH. Amen
I am well, today is the 7th day of bed rest from back to back fractures. I hadca tibial plateu fracture on Feb. fisrt. I went back to work on Feb. 23 and on Feb. 24 after getting off of work I slipped on black ice again and fractured both sides of ankle. But, to God be the GLORY, I never would have HEARD this sermon. I would have heard it, but not heard it. I did the Daniel fast with you all and I am believing God to do a miraculous work in me, and send me to do a miraculous work for Him.
This sermon had me wrecked! I was in a complete puddle by the end of worship. 😭😭😭 This sermon was straight 🔥🔥🔥🔥! Thank you for being a vessel, Pastor Mike! 🙏🏾
I remember when my son was diagnosed with schizophrenia and at one time he was having one of his episodes, it got to the point I just would mentally and emotionally prepare myself when he had these episodes. This is the phrase that I would use, " HERE WE GO AGAIN LORD" and in my mind, that meant, I was surrendering my will to God for whatever the outcome that he allowed, and I had to trust him. So when I heard pastor Todd preaching on this, it brought back memories of this mantra that I would say. HERE WE GO !
God before everything! Thank you soo much , you just saved my life!! ♥️Here we go! 🙏♥️
I first started started listening to pastor Michael Todd in 2020 and my whole perspective on life changed I could relate so much to what he was saying and then I went back into my old ways and habits. Then the spit hit the fan and I started watching him again. I am not perfect but God is speaking to me every day and especially through pastor Michael Todd. So this year I'm saying here we go and not fighting with God. I am ready to serve💕🙏
This is the best message in this series thus far wow
This really hit home. I found out recently that my single mom that raised me has stage four cancer and I was a wreck. I felt like I just got knocked down. But my community carried me through and continues to carry me through one of the hardest seasons of my life and I’m so thankful because I was in a position where I realized that right here I’m surrounded by so much love and support
I needed this word. Thank you Jesus, Here we go!
I know I'm watching this late. but man of God!!! you keep coming and coming and lifting me up to where I know God wants me to be! I cover you and your family in the blood of Jesus and declare NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOU OR YOUR FAMILY SHALL PROSPER! Sending you and Natalie so much love. you have NO IDEA how God is using you in my life. HERE WE GO!!!
You are preaching. Praise the Lord 🔥🔥🔥. God bless you and your family.
Undoubtedly the best illustrations in the game! Love this man, this church! Thank you for this word Pastor Mike 🤍
Here We Go! Bless You Lord for this Church. Hallelujah
HERE WE GO!!! This message was pure gold and elixir of life for me right now. This will be the greatest year of your life because HERE IS HOLY
The Favor is on “People” !!! I think they missed that Pastor Mike.. I just shouted !!
I don't think I can ever go back to my old way of thinking after watching this sermon series. I even cramped it in order to share with colleagues during our 10 minute devotion in the morning. Thank you Pastor Mikse for being obedient in sharing God's word.
This might be the best message of this series!
Here we go! Thank you Man of God. This reached my daughter in prison and she call me at home and was crying because she felt God's presence and she said Pastor Michael Todd spoke in a way that I understand and "Here we go" is what I will say for the rest of my life,
I love your pivot in obedience Transformation Church!!!❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥
Fantastic Illustrations!!!! Teach,Sir!
#HearGOD #Value We=People #WorkingTogether
Pastor Todd, from Argentina, this Catholic woman thanks you for bringing so MUCH LIGHT to my Catholic life... I pray God the day will come when Christians and Catholics UNITE so that His Kingdom comes! I truly believe that the anointment you guys have to preach the Word together with our Eucharistic Sacrament will light the world on FIRE!
@Contact ➕❶❾❼❷❺⓿❸❾❷❶❹ thank you for taking the time to respond! I am here to stay to learn more about the Word of God! May God bless you and your family
This word of the year is for me😧😍thank you God
I can testify that God just wants obedience and for us to trust in him. Yesterday I went into an area where it was my first time being there and went there because he said I should go there and I promise God provided everything necessary for my journey to be smooth. He chose people to help me and I recieved more than I bargained for. Everywhere I went, I recieved favour from people because he and him alone appointed them to be right there and that moment and just help me. There were obviously bumps along the way but my God is so faithful he kept saying "Do not be afraid, I am with you" Isaiah 43. If you are reading this and you are a bit hesitant, just know that he is indeed patient with us, so patient and so loving but the moment you just lean. Just that little leaning will transform your life. Our heavenly father will create a way right in front of you which will surpass your own understanding.. He is so gentle so sometimes he reveals himself in subtle things because he is such an overwhelming holy Spirit! So he always does things according to how we can take it. Which is why it is important to keep leaning on him. The more you do the more he reveals himself. The more you're under the shadow of his wigs, the more you're hidden in him the more he shows and his voice gets louder to a point where it becomes much easier to know that it is him that is speaking. Baby steps. I am not there yet but I am here and I am loving each and every moment spent with my friend Jesus. God bless you on your journey. This relationship is worth anything. Give him whatever he asks. Give him.
I was just questioning my single season this evening and Look at God !! This message was what I needed to stay the course. Thank you !!! God bless
hands down the best sermon illustration of all time when he said a person going through a divorce and bout to hit face on ground and the church caught him and held him up with support...wow...that bless me...my msrriage is blessed by God but that illustration was dope
This series was amazing! Here we go!!!
Here we go lord sealhana and family
I am so glad I watch this. Here we go!!!
This message is so powerful... I swear if I were in the Pastor Todd position with the story jumping in the air I will ask you are ok yourself...But his experience and message talk to my spirit... Guess my surprise I found his book relationship goals and not living without buying... ''May God gives me a Here We Go, Heart'' in this year. And obedience to agree with Him without argument to His Will. I have a lot in my heart and a lot going on and slowly day by day Jesus is washing away my trauma, hurt and fears, and everything in between. I agree with Pastor Todd ''valuing your Here to take you where you want to be or go"' and having a ''Strong We circle that holds you when you down and motivates you and believes in you''.Blessed you all through this message.
We were made for this...period!🙌🙌🙌🙌
Here we go, amazing word, Lord help us
Here is Holy this have been right on and I am so blessed that your sermons have been a blessing in our life and our children's life. Where I'm at is sacred
I'm loving pastor Michael Todd Soo much, I'm lead youth pastor soul harvest nairobi Kenya you preach to me,I believe you equip ministers with your teaching to go out there and gather harvest for God
The single most important message of all prophets to their people was to worship God alone and none else and to follow His teachings. All of them, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, Jesus, Muhammad and others, in addition to those we do not know - invited people to worship God and shun false gods.
Moses declared:"Hear, O Israel The Lord our God is one Lord."(Deuteronomy 6:4). This was repeated 1500years later by Jesus, when he said: "The first of all the commandments is, ‘Hear, O Israel; the Lord our God is one Lord.’(Mark 12:29)
So, the greatest commandment, the most important belief according to Jesus, is that God is one. If Jesus was God he would have said, ‘I am God, worship me.’ Instead, he merely repeated a verse from the Old Testament confirming that God is One.
This aligns with the mission of Jesus, as taught in Islam, where Jesus was sent to the Children of Israel to confirm the message of the past Prophets - to believe in the One True God.
most Christians nowadays believe in trinity.. Jesus said i came not to destroy the commandments of moses i came just to fulfill.
Muslims reject the Christian belief that God is a Trinity, not only because the Quran rejects it, but also because if this was God’s true nature, He would have clearly revealed it to Abraham, Noah, Jesus and all of the other prophets.
ISLAM is the submission in worship to Allah Alone and it is the essence of all the Messages sent to all nations before us. Allah is All-Just and All-Wise. He does not intend confusion for His Creation. The religion accepted to Him is the one chosen by Him. Its essence must be One, because He is One. It is free from geographical, racist, and status oriented concepts. It is Perfect and it is the complete way of life. All these qualities are chosen by Allah in His Only Religion: Islam. Its details are in in the Qur’an, read it and come with an open heart because none can expose better than the World of Allah. The Qur’an was revealed to Prophet Muhammad. He did not author it. He was unlettered. Its translation is available in many languages in bookstores or in an Islamic Center close to you. Take the time to read it and come/call the Islamic Center, or speak to someone who re-verted and submitted to Allah Alone.
Watch some discussions between Christians and Muslims👇
(One Message Foundation)
Thank you for reading the comment🌸
I love this entire passage ‼️ this is the year for HERE I hear so many of us always saying next year imma do this or imma do that BUT WHAT DOES GOD SAY DO‼️ THANK YOU FOR MY HERE FATHER GOD I MAY CRY KICK SCREAM BUT IT WILL BE WORTH IT ‼️
Where I Am At Is Sacred👣 Amen👑💯🙌
A powerful message that I needed to here.
Where ever I go I'm favored 🙇♂️⭐
I love the way he's teaching!
Thank You Lord for the work that You are doing RIGHT HERE! HERE IS HOLY! 🙏🏾❤️🔥
This was just an awesome sermon. I felt this.
Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior ✝️❤️
This is sooooo good. Thank you pastor Todd, you are truly anointed
What a beautiful eisegetical preaching 🥲. We just love taking Scripture out of context so it implies something that the Scripture has nothing to do with. The Word of God is alive and active so you don't need to take Scripture out of context to preach something. Watered down Gospel, life application sermons that don't have nothing to do with your walk with Jesus.
Thank You for making me smile so big after the jump of pastor Mike. Yeshua Hamashiach I love You💜
1 Friend is #ALWAYS READY!!!! That in itself would Preach!! 💯
Amen sometimes you can't tell. Sometimes I am mean and repel my family. Also it is important to be surrounded by the right people for support, encouragement to help pick me up.
From South Africa 🇿🇦...Glory to God ❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏
U preached this amazingly beautiful
I absolutely feel God every time I hear one of your sermons. I watch you daily and I'd like to give praise to God for speaking to me through you. I've came to a home in Mountain Grove, MO to learn how to become a disciple for the Lord; which has been amazing and I applied for a new career, something I would of never done; if I hadn't heard these messages. every day I wake up saying "Here Is Holy, Here I am, Have Your way with me Lord". So thankyou for being the vessel for the Lord.....
Thank you God!! Here We Go!!