Hi teacher, thanks for all your videos, I have been learning a lot from you! However I just started running a page, it has been well, except a couple of days ago it went wrong. I got a message say “ my posts go against community standards spam! And I am not sure why 🤔. I only problem I could think of is I re upload the video more than once ! And now my videos not publish anymore ☹️. My question, what should I do with this issue? Thanks in advance for your answer! AnG
@@CHHONVeasna ohhh really appreciate your time brother. Yesh, I did posted and shared In many groups. So, do you think that page still ok? I think Facebook blocked my page from publish. I posted a couple videos but it never appear on my Facebook page!
Very important
Good idea
👍 👍 👍 👍 👍
Thanks for Sharing, Teacher.
Thank for your good advice
Thank you
Thank you😍😍😍
Thanks brother
សូមអរគុណលោកគ្រូសម្រាប់ការចែករំលែក ❤️❤️
helpful for this point
Thanks 🤗
Good idea teacher
អគុណ លោកគ្រូ
Thank you so much for sharing ideas brother
និយាយបានល្អបង អគុណបង
Cyber 🙏🏻
i like your video teacher, best thank
Thank you so much b🥰🥰
Thank you for sharing. Very helpful 🙏🙏❤️
You are so welcome
This is really a very good strategy!
Very good advices here brother, thank you very much!
Thank you for your show me about it
Thanks teacher
អគុណបងប្រុស សម្រាប់ការចែករំលែក
Thank you 🙏 teacher you are my idol
Glad to hear that
Thank you bong bros🙏
Thank you bong
This is good idea for sharing to our new TH-camrs and thank you very much.
My pleasure
បាទ បង។ អរគុណ❤️🙏
Thanks for shearig
Great video sharing, brother. Thanks you!
thank you for your idea
Thanks for sharing. Thank for keep your content
Thank you, I will
Thank you for sharing 😘
You are so welcome
Very nice video
អរគុណបង សម្រាប់កាចែករំលែក😊😊
Thanks for sharing this video
My pleasure
Geat, i got all the best 3 step from you
Thank for sharing Bong🙏
Thank you bro
ខ្ញុំធុញដោយសារសេវ៉ាលោកគ្រូ លោកគ្រូនិយាយត្រូវនឹងអារម្មណ៍ខ្ញុំណាស់😍❤️👍🏼
បាទបងសំរាប់ខ្ញុំគឺមកពី វីដេអូ😍😍😍😍
បងអាចមាន page លក់ទេបង
Thanks You Teacher..💗💗😘
You're welcome 😊
You are kindly teacher
Thanks for your sharing bro
Thank for your recomment mentor I understand more now about youtube im start do my original content start with good intro like u mention from now
ជំរាបសួរលោកគ្រូ ខ្ញុំបាទសូមអរគុណលោកគ្រូជាខ្លាំង
Good idea bong
អរគុណលោកគ្រូដែលបានចែករំលែក។ ញ៉ុមមើលសឹងគ្រប់វីដេអូ!
អរគុណសម្រាប់ការចែករំលែក វីដេអូល្អៗ💖
Hi teacher, thanks for all your videos, I have been learning a lot from you!
However I just started running a page, it has been well, except a couple of days ago it went wrong. I got a message say “ my posts go against community standards spam! And I am not sure why 🤔. I only problem I could think of is I re upload the video more than once ! And now my videos not publish anymore ☹️.
My question, what should I do with this issue?
Thanks in advance for your answer! AnG
Great to hear from you. I am your fan. I think you shared a lot. just post please stop share.
@@CHHONVeasna ohhh really appreciate your time brother. Yesh, I did posted and shared In many groups. So, do you think that page still ok? I think Facebook blocked my page from publish. I posted a couple videos but it never appear on my Facebook page!
10:30mn... Woo I found now. I really like family of Explore.
ការថត និង ការរៀបចំវីដេអូ ពិសេស Video Audio Khmer ... Pls share copy fright sound Khmer.
បងបើយើង update 2-Step Verification adsense ដូរដាក់លេខទូរស័ព្ទថ្មីចឹងវាអត់មានបញ្ហាណាបង adsens យើង
ចម្រើនពរលោកគ្រូ សូមលោកគ្រូជួយបកស្រាយបានទេចំពោះអ្នកបង្កើតយូធូបថ្មីៗ តើគួរដាក់ចំនួនអ្នកជាវជាសធារណះដែលទេ ហើយដាក់ជាសាធារណះមានផលប្រយោជន៍អ្វីខ្លះ
Hello, I am very happy to know you, wish you success in all your endeavors
Thank you very much
អគុណលោកគ្រូសំរាប់ការចែករំលែក 🇺🇸
Hello everyone
Brother, please give me some feedback, what don’t you like about my videos, and what type of my videos do you like the most?
Thanks 🙏
Your Vlog is great I like to watch all your lifestyles.
@@CHHONVeasna thanks brother 🙏
វីដេអូលោកគ្រូអីឡូវឮសម្លេងល្អណាស់ អរគុណលោកគ្រូ
Ok try together
ប្តូរឈ្មោះហើយ Yi Yum
@@CHHONVeasna ខ្ញុំមិនប្តូទេលោកគ្រូ ឈ្មោះ ឆានែលខ្ញុំនៅដដែល ឆានែលខ្ញុំ4 តែឆានែលខ្ញុំមើលលោកគ្រូគឺជា ឆានែលមិនពិតតេ សូមទោស លោកគ្រូ ខ្ញុំអត់យក ឆានែលពិត្តមើលវីដេអូលោកគ្រូ
លោកគ្រួ៥នាទីឬ ៥វិនាទីលោកគ្រួ
អគុណលោកគ្រូរធំៗ សំរាប់ការចែកនូវមេរៀនហ្រ្វី ដោយមិនថ្លៃ កន្លងមក💖🙏
លោកគ្រូ ពេលខ្ញុំចុច boost គេដាក់ថា Ads may not run : potential policy issues តើខ្ញុំត្រូវធ្វើដូចម្តេច]
ចាលោកពូវិដេអូដែរលោកពូធ្វើពិតជាមានអត្ថន័យច្រើនណាស់ដែរសុទ្ធតែជាចំណេះដឹងល្អៗនឹងការចែករំលែកល្អៗពេលដែរក្មួយមើលCanelរបស់ពូហើយធ្វើឲក្មួយស្វែងយល់ពីTH-camបានកាន់តែច្រើន ក្មួយអរគុណ🙏🙏🙏លោកពូសម្រាប់ការចែករំលែកចំណោះដឹងរបស់លោកពូជាច្រើននៅក្នុងTH-cam។