@@Thunder8277 doesn’t have to be a border state. I live in Washington in a _very_ white town and I’m sure if I asked the average person here to describe a taco, they would describe this. Outside of Taco Bell, I don’t think I’ve seen a crunchy shell taco a single time in the last 10 years.
fun facts: 1. Daniel Moncada is not Mexican, he is Honduran 2. The taco tortilla was not hecha a mano, it was processed. 3. It was missing the double tortilla or as they say in Mexico "original y copia"
Nooooossa um dos gênios Salamancas junto com o chef rucsh 👍😎 Salamanca ☠️ adoro os Salamancas 👍😎 esse multiversso ficou incrível não sabia que ele também era fã de breking bad 👍😎😱🥰🤩🥳👍😎
You have to admit that both are intimidating, one because he looks like a general whose orders you don't want to disobey and the other because he looks like a drug dealer with control of multiple areas.
Diurno Iberia procedente de Bilbao/Hendaya, destino Salamanca; vía 4 y paradas en: Burgos, Venta de Baños, Valladolid Campo Grande, Medina del Campo y Salamanca. Va a efectuar su salida.
Only a Salamanco can go toe to toe with chef Rush
Salamanca. 😠
Is that the dude who is the son of Hector?
salamancos dont have nothing on chef rush
That taco is 98% pure
What happened to the 2%? 🤔
@@mabdam3799got to stretch it out somehow drought season always around the corner
What happened to the 99% 🤔
U belong to the cartel now
Heisenberg needs to cook it to be 100% pure
the only man who could ever stand up to the chef.
We need to cook
Gal gali būti ir yra tas pat ir
Yoooo we got the whole squad
Sour sweets
Meat and
Breaking bad
Get out
This Video is 99.7% Pure
-Walter H. White
I understend the reference
Y si me vi todo breaking bad la mejor puta serie del puto mundo te amo salamanca
Walter Whitman
❎Walter white
✅Walter black
Name the movie: Breaking Bad, Is a 18+.
@@FanDeMetagros73definitivamente hermano, "tienes toda la maldita razón" 🗿
@@anikaydejesusurianamengual3073 tu igual hermana la mejor puta serie
10 years later people still love it
Facts 😂😂😂😂
Why is that? Mexican cartels and American black gangs probably have long-term friendly trade relations, if you know what I mean.
Next need to be with Jesse 😂
Jesse, we need to cook, Jesse
With Lalo..
Those tacos are *TIGHT TIGHT TIGHT*
If it's not TIGHT, it's not RIGHT!
@@daryltorrenteapole9486that's what he said 👀
Blue "yellow" pink 😄
That's what she said😂
WOAHHHHHH LOOK AT THAT LOOK!!!! Alright Eisenberg same time next week….heheh😂
Wow... Finally more than 2 words en 1 minute from a Salamanca 😂😂😂
Chef finally found another badass who could stand up to him!
Ronaldo is stronger and has hotter wife then chief rush😂👍🏾
Me finding the fucks i give@@hahahaahhaahahaha
i seem to not be able to find the fucksi can give you
*We need Gustavo's chicken too!*
Yes we need it!
Giancarlo Esposito please!!!!!!
He'd have to make sure his kitchen is better than acceptable
it's going to be "Paila marina" for sure
Absolutely explosive with flavor
The ingredients, and prep! Salamanca made all around. Love it! The quality I even felt form the video!
These collabs are gettin real wild
Right wonder who's next
Tremendos tacos mexicanos wey
lol the fact that one of the salamanca nephews came for this recipe was too perfect 😂
Bruh he is really same as 15 years ago
I love that Kyle is Hector with the bell 😂😂😂
rush chef even not scared of Mexican Cartels💀
And he even agreed with sombody who is against him 💀
He's not from a Mexican cartel, he's just any Mexican.
jajaja xD
I'm very proud to see an American cook a real Mexican taco.
This is how most of us make tacos as far as I know
Tell me you've never been to a border state without telling me you've never been to a border state
@@Thunder8277 doesn’t have to be a border state. I live in Washington in a _very_ white town and I’m sure if I asked the average person here to describe a taco, they would describe this. Outside of Taco Bell, I don’t think I’ve seen a crunchy shell taco a single time in the last 10 years.
A real Mexican taco would have much lower quality ingredients
@ ok zachary
That moment where they faced off looked like they were about to have a stand battle.
The Salamanca Twins 😂😂
but there's no second salamanca?
@@AkumuNyaaaahe's in the bathroom
@@AkumuNyaaaahe's in the hospital
@@AkumuNyaaaatacos gave him chorrillo homie
@@AkumuNyaaaa One of Hector's cousins
“NO…. MASA” damn right. Fresh tortillas are heaven on earth!
They still used the packaged tortillas 😅😂
You are absolutely right my dear British friend.
@@HP_line_cook to be honest actually cooking the tortilla without drying it out is a skill of its own.
@@BloodVenefice naaaaa, tampoco es tan dificil
Except it was packaged tortillas not fresh masa tortillas…
Chef rush said: "nah i'd win" and this man scare him 😂
Chef and the Salamanca twin really went band4band 😭
Fr I forgot there was 2 of them I thought they were so badass in the show til they lost a 2v1 to Hank😭
*Chef Rush finally met his match "Dammit!"* 😂
Putting on the respirator to cut the onions is brilliant 😂😂😂
That's a collab i did not expect😂🙌
But we all deserved 😂
Bro talked more in this short than he did in Breaking Bad and BCS combined.
Ayye I love those brothers from breaking bad. They’re funny asf irl
I was not expecting this on my feed, but I ain’t complaining
I didn’t even get a bite 😢
Every Hispanic kid knows the feeling of homemade tacos
Those are tacos, long live Mexico 🎉🎊🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽
Even Cheff Rush Shows respect to the Coldest killers in the show.
Reminds me of the tacos I got out of Champaign. Just meat, light cheese and cilantro. Perfection.
Lo gracioso es que hacen tortillas de harina de maíz hechas a mano... y utilizan las tortillas del paquete jajaja
También me di cuenta JAJAJA
la magia del cine
De seguro no les quedaron tan bien jaja
Nadama se van a fijar los Hispanos
Jajajaja de seguro les quedaron bien feas las tortillas😂😂😂
"Let's make salamanco tacos" f@ck, this got me😂
The title says salmoco tacos 😂😂😂
The purity of this taco is incredible
Ésos son los verdaderos tacos 🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽
*Asi es amigo!* 😎
Que rico se me antojaron
Confirmado 😊
Ended up using the tortillas from the package anyway 😂
went scrolling to find if somebody noticed.
they're also not warmed up too, that's the most criminal part
Yeah that maasa part was just for show lip service😂😂😂
Fr needs a little butter and a direct flame, adds so much flavor. Especially for fish tacos.
Yea that was packaged tortilla, I know the difference between handmade and packed tortilla, but disappointed tho
Finally someone who can face to face chef rush
I speak Spanish but I love Chef Rush I speak a little Spanish it is
Mexico we love tacos❤
Orale cabron!!!
What a good taco, viva México desde Guadalajara
That dude is a streamer, played with my dad in gta rp talked to my Mom before and everything, really cool guy
Cuenta la leyenda que con ese machete le dieron al pantera
Se te va entera
El pantera dice: ¡Ay, Ay, Ay!
@@YucatecoTáctico003 los amooo padreeees los amoooo
Un curifeo🤢
Un curifeo🤢
Impressive, Salamanco can put Chef Rush in his place unlike ANYONE ELSE
The best Crossover i've ever Seen! Next one: Los Pollos Hermanos! 👍🏼
Breaking bad ❌
Making food ✅
Why you guys are so good at this 👍
-Chef Rush
-The Breaking Bad Actor
Rare footage of chef not killing someone
Whats hilarious is that ive seen his long form videos and he seems really nice
These tacos are 99.1% pure!!!
My dear chef: if you go in, you won't come out carnal.
PD: As a Mexican I can say that this taco is 98% pure.
I am Mexican and I have this maybe once or twice a week
He spoke more here than in the entire series
♥♥🇦🇫You are great, I watch many videos from Afghanistan and I love you very much
Hope everything is ok over there
They look like they would be good friends ❤
Chef rush has finally found his match
The bell detail is great😂
I love these Guys....they cook great food...
and have a blast dping it.
Now, this was priceless. Also made me want some.tacos for dinner tomorrow 😅😅😅
bro be cooking that good man
Salamanca Tacos 🗣️ Salmoco Tacos ❌
I thought I was the only one who saw it
That's it Chef Rush just won the youtuber chef contest. Salamanca approved!
Chef is hitting it of right in every way🫡
This is the breaking taco type of stuff😂
Dile que tu eres Mia Mia 🎶 ❤ 🫶
Tu misma los decias ❤ 🥰
Cuando yo te lo asia
@@manuyt75-wtTu misma Lo decias 🎶 🥰 🫶
Love you waz watching you for 2 years straight ❤
That onion slicing was too relatable 😅
I loved Breaking Bad!!! 😆😆😆
Congratulations To Chef Rush On Getting His Own Show.
Damn he actually spoke
fun facts:
1. Daniel Moncada is not Mexican, he is Honduran
2. The taco tortilla was not hecha a mano, it was processed.
3. It was missing the double tortilla or as they say in Mexico "original y copia"
As a Hispanic myself, tacos lile that are the absolutely bomb boi❤
I just want to say I love you chef Rush
You are my favorite chef❤
Imma subscribe just cause of this clip ❤😊
Cartel vs Chef Rush....dammit😅🌮🌯
Jajaja, los gringos diciendo la frase mal es lo mas chistoso del mundo
An unstoppable force vs an immovable object in one video
Love all these Gangsta Chefs!! 😂💜💃
This video is 99.9% Pure! It's a Breakthrough!!!!
Nooooossa um dos gênios Salamancas junto com o chef rucsh 👍😎 Salamanca ☠️ adoro os Salamancas 👍😎 esse multiversso ficou incrível não sabia que ele também era fã de breking bad 👍😎😱🥰🤩🥳👍😎
po man na vdd e o toreto
The only Man who not scared about salamancas 😅
Salamanca, like a City in Michoacán México, I love this video 😅
That raw ass taco breaking apart
Still used the Mission tortillas at the end. 😂
And uncooked
You have to admit that both are intimidating, one because he looks like a general whose orders you don't want to disobey and the other because he looks like a drug dealer with control of multiple areas.
Chef rush has met his match😭😭
Diurno Iberia procedente de Bilbao/Hendaya, destino Salamanca; vía 4 y paradas en: Burgos, Venta de Baños, Valladolid Campo Grande, Medina del Campo y Salamanca. Va a efectuar su salida.
*Da bratan!* 😂
@@ComicoPOV чё?
@@Алекс-б5н *Privet!* 👍🏽
@@ComicoPOV ну привет
Se refieren a Salamanca México, no Salamanca España.
Baking Bread instead of Breaking Bad.
Smiling at the end was a rare moment from him
Welp, we officially have a ChefRush x Kyle collab now!
Oh no it's one of the twins!😅 Te va a matar si el taco no es bueno!
It's one of the cousins
Yes but weren't they twin assassins and one had the mean skull top boots?
Oye we esos tacos si tan buenos mi rey con todo y tortilla hecha a mano se la rifaron