Dear friend, I am very very in-awe with your video and the way you're filming. I enjoyed it very very much! Beautifull sightseeing of Indonesia (yes??) and nice little waters. You show everything from flowers to insects, and even where you bought your stuff. Also the background-music and other sounds, and even the different positions of filming show your talent. You have a great tallent of what to show to others, and what is most interesting for us to see. You have a very very good eye for it.!! ..It made me want to be there where you are and do some fishing myself.. I am living in holland (The Netherlands) and I'm also totally into catching the smallest fish that everyone seems to ignore overhere. Maybe that's because we are spoiled to have a lot of water here everywhere, and a lot of big fish species to choose from. I am originally from Surinam, and your video made me homesick for my youth in Surinam and the abundance of beautifull little aquariumfish that I use to catch in every pool, ditch or pond around the house I grew up in. ...but that seemed at least 100-years ago.. Again; sincere compliments and keep-on making video's like this.. and show us what you see with your own eyes. My deepest respect and greetings. Grtz Theo
I thank you very much from the bottom of my heart to those of you who are willing to watch carefully my Tanago / Micro Fishing trip video content. In Yogyakarta, we call micro fishing "Waderan". If I'm not mistaken, during the Dutch colonization of Indonesia, many people from Java went to Suriname and are now Surinamese citizens. I am very happy for your appreciation of my content. There are many stories that I have told in the video, starting from culture, local people's habits, typical scenery in the countryside, flora and fauna and of course the micro fishing activity aka waderan which I often do in my spare time. To create content like this there are many stories behind it. The beautiful story and the bitter story. I like micro fishing because I don't focus on the number of catches but the process I enjoy. Beautiful scenery, fresh air, beautiful village atmosphere as well as traditional culinary delights that can be enjoyed after fishing. Actually, I could barely edit this content because a lot of the files were damaged because I ran out of storage media as a result I was forced to start again from the beginning doing the same activity and I almost gave up doing it. Finally, some files can be saved after I try an application that can restore files that have been deleted accidentally. Thank goodness🙏😊. I started collecting the files, and started editing them, adding backsounds with traditional Javanese characteristics and so on 😅. Thankfully, it's finally finished. I wish you good health and success in your career and family. Please watch my other Micro Fishing trip content and please continue to support my TH-cam channel so that it can continue to develop well in the future. I hope so. You are a very detailed viewer and observer and I really appreciate that. By the way, have you ever been to Indonesia?😄👍 Best Regards, Mancing Tanago.
@@oo-lp1wb Thankfully... it turns out that giving a scientific name for micro fish is useful for tiny fish lovers. I don't have an aquarium and my nephew happens to have a small pond in front of the house for his small fish, while I release the fish I manage to catch more often😅✌️
Terimakasih banyak Master sudah berkenan mampir nonton trip micro fishing saya 🙏😁. Ini video 1 tahun yg lalu, khusus saya buat untuk merayakan Idul Fitri 1443 H. Semoga terhibur ya dan salam sukses dan sehat selalu Master 😀👍👍👍
Terimakasih mas untuk apresiasinya 🙏😊. Memang ada beberapa teman yang meminta agar dibuatkan full movie. Ya seperti ini jadinya mas.....hehehehheeee😁🤭👍
Mantap mas.... Spotnya itu di sekitar persawahan mas, saluran parit-parit irigasi. Sekilas memang tidak kelihatan kalau ada ikan-ikan kecil di dalamnya. Tapi kalau dicoba mancing baru akan ketahuan ternyata cukup banyak ikannya😅
Thank you very much for the support. This video tells about my activities in the city of Yogyakarta, where I live, when on vacation. I try to tell from the beginning to the end of the stages I did in preparing the fishing bait and so on. I hope you like watching it. I hope that you will continue to watch for my other video content. Once again thank you 🙏 .
Terimakasih atas apresiasinya. Selamat menonton Full Movienya dan mohon maaf lahir dan batin ya... Kan masih juga dalam suasana lebaran di bulan Syawal 1443 H🙏😊.
Terimakasih atas dukungan pada Kanal TH-cam saya selama ini🙏. Mohon juga SUBSCRIBE nya yaaa😅. Di video ini ada yang saya revisi seperti menurunkan volume backsound dan menaikkan suara natural / alamnya, masukan yang sangat positif dari teman baik saya. Ada beberapa permintaan dari penonton juga... sehingga dibuatlah Edisi Full Movie nya. Besar harapan saya agar Anda semua selalu setia menonton, mendukung kanal saya ini. Saya selalu berusaha semaksimal untuk memberikan tontonan yang terbaik buat Anda semua, sehingga terhibur dan bahagia. Saya berharap demikian😁. Salam sehat dan sukses selalu buat Kita semua🙏😊
Terimakasih mas sudah berkenan mampir, nonton dan memberikan komentar yang sungguh positif agar konten saya lebih baik lagi kedepannya 🙏😁. Teman dekat saya juga bilangnya persis seperi yang mas komentarkan. Padahal selama ini saya tidak merasa seperti itu. Semenjak itu, upload video berikutnya, saya mencoba melakukan perbaikan dengan cara mengupload video baru ke kanal TH-cam saya dan membuatnya Private terlebih dulu. Kalau saya rasa volume backsoundnya sudah tidak mengganggu natural sound / voice, kemudian saya edit kembali, lalu saya mengupload videonya kembali, saya cek ricek lagi, jika sudah ok baru video upload-an yang terakhir saya Public-kan dan video yang saya Private-kan sebelumnya, saya hapus. Saya buat test case seperti ini karena video dengan backsound yang saya dengarkan di laptop sangat berbeda tinggi rendahnya volume dengan yang saya dengarkan di hape di TH-cam nya🙏😅 Mantap mas... Makasih banyak ya....🙏😀👍
Terimakasih atas kunjungan ke kanal mancing saya. Mohon maaf lahir dan batin ya🙏😊 Kak kok bisa tau konten saya karena saya perhatikan konten Kakak bercerita tentang kuliner-kuliner khas daerah? Sukses dan sehat selalu ya😁👍
Good videos my friend. I am currently preparing to build a rod similar to what you are using. If I may ask, how long is the bait fresh? Does it need refrigerated?
Thank you Bro for watching and giving positive comments on my microfishing trip content. My rod is 1 m long and consists of 7 segments. Regarding bait, if it is wrapped neatly waterproof, it is better to store it in the refrigerator, the bait can last for several months. Healthy greetings and keep the spirit 😄👍
Terimakasih banyak mas sudah berkenan mampir nonton konten trip micro fishing saya 😊🙏. Betul sekali, spotnya di sekitar Turi, dekat Dusun Donokerto kalau tidak salah😅.
Terimakasih mas sudah berkenan mampir, nonton dan komentar di microfishing trip saya 🙏😊. Bisa sekali mas, bahkan saat balas komen dari mas ini masih saya simpan umpannya di kulkas. Yang penting jangan sampai masuk angin saja. Simpan dalam kantong es dan ikat erat lalu simpan di kulkas😁👍👍👍. *Mohon dukungan dan tetap setia nonton konten saya terus ya mas🙏😁
Terimakasih mas sudah berkenan nonton dan memberikan komentar di konten microfishing trip saya 🙏😊. Maaf mas... Joran Tanago ini yang buat teman saya. Bahannya dari carbon solid, kalau tidak salah soknya dari carbon juga, saya tidak tau pastinya apa hollow atau solid yang sudah dibor dulunya. Jika ingin lebih jelas bisa hubungi langsung rod makernya di fb : gunyunyud fishing. Salam sehat dan sukses selalu 😀👍👍👍
Terimakasih banyak mas sudah berkenan mampir, nonton dan komen di konten microfishing saya. Untuk micro tank nya, bisa coba kontak saja fb Abe CeDe. Mohon dukungannya pada kanal TH-cam saya ini ya mas🙏😀
Terimakasih banyak mas sudah berkenan nonton konten trip microfishing saya 🙏😊. Mohon dukungannya dan terus berkenan nonton konten-konten saya yang lainnya ya😄👍. Joran Tanago panjang 1m, 7 ruas dengan gagang cendani merupakan joran custom, mas. Jadi kalau mas mau juga bisa langsung inbox ke facebook nya... Tip trik cara pesannya, jangan serasa rod makernya dipaksa pakai deadline jadinya sekian hari mas, nanti dia tidak mau mengerjakannya🙏😅. Sehat dan sukses selalu mas👍
Dear friend, I am very very in-awe with your video and the way you're filming. I enjoyed it very very much!
Beautifull sightseeing of Indonesia (yes??) and nice little waters.
You show everything from flowers to insects, and even where you bought your stuff. Also the background-music and other sounds, and even the different positions of filming show your talent.
You have a great tallent of what to show to others, and what is most interesting for us to see. You have a very very good eye for it.!!
..It made me want to be there where you are and do some fishing myself..
I am living in holland (The Netherlands) and I'm also totally into catching the smallest fish that everyone seems to ignore overhere.
Maybe that's because we are spoiled to have a lot of water here everywhere, and a lot of big fish species to choose from.
I am originally from Surinam, and your video made me homesick for my youth in Surinam and the abundance of beautifull little aquariumfish that I use to catch in every pool, ditch or pond around the house I grew up in.
...but that seemed at least 100-years ago..
Again; sincere compliments and keep-on making video's like this.. and show us what you see with your own eyes.
My deepest respect and greetings.
Grtz Theo
...also.. putting in the latin-name with the fish you catch is "highly" appreciated!! I'm also an aquarium-nerd, and this is "gold"! 👍😊
I thank you very much from the bottom of my heart to those of you who are willing to watch carefully my Tanago / Micro Fishing trip video content. In Yogyakarta, we call micro fishing "Waderan".
If I'm not mistaken, during the Dutch colonization of Indonesia, many people from Java went to Suriname and are now Surinamese citizens.
I am very happy for your appreciation of my content. There are many stories that I have told in the video, starting from culture, local people's habits, typical scenery in the countryside, flora and fauna and of course the micro fishing activity aka waderan which I often do in my spare time.
To create content like this there are many stories behind it. The beautiful story and the bitter story. I like micro fishing because I don't focus on the number of catches but the process I enjoy. Beautiful scenery, fresh air, beautiful village atmosphere as well as traditional culinary delights that can be enjoyed after fishing.
Actually, I could barely edit this content because a lot of the files were damaged because I ran out of storage media as a result I was forced to start again from the beginning doing the same activity and I almost gave up doing it. Finally, some files can be saved after I try an application that can restore files that have been deleted accidentally. Thank goodness🙏😊.
I started collecting the files, and started editing them, adding backsounds with traditional Javanese characteristics and so on 😅. Thankfully, it's finally finished.
I wish you good health and success in your career and family. Please watch my other Micro Fishing trip content and please continue to support my TH-cam channel so that it can continue to develop well in the future. I hope so.
You are a very detailed viewer and observer and I really appreciate that.
By the way, have you ever been to Indonesia?😄👍
Best Regards,
Mancing Tanago.
Thankfully... it turns out that giving a scientific name for micro fish is useful for tiny fish lovers.
I don't have an aquarium and my nephew happens to have a small pond in front of the house for his small fish, while I release the fish I manage to catch more often😅✌️
Mantap kawan strike bertubi tubi sukses slalu kawanku 👍
Terimakasih Hu sudah berkenan mampir dan nonton konten mancing saya.
Mohon maaf lahir dan batin ya🙏😊
Sehat dan sukses selalu Hu😁👍👍👍
Keren banget ini kontennya sangat menghibur
Terimakasih banyak Master sudah berkenan mampir nonton trip micro fishing saya 🙏😁.
Ini video 1 tahun yg lalu, khusus saya buat untuk merayakan Idul Fitri 1443 H.
Semoga terhibur ya dan salam sukses dan sehat selalu Master 😀👍👍👍
mantab kawan... komplit.. dari awal smpai akhir jossss gandosss
Terimakasih mas untuk apresiasinya 🙏😊.
Memang ada beberapa teman yang meminta agar dibuatkan full movie. Ya seperti ini jadinya mas.....hehehehheeee😁🤭👍
@@MancingTanago mantab sekali mas broo.. info spot mas broo
Seputaran Turi mas.
suasana yang sangat uadem serta sejuk bosku, sukses slalu
Terimakasih mas....
MicroFishing alias waderab memang asyik juga buat healing😁
Otw nonton
Terimakasih Hu...
Maaf durasinya agak lama karena gabungan beberapa video sebelumnya.
Semoga terhibur dan jadi bahagia🙏😊
Spotnya jernih banget masbroo dan full streik mantap👍👍
Mantap mas....
Spotnya itu di sekitar persawahan mas, saluran parit-parit irigasi. Sekilas memang tidak kelihatan kalau ada ikan-ikan kecil di dalamnya. Tapi kalau dicoba mancing baru akan ketahuan ternyata cukup banyak ikannya😅
Love your Video, From.Thai
Thank you very much for the support.
This video tells about my activities in the city of Yogyakarta, where I live, when on vacation.
I try to tell from the beginning to the end of the stages I did in preparing the fishing bait and so on. I hope you like watching it.
I hope that you will continue to watch for my other video content.
Once again thank you 🙏 .
Assalamualaikum.. Mas Mancing Tanago.. Videonya bagus. Semoga sukses.. Aamiin.. 🤲
Aamiin 🙏
Terimakasih kasih banyak.
Mohon ditonton sampai habis ya🙏😁
Full versionnya mantaap😁👍🏻
Terimakasih atas apresiasinya.
Selamat menonton Full Movienya dan mohon maaf lahir dan batin ya...
Kan masih juga dalam suasana lebaran di bulan Syawal 1443 H🙏😊.
Terimakasih atas dukungan pada Kanal TH-cam saya selama ini🙏.
Mohon juga SUBSCRIBE nya yaaa😅.
Di video ini ada yang saya revisi seperti menurunkan volume backsound dan menaikkan suara natural / alamnya, masukan yang sangat positif dari teman baik saya.
Ada beberapa permintaan dari penonton juga... sehingga dibuatlah Edisi Full Movie nya.
Besar harapan saya agar Anda semua selalu setia menonton, mendukung kanal saya ini.
Saya selalu berusaha semaksimal untuk memberikan tontonan yang terbaik buat Anda semua, sehingga terhibur dan bahagia. Saya berharap demikian😁.
Salam sehat dan sukses selalu buat Kita semua🙏😊
Amin bang semoga sehat di lancarkan rezeki nya bang udah susbrcrib bang
Terimakasih banyak Mas😀🙏
Apik mas, hanya saja backsound nya masih terlalu keras suaranya. 🙏🏻 Sekedar saran.
Salam kenal 🙏🏻
Terimakasih mas sudah berkenan mampir, nonton dan memberikan komentar yang sungguh positif agar konten saya lebih baik lagi kedepannya 🙏😁.
Teman dekat saya juga bilangnya persis seperi yang mas komentarkan. Padahal selama ini saya tidak merasa seperti itu. Semenjak itu, upload video berikutnya, saya mencoba melakukan perbaikan dengan cara mengupload video baru ke kanal TH-cam saya dan membuatnya Private terlebih dulu. Kalau saya rasa volume backsoundnya sudah tidak mengganggu natural sound / voice, kemudian saya edit kembali, lalu saya mengupload videonya kembali, saya cek ricek lagi, jika sudah ok baru video upload-an yang terakhir saya Public-kan dan video yang saya Private-kan sebelumnya, saya hapus.
Saya buat test case seperti ini karena video dengan backsound yang saya dengarkan di laptop sangat berbeda tinggi rendahnya volume dengan yang saya dengarkan di hape di TH-cam nya🙏😅
Mantap mas... Makasih banyak ya....🙏😀👍
Mantap kawan😍😍👍
Terimakasih atas kunjungan ke kanal mancing saya. Mohon maaf lahir dan batin ya🙏😊
Kak kok bisa tau konten saya karena saya perhatikan konten Kakak bercerita tentang kuliner-kuliner khas daerah?
Sukses dan sehat selalu ya😁👍
Good videos my friend. I am currently preparing to build a rod similar to what you are using.
If I may ask, how long is the bait fresh? Does it need refrigerated?
Thank you Bro for watching and giving positive comments on my microfishing trip content.
My rod is 1 m long and consists of 7 segments.
Regarding bait, if it is wrapped neatly waterproof, it is better to store it in the refrigerator, the bait can last for several months.
Healthy greetings and keep the spirit 😄👍
Itu daerah turi sleman bukan om
Terimakasih banyak mas sudah berkenan mampir nonton konten trip micro fishing saya 😊🙏.
Betul sekali, spotnya di sekitar Turi, dekat Dusun Donokerto kalau tidak salah😅.
Hallo om, terimakasih untuk inspirasi videonya😁
Klo boleh tau apa umpan tsbt bisa di simpan untuk beberapa hari kedepan?
Terimakasih mas sudah berkenan mampir, nonton dan komentar di microfishing trip saya 🙏😊.
Bisa sekali mas, bahkan saat balas komen dari mas ini masih saya simpan umpannya di kulkas. Yang penting jangan sampai masuk angin saja. Simpan dalam kantong es dan ikat erat lalu simpan di kulkas😁👍👍👍.
*Mohon dukungan dan tetap setia nonton konten saya terus ya mas🙏😁
@@MancingTanago terimakasih om dapat ilmu baru lagi saya, semagat terus om buat kontennya, dan selalu jadi inspirasi orang banyak 😁🙏
Terimakasih mas🙏😊
Salam sehat dan sukses selalu 😀👍
Sok² kan jorannya pakek apa om
Terimakasih mas sudah berkenan nonton dan memberikan komentar di konten microfishing trip saya 🙏😊.
Maaf mas... Joran Tanago ini yang buat teman saya. Bahannya dari carbon solid, kalau tidak salah soknya dari carbon juga, saya tidak tau pastinya apa hollow atau solid yang sudah dibor dulunya. Jika ingin lebih jelas bisa hubungi langsung rod makernya di fb : gunyunyud fishing.
Salam sehat dan sukses selalu 😀👍👍👍
Klo pesen tank sprti itu dmna ya om?
Terimakasih banyak mas sudah berkenan mampir, nonton dan komen di konten microfishing saya.
Untuk micro tank nya, bisa coba kontak saja fb Abe CeDe.
Mohon dukungannya pada kanal TH-cam saya ini ya mas🙏😀
Mksh om
Mas kalo mau beli joranya bisa ngga
Terimakasih banyak mas sudah berkenan nonton konten trip microfishing saya 🙏😊.
Mohon dukungannya dan terus berkenan nonton konten-konten saya yang lainnya ya😄👍.
Joran Tanago panjang 1m, 7 ruas dengan gagang cendani merupakan joran custom, mas. Jadi kalau mas mau juga bisa langsung inbox ke facebook nya...
Tip trik cara pesannya, jangan serasa rod makernya dipaksa pakai deadline jadinya sekian hari mas, nanti dia tidak mau mengerjakannya🙏😅.
Sehat dan sukses selalu mas👍
@@MancingTanago ouh ini yg buat orang pwt Purwokerto ya Deket sya Purbalingga samperin kerumahnya 🤣
Naahhhhh josssss tenan mase .. bisa full custom tuh....heheheheheee...
@@MancingTanago siap
Maaf mass mau tanya lik fb untuk pesan jorannya di hp saya gak bisa dibuka mas.. kalau nama fb yg buat juran itu siap mas namanya?🙏