The sacral and pelvic fractures, both look like very serious fractures. It is good that we have good ortho surgeons, alot more info and technology available to help these patients.
fractured left zone 1 ala 1 to 3 (and left and right pubic bonues around the same time) through running many marathons. but after 10 weeks a new mri said it is not yet healed, still fractured in fact. maybe i could email you the scan for a second opinion. i would gladly pay for your service via paypal.
Hi I fractured my sacrum one year ago in the zone 1 region on the right. I am experiencing now major pain on the left side of my saccrum. Would you recommend any excersies
nabil ebraheim I fractured my sacrum snowboarding years ago. My X-ray shows sacrum at a 90 degree angle. I am now near 50 & having hip & low back pain & numbness. Can the sacrum be manually adjusted to its former position by a professional?
Ok then i will never let my kids to go skiing again I have fractured my sacrum in a zone 2 to zone 3 diagonally its not hurting but too mutch work killes my back. How can i fix it
My wife was diagnosed with this but her main complaint is severe pain upon standing or sitting in her CALF! The doctors do not know and say it cannot be related. She also has a severe but slightly milder pain atop the foot. She can hardly walk and must tip toe to walk with extreme pain. Some times the pain just vanishes but returns in short order. Is it possible the sacral fracture she has is causing calf pain? thanks
I cannot believe what happened. The pain was so great we went to the ER but since she had seen a doctor for this (a day before it became acute and severely painful) they would not even take an xray. We told them we need an ambulance to even get to an appointment and they said sorry! They wheeled my wife screaming in pain to the sidewalk and hailed a cab-sitting in the chair was so bad she was screaming. I cant believe all the had to do was take a ct scan or xray, A few days later another hospital admitted her for 4 days found out it was sacral insuffenciety and suggested a nursing home but we instead went home and hired home care we had to pay $150 a day for overnights because we are both disabled and insurance will only cover ADL nursing care part time-no clean, cook or answer the door etc, Thank god for pain management clinic-nerve blocks and told to stay off feet until it heals (as best as one can stay off their feet I mean life goes on ad bills have to be paid etc etc-I pray she heals fast.
The sacral and pelvic fractures, both look like very serious fractures. It is good that we have good ortho surgeons, alot more info and technology available to help these patients.
Thank you Doctor! Very helpful.
Thank you for giving us such a wonderful video! very useful!
@extreme5401 may have compression of the sacral nerve roots
get an exam and may need MRI
fractured left zone 1 ala 1 to 3 (and left and right pubic bonues around the same time) through running many marathons. but after 10 weeks a new mri said it is not yet healed, still fractured in fact. maybe i could email you the scan for a second opinion. i would gladly pay for your service via paypal.
Thank you Dr.... You are really awesome
Nabil Ebrahim Sir thank you
Fantastic Channel; Thanks Doc
@Mertt03 YES
@model1166 where do you live
@Nickliu2010 thanks
Hi I fractured my sacrum one year ago in the zone 1 region on the right. I am experiencing now major pain on the left side of my saccrum. Would you recommend any excersies
@Mertt03 thanks
nabil ebraheim I fractured my sacrum snowboarding years ago. My X-ray shows sacrum at a 90 degree angle. I am now near 50 & having hip & low back pain & numbness. Can the sacrum be manually adjusted to its former position by a professional?
@kaleidoscopekay thanks
@TCMAUMEE thanks
see a doc
Ok then i will never let my kids to go skiing again
I have fractured my sacrum in a zone 2 to zone 3 diagonally its not hurting but too mutch work killes my back. How can i fix it
My wife was diagnosed with this but her main complaint is severe pain upon standing or sitting in her CALF! The doctors do not know and say it cannot be related. She also has a severe but slightly milder pain atop the foot. She can hardly walk and must tip toe to walk with extreme pain. Some times the pain just vanishes but returns in short order. Is it possible the sacral fracture she has is causing calf pain? thanks
I cannot believe what happened. The pain was so great we went to the ER but since she had seen a doctor for this (a day before it became acute and severely painful) they would not even take an xray. We told them we need an ambulance to even get to an appointment and they said sorry! They wheeled my wife screaming in pain to the sidewalk and hailed a cab-sitting in the chair was so bad she was screaming. I cant believe all the had to do was take a ct scan or xray, A few days later another hospital admitted her for 4 days found out it was sacral insuffenciety and suggested a nursing home but we instead went home and hired home care we had to pay $150 a day for overnights because we are both disabled and insurance will only cover ADL nursing care part time-no clean, cook or answer the door etc, Thank god for pain management clinic-nerve blocks and told to stay off feet until it heals (as best as one can stay off their feet I mean life goes on ad bills have to be paid etc etc-I pray she heals fast.
Glen h I fractured my sijoint. I know how hard it is. Blessings!!
@@Mountchoirboyhow is she now? No more pain/symptoms?
@chinafox1 great
Hello doctor, if zone 3 hiw to treet.
Please,tell me,thank you
zone 3 treatment have possible.please answer me.
like sex function day by day losses and left leg pain.
Exercise for this