This makes so much sense. My daughter is Aries, with moon in Pisces. Even as an infant she could communicate her needs with anyone, almost as if she was telepathic. Now she's eight years old, and walking into her room you would think your walking into a palm reading room. Tapestries, crystals, scarves over her window. She lets me know when the house or a person needs to be "staged" (as she calls it). She immediately knows upon meeting a person where their energy is. And she will tell me. "Mom, I don't want to be around this person, can we go?" Only thing with that is her Aries energy doesn't let her keep those thoughts to herself. So she's been known to approach strangers and let them know they need a saging, or that they have bad energy. She can also see and communicate with spirits. She's a fascinating child. I love the Pisces energy she brings to my life.
laura ward I don't know your daughter but I love her. Lol I'm an Aries sun, Scorpio moon. I feel peeps vibes too but keep it to myself. And I really love that she has a strong interest in beautifying the home at such an early age.
Wow this is interesting. I am also an Aries sun with a Pisces moon. From a young age I've had this weird spiritual connection with the world. My mother told me that as a child, I would tell her about a "man" in our home and I would have vivid dreams. I find that I still get these dreams when my space is disturbed by something that doesn't belong (i.e. spirits). The dreams are often pertaining to events in my life, sometimes they come true, and sometimes I feel like I've communicated with someone who is no longer in this world. It's strange. I only hang around few people because its their vibe that either attracts or deters me. When I'm around too many people, I feel drained and sometimes extremely overwhelmed.
the trash can of the zodiac lol we feel so much for people but they arent the same in return and that hurts us cos we more often than not go out of our ways to make them feel happy because it makes us happy, but most aren't grateful for how selfless and giving we can really be
i'm a Cap in Sun and Pisces in Moon. Anyone else of the same situation thinks life is full of contradictions? it's hard to work hard like a capricorn but dream like Pisces. It often present me as an intense,serious worker but also always space out in random time. mann... tell me i'm not nuts?? Is this a Cap in Sun / Pisces in Moon thing? I strongly agree with the need for space!
Yeah I'm the same, with a Scorpio Ascendant to make me even more protective of my more emotional side. Also I need to be careful because I tend to dream quite morbid, negative things if I allow myself to (scorpio thing i think). When I do something I'm passionate about I become single minded and determined, pushing ahead sometimes at the detriment of others. Then in a lull of activity I catch myself and kind of survey the reactions to my actions and feel guilty for not being more considerate of others etc. Usually I'm very much like Will says; hyper-aware of emotional energies that I'm interacting with, and follow my intuition based on feeling, but i think for us (cap sun) it's a balancing act between being tuned in to our surroundings and being studious. I definitely need more practice with that!
paolotagliano I can definitely relate to what you're saying, and as a Virgo Ascendant, it seems like not only am I, as a Cap, often already misunderstood, but I also got this other earth-sign as my Ascendant. It's makes the puzzle even harder for people around me. I'm working on balancing and controlling different parts of me too. I like to take things and do things seriously. For me, my job and my hobby are at the same level. And when I'm not serious or active with the task at hand, it's b/c I am mentally occupied already or I'm just trying to control myself to not scare or piss people off cause my "seriousness" means I can get to the top no matter the cost and my first day on the job could portray as a threat to higher executives or older people (people who worked for a longer time and apparently needs to be respected more). When you're only 22 and you seem not "serious" about your work, in the eyes of others, they'll just pass you as a kid. Which brings in the bigger problem now because my work is not taken seriously and they don't understand that the work I do have reasons and have been planned ahead. This self sacrificing shit has been pissing me off and it seems like i'm not "truly" living my life and being "truly" myself (this serious and intense person) . Mannn... they say capricorns are old when they're young... i can't agree more with that.
(9 months later, sorry to revive a dead comment) I'm a Capricorn Sun, Pisces Moon, Capricorn Ascendant. I have the same issues with the contradiction you mentioned. The Capricorn wants to get tough, the Pisces needs to stay sensitive. The Capricorn knows working hard is necessary, but the Pisces knows that our purpose in this world isn't about work. My Mars in Taurus keeps me working slow, strong and steady which I feel is great for the Pisces moon. Once you master your work you can then bring your essence of chill, creativity that the Pisces brings to really enjoy your work and take it to a higher level at the same time.
I'm a Sun in Scorpio and Moon in Pisces, so my sensitivity is off the charts, but anyways. I really enjoy your videos.I've been binge watching them. Gosh you are the type of person I would be totally best friend with.
Wow, what a wise sage you are my brother. I too have my Moon in Pisces and everything you said described my Piscean essence to a tee. Thank you for this.
MOON IN PISCES HERE 😌🙃 THIS IS DEAD ON. I used to think I was very different(negative way); as a child I would have dreams of something happening and then maybe a day or two later, it would happen. Also when I lost my mother, that morning, I knew something was wrong, I can remember walking back and forth thinking it was her or my grandmother. And I can feel what other people are feeling, I walk into the room and I can feel the energy good or bad.
I have sun in scorpio / moon in pieces. Being so watery, psychic, and sensitive was hard for me until recently. Your information has helped me to better understand myself, so thank you for all the awesome astrology vids! Keep doing your thing.
find like-minded peeps who can sense things too it's crucial for emotional health i find :) friends who can't sense are still awesome but it really helps to have someone to be able to talk to about the amazing things you can feel & understand!!!
Being a natural loner my whole life was actually a blessing because it just really just gave me so much time to thiiiiiinnnnk, and to observe, and to really explore the depths of my own thoughts. And it was my DREAMS (2 very specific ones in fact..) that told me of my future husband, though at the time, we were barely even acquaintances. We’ve been married strong for ten years now. This is so cool how these Pisces descriptions are making so much sense of my past and my personhood! I’ve never really engaged astrology like this beyond just the sun sign stuff. And I’m sure you already know this, but.. YOU truly have a gift for talking about these things and explaining them in a way that a true novice can understand!!
I have moon in Pisces and its like having a sixth sense or a "third eye" which is for insight into things. My sun sign is in Gemini and I have Libra ascendant, I have to agree with you on us putting others before our own needs. I have been this situation myself where so-called friends took advantage of my generosity to point of taking the piss out of the friendship we had. I have few friends offline because of the amount of betrayal I have had in the past, I don't trust people nowadays as much as I used to. I am a positive person really as I always believe there is always tomorrow and it will be a better day :). I'm more spiritual than religious and I do believe in karma as well as "give and take" in life. I no longer take people on "face" value anymore like I used to because I have been let down so many times. Peace.
I'm 43 and I have a Cap Sun/Pis Moon. I have ALWAYS put others b4 myself and I am just now fighting for me for the 1st time in my life. Meditation has been an unbelievable Godsend. Needing space is HUGE for me and as a Cap fm, space is important too so it's compounded. This vid is so on the money. You really touched me. Thank you for your kind words and positive energy. Right back at you brother :) Blessings
First time on your channel, was researching moon in Pisces, been watching a lot of videos on it. As soon as you came on the screen I was like 'haha that guy is a Pisces moon for sure'. There's something about that Neptunian energy, it's so artsy and dreamy, it soothes my intense Scorpio moon and makes me chuckle, I just want to give you all a hug
If I remember correctly, you also have a sun in Gemini, right? I have a sun in Gemini and a moon in Pisces. You mimic a lot of my overall appearance. There are moments when you pause mid sentence and have a bit of problem fully explaining yourself. I totally understand trying to please everyone else and being completely drained when doing so. Space is super important to me. My friends used to think there was something wrong with me, because I enjoyed being by myself reading up on something I enjoy to learn about. I have been used many times and felt horrible because I bent over backwards for a person and yet they never went to the lengths to help me as I did to help them. I broke them off and almost took the person back, because I felt their pain and honestly I still love the person. I just had to learn to love from afar. I believe we are wise old souls who don't follow the mold of overall society and it is ok!
You are so sweet and soft, this video is so true, I can feel you really. Sometimes we just really tired of all energies we got from other people, put our energies for people till there’s no energies left for us. moon in Pisces sometimes it feels so heavy of emotions as well.
Libra Sun, Pisces Moon, Pisces Rising, I'm very intuitive, and very elusive. I experienced all of the above. Thanks for your wisdom, and insight. You have sent positive vibes this way, and right back at ya!
Will, you put it beautifully and so simplified ..moon in Pisces is water the emotions flow more passively , where fire signs are more upfront ..This is my man and my sun is Pisces so I love it
I was wondering why I always found watching your videos "soothing"...I see I m also moon Pisces and like you said we tend to always get overwhelmed by emotions ( external emotions/people environment....or inner ones ) . Discernment is key to use our potential to avoid negative mindset of confusions & addictions. Cuz I feel that with us , we don't just sense and pick others people moods (& motives) we also absorb these energies all in ( our own system ). To the point that people or strangers issues or becomes our own!! It s key for us to Identify & select what goes in ; so we can get rid of the garbage . I think the main challenge for us is to keep healthy emotional state . Balancing our intense feelings. By not being over excited ( when energies are high) or too low ( when energies around are negative).
As a Sagittarius sun with moon and rising in pisces and with my moon in the first house (which I'm only now understanding what that all even means as I'm not someone who was too much into astrology) I'm trying to take care of myself more and trust in me which is something quite hard as I'm someone who has been criticized of my absent minded thoughts and the way i communicate them ever so messily...but, whatever with that. I just found your videos and i wanted to praise you for you have helped me accept myself a bit more. You should know that you are a beautiful communicator and a sweet and beautiful soul. You breathe a relaxation even just through the video so do keep up the good work of being yourself and doing you! thank you for existing and choosing to post your wonderful videos c: hope your days are good and prosperous in many ways. Much love 💕
Cap sun moon in Pisces I can see numbers in people body,I absorb people emotions and become my emotion all day,I can able read people mind sometimes and feel people feeling even though their far from me, and dream always if something gonna happen to my family, sometimes I see or glimpse in few seconds what gonna happen before it happen I feel wierd and don't understand before then I begin to search .I found out I have unique ability
A classic example of Moon in Pisces is Joni Mitchell. Her song 'Both Sides Now' is a perfect musical description of Moon in Pisces. Duality Love Illusion.
wow! I definitely have more understanding then I thought, I have moon in Pisces and sun in Aquarius, and before I didn't know nothing about moon signs, so I'm wondering me just being an Aquarius sign, why do I feel what others feel without being verbal , I liked how u explained much for me to know more about myself being a Pisces in moon, your awesome! :)
I have a moon in Pisces. I also have a Cancer sun, but then I have an Aries rising and Mars. I feel like a walking revolving The pauses you have as you're trying to complete your thoughts, I have those. Its not that I'm trying to think deeper, quite the opposite! It's that another thought popped into my head and I have to clear it out so that I can continue on my original train of thought!
I have Aries sun and Virgo rising, but Pisces Mercury, Mars, Moon, and I can understand where you're coming from! I'm often plagued with racing thoughts with more depth than they probably should have. Not to mention the constant urge and cycle of wanting to do some sort of project or activity and having 0% or less motivation to actually do the thing, I am strangely content in just daydreaming about doing it, even if it be something I am actually capable of doing.
totallllly relate it's taken me a long time to get to a place where i can be around negative people & not have it affect me deeply...i avoid them if possible now but it gets easier with time & practice to set up boundaries!!! wowwww that's a lotta water you must be SUPER psychic!!! ever explore pastlives?
Awsome vid on moon in pisces, I have a moon in pisces and can definitely relate to pretty much everything you mentioned about picking up vibes of people and the environment. :)
I have moon in pisces and can definitely relate to this especially thinking about other people first. Its not easy though as we are soo sensitive but also have Cancer ascendant and Scorpio sun so that might add to my strong instincts.
I have two sisters and we all have moon in pisces. We also have jobs that involve taking care of people. I also have sun in pisces.. so yeah.. It can be pretty intense. Becoming a massage therapist and taking yoga as a form of meditation saved me! What we take on emotionally can affect us physically. By having body awareness, we can work on these issues and create balance. Using my energy sensitivity to heal someone is probably the coolest thing. It allows me to make beautiful connections with others because I can truly understand them. It's also a great creative outlet!
The Moon, Neptune and Jupiter's relationship is auspicious - see Jupiter exalted in Cancer (ruled by the Moon), Neptune exalted in Sagittarius (ruled by Jupiter). Boundaries are the whole issue with Pisces. I should know I have Moon, Sun and ruler of my Ascendant Mercury in Pisces. Also Neptune is the higher octave of Venus which is exalted in Pisces. Beauty. Love.
I think that you covered the psychic/intuitive side of pisces moon quite well! But I was a bit disappointed that you never mentioned anything in regards to creativity. As I pisces moon, and having a best friend with a pisces moon - we are both very much everything you said in this video - but we also are very creative. Both of us especially enjoy that creativity when it's during a 'recharge' session or one of our 'breaks' from the outside world. Creativity can come in many forms - from art, to music, to craftiness! But I think it's part of the pisces imagination - even if we are lower levels and 'escape' our emotions or situations through alcohol or drugs as pisces (in any area) is prone to do. That creativity can sometimes replace 'escapes' (whether drugs/alcohol or other) with a more acceptable or 'healthy' alternative for that energy.
Also my creative energy I find ties in to my psychic energy. I write a lot of poetry - and rather than 'trying' to write it - I let it flow through me. And it often feels like somehow there is a higher/spiritual part to it - that I'm not conscious of. Which - is a nice break away from my virgo sun!
Same here. I don't write too often, but I am an artist and I love love to draw and create my own characters, namely fantasy and historical fiction. As an Aries sun with ADHD, my brain is always running ramped with ideas and sometimes they settle enough where I can catch one and create something from it. A main staple in my drive to create is escapism. I have a major case of wanderlust and always feel the need to create works incorporating dreamy sort of fantastical settings and characters. I also find the music I listen to can dictate the type of art I am making, ie baroque classical makes me want to make classic portraits, cinematic orchestral makes me want to draw steampunk adventure scenes, etc.
Spice Princess That is awesome! I find that a major drive in my creativity is escapism, as well. I often 'lose' myself in my projects! It's one of the few times my brain ever slows down. I wonder if that is how those with pisces sun placements feel? It's just very slow, and content and open. (As opposed to my mercury ruled virgo sun! ha). With an aries sun I can definitely see how you would put your passionate energy into your creations! I bet they are awesome :) Personally, I think I put my taurus ascendent energy into my own creations. Especially photography and my crafts. Whereas I feel that my poetry, is something that derives more from my mercury ruled virgo sun. Anywho. Yay for creativity! :D
Isabelle Arenas haha you're telling me! I also have my Mercury, Saturn, and Mars in Pisces. Needless to say, it does mellow me out and I have less of a temper than most Aries sun people as well as a lot of patience to wait for things...but I find myself often wasting the valuable time while waiting by daydreaming and not actually doing anything lolol
Jessica Showalter lol totally! If I'm really excited about a project or idea, I am pretty much obsessed lol and that is hard to say...having pisces in 4 different places in my natal chart, I'I've always felt much more like a sun in pisces person but I ddon't know if it is exactly the same. And thank you lol i tend to come up with strange ideas sometimes... i'm sure yours are great too!
I'm an Aries sun pisces moon, and a lotta what u said really hit me, it's funny and refreshing to hear someone who understands and, can help me understand this extremely mystic energy. Thnx man!
Hey...I love listening to your really capture the essence of moon in pisces......the way you speak is really calming and authentic.... A cancer with a moon in pisces and Virgo ascendant here.....ik it sounds weird but I would like to thank help me detox negative emotions when I relate to what you say...take care and peace out
thank you for this!!!! i was born on a full moon (8/27/99) and w a pisces moon and this video helped me understand my life and my confusion so much better i truly appreciate what you're doing here for others thank u again!
I love you so much Will...I have my sun in cancer , moon in pisces, rising leo...thank you for being in the world, well you are the world! but you get my drift , you are so beautiful
Love the Jedi comment! I feel the same about pisces moon energy, its soo wonderful, and also with the dreams, lots of psychic dreams as well as prophetic :) Sun in aqua, moon in pisces here...out of this world, almost all the time AArrrrhhhh...Thanks for the video.
MsPrissy202 Hey can I ask you, as a sagittarius sun pisces moon, how much the depth and the desire to merge with someone (emotionally) affects your desire of expension and freedom ? In other words, how your pisces energy influences your sagittarius energy ?
Aurora's tales I feel like I'm 2 different people lol. One minute I want to be free and independent and doing my own thing then the next I want to be so close to someone emotionally I want to be one with the person lol. I do feel like the older I am getting I want to be more settled down though.
wow I literally remember all of my dreams colors, emotions and I have even interpreted them and they've made sense about a present situation or a situation to come which ended up feeling like deju vu (might of spelled that wrong) I'm an Aries Sun Pisces Moon
You're are SO Very SPOT ON!! I DO SEE Things and feel very Psychic... a true Empath!! I'm SOOO Sensitive Yes and I wish I wasn't ...Damn You're Good!! I also am a Runner!!
i find pisces moon be very nice in house premise very sensitive and healing but when they go outside the house in social conduct is different they get really uncomfortable they seem they get along but they actually feel very awquard being around a lot of people a bit like cancers in the house very nurturing when go out with people they get snappy. and water people please lay of the boose, i havent see a Pisces be optimistic till later in life, they are very depressed in the begining to much emotion from other people, they get spiritualy highjacked from spirits, no boundaries at all....spooky. Its a gift but needs to be cultivated the daily mundane of life makes them tired
I see the zodiacs tattooed on ur hands. Love it. Do you have a video showing them n explaining them? I'm intrigued, n by you in general. I'm a pisces moon as well. Scorpio sun, virgo ascendant, libra venus
i have retrograde saturn on the cusp of the 6th house! :D that's really cool it's there because that's the house of virgo the partner sign of pisces so you have a dual perspective, you see both sides of the coin...very cool!!! you're extremely selfless :) don't be too serious, allow yourself to be emotionally silly!!! it's important for overall health
My dreams often come true as well I write some of my dreams down what I call a dream that is a vision, it will stay on my mind for hours after I wake up. Most dreams I have I forget rather quickly, but there are some I have had I believe are prophetic. I feel like I'm psychic because I can predict what's going to happen next and I absorb in peoples emotions like a sponge I'm extremely intuitive.
I feel like this is so accurate! Specially needing some time alone and feeling vibes, positive and negative. I'm a sun/sagittarius rising/aquarius and moon/pisces :)
i completely feel your piscean moon vibe as u talk. i'm aries sun w pisces moon, its like I hv my own personal emotional rollercoaster : ) thx for advice much luv to u
So essentially, my understanding is that I am a big contradiction. While I carry so much water (since I have moon in pisces), I still also cary a crazy amount of fire within me also (Scorpio in Venus, Jupiter, Pluto, Juno, and my Node).
Our imagination and how spot on it is (I've had stuff revealed to me through my imagination). Also I think music and definitely the arts play a big part in our lives (it can also be a form of escape, I know music and my imagination is mine). So funny. Before you even said Namaste at the end of your video I was thinking "namaste bro" at the middle of your video. You're right about trusting our vibes and intuitions. It's hard to trust mine but I'm starting to see that it's been revealing the truth to me, even if it's heart breaking. I also tend to get confused as to whose emotions is whose because of the "no boundaries" rule and for that sometimes I have a difficult time knowing who I am. Solitude is my friend, our friend. And thank you it's always good to hear from a fellow moon in pisces how we work. :D
I have an astronomical moon in Pisces. According to traditional astrology that was established 3,000 years ago, I'm supposed to have my moon in Aries. However, according to my Google sky charts, I have a Full Moon in Pisces on the night that I was born. I've never been anything like an Aries moon, but find that Pisces exactly describes me.
I'm a cancer with a virgo rising and my moon is on the aries/Pisces border. I resonate very much with the passion strong emotions of an aries and everything you have said about Pisces.
YOU are the sweetheart! Thank you! I can tell, everything you say is so sincere and you actually feel everything you’re saying. I know, because I felt your sweet vibe. I JUST found out my 🌙 is in ♋️ AND my ☀️ in ♋️ a few months ago~ My life suddenly made so much since!! I can tell you story after story of being so intuitive that I’ve been able to stop things from happening! I’ll sit straight up when someone I care about is hurt or needs me! Sometimes it’s just a feeling and sometimes it comes as a dream I interrupted~ I. Feel. EVERYTHING! I’ve always thought my life was just a long line of coincidences. It’s only after being taken advantage of, time after time, that I’ve realized, I’m way different. I just know things, on such a crazy level. I’m super excited to find out why I am, who I am. I love your vibe~ I and I felt a very strong urge to tell you what a sweetheart you are ✌🏼 I’ll be seeing you!
haha sun/gemini rising/virgo and moon/pisces everything you said is extremely accurate especially about reading peoples emotions and vibes. I wish i could strengthen them in some sort of way:/
Funny how you say Moon in Pisces are taken advantage ex was a Lunar Pisces..he said his other exes took him for granted...but he took me for granted even though I treated him like gold. He was very romantic and psychic but also VERY cold..with me. Moon in Fish ppl can sway back and forth with their feelings. He dumped me twice.....both times telling me he loved me, then next day dumped me. He was unpredictable....very sweet and so kind one day and very emotionally abusive the next. I will never date a Lunar Pisces again.....I had longer relationships than him but he crushed my heart the hardest. He has no idea how he scarred me emotionally for life. Being with someone like a moody Fish is a rollercoast and not worth it. I am still getting counselling over this person even though we broke up 6 months ago. BTW I have Moon in you think as the Fire sign Moon...I would be the tactless and emotionless one but it was the other way around in this case.
Oh my gosh your energy is too sweet haha! The two videos of yours that I’ve clicked on I’ve been stoked with which were Jupiter in Aries and moon in Pisces, I must’ve been drawn to them seeing as you can relate to the placements and are really representing the energy you’re talking about ( if that makes sense ). I have so much fun watching you dude! Stay rad(:
Thank you for sharing! I’m new to understanding my Moon and Pisces personality!! Everything you said and shared spoke so completely to me. Especially the need to get time get time to shut down! WOW! I’m an Aries Sun so I have much to learn about the combinations!! Thank you. How do I learn to meditate?
aries sun..pisces moon also.....have a look at shamanic astrology if you like....helps a bit...your Venus and Mars is really important...and your ascendant x...and the whole chart
I need to recharge a lot. I do know and look through everything. I used to serve others and still do but I chose who I want to serve now. I have learned to cut people off. The toxic one's. I had to otherwise it's like this heavy weight on me.
Will, you're awesome. There is a feeling that so much love is coming out from you, you're like overfilled with it :D Anyways, I I love that and wish you the best, you're great!
This makes so much sense. My daughter is Aries, with moon in Pisces. Even as an infant she could communicate her needs with anyone, almost as if she was telepathic. Now she's eight years old, and walking into her room you would think your walking into a palm reading room. Tapestries, crystals, scarves over her window. She lets me know when the house or a person needs to be "staged" (as she calls it). She immediately knows upon meeting a person where their energy is. And she will tell me. "Mom, I don't want to be around this person, can we go?" Only thing with that is her Aries energy doesn't let her keep those thoughts to herself. So she's been known to approach strangers and let them know they need a saging, or that they have bad energy. She can also see and communicate with spirits. She's a fascinating child. I love the Pisces energy she brings to my life.
laura ward I don't know your daughter but I love her. Lol I'm an Aries sun, Scorpio moon. I feel peeps vibes too but keep it to myself. And I really love that she has a strong interest in beautifying the home at such an early age.
I am an Aries Pisces moon this is me also 😭💗🙏
Wow this is interesting. I am also an Aries sun with a Pisces moon. From a young age I've had this weird spiritual connection with the world. My mother told me that as a child, I would tell her about a "man" in our home and I would have vivid dreams. I find that I still get these dreams when my space is disturbed by something that doesn't belong (i.e. spirits). The dreams are often pertaining to events in my life, sometimes they come true, and sometimes I feel like I've communicated with someone who is no longer in this world. It's strange. I only hang around few people because its their vibe that either attracts or deters me. When I'm around too many people, I feel drained and sometimes extremely overwhelmed.
I'm an aries with Pisces moon too!! But i'm 15 lol
the trash can of the zodiac lol we feel so much for people but they arent the same in return and that hurts us cos we more often than not go out of our ways to make them feel happy because it makes us happy, but most aren't grateful for how selfless and giving we can really be
So true
Omg perfectly said! I need moon in Pisces friends😭
so true
+Derra Matthews right here
that‘s sooo true
i'm a Cap in Sun and Pisces in Moon. Anyone else of the same situation thinks life is full of contradictions? it's hard to work hard like a capricorn but dream like Pisces. It often present me as an intense,serious worker but also always space out in random time. mann... tell me i'm not nuts?? Is this a Cap in Sun / Pisces in Moon thing?
I strongly agree with the need for space!
Yeah I'm the same, with a Scorpio Ascendant to make me even more protective of my more emotional side. Also I need to be careful because I tend to dream quite morbid, negative things if I allow myself to (scorpio thing i think). When I do something I'm passionate about I become single minded and determined, pushing ahead sometimes at the detriment of others. Then in a lull of activity I catch myself and kind of survey the reactions to my actions and feel guilty for not being more considerate of others etc.
Usually I'm very much like Will says; hyper-aware of emotional energies that I'm interacting with, and follow my intuition based on feeling, but i think for us (cap sun) it's a balancing act between being tuned in to our surroundings and being studious. I definitely need more practice with that!
paolotagliano I can definitely relate to what you're saying, and as a Virgo Ascendant, it seems like not only am I, as a Cap, often already misunderstood, but I also got this other earth-sign as my Ascendant. It's makes the puzzle even harder for people around me. I'm working on balancing and controlling different parts of me too. I like to take things and do things seriously. For me, my job and my hobby are at the same level. And when I'm not serious or active with the task at hand, it's b/c I am mentally occupied already or I'm just trying to control myself to not scare or piss people off cause my "seriousness" means I can get to the top no matter the cost and my first day on the job could portray as a threat to higher executives or older people (people who worked for a longer time and apparently needs to be respected more). When you're only 22 and you seem not "serious" about your work, in the eyes of others, they'll just pass you as a kid. Which brings in the bigger problem now because my work is not taken seriously and they don't understand that the work I do have reasons and have been planned ahead. This self sacrificing shit has been pissing me off and it seems like i'm not "truly" living my life and being "truly" myself (this serious and intense person) . Mannn... they say capricorns are old when they're young... i can't agree more with that.
i got a virgo sun w a pisces moon. opposite signs, talk about a contradiction lol.
lol on top of that, I am also Virgo Ascendant.
(9 months later, sorry to revive a dead comment) I'm a Capricorn Sun, Pisces Moon, Capricorn Ascendant. I have the same issues with the contradiction you mentioned. The Capricorn wants to get tough, the Pisces needs to stay sensitive. The Capricorn knows working hard is necessary, but the Pisces knows that our purpose in this world isn't about work. My Mars in Taurus keeps me working slow, strong and steady which I feel is great for the Pisces moon. Once you master your work you can then bring your essence of chill, creativity that the Pisces brings to really enjoy your work and take it to a higher level at the same time.
I'm a Sun in Scorpio and Moon in Pisces, so my sensitivity is off the charts, but anyways. I really enjoy your videos.I've been binge watching them. Gosh you are the type of person I would be totally best friend with.
Me too!! allso that about his best friend vibes haha
and me...:)
Elizabeth Sum same ❤
I have these placements as well 💀
Similar to me.
Cancer sun here, so much water!!
We're very deep humans
Wow, what a wise sage you are my brother. I too have my Moon in Pisces and everything you said described my Piscean essence to a tee. Thank you for this.
thank you brother, Namaste, love & light :) 8
Im moon in pisces and sun in sag... now i understand why my love life is soooo strange :D
Patrícia Katricskó same here!
Finally someone with Sun in Sag and Pieces moon
Same here always find my water putting out my fire
Same love. Embrace this powerful energy
I used to think I was very different(negative way); as a child I would have dreams of something happening and then maybe a day or two later, it would happen.
Also when I lost my mother, that morning, I knew something was wrong, I can remember walking back and forth thinking it was her or my grandmother.
And I can feel what other people are feeling, I walk into the room and I can feel the energy good or bad.
I have sun in scorpio / moon in pieces. Being so watery, psychic, and sensitive was hard for me until recently. Your information has helped me to better understand myself, so thank you for all the awesome astrology vids! Keep doing your thing.
find like-minded peeps who can sense things too it's crucial for emotional health i find :) friends who can't sense are still awesome but it really helps to have someone to be able to talk to about the amazing things you can feel & understand!!!
Being a natural loner my whole life was actually a blessing because it just really just gave me so much time to thiiiiiinnnnk, and to observe, and to really explore the depths of my own thoughts. And it was my DREAMS (2 very specific ones in fact..) that told me of my future husband, though at the time, we were barely even acquaintances. We’ve been married strong for ten years now. This is so cool how these Pisces descriptions are making so much sense of my past and my personhood! I’ve never really engaged astrology like this beyond just the sun sign stuff. And I’m sure you already know this, but.. YOU truly have a gift for talking about these things and explaining them in a way that a true novice can understand!!
I have moon in Pisces and its like having a sixth sense or a "third eye" which is for insight into things. My sun sign is in Gemini and I have Libra ascendant, I have to agree with you on us putting others before our own needs. I have been this situation myself where so-called friends took advantage of my generosity to point of taking the piss out of the friendship we had. I have few friends offline because of the amount of betrayal I have had in the past, I don't trust people nowadays as much as I used to.
I am a positive person really as I always believe there is always tomorrow and it will be a better day :). I'm more spiritual than religious and I do believe in karma as well as "give and take" in life. I no longer take people on "face" value anymore like I used to because I have been let down so many times.
i have also am a gemini sun with a moon in pisces
Gemini sun, libra rosing abd pisces moon here also :). Best regards
@@erikainthesky Great to know we have similarities in the chart.
@@NNKRRbeats Aye that's great to know. All the best to you as well ;).
I'm 43 and I have a Cap Sun/Pis Moon. I have ALWAYS put others b4 myself and I am just now fighting for me for the 1st time in my life. Meditation has been an unbelievable Godsend. Needing space is HUGE for me and as a Cap fm, space is important too so it's compounded. This vid is so on the money. You really touched me. Thank you for your kind words and positive energy. Right back at you brother :) Blessings
First time on your channel, was researching moon in Pisces, been watching a lot of videos on it. As soon as you came on the screen I was like 'haha that guy is a Pisces moon for sure'. There's something about that Neptunian energy, it's so artsy and dreamy, it soothes my intense Scorpio moon and makes me chuckle, I just want to give you all a hug
This guy is so ego-less! clearly a leo working on it! he's awesome!
Taurus Sun Cancer Rising Pisces moon. I feel this..
If I remember correctly, you also have a sun in Gemini, right? I have a sun in Gemini and a moon in Pisces. You mimic a lot of my overall appearance. There are moments when you pause mid sentence and have a bit of problem fully explaining yourself. I totally understand trying to please everyone else and being completely drained when doing so. Space is super important to me. My friends used to think there was something wrong with me, because I enjoyed being by myself reading up on something I enjoy to learn about. I have been used many times and felt horrible because I bent over backwards for a person and yet they never went to the lengths to help me as I did to help them. I broke them off and almost took the person back, because I felt their pain and honestly I still love the person. I just had to learn to love from afar. I believe we are wise old souls who don't follow the mold of overall society and it is ok!
You are so sweet and soft,
this video is so true,
I can feel you really. Sometimes we just really tired of all energies we got from other people, put our energies for people till there’s no energies left for us. moon in Pisces sometimes it feels so heavy of emotions as well.
Libra Sun, Pisces Moon, Pisces Rising, I'm very intuitive, and very elusive. I experienced all of the above. Thanks for your wisdom, and insight. You have sent positive vibes this way, and right back at ya!
Will, you put it beautifully and so simplified ..moon in Pisces is water the emotions flow more passively , where fire signs are more upfront ..This is my man and my sun is Pisces so I love it
I was wondering why I always found watching your videos "soothing"...I see I m also moon Pisces and like you said we tend to always get overwhelmed by emotions ( external emotions/people environment....or inner ones ) . Discernment is key to use our potential to avoid negative mindset of confusions & addictions. Cuz I feel that with us , we don't just sense and pick others people moods (& motives) we also absorb these energies all in ( our own system ). To the point that people or strangers issues or becomes our own!!
It s key for us to Identify & select what goes in ; so we can get rid of the garbage . I think the main challenge for us is to keep healthy emotional state . Balancing our intense feelings. By not being over excited ( when energies are high) or too low ( when energies around are negative).
Sun in Scorpio, moon in Pisces, and ascendent in Libra
Darahan Jagtap sun libra Pisces moon Scorpio Ascendant
saaame here
Omg, same!! I'm surprised
As a Sagittarius sun with moon and rising in pisces and with my moon in the first house (which I'm only now understanding what that all even means as I'm not someone who was too much into astrology) I'm trying to take care of myself more and trust in me which is something quite hard as I'm someone who has been criticized of my absent minded thoughts and the way i communicate them ever so messily...but, whatever with that. I just found your videos and i wanted to praise you for you have helped me accept myself a bit more. You should know that you are a beautiful communicator and a sweet and beautiful soul. You breathe a relaxation even just through the video so do keep up the good work of being yourself and doing you! thank you for existing and choosing to post your wonderful videos c: hope your days are good and prosperous in many ways. Much love 💕
Prophetic dreams its the perfect word. Cool video.
Cap sun moon in Pisces I can see numbers in people body,I absorb people emotions and become my emotion all day,I can able read people mind sometimes and feel people feeling even though their far from me, and dream always if something gonna happen to my family, sometimes I see or glimpse in few seconds what gonna happen before it happen I feel wierd and don't understand before then I begin to search .I found out I have unique ability
Love your fluffy hair. Thanks for sharing
A classic example of Moon in Pisces is Joni Mitchell. Her song 'Both Sides Now' is a perfect musical description of Moon in Pisces. Duality Love Illusion.
wow! I definitely have more understanding then I thought, I have moon in Pisces and sun in Aquarius, and before I didn't know nothing about moon signs, so I'm wondering me just being an Aquarius sign, why do I feel what others feel without being verbal , I liked how u explained much for me to know more about myself being a Pisces in moon, your awesome! :)
You captured my moon in Pisces essence :) love what you do
I have a moon in Pisces. I also have a Cancer sun, but then I have an Aries rising and Mars. I feel like a walking revolving The pauses you have as you're trying to complete your thoughts, I have those. Its not that I'm trying to think deeper, quite the opposite! It's that another thought popped into my head and I have to clear it out so that I can continue on my original train of thought!
I have Aries sun and Virgo rising, but Pisces Mercury, Mars, Moon, and I can understand where you're coming from! I'm often plagued with racing thoughts with more depth than they probably should have. Not to mention the constant urge and cycle of wanting to do some sort of project or activity and having 0% or less motivation to actually do the thing, I am strangely content in just daydreaming about doing it, even if it be something I am actually capable of doing.
I can relate Spice Princess. Starting the project isn't a problem for me though, finishing is.
totallllly relate it's taken me a long time to get to a place where i can be around negative people & not have it affect me deeply...i avoid them if possible now but it gets easier with time & practice to set up boundaries!!! wowwww that's a lotta water you must be SUPER psychic!!! ever explore pastlives?
Sagittarius sun. Moon in Pisces. Rising Pisces. So true about dreams!
Samw here. 😉 dreams can be so memorable sonetime I even think I'm dreaming a dream I've already had.
Awsome vid on moon in pisces, I have a moon in pisces and can definitely relate to pretty much everything you mentioned about picking up vibes of people and the environment. :)
You are an amazingly beautiful soul. Watching your video, I was moved to tears by your beautiful heart.
I love your energy and your insightful knowledge and experience.
I'm sun Aries. Moon and mercury in pisces...
Thank you Will🙏💙
I have moon in pisces and can definitely relate to this especially thinking about other people first. Its not easy though as we are soo sensitive but also have Cancer ascendant and Scorpio sun so that might add to my strong instincts.
Same. Grand Water Trine
I have two sisters and we all have moon in pisces. We also have jobs that involve taking care of people. I also have sun in pisces.. so yeah.. It can be pretty intense. Becoming a massage therapist and taking yoga as a form of meditation saved me! What we take on emotionally can affect us physically. By having body awareness, we can work on these issues and create balance. Using my energy sensitivity to heal someone is probably the coolest thing. It allows me to make beautiful connections with others because I can truly understand them. It's also a great creative outlet!
Kayla Silver I have a job taking care of animals, as Pisces Moon cares about them not less than about people, i don't eat them also, both:)
The Moon, Neptune and Jupiter's relationship is auspicious - see Jupiter exalted in Cancer (ruled by the Moon), Neptune exalted in Sagittarius (ruled by Jupiter). Boundaries are the whole issue with Pisces. I should know I have Moon, Sun and ruler of my Ascendant Mercury in Pisces. Also Neptune is the higher octave of Venus which is exalted in Pisces. Beauty. Love.
thank you so much. i have my moon in pisces and lately its been difficult to manage it and use it as the gift and blessing that it is.
I think that you covered the psychic/intuitive side of pisces moon quite well! But I was a bit disappointed that you never mentioned anything in regards to creativity. As I pisces moon, and having a best friend with a pisces moon - we are both very much everything you said in this video - but we also are very creative. Both of us especially enjoy that creativity when it's during a 'recharge' session or one of our 'breaks' from the outside world.
Creativity can come in many forms - from art, to music, to craftiness! But I think it's part of the pisces imagination - even if we are lower levels and 'escape' our emotions or situations through alcohol or drugs as pisces (in any area) is prone to do. That creativity can sometimes replace 'escapes' (whether drugs/alcohol or other) with a more acceptable or 'healthy' alternative for that energy.
Also my creative energy I find ties in to my psychic energy. I write a lot of poetry - and rather than 'trying' to write it - I let it flow through me. And it often feels like somehow there is a higher/spiritual part to it - that I'm not conscious of. Which - is a nice break away from my virgo sun!
Same here. I don't write too often, but I am an artist and I love love to draw and create my own characters, namely fantasy and historical fiction. As an Aries sun with ADHD, my brain is always running ramped with ideas and sometimes they settle enough where I can catch one and create something from it. A main staple in my drive to create is escapism. I have a major case of wanderlust and always feel the need to create works incorporating dreamy sort of fantastical settings and characters. I also find the music I listen to can dictate the type of art I am making, ie baroque classical makes me want to make classic portraits, cinematic orchestral makes me want to draw steampunk adventure scenes, etc.
Spice Princess That is awesome! I find that a major drive in my creativity is escapism, as well. I often 'lose' myself in my projects! It's one of the few times my brain ever slows down. I wonder if that is how those with pisces sun placements feel? It's just very slow, and content and open. (As opposed to my mercury ruled virgo sun! ha). With an aries sun I can definitely see how you would put your passionate energy into your creations! I bet they are awesome :) Personally, I think I put my taurus ascendent energy into my own creations. Especially photography and my crafts. Whereas I feel that my poetry, is something that derives more from my mercury ruled virgo sun. Anywho. Yay for creativity! :D
Isabelle Arenas haha you're telling me! I also have my Mercury, Saturn, and Mars in Pisces. Needless to say, it does mellow me out and I have less of a temper than most Aries sun people as well as a lot of patience to wait for things...but I find myself often wasting the valuable time while waiting by daydreaming and not actually doing anything lolol
Jessica Showalter lol totally! If I'm really excited about a project or idea, I am pretty much obsessed lol and that is hard to say...having pisces in 4 different places in my natal chart, I'I've always felt much more like a sun in pisces person but I ddon't know if it is exactly the same. And thank you lol i tend to come up with strange ideas sometimes... i'm sure yours are great too!
I'm an Aries sun pisces moon, and a lotta what u said really hit me, it's funny and refreshing to hear someone who understands and, can help me understand this extremely mystic energy. Thnx man!
Great advice, man: "Follow your vibes".... Thank you so much! :)
Hey...I love listening to your really capture the essence of moon in pisces......the way you speak is really calming and authentic.... A cancer with a moon in pisces and Virgo ascendant here.....ik it sounds weird but I would like to thank help me detox negative emotions when I relate to what you say...take care and peace out
This is like the best video on moon in pisces
thank you for this!!!! i was born on a full moon (8/27/99) and w a pisces moon and this video helped me understand my life and my confusion so much better i truly appreciate what you're doing here for others thank u again!
I love you so much Will...I have my sun in cancer , moon in pisces, rising leo...thank you for being in the world, well you are the world! but you get my drift , you are so beautiful
cancer sun pisces moon leo rising too 😎
ann trust your moon in scorpio instincts - i'm moon in cancer but in the house of were right!!!! that's awesome you sensed that!!!!
Wow amazing reading. Can relate so much.... -Thank you, namaste.
from sun scorpio moon pices cancer rising you did an amazing job on this all very accurate.
Love the Jedi comment! I feel the same about pisces moon energy, its soo wonderful, and also with the dreams, lots of psychic dreams as well as prophetic :) Sun in aqua, moon in pisces here...out of this world, almost all the time AArrrrhhhh...Thanks for the video.
Scorpio Rising, Sun Sagittarius, Pisces Moon.
MsPrissy202 Hey can I ask you, as a sagittarius sun pisces moon, how much the depth and the desire to merge with someone (emotionally) affects your desire of expension and freedom ? In other words, how your pisces energy influences your sagittarius energy ?
Aurora's tales I feel like I'm 2 different people lol. One minute I want to be free and independent and doing my own thing then the next I want to be so close to someone emotionally I want to be one with the person lol. I do feel like the older I am getting I want to be more settled down though.
ohh my goodness...the indirectness and self-trust is what I'm finding out about myself..those vibess yes thank you
I knew you were moon in picisssss You are so sweet and thank you for sharing your wisdom ! You are absolutely right 🧜♂️💜
I like that you pause sometimes to gather your thoughts instead of just saying something for the sake of keeping the dialogue moving.
We dream every night, we just don't always remember it. :)
wow I literally remember all of my dreams colors, emotions and I have even interpreted them and they've made sense about a present situation or a situation to come which ended up feeling like deju vu (might of spelled that wrong) I'm an Aries Sun Pisces Moon
Wonderful video, I am sun aries♈& moon pisces♓
You're are SO Very SPOT ON!! I DO SEE Things and feel very Psychic... a true Empath!! I'm SOOO Sensitive Yes and I wish I wasn't ...Damn You're Good!! I also am a Runner!!
i find pisces moon be very nice in house premise very sensitive and healing but when they go outside the house in social conduct is different they get really uncomfortable they seem they get along but they actually feel very awquard being around a lot of people a bit like cancers in the house very nurturing when go out with people they get snappy. and water people please lay of the boose, i havent see a Pisces be optimistic till later in life, they are very depressed in the begining to much emotion from other people, they get spiritualy highjacked from spirits, no boundaries at all....spooky. Its a gift but needs to be cultivated the daily mundane of life makes them tired
that's awesome, i'm happy we resonated :)
I absolutely love this. I love how you process. Thank you
You are awesome! Thank you!
My Pisces moon is a lifesaver!! Im a Leo with a Virgo ascendent. I need that Pisces moon to sustain my humanity ;) thanks for this reading!!
I see the zodiacs tattooed on ur hands. Love it. Do you have a video showing them n explaining them? I'm intrigued, n by you in general. I'm a pisces moon as well. Scorpio sun, virgo ascendant, libra venus
Cancer Sun, Pisces Moon, & Sag Rising. Pisces Moon is my favorite placement and I love your analysis on it! You were spot on. Thank you :)
I’m a Leo sun with a Pisces moon, it’s quite the balance. Such a good video!!! I relate sooooo much
i have retrograde saturn on the cusp of the 6th house! :D that's really cool it's there because that's the house of virgo the partner sign of pisces so you have a dual perspective, you see both sides of the coin...very cool!!! you're extremely selfless :) don't be too serious, allow yourself to be emotionally silly!!! it's important for overall health
awww viele dank mein Freund!!!!!! you're awesome!!!
My dreams often come true as well I write some of my dreams down what I call a dream that is a vision, it will stay on my mind for hours after I wake up. Most dreams I have I forget rather quickly, but there are some I have had I believe are prophetic. I feel like I'm psychic because I can predict what's going to happen next and I absorb in peoples emotions like a sponge I'm extremely intuitive.
I feel like this is so accurate! Specially needing some time alone and feeling vibes, positive and negative. I'm a sun/sagittarius rising/aquarius and moon/pisces :)
I like the way you stop and think
i completely feel your piscean moon vibe as u talk. i'm aries sun w pisces moon, its like I hv my own personal emotional rollercoaster : ) thx for advice much luv to u
I do that too! I send love to a lot of people from a distance..
this video speaks to me. I am Sag sun and rising and moon Pisces
sun in cap/asc. pisces/moon in pisces.. your reading = spot on! :)
So essentially, my understanding is that I am a big contradiction. While I carry so much water (since I have moon in pisces), I still also cary a crazy amount of fire within me also (Scorpio in Venus, Jupiter, Pluto, Juno, and my Node).
Scorpio is a water sign too :)
that's AWEsome!!! dreaming is our specialty :) :) :)
Our imagination and how spot on it is (I've had stuff revealed to me through my imagination). Also I think music and definitely the arts play a big part in our lives (it can also be a form of escape, I know music and my imagination is mine). So funny. Before you even said Namaste at the end of your video I was thinking "namaste bro" at the middle of your video. You're right about trusting our vibes and intuitions. It's hard to trust mine but I'm starting to see that it's been revealing the truth to me, even if it's heart breaking. I also tend to get confused as to whose emotions is whose because of the "no boundaries" rule and for that sometimes I have a difficult time knowing who I am. Solitude is my friend, our friend. And thank you it's always good to hear from a fellow moon in pisces how we work. :D
funny cuz my mom's moon in cancer & my dad's moon in pisces - i totes had the same experience growing up i love my mom...:)
Scorpio sun Pisces moon. You are so right! Thank you lovely soul :)
I have an astronomical moon in Pisces. According to traditional astrology that was established 3,000 years ago, I'm supposed to have my moon in Aries. However, according to my Google sky charts, I have a Full Moon in Pisces on the night that I was born. I've never been anything like an Aries moon, but find that Pisces exactly describes me.
everything you explained i relate to yet i have no pisces in my chart
wonderful said
This is my moon! 🎑🌕💜💙💕😁
Scorpio Rising, Cancer/Leo Sun, Pisces Moon
I'm a cancer with a virgo rising and my moon is on the aries/Pisces border. I resonate very much with the passion strong emotions of an aries and everything you have said about Pisces.
Same placement 😱
I also have moon in pisces❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
YOU are the sweetheart! Thank you! I can tell, everything you say is so sincere and you actually feel everything you’re saying. I know, because I felt your sweet vibe. I JUST found out my 🌙 is in ♋️ AND my ☀️ in ♋️ a few months ago~ My life suddenly made so much since!! I can tell you story after story of being so intuitive that I’ve been able to stop things from happening! I’ll sit straight up when someone I care about is hurt or needs me! Sometimes it’s just a feeling and sometimes it comes as a dream I interrupted~ I. Feel. EVERYTHING! I’ve always thought my life was just a long line of coincidences. It’s only after being taken advantage of, time after time, that I’ve realized, I’m way different. I just know things, on such a crazy level. I’m super excited to find out why I am, who I am. I love your vibe~ I and I felt a very strong urge to tell you what a sweetheart you are ✌🏼
I’ll be seeing you!
Shine Shine Aw thank you so much for your post!! I truly appreciate your lovely message Namaste & infinite
I do like cut myself of after a while at a party. I become quiet and go sit down and do not talk lol. No I stand up for myself when the time comes.
haha sun/gemini rising/virgo and moon/pisces everything you said is extremely accurate especially about reading peoples emotions and vibes. I wish i could strengthen them in some sort of way:/
Aries Sun Pisces Moon sooo true what your saying!
thannkk you so much will .. i am aqua sun and moon pisces..just like yah.. and i love you... you are my new age saint
Funny how you say Moon in Pisces are taken advantage ex was a Lunar Pisces..he said his other exes took him for granted...but he took me for granted even though I treated him like gold. He was very romantic and psychic but also VERY cold..with me. Moon in Fish ppl can sway back and forth with their feelings. He dumped me twice.....both times telling me he loved me, then next day dumped me. He was unpredictable....very sweet and so kind one day and very emotionally abusive the next. I will never date a Lunar Pisces again.....I had longer relationships than him but he crushed my heart the hardest. He has no idea how he scarred me emotionally for life. Being with someone like a moody Fish is a rollercoast and not worth it. I am still getting counselling over this person even though we broke up 6 months ago. BTW I have Moon in you think as the Fire sign Moon...I would be the tactless and emotionless one but it was the other way around in this case.
Sun in Scorpio,Cancer Ascendant and Pisces Moon
Oh my gosh your energy is too sweet haha! The two videos of yours that I’ve clicked on I’ve been stoked with which were Jupiter in Aries and moon in Pisces, I must’ve been drawn to them seeing as you can relate to the placements and are really representing the energy you’re talking about ( if that makes sense ). I have so much fun watching you dude! Stay rad(:
Thank you for sharing! I’m new to understanding my Moon and Pisces personality!! Everything you said and shared spoke so completely to me. Especially the need to get time get time to shut down! WOW! I’m an Aries Sun so I have much to learn about the combinations!! Thank you. How do I learn to meditate?
aries sun..pisces moon also.....have a look at shamanic astrology if you like....helps a bit...your Venus and Mars is really important...and your ascendant x...and the whole chart
I need to recharge a lot. I do know and look through everything. I used to serve others and still do but I chose who I want to serve now. I have learned to cut people off. The toxic one's. I had to otherwise it's like this heavy weight on me.
im a moon in pisces n i loved your video!
Will, you're awesome. There is a feeling that so much love is coming out from you, you're like overfilled with it :D Anyways, I I love that and wish you the best, you're great!
I have moon in pisces too Will! x
You just said everything about my life it took me long to understand my self but finally 😅 I am sun in libra moon in Pisces and rising sign Leo
you can!!!! just practice, it gets easier/better with time/effort :) :D :)