About 2 weeks ago I had a dream where I was in a church. The church was packed. There I saw the bride and a groom. They were above the congregation where you can see them. There I saw two huge Angel's dressed in white and gold belt around their waste. I have seen them before in dreams before, one I can see one of the Angel's face, the other I cannot. The one where I see his face, smiled and he said the bride and the groom. I had in my hand a candelabra and a banner, the Lion of Judah on my other hand. When I looked in front of me I saw Jesus coming towards me. Jesus is preparing His bride. He is preparing us for the last harvest and He wants us to be ready otherwise we are going to miss it. His Glory is covering the earth. Are you ready? Praise God. Thank you for this prescious word.
Amen, JEREMIAH 7 ARE THOSE WHO QUENCH THE HOLY SPIRIT, SIN UNTO DEATH 1JOHN 5;16. I saw Angel's dressing me up in Fine White linen Garment with a Gold Round Buckle for my Sash. SEER, TRIBE OF SIMEON
Thank the Heavenly Father for preparing church as the bride as Paul said in 2 Corinthian: ”Now He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who also has given us the Spirit as a guarantee.“
Tonight I stood in the bathroom crying out the same thing. What is wrong with me- I stumbled on this channel by pure accident but knowing it was God because there is no way a sermon like this could be packed with what was in my heart tonight. Believers continue to fight and stand firm we are living in the last days and we are targets at the end of the race. I truly feel like we are in in Matthew 25 keeping our wicks trimmed and holding on to every last drop of oil.
The Lord says to purge yourself.He's not gonna throw m**** w*** and purge you.He's already done what he had to do on the cross and you have to do the rest
What the heck is he going on about ? His own stuff obviously, anyway in the meanwhile,the bride is now with us here , the christ being is being slowly UNVEILED!..... BARBELO CHRIST!.🕊️... we love you and are glad to be here with you in these latter days !🕊️🌹
AMEN I've been searching for this kind of message for a couple of weeks, the LORD has been preparing me to hear this. PRAISE GOD ❤ GLORY TO OUR FATHER AS HE WILL SOON SAY SON, ITS TIME, GO GET YOUR BRIDE :)!!
Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them” (John 7:37-38).
God says to seek FIRST (as in our first priority) His Kingdom AND His righteousness. The resistance Pastor KilPatrick speaks of comes from the fact that we haven’t fully made the shift to operating from God’s kingdom perspective, culture, laws, etc. Most of the church in America can not even define the word “kingdom” yet alone understand the gospel Yeshua preached, which was the gospel of the Kingdom. In God’s wisdom, His resistance, as Pastor put it, is God patiently yet eagerly awaiting our understanding & appropriation of His Kingdom here on earth. I tell you, the Kingdom of God has already arrived. It is here. Let’s grab a hold of it and then we will see the hidden hand of God revealed.
His ways are GLORIOUS, who can fully understand them all. Thank you for staying fully in His Word. Thank you for keeping His charge, staying steadfast in such a time as this! What a day. Let faith triumph through it all.
Oh this is so so good ! That longing in me ! Yes Lord !! Oh how this has helped me understand what I’ve been experiencing !! On time Word 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 Thank you Lord for your messenger ! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
@John Kilpatrick.. I cannot believe I'm watching this today.. I remember quite a few years ago maybe four or five the first video that the Lord ever loved me to I will never ever forget I saw you I knew immediately that you were a true man of God and you said on the video that I watched years ago that you had cried out God there has got to be more there's got to be more😢😢.. I think about that so often I would say at least monthly and lo and behold it turned this one you're talking about the same thing and yes just got to be more than just got to be more always felt that I always remember you you always come to my mind from that one video now I started watching you again God bless you yes there's got to be more😢
this message explains humility in friendship in marriage. i will not forget this message. i will share always on-line. i lived this with my ex-husband. but WE BOTH were holding it in..where in the world did the FEAR to ASK come into our lives. 1960- 1980 free love was on stage...but thats not what love is about. i guess they call it incompatibility..irreconsirable differences.. it hard to be human. amen.🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊
❤Thankful for this insight. May we also consider the other 2 parables in Matt.25 - that of Master & Faithful Servant and God the Judge and the caring sheep.
The Bible revelation, 22:11 Let the just continue to be just let the filthy continue to be filthy. Let the righteous continue to be righteous and let the holy continue to be holy.
Wishing on Christ's return in Godspeed! May you be right where it is most survivable at the right time! No weapon shall prosperity against you as you are covered by the Victor, Jesus the Christ of God, in Jesus's name! To die for Him in my ways and living to Him in His ways for ever and ever in the names of God's only son, the lamb, the Shephard, the REDEEMER! Amen
Great word! You do seem to forget one thing in your example of using the scripture, "wives submit to your husband"... first the bridegroom laid down His life for the church. Let's hear it for the husbands who lay down their life for his wife, like Christ laid down His life for the church FIRST.
God is all powerful and he said In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory. (Ephesians 1:13-14) If you are TRULY BORN AGAIN and err from the way, whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons. (Hebrews 12:6-8)
I don't understand who in the world would go after some other God when there's only one God so why would anybody at go after something else, I could never understand that there's no other God but one God❤
They go after other gods because they are deceived by the devil. They never knew the real God. They don’t read the Bible and they don’t ask the Holy Spirit for guidance. It’s really sad.
It's not hard to understand. The other gods run the game God won't run. Seduces them with an easier life instead of a harder walk. How many women get with men who aren't good for em but make them feel special. God doesn't make u feel special like demons do. Sin feels good for a moment but righteous is a narrow road full of tribulation. So it's not a wonder that many will follow other gods, what is a miracle is that we would submit to our God who makes the road harder than we believe is necessary till we have momentum in Him.
Delusion is real... It always stems from within... Greed/covetousness is the issue... Have you forgotten about Judas Iscariot???? Or how about Satan?? He was a glorious mighty angel who stood in the presence of GOD once!??
It should be clear the the Bride is one woman. The one proverbs woman wisdom who was chosen before time and incarnated to earth. She is the Shulamite Bride in Song of Songs to which Jesus fulfills all scripture. You can’t call men, children and a haram of women the bride. That goes against everything Christ speaks of as a man and woman coming together as one flesh. He fulfills all Scripture meaning one woman, one wife as HIS own. This was the great deception by Satan.
Rev 19:7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. This marriage is the joining of the Christian Church and the Jews...
Amen, that’s just the description of my X-husband & God told him by a prophet a rebuked that if he didn’t gather his household He will lose everything & he refuses to honor the Word of exhortation & destroyed our home left to be abandon & destroyed the family …
@John Kirkpatrick.. hello John my name is Robin I'm a 56-year-old woman 30 years of bondage on and off I need Freedom NOW please 😢.. I live in the highways and highways homelessness drugs violence.. the crazy thing is I pray for people I've seen demons come out and miraculous healings.. I need freedom I want to be on the phone a true ambassador for Christ
I pray in Jesus name LORD I come and ask that you deliver @robinh3632 from the bondage I pray you answer her pray an deliver her. Amen I was a iv drug addict an drunk for 40 years and I was delivered.
Bird marry bird, animal marry animal, people marry people and God marry God.......GOD SUN marry GOD DAUGHTER from HIS VOICE, HIS SPIRIT.......House can not split then it fall....braid ONE with HIM, His Crown and proteckt by FATHER GOD, thats why Bible veiled braid. People marry another in flesh GOD SUN AND GOD DAUGTER marry in SPIRIT and WORK TOGETHER IN GOD WILL and KINGDOM
lol..that was actually so cool..(IF i understood correctly) yes, they are ALL 'red' letters..and they are ALL "read" letters too (hopefully, that is, IF people are doing it)..🙏👍🏻😇💜
btw Bro that was a type of prayer that you described. That one is called travail. Which is 1 of the gifts of the spirit. You're growing during that. They are like spiritual growing pains. Innercession is another type of prayer but its for others who you dont know who needs the prayer & youraelf cause God knows. The more you give the more you get. That applies in prayer too. No one can out give GOD cause you didnt create it. Not ours to decide about.
Thank you for this teaching. The body of Christ is an earthen vessel comprised of the New Testament ekklesia; the bride of Christ is all saints in salvation history, resurrected/raptured together (Hebrews 11:40), and will serve as a royal priesthood in the Messianic kingdom. Sons of Abraham? Cultivated Olive Tree? Israel of God? Are Gentile believers fellow citizens with the saints and members of the commonwealth of Israel? Who was grafted into the cultivated olive tree of Romans 11? Paul wrote that a true Jew is one inwardly with a circumcised heart, and that circumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Spirit, and not by the letter? Is the inward Jew a member of the cultivated olive tree? In the epistle to the Romans, Paul writes, “Not all who are descended from Israel are Israel.” Is the Israel that Paul is referring to, the cultivated olive tree? In the epistle to the Ephesians, Paul writes about a mystery-that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus. Is this one body the cultivated olive tree? Jesus said He has two folds and they will become one flock. Is the one flock of Jesus the cultivated olive tree? Hebrews 11:39-40 informs us that the NT and OT saints are made perfect together. Are these perfected, glorfied saints the cultivated olive tree? Hebrews 12:23, in a vision, identifies an assembly of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, coming to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to innumerable angels in festal gathering, and to God, the judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect, and to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant. Is this assembly of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, the cultivated olive tree? This prophetic vision meets fulfillment in Revelation 14:1-5, in the heavenly Mount Zion; the redeemed from mankind as firstfruits for God and the Lamb. Cultivated olive tree? Revelation 1:6 and 5:10 points to a group of people who Jesus Christ has redeemed by His blood, to be a kingdom and priests. Is this kingdom of priests, freed from sin by the blood of Christ, the cultivated olive tree? Revelation 7:9 prophesies this same group, resurrected and raptured, glorified, and standing before the throne of God and the Lamb, from every nation, tribe, and tongue, wearing white robes and holding palm branches. Cultivated olive tree? Is there a spiritual Israel? What do you call the body of glorified saints who will rule and reign with Christ on earth? Are the glorified saints members of the cultivated olive tree? Is the cultivated olive tree the Israel of God? In Isaiah 49 the Messiah is referred to as Israel. Because Gentile believers are in the Messiah, Jesus, does that include them as members of the cultivated olive tree, the Israel of God? Are the sons of Abraham the Israel of God? Who are the sons of Abraham? The sons of Abraham, counted righteous by faith, comprise the cultivated olive tree; they are Jew, and Gentile-the “Israel of God…” All the saints in salvation history… The firstborn enrolled in heaven… The redeemed from mankind as firstfruits for God and the Lamb… The eternal covenant community of YHWH redeemed by the Lamb… All whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life... The bride of Christ. The saints of the Most High shall receive the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever, forever and ever. Blessings
About 2 weeks ago I had a dream where I was in a church. The church was packed. There I saw the bride and a groom. They were above the congregation where you can see them. There I saw two huge Angel's dressed in white and gold belt around their waste. I have seen them before in dreams before, one I can see one of the Angel's face, the other I cannot. The one where I see his face, smiled and he said the bride and the groom. I had in my hand a candelabra and a banner, the Lion of Judah on my other hand. When I looked in front of me I saw Jesus coming towards me. Jesus is preparing His bride. He is preparing us for the last harvest and He wants us to be ready otherwise we are going to miss it. His Glory is covering the earth. Are you ready? Praise God. Thank you for this prescious word.
I saw Angel's dressing me up in Fine White linen Garment with a Gold Round Buckle for my Sash.
Thank the Heavenly Father for preparing church as the bride as Paul said in 2 Corinthian: ”Now He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who also has given us the Spirit as a guarantee.“
@@someoneofgods2620 Congratulations on your promotion.
More ready every passing day, I just want everyone else to be dressed and ready 🙏🏼👑✝️🙏🏼
i have felt that lonely feeling needing only Jesus all my life. i'm 70. thank you for this message sir. amen.🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊
@@HectorGarcia-qc9omGod loves you too Hector!!!
Jesus is everything and the rest is nothing not my will but his will
PREACH IT !! Wow powerful ! Thank you for putting this on here. I Pray you keep Pastor's preaching coming to us. We NEED it !!
Fill me up Lord !!
What a powerful message. Makes my heart rejoice and mouth proclaim even so Lord Jesus come.
Tonight I stood in the bathroom crying out the same thing. What is wrong with me- I stumbled on this channel by pure accident but knowing it was God because there is no way a sermon like this could be packed with what was in my heart tonight. Believers continue to fight and stand firm we are living in the last days and we are targets at the end of the race. I truly feel like we are in in Matthew 25 keeping our wicks trimmed and holding on to every last drop of oil.
This word is for me. I RECEIVED IT!
Christ has come and
He is coming for you, beloved
Lord touch me with fresh oil, cleanse and purify me, let me surrender to Your will ❤AMEN 🙏
The Lord says to purge yourself.He's not gonna throw m**** w*** and purge you.He's already done what he had to do on the cross and you have to do the rest
What the heck is he going on about ? His own stuff obviously, anyway in the meanwhile,the bride is now with us here , the christ being is being slowly UNVEILED!..... BARBELO CHRIST!.🕊️... we love you and are glad to be here with you in these latter days !🕊️🌹
WOW... What a wonderful Sermon. 🎉🎉🎉
wow, what a man of God you are Pastor John.. I appreciate this teaching and I need it most desperately. Thank you from Canada.
Timely and powerful word thank you!!🙌😭♥️
I've been searching for this kind of message for a couple of weeks, the LORD has been preparing me to hear this. PRAISE GOD ❤ GLORY TO OUR FATHER AS HE WILL SOON SAY SON, ITS TIME, GO GET YOUR BRIDE :)!!
❤ Praises to the ❤🙏 Lord God, Show me The Light to dwell in YOUR Presence always And Amen 👍
This was absolutely amazong so confirming so timely thank you Jesus.
Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them” (John 7:37-38).
God says to seek FIRST (as in our first priority) His Kingdom AND His righteousness. The resistance Pastor KilPatrick speaks of comes from the fact that we haven’t fully made the shift to operating from God’s kingdom perspective, culture, laws, etc. Most of the church in America can not even define the word “kingdom” yet alone understand the gospel Yeshua preached, which was the gospel of the Kingdom. In God’s wisdom, His resistance, as Pastor put it, is God patiently yet eagerly awaiting our understanding & appropriation of His Kingdom here on earth. I tell you, the Kingdom of God has already arrived. It is here. Let’s grab a hold of it and then we will see the hidden hand of God revealed.
Yes God's family is our family and I am so excited to meet you all, I love you Jesus!
Amen amen hallelujah thank you Lord. Fresh oil, holy fire 🔥
His ways are GLORIOUS, who can fully understand them all. Thank you for staying fully in His Word. Thank you for keeping His charge, staying steadfast in such a time as this! What a day. Let faith triumph through it all.
Ooooh praise God. I thirst Lord!
Amen. God please allow me to be Faithful. I want to be faithful to You only. Father help us….
OMG YES transform me.
do what you got to do Lord 👍🙌😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏 Yes Lord Shine Your Light IN EVERY AREA OF MY LIFE 🙌🙌🙌👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏😭🙌🔥🔥🔥🔥
Forbidden history revealed to apostle Paul 🙌🙏🙏⭐🌲🌲🌲⭐⭐
Oh this is so so good ! That longing in me ! Yes Lord !! Oh how this has helped me understand what I’ve been experiencing !! On time Word 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Thank you Lord for your messenger ! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
@John Kilpatrick.. I cannot believe I'm watching this today.. I remember quite a few years ago maybe four or five the first video that the Lord ever loved me to I will never ever forget I saw you I knew immediately that you were a true man of God and you said on the video that I watched years ago that you had cried out God there has got to be more there's got to be more😢😢.. I think about that so often I would say at least monthly and lo and behold it turned this one you're talking about the same thing and yes just got to be more than just got to be more always felt that I always remember you you always come to my mind from that one video now I started watching you again God bless you yes there's got to be more😢
this message explains humility in friendship in marriage. i will not forget this message. i will share always on-line. i lived this with my ex-husband. but WE BOTH were holding it in..where in the world did the FEAR to ASK come into our lives. 1960- 1980 free love was on stage...but thats not what love is about. i guess they call it incompatibility..irreconsirable differences.. it hard to be human. amen.🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊
Good day everyone, thank you pastor John! Be blessed in abundance! Many blessings from South Africa. 😊🎉📯📯📯
Oh my heart. Conformation for my prayers..
Merry Christmas, everyone!
America's Most Anointed Apostle!
I can’t wait to see Jesus!!!
Key is He wants.
God is endless mysteries.
He confounds the wise. The pride is garbage most will not give up 😢for Him.
Wow! That was awesome. Praise God! 🙏😇❤️🙌
Praise Jesus Christ for the TRUTH
That is absolutely correct I have a song (All I need is YOU, lord, all I need is you) and I have another song (Oh lord I'm lost in your LOVE for me)
God bless this man of God and his family. Thank you Holy Spirit🙏🏾🙏🏾
Great sermon bless you pastor you and your family thank you!
Amen. Thank you for the message. There is no one like God. He is an awesome God. Amen.
Bless this man of god. What a good preaching.
never heard a sermon like this before- great message
" POWERFUL !!! " WOW!! Thank you Brother for a powerful sermon and revelation. ❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏☝
Praise God!
❤Thankful for this insight. May we also consider the other 2 parables in Matt.25 - that of Master & Faithful Servant and God the Judge and the caring sheep.
Great teaching God bless you praise God
I love Pastor John🙏🏾🙏🏾🙌🏾♥️So blessed. Thank you Lord God.
Thank you so much for this…I’ve been so dissatisfied and I miss my creator. I miss my beloved Jesus . I miss my home in Him. When oLord when?
Thank you and God bless you.
We praise you Lord 🙏🙏🙏🙏
The Bible revelation, 22:11
Let the just continue to be just let the filthy continue to be filthy. Let the righteous continue to be righteous and let the holy continue to be holy.
@John Kilpatrick.. YES LORD DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO TRANSFORM ME 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Wishing on Christ's return in Godspeed! May you be right where it is most survivable at the right time! No weapon shall prosperity against you as you are covered by the Victor, Jesus the Christ of God, in Jesus's name! To die for Him in my ways and living to Him in His ways for ever and ever in the names of God's only son, the lamb, the Shephard, the REDEEMER! Amen
I want closeness with God.
Great word! You do seem to forget one thing in your example of using the scripture, "wives submit to your husband"... first the bridegroom laid down His life for the church.
Let's hear it for the husbands who lay down their life for his wife, like Christ laid down His life for the church FIRST.
Yeshua I trust in You. Thank You Lord for know me. Holy Spirit take over my soul. My soul need the Living God. I need You Lord always. Amen👑🩵🙌🫁
Glory to God
Resonating with a lot of this, thanks!
I love you, Apostle John!
Yes, it has already been ascertained who the bride will be! Many of us have had a dream or a word making it clear who the bride is.
God is all powerful and he said In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory. (Ephesians 1:13-14) If you are TRULY BORN AGAIN and err from the way, whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons. (Hebrews 12:6-8)
Pray that my faith is in the roof!!
I don't understand who in the world would go after some other God when there's only one God so why would anybody at go after something else, I could never understand that there's no other God but one God❤
They go after other gods because they are deceived by the devil. They never knew the real God. They don’t read the Bible and they don’t ask the Holy Spirit for guidance. It’s really sad.
It's not hard to understand.
The other gods run the game God won't run. Seduces them with an easier life instead of a harder walk.
How many women get with men who aren't good for em but make them feel special.
God doesn't make u feel special like demons do. Sin feels good for a moment but righteous is a narrow road full of tribulation.
So it's not a wonder that many will follow other gods, what is a miracle is that we would submit to our God who makes the road harder than we believe is necessary till we have momentum in Him.
Have you asked Jesus about it & spent time with Him?
It's what this very message was about.
Delusion is real... It always stems from within... Greed/covetousness is the issue... Have you forgotten about Judas Iscariot???? Or how about Satan?? He was a glorious mighty angel who stood in the presence of GOD once!??
This sermon was 💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘🙌🏼👑✝️🙌🏼💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘
The HS must drain all the stuff in my life all the error and that God touch like Jis never touched me before. Lord open my eyes that I see You
WOWWWWW . confirmation. GLORY TO GOD!!!!
Thank you Lord.
It should be clear the the Bride is one woman. The one proverbs woman wisdom who was chosen before time and incarnated to earth. She is the Shulamite Bride in Song of Songs to which Jesus fulfills all scripture. You can’t call men, children and a haram of women the bride. That goes against everything Christ speaks of as a man and woman coming together as one flesh. He fulfills all
Scripture meaning one woman, one wife as HIS own. This was the great deception by Satan.
Amein and amein. Hallelujah!!!!!
Drunk in the spirit glory !!
Love 💕
My friend doesn't let his car engine oil turn black , he changes it at 3000 miles while it's still golden .
There's a sermon in that too
Ouch and Amen❤️
Yes, yes, and yes!!!!
Rev 19:7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. This marriage is the joining of the Christian Church and the Jews...
Love this message ❤❤❤
Amen, that’s just the description of my X-husband & God told him by a prophet a rebuked that if he didn’t gather his household He will lose everything & he refuses to honor the Word of exhortation & destroyed our home left to be abandon & destroyed the family …
Good message brother....
@John Kirkpatrick.. hello John my name is Robin I'm a 56-year-old woman 30 years of bondage on and off I need Freedom NOW please 😢.. I live in the highways and highways homelessness drugs violence.. the crazy thing is I pray for people I've seen demons come out and miraculous healings.. I need freedom I want to be on the phone a true ambassador for Christ
I pray in Jesus name LORD I come and ask that you deliver @robinh3632 from the bondage I pray you answer her pray an deliver her. Amen
I was a iv drug addict an drunk for 40 years and I was delivered.
Jesus heal you ❤
🔥 🔥 🔥
I believe the main difference is those who believe in very actively believe in the five fold ministry.
Many people miss the word "kingdom". "Then shall the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN be likened unto ten virgins..." so what is actually being taught about?
Amen! 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
Agreed 💯
Bird marry bird, animal marry animal, people marry people and God marry God.......GOD SUN marry GOD DAUGHTER from HIS VOICE, HIS SPIRIT.......House can not split then it fall....braid ONE with HIM, His Crown and proteckt by FATHER GOD, thats why Bible veiled braid.
People marry another in flesh
Revelation stops using the church & starts calling us the bride of Christ. I always wondered what caused the transformation.
When you pointed out the red letters in the bible. Holy Spirit told me, They're ALL red letters.
lol..that was actually so cool..(IF i understood correctly) yes, they are ALL 'red' letters..and they are ALL "read" letters too (hopefully, that is, IF people are doing it)..🙏👍🏻😇💜
Just last night I dream I was getting ready for a wedding 💒
btw Bro that was a type of prayer that you described.
That one is called travail.
Which is 1 of the gifts of the spirit. You're growing during that.
They are like spiritual growing pains.
Innercession is another type of prayer but its for others who you dont know who needs the prayer & youraelf cause God knows.
The more you give the more you get.
That applies in prayer too.
No one can out give GOD cause you didnt create it.
Not ours to decide about.
Thank you for this teaching. The body of Christ is an earthen vessel comprised of the New Testament ekklesia; the bride of Christ is all saints in salvation history, resurrected/raptured together (Hebrews 11:40), and will serve as a royal priesthood in the Messianic kingdom.
Sons of Abraham? Cultivated Olive Tree? Israel of God?
Are Gentile believers fellow citizens with the saints and members of the commonwealth of Israel? Who was grafted into the cultivated olive tree of Romans 11?
Paul wrote that a true Jew is one inwardly with a circumcised heart, and that circumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Spirit, and not by the letter? Is the inward Jew a member of the cultivated olive tree?
In the epistle to the Romans, Paul writes, “Not all who are descended from Israel are Israel.” Is the Israel that Paul is referring to, the cultivated olive tree?
In the epistle to the Ephesians, Paul writes about a mystery-that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus. Is this one body the cultivated olive tree?
Jesus said He has two folds and they will become one flock. Is the one flock of Jesus the cultivated olive tree?
Hebrews 11:39-40 informs us that the NT and OT saints are made perfect together. Are these perfected, glorfied saints the cultivated olive tree?
Hebrews 12:23, in a vision, identifies an assembly of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, coming to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to innumerable angels in festal gathering, and to God, the judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect, and to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant. Is this assembly of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, the cultivated olive tree? This prophetic vision meets fulfillment in Revelation 14:1-5, in the heavenly Mount Zion; the redeemed from mankind as firstfruits for God and the Lamb. Cultivated olive tree?
Revelation 1:6 and 5:10 points to a group of people who Jesus Christ has redeemed by His blood, to be a kingdom and priests. Is this kingdom of priests, freed from sin by the blood of Christ, the cultivated olive tree? Revelation 7:9 prophesies this same group, resurrected and raptured, glorified, and standing before the throne of God and the Lamb, from every nation, tribe, and tongue, wearing white robes and holding palm branches. Cultivated olive tree?
Is there a spiritual Israel? What do you call the body of glorified saints who will rule and reign with Christ on earth? Are the glorified saints members of the cultivated olive tree?
Is the cultivated olive tree the Israel of God?
In Isaiah 49 the Messiah is referred to as Israel. Because Gentile believers are in the Messiah, Jesus, does that include them as members of the cultivated olive tree, the Israel of God?
Are the sons of Abraham the Israel of God? Who are the sons of Abraham?
The sons of Abraham, counted righteous by faith, comprise the cultivated olive tree; they are Jew, and Gentile-the “Israel of God…” All the saints in salvation history… The firstborn enrolled in heaven… The redeemed from mankind as firstfruits for God and the Lamb… The eternal covenant community of YHWH redeemed by the Lamb… All whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life... The bride of Christ.
The saints of the Most High shall receive the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever, forever and ever.