It does. This gets me all in my Every time i hear this song... I feel my imaginary man is talking to me in this sexy voice. That's my best description.
Yasss man I swear just about the whole world is sleeping on these songs and the positive vibes they bring. Y’all need to check out jasper sawyer too. u Can braid all day and night to theses songs thanks @beautycanbraid ❤️
I'm loving this song. Watching the braiding tutorial brought me here. However I have been looking for new songs to add to my list. This definitely will be added. Much love from America 🤩
Love ❤️ it kept searching till I found song. No credit on hair video. And I was like I can't caught the chorus of the song But the Comments never fail. I just kept reading comments like I know someone else like this song and know who sing it. So Thanks For info
That hair tutorial got me here😍😍😍😍
Kemisetso Motha same!!
Kemisetso Motha σи gσ∂∂
Me too
Kemisetso Motha lol me too
Kemisetso Motha haha me too 😂
beauty can braid brought me here.... this song is hotttttttt
Beautycanbraid brought me here 💜❤️💜
me too
Me too
Me too
me three lol heard it on tutorial and loved it
kinkystyles brought me here
beautycanbraid brought me here nice song!
SweetieLaughAlot me to hihi obsessed with this song 😊
Me too ^_^
SweetieLaughAlot saaaammmeeee
me tooooo 😂😂😂😂😂
These TH-cam beauty gurus be putting us on to these songs
miishababii girll yassss. U ain't lyin🤣
Yesssssss, especially Jasper Sawyer! 😂
For real
Yes, for real.
I'm proper obsessed with this song because of beautycanbraid ❤❤
EvebyBella me too!!!
EvebyBella me too.
Meh as well
EvebyBella omg me too😂😂😂
everyone is here because of beautycanbraid lol. love this song
Tune! beauty can braid brought me here
beauty can braid brought me here!!!!!!!!!
I still can't braid but I LOVE THIS SONG!!! LOL
Creative Princess 😂😂😂😂
Creative Princess Lool me too 😂😂
Creative Princess 😂😂😂
lmfaooo 😂😂😂
Beautycanbraid , always playing this song in her videos & I love this song sooooooo much !! I'm obessed 😩💕💃
What a chame
Loveeeeeeeee this song! Thanks to besutycanbraid
trendy85ps same here 😊
love this song this deserves more views ❤😞
samantha w ikr
samantha w yess 💯✨❤️
samantha w yess
I'm sure it has more views now, thanks to all these hair TH-camrs using this song 😂
It does. This gets me all in my Every time i hear this song... I feel my imaginary man is talking to me in this sexy voice. That's my best description.
beautycanbraid thank you for loving this song 😍
this is my song because of beautycanbraid brought me here .. I really love this song
Here because of the hair tutorial😍✨✨
Luv this song because of BeautyCanBraid.....
beauty can braid linked me with this beautiful song....#loveit
l love this song so much it need a Grammy
Crystal Esterine Yaassss!!!
Oh wow am Jamaican and this reminds me so much of Dancehall music.... I love this song 😍
Donna Griffiths He's Nigerian
one love
Beautycanbraid brought me here I'm in love with this song
shout-out to Beautycanbraid for this song. I listen to it at least 20x a day on repeat 💃💃🎶🔁
beautycanbraid brought me here now I love it
Beautycanbraid & MuchluvfromKY sent me here! Love your music...awesome!
MzStarpower1 both of them did for me too, where have I been? lol
Love the song and demonstration. The song is sweet.
Came here from beauty can braid and I'm a rock and metal music fan but this song has such a nice sound! Great job man 👍
Sitting in the Dunkin Donuts drive thru and this came on and in that moment.... I had it blasted!! 😏❤
love this song thanks to beauty can braid
here from beautycanbraid's video!!! loving this song!!!
Obsessed with the song because I watch youtubers too much 😂😍😫
Flashback: I can't remember the exact hair video I got this from 5yrs ago but I do remember the song!!! [Feb.5th,2022]
I promise that hair tutorial got all us on this song. This song is life. I'm literally hooked
Adanna Madueke’s braiding tutorial was the plug for this tune 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
I play this song at least 10x a day!!
Beautycanbraid is the reason I fell in love with this song. Love it!
same 😁
sameee its a very good song like it so much :)
i think she got everyone here lol
thats right , iz the reason im here ,me watching hair nice
Jolie 44 me too
Beautycanbraid brought me here!love this song!!one love
I'm so happy I click on that video nd here that song
This is some smooth shit right here!!! Damn I’m late af!
This song is the boss I really love it especially the first part when its the voice of that guy and the tune he was using
Vkillz be killing it I see you
Every hair guru uses this song 😩 the first verse is literally stuck in my head
@beautycanbraid brought me here!!!
This song been on my mind all day😌😍
😘💋💯 absolutely adore this song!
i guess were all here from the hair tutorial but cant help but love it 🎶🎶🔥🔥🎶💓
Stephany Douby exactly
Yasss man I swear just about the whole world is sleeping on these songs and the positive vibes they bring. Y’all need to check out jasper sawyer too. u Can braid all day and night to theses songs thanks @beautycanbraid ❤️
Beautycanbraid brought me here.. love this song
Always come back to listen this song no matter how many times I listen to it.
Me gustó mucho tu canción sigue poniendo en alto la buena música saludos desde mi país Venezuela.. 😇
This the song I always here when I go to Orlando Florida❤️ I had to find it. I go there 3 times a year and hear it everytime.
A hair tutorial also brought me here! Love this song!!! 💞😍
Still bumping to this💯💯this ain’t gon ever get old❤️😉this needs more views and likes💯💯😄🔥🔥❤️❤️
I love this song..used it in one of my videos 😊
I'm loving this song. Watching the braiding tutorial brought me here. However I have been looking for new songs to add to my list. This definitely will be added. Much love from America 🤩
I can listen this song on a loop , its good
Love ❤️ it kept searching till I found song. No credit on hair video. And I was like I can't caught the chorus of the song But the Comments never fail. I just kept reading comments like I know someone else like this song and know who sing it. So Thanks For info
Love It since I heard it from 🇩🇴🇩🇴 to my brothers and sisters 🇭🇹🇭🇹
Beauty can braid got me here 😫💜
Thank you beautycanbraid. I love this song! Youngbodzy awesome song!!!
THIS is a real tune here!!! it so much, I could listen all day on repeat...keep them coming. All Love
This song is fire🔥🔥🔥🔥
You see Djkhaleed being popular but these guys that are really talented are not even in 1m views. What's wrong with people??
She be moving so never see her comin'!!!!!!!!!! .my jam right here
#beautycanbraid .... loved this song. Had to jump over here and save it. My man is a DJ he needs to put this on his playlist!
Finally found it 😭😭😭 been searching
I am feeling this, been singing the hook all week; like others here SoffiaBanks hair video brought me here.
Im going to dance to this song next time igo to work im obsessed❤️
Loves it 💖💕💖 our "African Culture" Skin tones music 🎶 we have so much "Talent & Beauty" 🙌🏻🎶💯#Wonder😍
CajunPrincess Styles You do ♡
This song slappsss 😍🤤
A hair tutorial brought me here now I'm practising slow wine for hubby😂😂😂
Lol u go sis lol I’m rooting for you 😂😂😂
I just featured this song in my latest fashion video.... I listed you as Music Credit!
My new favorite song❤️😍
who else found this song out by beautycanbraid??
Mixed Baby we both mixed babies
Mixed Baby meeeeeeee
Me too
yes it is
I love this song!
The Stitch Braids...sent me here...😁😉
This song is lit!🔥👌
I reall love this song 2019
2019 and this still a banger😍
Such a beautiful song💯💯😘😍😘😘
beautycanbraid brought me here im loving this song from ireland ❤
💞this song!!
This NEEDS more views then all this other trash out there!! #2020
I need more of these music, I like them❤️
I hear this song on every natural hair video I watch lol
luv this song
👍👍👍👍👍 I love this song gypsy girl ❤
This lady from beautycanbraid channel played this song and I fell in love❤️✔️
Biggup this tune nice vibe
OMG! Beautiful jam! I need to get your whole album
I love this song!!!!!beauty can braid. Thank you
Love for Ghana
I love this song, it makes me feel goooooddd!!!
Love it can’t believe it took me this long to find this song 👌🏽 @v_killz wonderful job 👏🙌🏽🙌🏽
Amo essa música é só a conheci por causa de um vídeo sobre cabelos. Que maravilha!!!!
Gracias 🙏🏾
Omg i love this song❤
nice song :) love it!
beautycanbraid brought me here ❤ and I so obsessed now... 😍
Are they saying join me in my Bugatti!!!??? This song is that thang!!!
I love this song so much it is my favorite song 🤗👍😊😍
I fell in love with this after watching that braiding tutorial. 🥰
I still rock to this song ever since I seen that hair video. This slap