I own a few authentic and replica bags, the materials and workmanship of the replicas are constantly improving and even surpassing the authentic ones. I bought an authentic Fendi, the material was terrible, it broke quickly and 1000 euros was wasted. It was not even as good quality as the super fake bag I bought on *eudupe* for 100 euros.
Whether it is *eudupe* or any other product, I firmly believe that only practitioners can detect the difference in the appearance of the bag or the metal composition. *eudupe* is really a perfect choice.
I’m so glad you liked it!! I just placed a shein handbag order!! Can't wait to share! 🥰💕 Working on a walmart dupes right now! That one will be up later this week!!
Super fakes are so good now. Knowing what you are buying is not the same as being cheated. The replice LV carryall bag I bought on *eudupe* is no different from the real thing. The main reason is that it is cheap and you don’t have to feel bad about the money you spend.
I have no sympathy for brands like Chanel. They only focus on selling designs that have been around for decades, so "intellectual property" is not an excuse for high prices. Buying a knock-off bag can save a lot of premium money, so why not, it works the same, just like the knock-off bag I bought on *eudupe* , the quality is excellent
I previously spent over $80,000 on auth. I regret it very much and wish I knew about high quality repliacas earlier so that I could save a lot of money. I have purchased over 7 bags from *eudupe* and really can't tell the difference between them. I even sold some auth bags and bought more repliacas from them
The counterfeit bag from *eudupe* is virtually indistinguishable from the genuine article in terms of quality, yet it comes at a fraction of the cost. Moreover, the level of customer service provided is nothing short of exceptional.
I heard that Cartier has stopped certifying the Love Bracelet because it is difficult to authenticate now 😊 The Chanel knockoff bag I bought in *eudupe* looks almost the same as the original one. It only costs a little money to have the same bag of the big brand, and I think it is worth it.
I'm a nurse and dream of owning a Chanel or Birkin, but I don't make a lot of money and my family isn't wealthy, so instead of spending $10,000 on a Birkin, I bought a super fake bag on *eudupe* for $300. But this purchase made me happy, and that's all that matters. No big deal.
It’s because they are fakes lol SHEIN will remove the listing if they show it. But it will have the logo once you get it in. Similar to DHgate 🤣You can shop around for ones that have reviews if it makes you nervous.
It’s because they are fakes lol SHEIN will remove the listing if they show it. But it will have the logo once you get it in. Similar to DHgate 🤣You can shop around for ones that have reviews if it makes you nervous.
Yessssssss to all the dupe hauls. Thank youuuuuuu. These hauls are greatly appreciated ❤
I own a few authentic and replica bags, the materials and workmanship of the replicas are constantly improving and even surpassing the authentic ones. I bought an authentic Fendi, the material was terrible, it broke quickly and 1000 euros was wasted. It was not even as good quality as the super fake bag I bought on *eudupe* for 100 euros.
I'm so glad you love them!! 💕 I will definitely be posting more soon!!!
I would love to see a Shein dupes handbags video.
Thank you for Shein dupes. Please do more!
You’re welcome!! I definitely will!! 🥰
Whether it is *eudupe* or any other product, I firmly believe that only practitioners can detect the difference in the appearance of the bag or the metal composition. *eudupe* is really a perfect choice.
Omg. Do another one please! This was great! 😊
I’m so glad you liked it!! I just placed a shein handbag order!! Can't wait to share! 🥰💕 Working on a walmart dupes right now! That one will be up later this week!!
Another great video! Are either if the purses you showed us available?
Totally awesome haul! I have put a lot of these items in my cart. Thank you! 😊
You’re so welcome! I hope you love them when you get them!! 💕
The bag accessories are so cute! 😍
Loving your hauls, you find the best on trend dupes. Have a super Sunday, hugs from San Antonio.
I’m so glad you’re enjoying my hauls! 💕 Hugs from the dfw!! Hope you have a great week!!
Super fakes are so good now. Knowing what you are buying is not the same as being cheated. The replice LV carryall bag I bought on *eudupe* is no different from the real thing. The main reason is that it is cheap and you don’t have to feel bad about the money you spend.
Girlll please do an eyeliner tutorial! The way your eyeliner looks in this video is perfection! It’s giving Cindy Crawford ❤
Omg I'll add it to my list!! 🥰
Omg the fur hat LOVE ❤❤
I’m obsessed with it!! 😍😍😍
Thank you for sharing. I enjoyed all the shares. Ann did my order.😂
🤣 you’re so welcome!! Enjoy your order! I have loved mine so far! lol
I have no sympathy for brands like Chanel. They only focus on selling designs that have been around for decades, so "intellectual property" is not an excuse for high prices. Buying a knock-off bag can save a lot of premium money, so why not, it works the same, just like the knock-off bag I bought on *eudupe* , the quality is excellent
Could you add the links please? ❤
Definitely a score.. Thanks for sharing ❤
Yay!! Glad you enjoyed! Thanks for watching! ❤️
I previously spent over $80,000 on auth. I regret it very much and wish I knew about high quality repliacas earlier so that I could save a lot of money. I have purchased over 7 bags from *eudupe* and really can't tell the difference between them. I even sold some auth bags and bought more repliacas from them
Thank you for thinking of us here in Los Angeles ❤
You're so welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed the haul! 🥰
The counterfeit bag from *eudupe* is virtually indistinguishable from the genuine article in terms of quality, yet it comes at a fraction of the cost. Moreover, the level of customer service provided is nothing short of exceptional.
Where did you get the fendi bag from?
From DHgate lol here’s the link! rstyle.me/+7Ea7FC_Qn0Gn7k9DoG8rGw
The more button does not work to see the other links 😢
Where’d you get the fendy mini bag ? so cute
It’s from DHgate!! I love it! Here’s a link 🥰 rstyle.me/+7Ea7FC_Qn0Gn7k9DoG8rGw
I heard that Cartier has stopped certifying the Love Bracelet because it is difficult to authenticate now 😊 The Chanel knockoff bag I bought in *eudupe* looks almost the same as the original one. It only costs a little money to have the same bag of the big brand, and I think it is worth it.
Yes please 🤩
Just placed an order!!! 🤩🤩 I’m so excited!!
@ yay 🤩
Links please ?
I'm a nurse and dream of owning a Chanel or Birkin, but I don't make a lot of money and my family isn't wealthy, so instead of spending $10,000 on a Birkin, I bought a super fake bag on *eudupe* for $300. But this purchase made me happy, and that's all that matters. No big deal.
The links aren't working 😕
Im not seeing that Stanley either. on Shein
It’s because they are fakes lol SHEIN will remove the listing if they show it. But it will have the logo once you get it in. Similar to DHgate 🤣You can shop around for ones that have reviews if it makes you nervous.
Thought you were Tamar Braxton
The Stanley’s on SHEIN don’t say Stanley
It’s because they are fakes lol SHEIN will remove the listing if they show it. But it will have the logo once you get it in. Similar to DHgate 🤣You can shop around for ones that have reviews if it makes you nervous.