Mzalwane Mzala that WAS true, however they were thriving for all under Mandela but they are regressing worse than during apartheid. Now that hes been dead, all south africans are suffering and soon a total collapse will follow due to majority identity politics. Who will you blame then when that time comes??
I personally admired Mr Ian Smith in a very big way. That great gentleman was a fighter. He was as brave as a lion and I salute him. The best leader that Rhodesia ever had.
naijanista naijanistan Read what this Kenyan had to say:
Brian Holder Nice to hear from you again Brian. I saw the link. Sincerely, my time is limited to analyze it point by point. But I'll like to ask, What point are you driving at? Because my point that Rhodesia was an illegal nation that deserved to be permanently put to rest for all the atrocities committed against the Black population remains un wavered.
naijanista naijanistan Hello Naijanista, good to hear from you too. I’ll try and clarify my point of view regarding your comments: “What point are you driving at? Because my point that Rhodesia was an illegal nation that deserved to be permanently put to rest for all the atrocities committed against the Black population remains un wavered.” I am doing this in the hope that young Zimbabweans who have seen the decay and corruption in their country over the past three decades will stop and ask themselves “How did we get here, why is our country so poor and why are we so hopeless here that we have to go far away to earn a decent living?” I find it a terrible shame that the history of Zimbabwe has been so distorted by lies and half truths, these lies peddled by one of the most racist and corrupt regimes this world has seen. How does the saying go? “A lie told often enough will eventually become the truth.” Sadly the lies about Rhodesia have been told and told and told over and over during the last 34 years of Mugabe rule that the vast majority of Zimbabweans have heard and know nothing else, they have been well and truly brainwashed by the ZANUPF propaganda machine. Regarding your point about Rhodesians committing atrocities against the Black population. Again, I have a problem with the statement because it is a lie. Mugabe has blamed the atrocities against the Black population on the Rhodesian government and security forces, (those forces were 80% non white). The truth of the matter is that the Rhodesian government were doing everything in their power to stop the atrocities committed by the terrorist organizations. It was not the policy of the Rhodesian security forces to cut body parts from their victims and make their families eat those parts, or throw a baby up in the air and catch him on the end of a bayonet, or cut a foetus from its pregnant mother, or massacre the missionaries that were educating and providing health care for poor civilians, or abduct and force march hundreds of innocent school kids against their and the will of their parents to be trained in communist camps, or shoot down civilian aircraft and murder the survivors, or, or, or… No, indeed it was not the Rhodesian way at all to commit these atrocities on her people for surely if it was, the 80% of the Rhodesian security forces that were not of the “evil white skin” would have risen up against the evil. I would take it further and say that 99.99% of the whites would not tolerate that evil either. The coward terrorists of Mugabe and Nkomo committed those terrible atrocities against the Black (and white) population. It was their way to deal with any one that stood in the way of their objective. They did this during the bush war, and even after the war was over, the intimidation and atrocities committed against the Black (and white) population continue by ZANUPF and Mugabe. To dismiss the murder of 30 000 as “a time of madness” surely must be the jewel in Mugabe’s crown. I do not understand why the people continue to believe Mugabe and the lies of his party. Actually I do, they have heard nothing but those lies since they were born. I hope that I have clearly answered what you asked me Naijanista, If I have missed something, please ask.
Brian Holder Prosperity for all is your own thinking. It was not in Ian Smith's agenda. Ian believed in prosperity for whites only. And poverty, failure, abuse etc was his agenda for the black Zimbabweans. Period.
I met him in '77 - a few years before Rhodesia (named after a leader) became Zim (named after a ruin). Back in '79, the Rhodesian Dollar was on par with the US Dollar. The rest is history and speaks for itself as the once beautiful Rhodesia went as all countries south of the Sahara have gone. Sold out by Britain, btw. Smith's passing is the loss of a truly gentle soul.
You mean, you met Ian Smith? if you got a chance to talk I would be very curious as to your impressions of him. I lived in Rhodesia but left it just 2 years before.
Anton Graser it was named after a genocidal homosexual. There’s no doubt that some Rhodesians were white supremacists and the real failure began with the whites who failed to see that racism was an evolving concept where you couldn’t carry on the way the Rhodies and South Africans wanted. Countries like the UK and most of the west realised that classism was the system they were going to follow. This meant that poor whites,blacks Indians etc where at the bottom, then the middle classes were mostly white with some blacks and other races but they kept their elite 99% white. Which is why now we have the 1% that controls the wealth of most of the world and they are mostly white and old money. In that sense racism is alive but it’s only the super rich whites who segregate themselves from everyone else.
Those that watched this right to the end should have a greater respect for this man than the popular history would have us do now. I know I do. Rest easy Mr Smith, Rest easy.
The only reason Mugabe didn't is because he knew that the Rhodesian security forces would have revolted if he did, and the Rhodesian farmers would have left en masse, leaving his new country in even more strife than he has already gotten into. Ian Smith simply wanted peace, prosperity and plenty, for ALL Rhodesians, not just one race!
No he didn't! Have you listened to his earlier rhetoric? The hate he'd spew when he was Prime Minister? He only became conciliatory when he had lost all power. It is easy to capitulate and want peace when one is on the receiving end.
Yes Joseph, I have listened to his earlier "rhetoric" as you put it. You mean the stuff where he vows to defend his country to the end? Or the bit about democracy being open to anyone who understands it and is responsible enough to use it sensibly? Yep, sounds pretty bad? ? ?
Konrad Kurze That's why there is so much confusions in the world today. The whole world will soon realize that it was Ian Smith's ashes that is responsible for all these confusions.
I am 44 years old and I remember my father saying " That is the end of civilisation in Africa " It has come true! Oh well done Mugabe TIA. Long live Rhodesia.
So true Bruce I was in South Africa in 2003 and our ranger was from Rhodesia and he told my wife and I that he remembered his mother firing off a Bren gun to defend their farm, then having to move to S. Africa yea well done Mugabe for destroying a civilisation.
I wished your father did not make such a racist comment at the presence of a little boy who happen to be his son. And see the manifestation of that statement in your life today. It has turned you a failed child to your parents. Rhodesia is DEAD. Zimbabwe LIVES. Get that fact into your head.
***** You proved from your second comment that you'd support Ian Smith regardless of the current state of Zimbabwe (which by the way, was doing just fine until racist old men like yourself hit it with aggressive sanctions). You old boys will never let one of your former colonies thrive unless they agree to continue being your yes men.
I remember one reporter saying that if you went to Harare today and asked people who they preferred; Smith or Mugabe, that "the answer would be unanimous. And it won't be Mugabe".
Can we just forget about this spilled milk called Rhodesia and move forward? Let us all work together black, white and all other for the upliftment of this nation called Zimbabwe. We can talk all those negative talks about Smith and Mugabe and that would just be about that. Talk. Talking with no action to back it up yields zero result. So lets go to work.
C Naijastan dude this is three years old but did you forget the part where you’re people and government murdered and ran out all the whites from your rotting carcass of a country. No one should recognize that rathole as a country, same as they did to Rhodesia.
I'm in Harare now... Even a dog would have been better than Smith. Your thinking is the reason we blacks still know that all white people are racists. How dare you think we would choose to be under someone who regards you as a lesser human?
It's funny how over very many years, one is lead to believe that a certain person is "bad" and is an "enemy" of Britain, but then when one can be bothered to educate oneself, it becomes apparent that things are not always as they seem, although of course I've known this for many years in respect of many other events, it's just that Rhodesia was next on my list to research. Having now watched a couple of dozen films on Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, I now I have a much better understanding of what actually happened there and what kind of person Ian Smith was. Firstly, I have to say that the view that a majority black population could not have a say in running the country is/was perverse. However, having said that, everything Ian Smith predicted has come true. The transition should have been over decades, with whites and blacks gradually working together to achieve the best for the country as a whole. But yet again, our government interfered in yet another country's affairs and caused chaos. Please don't blame the "British" people, because we have no real say in these matters - even if we vote out one government, the next is just as bad. Yet again, along with the US, we have helped destroy another country. I'm not ashamed to be British because we are generally good people, but I and the vast majority of us ARE ashamed of all the conflicts, war, trouble and destruction our so called 'leaders' and governments have orchestrated, caused, promoted, instigated and plotted all around the world for centuries. Just recently, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Ukraine and now Belarus have had British, US and EU fingers all over them, the result being for the first 4 countries in that list total destruction. We've had a bash at trying to destabilise Iran and Russia too. "We" Brits are partly/significantly responsible for the collapse of Rhodesia, as we have been for many other countries, and yet "we" have the audacity to strut around the world acting all superior and righteous. I am SICK of our 'leaders' never-ending interference in other countries' affairs that are NOTHING to do with us! So on behalf of the British PEOPLE, I apologise for all of the bad things that we have done around the world. RIP Ian Smith and Rhodesia.
Ian Smith (who was no racist, btw) wasn't against black majority rule, but he wanted to do it step by step, "no mad rush into one man, one vote", as he said. Universal suffrage as implemented after the Internal Settlement was not the problem, moderate blacks like Muzorewa were reasonable and cooperated with Smith. The real thing is that Mugabe would have never won an unrigged election, not even in 1980, and people like Kissinger, Carter, Wilson and Thatcher didn't care (they knew the elections in 1979 were completly fair and correct and had the support of the black people). They willingly sacrified Rhodesia/Simbabwe and threw it into anarchy to push forward their own political goals.
I like your summary towards the end Mr Smith,"Working Together" is the answer for all our problems in the last century, now, we are in the 21st century, we should all be working together to better our people rather than re creating the past, History tells us, working together prosper and division brings chaos and famine.
Ian Smith was a great leader. Highly admired. mugabe destroyed that country and its people. Even his own people suffered greatly. South Africa is fast following the same route. .
When I lived in Rhodesia there were 5 million blacks and 250,000 whites. Today, there are 15 million blacks and 40,000 whites in Zimbabwe. Mugabe's triumph?
A True Patriot and visionary. Isn't Rhodesia at present an absolute Paradise under Mugabe? Heck. If Zimbabwean's in the year 2013 could vote between Smith or Mugabe for P.M. They would more than likely choose Smith over Mugabe in a hot Toledo minute! Tune in at 9:10 to hear an Ian Smith insight into race-relations. Plain, Simple, and True. One really can't argue with him on this. R.I.P. Mr Smith. You are not forgotten
I bet Ian Smith is in HELL roasting in hell fire. He suppressed and abused the Blacks. When black people live in white man's nations, they comply and abide by the rules of those nations. But when white people live in black mans nations, they want to CHANGE the policies, rules, constitutions and eventually strive to take over to rule the black nations.
***** You're a descendant of Hitler. You're not responding to my comment here. Instead, you're attaching your stupid comment onto mine. What do one expect from the children of anarchist but confusion, destruction.....? It is a pity that Mugabe and Nkomo did spare people like you. They should have neutralize you all. People like you do not belong to the family of the humans. Even, animals will not want to have anything to do with you. (r)hodesia (the illegitimate state) is dead and gone. And anyone who believe that the atrocities committed by those criminals is just, and support the ressurection of rhodesia MUST be neutralized. Rest in PEACE Nkomo. I know where (i)an smith" is. Therefore, I do not need to waste time on him.
naijanista naijanistan quote "when black people live in white man's nations they comply and abide by the rules of those nation." HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !
naijanista naijanistan Good joke, you should be a comedian! You should go to some of the black majority neighborhoods here in Lisbon and find that there's nothing but anarchy and barbarian violence just like in pre-colonial times!
HenrySims If I was a Comedian, believe me, my comedy line would not make you laugh. It would instead, shower you with sorrow and tears. Whatever the condition of Blacks in Lisbon or elsewhere in Portugal is the handiwork of your fore-fathers' babaric violence against the blacks for centuries. Remember the first criminals that forced the blacks out of Africa to build their cities and economies were the Portuguese. And now you are condemning the Children of your victims for being violent after your missions have been achieved. To hell with you and your philosophy of "commit the crime and blame the victims" As a matter of fact, you're a rat. A dog gone heartless parasite.
The foresight and courage that this man had. 11th November 1965 UDI was a great time for us. The betrayal, double dealing and backstabbing British left, Kissinger and his ilk destroyed the great bread basket of Africa. 100 years in the making. Now, sadly, what a shit hole. South Africa is going the same way.
its only a matter of time before this islamic insurgents sweeping through Africa gets in there some where...the seeds i would imagine have been planted allready
Rhodesia is just a memory, Rhodesians across the world remember what once was and compare it to what exists now. I have Rhodesia in my blood but I have no desire to live in Africa and live under primitive conditions.
Really? Please debate facts, your emotions and imaginations are not facts. I mean no racial disrespect and I did not choose the colour of my skin. The facts are: At the time of the settlers arrival, the indigenous population was in decline. The total indigenous population numbered less than 300 000. The indigenous people lived in mud huts. The indigenous people wore animal skins for clothing. The indigenous people had no written language. The indigenous people did not have a wheel. I can go on but I'm sure you understand. You call me a savage, I have no issue with whatever you want to call me. Some more facts: I did not choose to be born in Africa. I did not choose the colour of my skin. I am not a racist. I am not a settler. I think that it would have been better if Africa was not colonized. I was not there to be able to share that view so no we live with the realities that Africa was colonized and as a consequence the indigenous people can read and write, they have modern technology, they have medicine... again the list is long. Hatred and racism are evil characteristics that are useless and counter productive. As for your comment about me staying in Europe, why, what gives you the right to tell me to do so?
He was a true leader. All he wanted was a generation to allow for education and experience. To take over a country without this would result in another Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria and many others. It did now we have Zimbabwe. I did not and do not agree with colonialism whereby a minority of people rule because of color. A regime whereby people who could not make the grade in their own countries became lords and masters. But when it came to the crunch we should have looked at the Country and what was best for it. No body will tell me that a country that was once the bread basket of Africa is better off with thousands starving, suffering brutality, corruption and fear an environment where free speech can land you in either jail or the Zambezi. I am a Brit and ashamed. We turned our backs on this wonderful country after it had made many of us rich. Well the majority now has the land but does not have any inclination to work it. It is easier to ask for aid than to work. Power does not come from a democratic election but from the machete.
+Martin Armour All of us Commonwealthers are guilty of abandoning our commonwealth brothers in Rhodesia at their time of need. The shame is shared, and the misfortune of Rhodesia/Zimbabwe sits squarely on all our shoulders. Let us never forget that.
What a smart man.The country ran so well and was maintained better then in the UK.Ian smith said something that I will never forget.He said and i QUOTE I AM NO RACIST but i don,t think the black people of Zimbabwe have the ability and knowledge how to run a country effectively.
God bless Ian Douglas Smith, the greatest hero of 21st century! I just wish there will be more men like him. I am very afraid he will be one of those last few ones who actually had the common sense to do what was right and defy the world for the benefit of his people. Rest In Peace Mr. Smith. You are definitely in heaven.
This man manage to make a country flourish with a 95% embargo on all it's products by the UN, having all the oil supply cut by the UN, while in war with communists terrorists and opposing neighboring countries. RESPECT!
Mates, I've been in a pickle lately I've been looking for a poem about Ian Smith by a fellow Rhodesian who said he loved Rhodesia and its prime minister even if he was black He also added that he rather have Ian Smith than Mugabe
Zimbabwe is yet another lesson in the realities of African life and politics. It takes an average IQ of 100 plus to make a parlimental democracy, or anything like it to function on the most basic of levels. No matter what you think it aught to be Afican natives at this time. For whatever reason. Be it culture, education, or even genetics, or a combination of the three. They cannot meet that average. A slow gradual incrimental change to integrate native Africans into a more meaningful role in governing of Rhodesia/ Zimbabwe was the answer. And it looks like Smith and many others knew it. What a waste..... This very week Mugabe was put in prison for mass corruption by his generals. It won't be enough. Is South Africa next?
You're forgetting that Robert Mugabe was a "communist", but over all a classic dictator. The fall of Rhodesia wasn't the natives being brainless. In fact, 3/4ths of the Rhodesian army was African, Africans who wanted to fight communism. In the end, the fall of Rhodesia was because of communism, not the natives. So to say that the natives haven't "meet the avarage" is simply ignorant. Ian Smith, over all, didn't want the country to fall into communist control. Sadly though, it's people like you, who associate and confuse Rhodesia with South Africa. And by that I mean that your a racist little bitch that probably peggs themselves with an FAL.
From breadbasket to basket case, Mugabe and his Zanu thugs ruined a wonderful country. Ian Smith was a great leader, but we were betrayed by Kiissinger and the new world order. I remember Mr Smith visiting my father at our home in Selukwe, when I was a boy. He drove up in his ordinary Peugeot 404, with no armed escort or cavelcade. What a gentleman!
one of the few people in this world that stood by his convictions, he stood up to the rest of world. In the end the communists made him leave HIS country. The world will never have another Ian Smith, may you rest in peace
He was a private, quiet, modest man of great integrity, who got on with his job despite great pressure from the rest of the there are few "stories" about him. Interestingly, once out of office, he was able to walk the streets alone with no problems, and though Mugabe threatened to arrest him, he never dared do so. He once challenged Mugabe to walk with him in the capital to see who was more popular with the public..Mugabe did not accept. He had the respect of all, even his enemies.
A brave man. Perhaps he didn’t rebel enough against US evil Oligarchy (which took over global power long ago). A covert clique of g-naz-tick deviants and psychopaths. I’d say so. Rhodesia was a land of real hope for all. I remember it before it became Zimbabwe. A direct before and after comparison.
I once stood in line with Ian Smith in a Bank (ZimBank) in Gweru in 1990 if I remember well. He was just a simple humble Farmer outside of Gweru. And I was just a young Black Secondary school student.
"Never in a Thousand Years"? I guess Smitty mellowed with age. I recall the striking contrast between his lone little Peugeot 404 and Mugabe's convoy of Mercedes Benz's and motorcycle outriders.
Indeed God Bless Rhodesia and Ian Smith. Transition to RESPONSIBLE black majority rule would have been orderly and peaceful under Ian Smith rather than the madness and suffering we have witnessed by Mugabe's chaotic dictatorial rule.
Visiting journalists always visited Ian Smith first over say visiting Mugabe or other ZANU PF post 1980 ZIM Politicians. Ian Smith amazed foreign visitors that he (Ian Smith) would go alone for evening or night walks alone and along the ZIM Streets - Mr Smith said, the Black Rhodesian/ZIM people would approach him and talk, and even wished that he takeover and restore the peace and abundance of the old Rhodesia.
ian smith was a rhodesian he was a real great man helping a nation that gave good to both black and white the best life in all of africa for black and white he wanted and was progressing to majoirty rule but responsible majority rule,,, rule when ready not because it being done else where
A great man he was. Do you think that if Rhodesia had not declared independence, the British would have helped them defeat Mugabe and co? they had already put down uprisings like the Mao Mao in Kenya and defeated communism in Malaysia, was it a mistake to declare independence from the British? or had the British just had enough of Africa and wanted out?
A great and patriotic leader. He was tagged a rebel by the British who put Mugabe in power so that he could destroy the country. What a shame the British government bares.
Brian Holder As a Cypriot I would be the first to condemn the British for their actions in their former colonies but this does not make the Rhodesian so-called state created under Ian Smith less racist and oppressive... By what account is Ian Smith not racist when he had the audacity to insist that the native people of Zimbabwe would never be able to govern their own territory?
Demetris Macriyiannis You are a tad misinformed. as are so many who have been brainwashed into believing that black people could not vote or aspire to rule the country in which they were born. Here is some info for you to ponder: Under the later Rhodesian constitutions many whites were excluded from voting. The same criteria permitted many blacks to vote. The number of blacks eligible to vote was increasing all the time as was the number of whites and other races. The system may not have been perfect but it took into account and looked after the indigenous African who up to only a few years before hadn't even heard of a vote. His rights were taken care of by his chief. Indeed, up to the Second World War and more often than not after that time, the indigenous black man living in Rhodesia was not interested in the white mans education, culture or his voting system. The right to vote was set up as an incentive to everyone, if you wanted to vote you had to meet a minimum standard. In a nutshell, here is the 1961 constitution: There were two voter rolls that were available to voters. To qualify to be on the 'A' roll, voters had to be 21 years of age and possess either an annual income of 792 Rhodesian pounds or more or real estate property worth at least 1,650 pounds - this qualification was lowered to 528/1,100 pounds if the voter had completed a primary education, or 330/550 pounds if the voter had completed a four-year secondary education. Appointment to the office of "chieftain" or "headman" by the government gave automatic access to the A roll. The 'B' roll had a lower set of financial and educational qualifications; voters had to be 18 years of age and possess an annual income of 264 pounds or property worth 495 pounds (reduced to 132/275 if the person completed two years of secondary education, 198/385 if the person was 30 years or older, or 132/275 if the person was over 30 years of age and had completed primary education). Ministers of religion as well as Kraal chiefs with a following of at least 20 heads of families automatically gained access to the B roll. The vast majority eligible for the B roll were African, although a few were European. Which roll an elector was on affected the value of their vote in a constituencies and districts. Both the rolls voted for each type of seat. For the constituencies, if the B roll total exceeded one-fifth of the total votes, it was devalued to a maximum of one-fifth. For the districts, if the A roll total exceeded one-fifth of the total votes, it was devalued to a maximum of one-fifth. 1970 constitution In the 1970 constitution, the 'B' roll was abolished. The new constitution favoured blacks over everyone else, giving them a lower level entry point than the entry point offered to other race groups: European, Asian and mixed citizens meeting certain income and property qualifications had to have an annual income of 1,800 dollars or more for the past two years or immovable property worth 3,600 dollars or more, with either demand lowered by a third if the person had completed four years of secondary education. Indigenous Africans qualified with an annual income of 600 dollars or more for the two past years or immovable property worth 1,200 dollars or more, with either demand lowered by a third if the voter had completed two years of secondary education - voting in eight. In addition, there were eight seats elected by an electoral college of African tribal chiefs. Prime Minister Ian Smith justified this setup on the grounds that the vast majority of black Rhodesians had no experience with the democratic system. White Rhodesians feared that rapid transition to majority rule might yield similar difficulties to those experienced by the newly independent Black African states such as Ghana, Tanzania, Uganda, and Nigeria. Smith proposed a gradual inclusion of Africans, increasing as the African population got to understand the system. It would appear that the white fears were totally justified when one considers the condition of the balance of payments, the low crime rate and the ability that the country had to feed itself when it was Rhodesia as compared to the state that now exists. Rhodesia was an independent country. Thirty two years later Zimbabwe is dependent on other countries to feed it's population. Oh well, that will change as the Chinese take over...
Brian Holder My opinion is informed based on a documentary and an extensive interview of Smith himself. Nevertheless thank you for the time to inform on the specifics of the Rhodesian Constitution and the electoral system used. I would like to make the following points: 1. Would you at any case accept a system which disenfranchises people based on their income and education. By any modern standards of democracy, human rights and morality this is clearly discriminatory and in the case of Rhodesia racist because the vast population affected was the black people. I am open to discussion as to some benefits of gradual enfranchisement but they are clearly insufficient to justify discriminatory policies of that nature. 2. The system was oligarchic at the very least- democracy today necessitates universal enfranchisement 3. I have heard Ian Smith to insist in multiple occasions that black majoriterian rule (the logical outcome of the alleged gradual enfranchisement) would not be acceptable in Rhodesia even in 1000 years. Well clearly the masks fell of... 4. States were called not to recognize Rhodesia on the basis of an unanimous Security Council resolution. This was among the very few occasions in which the Cold War conflict was set aside to universally condemn a situation in a state.It does not seem like a world propaganda against a 'fair' state to me... 5. I personally agree that the prosperity of the people ( black and white) in Zimbabwe may well have been greater, if the Rhodesian regime has been preserved BUT the principle of self-determination for people of former colonies is (for me and for the overwhelming majority of the international community) not to be sacrificed for any other reasons.
Demetris Macriyiannis You are welcome, I think that the truth about Rhodesia has been hidden for political reasons. It means little to me now as I have no desire to ever live in Zimbabwe. Still, the truth should be told... About your questions regarding the electoral system, I can elaborate further if you like, but here's my take in a nut shell: I know of 16 year olds that can hold an intelligent conversation and are well informed on political issues. I also know 18 year olds that are idiots and have no idea about anything but drugs and booze. You probably also know of people like this. Which individuals do you believe are better qualified for the important job of electing the leaders of the country? Why is there age discrimination? In my opinion every person has rights. The right to vote based on age alone is the ludicrous concept which has been adopted universally. This right is likely one of the reasons that the world is in such a mess and we have so many incompetent and corrupt governments. Do you believe that a person should have the right to elect the national leaders because they are 18, or should there be other qualifying factors? BTW, for interest sake, I did not qualify yo vote in Rhodesia. Something else you should know about Rhodesia.. The settlers moved into the country when it was devoid of any schools, hospitals, roads, railways or other infrastructure. Every attempt not to disrupt the traditions and the culture of the indigenous people was made. This was at the request of the chiefs and headmen who were the traditional leaders. For the first 50 years of Rhodesia, most of the indigenous folk were not interested in the education and culture that was introduced by the settlers. As time progressed, the black folk started to see merit in western education and those that wanted it were educated as far and fast as recourses would permit. By 1970, a mere 80 years after the arrival of the pioneer column, the Rhodesian black person had a higher standard of living, a higher life expectancy and a higher standard of education than his counterpart in any other country south of the Sahara and north of the Limpopo. Rhodesia's population soared to be the fastest growing population group in the world. What has that got to do with anything you may ask? Well in the 1890's the population was estimated at less than 300 000, some say that it was in decline, I don't know. What I do know is that the population grew rapidly with the medicine introduced by the settlers. Anyway, I hope that answers some of your questions about Rhodesia.
He had a real insight into the African, the traditions. He loved the African Africa. Mr Smith created something from nothing. His ideology of working together, being just zimbabweans, no colour creed defined as better, was never taken up run with. Mugabe the mashona wanted it all. He got it with everything and made it into nothing. Im sorry the ndebele who are of a different cloth did not take the mantel.
@@ayodejiolowokere1076 you realise rhodesia was no where near on the same level as apartheid south africa, unlike south africa, rhodesians actually wanted to preserve the native culture and land
Contrary to popular belief, Rhodesia didn't actually have racist laws, but what was called "qualified franchise", in which you had to have a basic education in order to vote. Most blacks did not qualify but the Rhodesian government struggled to educate them, even setting up affirmative action for blacks in universities. This was to prevent people like Mugabe from getting elected by an uneducated, superstitious, tribalist majority who quite frankly hated others of different tribes.
Im 20, black and now leaving in Australia and its really sad to go back home, cause everytime you go back it seems worse than the last time you were there
These people are not Evil. they were misunderstood and badly maligned. you had only to talk with them, instead of talk down on them. Yes, I understand it when they talk about Perfidious Albion, unfortunately. There's too many seeds of truth there.
Has anyone read the book by Peter Joyce titled 'Anatomy of a Rebel'? It's out of print but an excellent read about Mr Ian Douglas Smith - Prime Minister of Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) before Robert Mugabe was handed the reins by the British government. This video is my favourite of all I've viewed to date and from 'the horse's mouth'. It is unbiased, honest views & comments/reports of the situation in Rhodesia back then. Smithy wasn't the bad guy as Britain & the rest of the world portrayed him to be, Ian Smith was Honourable, a brave & courageous man of high integrity, a gentleman, tolerant, clever and more, a true and patriotic Rhodesian. The high calibre & character of this man cannot be matched by any leader presently and then. **The Good Lord above, surely has a high place for him within His kingdom. May his soul rest in peace.
@@thesmithersy not if you perceive yourself as being victimized by them. Otherwise, I imagine segregation with a European captaincy is an acceptable system to you. Why else would you sympathize with Rhodesia?
Ian Smith wanted the people of his country to work together and live in peace. But the whites had to be the bosses and the blacks had to be the servants. We tell our children that it is good to share. And if we don't share properly then the whole thing goes to hell in a handbasket. The real question is, and this remains the central question all over the world, How do we share properly?
Ian Smith cannot be compared to Robert Mugabe. Mr Smith was a great leader, and directly responsible for Rhodesia being the jewel of Africa, fantastic quality of life, unsurpassed in the world. Robert Mugabe on the other hand, completely destroyed the country, so much so that Zimbabwe is now a shithole of the highest level. Non-existing economy, lack of food supply leading to the starvation of the majority of the people, radical hyper inflation, dramatically shortened life expectancy, no electrical power for 18 hours per day, lack of basic services, massive fuel shortages for vehicles, inability to access money from the banks. And while all this happened, Mugabe’s family are amongst the wealthiest on the continent! Before dying in his mid nineties, Mugabe should have suffered the same fate as Saddam Hussein. He must surely be the most evil and disgusting human being of recent times, and should’ve faced a death sentence.
@BahreNeGash Smith was an African, born on African soil. He died on African soil. One can say it was he who was the first African born leader of Rhodesia. You don't think he would of faced a hard time for that?? Also remember, his father was working class Black smith immigrant, not a member of the British aristocracy there.
Now that the Africans are back with their ancestral lands & resources, they can do whatever they please, in order to restore thousands of generations of African Self-determination, Self-sufficiency & Self-reliance. Long live Magnanimous Mugabe, Greatest African Hero since the Black Pharaohs of ancient Egypt along with his Zim Patriots!
I see your point. Do you think that in the future, a coaltion van be built between the two men?? Makoni didnot have the wide popular support as you said. And I remember seeing that he was polling at 6%. But if they can come together, perhaps it could be a potent combination. What do you think?
what is the criteria of owning land in Zimbabwe ? Who do the property rights laws in Zimbabwe signify as a land owner in Zimbabwe ? What clarifies an individual as the rightful owner of land in Zimbabwe or any other african country ?
Just to set the record straight , I do not hate anyone instead I want and expect everyone to treat the next man the same way they expect to be treated. So please do not twist my clear words concerning land issues in Africa. If Africa is owned by Africans and when investors come knocking on Africa's door the people who will benefit from these investments will mainly be Africans however if they do not own the land they don't benefit from the exploitation of their continent by western investors.
@BahreNeGash You may want to check again, if you think democracy means majority rule. The Ancient Greeks, often trotted out as the inventors of democracy, only allowed a fraction of their population to vote and participate in gov't. Historically, democracy only involved the majority of the population beginning in the 20th century.
@MrZingy That's actually a good point Zingy. I do feel that the US as it's borrowing from the Chinese government is becoming more and more indebted to them, not a good thing. We're not Communist as being communist means that you believe that government should own all means of production. However bailout and stimulus indicates government interference in the economy motivated by perhaps a sense of cronyism that has seeped into our system??
Ian Smith was one of the bravest leaders of twentieth century! Rest in peace, Mr Smith.
tray4168 The cowards lost
Imperial Walker he was murdered who got away with murder Mama f him and any body disagrees
Micah Johnson Boxing
José dos Santos
Yes You are right Did he die in Zimbabwe and Does he have a children really I love this man so much
@henkjan van de veen his voting idea was predicated on race not aptitude or wealth. Look up the 1969 constitution.
Inscribed on Smith's grave stone, "I told you so". Mugabe is the death of a once thriving and beautiful country and now SA has gone the same way.
For whom was South Africa thriving?
@@Mzalwane1 certainly not the people running it today, Now there's fifty murders every day in SA.
It did not thrive for the majority of its citizens under apartheid.
Mzalwane Mzala that WAS true, however they were thriving for all under Mandela but they are regressing worse than during apartheid. Now that hes been dead, all south africans are suffering and soon a total collapse will follow due to majority identity politics. Who will you blame then when that time comes??
Yes however things are starting to get worse than
I personally admired Mr Ian Smith in a very big way. That great gentleman was a fighter. He was as brave as a lion and I salute him. The best leader that Rhodesia ever had.
naijanista naijanistan Read what this Kenyan had to say:
Brian Holder Nice to hear from you again Brian.
I saw the link. Sincerely, my time is limited to analyze it point by point. But I'll like to ask, What point are you driving at? Because my point that Rhodesia was an illegal nation that deserved to be permanently put to rest for all the atrocities committed against the Black population remains un wavered.
naijanista naijanistan Hello Naijanista, good to hear from you too. I’ll try and clarify my point of view regarding your comments: “What point are you driving at? Because my point that Rhodesia was an illegal nation that deserved to be permanently put to rest for all the atrocities committed against the Black population remains un wavered.”
I am doing this in the hope that young Zimbabweans who have seen the decay and corruption in their country over the past three decades will stop and ask themselves “How did we get here, why is our country so poor and why are we so hopeless here that we have to go far away to earn a decent living?”
I find it a terrible shame that the history of Zimbabwe has been so distorted by lies and half truths, these lies peddled by one of the most racist and corrupt regimes this world has seen. How does the saying go? “A lie told often enough will eventually become the truth.” Sadly the lies about Rhodesia have been told and told and told over and over during the last 34 years of Mugabe rule that the vast majority of Zimbabweans have heard and know nothing else, they have been well and truly brainwashed by the ZANUPF propaganda machine.
Regarding your point about Rhodesians committing atrocities against the Black population. Again, I have a problem with the statement because it is a lie. Mugabe has blamed the atrocities against the Black population on the Rhodesian government and security forces, (those forces were 80% non white). The truth of the matter is that the Rhodesian government were doing everything in their power to stop the atrocities committed by the terrorist organizations. It was not the policy of the Rhodesian security forces to cut body parts from their victims and make their families eat those parts, or throw a baby up in the air and catch him on the end of a bayonet, or cut a foetus from its pregnant mother, or massacre the missionaries that were educating and providing health care for poor civilians, or abduct and force march hundreds of innocent school kids against their and the will of their parents to be trained in communist camps, or shoot down civilian aircraft and murder the survivors, or, or, or… No, indeed it was not the Rhodesian way at all to commit these atrocities on her people for surely if it was, the 80% of the Rhodesian security forces that were not of the “evil white skin” would have risen up against the evil. I would take it further and say that 99.99% of the whites would not tolerate that evil either.
The coward terrorists of Mugabe and Nkomo committed those terrible atrocities against the Black (and white) population. It was their way to deal with any one that stood in the way of their objective. They did this during the bush war, and even after the war was over, the intimidation and atrocities committed against the Black (and white) population continue by ZANUPF and Mugabe. To dismiss the murder of 30 000 as “a time of madness” surely must be the jewel in Mugabe’s crown. I do not understand why the people continue to believe Mugabe and the lies of his party. Actually I do, they have heard nothing but those lies since they were born.
I hope that I have clearly answered what you asked me Naijanista, If I have missed something, please ask.
***** Best leader Africa has ever had. Imagine what could have been... Prosperity for all.
Brian Holder Prosperity for all is your own thinking.
It was not in Ian Smith's agenda.
Ian believed in prosperity for whites only.
And poverty, failure, abuse etc was his agenda for the black Zimbabweans. Period.
I met him in '77 - a few years before Rhodesia (named after a leader) became Zim (named after a ruin). Back in '79, the Rhodesian Dollar was on par with the US Dollar. The rest is history and speaks for itself as the once beautiful Rhodesia went as all countries south of the Sahara have gone. Sold out by Britain, btw. Smith's passing is the loss of a truly gentle soul.
You mean, you met Ian Smith? if you got a chance to talk I would be very curious as to your impressions of him. I lived in Rhodesia but left it just 2 years before.
Anton Graser .
Anton Graser he was a Nazi
Anton Graser .
Anton Graser it was named after a genocidal homosexual. There’s no doubt that some Rhodesians were white supremacists and the real failure began with the whites who failed to see that racism was an evolving concept where you couldn’t carry on the way the Rhodies and South Africans wanted. Countries like the UK and most of the west realised that classism was the system they were going to follow. This meant that poor whites,blacks Indians etc where at the bottom, then the middle classes were mostly white with some blacks and other races but they kept their elite 99% white. Which is why now we have the 1% that controls the wealth of most of the world and they are mostly white and old money. In that sense racism is alive but it’s only the super rich whites who segregate themselves from everyone else.
Those that watched this right to the end should have a greater respect for this man than the popular history would have us do now. I know I do. Rest easy Mr Smith, Rest easy.
The only reason Mugabe didn't is because he knew that the Rhodesian security forces would have revolted if he did, and the Rhodesian farmers would have left en masse, leaving his new country in even more strife than he has already gotten into. Ian Smith simply wanted peace, prosperity and plenty, for ALL Rhodesians, not just one race!
No he didn't! Have you listened to his earlier rhetoric? The hate he'd spew when he was Prime Minister? He only became conciliatory when he had lost all power. It is easy to capitulate and want peace when one is on the receiving end.
Yes Joseph, I have listened to his earlier "rhetoric" as you put it. You mean the stuff where he vows to defend his country to the end? Or the bit about democracy being open to anyone who understands it and is responsible enough to use it sensibly? Yep, sounds pretty bad? ? ?
As of late, I became a Smith supporter. I plan on reading his book The Great Betrayal.
@@kinkajou777 I recommend it, I have the book at home, well worth the read.
Spent the best years of my life in Rhodesia. Bless Ian Smith and his memory.
May he rot in hell
@@TheRedTrucks Eternal Glory to Ian Smith
Hope this finds you well and in good health, cheers
Goodbye Ian Smith. If you had a grave, I would visit but I'll toast to your memory all the same
naijanista naijanistan
They spread his ashes on the wind.
Konrad Kurze That's why there is so much confusions in the world today. The whole world will soon realize that it was Ian Smith's ashes that is responsible for all these confusions.
naijanista naijanistan Ian Smith... The greatest African leader ever. We honour you Sir.
Brian Holder Are you meant to say, the most devilish, racist African leader ever. Roasting for eternity. You Devil.
naijanista naijanistan
And Mugabe isn't racist?
Ian Smith was a man among men.
I am 44 years old and I remember my father saying " That is the end of civilisation in Africa " It has come true! Oh well done Mugabe TIA.
Long live Rhodesia.
So true Bruce I was in South Africa in 2003 and our ranger was from Rhodesia and he told my wife and I that he remembered his mother firing off a Bren gun to defend their farm, then having to move to S. Africa yea well done Mugabe for destroying a civilisation.
I wished your father did not make such a racist comment at the presence of a little boy who happen to be his son.
And see the manifestation of that statement in your life today. It has turned you a failed child to your parents.
Rhodesia is DEAD. Zimbabwe LIVES. Get that fact into your head.
@104566525295612188848 Thank you Mugabe for destroying a civilisation that was built on a FAKE, LIES, DECEIT, WICKED and OPPRESSIVE foundation.
long live xD mabye 2-3 more years
Butthurt Zimbabweans making anti white comments.
We had a great run, Mr. Smith. God bless your soul.
Not long enough my bro.
If only he was still with us
I"m a white Englishman 48 years old!! i fully support Ian Smith.....look at Zimbabwe now!..i rest my case.
Wtf. Your IP address says that you are in North Korea? How the fuck are you even commenting on this video?
***** Its a good thing you hide on youtube. Racists like you have trouble airing your views in public.
***** Spoken like a true racist idiot.
I'm not black buddy
***** You proved from your second comment that you'd support Ian Smith regardless of the current state of Zimbabwe (which by the way, was doing just fine until racist old men like yourself hit it with aggressive sanctions). You old boys will never let one of your former colonies thrive unless they agree to continue being your yes men.
My first Prime Minister and true Statesman, he loved all Rhodies and worked so hard for our future. Rest Easy Sir.
What an amazing human being.
Massive respect for Ian Smith.
I remember one reporter saying that if you went to Harare today and asked people who they preferred; Smith or Mugabe, that "the answer would be unanimous. And it won't be Mugabe".
Can we just forget about this spilled milk called Rhodesia and move forward? Let us all work together black, white and all other for the upliftment of this nation called Zimbabwe. We can talk all those negative talks about Smith and Mugabe and that would just be about that. Talk.
Talking with no action to back it up yields zero result. So lets go to work.
naijanista naijanistan Who is going to pay the workers? With what?
C Naijastan dude this is three years old but did you forget the part where you’re people and government murdered and ran out all the whites from your rotting carcass of a country. No one should recognize that rathole as a country, same as they did to Rhodesia.
@@naijanistan then why forget the past???
I'm in Harare now... Even a dog would have been better than Smith. Your thinking is the reason we blacks still know that all white people are racists. How dare you think we would choose to be under someone who regards you as a lesser human?
It's funny how over very many years, one is lead to believe that a certain person is "bad" and is an "enemy" of Britain, but then when one can be bothered to educate oneself, it becomes apparent that things are not always as they seem, although of course I've known this for many years in respect of many other events, it's just that Rhodesia was next on my list to research. Having now watched a couple of dozen films on Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, I now I have a much better understanding of what actually happened there and what kind of person Ian Smith was.
Firstly, I have to say that the view that a majority black population could not have a say in running the country is/was perverse. However, having said that, everything Ian Smith predicted has come true. The transition should have been over decades, with whites and blacks gradually working together to achieve the best for the country as a whole. But yet again, our government interfered in yet another country's affairs and caused chaos. Please don't blame the "British" people, because we have no real say in these matters - even if we vote out one government, the next is just as bad.
Yet again, along with the US, we have helped destroy another country. I'm not ashamed to be British because we are generally good people, but I and the vast majority of us ARE ashamed of all the conflicts, war, trouble and destruction our so called 'leaders' and governments have orchestrated, caused, promoted, instigated and plotted all around the world for centuries. Just recently, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Ukraine and now Belarus have had British, US and EU fingers all over them, the result being for the first 4 countries in that list total destruction. We've had a bash at trying to destabilise Iran and Russia too. "We" Brits are partly/significantly responsible for the collapse of Rhodesia, as we have been for many other countries, and yet "we" have the audacity to strut around the world acting all superior and righteous. I am SICK of our 'leaders' never-ending interference in other countries' affairs that are NOTHING to do with us! So on behalf of the British PEOPLE, I apologise for all of the bad things that we have done around the world. RIP Ian Smith and Rhodesia.
Ian Smith (who was no racist, btw) wasn't against black majority rule, but he wanted to do it step by step, "no mad rush into one man, one vote", as he said. Universal suffrage as implemented after the Internal Settlement was not the problem, moderate blacks like Muzorewa were reasonable and cooperated with Smith. The real thing is that Mugabe would have never won an unrigged election, not even in 1980, and people like Kissinger, Carter, Wilson and Thatcher didn't care (they knew the elections in 1979 were completly fair and correct and had the support of the black people). They willingly sacrified Rhodesia/Simbabwe and threw it into anarchy to push forward their own political goals.
+hajdkvjecn The problem with the british is that they overused the Zimbabweans. If you had co-operated with them,then war would not have break out
hajdkvjecn He was a racist and a loser.
I like your summary towards the end Mr Smith,"Working Together" is the answer for all our problems in the last century, now, we are in the 21st century, we should all be working together to better our people rather than re creating the past, History tells us, working together prosper and division brings chaos and famine.
You could not have asked for a better person, leader true to his word never forgotten
Ian Smith was a great leader. Highly admired. mugabe destroyed that country and its people. Even his own people suffered greatly. South Africa is fast following the same route.
It already has
I stand by you too, Ian, And my dad and both grandad's who fought.
maydayza May they burn in hell.
It was a privilege to have served in the RLI which Ian Smith, himself, had dubbed "The Incredibles" and we would have followed him anywhere.
10 years ago today. RIP Ian Smith.
Such a wise man. I wish my country had someone half as great as him
Legend. What a great man.
When I lived in Rhodesia there were 5 million blacks and 250,000 whites.
Today, there are 15 million blacks and 40,000 whites in Zimbabwe. Mugabe's triumph?
john evans yep
Today it's much less than 40.000.
Ian Smith remained in Zimbabwe and was regarded as the grand old man of politics until his recent death. A grand person.
A True Patriot and visionary. Isn't Rhodesia at present an absolute Paradise under Mugabe? Heck. If Zimbabwean's in the year 2013 could vote between Smith or Mugabe for P.M. They would more than likely choose Smith over Mugabe in a hot Toledo minute! Tune in at 9:10 to hear an Ian Smith insight into race-relations. Plain, Simple, and True. One really can't argue with him on this. R.I.P. Mr Smith. You are not forgotten
I bet Ian Smith is in HELL roasting in hell fire. He suppressed and abused the Blacks. When black people live in white man's nations, they comply and abide by the rules of those nations. But when white people live in black mans nations, they want to CHANGE the policies, rules, constitutions and eventually strive to take over to rule the black nations.
***** You're a descendant of Hitler. You're not responding to my comment here. Instead, you're attaching your stupid comment onto mine. What do one expect from the children of anarchist but confusion, destruction.....?
It is a pity that Mugabe and Nkomo did spare people like you. They should have neutralize you all.
People like you do not belong to the family of the humans. Even, animals will not want to have anything to do with you. (r)hodesia (the illegitimate state) is dead and gone. And anyone who believe that the atrocities committed by those criminals is just, and support the ressurection of rhodesia MUST be neutralized.
Rest in PEACE Nkomo. I know where (i)an smith" is. Therefore, I do not need to waste time on him.
naijanista naijanistan quote "when black people live in white man's nations they comply and abide by the rules of those nation." HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !
naijanista naijanistan Good joke, you should be a comedian! You should go to some of the black majority neighborhoods here in Lisbon and find that there's nothing but anarchy and barbarian violence just like in pre-colonial times!
HenrySims If I was a Comedian, believe me, my comedy line would not make you laugh. It would instead, shower you with sorrow and tears.
Whatever the condition of Blacks in Lisbon or elsewhere in Portugal is the handiwork of your fore-fathers' babaric violence against the blacks for centuries. Remember the first criminals that forced the blacks out of Africa to build their cities and economies were the Portuguese. And now you are condemning the Children of your victims for being violent after your missions have been achieved.
To hell with you and your philosophy of "commit the crime and blame the victims"
As a matter of fact, you're a rat. A dog gone heartless parasite.
The foresight and courage that this man had. 11th November 1965 UDI was a great time for us. The betrayal, double dealing and backstabbing British left, Kissinger and his ilk destroyed the great bread basket of Africa. 100 years in the making. Now, sadly, what a shit hole. South Africa is going the same way.
he still in my heart Rhodesia for ever!!
yes i am sorry for him but for my he still great man I was in rhodeshia from 1972 to 1976 I am french man
i loved rhodesia i lived there ian smith was a real gentleman let down by the british government
@@estellephillipsphillips3355 was he not a racist?
Bring back Rhodesia! I know its fantasy but it would be great...
its only a matter of time before this islamic insurgents sweeping through Africa gets in there some where...the seeds i would imagine have been planted allready
Rhodesia is just a memory, Rhodesians across the world remember what once was and compare it to what exists now. I have Rhodesia in my blood but I have no desire to live in Africa and live under primitive conditions.
Really? Please debate facts, your emotions and imaginations are not facts. I mean no racial disrespect and I did not choose the colour of my skin. The facts are: At the time of the settlers arrival, the indigenous population was in decline. The total indigenous population numbered less than 300 000. The indigenous people lived in mud huts. The indigenous people wore animal skins for clothing. The indigenous people had no written language. The indigenous people did not have a wheel. I can go on but I'm sure you understand. You call me a savage, I have no issue with whatever you want to call me. Some more facts: I did not choose to be born in Africa. I did not choose the colour of my skin. I am not a racist. I am not a settler. I think that it would have been better if Africa was not colonized. I was not there to be able to share that view so no we live with the realities that Africa was colonized and as a consequence the indigenous people can read and write, they have modern technology, they have medicine... again the list is long. Hatred and racism are evil characteristics that are useless and counter productive. As for your comment about me staying in Europe, why, what gives you the right to tell me to do so?
+Kenneth Griffin Islam has been banned in Angola.
Romulus Augustus well thats a good start...
He was a true leader. All he wanted was a generation to allow for education and experience. To take over a country without this would result in another Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria and many others. It did now we have Zimbabwe. I did not and do not agree with colonialism whereby a minority of people rule because of color. A regime whereby people who could not make the grade in their own countries became lords and masters. But when it came to the crunch we should have looked at the Country and what was best for it. No body will tell me that a country that was once the bread basket of Africa is better off with thousands starving, suffering brutality, corruption and fear an environment where free speech can land you in either jail or the Zambezi. I am a Brit and ashamed. We turned our backs on this wonderful country after it had made many of us rich. Well the majority now has the land but does not have any inclination to work it. It is easier to ask for aid than to work. Power does not come from a democratic election but from the machete.
Martin Armour "All he wanted was a generation to allow for education and experience." How I wish I could believe that.
+Martin Armour All of us Commonwealthers are guilty of abandoning our commonwealth brothers in Rhodesia at their time of need. The shame is shared, and the misfortune of Rhodesia/Zimbabwe sits squarely on all our shoulders. Let us never forget that.
Rest In Peace Ian Douglas Smith. Happy 101st Birthday for April 8th 2020.
What a smart man.The country ran so well and was maintained better then in the UK.Ian smith said something that I will never forget.He said and i QUOTE I AM NO RACIST but i don,t think the black people of Zimbabwe have the ability and knowledge how to run a country effectively.
Ian Smith was a great leader
A wise man, great statesman and noble gentleman. Persons like him should rule the world. Rest in peace 🙏
What an upright gentleman....met him twice here in North America...before he passed away....xxxx
He was quite a man.
God bless Ian Douglas Smith, the greatest hero of 21st century! I just wish there will be more men like him. I am very afraid he will be one of those last few ones who actually had the common sense to do what was right and defy the world for the benefit of his people. Rest In Peace Mr. Smith. You are definitely in heaven.
This man manage to make a country flourish with a 95% embargo on all it's products by the UN, having all the oil supply cut by the UN, while in war with communists terrorists and opposing neighboring countries.
What a life this man has lived. Rest in peace, from Denmark
Ian Smith was a great leader.Long live Rhodesia
Mates, I've been in a pickle lately
I've been looking for a poem about Ian Smith by a fellow Rhodesian
who said he loved Rhodesia and its prime minister even if he was black
He also added that he rather have Ian Smith than Mugabe
Too bad there aren't other Ian Smiths nowadays. Look at Africa now...
Ashamed of my land of birth The U.K. may his soul rest in peace.
Smith betrayed the UK. Not the other way around.
Zimbabwe is yet another lesson in the realities of African life and politics. It takes an average IQ of 100 plus to make a parlimental democracy, or anything like it to function on the most basic of levels. No matter what you think it aught to be Afican natives at this time. For whatever reason. Be it culture, education, or even genetics, or a combination of the three. They cannot meet that average. A slow gradual incrimental change to integrate native Africans into a more meaningful role in governing of Rhodesia/ Zimbabwe was the answer. And it looks like Smith and many others knew it. What a waste..... This very week Mugabe was put in prison for mass corruption by his generals. It won't be enough. Is South Africa next?
You're forgetting that Robert Mugabe was a "communist", but over all a classic dictator. The fall of Rhodesia wasn't the natives being brainless. In fact, 3/4ths of the Rhodesian army was African, Africans who wanted to fight communism. In the end, the fall of Rhodesia was because of communism, not the natives. So to say that the natives haven't "meet the avarage" is simply ignorant. Ian Smith, over all, didn't want the country to fall into communist control. Sadly though, it's people like you, who associate and confuse Rhodesia with South Africa. And by that I mean that your a racist little bitch that probably peggs themselves with an FAL.
What's amazing is that even Smith's enemies acknowleged him as a true African.
Someday rhodesia will rise again as a young generation i salute respect may his soul rest in peace in heaven with the angel
I don’t like him personally but I have to respect him tremendously.
May this great politician and humble, virtuous man rest in Peace. Amen.
Like Jan Smuts, Ian Smith was born into a world not yet ready for him. Rest in Peace you brave soldier !
From breadbasket to basket case, Mugabe and his Zanu thugs ruined a wonderful country. Ian Smith was a great leader, but we were betrayed by Kiissinger and the new world order. I remember Mr Smith visiting my father at our home in Selukwe, when I was a boy. He drove up in his ordinary Peugeot 404, with no armed escort or cavelcade. What a gentleman!
We still have our land
Ian smith was a true statesmen who cared about his nation. the world dont porduce statesmen just politicians
Well I don't agree with all his positions he seemed honest and well spoken not a shill like every other politician today
Ian Smith is the truest Rhodesian ever. It didn't happen, but it wasn't for you. RHODESIANS never die.
I wish Smith was born in Kenya and not Rhodesia.
one of the few people in this world that stood by his convictions, he stood up to the rest of world. In the end the communists made him leave HIS country. The world will never have another Ian Smith, may you rest in peace
He looks to me kind of like a modern Rober E.Lee
totally! a guy who perhaps understood that there was something wrong at the time, but knew that it cannot be rushed
Robert E. Lee? Don't insult his memory.
SA is going the same way as Zimbabwe
@@Laughandsong I mean , come on. Look at him. With that beard. He does look similar.
Yes Smith was misunderstood by Blacks.He developed Rhodesia rapidly into a modern state. Whites brought fast civilization to Rhodesia.
He was interviewed at his retirement home in South Africa where he had lived in from 2005 until his death in 2007
He was a private, quiet, modest man of great integrity, who got on with his job despite great pressure from the rest of the there are few "stories" about him. Interestingly, once out of office, he was able to walk the streets alone with no problems, and though Mugabe threatened to arrest him, he never dared do so. He once challenged Mugabe to walk with him in the capital to see who was more popular with the public..Mugabe did not accept. He had the respect of all, even his enemies.
this was a good intelligent man, but these no statue of him, just those of evil man.
A brave man. Perhaps he didn’t rebel enough against US evil Oligarchy (which took over global power long ago). A covert clique of g-naz-tick deviants and psychopaths. I’d say so. Rhodesia was a land of real hope for all. I remember it before it became Zimbabwe. A direct before and after comparison.
I once stood in line with Ian Smith in a Bank (ZimBank) in Gweru in 1990 if I remember well. He was just a simple humble Farmer outside of Gweru. And I was just a young Black Secondary school student.
H.E.Mr. Smith is a brilliant African hero. A Man among men.
Eternal memory!
"Never in a Thousand Years"? I guess Smitty mellowed with age. I recall the striking contrast between his lone little Peugeot 404 and Mugabe's convoy of Mercedes Benz's and motorcycle outriders.
Indeed God Bless Rhodesia and Ian Smith.
Transition to RESPONSIBLE black majority rule would have been orderly and peaceful under Ian Smith rather than the madness and suffering we have witnessed by Mugabe's chaotic dictatorial rule.
sounds reasonable man!
Visiting journalists always visited Ian Smith first over say visiting Mugabe or other ZANU PF post 1980 ZIM Politicians. Ian Smith amazed foreign visitors that he (Ian Smith) would go alone for evening or night walks alone and along the ZIM Streets - Mr Smith said, the Black Rhodesian/ZIM people would approach him and talk, and even wished that he takeover and restore the peace and abundance of the old Rhodesia.
Great man. May his soul rest in peace
ian smith was a rhodesian he was a real great man helping a nation that gave good to both black and white the best life in all of africa for black and white he wanted and was progressing to majoirty rule but responsible majority rule,,, rule when ready not because it being done else where
Is it just me or with the beard he looks a bit like another great rebel Gen. Lee?
A great man he was. Do you think that if Rhodesia had not declared independence, the British would have helped them defeat Mugabe and co? they had already put down uprisings like the Mao Mao in Kenya and defeated communism in Malaysia, was it a mistake to declare independence from the British? or had the British just had enough of Africa and wanted out?
zimbabweans for zimbabweans black or white but if things don't works out adapt or fly
Mugabe is dead, but Ian Smith will live on because Rhodesians Never Die.
a bit of a rebel?? not the adjective that comes to mind...
A great and patriotic leader. He was tagged a rebel by the British who put Mugabe in power so that he could destroy the country. What a shame the British government bares.
Brian Holder As a Cypriot I would be the first to condemn the British for their actions in their former colonies but this does not make the Rhodesian so-called state created under Ian Smith less racist and oppressive... By what account is Ian Smith not racist when he had the audacity to insist that the native people of Zimbabwe would never be able to govern their own territory?
Demetris Macriyiannis You are a tad misinformed. as are so many who have been brainwashed into believing that black people could not vote or aspire to rule the country in which they were born. Here is some info for you to ponder: Under the later Rhodesian constitutions many whites were excluded from voting. The same criteria permitted many blacks to vote. The number of blacks eligible to vote was increasing all the time as was the number of whites and other races. The system may not have been perfect but it took into account and looked after the indigenous African who up to only a few years before hadn't even heard of a vote. His rights were taken care of by his chief. Indeed, up to the Second World War and more often than not after that time, the indigenous black man living in Rhodesia was not interested in the white mans education, culture or his voting system. The right to vote was set up as an incentive to everyone, if you wanted to vote you had to meet a minimum standard. In a nutshell, here is the 1961 constitution:
There were two voter rolls that were available to voters. To qualify to be on the 'A' roll, voters had to be 21 years of age and possess either an annual income of 792 Rhodesian pounds or more or real estate property worth at least 1,650 pounds - this qualification was lowered to 528/1,100 pounds if the voter had completed a primary education, or 330/550 pounds if the voter had completed a four-year secondary education. Appointment to the office of "chieftain" or "headman" by the government gave automatic access to the A roll. The 'B' roll had a lower set of financial and educational qualifications; voters had to be 18 years of age and possess an annual income of 264 pounds or property worth 495 pounds (reduced to 132/275 if the person completed two years of secondary education, 198/385 if the person was 30 years or older, or 132/275 if the person was over 30 years of age and had completed primary education). Ministers of religion as well as Kraal chiefs with a following of at least 20 heads of families automatically gained access to the B roll. The vast majority eligible for the B roll were African, although a few were European.
Which roll an elector was on affected the value of their vote in a constituencies and districts. Both the rolls voted for each type of seat. For the constituencies, if the B roll total exceeded one-fifth of the total votes, it was devalued to a maximum of one-fifth. For the districts, if the A roll total exceeded one-fifth of the total votes, it was devalued to a maximum of one-fifth.
1970 constitution
In the 1970 constitution, the 'B' roll was abolished. The new constitution favoured blacks over everyone else, giving them a lower level entry point than the entry point offered to other race groups: European, Asian and mixed citizens meeting certain income and property qualifications had to have an annual income of 1,800 dollars or more for the past two years or immovable property worth 3,600 dollars or more, with either demand lowered by a third if the person had completed four years of secondary education. Indigenous Africans qualified with an annual income of 600 dollars or more for the two past years or immovable property worth 1,200 dollars or more, with either demand lowered by a third if the voter had completed two years of secondary education - voting in eight. In addition, there were eight seats elected by an electoral college of African tribal chiefs. Prime Minister Ian Smith justified this setup on the grounds that the vast majority of black Rhodesians had no experience with the democratic system. White Rhodesians feared that rapid transition to majority rule might yield similar difficulties to those experienced by the newly independent Black African states such as Ghana, Tanzania, Uganda, and Nigeria. Smith proposed a gradual inclusion of Africans, increasing as the African population got to understand the system. It would appear that the white fears were totally justified when one considers the condition of the balance of payments, the low crime rate and the ability that the country had to feed itself when it was Rhodesia as compared to the state that now exists. Rhodesia was an independent country. Thirty two years later Zimbabwe is dependent on other countries to feed it's population. Oh well, that will change as the Chinese take over...
Brian Holder My opinion is informed based on a documentary and an extensive interview of Smith himself. Nevertheless thank you for the time to inform on the specifics of the Rhodesian Constitution and the electoral system used. I would like to make the following points:
1. Would you at any case accept a system which disenfranchises people based on their income and education. By any modern standards of democracy, human rights and morality this is clearly discriminatory and in the case of Rhodesia racist because the vast population affected was the black people. I am open to discussion as to some benefits of gradual enfranchisement but they are clearly insufficient to justify discriminatory policies of that nature.
2. The system was oligarchic at the very least- democracy today necessitates universal enfranchisement
3. I have heard Ian Smith to insist in multiple occasions that black majoriterian rule (the logical outcome of the alleged gradual enfranchisement) would not be acceptable in Rhodesia even in 1000 years. Well clearly the masks fell of...
4. States were called not to recognize Rhodesia on the basis of an unanimous Security Council resolution. This was among the very few occasions in which the Cold War conflict was set aside to universally condemn a situation in a state.It does not seem like a world propaganda against a 'fair' state to me...
5. I personally agree that the prosperity of the people ( black and white) in Zimbabwe may well have been greater, if the Rhodesian regime has been preserved BUT the principle of self-determination for people of former colonies is (for me and for the overwhelming majority of the international community) not to be sacrificed for any other reasons.
Demetris Macriyiannis
You are welcome, I think that the truth about Rhodesia has been hidden for political reasons. It means little to me now as I have no desire to ever live in Zimbabwe. Still, the truth should be told... About your questions regarding the electoral system, I can elaborate further if you like, but here's my take in a nut shell: I know of 16 year olds that can hold an intelligent conversation and are well informed on political issues. I also know 18 year olds that are idiots and have no idea about anything but drugs and booze. You probably also know of people like this.
Which individuals do you believe are better qualified for the important job of electing the leaders of the country?
Why is there age discrimination?
In my opinion every person has rights. The right to vote based on age alone is the ludicrous concept which has been adopted universally. This right is likely one of the reasons that the world is in such a mess and we have so many incompetent and corrupt governments.
Do you believe that a person should have the right to elect the national leaders because they are 18, or should there be other qualifying factors?
BTW, for interest sake, I did not qualify yo vote in Rhodesia.
Something else you should know about Rhodesia.. The settlers moved into the country when it was devoid of any schools, hospitals, roads, railways or other infrastructure. Every attempt not to disrupt the traditions and the culture of the indigenous people was made. This was at the request of the chiefs and headmen who were the traditional leaders.
For the first 50 years of Rhodesia, most of the indigenous folk were not interested in the education and culture that was introduced by the settlers. As time progressed, the black folk started to see merit in western education and those that wanted it were educated as far and fast as recourses would permit.
By 1970, a mere 80 years after the arrival of the pioneer column, the Rhodesian black person had a higher standard of living, a higher life expectancy and a higher standard of education than his counterpart in any other country south of the Sahara and north of the Limpopo.
Rhodesia's population soared to be the fastest growing population group in the world. What has that got to do with anything you may ask? Well in the 1890's the population was estimated at less than 300 000, some say that it was in decline, I don't know. What I do know is that the population grew rapidly with the medicine introduced by the settlers.
Anyway, I hope that answers some of your questions about Rhodesia.
He had a real insight into the African, the traditions. He loved the African Africa. Mr Smith created something from nothing. His ideology of working together, being just zimbabweans, no colour creed defined as better, was never taken up run with. Mugabe the mashona wanted it all. He got it with everything and made it into nothing. Im sorry the ndebele who are of a different cloth did not take the mantel.
He endorsed racial segregation.
@@ayodejiolowokere1076 you realise rhodesia was no where near on the same level as apartheid south africa, unlike south africa, rhodesians actually wanted to preserve the native culture and land
@@TrueBlue_01 by taking half the land and imposing second class citizenship on a population they ruled over unelected?
Contrary to popular belief, Rhodesia didn't actually have racist laws, but what was called "qualified franchise", in which you had to have a basic education in order to vote. Most blacks did not qualify but the Rhodesian government struggled to educate them, even setting up affirmative action for blacks in universities. This was to prevent people like Mugabe from getting elected by an uneducated, superstitious, tribalist majority who quite frankly hated others of different tribes.
Im 20, black and now leaving in Australia and its really sad to go back home, cause everytime you go back it seems worse than the last time you were there
One man can make a difference and every man should try.
Mr Mtunzi speaks the truth, Ian Smith was African, he might have had white skin but he knew Africa, he thought Africa, he loved Africa.
These people are not Evil. they were misunderstood and badly maligned. you had only to talk with them, instead of talk down on them.
Yes, I understand it when they talk about Perfidious Albion, unfortunately. There's too many seeds of truth there.
Has anyone read the book by Peter Joyce titled 'Anatomy of a Rebel'? It's out of print but an excellent read about Mr Ian Douglas Smith - Prime Minister of Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) before Robert Mugabe was handed the reins by the British government.
This video is my favourite of all I've viewed to date and from 'the horse's mouth'. It is unbiased, honest views & comments/reports of the situation in Rhodesia back then.
Smithy wasn't the bad guy as Britain & the rest of the world portrayed him to be, Ian Smith was Honourable, a brave & courageous man of high integrity, a gentleman, tolerant, clever and more, a true and patriotic Rhodesian. The high calibre & character of this man cannot be matched by any leader presently and then.
**The Good Lord above, surely has a high place for him within His kingdom.
May his soul rest in peace.
A good politician.i knew mr.smith ,when i was young.a Fighter For a good South regards from Germany
The greatest African leader in history. bar none
As extolled by non Africans and settlers.
@@ayodejiolowokere1076 Simple fact.
@@thesmithersy says the foreigner.
@@ayodejiolowokere1076 Sorry, I don't discuss with ra,cists.
@@thesmithersy not if you perceive yourself as being victimized by them. Otherwise, I imagine segregation with a European captaincy is an acceptable system to you. Why else would you sympathize with Rhodesia?
Ian Smith wanted the people of his country to work together and live in peace. But the whites had to be the bosses and the blacks had to be the servants. We tell our children that it is good to share. And if we don't share properly then the whole thing goes to hell in a handbasket. The real question is, and this remains the central question all over the world, How do we share properly?
U were a good man people are realising it now.May your soul rest in peace.
Ian Smith cannot be compared to Robert Mugabe. Mr Smith was a great leader, and directly responsible for Rhodesia being the jewel of Africa, fantastic quality of life, unsurpassed in the world. Robert Mugabe on the other hand, completely destroyed the country, so much so that Zimbabwe is now a shithole of the highest level. Non-existing economy, lack of food supply leading to the starvation of the majority of the people, radical hyper inflation, dramatically shortened life expectancy, no electrical power for 18 hours per day, lack of basic services, massive fuel shortages for vehicles, inability to access money from the banks. And while all this happened, Mugabe’s family are amongst the wealthiest on the continent!
Before dying in his mid nineties, Mugabe should have suffered the same fate as Saddam Hussein. He must surely be the most evil and disgusting human being of recent times, and should’ve faced a death sentence.
few words can describe this man properly.... but he is one of the greatest men to walk the earth sums it up well
Smith was an African, born on African soil. He died on African soil.
One can say it was he who was the first African born leader of Rhodesia. You don't think he would of faced a hard time for that?? Also remember, his father was working class Black smith immigrant, not a member of the British aristocracy there.
Um grande home que foi u Ian Smith foi um bravest man Deus te tangem no interno descanso creio que tu mirem-ses
This man was a hero!
He comes across as a really nice bloke who is seriously deluded. He talks about "responsible majority rule" but who is the majority? 'Nuff said.
Now that the Africans are back with their ancestral lands & resources, they can do whatever they please, in order to restore thousands of generations of African Self-determination, Self-sufficiency & Self-reliance.
Long live Magnanimous Mugabe, Greatest African Hero since the Black Pharaohs of ancient Egypt along with his Zim Patriots!
We need more people like Ian Smith
I see your point. Do you think that in the future, a coaltion van be built between the two men?? Makoni didnot have the wide popular support as you said. And I remember seeing that he was polling at 6%. But if they can come together, perhaps it could be a potent combination. What do you think?
what is the criteria of owning land in Zimbabwe ? Who do the property rights laws in Zimbabwe signify as a land owner in Zimbabwe ? What clarifies an individual as the rightful owner of land in Zimbabwe or any other african country ?
Just to set the record straight , I do not hate anyone instead I want and expect everyone to treat the next man the same way they expect to be treated. So please do not twist my clear words concerning land issues in Africa. If Africa is owned by Africans and when investors come knocking on Africa's door the people who will benefit from these investments will mainly be Africans however if they do not own the land they don't benefit from the exploitation of their continent by western investors.
@BahreNeGash You may want to check again, if you think democracy means majority rule. The Ancient Greeks, often trotted out as the inventors of democracy, only allowed a fraction of their population to vote and participate in gov't. Historically, democracy only involved the majority of the population beginning in the 20th century.
That's actually a good point Zingy. I do feel that the US as it's borrowing from the Chinese government is becoming more and more indebted to them, not a good thing. We're not Communist as being communist means that you believe that government should own all means of production. However bailout and stimulus indicates government interference in the economy motivated by perhaps a sense of cronyism that has seeped into our system??
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