Naw modern day troll bruh jus skate all that extra goofy media shit corny he got good skating style rather watch him do shut like this than talk shit bein that scrawny
the freshest thing about Joa is his uncanny ability to not give a shit about the response he might get from speaking his mind. a TRUE GIFT in his case and dude is funny af too
You should check out the channel he has with his friends called 'World Genius', especially the video where one of his friends needs to learn how to kickflip is hilarious
@@drfuzzee inviting adult men to compete in little girl skate comps lol. I dont care what anyones views are anyone can be who they want but when they insist on conpeting with little girls they lose my support REAL quick lol
I feel like you guys have a natural way to make your “followed” people comfortable where they can have normal real life convos that make them seem more like normal people, it’s awesome. Always with the great content!
Love how dude gets sent free shit like the energy drinks that he’s made fun of and instead of giving in and he still keeps it true and just gives it away 🤣
If Jerry Hsu showed up at my local I probably couldn't stop screaming long enough to even try in SKATE. Joa is good as hell and funny as shit. Keep the dream going my dude.
Joa makes the “online skate scene” fun.. I like his deep dives and opinions even if I don’t agree w/ everything he says (obviously we’re different ppl) thanks Gifted Hater for making this skate sht entertaining, keep up the educated sht talking!!
Gifted hater is the bomb. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I’m glad GH does so. Get that confidence in front of the other camera men that you got on your own camera and you’ll be doing just fine. Keep it up 💪🏽
@curbs I think that the main difference between Joa and the rest of the other TH-cam skaters, is that he hasn't compromised the integrity of the "core" ideals once he gained more notoriety; whereas the rest tend to start click baiting and doing a lot of goofy shit that attracts casual viewers who then turn the channel to a persona centered channel as opposed to a SKATEBOARDING one
@@joshcalvo Gifted Hater is one of the most persona-driven YT skaters out there. Literal cult of personality around him, a bunch of little kids watch his videos and then go spam the pros he's talking about.
@@con6904 as a 90's - early 2000's skater who's just stepped foot back on a skateboard after 20 years away....and just found all this weird shit to do with skateboarding politics, who's in/out, hated and I'm so lost. All I know is i feel like a God damn average guy who's watched too much porn where everyone's got a foot long Johnson with what kids are able to do today on a skateboard..meanwhile my Ollie feels like I'm flinging around a limp dick.i feel like giving up 😢 I feel like less of a man with this flaccid pop. Jokes aside I found this quite entertaining. But I'd like to know what that means too.
Great video honestly bro is more humble and self aware more than people think that's why he's entertaining to me he's not the best but bro obviously has tricks
This is what a modern day philosopher looks like.
a philosopher or a poet yeah
Naw modern day troll bruh jus skate all that extra goofy media shit corny he got good skating style rather watch him do shut like this than talk shit bein that scrawny
the Monica Seles of skateboarding
Yeah, people's standards have really fucking slipped if you think this is a philosopher.
seeing Jerry skate always makes me happy
jerry is soo smooth
i had to change my underwear after seeing him do a bigspin
@@billytheblockomusima have to buy new underwear after reading this
@@7letterbrandon439 sci-fi fantasy underwear
@@rodrigogcoritiba you already kno 🔥
the freshest thing about Joa is his uncanny ability to not give a shit about the response he might get from speaking his mind. a TRUE GIFT in his case and dude is funny af too
Because like he said he always keeeps himself in a safety distance
Of course he's a "lets play SKATE" kid. It all makes sense. Good episode!
skate 1 shingo reference
Whoa. Wasn't expecting this one. These episodes just keep getting better and better. Looking forward to it 👍👍
Freaking love this dude and what he brings to the industry. Speak your mind !
Yo, he's so fucking refreshing huh. Love the dude
Amazing episode, so enjoyable to see a "regular" Joa go about his day, dry ass humour throughout, love it!
You should check out the channel he has with his friends called 'World Genius', especially the video where one of his friends needs to learn how to kickflip is hilarious
@@versnellingspookie I was a patron way back when he started off, didn't even know about this, appreciate it man :) 100% ur dutch mr versnellingskater
Didn’t want this one to end
Pocket and jenkem have been doing excellently. Good content on freeskatemag as well, idk why people think thrasher's their only source
fr Thrasher taking mad Ls for a minute now
Yea thrasher been doing some super anti woman shit recently and that SOTY ruined it for me lol
@@twuandixon8675 Really? what anti women shit they been doing?
@@twuandixon8675 I didn't know that! Aah
@@drfuzzee inviting adult men to compete in little girl skate comps lol. I dont care what anyones views are anyone can be who they want but when they insist on conpeting with little girls they lose my support REAL quick lol
Somehow, i always knew Joah had a printer in his trunk.
It's a vibe
Gifted is such a needed entity in the skate industry. He says what so many of us think but don’t have the platform to effectively express.
this is a certified hood classic
We make it look easy
Real Trap Shit
Damn son where’d you find this?!
that's why yo shoes raggedy
I feel like you guys have a natural way to make your “followed” people comfortable where they can have normal real life convos that make them seem more like normal people, it’s awesome. Always with the great content!
This was amazing. No joke this guy is crazy entertaining
holy shit i’m so stoked
Let's talk about Rampart
How about
Let's talk about how you were shot with a silenced shotgun
i love that Joa has become a staple in skateboarding, he's doing it right.
The critique connoisseur ❤
What eloquent way to put it
An authority on appraisal
The prodigal son 🙌🏾
How is this comment older than the video?
@@rememberedtoys you’re a wizard harry
Love how dude gets sent free shit like the energy drinks that he’s made fun of and instead of giving in and he still keeps it true and just gives it away 🤣
That impossible rewind was bonkers
i love that when Joa gets too many free decks, instead of doing a corny giveaway or smthg he just puts them on the curb 😂
Seeing Jerry do anything on a board is so refreshing
storm flip
Joa is so fascinating to me because he’s one of the few people who can talk shit, take shit, and skate really fucking well. Dope video!
5:18 “thank you queen!” 😂😂😂
Cue the *WE MAKE IT LOOK EASY* sound bite,
And thow in a couple of Dave Chappelle *AHHHS!!!*
Having Jerry Hsu on the sesh is insanity lol legend.
always nice seeing joa footage without "2007 suicide note [dubstep remix]" playing in the background
Wow, he really is gifted. Sick!
We need the next episode of drunk Joa walking around
Apparently they went back to re-shoot the thumbnail because Joa REALLY wanted that pose. He looks so happy!
Jerry pulled up to the sesh!!!
that last shot of him walking in the ditch lmao
Cant tell you how happy i was to come across this
joa is such a likable dude, so easy to chill and enjoy his content
We need this dude to keep doing what he does
Have to get a Jerry Hsu followed
Glad to see this guy has a decent trick bag and good style, his gifted hating comes with experience
He seems like such e genuine person which is i sometimes forget about bc of his sarcasm
If Jerry Hsu showed up at my local I probably couldn't stop screaming long enough to even try in SKATE. Joa is good as hell and funny as shit. Keep the dream going my dude.
F L I P ! !
Can't get enough of this guy.
Dude is hilarious…”Everyone here is doing well” 14:19
I had no clue he had a lower body. Good to know.
casually skating with jerry hsu is so sick wtf
so excited
The interview we didn’t know we needed
love how chandler burton is just there shreddin
Please do a Followed John Gardener ❤
Thumbnail goes crazy
This made me happy. Thank you!
The respect I have for this man is real
Dude, Jerry showed up!?! What a treat
I love Joa. Dude has provided me with endless entertainment
Best one so far
Nice senior pic of this young man
Joa makes the “online skate scene” fun.. I like his deep dives and opinions even if I don’t agree w/ everything he says (obviously we’re different ppl) thanks Gifted Hater for making this skate sht entertaining, keep up the educated sht talking!!
i love gifted hater, he seems such a nice person, this video made my day
a very good example of the random sounds/sayings skater blurt out during sessions the “yeah yeah yehayyeayeayeah” did it for me lol i love it
the exhale noises on the higher-impact tricks really make it
this is just MIND-BLOWING !
Joa is a national treasure
I like the talking into the camera with the silent camera man it really shows how you can be surrounded by people but still be alone… popular loaner
Best followed ever, gifted hater a sanctioned G.
The way he drives sent me 💀
A SHOC after seeing GH's vid mocking them: Nice vid! *sends 6 dozen drinks*
GH: curb
Joa it's always good to see you skate, glad to see you hitting some different spots. Nice job Pocket Skate, subbed now.
Man's just hanging out with Jerry. Damn.
Gifted hater is the bomb. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I’m glad GH does so. Get that confidence in front of the other camera men that you got on your own camera and you’ll be doing just fine. Keep it up 💪🏽
He gives hope for weird little freaks like myself
left-field but highly appreciated 😍
Beatifully done
Probably the best video. Way more skating and having fun
No way so hyped to see this followed
Joa is the cousin you knew you had but never thought he’d be cooler than you
2 months in the dungeon for driving a Prius
Best Christmas present
what a thoughtful portrait. that was really cool.
That nollie flip was beautiful
Joa is the most legit “core” skater than all the TH-cam skaters
@curbs I think that the main difference between Joa and the rest of the other TH-cam skaters, is that he hasn't compromised the integrity of the "core" ideals once he gained more notoriety; whereas the rest tend to start click baiting and doing a lot of goofy shit that attracts casual viewers who then turn the channel to a persona centered channel as opposed to a SKATEBOARDING one
@@joshcalvo Gifted Hater is one of the most persona-driven YT skaters out there. Literal cult of personality around him, a bunch of little kids watch his videos and then go spam the pros he's talking about.
What even is core?
@@con6904 as a 90's - early 2000's skater who's just stepped foot back on a skateboard after 20 years away....and just found all this weird shit to do with skateboarding politics, who's in/out, hated and I'm so lost. All I know is i feel like a God damn average guy who's watched too much porn where everyone's got a foot long Johnson with what kids are able to do today on a skateboard..meanwhile my Ollie feels like I'm flinging around a limp dick.i feel like giving up 😢 I feel like less of a man with this flaccid pop.
Jokes aside I found this quite entertaining. But I'd like to know what that means too.
@curbs doesnt he have like 700 patrons $10 each lol?
top tier content!
great episode
gifted looks like the default character you get in a rpg before you added any customization
just casually skating with one of my favorite skaters with no mention. just playing skate against Jerry Hsu.
Make this a regular thing w the Joa
Best interview of 2022
Props to the filmer. He got great footage despite a lot of stuff happening. Also got B-roll in the process
Great video honestly bro is more humble and self aware more than people think that's why he's entertaining to me he's not the best but bro obviously has tricks
as always pocket, lovely lovely video
Good stuff, this kid has his finger on the pulse.
He reminds me of a newspaper journalist..that skates.
Loving these episodes ❤🔥👏
I liked this one. Joa has always looked like a nice person to me. I like his vibe besides GH.
Damn Gifted Hater, you done came up
7:12 legendary moment
No fucking way im hyped
Possible Jerry followed next????
make one with the boss🙏
Super keen to do that!
Great video. Thanks for sharing!!
Dude the moan that he lets out every time he lands a trick is getting picked up too well by his mic 😂
Jerry does 2 smooth ass flatground tricks at the park and says peace out 😂