@hornet919cc Excusé moi pour continuer en anglais. Up to this weekend I even didn't know what Bersaglieri are. I'm pretty sure there are scores or in French partitions. With G***** I didn't find anything. Maybe it's a good idea to ask this section of the bersaglieri, directly. They have a website, as well
@hornet919cc Excusé moi pour continuer en anglais. Up to this weekend I even didn't know what Bersaglieri are. I'm pretty sure there are scores or in French partitions. With G***** I didn't find anything. Maybe it's a good idea to ask this section of the bersaglieri, directly. They have a website, as well
Bersagliere a 20 anni, Bersagliere per tutta la vita.
3° RGT, 2.a Compagnia, 2° Contingente '52 (1972, 1973) Caserma Mameli viale Suzzani 125 Milano.
silvio barbara...