The play at 2:26 is so slept on, he played that absolutely perfectly; baited the exhaust and waited it out with invisibility, used E to space braum passive, flashed the Braum Q and rolled at the last second before braum could get his auto animation off twice. If he failed any of those tasks it was guaranteed death. I think I've watched it 15 times now.
you were a challenger player who makes a fresh account like every other week to stomp diamond players for content. why are you putting gm in your title
There is a lot to learn about all these plays, and not much people can claim to be grand master players. Yet the comments are looking like a bronze lobby. Vulture prey on the wounded don't they ?
Botlane to me is feast or famine rn. First who gets 2 kills ahead wins lane and can't be fought because every adc scales much earlier due to higher crit + current damage amount. If he didn't get kills early, there was no chance for good clips, so he only has some in which he's fed
that last kaisa fight was played so well omg
Was just about to comment this lol. Such an instructional clip
Why Lee's R didin't hit?
@@jorgesotolopez204 he press e and vanish
We Love you Gosu!
The play at 2:26 is so slept on, he played that absolutely perfectly; baited the exhaust and waited it out with invisibility, used E to space braum passive, flashed the Braum Q and rolled at the last second before braum could get his auto animation off twice. If he failed any of those tasks it was guaranteed death. I think I've watched it 15 times now.
congrats my one of the best man adc´s! following your path a while and your consistency alone is hardcore.
that vayne play that saved akali, very well played by both you and the akali. amazing. and senna clutch heal on the akali as well. so satisfying
Congrats on reaching Grandmaster, you were the reason why i picked up ADC & Vayne as a main for a while.
Keep it up champ!
your taste in music... slay
Guckfosu destroying soloqueue. Congrats for the gm homie and thanks for the awesome video.
That Lucian Ult on Jinx mid lane… hit every single shot bc the math was already done. Sick play. 70% to 0%
bro 7:42 the cancel of the lee sin r awesome
i didn't know that could happen
2:00 Why no penta?
the last playy.. omg im here for thisss
Can't wait till you climb back to your old glory
Does anyone know what panel it uses to display the music it's playing? :(
Where 360p ?
you have elite music taste
GOSU is the best ADC, dont hate its just my belief
Congrats on Grandmaster my bro
lets goo, my man beat the washed up master allegations
Vuelve el prime de gosu??? vamos crack!
Congrats bro!!!!!!
Kaisa on gosu is smh different
my goat
doublelift and zven spotted.
Pls, playlist name
everytime same comment, goat
toppest class adc and the best vayne in the world
I wonder whether you have to pay for copyright musics or not bc I heard many popular songs in the video.
Damn he might actually hit challenger again
I love her lack of energy!
gj mate, well now u have to got challanger
Brasil está aqui!
Vaya sacada de polla Gosu en este, wow.
GG !
Bro is casually smurfing in gm
Ad looking weak this patch😎 JK GREAT JOB MAN!! Happy to see you doing well
Weak? seriously?
Beats both doublelift and zven
you were a challenger player who makes a fresh account like every other week to stomp diamond players for content. why are you putting gm in your title
you blind? can't see first 5 seconds of vid ?
congrats gosu! But aren't you challenger lol
la vayne de gosu tiene más rango 77 y más move speed 🫣🫣🥺
BRTT > Doublelift
play jinx plsss
Wow, nice job getting carried to GM bro. Must have been pretty difficult considering how washed you are. Let’s see how long you can manage to stay.
NVM 5th and 7th!
GOSU IS THE GOAT!!!!!!!!!!!! 4th
There is a lot to learn about all these plays, and not much people can claim to be grand master players.
Yet the comments are looking like a bronze lobby. Vulture prey on the wounded don't they ?
first time
Pretty boring when half of the clips are when you’re super ahead and looks like team has already given up lol
Maybe that’s all he had. He had what he had and made a video out of it.
The videos are of the plays he liked. If you don't like them, then don't watch the video :)
Bro its NA trash server
Botlane to me is feast or famine rn. First who gets 2 kills ahead wins lane and can't be fought because every adc scales much earlier due to higher crit + current damage amount. If he didn't get kills early, there was no chance for good clips, so he only has some in which he's fed
Maybe he should post every time he died in each game to make the vid more exciting 🥴
first dislike