This technology looks very promising. I'm a little puzzled why you didn't talk about seasonality. You could run this system a lot in winter, and charge it back up in summer by not using it so much. I love it, especially for district heating.
If this works, it will be truly game-changing. It provides a pathway for oil/gas drillers to transition to geothermal drilling and would keep them busy for decades. It seems like it could be a perfect fit for university campuses, since they need both heat and power, and most are committed to net zero, but are struggling to generate sufficient power and to provide for HVAC, especially if most of the drilling could be done in the summer and the drill waste could be managed safely. The opportunity to transition existing coal or natural gas power plants to geothermal would make use of the existing power plant infrastructure, leaving less of it stranded. The main question is what can be done to accelerate progress?
This technology looks very promising. I'm a little puzzled why you didn't talk about seasonality. You could run this system a lot in winter, and charge it back up in summer by not using it so much. I love it, especially for district heating.
If this works, it will be truly game-changing. It provides a pathway for oil/gas drillers to transition to geothermal drilling and would keep them busy for decades. It seems like it could be a perfect fit for university campuses, since they need both heat and power, and most are committed to net zero, but are struggling to generate sufficient power and to provide for HVAC, especially if most of the drilling could be done in the summer and the drill waste could be managed safely. The opportunity to transition existing coal or natural gas power plants to geothermal would make use of the existing power plant infrastructure, leaving less of it stranded. The main question is what can be done to accelerate progress?
Money and deregulating unnecssary policiews on drilling
Who are the Eavor skeptics? I'd like to hear the other side.