Madam namaste A ,B,C were brothers, they had ancestor property A had 4doughters,B &C have single doughters . B' s &C 's doughters were get their portions,but But A's doughters X,&Y , they were deid X has doughters, Y didn't heirs but Y's property get B's doughter not registered,now Y's husband get second marriage and get children,Y's property belongs to whom? Pleas clarify maam
Madam namaste A ,B,C were brothers, they had ancestor property A had 4doughters,B &C have single doughters .
B' s &C 's doughters were get their portions,but But A's doughters X,&Y , they were deid X has doughters, Y didn't heirs but Y's property get B's doughter not registered,now Y's husband get second marriage and get children,Y's property belongs to whom? Pleas clarify maam