Note: I forgot to add this in the video, so will pin it here. The saddle is also an Industrial Grinder. Place unwanted items inside of the dino's inventory while it has a saddle equipped and highlight the item. A button will appear beneath the creatures stats that says 'Grind'.
Watching your beginners guide and I've restarted the game quite a bit because of silly mistakes. Accidently hit a Brontosaurus while hunting a Dodo. Naturally I was killed. However my body was yeeted into the water, so when trying to retrieve all my inventory, I was attacked by a Megalodon and killed. Yeah, time to restart again since everything was in the inventory. My next thing to craft was storage. However, with every restart I get more efficient. This time I had my entire 9x9 house built before nightfall, unfortunally without a bed.
These are the buildings phlinger used in this video. - Stone Foundation x20 - Stone Gateway x6 - Reinforced Gate x1 - Stone Pillar x6 - Pressure Plate x1 - Ballista Turret - Chain Bola x5 Hope this helps :)
For anyone who needs help, if you cannot find them in the area primarily shown in the video, then try searching near western section of the base of the volcano. I almost always find them there for some reason.
Tapejara is Faster, unlike Trope isn't flyable without saddle, but it has a Tek Saddle. Trope has no secondary flight speed but its saddle has 2 boost speeds. Trope isn't isn't Tapejara 2.0
thanks buddy youve helped me alot... i was that kind of guy tring to do it by quetzal..... everytime tropeo got eaten.... but i got an idea wich includes quetzal and cage-like structure on his back to catch wild fliers... ill test it soon when got enough ingots to make railings walls for said cage cause i need higher lvl of argentavis for my delivery company in our tribe
so, just a thought, but for any of these flyer traps could they be improved by making a sort of funnel using fence foundations, walls, and roof parts to channel flyers towards the door?
phlinger phoo why does being left handed make it hard to hit shift and ctrl use pointy finger for shift thumb for ctrl you can still use wasd and use the bottom of the palm for space
Just gonna drop a brief mention on this, but there seems to be no guides on where to find these on any of the other arks, more specifically for the other platforms / consols, such as PS4. We definatly need a console guide as to where to find them on the other arks badly, as 90% of the guides i can find on Trope traps is pretty much always done on PC (As it's easy af for game devs to just drop the game content on pc hot off the press, usually leading to pc players spoiling content for players on other platforms who can't afford to get said games on pc, or those who don't know how or don't want to get it on pc.)
@@PICACHU-ii5is - sort of. In India, some people use homemade explosives and put them fruit, as bait, to kill boars or other pests. Recently, an elephant found one, tried to eat it and blew up part of its mouth. It was unable to eat and starved to death before people could track it and try to help. Phoo's video came out about the same time as that news story.
STORY TIME! So I've finally got the gear to hunt and tame one of these. I set out on my argy, Pigeon, and spent a good hour looking for one of these damned birds. I found a lvl130 male, so I land and build a trap. I called out my Paraceratherium, Tank, and mounted a ballista turret onto his saddle. Located the bird. Shot the bird. Lured it into the trap. Trapped it. I bola'ed him (it took a few misses before one landed) and I crammed mutton into his face. I waited until it was time to bola him again, but I ended up missing shots - And I didn't make enough bolas. First mistake. So, with the bird in the trap, I grabbed Pigeon and headed back to base to quickly make more bolas. When I was done, I could hear a commotion outside so I went to investigate. The fucking Tropeognathus ESCAPED the trap, FOLLOWED ME HOME, and was ripping apart my base because it wanted to absolutely wreck me. I considered tranqing it so that I could build a new trap around it but the bird would not sit still... So I had to sacrifice it. I called all my tames to attack it, and my Thyla, Haku, obliterated it. Still don't know how tf it got out of the trap but yeah... It got out and followed me home because it wanted to make me a statistic. Mental note to make a TON of bolas.
+ Phlinger Phoo you are basically my teacher for what concern ARK, so I would ask you: Why Tropeo saddle engram appear in my engram list and i can acquire it with engrams points on the Island, so the vanilla game, even if apparently, as far as I have read on the wiki and on reddit, they do not spawn on The Island on pc?
My one question is can you transfer them off map, I ask because I've found that you cant transfer the crystal wyverns off Crystal Isles which bummed me out a fair bit
Hmm honestly I'd say you were better off getting a quetzal and putting the catapult on the back of its platform, it's not like Quetzals are rare on CI or anything
It's a bit more solo pve themed but if that's your bag then yeah it's good. The map(s) are awesome (part 1 is 5 smaller maps in one single map) and the new dinos are great but it's not like the other maps with view to building loads of bases etc as natural hazards limit where you can build etc far more severely than ever before and you access each map via robot sidekick vs just fly or run between each one. If in doubt see a sale and hit it up then as you'll likely be using Crystal Isles for a while and we've still to get part 2 to fully judge the season pass value. It heavily features doing loads of various quests too (like I said - feels very solo pve based)
@@Zer-iu2ho not seen any yet on any map personally on Xbox (game did update last night to include birthday event on all maps so assume it's come with the update) but Phlinger did say they're rare so likely we need to wipe some dinos first to chance a spawn or start a new map from scratch but I don't want to do that just for one dino).
Note: I forgot to add this in the video, so will pin it here. The saddle is also an Industrial Grinder. Place unwanted items inside of the dino's inventory while it has a saddle equipped and highlight the item. A button will appear beneath the creatures stats that says 'Grind'.
You can pick up dodos and other small creatures i think.
Watching your beginners guide and I've restarted the game quite a bit because of silly mistakes. Accidently hit a Brontosaurus while hunting a Dodo. Naturally I was killed. However my body was yeeted into the water, so when trying to retrieve all my inventory, I was attacked by a Megalodon and killed. Yeah, time to restart again since everything was in the inventory. My next thing to craft was storage.
However, with every restart I get more efficient. This time I had my entire 9x9 house built before nightfall, unfortunally without a bed.
the honey cave in the red woods to get organic polomer. the behives you use a hatchet on them and you get a ton with some honey
When you grind an item in them they give hard poly not organic poly. I already replaced my industrial grinder with one of these
Appreciate all these quality content buddy!
These are the buildings phlinger used in this video.
- Stone Foundation x20
- Stone Gateway x6
- Reinforced Gate x1
- Stone Pillar x6
- Pressure Plate x1
- Ballista Turret
- Chain Bola x5
Hope this helps :)
Phlinger phoo deserves so many more subscribers considering how hard he works
Agree 100% 😎 Without him i would still be a BeachBob 😄😄
Imagine not knowing about these then getting swooped up at 90mph by a grenade launching demon bird
Yaaaay!!! Thank you for keeping my Ark addiction alive!!!
For anyone who needs help, if you cannot find them in the area primarily shown in the video, then try searching near western section of the base of the volcano. I almost always find them there for some reason.
Tropeognathus = tapejara 2.0
Change my mind
tapajera: helicopter gunship
tropeognathus: fighter jet bomber
You're right
Tapejara is Faster, unlike Trope isn't flyable without saddle, but it has a Tek Saddle.
Trope has no secondary flight speed but its saddle has 2 boost speeds.
Trope isn't isn't Tapejara 2.0
Oh my Phlinger! I didn’t know you were left handed, I relate to your struggles.
They might be good for stealing eggs from wyvern trenches on other maps.
Yeah they are the fastest creature in ark with jets, and they will usually outspeed wild wyverns so you can just nab the egg and book it.
I tried it and it does work.... if you don’t aim at the wall like I did
I never knew that with the pin codes! Thank you! Also using this design for all my future Gryphon traps, looks like less of a headache. 👍👌
Who else is waiting for crystal isles on console?
Me, weird that u can unlock the saddle but cant find them
Itll be delayed to october 2021 knowing wildcard
Web. It come out
Phlinger you better do a basics on the crystal wyverns cuz there’s allot people need to know
I liked but he did do a vid where he was showing this map, where he went after crystal wyvs
thanks buddy youve helped me alot... i was that kind of guy tring to do it by quetzal..... everytime tropeo got eaten.... but i got an idea wich includes quetzal and cage-like structure on his back to catch wild fliers... ill test it soon when got enough ingots to make railings walls for said cage cause i need higher lvl of argentavis for my delivery company in our tribe
Now I'm thinking, this dino is a prototype of the astrodelphs
so your saying there basicly fighter jets but dinosaurs this sounds like a win win for me like who doesnt want a jet dinosaour
I love your entusiasm, keep up the great work, i think you should make carno, it is a great mid game mount
He has a carno
Don't forget you can see and use the slipstream of other flyers to gain more speed and turn better
Can we have an ark basics on stuff like the reaper next? Or maybe some aberration and extinction creatures?
so, just a thought, but for any of these flyer traps could they be improved by making a sort of funnel using fence foundations, walls, and roof parts to channel flyers towards the door?
pretty sure these arent exclusive to crystal isles
Hey phlinger are you going to make vids of Game of Phoo's cuz I kinda miss it.
phlinger phoo why does being left handed make it hard to hit shift and ctrl use pointy finger for shift thumb for ctrl you can still use wasd and use the bottom of the palm for space
Omg your Wyvern's colours are so beautiful!
Just gonna drop a brief mention on this, but there seems to be no guides on where to find these on any of the other arks, more specifically for the other platforms / consols, such as PS4. We definatly need a console guide as to where to find them on the other arks badly, as 90% of the guides i can find on Trope traps is pretty much always done on PC (As it's easy af for game devs to just drop the game content on pc hot off the press, usually leading to pc players spoiling content for players on other platforms who can't afford to get said games on pc, or those who don't know how or don't want to get it on pc.)
From experiences, on PS4 and Xbox, look for places you normally see Tapejara's. These guys fill their spawn spots as far as I know.
@@Phlinger So Extinction would be the best place to look then? That place is loaded with them.
Gasoline and grenades? It sounds like you're hunting elephants in India.
What they hunt elephants with gasoline and grenades????
@@PICACHU-ii5is - sort of. In India, some people use homemade explosives and put them fruit, as bait, to kill boars or other pests.
Recently, an elephant found one, tried to eat it and blew up part of its mouth. It was unable to eat and starved to death before people could track it and try to help.
Phoo's video came out about the same time as that news story.
So I've finally got the gear to hunt and tame one of these. I set out on my argy, Pigeon, and spent a good hour looking for one of these damned birds. I found a lvl130 male, so I land and build a trap. I called out my Paraceratherium, Tank, and mounted a ballista turret onto his saddle.
Located the bird. Shot the bird. Lured it into the trap. Trapped it.
I bola'ed him (it took a few misses before one landed) and I crammed mutton into his face. I waited until it was time to bola him again, but I ended up missing shots - And I didn't make enough bolas. First mistake.
So, with the bird in the trap, I grabbed Pigeon and headed back to base to quickly make more bolas. When I was done, I could hear a commotion outside so I went to investigate.
The fucking Tropeognathus ESCAPED the trap, FOLLOWED ME HOME, and was ripping apart my base because it wanted to absolutely wreck me.
I considered tranqing it so that I could build a new trap around it but the bird would not sit still...
So I had to sacrifice it. I called all my tames to attack it, and my Thyla, Haku, obliterated it.
Still don't know how tf it got out of the trap but yeah... It got out and followed me home because it wanted to make me a statistic.
Mental note to make a TON of bolas.
Um I think they can also do the diving thing the griffins and snow owl can do as well
I hit it with a regular bola you don't need chain
That Wyvern look GOOD
How much longer do you think until your next season
Love the content 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
It’s actually pronounced Troh-pee-oh-nathus, it said in wiki as troh-pee-og-nathus but when a g and a n are like gn in tropeognathus the g is silent
We need the WRONG BUTTON merch!
I got the best possible start on this map, 150 raptor, 150 trike before level 25
Phlinger Phoo you are basically my teacher for what concern ARK, so I would ask you: Why Tropeo saddle engram appear in my engram list and i can acquire it with engrams points on the Island, so the vanilla game, even if apparently, as far as I have read on the wiki and on reddit, they do not spawn on The Island on pc?
Your on point Phlinger!! Nice video bro
I fell this would be great for stealing wyvern eggs
I love ark basics sooooooo much
So I’m aware this isint a basic thing but could we get a how to basics sort for the forest titan
Ark Advanced series? Yes please!
Offbreed 309 yea somthing along those lines
first time i’ve been early to an ark basics
Thx so much for advice
I'm gonna try and do a rendezook with the tropeognathus
You made that look way to easy 😂
Going thought liking every video
Nice tropeo trap, best I've seen :)
What happened to all about megalanias
Syntac said you could use a normal bola is that true
From my understanding, yes you can USE a regular bola, but you will only get the option to tame when its been chain bola'd
You can but u can only tame them with chain bola
Just imagine your raiding someones base and all of a sudden they take out their Troppy and start to shoot at you with grenades
Thing's a damn Banshee from _Halo._
I want more ark basics with coffe
Do these spawn on the island map as well?
My one question is can you transfer them off map, I ask because I've found that you cant transfer the crystal wyverns off Crystal Isles which bummed me out a fair bit
I transferred my wyvern from Crystal
Do wyverns i never seen wyvern basics
Hmm honestly I'd say you were better off getting a quetzal and putting the catapult on the back of its platform, it's not like Quetzals are rare on CI or anything
neither is stone or metal :/
Why don't the beds skip the night
Can you do a video on horse breeding ?(you know what im talking about but im not gunna try and even spell it XD)
I won't be able to tame one till September, since the console version of Crystal isles is delayed.
Lazbro Brony they spawn in other maps for console
Hi phlinger i named my pteranodon after you
He has a tropical crystal Wyvern.
But you don’t need a saddle right?
No, but the saddle is the fun part
Hey I have a question is genesis worth buying because I want to buy it just to make sure : )
It's a bit more solo pve themed but if that's your bag then yeah it's good. The map(s) are awesome (part 1 is 5 smaller maps in one single map) and the new dinos are great but it's not like the other maps with view to building loads of bases etc as natural hazards limit where you can build etc far more severely than ever before and you access each map via robot sidekick vs just fly or run between each one. If in doubt see a sale and hit it up then as you'll likely be using Crystal Isles for a while and we've still to get part 2 to fully judge the season pass value. It heavily features doing loads of various quests too (like I said - feels very solo pve based)
Where do they spawn on the island?
They just dont spawn on the island or any other map only crystal isles
I am on console, I found one on Cragg's Island.
Can I use meat to tame them
Yeah but it takes agesssss
Can you make another settings video.
I do think it's time I did =)
So basically it’s a living fighter jet
Obvious fact: ark reused the sounds from the tapejara to the tropi
An AQUA crystal wyvern??? woah
Tropical crystal Wyvern.
Are they on the island
randomdudegames on console until the map is released
AbsoluteZer0 I can’t find any doe
It’s only for console are you on console? nyway I haven’t seen any either they just seem to be pretty rare
randomdudegames I’ve also seen that they spawn were tapejaras are
its about as fast as a quetzal
And it’s a grinder
Ur the best
Its pronounced (troe-peo-nath-us) btw
Wish they weren't removed from The Island :(
AND you cna get more speed if you come from sky dive.
Love ya
U do lego vidos
Waiting until September to catch this thing is going to suck
Asertix357 isn’t it on other maps for the island on console
@@Zer-iu2ho not seen any yet on any map personally on Xbox (game did update last night to include birthday event on all maps so assume it's come with the update) but Phlinger did say they're rare so likely we need to wipe some dinos first to chance a spawn or start a new map from scratch but I don't want to do that just for one dino).
@@skodedickinson6544 u gotta do the admin command destroywilddinos or neither event dinos or tropes will spawn
show map longer need time to pause
Of course us console players are the last to get it. (We're always the last to get an update)
You used a pressure plat from genesis....butt what the hell of video did you make.......
Mobile get nothing again
a guy called captain fat dog has a cheaper farm go watch his vid if you want a cheep farm
hey I'm first
Doggo_Gaming _301 chill