Story 2. Nta Leah brought in everyone when she went around bitching and complaining about it to everyone. She also only said he would be good for his money. Matt or whatever his name is would be a fool to pay her a dime without a DNA test.
@Jwfranko30 Seriously. Also, Leah is a pregnant woman and pregnant women are NEVER wrong, should never be held accountable, and can do whatever whenever to whomever and everyone will say her hormones are out of whack.
Not to mention that OP only discussed the conversation with 1 person -- I would hardly call that gossiping. If anything Charlotte was spreading rumors with 2nd hand corroboration to what she'd already heard in Leah's bitching.
The Prankster Family reminds me of that one Story where the OP basically got the trash from the gift the family members got. Like if the younger child got a Laptop OP would get the box the laptop was in etc. They should seriously grow up.
God, that one was awful! What really stuck out for me about that one was her mum gave her the dust jacket to a book she'd wanted to read, but gave her SIL the book. That was a terrible thing to do to them both, but OP was worse.
Yeah in that story the family managed to make one of OP’s sister the scapegoat in that situation because she “convinced” everyone to get OP prank gifts. The sad thing is that OP accepted this explanation and went NC with this sister, while her family washed their hands of any responsibility. The SIL who got the book OP wanted had the good grace to give OP the book because _she_ at least wasn’t involved in the prank.
And OP should actually grow a brain. He lied with them until adulthood. As if he didn't know who these people were from the very beginning. Now he wants to pull surprise pikachu face at the family that has always treated him like crap? Seriously? Yea, they are a horrid group of people. But, this is all OP's fault for being so brainless.
@Shiro the Traveler, You make a good point, but I think it’s more. I think his amily is mean-spirited toward him for common reasons; he’s smarter, ambitious, etc. He mentions some of this earlier in the post. I think the “pranking” is sheer meanness and envy. They egg each other on. They’ll never change; they probably can’t. Sad, because he seems to love them.
Story 1: Why would you show up with a lot of expensive gifts, after years of no contact? That was just naive. Let them prove themselves first. But I love, that OP took all the presents back with him. That was awesome.
OP went WAY overboard with gifts for a family that he was no contact with until recently. And it was rather ironic that he brought his GF with him because her family are so horrible to be around. I was expecting worse than fart spray but that was still a really bad "gift".
I don’t think there was anything wrong with that. He might be a naturally generous gift giver. It’s easier to buy gifts you think people might like than try to make them prove themselves first. He might have been too eager to believe his awful family had changed but I don’t blame him for wanting to believe that. Now he knows better for good.
@@KCohere33 But you don't reward bad behavior, ever. And from what he said, his family didn't prove to be better than in the past. What he did is just the first step of being taken advantage of. But he learned his lesson, unfortunately the hard way.
@@KCohere33 OP could have gotten them one "jokster gift" and if they take it in good humor AND give them something "non-jokster" in return, OP should pull out the "real" presents for those people....
The 2nd story (baby trap and big mouth) is a headache for me. Firstly, the replies about it CLEARLY not being baby trapping. Just no. Even if the OP's friend was just venting her frustrations about the guy not wanting to be a dad, that does not justify her acting like she can use him for his families money (and it is his FAMILIES money, not his individual income) which definetly comes across like she knew what his family was like and is using that to get something from him. Also, never was it mentioned by OP whether or not contraceptives were used that night, so no one knows if he wrapped it or not. Even if he chose not to, that doesn't absolve her of the baby trapping accusation. She could have said that he needed to have a rubber or it wasn't happening. If he pressured her into it despite not having a rubber, then we have an entirely different situation on our hands. Second, the belief that the spreading of the baby trap theory was the OP's fault. Again, no. The OP went to another of her friends to talk out what she heard her pregnant friend say to clear her confusion. This was after she had been defending the pregnant girl to their mutual friends who first started throwing that little theory around the group. Then the other friend, who the OP wanted to get a second opinion from, went and told other people a misrepresentation of what the OP had said during their conversation. You can say that the OP shouldn't have told the other friend, but when someone you see as a good friend comes to you with a serious inquiry like this, there are only two options that let you be a good person afterward. Either you stop the person and say that you dont want to be involved, absolving you of any responsibility, or you hear them out, give them advice, then shut up about a situation you are not directly connected to. Maybe my anecdotes aren't the best here, but I've had three friends come to me with serious issues that they were either primarily or secondarily involved in, and I've always held my tongue about those situations when in discussions with people who never knew or cared about those issues/situations. Even if the person in question came up while talking about the topic that they came to me about, which, thankfully, only happened once.
And you know what’s messed up? Most “pranksters” will make everything and everyone else as a joke, but when it comes to themselves will be upset when no one takes them seriously 🤦♀️
Robin Williams (Funniest man ever) Robin Yount (Baseball) Robin Thicke (Singer - Blurred Lines) Robin Gibbs (Bee Gees) It seems that OP's grandparents only care about facts if they supportive of their desires.
Funny how the only bullies are the grandparents. Even with facts provided, they still want to mock him. Also Rob can be a nickname for anyone. Not just for Robert.
Yet when OP brings up what Lia openly discussed with her, she’s a malicious gossip? It didn’t even sound like Lia wanted OP to keep it a secret especially when another friend knew.
@@lorilancaster5917 Yep, I guess if someone tells OP he/she is cheating or stealling or anything, he should never tell ANYONE because 'telling the truth is an AH move"
Story 2: Alex needs a paternity test yesterday. What are the chances that she got pregnant by the one night stand with a wealthy background who she ignored the requests of to wait to tell his family and went and told all of them behind his back. And is still blabbing to them because her friend group that was originally split with some on her side are starting to doubt her because of her own words, or more like 30 minute rants against her baby daddy. If it was genuinely a drunken mistake baby she should understand that now that all his choice regarding a baby he didn't want are gone he's trying to process and didn't want his family involved right away. She sounds like someone too immature to have a child, so I pity the kid. And she knows that child support is based around his income alone right? Even if he has wealthy parents it doesn't mean she's getting any even if it is his kid.
@@duckeh1952 Drunk and horny, not thinking of consequences and assuming the girl wouldn't want to get pregnant from a one night stand meaning she's likely on birth control and would take extra measures like plan b or abortion if necessary. Also we don't actually know they didn't use a condom. Those can slip, break, have holes poked in them (if she was supplying them), be overused by multiple rounds. There was most likely a lack of thinking, especially if he's been active in hookup culture and is desensitized to taking precautions. But again if she's going around having one night stands, who's to say she wasn't already pregnant. She's taken a lot of actions and said things that have convinced even the friends who were neutral or on her side to doubt her. I've read a story about a guy's jealous ex sneaking into his truck to poke holes in his condom expecting a pregnancy to blow up his life. His new girl did get pregnant but actually everything went right in his life: with the new couple committing to each other and their incoming child and their families meshed well and he finally got full time employment. His crazy ex was the poster and wailing on Reddit about life not being fair. And again when the couple had baby, got married, and had baby number 2 on the way. Was the guy irresponsible? Yes. But he's made it clear he didn't want to be a father, it wasn't his choice anymore, but she knew he didn't want to be a dad and then went to HIS family and is going on long rants about getting a share of his money in a way that has made HER friends doubt her. Why did she sleep with a guy who she wasn't in a relationship with (let alone discussing kids with) without protection or birth control if she didn't want to get pregnant or worse was already pregnant by someone else and wants to pin it on guy with wealthy family in the friend group?
@@duckeh1952 She wanted a baby, that was her goal! If not, why didn't she use protection? 'why did you drive when you were drunk if not to kill someone ' /s
Well, she COULD get money from his family by saying how she NEEDS XYZ, child support doesn’t cover it, and she doesn’t have the funds. She can also get free babysitters who will giver her kid nice (expensive) things.
Last story, I grew up in the 60's and parents were way more strict back then, we were NEVER allowed to be in our parents bedroom. They had money and firearms in the closet, important papers, etc, and that room and everything in it was hands off, period, end of story. I know that parents don't parent that well anymore but teaching your kids boundaries is a real life skill in learning how to respect others and their property. Now people wonder how society has gotten so rotten, go figure.
I grew up in the late 80s and early 90s. My parents weren't exactly strict, but we just didn't hang out in my parents room. If we needed to talk to them while they were in there, we asked. Life you, they had firearms and heirloom stuff in there. It just wasn't a place to play.
I have a toddler, and I don't want him in my room either. I have hundreds of crayons and several coloring books that he would destroy if he saw them. I also have candy and snacks. That is my safe space where I can be selfish. It is healthy and normal to decompress and to do something as a person and not a parent. I gave birth to this kid. I can't even imagine suddenly acting like a parent to several older kids, and being told you just don't matter enough as a person to have your space. I think I'd break up with that guy.
Growing up late 90’s, early 2000’s, the ONLY reason I was allowed in my parents room was because it had one of the 2 TV’s that got channels. Mom couldn’t be @$$ed to encourage us to go out and play and would rather we sit inside watching TV so she knew we weren’t causing trouble… but the living room TV was for her during the day. So my sister had I had to use the TV in her room until she and my stepdad could afford to put the TVs in our rooms on the television plan or whatever it was. Literally, we could only watch VCR and later DVD’s on our televisions until I was almost in middle school. After that, we only used their room to play old joy stick video games because their TV was the only that we could connect them to. But it wasn’t often. We knew better than to snoop or mess around with their stuff, too. The6 also didn’t keep stepdad’s guns in their room because there wasn’t enough space. When we moved, we lost those joystick controllers and got channels in our rooms, so we didn’t need to go in their room unless we needed to get them or they called us back there.
Story 1: I don't want to believe your family so awful that they only reconnect because you have money, but it wasn't you they were trying to bring back into the house when you stormed out. You haven't seen them in a while either, but you were still thoughtful enough to not get cheap Dollar store crap. If it was a simple harmless prank they would have at least try to get you one decent present but they didn't and assumed you were still a pushover who they could continue to disrespect. Thinking that even if you stormed out they could still keep the free stuff, now they're trying to guilt trip you in the giving it back. Keep what you want and get your money, or donate it either way don't give it to these people.
I hope Alex is going to get a dna test on the kid. And I love how these comments are so fixated on a gossip and not the fact that, oh I don’t know, Lia is just using Alex for money, but what if he actually wants to be a father. Is Lia going to lie and alienate her kid from Alex? Yeah this is way too suspicious. And these comments are missing the point
Oh yeah yeah he absolutely wants to be a father that's why you told her to kill it you're an idiot. I have seen people be devastated because they thought somebody was going to act differently they always do before they stick it in
I'm glad you told them they were stupid that's the one thing they got them banned from your life for 4 years and they love you so much that they're willing to never see you again so you don't get bullied by somebody else besides them about your name. Tell them it doesn't make them stupid but they're starting to seen senile because they can't seem to remember what gets them cut out of your life and they don't understand that Robin was something that they should take right out of their little head cuz it's obviously too hard for him and they hate your name let him know you know they hate their name more than they love you! Ask them why?
@@robertx8020which he didn’t unfortunately. OP was only an AH for not kicking them out and breaking up after they crawled into her bed after being told repeatedly to stay out of her room.
Lock your bedroom door after you enter, don't let the Big one in and none of the little ones will enter. Tell him to entertain HIS kids when YOU need privacy.
"Alex will be a good ATM" How to say you're a possible gold digger without saying you're a gold digger. Sorry but if OP's "friend" was saying that about Alex than I'm more leaning towards this "friend" baby trapping Alex but I'd like a proper update to see if this is the case or not.
Agree and she doesn’t realise it Alex parents that have the money not him so if he wants to be a AH he can pay the bare minimum while endlessly fight for custody
S1: OP is NTA, but he's a bit naive. Even Inspector Gadget can see they only reconnected because they smelled money. And he actually moved closer to them??? Come on. They aren't pranksters, they're abusers. He needs to close that door permanently. Move away, lock down his socials, block them all.
I don't think op moved closer for his might be for his job...I think just going no contact and if harassed should get police and lawyer.... fighting
I’d put good money on story 4 OP being a helicopter parent who cannot stand the thought of their kid having a little freedom and time away from her even for a single night BOY is she gonna be SHOOK when her daughter goes NC or VLC in a few years and doesn’t let her around her grandkids
I was hoping OP managed to take a group photo if everyone crying and screaming as OP took back the gifts. However I’m sure his and his gfs hands were full
What's with The Last Opie? She's *choosing* to be a doormat for The BF and The Kids. If I had my boundaries stomped over like that, I'd just tell them to go back home, right then and there. Rinse, repeat, until he gets the message. And move in together?!? Oh yeah, things'll reeeeeally sort themselves out as if by magic...
Joe - Yep. There are devices known as 'door locks' *why* isn't OP using one? And if BF doesn't like *that,* he (and his hellions) can *go back TO their own place,* asap. 👋🏻
14:25 - NTA. But I really don't think this relationship is going to work. Your BF doesn't respect your boundaries and gives the kids free reign to do whatever. I would've lost my temper too. He's a shitty parent. Leave him.
Story 3: If the grandparents bring up that Robin will be bullied for his name he should say, you're right, I am getting bullied. Then tell them the only ones bullying him for his name is them.
Story 2: Another case of redditors not knowing how to read. Saying someone is only good as an atm behind their back while playing the victim to their wealthier family is the definition of baby trapping if she sees no other use from his or his family other than money
S2: Its weird how people describe baby trapping, then proceed to claim it wasn't baby trapping. Only one person wants a kid in this case, only one person has a say on whether they will bring the baby to term. less insidious tha a pre meditated trap, but all completely onesided
I’d tell my family my own funny prank was to pretend to give them nice gifts but take them away when I left and never intended for them to keep them. Isn’t that just hilarious? Can’t you take a joke? Then I’d go no contact.
Story 3: So the grandparents are worried about "bullying" but try to bully the OP into changing their name? Also why wouldn't "Rob" work for Robin? If Bob somehow works for Robert Rob can work for Robin. The whole thing is silly in general though, if OP is going to actually get bullied for anything I'd be more worried about Batman or bird jokes rather than having a "girl's name", which it isn't even tbh.
Story 4: So you stuffed around & want to make excuses instead of admitting it. You've changed her school numerous times and even now you can't prioritise her.
@@lorilancaster5917 Why should she? she should put her bias aside (all boys a rapists) and let her have fun and join that group ...for all we know the boy doesn't even like girls And as ling as we are being biased and listening to OP's stupid assumptions. maybe the boy needs protection from 4!!! 'horny' /s girls ..who knows what they would do to him
Stiry 2: Ahh yes, the double standard of womanhood. Nobody can tell the mother what to do about yhe baby, but the man knows his financial responsibility.
Story 4: "I did not miss the registration, I was just the last to sign her up. A few days past the deadline" Lmao? "I'm not cheating honey, I'm just in love with, and sleeping with another person!" So many marriages would be saved
Story 3: Robin's genderless name, and they're actually so many famous male robins that I don't get what your grandparents are talking about even a little. Maybe the rest of the family is okay with being spineless and letting them be disrespectful, but that doesn't mean you have to be spineless and let them walk all over you too. Also it's easy for any of them to talk, I don't see any of them getting s*** on all the time because two old farts who don't know anything can't get over a name. You haven't been bullied for your name you won't have a problem getting a job and you already know none of their arguments are valid. And if they can't respect you then don't be around them anymore.
My mom tried to pull something similar with my oldest son. She demanded we give him the name she liked. We didn't. She would only call him by her name of choice, even though that is not his name. She was the only person who did. He would ignore her. After he got older, he would look at her like was crazy. Eventually, at a family gathering, he asked her why. She said it's a better name. He looked her in eye and said, "I hate that name. It's stupid." Everyone in ear shot cracked up. It took years, but her embarrassment was priceless. Even if it takes a while, don't back down.
S2- Reddit is so f’ing stupid 90% of the time. Lia definitely baby trapped him. Running to his family constantly. Alex doesn’t want to lose inheritance so he’s stuck with Lia for 18 years but I’d make sure I’d do a dna test.
Last story: bf isn't completely stupid. Why spend time taking care of your own kids when you can dump them on your gf? This has nothing to do with boundaries and everything to do with him not wanting to care for his own kids. This will never get better.
A prank is only a "prank" if the victim can also find it funny after being, at worst, very confused. Anything beyond that is straight up bullying. This family is a family of bullies, the end.
I know of more guys named Robin than gals. In my mind it's a boy name that parents have started using for girls because it's a pretty name with little gender subtext.
Story 2 my body my choice .... but only for women again . The women didnt want a father for hee child but an atm , she say it for 30 min and there is no prove of baby trap ? Yeah sure ...
Yep, she's the one going through pregnancy and labor. Her. Choice. And as for the baby trapping, if it's proven that she did it, then she should be jailed because that's a crime. But without evidence that won't happen.
@@johannaweichsel3602 Unless you force a man to copulate with you or sabotage his birth control, there's no such thing as "baby trapping." Men, if you don't want a baby, you know what to do. Don't have that kind of sex or wear a condom. Don't rely on someone else to protect you.
His wallet. His choice. Just like you don't want the government telling you what to do with your body, he shouldn't have the government telling him what to do with HIS money. And she is a gold digger if she went after the money period.
@@johannaweichsel3602Yeah, and she chose to have sex without protection. Probably without telling Alex to get the Child support. She did that. Now. He is at fault as well. But she did baby trap him and should be shamed
Story 2: It's surprising to me how many people don't know how to read. Op never said she was telling everyone Lia was baby traping the kids father. She was simply having a conversation with people she thought she could trust about the situation and people who actually spred said rumor lied and that op said those things. The commenter is right about one thing, those are not OP's friends. She should find a better friend group
With family like that; who needs enemies? They’re disguising bullying as “pranks”. I wouldn’t have survived that situation, or they wouldn’t. But it would have been worth the jail time.
I knew how that second story was gonna go from the jump. Man bad because woman has sole authority over pregnancy. Woman reveals she only wants money, still man bad for not giving it enthusiastically. Women behaves in way that proves her bad on every front, man villain for somehow making her do so.
Story 2: If Alex & Lia have been long time friends but NOT lovers is it possible that Lia is pregnant by some one else & subsequently hooked up with Alex because his family is affluent. Has Alex or his family asked for a DNA test/been tested for STD/STIs? Or have I just read too many of these stories? Better safe than sorry. IMO.
Story 1: From the way OP reacted to the silly string, you can tell, he was seriously hurt in the past by the way his family treated (pranked) him. Story 2: Reddit again prooves they can't read. Story 3: Holy shit Batman (see what I did there?) those granparents are annoying. Story 4: I'm borrowing a phrase that made me laugh today to say this: OP's opinion on co-ed sleeping is "vintage". Story 5: Hope restored, the comments are on point
Called him an atm for a half hour. Yeah, she did trap him. They were all talking about it. Swear Reddit will ignore anything to go with their stupid narrative.
Well they are thinking about moving in together so apparently it was time to bring the kids around as well. Lucky for OP the kids starting coming over before the final decision to live together was made. She can't say she hasn't been made aware of what to expect from everyone.
Don't most child psychologist recommend taking time introduced potentially new partners to children? I always thought that they meant a few months, not years.
Nta in story 1 - op should of used the spray, whole can at the house Nta in babytrap story. Everyone miss the 30m rant about he's ONLY GOOD as a wallet and not a father?
Omg, I was going to say she's the ah in the last story until she said it's her house and they don't live together. The boyfriend is the problem and they need to break up.
Robin Gibb is a guy. I thought Robin was a guy name until I found out it's both genders. Grandparents are odd. Maybe they were hoping OP would of been named after the grandfather.
Story 2. Everyone was saying this except op. Until the friend went on and on about money for 30 min. Is that enough to be sure? No what we have about the convo is too vauge. But it sounds like op admitted to a mutual that they might have been wrong about the pregnant friend, due to a convo we dont have an exact transcript for. And now op is the only one whos bad? That is pretty crappy for op. Nah. Execpt the friends who all threw op under the bus. Or esh. But op isnt the lone ah or the biggest by far.
Story 3: It's been extremely common for "male" names have transitioned into "female" names over history. Some of them last side by side (Alex, for example) while more frequently the usage for males fades as the female usage increases. A relatively recent example is Leslie. Regardless, the Grandparents are idiotic bullies who hyperfocus on the "male" and "female" names of their time, not what's actually historical or current common usage.
Story I- NTA- Your Family publicly humiliated OP. Sounds like they just wanted money. Story II- NTA- Get a paternity test. I bet ya Lia baby trapped him for the Cheque. Story III- NTA- I only know one girl with the name Robin. I can list at least five guys that are called Robin. Story IV- YTA- You just don’t want your daughter to go. It’s OP’s fault for not signing up on time. There is only one boy and three other girls and there will be a parent chaperone. Like what? Are they gonna have an orgie? Story V- NTA- I’d of kicked them out earlier. The kids need to be thought boundaries.
1st Story: I'm advice: It's OP's turn to 'prank the fam': *This* Christmas, just send the offenders a photo of the gifts that were taken back from them, but with little Santa hats on them, and signs saying "Maybe Next Year...!" 🎁 Do the same on their birthdays, but replace Santa's hat with a party hat for the gift, and maybe some balloons and confetti. 🎉
I bet the grandparents are pissy because they had a name they wanted used and the parents said no. The abusive, greedy pranksters can f off permanently. The last one should get a lock for her door and find a bf without kids.
Last story, op needs to leave this relationship. Kids are basically pack animals, ask any mother who tries to go to the bathroom by herself. If she can't accept that she'll never be happy.
1-NTA Time to go full no contact and block them everywhere. They are the worst type of prankster's. 2-YTA, Alex is TA, Charlotte and your friend group are ah's, Lia is an AH because she thinks Alex is not father material and only an ATM. Sounds like ESH. Spreading gossip? Talking to your close friend about your feelings of what is going on is gossip? Charlotte spread what OP was thinking to the friend group not OP. 3-NTA Grandparents are the bully's. Go full no contact. 4-YTA You procrastinated in registering your daughter and now she has to miss out on a tradition at her new school. The only reason you might have for not letting you daughter go on the trip is why the 4 kids are being bullied and alienated and it would be a shame to exclude these kids if the bullying is because of some kind of entitled brat. "Completely inappropriate" made me laugh. If your daughter wanted to get into "trouble" she wouldn't have to go on a school trip for that to happen. 5-NTA But, you are not a suitable replacement-nor could you be, for their mom nor are you ready to be a step parent and should end this relationship. BF also has some parenting problems if his kids can't entertain themselves. I can understand not wanting to go outside at a different house than theirs. What are you and your bf doing to alleviate some of that? Sounds like you're doing nothing.
It's really only recently I've heard Robin used as a girl name. I was surprised the first time I heard it (some random woman.) Growing up Robin has only ever been used as a man's name, at the very least with like Robin Hood, Batman and Robin, Robin Williams, etc. Which makes me wonder... who else do the grandparents know who is named Robin, because I think they are the reason they keep rejecting poor OP's very normal, unisex (masculine leaning) name. (Some hanky panky mebbe?)
Story 2 Leah is 100% baby trapping and Leah invited the gossip by gossiping herself about her baby daddy exclusively talking about how all she needs is his money. I love how everyone forgot about that. And also forgot about EVERYONE else also gossiping and believing she was baby trapping. Wholeheartedly NTA
Excuse me, Robin Hood is a long-standing legend. As a side issue Robin Hood was the equivalent of John Doe in modern times. When used it was always for a man. I would go NC with grandparents until they stop being so stupid.
Last Story: That woman needs to not be with a man with kids. That is what kids do. It doesn't mean that she hates the kids or dislike them, but if she doesn't want to be around them, they shouldn't be around her. I was always in my mom's bedroom as a kid, and I slept in the same bed with her for years. I say this as a person who is childfree. Both of the adults are being selfish.
It's what some kids do, not all kids. My siblings and I didn't do that. None of our friends as kids did that. And parent's bedrooms were always off limits. The OP is not being selfish for wanting her bedroom in her house to be kid free.
@juliearmfield2634 agree that the father needs to step up, and I agree that he is not respecting her need to be alone. I don't understand why, when she said she wanted to be alone, HE followed her, and then the kids followed him. Tbh, it feels like it's purposeful and like maybe he's encouraging the kids to do this because he either thinks it's funny, or he thinks that bombarding her with the children will get her used to it, or that she'll "learn to like it," or be okay with it. But this woman seems very clearly distressed in this situation, which doesn't seem like it will improve, and so I think she should leave. A lot of men with children get remarried to women immediately, often because, if we're being honest, they want those women to become caretakers for those kids. I think women should be aware of those intentions, and if it's not what you want, they I think it's best to avoid men with kids. I also agree that all kids are different and that it is very likely that those kids don't have proper boundaries, by observing the father. So I think she needs to make the boundaries for herself, because it didn't seem like she'll be happy in this relationship
@@naediggs4816 the ADHD excuse does not hold up. There are hundreds of thousands if not millions of people that have that and can learn how to control themselves and respect boundaries of other people.
@TheQuantumWave I agree that not all children are the same, and that it's likely that the children don't have good boundaries because the dad has poor boundaries. You're right, all children are different and behave differently. Not all kids will act like the kids in the post. But some will. These kids are expressing a desire to be around her, and up under her like baby ducks or something. She's not wrong for not wanting these interactions, but I think OP is being selfish because she can't meet that need for those children, and she's still there. This man's children are a package deal, and a lot of people get into relationships with parents, as if, somehow, their relationship with that child's parent is completely separate. It's not true, you have to be considerate of both. And if you can't, you should remove yourself. I wouldn't want a child to feel hurt or rejected because I had to keep turning them away, I would leave. That's what I think is selfish. If a man dated a woman with a child(ren), they are a package deal, and ideally he should live the kids like his own and be ready to be a father-figure. Otherwise he should leave them alone and not disrupt their relationship. This to me is the same, being with a man with kids requires you to take on a mother-like role. It seems like these kids want a very affectionate, touchy-feely mother that will constantly engage. If she can't do that, she should leave. Maybe she could be with a guy with kids, but THIS guy and THESE kids, and THIS family unit don't align with her 🤷🏾♀️🤷🏾♀️ Imho, the father is MOST selfish of all for forcing this uncomfortable situation on both parties because it most benefits him.
St. 1 - NTA. I don't mind if someone is a "prankster." However, if someone TELLS you they are actually HURT and don't want you to prank anymore..... then mentally healthy individuals would know to STOP that behavior. The fact that they lied just to prank you again means their is narcissism in your family. I'm guessing their was the golden child syndrome, and this how they "punish" OP for being successful. As someone who has also cut off their family..... OP needs to move on.
Why would the first dude move anywhere near the family that scapegoated him because they have no maturity? I understand the desire to own a home, but keep at least two states worth of distance from the shit show that is that family. Now that he knows they will NEVER change, maybe he should look into getting a home further away, and rent the current house out so he can have even more money to treat his girlfriend for staying with him through that crap.
Story 2. Nta Leah brought in everyone when she went around bitching and complaining about it to everyone. She also only said he would be good for his money.
Matt or whatever his name is would be a fool to pay her a dime without a DNA test.
Seriously. Also, Leah is a pregnant woman and pregnant women are NEVER wrong, should never be held accountable, and can do whatever whenever to whomever and everyone will say her hormones are out of whack.
Not to mention that OP only discussed the conversation with 1 person -- I would hardly call that gossiping. If anything Charlotte was spreading rumors with 2nd hand corroboration to what she'd already heard in Leah's bitching.
The Prankster Family reminds me of that one Story where the OP basically got the trash from the gift the family members got. Like if the younger child got a Laptop OP would get the box the laptop was in etc. They should seriously grow up.
God, that one was awful! What really stuck out for me about that one was her mum gave her the dust jacket to a book she'd wanted to read, but gave her SIL the book. That was a terrible thing to do to them both, but OP was worse.
In OPs story, I would’ve done a 180 the moment I was sprayed with silly string. However he may have stuck around for his gfs sake.
Yeah in that story the family managed to make one of OP’s sister the scapegoat in that situation because she “convinced” everyone to get OP prank gifts. The sad thing is that OP accepted this explanation and went NC with this sister, while her family washed their hands of any responsibility. The SIL who got the book OP wanted had the good grace to give OP the book because _she_ at least wasn’t involved in the prank.
And OP should actually grow a brain.
He lied with them until adulthood.
As if he didn't know who these people were from the very beginning.
Now he wants to pull surprise pikachu face at the family that has always treated him like crap?
Yea, they are a horrid group of people.
But, this is all OP's fault for being so brainless.
@Shiro the Traveler, You make a good point, but I think it’s more. I think his amily is mean-spirited toward him for common reasons; he’s smarter, ambitious, etc. He mentions some of this earlier in the post. I think the “pranking” is sheer meanness and envy. They egg each other on. They’ll never change; they probably can’t. Sad, because he seems to love them.
Story 1: Why would you show up with a lot of expensive gifts, after years of no contact? That was just naive. Let them prove themselves first. But I love, that OP took all the presents back with him. That was awesome.
OP went WAY overboard with gifts for a family that he was no contact with until recently. And it was rather ironic that he brought his GF with him because her family are so horrible to be around. I was expecting worse than fart spray but that was still a really bad "gift".
I don’t think there was anything wrong with that. He might be a naturally generous gift giver. It’s easier to buy gifts you think people might like than try to make them prove themselves first. He might have been too eager to believe his awful family had changed but I don’t blame him for wanting to believe that. Now he knows better for good.
@@KCohere33 But you don't reward bad behavior, ever. And from what he said, his family didn't prove to be better than in the past. What he did is just the first step of being taken advantage of. But he learned his lesson, unfortunately the hard way.
@@KCohere33 OP could have gotten them one "jokster gift" and if they take it in good humor AND give them something "non-jokster" in return, OP should pull out the "real" presents for those people....
The 2nd story (baby trap and big mouth) is a headache for me.
Firstly, the replies about it CLEARLY not being baby trapping. Just no. Even if the OP's friend was just venting her frustrations about the guy not wanting to be a dad, that does not justify her acting like she can use him for his families money (and it is his FAMILIES money, not his individual income) which definetly comes across like she knew what his family was like and is using that to get something from him.
Also, never was it mentioned by OP whether or not contraceptives were used that night, so no one knows if he wrapped it or not. Even if he chose not to, that doesn't absolve her of the baby trapping accusation. She could have said that he needed to have a rubber or it wasn't happening. If he pressured her into it despite not having a rubber, then we have an entirely different situation on our hands.
Second, the belief that the spreading of the baby trap theory was the OP's fault. Again, no. The OP went to another of her friends to talk out what she heard her pregnant friend say to clear her confusion. This was after she had been defending the pregnant girl to their mutual friends who first started throwing that little theory around the group.
Then the other friend, who the OP wanted to get a second opinion from, went and told other people a misrepresentation of what the OP had said during their conversation.
You can say that the OP shouldn't have told the other friend, but when someone you see as a good friend comes to you with a serious inquiry like this, there are only two options that let you be a good person afterward. Either you stop the person and say that you dont want to be involved, absolving you of any responsibility, or you hear them out, give them advice, then shut up about a situation you are not directly connected to.
Maybe my anecdotes aren't the best here, but I've had three friends come to me with serious issues that they were either primarily or secondarily involved in, and I've always held my tongue about those situations when in discussions with people who never knew or cared about those issues/situations. Even if the person in question came up while talking about the topic that they came to me about, which, thankfully, only happened once.
Whenever I hear “prankster” I automatically assume “Complete and total AH.”
And you know what’s messed up? Most “pranksters” will make everything and everyone else as a joke, but when it comes to themselves will be upset when no one takes them seriously 🤦♀️
Robin Williams (Funniest man ever)
Robin Yount (Baseball)
Robin Thicke (Singer - Blurred Lines)
Robin Gibbs (Bee Gees)
It seems that OP's grandparents only care about facts if they supportive of their desires.
And if we are talking old timey Robins there is Robin Hood.
Christopher Robin from Winnie the Pooh
Their feelings don't care about the facts!
Funny how the only bullies are the grandparents. Even with facts provided, they still want to mock him. Also Rob can be a nickname for anyone. Not just for Robert.
@@HubiKoshi Yes, Robin of Locksley.
Story 2: When you carry on like that, you have to expect some people to think you baby trapped someone. I hope he gets a DNA test.
Have you heard, a pregnant woman is sacred
@@f687sNFM lmao so when you are scared you think of money. Ok, got it.
Yet when OP brings up what Lia openly discussed with her, she’s a malicious gossip? It didn’t even sound like Lia wanted OP to keep it a secret especially when another friend knew.
@@lorilancaster5917 Yep, I guess if someone tells OP he/she is cheating or stealling or anything, he should never tell ANYONE because 'telling the truth is an AH move"
Why doesn't the man us protection? WHY are women blamed for "baby trapping" and men not blamed for NOT using protection???
Story 2: Alex needs a paternity test yesterday. What are the chances that she got pregnant by the one night stand with a wealthy background who she ignored the requests of to wait to tell his family and went and told all of them behind his back. And is still blabbing to them because her friend group that was originally split with some on her side are starting to doubt her because of her own words, or more like 30 minute rants against her baby daddy. If it was genuinely a drunken mistake baby she should understand that now that all his choice regarding a baby he didn't want are gone he's trying to process and didn't want his family involved right away. She sounds like someone too immature to have a child, so I pity the kid. And she knows that child support is based around his income alone right? Even if he has wealthy parents it doesn't mean she's getting any even if it is his kid.
He didn't want a baby? Then why he was sticking it in raw?
@@duckeh1952 Drunk and horny, not thinking of consequences and assuming the girl wouldn't want to get pregnant from a one night stand meaning she's likely on birth control and would take extra measures like plan b or abortion if necessary. Also we don't actually know they didn't use a condom. Those can slip, break, have holes poked in them (if she was supplying them), be overused by multiple rounds. There was most likely a lack of thinking, especially if he's been active in hookup culture and is desensitized to taking precautions. But again if she's going around having one night stands, who's to say she wasn't already pregnant. She's taken a lot of actions and said things that have convinced even the friends who were neutral or on her side to doubt her.
I've read a story about a guy's jealous ex sneaking into his truck to poke holes in his condom expecting a pregnancy to blow up his life. His new girl did get pregnant but actually everything went right in his life: with the new couple committing to each other and their incoming child and their families meshed well and he finally got full time employment. His crazy ex was the poster and wailing on Reddit about life not being fair. And again when the couple had baby, got married, and had baby number 2 on the way.
Was the guy irresponsible? Yes. But he's made it clear he didn't want to be a father, it wasn't his choice anymore, but she knew he didn't want to be a dad and then went to HIS family and is going on long rants about getting a share of his money in a way that has made HER friends doubt her. Why did she sleep with a guy who she wasn't in a relationship with (let alone discussing kids with) without protection or birth control if she didn't want to get pregnant or worse was already pregnant by someone else and wants to pin it on guy with wealthy family in the friend group?
@@duckeh1952 She wanted a baby, that was her goal! If not, why didn't she use protection?
'why did you drive when you were drunk if not to kill someone ' /s
@@duckeh1952if mom has the option to abort, dad has the option to dip without having to pay out the @$$ for 18 years for a kid he never wanted.
Well, she COULD get money from his family by saying how she NEEDS XYZ, child support doesn’t cover it, and she doesn’t have the funds. She can also get free babysitters who will giver her kid nice (expensive) things.
Last story, I grew up in the 60's and parents were way more strict back then, we were NEVER allowed to be in our parents bedroom. They had money and firearms in the closet, important papers, etc, and that room and everything in it was hands off, period, end of story. I know that parents don't parent that well anymore but teaching your kids boundaries is a real life skill in learning how to respect others and their property. Now people wonder how society has gotten so rotten, go figure.
I grew up in the late 80s and early 90s. My parents weren't exactly strict, but we just didn't hang out in my parents room. If we needed to talk to them while they were in there, we asked. Life you, they had firearms and heirloom stuff in there. It just wasn't a place to play.
I have a toddler, and I don't want him in my room either. I have hundreds of crayons and several coloring books that he would destroy if he saw them. I also have candy and snacks. That is my safe space where I can be selfish. It is healthy and normal to decompress and to do something as a person and not a parent. I gave birth to this kid. I can't even imagine suddenly acting like a parent to several older kids, and being told you just don't matter enough as a person to have your space. I think I'd break up with that guy.
Growing up late 90’s, early 2000’s, the ONLY reason I was allowed in my parents room was because it had one of the 2 TV’s that got channels. Mom couldn’t be @$$ed to encourage us to go out and play and would rather we sit inside watching TV so she knew we weren’t causing trouble… but the living room TV was for her during the day. So my sister had I had to use the TV in her room until she and my stepdad could afford to put the TVs in our rooms on the television plan or whatever it was. Literally, we could only watch VCR and later DVD’s on our televisions until I was almost in middle school. After that, we only used their room to play old joy stick video games because their TV was the only that we could connect them to. But it wasn’t often. We knew better than to snoop or mess around with their stuff, too. The6 also didn’t keep stepdad’s guns in their room because there wasn’t enough space. When we moved, we lost those joystick controllers and got channels in our rooms, so we didn’t need to go in their room unless we needed to get them or they called us back there.
Story 2: Peak edit having no reading comprehension and blaming it all on OP.
S2. NTA. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck. If all Lia did for 30 minutes was talk about money she is a gold digger.
But not trying to baby trap him
Story 1: I don't want to believe your family so awful that they only reconnect because you have money, but it wasn't you they were trying to bring back into the house when you stormed out. You haven't seen them in a while either, but you were still thoughtful enough to not get cheap Dollar store crap.
If it was a simple harmless prank they would have at least try to get you one decent present but they didn't and assumed you were still a pushover who they could continue to disrespect. Thinking that even if you stormed out they could still keep the free stuff, now they're trying to guilt trip you in the giving it back. Keep what you want and get your money, or donate it either way don't give it to these people.
OP's mistake was to move back into the area. Op should also keep his social media private!
Come on. Even Inspector Gadget can see they only reconnected once they smelled money.
OP no contact with these bullying cretins!!!!!! Live your best life with your GF and never look back. It is your idiot family's loss.
I hope Alex is going to get a dna test on the kid. And I love how these comments are so fixated on a gossip and not the fact that, oh I don’t know, Lia is just using Alex for money, but what if he actually wants to be a father. Is Lia going to lie and alienate her kid from Alex? Yeah this is way too suspicious. And these comments are missing the point
Oh yeah yeah he absolutely wants to be a father that's why you told her to kill it you're an idiot. I have seen people be devastated because they thought somebody was going to act differently they always do before they stick it in
I'm glad you told them they were stupid that's the one thing they got them banned from your life for 4 years and they love you so much that they're willing to never see you again so you don't get bullied by somebody else besides them about your name. Tell them it doesn't make them stupid but they're starting to seen senile because they can't seem to remember what gets them cut out of your life and they don't understand that Robin was something that they should take right out of their little head cuz it's obviously too hard for him and they hate your name let him know you know they hate their name more than they love you! Ask them why?
#1: NTA "My giving you gifts was a joke."
#3: "Hi Grandpa Tina. Hi Grandma Marcus. Oh, you don't like being called by the wrong name? Well, until you stop, I won't."
Story 1: should have emptied the can of fart spray on the way out the door.
Last story, my kids weren't allowed in my room. I wasn't allowed in my parents room. Adults need a space away from the kids.
I wonder why OP hasn’t gotten a lock on her door? And I agree it’s a bf problem. I doubt they do flips on their beds.
@@lorilancaster5917 There should not have to be a lock on her door needs to teach his kids how to listen
@@robertx8020which he didn’t unfortunately. OP was only an AH for not kicking them out and breaking up after they crawled into her bed after being told repeatedly to stay out of her room.
Lock your bedroom door after you enter, don't let the Big one in and none of the little ones will enter. Tell him to entertain HIS kids when YOU need privacy.
This is the favourite story reading channel. I particularly like your little giggles when reading the story at times.
"Alex will be a good ATM"
How to say you're a possible gold digger without saying you're a gold digger.
Sorry but if OP's "friend" was saying that about Alex than I'm more leaning towards this "friend" baby trapping Alex but I'd like a proper update to see if this is the case or not.
Agree and she doesn’t realise it Alex parents that have the money not him so if he wants to be a AH he can pay the bare minimum while endlessly fight for custody
Thank you those commentators seems dense and like they just gloss over the part where she openly said he is only good for money
S1: OP is NTA, but he's a bit naive. Even Inspector Gadget can see they only reconnected because they smelled money. And he actually moved closer to them??? Come on. They aren't pranksters, they're abusers. He needs to close that door permanently. Move away, lock down his socials, block them all.
I think he really wanted to believe his family weren’t massive jerks. I applaud him and his girlfriend for taking everything back.
I don't think op moved closer for his might be for his job...I think just going no contact and if harassed should get police and lawyer.... fighting
I’d put good money on story 4 OP being a helicopter parent who cannot stand the thought of their kid having a little freedom and time away from her even for a single night
BOY is she gonna be SHOOK when her daughter goes NC or VLC in a few years and doesn’t let her around her grandkids
Fancy getting your potential daughter in law fart spray the first time you meet her-classy.
I was hoping OP managed to take a group photo if everyone crying and screaming as OP took back the gifts. However I’m sure his and his gfs hands were full
@@lorilancaster5917I would have been tempted to unleash the fart spray on them in my wake
What's with The Last Opie? She's *choosing* to be a doormat for The BF and The Kids. If I had my boundaries stomped over like that, I'd just tell them to go back home, right then and there. Rinse, repeat, until he gets the message.
And move in together?!? Oh yeah, things'll reeeeeally sort themselves out as if by magic...
Joe - Yep.
There are devices known as 'door locks' *why* isn't OP using one?
And if BF doesn't like *that,* he (and his hellions) can *go back TO their own place,* asap. 👋🏻
14:25 - NTA. But I really don't think this relationship is going to work. Your BF doesn't respect your boundaries and gives the kids free reign to do whatever. I would've lost my temper too. He's a shitty parent. Leave him.
Story 3: If the grandparents bring up that Robin will be bullied for his name he should say, you're right, I am getting bullied. Then tell them the only ones bullying him for his name is them.
Story 2: Another case of redditors not knowing how to read. Saying someone is only good as an atm behind their back while playing the victim to their wealthier family is the definition of baby trapping if she sees no other use from his or his family other than money
Agree and she doesn’t understand he the father doesn’t have any money except the one he earns himself so she won’t get his parents money any time soon
S2: Its weird how people describe baby trapping, then proceed to claim it wasn't baby trapping. Only one person wants a kid in this case, only one person has a say on whether they will bring the baby to term. less insidious tha a pre meditated trap, but all completely onesided
I’d tell my family my own funny prank was to pretend to give them nice gifts but take them away when I left and never intended for them to keep them. Isn’t that just hilarious? Can’t you take a joke? Then I’d go no contact.
Story 3: So the grandparents are worried about "bullying" but try to bully the OP into changing their name? Also why wouldn't "Rob" work for Robin? If Bob somehow works for Robert Rob can work for Robin.
The whole thing is silly in general though, if OP is going to actually get bullied for anything I'd be more worried about Batman or bird jokes rather than having a "girl's name", which it isn't even tbh.
Story 4: So you stuffed around & want to make excuses instead of admitting it. You've changed her school numerous times and even now you can't prioritise her.
And they can afford private school yet can’t get her daughter her own hotel room for a couple of nights?
Come on if the kid just keeps buying the excuses the mom won’t have to admit she missed the deadline on purpose
@@lorilancaster5917 Why should she? she should put her bias aside (all boys a rapists) and let her have fun and join that group ...for all we know the boy doesn't even like girls
And as ling as we are being biased and listening to OP's stupid assumptions. maybe the boy needs protection from 4!!! 'horny' /s girls ..who knows what they would do to him
Stiry 2: Ahh yes, the double standard of womanhood. Nobody can tell the mother what to do about yhe baby, but the man knows his financial responsibility.
Story 4: "I did not miss the registration, I was just the last to sign her up. A few days past the deadline"
Lmao? "I'm not cheating honey, I'm just in love with, and sleeping with another person!" So many marriages would be saved
Robin is a girly name? Excuse me? The most famous owner of that name, Robin Hood? Rings a bell?
Legit 😂 like the name is centuries older than a lot of names in common use today, even amongst the older generation
"I ain't saying she's a gold digger..."
Oh. Wait. Yes I am. She's a gold digger.
Story 3: Robin's genderless name, and they're actually so many famous male robins that I don't get what your grandparents are talking about even a little.
Maybe the rest of the family is okay with being spineless and letting them be disrespectful, but that doesn't mean you have to be spineless and let them walk all over you too. Also it's easy for any of them to talk, I don't see any of them getting s*** on all the time because two old farts who don't know anything can't get over a name.
You haven't been bullied for your name you won't have a problem getting a job and you already know none of their arguments are valid. And if they can't respect you then don't be around them anymore.
The only bullies are the grandparents. What a gaggle of idiots they are. I know men and women named Robin and I always thought it was a cool name.
My mom tried to pull something similar with my oldest son. She demanded we give him the name she liked. We didn't. She would only call him by her name of choice, even though that is not his name. She was the only person who did. He would ignore her. After he got older, he would look at her like was crazy. Eventually, at a family gathering, he asked her why. She said it's a better name. He looked her in eye and said, "I hate that name. It's stupid." Everyone in ear shot cracked up. It took years, but her embarrassment was priceless. Even if it takes a while, don't back down.
He needs to tell them that if they don’t like his name they don’t need to speak to him at all.
S2- Reddit is so f’ing stupid 90% of the time. Lia definitely baby trapped him. Running to his family constantly. Alex doesn’t want to lose inheritance so he’s stuck with Lia for 18 years but I’d make sure I’d do a dna test.
Last story: bf isn't completely stupid. Why spend time taking care of your own kids when you can dump them on your gf? This has nothing to do with boundaries and everything to do with him not wanting to care for his own kids. This will never get better.
A prank is only a "prank" if the victim can also find it funny after being, at worst, very confused. Anything beyond that is straight up bullying. This family is a family of bullies, the end.
Robin Hood, Robin Williams, Robin Gibb, Robin Leach, Robin Thicke, Robin Cook. They're not only sexist, but just plain wrong.
My older brother Robin
I know of more guys named Robin than gals. In my mind it's a boy name that parents have started using for girls because it's a pretty name with little gender subtext.
Story 2 my body my choice .... but only for women again .
The women didnt want a father for hee child but an atm , she say it for 30 min and there is no prove of baby trap ?
Yeah sure ...
Yep, she's the one going through pregnancy and labor. Her. Choice.
And as for the baby trapping, if it's proven that she did it, then she should be jailed because that's a crime. But without evidence that won't happen.
@@johannaweichsel3602 yes her choice to keep it so her responsability and he shoulnd have to pay .
@@johannaweichsel3602 Unless you force a man to copulate with you or sabotage his birth control, there's no such thing as "baby trapping." Men, if you don't want a baby, you know what to do. Don't have that kind of sex or wear a condom. Don't rely on someone else to protect you.
His wallet. His choice.
Just like you don't want the government telling you what to do with your body, he shouldn't have the government telling him what to do with HIS money.
And she is a gold digger if she went after the money period.
@@johannaweichsel3602Yeah, and she chose to have sex without protection. Probably without telling Alex to get the Child support. She did that. Now. He is at fault as well. But she did baby trap him and should be shamed
There are current male Robins. The grandparents need to let it go.
"Alex and lia had consensual sex.."
But alex didn't consent to having a baby or are we not supposed to be pro choice these day..
Story 1: "You're right. I can't take a joke. All of you are the biggest joke of a family God ever made, and I can't take any if you, any more. Bye!"
Single dad wants YOU to change. And he's not going to change AT ALL.
Never date parents.
"Robin" has not traditionally been more used for girls. No. "Ariel" was also a masculine name until Disney came along.
Don't forget Ashley was totally a boys name.
Story 2: It's surprising to me how many people don't know how to read. Op never said she was telling everyone Lia was baby traping the kids father. She was simply having a conversation with people she thought she could trust about the situation and people who actually spred said rumor lied and that op said those things. The commenter is right about one thing, those are not OP's friends. She should find a better friend group
Story 2 get a DNA test.
Ah yes. The infamous girl bandit, Robin Hood.
Only in the terrible Canadian television series from a year or two back, but that was Robyn instead.
With family like that; who needs enemies? They’re disguising bullying as “pranks”. I wouldn’t have survived that situation, or they wouldn’t. But it would have been worth the jail time.
I don't get it. OP bought them all amazingly thoughtful (and expensive) gifts, then took them all back. They didn't like the prank he played?
I knew how that second story was gonna go from the jump. Man bad because woman has sole authority over pregnancy. Woman reveals she only wants money, still man bad for not giving it enthusiastically. Women behaves in way that proves her bad on every front, man villain for somehow making her do so.
Story 1: What an exhausting family. Just go no contact again.
Story 2: If Alex & Lia have been long time friends but NOT lovers is it possible that Lia is pregnant by some one else & subsequently hooked up with Alex because his family is affluent. Has Alex or his family asked for a DNA test/been tested for STD/STIs? Or have I just read too many of these stories? Better safe than sorry. IMO.
So I guess the grandparents have never heard of Robin Of Locksley
Have a wonderful day XO. Glad everyone is alright now.
I'd just claim the gifts I got them was a prank.
Story 1: From the way OP reacted to the silly string, you can tell, he was seriously hurt in the past by the way his family treated (pranked) him.
Story 2: Reddit again prooves they can't read.
Story 3: Holy shit Batman (see what I did there?) those granparents are annoying.
Story 4: I'm borrowing a phrase that made me laugh today to say this: OP's opinion on co-ed sleeping is "vintage".
Story 5: Hope restored, the comments are on point
Called him an atm for a half hour.
Yeah, she did trap him. They were all talking about it. Swear Reddit will ignore anything to go with their stupid narrative.
Put a lock on your door period.Get rid of boyfriend
Contradiction ...if she dumps the BF she doesn't need a lock
@@robertx8020 agree but just in case she gets new boyfriend that lock is for her alone time. Which she should have made it clear with this jerk.
Last story: Why did it take BF two and a half years to introduce his children to GF? Hiding something??
Well they are thinking about moving in together so apparently it was time to bring the kids around as well. Lucky for OP the kids starting coming over before the final decision to live together was made. She can't say she hasn't been made aware of what to expect from everyone.
And he's a single parent. She needs to kick his ass to the curb, change her locks and block him.
Don't most child psychologist recommend taking time introduced potentially new partners to children? I always thought that they meant a few months, not years.
Story #1: OP; after you had gathered everything up,you should have thrown it all in the trashcan on your way out
Nta in story 1 - op should of used the spray, whole can at the house
Nta in babytrap story. Everyone miss the 30m rant about he's ONLY GOOD as a wallet and not a father?
So funny when they got called out for missing the deadline
if only the perpetrators find it funny then it isn't a prank, it's abuse.
Omg, I was going to say she's the ah in the last story until she said it's her house and they don't live together. The boyfriend is the problem and they need to break up.
Same. It was really sounding like she was in the kid's home wanting to decide where they can be
Robin Gibb is a guy. I thought Robin was a guy name until I found out it's both genders. Grandparents are odd. Maybe they were hoping OP would of been named after the grandfather.
ROBIN NAME: just start screeching like a pterodactyl every time they bring it up. They'll learn.
Story 2. Everyone was saying this except op. Until the friend went on and on about money for 30 min. Is that enough to be sure? No what we have about the convo is too vauge. But it sounds like op admitted to a mutual that they might have been wrong about the pregnant friend, due to a convo we dont have an exact transcript for. And now op is the only one whos bad? That is pretty crappy for op. Nah. Execpt the friends who all threw op under the bus. Or esh. But op isnt the lone ah or the biggest by far.
Story 3: It's been extremely common for "male" names have transitioned into "female" names over history. Some of them last side by side (Alex, for example) while more frequently the usage for males fades as the female usage increases. A relatively recent example is Leslie. Regardless, the Grandparents are idiotic bullies who hyperfocus on the "male" and "female" names of their time, not what's actually historical or current common usage.
Any name that ends in son or begins in Mac means "son of". How many Madisons, Allisons, or Mackenzies have you heard of?
@@asmith8692 only for names originating in some parts of the world, but yes. There's likely versions of that throughout the world for each language.
Story 3:
OP should ask his grandparents why THEY are bullying him about a name that he likes.
Story I- NTA- Your Family publicly humiliated OP. Sounds like they just wanted money.
Story II- NTA- Get a paternity test. I bet ya Lia baby trapped him for the Cheque.
Story III- NTA- I only know one girl with the name Robin. I can list at least five guys that are called Robin.
Story IV- YTA- You just don’t want your daughter to go. It’s OP’s fault for not signing up on time. There is only one boy and three other girls and there will be a parent chaperone. Like what? Are they gonna have an orgie?
Story V- NTA- I’d of kicked them out earlier. The kids need to be thought boundaries.
I've known 2 Robins IRL, one male, one female.
I went to school with the guy, and I don't ever remember anyone teasing him about his name.
1st Story: I'm advice:
It's OP's turn to 'prank the fam': *This* Christmas, just send the offenders a photo of the gifts that were taken back from them, but with little Santa hats on them, and signs saying "Maybe Next Year...!" 🎁
Do the same on their birthdays, but replace Santa's hat with a party hat for the gift, and maybe some balloons and confetti. 🎉
Bedroom kids: NAH, but Op needs to split up and find someone with no kids. Good luck!
Name story, Robin Hood is one the biggest heroes of English History. Brave, clever and very masculine.
I bet the grandparents are pissy because they had a name they wanted used and the parents said no. The abusive, greedy pranksters can f off permanently. The last one should get a lock for her door and find a bf without kids.
Last story, op needs to leave this relationship. Kids are basically pack animals, ask any mother who tries to go to the bathroom by herself. If she can't accept that she'll never be happy.
Hold up tablets have DVD players now?
So weird hey-lol
Not for about 15 - 20 years now.
Must be an older model from the mid '00.
1-NTA Time to go full no contact and block them everywhere. They are the worst type of prankster's. 2-YTA, Alex is TA, Charlotte and your friend group are ah's, Lia is an AH because she thinks Alex is not father material and only an ATM. Sounds like ESH. Spreading gossip? Talking to your close friend about your feelings of what is going on is gossip? Charlotte spread what OP was thinking to the friend group not OP. 3-NTA Grandparents are the bully's. Go full no contact. 4-YTA You procrastinated in registering your daughter and now she has to miss out on a tradition at her new school. The only reason you might have for not letting you daughter go on the trip is why the 4 kids are being bullied and alienated and it would be a shame to exclude these kids if the bullying is because of some kind of entitled brat. "Completely inappropriate" made me laugh. If your daughter wanted to get into "trouble" she wouldn't have to go on a school trip for that to happen. 5-NTA But, you are not a suitable replacement-nor could you be, for their mom nor are you ready to be a step parent and should end this relationship. BF also has some parenting problems if his kids can't entertain themselves. I can understand not wanting to go outside at a different house than theirs. What are you and your bf doing to alleviate some of that? Sounds like you're doing nothing.
I went to school with 3 Robins, all males and no one ever thought they were girls names.
Story 1: NTA
Story 2: NTA
Story 3: NTA.
Story 4: YTA.
Last story- YTA. Don't be with a guy with kids. Kids enter rooms. Go find a guy without kids
Robin story- OP, tell them that the only ones bullying you for your name is family and you will no longer put up with it and go no contact
It's really only recently I've heard Robin used as a girl name. I was surprised the first time I heard it (some random woman.) Growing up Robin has only ever been used as a man's name, at the very least with like Robin Hood, Batman and Robin, Robin Williams, etc. Which makes me wonder... who else do the grandparents know who is named Robin, because I think they are the reason they keep rejecting poor OP's very normal, unisex (masculine leaning) name. (Some hanky panky mebbe?)
Hello again. Thank you
Story 2 Leah is 100% baby trapping and Leah invited the gossip by gossiping herself about her baby daddy exclusively talking about how all she needs is his money. I love how everyone forgot about that. And also forgot about EVERYONE else also gossiping and believing she was baby trapping. Wholeheartedly NTA
Story 2: Yo, Alex, the sure way to not be baby-trapped is either to always keep it wrapped or stay away from sex.
Excuse me, Robin Hood is a long-standing legend. As a side issue Robin Hood was the equivalent of John Doe in modern times. When used it was always for a man. I would go NC with grandparents until they stop being so stupid.
No, I am a boy, so, Robin is a boy's name.
Robin: There's a lovely song by Carly Simon about Robin.
Op after many years of no contact, you move closer to your awful family .
I've known a 50/50 split btw men 'Robbin' & women 'Robbin'. I was going to bring up Batman too.
My uncle’s name is Robin. I have never heard teasing or criticism about his name.
The only people bullying Robin is the grandparents
Last Story: That woman needs to not be with a man with kids. That is what kids do. It doesn't mean that she hates the kids or dislike them, but if she doesn't want to be around them, they shouldn't be around her. I was always in my mom's bedroom as a kid, and I slept in the same bed with her for years. I say this as a person who is childfree. Both of the adults are being selfish.
It's what some kids do, not all kids. My siblings and I didn't do that. None of our friends as kids did that. And parent's bedrooms were always off limits. The OP is not being selfish for wanting her bedroom in her house to be kid free.
That's what kids do that aren't given any kind of boundaries and taught to respect people.
That Dad needs to step up and start parenting his kids
@juliearmfield2634 agree that the father needs to step up, and I agree that he is not respecting her need to be alone. I don't understand why, when she said she wanted to be alone, HE followed her, and then the kids followed him. Tbh, it feels like it's purposeful and like maybe he's encouraging the kids to do this because he either thinks it's funny, or he thinks that bombarding her with the children will get her used to it, or that she'll "learn to like it," or be okay with it.
But this woman seems very clearly distressed in this situation, which doesn't seem like it will improve, and so I think she should leave. A lot of men with children get remarried to women immediately, often because, if we're being honest, they want those women to become caretakers for those kids. I think women should be aware of those intentions, and if it's not what you want, they I think it's best to avoid men with kids.
I also agree that all kids are different and that it is very likely that those kids don't have proper boundaries, by observing the father. So I think she needs to make the boundaries for herself, because it didn't seem like she'll be happy in this relationship
@@naediggs4816 the ADHD excuse does not hold up.
There are hundreds of thousands if not millions of people that have that and can learn how to control themselves and respect boundaries of other people.
@TheQuantumWave I agree that not all children are the same, and that it's likely that the children don't have good boundaries because the dad has poor boundaries.
You're right, all children are different and behave differently. Not all kids will act like the kids in the post. But some will. These kids are expressing a desire to be around her, and up under her like baby ducks or something. She's not wrong for not wanting these interactions, but I think OP is being selfish because she can't meet that need for those children, and she's still there.
This man's children are a package deal, and a lot of people get into relationships with parents, as if, somehow, their relationship with that child's parent is completely separate. It's not true, you have to be considerate of both. And if you can't, you should remove yourself. I wouldn't want a child to feel hurt or rejected because I had to keep turning them away, I would leave.
That's what I think is selfish. If a man dated a woman with a child(ren), they are a package deal, and ideally he should live the kids like his own and be ready to be a father-figure. Otherwise he should leave them alone and not disrupt their relationship. This to me is the same, being with a man with kids requires you to take on a mother-like role. It seems like these kids want a very affectionate, touchy-feely mother that will constantly engage.
If she can't do that, she should leave. Maybe she could be with a guy with kids, but THIS guy and THESE kids, and THIS family unit don't align with her 🤷🏾♀️🤷🏾♀️
Imho, the father is MOST selfish of all for forcing this uncomfortable situation on both parties because it most benefits him.
St. 1 - NTA. I don't mind if someone is a "prankster." However, if someone TELLS you they are actually HURT and don't want you to prank anymore..... then mentally healthy individuals would know to STOP that behavior. The fact that they lied just to prank you again means their is narcissism in your family. I'm guessing their was the golden child syndrome, and this how they "punish" OP for being successful. As someone who has also cut off their family..... OP needs to move on.
Why would the first dude move anywhere near the family that scapegoated him because they have no maturity? I understand the desire to own a home, but keep at least two states worth of distance from the shit show that is that family. Now that he knows they will NEVER change, maybe he should look into getting a home further away, and rent the current house out so he can have even more money to treat his girlfriend for staying with him through that crap.
Robin’s grandparents are the only bullies I see.
Story 3: They're obviously not English or Robin Hood would have been the very first association that would have come to their minds.
Robin, boy wonder... What's the problem?